FLESH Y PEOPLE. in hour a fter each meal. It does not seem so dill' n il to do without Hold» to wash down on e’s food until it is tried, and tile iron pressure of habit in sip­ ping and even gu lp in g water, wine, m ilk, tea, o r coffee w hile eatin g is realized. T h e very fact of prohibition »«.«-m* tn m ake one more intsMisely thirsty, and the ju iciest food takes on the astrin gen t dryness of chewed pom egranate rind. O f course, one be­ comes accustomed to it after awhile, eventually doe» not fool any desire for liquids at the prohibited times, and even linds less dbqiosition to drpik ut any tim e than he had before. ”1 hen his reward comes, not only in the re­ duction o f licsh, but in a surprising diminution o f the nuisance of perspira­ tion, which is the misery o f ail fat inen. It must not bo supposed that this Hhuttingoff of liquids is the whole o f the treatment, though it appears to he the me t im portant requirement. Th at ranking next to it is that one must not gorge witli food, especially food in which sugar and starch are la rgely component parts. The Iron Chancellor still lives by S iliw en ln ger rules and in doin g so <*]> h down his tendency to grow in g fat and reipalns a wonder of vitality and v ig o r at his advuuced age. No longer ago than last A p ril one o f the special dispatches told how he re­ stricted him self in eatin g to a ligh t breakfast and substantial dinner, with no liquids at meals and only a glass of wine daily, taken just before retirin g. One experim ent with the bogus system of three pints of w ater before breakfast hy liism arck would doubtless afford Germany another iirst-class funeral. are made st every Hinunm. I uion. Subsequently, when it is sse-i ta iiie i, art it invariably i« At such (linen, through tint valuable eiperiefcoe o f 101110 oue who ha* bean tie Defined and cured, that Hustslters Statuses Hitters is a thoroughly eltlcac ioua eradl utor of the malarial poison. *ud a moan* o f fo rtify ­ ing the system against it, a feeling of more security ami trauquilitj reigns throughout the whole neighborhood, besides the febrile forms of malarial dis-asc. dumb ague and ague cake are removed by Ihe potent action of the Bit ters. to which seieoee also gives Its sanction as a remedy for rheumatism, dyspepsia, oouatiua lion, liv e r complaint, debility, kidney troubles, and all diseases im pairing the organs o f di­ gestion snd assimilation. POOR M ARBLE H EART. II«* M«*<*trt (It«* M ini W ith (It«* Iro n K l»t and l.tuirn* m l.«*ft*oii* A you n g man from some interior town, w iio w a s in that condition known as "s p ru n g ,” was socking a skirmish at the corn er o f W oodw ard and J e ffe r­ son avenues yesterday, l i e said he was the young man o f the M arble Heart, w h atever licit is. ttnd tlint he felt lonesome Is'causc lie laid n't shed somebody's blood for throe long hours. I'he policem an on the boat warned in a fatherly way to .....tie r him self o ver the city, ted lie repliisl: "N o t a scatter! H onor chains me here. I uni the man of tlio M arble H eart.” “ Yes, lint you don’ t want to lie looked up, l take it ," protested Hie officer. "T h e re 's no use in g e ttin g into trouble because your h eart isn't made on the regu lar plan." Hut lie wouldn't go. H e wanted gore mid oth er h igh-priced summer goods, i mOw . 1 itiug illit iI the officer vv .is a block sway he bristled up to a man with a basket on his a n il and dured him to look cross-eyed. " I warn y e to kii|>e o ff!" exclaim ed tlie man as lie moved along. £>r. Spinney & N ERVOU8 c trs a s a CHRONIC Casos Uancy, itc., due te exi vh *** or abuee curerT Y O U N G M m s& 'X ta L tt. PROMPTLY c° PERMANENTLY. cretioo ehould «T a il themet-ive* ,,f oql ila A poflltl vo cure jfiiiiranb'od la ewtry cel» Urinary and Venereal I hmjlam Hrt UV *J ¡Jw churKt’p,*i*rouiptly and sufuiJVured No Roturn of Pain. Curo3 Positively. i ^ i l l ’i ^ C T n g ^ » M ID DLE-AGED MEN*»,«*» T h e C h u rl-* » . **’ • NORTH CARO LINS PLU G <5U T PORTLAND SMOKING TOBACCO / The i above grower has M E C H A N IC S F w e ll- k n o w u _ figured D------ Opens Oct. 4 —CLses Oct. 27 , “ w o o l” Half Fare Hates over the O. R. 4 v f in , O. & C. It. R.jm d Oregonian -------- , prominently . One a> d one-fifth over N. P. R Special excursions over the b. R. * i line» at lenn than half rale»«, Oct. 8 , A - h . w h i t i m . h ,,, politics for the past ’20 years, and liis 1 . pinion is that “ Seal of N o rth Caro- SARSAPARILLA, YELLOW DOCK s m a ll u r c h in , h o ld - an visit na m .« at tilelr hornov, by correspondence M*Ti b* tr“ In struct lory sent by mail or exjtrmt r?leJ P r ree. bond 4 cents in stamps fu rT h „ v n#ti* b rtuud or tiulde to W edlock. ** YoUa* ^ Nt SOLD BY DHUOOntS AND DE ILEUS v *>fflc«. 118 First Street Furtli- lin a ” P lu g C u t is the boss sm oke, and j in g up his hand, "s lip p e r .” I — aho — The B U Y E R S 'O tn c », — " T h e story from Indiana that a boy I o c l i t l t i «> ( I d o n ’t you fo rg et it. iaaued March and' 8.« had found a nest o f g o ld and s ilv e r it cures ruicmatism . nkvbauiia , Boil*. Pimples. teach year. It i. an coin w h ile “ gru b b in g” w ill be accepted ,u lp ^ h « 1£e"iik»i. H..«h“ «th e f f n «T 1 W • ^ Iclopedia o f uaeful i I am a man of desperate fortunes, that is, a fm ation for all who nn “ d man whose friends arc dead, for I never aimed with caution by oth er boys whose chase the luxuriea oi l fathers have patches o f ground to J. R. C A T E S A C O ., _ P r o p r . i e t . o r » at any other fortune Ilian in blends. necessities of lue DISPENSARY. “ gru b.” — Nashville Arnerican. 4 I T K n u n o n ie fot.. f o a t O 'r a n e l a e o . can olotho yon and furnish you aia '•'J R -L A N D . OR. all the necessary and unneoBm» — T h e sweetest o f sweet g ir l g ra d ­ W hite Elephant of Siam, Lion of Eng­ appliances to ride, walk, dance tlZ! land, Dragon of China, Cross of Sw itzer­ uates blooms on ly fo r one season. T h e eat, fish, hunt, work, go to ¿hur™ sñd Wkpb»»suffer with land, Banner of Persia, Crescent of Egypt, society belle fights fo r her place year or stay at home, and in various rial' LO S T M AN H O O D i IYoiihle Eagle of Hussi&, Star of Chili, 'Hie VOTO« IX*bíH^. Affinm*- styles and quantities. Just figure om a fter year, and knows so many bald- Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin. torrhMk Bomipsl Lestes what Is required io do all theai'thi*. BetiUklDeoày, Pa Ohm M ts* T I'o get these buy a I kjx of * " the genuine headed old follow s she can keep in tow COMFORTABLY, and you can makeaJS u « » ______ . D k . C. M i L a n k s ( ■ l k h k a t k d L iv k k „h,, mttkes the way o f the debu­ estimate o f the value o f the BUYT b » Hner*7. alao -, Pi! !.», price 2 V cents, and mall us t.he out­ Hkln Ptaenflea Srpliilt G U ID E , whioh w ill be sent one. side wrapper w ith your address, plainly tante difficult. Rrrrpdma Í1AÍT F a UI d « receipt o f 10 cents to pay po»u« Boo* PM da . 8 wetlituk — H orace— " I say, D avid, how old do written, and 4 cents in stamps. W e will , pEeL- - ^ _ Sure Ttir*!», tTlowm, ft MONTGOMERY WARD A CQ then mall you the above list with an ele­ you suppose M iss Jones is? H er aunt 1 feota of Motown, K id »«* 111-114 Miohigan Avenue, enue, Chi0 - gant package of oleographic and chro­ And Bladder T r o u b le doago.H c hain says she is on ly tw en ty-on e.” D avid 1 W-ikBaat, Kara a t Drtoa Oonorrtum, alee» BMk- matic cards. ur- or nuot relief and cure for Lia. (w h o k n ow sa lit t le o f business)— “ Aw, F i . k m i . n u B ko h ., P i t t s h u k u , P a . N o th M e x e » C o m m it ( t r a « 4 « i a t i a U y ... S I EIN WAY. h a c m .,* g ¿ * Í l j yes, H orace, m arked dow n from th irty- OH-f-IOB—1HU da T H IR D RW. rtaiHNi; Burdett Oraaiii. band iaatrunientB «o«*: three; to he disposed o f at a bargain, Itook of Bheet Mn*ic and Book», band« »„„„i íSi ’ :-j Sell your poorest horses. A lw ays keep the Eastern Prtees M ATT BLAH GRAY 00 Ppl best youii^ females to breed as they mature. PISO S C U R E r P P : ? ’-, S L, ' , P T IO N don’t you see.” — Life. Strict, San Franatavi — G w endolen (in shady p a th )— I " W o n ’t you take m y hand here. Y o n sturdy oak whose branches wide FOR Boldly the storms and wind defy, G eorge?” G eo rg e— " N o ; somobodyTl NotlonK°ai{o an acorn, small. °see us and think we’ re p retty love-sick Lay dormant Heath the summer sky. Not unlike the thrifty oak in its germ, de­ fo r a m arried cou ple.” P A T I N'I KO Gwendolen j velopment and grow th, is consumption But i y v , .p, - » | oct. il, is»: oven this mighty foe o f mankind, positively (c o u x in ^ ly )— l hey won t th in k w e rb j yields to th ew .m d erfiil cu rative ptoportie* of m arried a t a l l ; th ey’ll think we’re only | » LECT tPflt T T Y , A P P M UH HT A>R Tll0 V&11 JKLOIlClSC&r D R . P I E R C E 'S BODY-BATTERY a? ¿¿R. F ! | pC£’ 33 P* lvan \ C 5 MAN i Nü WOMAN. Dr. l ieroes Golden .Medical Discovery if taken early. Don’t bo blind to your own interests and j © Ilg a g e d . — lJ (irp (? T 8 B a z a r, think yours a hopeless case. This remarkable — “ John, dear, what would remedy has rescued tlmimaiids. Of druggists. W in e is now aged by electricity, the wine by this means acqu iring ail the bouquet o f old wine. A W oiirin rf'u l l-'oo«l and !>1cdii in«*. Known and lined hv physician* all over the world. klcott'M llm nIw ion not only give* T h ere is no royal road to relief from ilenh and Htrentfth hy virtu e of i(H own uutri- Corpulence that may lie traveled with tio&s cropertltJH. but create« an appetite for f<»od that b uild« np the wasted body. "1 have ease and safety, and w ithout self-sac- been, using .Scott’« Kniulaion for several y- ar», riilco. Nostrums are from tim e to time and him ploawKl with i»« action. M y natients say il i« pleasant and palatal>l<\ and all grew advertised as a fford in g it such us one stronger and gain flesh from the use of it. [ now boomed in England, and finding use it in all cased o f W asting Diseases, ami it is sp«N'ially useful for children when nutrient not a few dupes here but they do not. medication is needed, as in Marasmus.” - T . W . Starvation a la Hunting, and the nos­ Planetc, M.D., Knoxville. Ala. trum mires that profess to reduce glu t­ tons w hile practicing th eir gluttony if T h e United States has about half the railway they w ill only "ta k e a wineglassiut at mileage o f the world. each m eal,'' arc alike dangerous hum­ IN I.O V K S HAItNKSS. bugs. licn om irin g liquids seems to be Most women naturally look furwunl to mat- demonstrated the safest and best thing rlm on; m th eir proper q d w r d a l l n , bat they when accompanied by due m oderation stmuhl cumitaiitly bear iu mind that a fair, rosy face, bright eyea. amt n be»lth y, well ilereW ped in eating. Hut in no ease is it abso­ form, an- tin- brig iiuHiqiorl» to a happy mar­ lutely safe fo r a fat^icrwon to adopt any riage. AH thoao \ia.-.(ing ili*oriliu-s, wrakiieaaoA, "aragging-dow ii ’ scniMttloiiH, and film tioual Ir- really effective measures for reducing iilaritios [H-cular to tlictr »ox. have an uu- w eigh t without thorough prelim inary Eli Ing aptH-ldc In IU-. Fierce'* F a vo rite Fro Hcrlptlon It ia lh e o n lv medicine for women. know ledge of the actual condition of Bold hy drnggtata. un.hr a ¡..o itirf puarnntrr from tlie mttnufneMirer», liial it will g iv e salia his vital organs. ,V. Y. Sun. ^ SPINNEY Fo r^ xN EU R R LG W . year afterw ards, and the doctors said his death was caused by m ental o v e r­ work. —Journal o f Education. — " N e a r ly a ll the words that begin with s-l-l are unpleasant ones,” e x ­ plained a teacher to her class. "C an " J c u n ,” s h o u te d a GROWER. * PROMINENT ^ JA C O B S O H Lou C a b i n s are neither ( __bygones be b y g o n es" Is no fashionable nor iu de •sort o f a motto fo r a woman. She w e i e would turn her head around to took maud, hut th e y A n O u tlin e o f t lie H« h «v n iiliiK «r T r e a tm e n t more c o m fo rta b le and after a stylish bonnet if it broke her fo r Ot>e«ity. m o re healthy than are T h e ay stem o f Prof. Krnat Schw enin­ many modern d w e llin g s . neck. Burlington fre e PYess. ger for the treat m eat o f obesity, which W arner's Log Cabin __A young w ife can be a good f e e c t fg y Hops & Uuthu U a re­ housekeeper without both erin g was introduced here about tw o yearn to production of one of the ago. has by this tim e been «uftieiently tiest of the simple remedies with which polish up the spare change in h er hus­ tested to dem onstrate that any body Log Cabin dwellers of old days kept them- band's pocket e very tim e she cleans up Did you ever try "Tippe­ the rest o f the s ilv e r in the house.— who w ill d eterm in ed ly follow the re g i­ selves well men prescribed by it eau reduce his canoe' f Somerville Journal. • — Jtic I ml mu s o l ->ow York Slate en­ — " I le llo , Jones, w here are you go­ flesh to any reasonable degree desired, it beinjz understood, o f course, that hit jo y 1*5.000 acres of land, distributed ing?” "G e ttin g ready to d evelo p my physical condition is not such by rea­ am ong eigh t reservations,though whites gold m ine.” " W h a t m achinery do you choose?" “ None. I ’ ll take my w ife son of incurable heart o r kidney hold some of the land. along. She’ ll be sure to find the lisease as to make reduction perilous. N T A K T I.IM I IIIS IO V K K Ï. pockets if there are a n y.’’ And there is just one th in g about it The discovery hy !h " inhslilialits of a locality I he only man who was e v e r known urd ' ■ ■' u m i to. T h a t is the hitherto un visitisi by the pestilent scourge of tbsolute prohibition of all liquids dur­ faver snd ague, that it ¿»tuts in their very t 0 keep a c a s h a c c o u n t o f h is p r i v a t e expenses s t r a ig h t f o r a y e a r died th e ing meals and fo r an hour before and iiiid s i i* dwiideilly «tartling. FOR faction In e ve ry case, or money w ill be re­ funded. T h i* guarantee tins boon printed on the hottlo-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. I f n man nope not for that which bafiteth hope, ho »Imll not llnd it. for It i* piud search mg for and past finding out. C l n u l l O K M A I V lt lA . 22 F l o k i i i a S t ., E l i z a h k t i i N . .7., M a rc h 17, 1HK4. I lia v * tieen u s in g A m . c o c k ' s P o r o u s P i . a s t k k s fo r th e last fiv e years. S om e t w o y e a rs a g o , a ft e r h a v in g tieen sick fo r u p w a rils o f aix m o n th s w it li m a la ria . I fou n d m y s e lf w it h an e n la rg e d spleen , d y sp e p tic, an d c o n s ta n t I t trou b led w ith a h ea d a ch e , an d m y k id n e y s d id n o t act v e ry w e ll e ith e r . H a v in g sp en t m oat o f m y m o n ey fo r m e d ic in e a m i in e.il al a d ­ v ice, I th o u g h t to s a v e e x p e n s e I w o u ld use A l l . r u i k ' s P o r o u s P i . a s t k r s , t w o on th e sm all o f m y Imek, o n e on th e sp leen or a g u e cak e, an d o n e on th e pit o f th e s to m ­ ach, ju s t u n d er th e b rea st-bon e. I con­ tin u ed u s in g tlie P la tte r s a lsiu t th irty d a ys , c h a n g in g th e m e v e r y w e e k . A t the en d o f th a t tim e I w a s p e rfe c tly w a ll, and h a v e re m a iu ed .a o e v e r since. G kokok D ix o n . The hear y harness should Is* disp-nst-d with a* soon a* the weather begins to gel wa.III. St I T » l i t ItM K I.r. lull there is no other remedy for sick headache, dizzine»», constipation, blliousm-»«. or to re­ spire a regular, healthy action to the liver, stomach and tmwrels. equal to those reliable huh jat'leaaniil I’ urgallve iV Ilel* prepared by |ir. 1’iTvce. O f druggi.»la. T h e mail of the M arb le H eart moved after him. Then til«' basket dropped, It ia dangerous for the tail! to run along side Hie young iiciii went into the gu tter in o f ihc mare, particularly on a public road. a le a p , and a sport declared him knocked out ill tlic first round. The " M i « » « » H i o n e h i nt T r o c h e e " have direct Influence on the inflamed iwrts. g iv in g (Milleeinan returned and picked him up a relief in roughs, l olds. and the various Thront and called the wagon, and it was not troutile« lo w hich Singer» sud Publie Speakers are liable. St.l.l only is tu.irt. until tlie victim reached t i c station that li«' spoke. Then he said: J. H. r lia R . t r r and A n a ly tic a l "N 'a ll rigid . Man of the Marble « h i u i l s l . lab oratory ICI rtrst su. 1‘erüand. H eart can’t stand up to the Man w ith Or. Analysée inaile or ail inbetancea. the Iron Fist. Didn't know it before. T b t U k i im k a fo r breakfast. Put I shall rem em ber it now always rem em ber it.” Detroit free Press. D u ja rd in » I if « tOwn.-z i i very valuable v* tier» Ih» »l.iiiis.'h t» nnahl*._______ _ I from to Ih» fissi ihr allumini an.) phosphorus. Thr Life Kasenee is imim'.lialet) «bsorlssi sud CHVUpi«'* nouriahe« the nervous syttem. without any alii place in M'liicli those who do till* freni .tiif. stion Frire, |l ,iu a tKittle. All with him naturally expect to find age Drumci»!». ■ - -♦ — ' Il A W HI KO I I I , » im l experience, he sometimes resorts IMKIVICATKOI to a ruse to make up for tlie deficiency. great sat fruit Oaihartlr of mogern \ young physician relates that. Iieing time« t hey are a eompreaneri loieiqrr eom- isise.1 vrf fruits an.I vegetatile* lUnit.urg patient F ig » are an In fa lllh lr----- — r — IMIea. 1 r u r e * fo th a t dlw *ee an elderly tresam g ,-on p lain t a r t d u g from a ron etin at.st and » a g n a tit eom tltlon o r the ho w els W hen inatead of a N a t u r e , law « are v nil .»ted. the eff,» ta a r e at on .e m ane ap p aren t hy a g en eral d ito r er vrf th e e n tire « y ri -m. r e s u ltin g In im p u re M.vo.i pim p).-, an d hl w. h.-a on the skin. hlHon»new*. con .tttiatlo n. in d igestion , d ispetM ia and pit.w ’ H am h ttrg F ig * a r e N a t u r e s a» « i.ta n t and o v e r svine a ll u n h ea lth y condition«, lo av tn g the •> » t* n in p erfe. t o rd e - an d Ivy th e ir action a« a m il t hut c e rta in la vali ve and p u rg a tiv e re- J* o r lM th e bovi) to a o n d ato ti o f p erfect H a u i'.’ir g F ig« are p rep ared |n loaengu fo n ti are thd tgM ful to the taste o f la d le , and chit '.l rrn V ' * ur*- gen ti« but c e rta in in ncti,.n IHM«. on« 1 1* . Zò.t’v n u A box at d riig g U ta I you do if I w ere to d ie?” Husband— “ Don’ t speak o f such a thing. I would be des­ p erate.” W ife — “ D o you think you would m arry again?” Husband— “ W e ll, n— no; I don’ t think I would bo as des­ perate as a ll th at.” — Epoch. — “ Don’ t you think that the m ajority . « »»n ‘A m a j»ri- people tire a l i t t l e O il. ty? W h y, bless you r heart, e v e ry ­ body’ s crazy, m ore o r less, and has boon from the begin n in g— with the pos­ sible exception o f Adam , and I rather suspect there was an h ereditary taint in his blood .— Boston Transcript. — T h e man who casts the vote o f the w hole ro llin g-m ill the fello w who agrees to d e liv e r a precinct at the proper tim e, the chap who carries the ward around in liis vest pocket, the grea t man who controls the county, is now standing on tlie street corner where he may be seen o f men. T a k e notice of him, my son, and watch him w ell when he is counted by and by. Y'ou w ill then observe that he a ggrega tes one vote, and you won’ t have to bid high to get that oue.— Burdette. D ^ M O H D D y SS Brilliant ! Durable ! Economical! I L F il iti . «N 4 W v lA t.V A .N I* « II A IN, IlÌff.T. « I l i . .itivi Iv curvi «il* u»» W l i t i . H 1 l i t i . Al t i O F M I I I P I N K Tilt* larlt H i: < v r a v i - v t w ìt ! Ininnivi ni'-st l i Et.» 11 .-UiiTiq» utlv s. Ii-nre, un.l I* « arrunlv I to 1»■ iur *'i|>vT r ' * nnytiil jt < I i**im t- lar suture » v e r tinforo I -v, nv,1. l i funsi ,:* o f from tu i l « iik o b k k * i l '»/yt’.n-Al l»»vvi:l., itlvlng ■. 11 ,i ........ ... T revt-r»ihl» ilir r ni* vvl.l. li * ' A N HI. I N s i l N i l . V FK1.T HY fili- . W I 'A I ! ! - : « . I» » FO It'l’ A lll.K IU 111 V liA T T K K Y u- i r.uilnm» »|*- I-Uil apnll:incvB fur bolli u h m for v i i 9 . Un1 f.ólovv iuKi-onqiluInt*: . . . >,T V . Mi» IN 'U lllly k liln r v < o liip is ln l R b i’ U in :iii* n i. .Arni- .lu i 1 » o n » f llia llo n r i ■ r a » r <>r I h » I t v r r . lly * lM b » !ii. I r iu n ir l l . - a l » . u r .». s p i n a i l l l » « n ».-». lin | i«x 'n < » I » i i i I ìu is m . r s e x n a l W rcan». t ir . TTi..n» imi» . uro, ' — a ■ ■ T if ili I>r- Fioro» * t . I,-i rnl <1 Ho!lo an i w A U I I U n « Trn»», . I ' \ N ’ -'O'I’ Ho li.i'l ir. in oan vaaaore .ir p*»i'U.-r»t « o r aro Ihky ». t.l on a:iv :tw l l . i y * ' T r in i. " W u r ! It. f-in ’ o,l ,.r »Iuillur sohomv* onl nlato.l lo rtooclv» Ilo 1 rullilo # « For full partloular* rull ni ofltoo or »on l »talii u r, r olir Iroo I i.i.rs rii i t f n F avi p ii i r i N o . Ad.tr«*>»: M AO NE ITU 1.1.1 ' T U R ' IT ir s s t iO l- l»AN Y, T04 Hacramenlo »trot t, cvrnor ,.f Koarny, san Friviiolsoo. * al- 41 »o for «ale by J. I l W IllH F .R , firugglnl.i-uruoT Tbtr I a v i M arket «trovi», » . F. 1 i» r i t t i k i : i i M p i ni fnr F»inti'hl»4 N o ( WELL DRILLS FOR EVERY PURPOSE. Sold on Trial ! Inventment nmall, profltn laiffo. Rend <0o for mailing lar»?o llluittratpd Catalogue witli full purrlbulant. Man ufuetured by H ow to M ake Iced Tea. Iced tea is constantly g ro w in g in GOULDS A AUSTIN, favor, and is now considered a standard IA 7 Ac 1 « » l a k e Ml., b everage in many homes. Some en ter­ O tIC A C O . IL L . prising grocers also furnish a tria l cup to th eir patrons, and in this w ay sam­ p le th eir teas. T h e question was once iD rru m n A s th im il uro nover/tu «toirivp it»:-| I meliate relirfm the worwt pou ¡fort-1 asked us. “ H ow is iced tea m ade?” laMonI«*p; effecUirur«»*« whoroall otfipnt fail, A | Ifrtal convince* »krptictil. Prît‘<‘ .»Or. aTuîl and w h ile some of our readers may sm ile at the question, y e t w e assure them th ere’ s nothing very ridiculeus in it. T o be sure it is on ly to drop a R rtSer than the Che«>pc** piece J f ice into a gob let o f tea and the P ortland bo ^ inì ss thing is done. But then, the tea itself! COLLEGE. Pnrtlnndt Oregon, It isn't e v e ry one who knows how to Pt‘i feet T-qiii|>ni, t»ft un . A»u ¿. InstriKhon, ii^ti make that tea, and to them this hint IDh«*«l r«Miiit4tion,grmYiiiu jMitaiion.grmYim: iHipularliy. iMtiHilaritv. Bu Business, wa, Common School and Penmin ¡hip Dep rt w ill not be unprofitable. the tea Shorthand menti. Students admitir*«! at any tl# e . ( af i- an earthen o r agate-w are pot and i ingn« amt «m .- imenn of i»rninannhips**nt fn*r 4. I». 4KMSTKONG, I'r n. set on the baek o f the stove w here the J’ pot and contents w ill g e t thoroughly i T H E G R E A T O V E R L A N D ROUTE warm: then pour on w ater that has lieeu freshly boiled, and b oilin g thor- j oughly at the tim e; let it stand on the ! Iiaek o f the stove for fifteen minutes, j by which tim e the tea w ill be p erfectly j r a i l r o a d , drawn. If you d e s ir» the tea to be T h e ON I. Y L I N K Rum In * Pullman P a la r« perfect and to remain so, separate the hlruiuii« ( 'ars. M a g n ltW lit l)«v C,,», he« liquid from the leaves by pouring it I and K lrgan l Km igraiii Sietmitur C a rsiw ith tii'rlh» free of off Into another vessel. I f you r inten- | charge) I A S T H M A C U R 1 DI < D ia m o n d D y e s excel all others in Strength, Purity, and Fastness. just as good. pioW lo (®Urç §K'G ^ §)calp The Only Tranacontinen h 1 J.inet Hunu.ng P A L A C E and give poor, weak, crocky colors. ©UTICURA more brilliant and durable colors. ¡m rofniA r^1" ÄO<1 bl0 PACKAG E* Packed in Card Board Boxes. S O D A or four teasp oonhils of U m best Baking Powder,«!?- lng twenty times lti coet, besides being much healthier, becauM It does not cou taip any Injurious subatancei, such as alum, terrain» etc., of which many Bat­ ing Powders are mad* Dairymen and Farm«» ] should use only the'*Arm k Hammer” brand for 1 cleaning and keeplai Milk Pan« Sweet and Clean. C auttow . flee that every pound pack ago of *'A rm and Hammfif Brand*' contains fall Itf ounce« net, and U m pound packagesyW __ f t ounces net, Soda of Baleratua aame aa apert* fled on each pec Ufa. A lw a y s keeps Soft S ALERATUS ^ D W I G H T ’S / _S Ö D A \ THE COW BRAND. ---- TO D ELICIO U S B ISCU IT S MAKE ---- or W H O LESO M E BR^LD USE D wight ’ s C ow -B rand S oda ° r S aleratus . o ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM ANO FULL WEIGHT. Be sure that there ia • pi,-lure o f a r w on your j>ackat,t> anil you will hav« the be«'. Sod* made. BBfi® r . r . ATCHISON KANSAS CITY y| |S< y CHICAGO, h 3 A WORD TO PRINTERS. A n d all poant* throughout tlie Ka*t and Sviulh- ra *L l i a SL I'vu l and Alinneapulia. THK ONLY LINK llt'N N B tO I f you are in need of a GOOD F IR S T C LA S S JOB PRESS.* 1 Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars ask you to examine into the merit« of our “ OLD R E LIA B LE ." “’"P A T E N T E D THROW-OFF and a. our P A T E N T E D FOD Kiitlrw Is-ngtli o f liie Northern Faritlr Railroad. ^ ‘. i H A H L T O N , Gen. W *st’n T* hsm . Agt.. No. 2 \VA*hin*t«»n wuv«*t l'm tlu iiil.____ Preniluma ÎÂ.ikav in tw«, year» Kstal.lisliad. New ______ _ tented »reel Tun ng De­ vhe. In uw. tn in no n<> other P Piano, by »hieb .,ur Plan.« PIANOS. - --- - ^ p | -L *gr»R . thaonlT ttain klllingplaator «be iV '.'.-l".-“ " ! ! /” Big Uh«, given narre* P a in t s th e C O U N C IL B LI K FS to L 9 ju n j?rrTenf«*d n _ T ic i RA 8 «) a p . > 4 «m R elief in o n « unnuta forn it pwln« «n .I S K —m k iirH e a tn CCTItTita A vn l'n s D ia m o n d tLERATUS fr o m S I O l'X C I T Y , ^ lä lt t T W X w lM ft . Priee.CüTic’V iu.flOc.; S o a p i 3.V.; H ra * o i . v b n t . $1. PrnpAred by th«* IY> t t ii ; h I Hi n a n i h h k v ii (I (^. H < M ahr . ***' for "H o w »o ( nre sinn D i ** aiw * | * ii Ask for the D ia m o n d , and take no other. Send postal for Dye Book, Sample Card, directions for coloring Photos., making the finest Ink or Bluifij , (io cents a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists. Address Meals75c p a c if ic ; ? t a Ji Ä N Ä I LKA\ KN WORTH, t HI RLINOTON, rjIMK M O ST D tflT R R B S IN O FORM S OF S K IN ST. Lot'IS. Cmrm RAdOip, an n»' i ^ y T'*** Jaw it, fne nsw Bloo«1 . annor. iniffriifiiiY. eure erpT? We vmtz them to col.g more goods, package for package, than any other dyes ever ma.lt-, ami to gut J3W JCHTJ! northern I\ E n E D IE S . »"W lpdneaeea. with loas of hair, from tBianoy to old age. are »peedUr. «eononUcally hr ,fcT UR* J n h a11 olh er w»d methods fRÜ. ( ’ i t i i t r a . Ine T o lie sure o f success use only the D iamond D yes DININC CARS. j Vmmtent T i m e E v e r M a d e I o a s i o v e r tlie D i s e a s e s None other r Beware o f imitations, because they are made fii cheap and inferior materitli for coloring Dresses, Stockings, Yarns, C a re ts , Feathers, Ribbons, Ac., 4c. Northern Pacific turn Is to spoil it. you have on ly to FROM U ' a s I U N o t T in ' AND O R E G O N boil it, and let i t rem ain w ith the I l*OINTS T O THK LAST v ia le.-ivoa in tlie pot . .-Table Talk. St. Paul and Minneapolis. 2 J — T A IN . These presses are made by ourselves, from the best terials and by first-class workmen. Read below what one of o* largest printing concerns bays about our presses, after having tbes examined by an expert. Office of the B A N C R O F T COMPANY, I l U t '« g | 1 t t 1 ' " ; nd » ««»• •»,) 0 ........... •»■ « • ' V- # M V » ' PT crimata No w »sl to sp’ lt, break, «well, »hrtnli rrw k, dejiv, or «ea r otrt; * t guarantee It. Me- gant K.s#wood Ca—w, S «trinke, d «thle ret rating action; tlneet iv.ej ki v e;th « Farn »t* .VVT1SEI.L I Y »!1 " f » fit e tet .Tatalogue, free T M a NTL s KI I PtANOCO., M.vnutatS.trvr., lV.t,| f e s , Hall Mar ket and s*v .- 11 t 1, Street», San rw a il»! u. Meearg. Palmer 4 Rey, 8 »n Franrinco, Cal. Printere and Stationer», S*n Francisco, June 26.1®®- w ° ur m* chinery Patpert, Mr. Burton, haa exantiued Ke I table Jobber« at ottr requent, nntl we are |>Iea».'.l Ut «ay that liis rep* J that your ’Old Reliable” prenge« are m u c h better built titan the Chio»g“ “(* S c ,To • * “ n *P tfomple« Werth tl.an, FTtKK. btyle G.inlow», or “Challenge” Gordon*. Thia being tlie case, we sh *11 * » H i l Litww not un Irr the hör— f.wt «r it e Barr range to put in a line of your presee» at once. ^ v e r m a flarvTT Kats H oista