Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, September 29, 1888, Image 1

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P olk C ounty O bserver .
Maryland widow named liallet*
a bear-1 rap at lier smoke house N E W B O R A X M I N E F O U N D .
doer, and the tirst catch wa* a man
was courting her.
fi.M ^ e d up one hundred pound* of T h e S . i . l i i i * f l e e t . N l r l k l i i g S e a m e n .
(••on to carry off.
I.lgh lliu u st- ( u n i r a i t . ,
lim ili.
Iir u tio ii Iti,u n i l* a m p lile t .
A little colored girl in Albany, Ga.,
adually turning white, the skin of
^ ^ fa e e and arm* being now hardly
Inguishable in hue from that of a
asiun child. Her hair, too, which
jet black, ha* become white.
anbury, Conn., thinks it
thing valuable in the Indian ar
anil *pear-head quarry recently
vered near there. Over one hun-
1 head* in perfect preservation
been found, and
are hundred* more.
M m B co . F. Knapp, of South Bridgton,
Me., i* bragging considerably about
hia two-year-<dd heifer.
The heifer
lit to be proud, any way, for the
r day ehe became the mother of
e nice c.lives— two red ones and
• -* jfijP
white— all of good size, aud all
«• le s
' - H T .
• &
here is a wonder?ul brown and
en bird in Mexico, a species of the
fliartin, that i* a remarkably cox
; bee catcher. He has a way of
^ Sing up the'ieather* on top of hi*
hM'l so that ni* crest look* exactly
like a beautiful flower. When a bee
¡*8 along to sip honey from this
sive blossom it i* snapped up and
list. I
1 New York business man has a
^el method #f refreshing his metn-
Wlien he has something im-
Jtant to attend to thejiext day, he
|tes himself a postal-card, reminding
i of the matter, and, finding t\je
1 among the mail the next morn-
attends to it the first thing.
. man of Grant County, Wiacon-
i drained off hi* fish-pond the other
►, and in the bottom he found four
|er watches anil chain* and a large
nber of silver spoons, knive* and
ts. It i* rupposed that a burglar,
ling himself closely pursued, threw
plunder in the pond to get rid of
¿ueen Victoria has now reigned
ir England longer than any inon-
tli but two— Henry III. and George
[. She overtook Queen Elizabeth
years ago, an8 has outdone Edward
L, who only reigned 148 day* ovtr
|f a century.
If she lives a few
irs longer Victoria will have reigned
kger than any Royal personage in
Mad. Victorin, who is known all
er the continent as "the strongest
|man in the world,” and is some-
lies spoken of as “ the female Her-
ies,” is of medium height, with a
plish, graceful tigure, and nothing
culean-looking about her.
5 et
i readily lifts one-thousand pounds.
6r strength is wholly the result of
lletic training since youtft.
es on very plain food.
T h e S e a l l u g f le et.
The area of the deposit has been
determined to be bull a mile in length
and 200 yards in width and thirty feet
in depth. The discovery is considered
of importance to the commercial
world, for the mine is so close to the
coast that a shell can be thrown from
it into the water, so that the expen­
sive item of land carriage, which has
handicapped the borax industry of
California and Nevada, as well as of
lialy, Asia Minor, Chili and Thibet,
no longer stands in the way. Vessels
drawing three fathom* of water can
go within three hundred yards of low
water mark.
The bay, which forms a portion of a
ranch of 1,200 acres, is half a mile in
width, with good anchorage, aud is
protected both from the northwest
aud southwest.
A townsite Will la-
laid out and a wharf built, and miu-
ing operations vigorously proceeded
with at onee.
The sealing schooner Triumph,
Capt. l)au McLean, ha* arrived at
Victoria, B. C., with 2,600 skin* a* the
season'* catch. The little vessel look*
trim and neat after her cruise and
made the trip down in fifteen day*,
A *#•%% t ’ u i n p .
eliwe-ret fed all the way. The Triumph
left Victoria on May 5, but did not
A new pump for high service lias
sail from the west coast until the 2-ltli
been shipped from Lockport, New
of May, owing to difficulty in secia-
ing Indian hunters.
The hunters York, for the Portland Water Works.
comprised eleven Indian* and two I The foundations for it are all pre­
white*, and one of the latter secured \ pared in the engine house at the Lin­
It has a capa­
a60 seal* of the total catch.
O ff! coln street reservoir.
Queen Charlotte island* 067 seal* were city for a million aud a half gallon*
taken. The weather was very severe j per day, and will lift the water 325
during the whole time in Behring sea- feet above the base of city grade*,
and on August 5 the worst gale ever which is 55 feet higher than the pres­
For the
known occurred there. It was during ent high service reservoir.
this storm that the whaling vessel* present the high service will be kept
up by direct pressure during the day,
iB-re lost.
water Will be pumped into the
Several *choouer* were spoken be­
fore and after going into the *ea. The reservoir at night.
There are numerous demanda for
Mary Ellen on August 20 had 1,800
seal*. While out hunting an Indian extension of the water service, and as
was accidentally killed by the hunter soon as pi|>e can be bud the laying iff
iu the boat. The latter laid his rifle eighteen miles of new ms ins will be
across the thwarts, aud it suddenly begun.
The city is extending in all direc­
discharged, the shot entering the In­
dian’s side. He diedlwo hours after­ tions, and water is demanded at the
wards and hjs body was preserved in north end on the heights aud at the
salt and landed at bis home at Aehas- south end. Next summer the city will
let. The Maggie Mac on Ajigust 7 use 10,000,000 gallons jter day, and it
had 647 skins, and the Favourite on will tax the pumps at the works to
July 25 had 664 skins.
An Indian their utmost capacity to furnish the
died on this vessel from black mea supply. The cost of fuel alone next
sles. The American schooner Annie, year will amount to $35,IKK). • There
of San Francisco, on the 25th of July will be no pump in reserve as there
Had 700 skins. The Viva, on the 25th should be, and if any accident should
of June, just entering the sea, had a happen, the water supply would run
catch of 400. ’Her coast catch was short.
75y skins.
It is thought that the
A t'oillklon Atoidt'd.
schooners will all have fair catches
Tne Ujnatilla arrived at Victoria,
this year. Oilier* of the fleet aie ex­
pected to arrive daily.
B. C., from Han Francisco and re|>orts
- —
that while Mteamiug slowly through r.
fog 100 miles from Han Fraucisco, a
•trlk liig le a m rn .
Coasting seamen are on the verge steamer’s whistle was beard.
Umatilla whistled the unseen steamer
of inaugurating another strike, and to pass to the starboard, but no notice
freights are going down. Seamen are appeared to be taken by the other
demanding $50 for the voyage from vessel, and in a few minutes she
Port Townsend to San Francisco. The crossed the bows of the Umatilla. The
schooner Wm. Renton, lumber-laden distance between the vessels was less
for Brisbane, is in trouble with the | than fifty feet.
An accident was
union seamen. The crew was shipped 1 avoided by the captain of the Uma­
in San Fraucisco for the round voyage tilla reversing the engines when the
to Australia at $25 per month. The whistle was first heard.
The Uma­
union agent threatens bloodshed un­ tilla shipped, and the captain did
less the men are paid $5 more per everything to save the vessel.
month. The revenue cutter is guard­ vessel was the steam schooner Green­
ing the vessel and will probably ac wood, of Han Francisco.
company lier to sea.
P r o s p e c t i n g f u r l l l u c k ( oil.
I . l g h t li o u w e l ' < m t r s r l i A w a r d e d .
The secretary of the treasury has
awarded the contracts for the cen-
struction of a lighthouse at Cape
Meares, Oregon, as follows : Erection
of tower to C. B. Buhrkoop, Seattle,
W. T., $2,900; metal work of tower to
Willamette Iron Works,
Oregon, $7,800; erection of keeper’s
dwelling and oil-house to Robert Hea-
man, Seattle, $26,000.
ru lliiiK knng*.
The government snag boat Willam­
ette, has been at work pulling snags
between Ht. Johns and the Portland
Flouring Mills. The work is none too
soon' and was needed badly enough.
Let them trot out the dredge and then
send the old snag boat into service
along the upper Willamette next.
John Leonardy was fishing with a
|n in the river at Matanzas, Fla., a
days ago, when an- enormous saw-
Hi ran into the net. The tisli strug-
d fieicely, and cut tlnftiet upbadly,
It only succeeded in entangling it-
|f in the meshes more securely, and
(V n slo n s a u d P o s lo ffIrr a .
finally captured.
It was meas-
Pensions Have been granted as fol­
id and found to be 13 feet and 1
Washington Territory— Origi­
ch in length.
nal invalid, Ira A. Doty, Rockford;
increase, Watson Bpencer, Beattie;
Daniel C. Rose, Mount Vernon, Ore­
Some of the greatest men the world gon— Increase, Alexander Borthwick,
ger saw were superstitious.
Napo Portland.
Elijah McCalmond has been ap­
On Bonaparte was a believer in
aens; the great Duke of
eUitig- pointed postmaster at New Dungeness,
in would not offer battle on any day at Clallam county. Washington terri-
_ cross j __
A new office has been estab-
►at he met or ___
saw I a yellow dog
isp a th ; Hannibal used to get out of | (¡„hed at Johnson, Whitman county,
(Is camp-lied backward so as to insure with Elizabeth Y. Cooper as post­
ed luck for the day, and Frederick master.
|e Great carridl a iabbit’s foot to
T h e B o r a x W ine.
Hard against evil.
Certain commercial circles at Han
Francisco are much interested in the
A curiosity in Norwich, Conn., is a recent discovery of borax in the Bay
Be-Ugged English sparrow which has of Lomer ranch, Curry county, Or.
The steamer Newsboy anchored in the
Inest on the crown of » column in Bay of Lomar ranch and discharged
front Porch of the City Hall.
He , - -
Qn b<Jlir,1 the fir)|l thij>.
nt worth much at building a nest,
(<orAle uf linie
Thi„ borate
•d m T
h; ' P * Ul a7nerelli,‘
of h « e is superior in quality to any
d m ^ m g himself genetrail J
hitherto dim^Tered, according to the
one leg. His mate had to build me
f pfof Price
The deposit
est unassisted, but he
^ ,* volcanic, the borate
occurring in
fnh lively advice, and she seems U> |
T4rying in „ j,« up to 1000
kink as much of him as though
pound* weight, imbedded in volcanic
two leg*.
H. Heldenson spent four weeks on
Queen Charlotte islands prospering
and trading, aud exploring for black
cod banks. He succeeded in taking
five or six barrels of black cod, the
finest fish in the Pacific, in two days.
The weather was very rough, and the
fishing was done in a canoe, in 250
fathoms of water. The ox! were lo­
cated without difficulty, and
found to be very plentiful.
son is of the opinion tln-t a ‘;.xxl bus­
iness can be done in deep »< a fishing.
O i m li M g u la t ir i l J u p n i K - a c .
Yoshitomi Hirasa and Nobuquoeli
Oi, nat ves of Japan, on their way to
Tokio, arrived at Han Francisco from
the East.
Mr. Hirasa is a high of­
ficial in the imjierial bureau of agri­
culture and commerce at Tokio, and
was educated at an Engli h college.
Fourteen months ago he obtained
leave from the Japanese gevernment
and made a second visit to Europe.
Mr. Oi is a wealthy resident of
Tokio, and has been in England for
the purpose of obtaining machinery
for the establishment of a cotton mill
in the city of Tokio. The mill will
have 30,000 spindles if the enter
prise prove* successful.
ahead were telescoped.
Four men
were killed and eighteen were wounded, |
i ■— .■
and of these all were canvass men, ex-1
cept Andy Hmitli, who was a contor­ D kvotku to rua I ntxrksis or K ahms it a B ei . ia b i . k Q uotation * C aiikkhi . i . t U k
tionist. Hmitli is mortally wounded,
Vlotll UvKKY W'KKK.
a m i S t o c k m a n .
and the injuries to the other seventeen
wounded are tritliug.
W H E A T — Valley, «1 300$ 1 31
A man near Bangor, Me., i* trying Walla Walla, $1 2001 22$.
* f m u < » l u r . il H o i h l l l e t l .
the ex(ierimentof grafting apple twig,
A fearful battle betweeqywhites and into a pine tree. He wants to raise
B A R L E Y — Whole, $1 1001 12$;
blacks took place at Hilliardsvi’.le pineappb s.
ground, per ton, $25 00027 60.
Ala., in which seven colored men were
OATH— Milling, 36038c.; feed, 44
Florida promises to become a large
killed. The trouble grew out of the
Hixteen plants 045c.
fact that a white man refused to al­ producer of opium.
low his well to be longer used by a will produce an ounce, and an acre of
H A Y — Baled, $100$ 13.
crowd of camp-meeting negroes. One poppies will yield $1,000 worth of
of the negroes expressed a determina­ opium.
HEED— Blue Grass, 14$0l6c.; Tim ­
tion to have some of the water, and the
othy, 9$0lO c.; Red Clover, 14015o.
white man drew a pistol and shot him
The whole value of fences iu the
>a the neck.
That night a gang of United States may l>e set down at
FLO U R— Patent Roller,
$4 00;
negroes-Veiled ttli house and dared $2,000,000.000, and its costs $100,000, Country Brand, $3 75.
the white man to come out, but be re­ 000 annually to keep them in repair.
fused to do so, and after shooting holes
EGGH— Per doi, 25c.
iu bis windows and doors they left.
The next night a gang, presumably
B U T T E R — Fancy roll, |>er pound,
friends of the white man, visited the rapidly. They should have rich, fine 25c.;
jiickled, 20025c.;
negro camp and left several dead bod­ soil, free from stones or gravel, and grade, 15025 j.
ies as a reminder to oilier members of
them at any tm^c after they liava- l*‘-
the camp-meeting crowd.
C H E E S E — Eastern, 16020c.; Ore­
come large enough, for the longer gon, 140 16c.; California, 14$c.
they shall remain in the ground the
'l ilt- Mprluler Kt-i-ord llrukeii.
less desirable will they lie, as they
V E G E TA B L E S — Beets, p*r sack,
Bcliifferstern, the California amateur become tough witli age.
$1 50; cabbage, per lb., 2 }c .; carrots,
sprinter, broke the 100-yard record 1-5
persk .,$ l 26; lettuce, per do*. 20o.;
To prevent birds, mice or squirrels onions. $1 00; potatoes, per 100 lbs.,
of a second, at Sto l^mis, Mo., bis
time lieing 9 4-5 seconds.
He de­ from pulling up seed corn until it 40050c.; radishes, per dog., 15020o.;
feated Joe Murphy, the lia-al cham­ shall have become warm ; tb«n stir in rhubarb, jier lb., 6fc.
pion, with a record of 10$,three yards. a little pine tar until every grain shall
H O N E Y — I u eomb, per lb., 18c.;
be coated. Now mix plaster, ashes or
fine earth to dry off tbs corn.
It will strained, 5 gal. tins, per !b. 8$c.
A » a geii k ie|ii»■■■ iiiiiiie.
thus be in a condition to lie planted
P O U L T R Y — Chickens, per do«..
John Kaufman, aged about sixty by machine or hand.
00(a)6 00; ducks, jxir do*., $6 000
years, was found dead at Brazil, Ind.,
7 00; geese, $6 0008 00; turkeys,
having died of a brain disorder.
It is claimed that the presence of per lb., 12$c.
whb an eccentric character, and bail the castor oil bean plants around the
an uncontrollable mania for stealing house will prevent mosquitoes from
PR O V ISIO N S— Oregon haws, 12$c
Women's shoes, though he was never becoming very numerous.
As the per lb.; Eastern, 13(a)13$c.; Eastern
accused of stealing anything else. A plant makes a beautiful ornament it breakfast bacon, 12$c. jxir lb.; Oregon
few years ago be was arrested and would not be out of place, and might 10(a) 12c,; Eastern lard, 10@1 l$c. per
forty or fifty pairs of women’s shoes therefore be given a trial with advan­ lb .; Oregon, 10$c.
and slippers were recovered.
He bad tage.
It is doubtful, however, if
buried them on the commons, near a there be any plants that will keep
G R E E N F R U IT S — Apples. $ 50
blast furnace.
Over sixty pairs of away the pests.
(a) 85c.; Sicily lenious, $6 00(a>6 60
women’s shots alnl slipjiers were found
California,$3 500 5 00; Navalorangea
in his but. He was a veteran of the
According to an Engli»h authority, $6 00; Riverside, $4 00; Mediterra­
Mexiua.i aud civil wars and will be the world consumes annually 660,000 nean, $4 25.
buried with military honors.
|iouiids of coffee, which, at an aver­
D R IE D F R U ITS — Sun dried ap­
age price of $400, represents a value of
O r e g o n ’» ( t r i a l K x lilb it .
j $260,000,000. Jamaica grows the ples, 7$e. per lb .; machine dried, 100
H e ; pities* plums,
13c,; Italian
The Oregon cereal exhibit at the j best coffee ; next in order come Cey­ prunes, 10(o)14c.; peaches, 12$0l4o.;
lon and East India, Java, Brazil, Costa
national encampment of the G. A. 11.,
liica and the other Central American raisins, $2 4002 50.
at Columbus, Ohio, in charge of Col. BUtes. Java produces the largest crop.
W O O L— Valley, 17018c.; Eastern
C. E. Dubois of Portland, i* now in
Oregon. 9 0 15c.
place in a room on the third ll.ior of
The American Cultivator recom­
the First National bank building.
mends a mixture of hydraulic cement
H ID E S — Dry beef hides, 8 0 10c.;
and skim-milk for painting
farm culls, 607c.; kip and calf, 8 0 lO o.;
T liirte i-ii ■ lu llt lln g * llu rn i-il.
buildings aud fences. The cement is Murrain, 10 0)12c.; tallow, 303$o.
A lire broke out in a store at Cath- placed in a bucket, anil sweet skim-
LU M B E K — Rough, per M, $10 00;
argus, N. Y., which destroyed thirteen milk stirred in until the mixture is of
the consistency of cream.
The pro- edged, per M, $12 00; T. and G.
buildings. The loss is large.
portinns are about one quart of cem­ sheathing, per M, $13 00; No. 2 floor­
ent to a gallon of milk.
Color may ing. per M, $18 00; No. 2 ceiling, iter
U c n t t i » 1 Hi«- n i i l . i l I . r i n l i i n tc u l be added if desired.
This paint is M, $ 18 00; No. 2 rustic, (M‘r M, $18 00;
U i . i P oin t.
clear rough, |x>r M, $20 00 ; clear P. 4
cheap and durable.
8, per M, $22 60; No. 1 flooring, per
Col. Edward G. Butler, the oldest
M, $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M,
graduate of West Poirt, died at Ht.
The Massachusetts Ploughman says $22 50; No. 1 rustic, per M, $22 60;
Louis. He was born in Tennessee in
the reason that so many rasplicrry anil stepping, per M, $26 00; over 12
1799 and admitted to West Point in
blackberry fields get full of grass is be­ inches wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40
1816. Ho served under Gen. Taylor
cause they are neglected during Au­ to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to 60,
in the Mexican war.
gust and September, and, in fact, dur­ extra, $4 00, 1$ lath, per M, $2 25;
ing the whole autumn, so when spring 1$ lath, per M, $2 60.
N t t t i o i i a l R i f l e Aivaorliitfeoii.
opens the grass lias full iHissession ;
BEANS— Quote small whites,$4 60;
There wan a large attendance at the but even when thus neglected, if the pinks, $3; bayos, $3; butter, $4 50;
opening of the annual prize shooting
as the frost leaves the ground, it is not Limas, $4 50 per cental.
of the National Rifle Association at a very difficult job to clear out all ol
C O F FE E — Quote Salvador,
Creedmore. The Wimbledon cup was the grass.
won by W. M. Merrill of Massachu­
Java, 27$c.; Arhuckle’s’s reasted. 22c.
setts by a score of 134 with thirty
shots at 1,000 yards.
As a pasture for cows no plant
M E A T— Beef, wholesale, 2$© 3o.;
yields sweeter, richer herbage than dressed, 6c.; sheep, 3c ; dressed, flc.;
white clover.
Though its habit of hogs, dresseil, 809c.; veal, 607c.
t i p r i ' M T r a i n H e l d I p.
growth is very close to the ground, it
The west-bound express train was
HALT— Liverjxiol grades of fine
yields more pasture than would be
stopi>ed by three masked men at sup|M>*'xl. If not allowed to bloasom quoted $18, $19 and $20 for the three
Parkers, A. T. They did not get any­ long enough for seed to form, the new sizes; stock salt, $10.
thing. A reward of $1,500 is offered herbage springs up quickly after crop­
PIC K L E S — Kegs quoted steady at
for ttieir capture, and Wells, Fargo ping. Its roots are near the surface,
$1 35.
will increase the amount.
and are easily reached by light rains,
but owing to their spreading habit the
SU G AR— Prices for barrels; Golden
are not injured by cattle tramp­ C,6$c. ¡.extra C ,6|c.; dry granulated,
S a le o t a n O p e ra H o u s e.
ing over ’.hem, a* are those of red 7j)c.; crushed, fine crushed, cube and
The sale of the Grand Opera House clover.
powdered, 7 }c .; extra C, 6 fc .; halves
by the heirs of the Davidson estate to
and-boxes, $c. higher.
" Lotta” Crabtree, the actress, was
Tbst-the plantain is a nuisance is
completed at Ht. Paul.
The price
— A prominent engineer says mat il
certain, but it is scarcely unmitigated will be noticed that most boiler explo­
paid was $150,000.
except in the sense that where it lias sions come, like black coffee, right
once gained iMisxcssion it can never be after dinner. The reason for this, as
n u r S r r r * fo r m oney
entirely eradicated.
The common
Miss Ada Flynn, a handsome and ; »lantern has about two-thirds the he explains It, Is* that the water in the
boilers Is In perfect readiness to become
was feeding value of common hay, rank­
■team, and would be suoh but for the
mysteriously murdered in her home
pressure of the actual steam on top ol
near Glasgow, Pa., during the absence this res|iect. Cattle will eat in pas­ i t When the dinner hour is over and
of the rest of the family.
It is sup­
to it,as they have to lie witii thedaisy. the rnen and machines begin to work
posed the deed is that of a robber.
The Urge, vigorous plantains, that again, the valves are quickly opened,
grow in rich ground, seem to be eaten the stcain rushes out, and the water
J e w e l r y l .a a t .
more greedily by cows than the puny suddenly becomes steam. A* steam
Mrs. Pierrepont Morgan, of New *|x-cimeiis dwarfed by jsiverty of soil. has 1,700 times the expansion of water
the efTeut is to ex plosion.
York, an-J friends, while out among
the Thousand islands, were thrown
jnU> the water by the capHizing of their
I mmi L Mrs. Morgan loaf jewi lry valne<l
at $1.>,000^______ ^
— ••What is the th-Ht’ th'.ng to be done
In case of fire?" asked the professor.
“ Sue the Insurance company,” prompt­
ly answered the boy at the foot of the
class, whose father had been burned
T r a i n ( »lllal.iii.
out once or twice, and appeared to
A freight train heavily laden dashed have made a good thing of It— /Vies
at full speed into a circus train, which Current.
was standing at Corwin station, Ohio.
— Paste diamonds are so called be­
The cahooae and rear of circus train cause people get stuck on them so
was split in two, and four sleepers j 0.'u->
t ra in
a s h in g to il.
The House conference report on the
fortifications appropriation bill lias
been adopted.
The bill authorixing the postmasier-
g< neral to purchase improved Mare
locks snd keys has been paesed by the
NO. 28.
feW Lima beans are grown.
j R tjiejr
f tate they are nii|>erior
coofcjng i an<| would tie more largely
| UBed for that purpose, did not their
""«»1 »‘ >8*! price prevent.
The Lima
liean requires poling, but it is unneces­
sary to make the poles longer than six
feet out of the ground.
When the
vine gets to this height, stop its
growth and turn all its strength into
fruitfullness. When raised on a very
large scale the Limas are grown some
times without pobs, the vines trailing
on the ground.
This is a slovenly
practice, but a good many beans may
be thus cheaply growu.
— It is said that, notwithstanding bis
enormous wealth, Mackay is haunted
with the fear of the poorhouse. Mean­
time Mrs. Mackay makes merry in
London ami Paris, and does not appear
to entertain any horrid dreams of
possiblo poverty in the near future.
— Mrs. Eliza Garfield was the only
woman who ever saw her son Inaugu­
rated President of the United States.
Washington’s mother was living In
Fredericksburg, Va., when the Father
of his Country was inaugurated, but
■he did not witness the ceremony,
which took place in New York.