Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, September 22, 1888, Image 4

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    K I N D N E S S T H A T PAYS.
T h p P r o p e r \ V «y o f G e t t i n g l l o r * v » f r o m
t h e P astu re F i e l d .
It would no doubt be a very urnuaLng
scene wer-j it possib! • to take a bird'a-
eye view of some of the buaieat funning
districts one of these tine m ornings
about d u yligh t, und soe the diilerent
w ays of g e ttin g h o w s up out of the
pasture und into the stables ready for
w ork.
T h e pleading echoes of the
“ heap! heap! lio-ap!” from one farm
would he answered by the savage bark
of the dot;on another farin as he chased
the poor anim als as if they were so
m any wild beoet* that w ere being’ drove
out of tiie neighborhood, (Jetting up
the horses on some farms is regarded as
one of the hardest tasks of the day, and
it Is frequently made one of the most
wearisom e perform ances both for the
horses and those who attend to i t It
com es at a tim e when neither man nor
beast can afford to get excited or wor-
ried, for the w hole d ay's work is still
before them , and with a bad start there
is liable to be trouble und w orry all the
day. T h is m ay seem to be a m atter of
little im portance but there is more in if
than is gen era lly supposed. Horses
w hich are brought quietly from tiie
field will eat th eir m orning feed of grain
w ith
got more food from it than if chased
around at full speed for a half-hour
before ho ran be captured. Tho excite­
ment caused by this chasing is moro e x ­
hausting than tiie hardest kind of labor,
to nay nothing about tiie time lost in do­
ing it. If treated properly horses w ill
not is- hard to get up in the morning or
any other lime. T reat them kindly
when they come in. and they will soon
learn to come without coaxing or d riv­
ing. Have a treat in tho shape of a
good feed of grain or chop that they
will relish when the get into the stable,
and all you will have to do is to open
the gates nnd doors and let them to it.
If they have acquired the habit of run­
ning. and are h *1 to drive, it will take
some more tem pting titan usual to
break off this habit. H ave their feed in
tiie trough for them when they outer
tho stable, and they will learn to hurry
to it instead of running in tho opjiosite
direction. It may ta k en little time and
some patience to break old offenders,
hut it can be done, and when once ac­
complished the pleasure it will afford
und tiie time saved will m ^n'than repay»
for tiie trouble. If you treat and train
your hor.-es rig h t they wNl tie aw aiting
your appearance at tiie accustomed
time instead of sk u lkin g aw ay and try ­
ing to avoid you. Sationul Stockman.
— It is the struggle and not the attain-
■ tent that measures character.
— T each er Hans, nam e three beasts
ef prev. H an s—T w o lious and a t gcr.
— N ever buy any th ug jo u don't
need because it's cheap. T his includes
b eer.— ruck.
The easiest and bes' w av to expand
tbo cb»-t is to have a good large heart
in ¡L It s a v e s the cost of gyinuaatics.—
CJiico.no Stnriilfi'il. ______
1» the most (listrosin g, not only to the person
afflicted it he have »ny pride, but to thou« s ilh
w lioin ho coin**» in contact.
It is a delica'c
matter to sp* ak of. bu- it h a- parted not only
friends but lovers, ltad breath slid catarrh are
Sage's Catarrh Kent dy cures
tiie worst cases a i thouaauds call testify.
“ I th in k." said a visitor to her ho*,
teas, •th.it Mr. Inskip i* nn anom aly.”
• Indeed he isn't,” reiterated the ho*,
d.*i etlly. "h«> wus tsirn in New
I.nglnnd und s o were all his people bo-
fm v him ."
A I mud stare and silentN» from th*
Mtonishexl viaiwir. betroxi ir e * /Vsaa.
le s s .
___ mTo introduce it into A Mliunl
FAMILIES *9 off or tho
L A D IE S '
F o r
S c in t lc a .
N ew , S tr o n g , S tr a ig h t F a c t* .
C u r« C o m p le t * .
icurry, T im June 111*.
Vfc as cuiupieteiy caret! tu o jre«r» ago oí «ciática
u A4 C~
on —
crutthe» »ui-
by the u n of Bt Jacob« Oil. wae
_ of f ; pain
hying Mil the urne He return
Dripping Spring* Tex«»,
U e lp lr » « 9 M o n th ».
Jane. l»SI.
W o In bod 2 month»: coaid not walh for 3 with
»ciatlw«, »offered nearly one year in ail; w o cur»4
by St Jacob« Oli. Ko r«lapa«:
From NOW
I t
to JAN’Y, 1889
Four months
G iven U p.
Kune. Ohio. June 10, ISIS.
Suffered • we»k»; comtaut pain In hip; used
«ratche» given up by doctor» wai cor-d ty Bt.
Jacob» OU
THI CHARLES A. VOCELER CO., «altim or*. » 4 .
J . H . PIM M . A s s a y e r am t A n a ly t ic a l
3 3 ”
0 3 F ir s t M treet.
S ymptoms Moisture; iLtoiae itching and stinging.
Qnort at night; worse by scratching If allowed to con­
tinue tumors form, which often bleed aqvl uloeiate.
hec-.ndng *ery airs H w a y s x ' s O i s t m m T »t.'tie the
Itching anti bl.xding, heals uloeratl.in. and in many
cae. s removs n.r tumoia. It la unuailj etticacioua in
curing all llxin 111s.wees
Pronnetoix, Phlla«ielphla bwxTSB's OINTIUOIT cai
lie obtained of druggists Kent by mail for 60 Ceuta
If afflicted with Sore Eye*, use Dr. Isaac
Thom pson's Eye Water. Druggist* sell it. 24c.
T h o u g h M atte o f llrass H e Is Nuppoaed to
C u r e E v e r y D is e a s e .
B re a k fa s t a n d D in n e r P a rties—Ho
Cooking, Dainties and Desserts. Teas St
pers. Luncheons and Receptions. Gives,
pliculy fl^t the little details women wan*
lclls how to entertain guests how i
serve refreshments, what to have and how t0
make it
Everything n -w and cr i-ii.J ( pn| XU-
al and w ell tested by experts. ---
the recipes will be remarks upon pretty table»d-
juncts, methods of serving and waiting,
nishing, table manners and etiquette
C h ild r e n ’ s P age—Illu s tra te d Stcrics.
Flow ers and H ouse Plants—finely ¿¡ 1 ^.
trated articles, edited b y Eua* K RLxroko
with “ Answers to Correspondents.“
M o t h e r ’ s Corner— A pace devoted to tbe
care o f infants and young children. 1 1 tires line
letters from subscribers giving views and ir.eth-
ods o f management. Original arti. 1 sfrom the
best writers. Illustrated arti I. s on Games and
H o m e -m a d e T o y 3 . A m u K em tn tsfor Sick
C h ild ren . Illustrated. K indergarten. J|.
lustrated articles b y A n n a \V. B ar na r d
lina” Plug Cut is tiie b iss smoke, and
don’t yi u forget it.
I a k in ç
The Van Monciscar
D IS P E N S A R Y .
^ J Ä -L A N D ,
¿ 2»I PERFECT «00®.
It» superior uxcellence proveu In millions of home« for
more than a quarter of a century. It is used by til«
United fltate» Government Kmloraed by the head» o f
the Great Uuiverniiie» as th» Strongest, Purest and moat
Healthful I>r Prices Cream Baking Powder doe» not
oontain Anwnoni-i, Lime or Alum Sold only in can».
T ub Loo C a b i n s * f
A*neri a have been birth­
places of some of the
grandest men. Lincoln,
Grain, Sheridan, first
saw tlie bght of day
tlgougli the chinks of a
Log i'ni>in.
W arners
Log Cabin fya»a).>arilia
also originated in a Log Cabin and stands
pre-eminent iflnong the bl od purifiers of
to-day as W arner’s “ Tippecanoe" dot s as
a stomach tonic.
Nervous Debility, Sperm«
torrhea* Seminal L omu «
Btixual DwAf ,Fai ling Mem
Lack of
ont, WeAk K [ires.
ergjr. Also \ Blood And
In DlaeAW«, Bfphilll*
< V
option«. Ha
Hair Yalllré
Boue Pa: na, 8 wellln»-
Sore Throat, Uloers, F
fecta o f Mercury, Kidney
Aud Bladder T r o u b l e
W eiklU ac. Kurn i.g Urine. OocorrhaA, Gleel B u t'
u ~ prmnpt relief «üd cure for lue.
No. > Lapel Hutton, either Democratic or
Kepublicau, sample by mail, llrris.
No. 2 Harrison Button, silk embroidered,
National colors, by mail, 1 <* ft*.
, No. 3 Enameled Buttons “ C .& T.’’ or “ II.
1 & M.” stamped on each, gold plated,
| very nice, 25 cts.
No. 4 Democratic or Republican medal
likenesses of nominees clearly cut en , ü )th HfixeH UoiiHRlt C w fld e B t la llS
o»i5fO H -18« A
each, silver finished, with pin, mail, 25 c.
W h i t e and p i le sh a d e s o f p a in t m a y b e b e a u ­
t ifu lly cle a n e d b> u sin g w h itin g in t h e w ater.
r o s .,
P it t s b u r u , P
th .*,
of >, .iit.lm,„a,,*.,»,S
Ause o f K idneys o r B ladder, W eak Bock. Nervri
lie .d lit y . W ustm g o f S exu.d BLtcugta, etc cuJ
und restored to h ealthy vig or.
N . Bi P ersons unable to visit us may be tmtel
k t their hom os, by corresp on den ce. Medicine« m?
in s tr u ctio n s sent b y m ail o r express. Consoilatioi
J re e . Bend 4 ce n t« in stam ps tor ib e Yount R»^
V rlend o r G uide t o V\ o llo c k .
nvestment «mall, profit«
~"e. Semi 20o for mailing
e illustrated Catal 'gue
with full purticuiars. Man
ufactured l»y
HIT < 1 : 1 6 9 L ak e St.,
• •_____
Rrf’hsr than the Cheapest
H alf Farti Hates over the O. R. & X. Co.,
O. & C. H. K and Oregonian K.tilw»v(*
a d one-fifth over N. P. K. R. lin«,
P o rtla n d , Or«iron.
Special excursions over the O. H. À V
Y i i •
, i ... , i, ,;i IiK fru ctio n , e s t a i•-
li> 1 **d le m it iilio n ,g r iw m g l o p u l trity. Business, lines at less than halt rales, Oct. 8, 15 , i
Sh riband. C?n:mon School and P sn m in sh lp Depart
A H .W H I T I M I . Napl.
mens. Siui’.uiO. Hdii.i n d i'.t any time. < utH-
Ofii ü, 118 First Street Portland.
I'OU'* ;m I
■•■ini.” s o f i>* *n a is h ip s e n t free.
:t. 4 —Glises U 27 , 1888 .
I A . H'
A . i* * 'tU O 'R O M ». PrsH.
T f.o
f* T o i $ 8 a D a y . Samples worth $1.60, FItKE.
-1 Lines not under the horses foot. W rite B rkw
k t f r ' m S afkcv
' l u i ? t FOR
u w u tu n
N. P N . U . N o. ÏIW— 8. F. N. U . Nn m
B.n n H o l p k r < 'o * l f o l \ v . I l l r h .
I o d i d e o f I 'o t H N H .
D y Î 5
It cur©» R i i k u m a i i s m , N ki k a l o i a , Boil«, Pimple«.
Scrofula, Gout, Catarrh. Tumors, »Sad Rheum, and
Mercurial pa'ns. It Purities the Blood, Restore» the
Liver ar<l Kidneys to healthy action, and makt-a the
Complexion Bright und Clear.
Brilliant !
Durable !
J. R. C A T E S 3 l C O ., P r o p r io to r 9
Big Cl nas given aotvsr-
sal satisfaction In th*
cur* of Uooorrha** ard
Oleet. I prescribe 11 aud
feel safe In recommend­
ing It to aQ sufferer*.
k . l . STOYFR, I l.n ^
L ig h t n in g ca n be sr rn by retlectlon a dii-
tau« r of tw o hun dred m i l n .
Yes, he loves you now, 'tis true,
lam with eyes of .vlok-t blue,
Li|>s as sw e e t as h o n e y -d e w ,
Iton n y little b rid e.
D i a mo n d P a i n t s
G o ’ d,
S ilv er, Bronx«.
C op per. O n ly 10 Cents-
a W IC H T S /
c d T
----- T O
clopedia o f useful infor-
m ation for all who pur*
I^»t us find happiness in bringing jo y and
gladness to those around us.
chase the luxuries or th*
necessities o f life. W e
can clothe you and furnish you w ith
the necessary and unnecessary
One of tlje secrets of health is the con­ all
appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep,
centration of vitality. The recruiting of
eat, fish, hnnt, w ork, go to church,
the vital principle is done effectually by •or stay at home, and in various sizes,
H h a n d k k t h s P in a
“ Health find* hap­ styles and quantities. Juat figure out
what Is required {o do all thesd'things
piness In the mere sense of existence."
CO M FO R TAB LY , and you oan make a fair
estimate o f the value o f the B U Y E B S ’
B r a nd reth ' s P ills help nature to reas
G U ID E, w hich w ill be sent upon
•ert her own when she has been forced to
receipt o f 10 cents to pay postage,
va ate her stronghold in the body. When
an enemy attacks a fort all the forces are
concentrated at the p.»inl of attack to re
111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, l i t
slst the onslaught.
So with fhe body.
B randhktr * P ii .i s cot* e Prate all on" s
vitality to throw off'the encroaching d i­
— An fttfent to rn newcyolopflpdin tells
s e a s e . Get R k a n d k k t u ' s 1’ i i . l s . Be sure
to take no other.
this incident: "A m o n g those to whom
| I h ave shown the volum es I found but
N e ig h b o r ly lov e s o d in terest in th e w e lfa re
o f o th e r* s r e p r o d u c t iv e o f m u c h su n sh in e one youn g man who did not need the
every where.
w ork. He has a cyelop;edia; a num­
ber of large volum es; he did not know
m any,
did he
the name of the editor or publisher
but they are very large, h eavy vol­
Skip *<• Scalp umes. B elievin g he did not frequently
consult them, 1 asked if he ev er used
’C e rta in ly ,’ said he, -I us«
pi-cured b y #
them every d a y .’ -What can you p<>*
C im c b R A
sibly do w ith them ?' ‘W h y, I pres«
F fo /^ ç d iç s .
uxv trouse:» w ith them .” ’
Diamond D yes excel all others in Strength, Purity, ar.d Fastness. None other nt
just as good. Beware o f irnitatfons, because they are made of cheap and inferior materisls
and give poor, weak, crucky cole*. To Ire sure o f success use only the D ia m o n d D y e
for coloring Dresses, Stockings, Yams, Carpets, Feathers, Riblions, & c, &*c. We «arrant
them to color m o re goods, package fo r package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give
more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the D i a m o n d , and ta k e no other.
_____W E L L S , RICHARDSON & CO„ E llin g t on, Vt.
W h e n y o u r b lo o m has tie,, a w a y .
W h e n » o u r g o ld e n lo ck s a re g r e y ,—
W ill his lo v e a b id e !
91 FIN WAY k k a h i c h , f r a n k «
Y e s. If it is the tru e k in d It w ill s u r v iv e al! ö
I t i l l f» « I . H U N ,
Gabler, Koonlsh
th e in e v it a b le w a s te s a n d ch a n g e s o f life . Hut, I H aros; Burdett Organa, hand Instruments
It is e v e r y woirntn h d e lir e a m i d u ty to reta in , | stock of .8h***t Mu.Jc and Books. bauds suidjtiifed at
io n # an sh e ca n , th e a ttr a c tio n » that m a d e F astern Prtoes M A TTH IAS GRAY OO.
h e r rharmiiiH: and b e lo v e d in y o u th .
N o o n e qtreet, San Frandnor
c a n k e e p h e r y o u th fu l b lo o m o r e q u a b le te m ­
p e r if w e i g h e d d o w n a n d B uffering fr o m fe m a le
Tho B U Y E R S ’ O U ID E i*
w e a k n e ss a n d d U o rd e rs .
D r. P r ic e ’s F a v o rite
Issued March and Bept.,
P r e s c r ip tio n is a re m e d y f o r th e s e tro u b le s.
sSokl b> d ru g g ists.
each year. It Is an ency.
For Gilding or B ro n z in g
Fancy A rtic le s .
PR ICE. » 1 . 0 0 . .
Bold hy Druggist»
' %
Send pottaldor I ye B ock, Sample Card, directions lor coloring Photos., making the finest Ink or Bluiaf
(10 cent» a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists. Address
Dscshir, Ilk
Will he love you as to-day,
Y ■ O
U n N G
rre tio n should a v a il themselv< s o f our treatmt,
A positive cu re gu aran teed
* in ever> »ana. 8rSflg
iUrinary and V enereal B isease« all uuuatural d«.
charges, p rom p tly and sttfeijrîiured.
M ID D L E -A C E D M EM M pj ««»*
4 1 7 NniiHOm«* H I .. Slim F r u n c i s c o .
l e m is h
Sold on Trial !
W hite Elephant of Si tin, Lion of Eng
laud. Dragon of China, Cro»s of Stvitzer- I _ _ _ _ . _ _
. _
land, Banner of Persia, Crescent of Egypt, Q
A Q »
Double Eagle of HilssU, Star of Chili, The
I f U O B-,»rintutl Steel Tun n g De-
Circle of .Japan. Harp of Krin.
\dcs, in usoin no other Piano, by which our Pianos
To get these buy a Isix of the genuine 1 gtaiel In tune 20 jean, good ft i 100; not affeetc^
Dll. C. M c L a n k ' s CKLKBKATKD L i VKK I t>y i limato. No wood to split, break, »w ell, shrink.
P il l s , price 2» rents, and mail us the out- ' rratk, Sway, or wear out; wo yuaraTitee it. K.le-
side wrapper with your address, plainly |
' “ e"' 3 «trinzs, double re,*,ti„s
action; finest ivory key*; the la m e o s ANÎISKt.1*
written, and t cent» in stamps. W e wi
fa it or « rito tor Catalogue, tree. T. M. ANTISEIJ
then mail 5011 the above list with an ele­ PIANO CO., Manufacturers, Odtl Fellows’ H all, Mar
gant package of oleographic and chro­ ket and S*.*venth Streets, San Francisco.
matic cards.
or . spinney ;
d ency, &n., due to excesee« o r abu«e, cured.
U ^ R R I S Q a ,
CUR T/S PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia.
X lD r. Spinney & Co.P^ »
Send for new Gan Catalogue Oct. 1 st
Bent whalebone can be restored and used
again by »imply soaking in water a few hours,
then dry lug them .
T h e d is c o v e r y b y th e in h a b ita n ts o f a lo ca lity
h ith e r to u n v ia ite d b y th e p e s tile n t s c o u rg e o f
fa v e r a ii^ a g u e , that it exists in th e ir v ery
m id s t, is d e c id e d ly s ta rtlin g . S u c h d is c o v e r ie s
a r e m a d e a t e v e r y se a s o n , in e v e r y p a rt o f th e
U n io n . S u b s e q u e n tly , w h en it is a sc e rta in e d ,
as it in v a r ia b ly is at s u ch tim es, th ro u g h th e
v a lu a b le e x p e r ie n c e o f s o m e o n e w h o has been
b e n e tilted an d c u re d , th a t H o s te tte r'a S to m a ch
B itte rs is n t b o r o u g h 1$ eiM ca ciou s e ra d ica te r
o f th e m a la ria l p oison , and a m ea n s o f fo r t ify ­
in g th e s y s te m a g a in s t it, a fe e lin g o f m ore
s e c u r ity and tra n q u ility re ig n s th ro u g h o u t the
w h o le n e ig h b o r h o o d . B e sid e s th e fe b r ile fo rm s
o f m a la ria l d ise a se , d u m b a g u e a n d a g u o c a k e
a re r e m o v e d by th e p o te n t a c t io n o f th e B it
ters, to w h ic h s c ie n c e a lso g iv e s its s a n ctio n as
a re m e d y f o r rh e u m a tism , d y s p e p sia , c o n s tip a ­
tio n , liv e r c o m p la in t , d e b ility , k id n e y trou b les,
a n d all d ise a s e s im p a irin g th e o rg a n s o f d i­
g e s tio n und a ss im ila tio n .
Young, mkldlfMMwd And
Id, aingiu or nmmad men
Ana AlftirhoAolfer with
M A K E -----
D w is is p s C o w -B r a n d S o d a ^ S a l e r a t u s ,
B » sum Hist thsro is ■ p lctn m o f s Cow nn y o u r p a ck a * » an l y o u w ill havs
tuo best Soda may».
THE c o w EBAy5,
x W iC F iV a 1
SA1 -T
If you are in need of a GOOD FIRST CLASS JOB PRESS.*e
ask you to examine into the merits of our "OLD RELIABLE.”
TAIN. These presses are made by ourselves, from the best ma-
tria ls and b y first-class workmen. Read below what one o f our
? by^to 'ihtrso'n ‘SuroUia S f l i t ^
p rin tin « concerns says about o u r presses, after having them
d T___ . .!> n *■ !rp.‘U8
^ ouston, examined by
bv an
an fvrnert
“ wool”
pinion is that “ .Seal of North Caro­
p o l t r i . A N D . O lt
Are the soverrign remedy In all rases where
! excessive or In.util, lent nourishment, sedentary
habits, sleeplesanesa. traveling or preguancy
; produce a tendency to
C o n a tip a tlo n ,
That bane of the American people.
A neglect
tei remedy this I'onditlon may result seriously.
H n m h org
F I « « are a
lo f i ig e . cmuisvsed of fruits ami vegetables
Although mild, they are very effective and
their i-ontinued use keeps the bowela In a
— "That was splendid sermon you
R n .F .A N K T N O P I R T F Y I N O A N D
healthy and natural rondtiion.
beautifying the «kin of ehildrrn and infant*
R lllo u s n e s a
and curing torturing, disfi*tiring, itching, scaly
la the reault of an inactive U r e e , and its
. . pimply
____ _
___ ______
thr skin. s.a _ lp . u and
sym ptom s are manifested by hradarh*. furred blood with k a s of hair, from Infancy to old age»
T exas. “ I am glad it pleased y o u ,” re-
tongue. Iosa of appetti* and a yellow skin. I the I V tic i R t K k m k p i i a are infslUbie.
p li * 4 the Tarson w ith ft beam ing smile.
H a m b u r g » T * » are the only im ita tiv e that
C e n c i ha . th* great Skin Cure, and C o t i
will *lt«H*tually r»*lieve this condlUon and re- Cl ns Ktiai*. an exquisite Skin Hrsutifier ex
“ If I w ere in y o u r place I'd publish
mov e the impurities that clog the system
t toru
e r n a ? and Ci n , t r v K t s . i u v i , the n,.w
. use ***
mi I I nrifler. it.t.
" cure every form of those serm ons In book form .”
H s m l m r g ““
I l f « a re *
h a rm iess .a
i f -a
th e ir
“ It
Is « » n t im ic d in d e fin ite ly , am t • b ox s b o til* s h •ktn and blood dues***, troni pimples to
w ould never do. J u d go .” “ W h y not
« * » . t»- kept in th e h eu te. T h e y a re d e lig h t­ •rro'ula.
fu l t o th e taste. D o**, o n e F ig. I*riew V> ren ts
Sold every where. Prtro.rrTierRA.fi0r.; Soar P arson ?" “ I 'll tell you con fid en tially’
■ b o x *t d ru g g is ts .
* r ; K««1I-V*XT. It. Prepared b> the ISerru but you must not g iv e it a w ay to a
D r i o ARp i u k m ic a l C o .. B o r t o v . M vsr .
tsend lw "H»w Io fo re 8xin i >lw-a*ea.'
liv in g soul. W ill you prom ise?
Y es
In sny ti-ttsKI* rendition cf lb* tetual *r-
g«nV Dularttin's Life K smbo * is the onlv
rrmety. It Is quirk. s»f*. xure. Hundreds of
tewtimoelsK p r o v e ite anndrrful power in tel-
usi debility. Price. | 1 .W * but Us AU drug
will known
pi lilies for the past 20 years, and his
T ltv G e r m c a for breakfast.
------------♦ ------------ O
grower has
C h e m i s t . Laljoratory, 1(M First st„ Portland.
Ur. A nalyse* m ade or all lubetancee.
H r o u r h l t l n . — For Hoarseness and Horn
Throat, “ B row n ’s "B ro n c h ia l T r o ch e s" are a
The steamboat, the reaoer, tiie sewing machine
Cars running by night and by day,
ili.usee lighted by gas and heated by steam.
And bright electricity's ray.
Character Is the great desideratum of human
l i f e
. ____________ _____________
balance of this vear I
True happiness can only be attained through
the love of God.
The telegraph's click speeds like lightning re­
Then tin* telephone conies to excel It:
And to put on lie fla sh, the last but uot least.
Is the famed litUu Purgative Pellet.
Last but not least is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Purgative Pellet, because It relieves human
suffering, adds to the sum of human comfort,
and enables the relieved sufferer to eigoy all
the blessings and luxuries of the age w e liv eiu .
C O N S U M P T IO N , K C K O K U L A , G E N E R A L
D e b i t l t > . W a s l l i f D i s e a s e s o r « 'h l l -
d r e n Chronic Coughs and iirunchitl«, can be
cured by the use o f S t e o t f a E m u l s i o n of
Cod li v e r Oil with Hypophuaphites.
prom I
nent physician* use It and testify to It* grace
Elease read the following: " I used
Hi nit s Emulsion for an obstinate < ough with
11. morclmge. I-«*» of Appetite, Emaciation,
sleeplessness, etc. AU of tm*se have now left,
i and I bebeve your Kiuulaiuu has sate d a case
of welt developed Consum ption.-—T. J. F in d
UCY, M . i>., Lone »tar. Texas.
A friend, rffceontlyoreturned from Po-
kin, tolls us th a t ho »aw tP m ethod of
Mr. Gould considers his time more cure w hich m ay be new to some of our
valu ab lf than money, and it is his reader^. In a tem ple outside one of
habit to visit his tailor and tell him to the city gates Is to be found a brass
make so many suits of clothes. “ I mule of life size supposed to have
guess you’ d l»etter make me about four wonderful h ea lin g properties. P atients
sui’ s of clothes this tim e,” Mr. Gould
suffering from ev ery im aginable dis­
would say. T hen lie w ill stroke his
ease seek th is tem ple to obtain a cure.
whiskers, look thoughtful and add:
T he m ethod pursued is as follows:
••Possibly you'd hotter m ake me half a ( Supposing you suffer from sciatica,
dozen suits this time; have them dono
you go w ith all speed to this famous
us soon as you can, and if they don’t
tem ple, and h a v in g discovered the par-
prove whut 1 lik e 1 will g iv e thorn to ticiflar part of the brass m ule corre­
my brother.” Mr. Gouhl loaves every
sponding to tho painful region of you r
thing to his tailor's judgm ent; that per­ j own body, you first rub the anim al a
son also selects Mr. G ould's neckties
certain num ber of tim es, and then with
and underwear. Tho m illionaire says ' the same hand sham poo y ou r own dis­
himself that lie hasn't tim e to bother abled m em ber, and then — w ell, thou
witli such sm all details. His tailor e x ­ the pain goes. T h e spociul feature o^
plained to me that Mr. G ould's brother,
this method of cure Is its d elightfu l
whom ho had referred to, is rattier an sim plicity.
Is you r tooth a ch in g?—
erratic individual. H o ls tho opposite
just scrub the tnulo’s teeth and a fter­
of his brother J a y , for he cures nothing
ward you r own, and voila! the cure is
for money, neither does he know how to | com plete. H ave you an u lcer of tho
muke.it. T h e m illionaire seldom trusts
cornea? pass the Ups of y ou r fingers to
him witli very m uch^lioney, but ho has
and fro o v er tho p articu lar ey eb a ll of
:nrt b anche to go to any of his broth­
the mule, and then, w itk w ell-regulated
er'« tnide*people and get w hatever he
pressure, rah repeatedly the afflicted
may need. He's ex a ctly the same size
eye. Hut wo are forgettin g; th e mule
m Ills brother.,..aiid a suit of clothes
has unhappily lost his sig h t during the
Hint fits one is equally suitable for the
muny years ho has boon en gaged in his
ltlier. Som etim es when Mr. (Jould or­
benevolent w o r k —the eyeb alls, we are
ient.a half dozen suits of clothes, and
told, havin g been grad u ally worn
they are sen t home to him, th e re may
aw ay us the resu lt of constant friction,
not be ime. suit that, ho likes, and lit*
until now you have only the em pty or­
¡minediatelyv gLv.es an order for another
bits to operate upon/ Y e t don't be dis­
hulffdozei. suits. Ho does not even
tressed, dear reader, the success is
tiiiyk, .to ask the, price, and finds no
guaranteed to be as real ns it was for­
fnulMwitli-- Ill's» tailor. His • tailor says
m erly. Is the cure alw ays certain ?
there-'-are ' fewemen. in New Y o rk that
some would-be A pplicant may inquire.
dress better than Mr.Gould-.
W ell, the tem ple is covert'd w ith .la u d ­
ton Mur. •
atory tablets in honor of the mule..
Isn't this testim ony enough? and if
He Was Disappointed.
you want m ore the animal is patched
A L ittle Hock negro went up to ths In all directions w ith fresh pieces of
general delivery window of the jnist- brass, put on to cover holes produced
ifiiro and asktsl if there w ere any let­ by the constant friction of eager pa­
ters for Mr. Phil Potter.
tients; and a new perfectly w hole mule
••No," replied the clerk.
stands ready a t hand, aw aitin g the
•'IsHik yare, oin' you sorter wrnung day when his old eolleague, having
'bout dnt?”
fallen to piecies, • shall g iv e him an
••1 tell you there is nothing for you.”
opportunity of likew ise b ^ o flttin g
*•1 know you told me dnt, but I's got Dosteritv
reasons fur b'l’ebin' dut you ’s wraung.
— fluxt'Sinl (to wife, home front
" I don’t rare what you 've got. Get
ch u rch )— "S erv ice
sw ay from here.”
m orning, my dear?” W ife— “ N ot par­
**1 ken do dat, snh. wid de grace o’
ticularly so. Mrs. Carlton-IV U 's baby
de | mmkm 1 s , hut its m ighty cuts dnt dar
was baptized, and they say its baptis­
»in' no letter y a re fur me. I ken tell
mal robe of lace cost k.VH). 1 think
you dat right now ."
there is such a thing as being too re­
He turned aw ay, nnd, m uttering to
s.’’ — ,V. )'. Sun.
him self, said: 'M ig h ty strange whut
H « W.t* a Naliv*.
« J 7 J A C O B S
Nothing Is Hiore essential to ono'sfuture tiap
pine**» and soccesa In this life than 'ha wissen»'
ploy u n n i of spare moments.
Jay G o u ld 's W ardrobe.
come o’ dut letter, fur I put it in dar
Ins’ night nicrse'f. Fetch er lot cr nig­
gers down y a re ter see me git dal letter
out. an’ it ain’t on d e premises. Mehby
dat white man did't put my name on it
right. Folks kui’ speck me ter lie a
mudwump ef da treats me like dis.
(•wine lose my ’ fluenee of er change
ain't tuck pretty soon.
Gwine git
somebody ter send me one deze yare
tilly-gram s." Arkmiumt Traveler'
i — A f a recent m eeting of the Acad-
iH p,1Pu , M. C h evreu l
I com
the name
com m unicated, in the
name of M.
Arnaud, C u rator at the Museum of j
N atural H istory, a very In teresting
note on the to x ic substance w hich the
Com alis em ploy to poison th e ir arrows.
T h is substance is the "O uub ajo” wood,
and from this wood M. A rnaud has e x ­
crysta llin e m atter endow ed \
w ith terrib le venomous properties. In
subcutaneous and intravenous in jec­
tions three one-hundredths of a grain
of the poison suffices to k ill a dog.
Death rap id ly occurs by an a rrest of
' ' lf 'n
S“ *U> pnwerved and
tvwutiflrd by CVTlct'RA S o a r
’ instan u n e c u s p s ia -s u b d u in g plaster,
iic .
> 1
K i >rv PAIVRBs.ka.hr.nd ^,.*knin*
I. urmthytt TtefKA A sti P ai * P tje iiK sn
Office of the B A N C R O F T COMPANY,
Messrs. Palm er A R ey,
Printers * n J S u tk n e r s .
Hsu Francisco, Cal.
g , n Francisco, June 2 G, 18 S 8 -
G eti'l-m en : O ur m ch inerv expert, Mr. Burton, ha* exam ined your "OU
° ' lr
and w e are plea*, d to k sy th it hi« 'l* P ’ ’rtJ !
I'll prom ise." “ W sll' let me te ll von i, i
I,r" “ os *re m u ch better b u ilt tiia n tiie C ltifn k
»11 *f
th at these serm on , h a ve been pub- ^
° ,n ' ° ‘ us, *>r C hallenge O >rdons. T liis being the case, we skat
rA,1*e lo P ut 111 » line of J*> ur presses at once.
liahod once already in book
T * * u StjXsngt.
o rn L -j
Per Paruer, Supt Printing Dti'*’