Poik County Observer. P e rs o n a l M ention. l i c i t i : A M I l i n t K V H O lT S . of its catalogue of I ss 7 -s. ••The nuni- Itiid g p o rt B ro o d in g ». (¿range Notice». Jo h n n y Volkes culled Thursday. I er of teachers sent out to take charge The Democrats do not like the new- [N\w i 'urnspiiiihnt.] Pleasant Valley grange No. 201 P.‘ Published Every Saturday. of schools, and the good w ork they 11. C. Harris returned from Eastern from Maine. of H. holds its next regular m eeting M n Stoddard is very sick. ‘•The town o f Monmouth ls situateti in flit Oregon Thursday. at Bridgeport school house on the An exchange says the old m aid’s are doing, ls ample o f the thorough­ WInxiping cough still lingers. centvr o f thè richcst part o f IN»lk county, ness of instruction o f these institu­ 1th Saturday of the present month. Frank C o llin s was at Portland favorite vegetable is to m u ted . t*i^lit mi leu touth o f thè vounty »¿c.it, Dallas eaver has returned from tion-.. The schools were established 1 id; J . ho H. to W Members art* requested to attend, as und two nini nne-half ni ile* west o f theth riv - TlU*>ilav a m i W iM liH x h iy . w inter at home. All of our improvements an* pro- in g to w n o f IndejMiiiilem'e, and contains a ,, . , * by an act of the legislatlvt* assembly 1 important business is on hand. populatiou of over 4. The locati»>n is a * **• ' ìHTl>ll WiW Oli til© s ic k lis*t tilt4 grcsslng tinely. \ . Oilhert and fam ily,cow and calf and the several counties o f the state On the loth the P. ('. Council of beautiful olio, 011 a rieh rulline [irairii'. uml tir s t o f t h è W e e k . startixl last Sunday to iiick hops fur A large crowd from this county at- are entitled to as many free scholar- for genomi he-altlifnlness, thè site is all tliat ... Grange met with Salt Creek grange W . Mover. eoulill>e desimi. Mmimoutìi uitio many Miss Lucy (¡arti returnisl homo last tended the State fiiir the tirst o f week shi| »» as they have senators and re p -1 (ii'n. M clice completed his »epnrtit- h>rdi-patc!i uf business, which took ndvan'iifies, and tlni-e iim teiii).iatin^any eiì- Saturday, from a visit to Portland. An “old inhabitant” says th at the esentati ves. ing last Sunday with a ru * of 35 days the day to go througii w ith ; but did terp ri' ■ ure invited tue m 1er with ■ mr i iii/.eus. T li ■ » hi-ruvi.K will I« read in every town-lii)» E’red Veness o f Huena V ista, was recent heavy rains indicate an early It may be of Interest to our readers Mrs. A . V . X . Snyder is about to ,lot prt vt nt the enjoym ent of sub- aud at every postnrtii e in the entire n unity, a t Portland this week. winter. to know w hat countries want bread move to Dallas for the education of stnntiul fare and the good gifts of and tlierel'oro une it celled as an advertising m edium .” j Pomona, supplied by our hosts of lio n . Stephen Slants paid us a c a ll1 T he si-luiols o f onr county have and on what other countries they r e - 1 lu'r children, Tuesday. about ail started on the full term s. S «R Creek. j l.v for a supply. T h ere is alw ays a ! Service last Sunday at Pleasant • The Observer four mouths for .iOcts. deflehuy in the British Isles,but this V aliev School house. Don’t forget the Sunday School Davie Foulkes, of the O/yt/otiittn ___________ n ______________________ Iti c o n i o f D eed » i year it is now estim ated to reach the | Our father’ Lige has returned from concert. Admission 10 cents. office v i'ited us this week. W. II Carey to J . 1! ( ¡entry sn.ii ,,•» T fi íí vast aggregate of ITO. oi 'O jhmi bushels. t,u> valley, he reports thifW illam ette T he Normal faculty purchased a 1! fi unii 7 \V s s »).— \\ t! Woodward tu Jo e Hubliard will move on the still How ing in ;» northerly dire turn. ! Win. W ri^ht se aeres T 7 S K 3 W $1500.— flue collection of flowers o f Mrs. J . France, though not usually a large Nealy farm near Stiver, next week. Really, much u nn n es-ary ex cite­ I W . K M ain i Ailininiitratnr o f E-tate of exporter of w beat, stands next to the S I O Aeres, goml house and hum, ISO acres 1>. Lee, o f Dallas. H. S. Vintila, tuli A. Wells lot» 3 and 4 Miss 3?aggie Butler attended the in ciiltivution, $35 per acre. Fniti d States and Russia as one of ment is shown in this campaign; I block U liiilelH lulelXA' s >4.- Jes-e B. Stump when we state that our precinct is The Republican party, w ith Its State Fair Tuesday and W ednesday.1 3 8 5 a ores, good new house and barn, new i the greatest wheat prtM.ucnig coun- nearly solid for Harrison and M irton, i to lò. hei Mi l ane lot 3 blook I Stiver $lfi<>. * orelianl, 50 acres in cultivation, good timber .. ,, .. , .. , .1 1 ».-«'|»li It. Jrlio lt to J . C. W hite NH acre» T l ’>. F . Sm ith of Lew isville is having: policy o f protection, guarantees equal \ tries in the world, but it is now except a few Prohlerats, it will he , 7 s K Ut.M , . ■ ; ; s. A. lini!toM C. llrown a n d pasture, i l i j i e r acre. r*ghts to all laborers. his residence neatly painted. -•S'il Ui lt till r e s u lt nt N o \ c ilio e r s j | u ¡rs interest in 3jn aeres in T 7 S U fi¡¡'200.— : claii that it will need from so,uoo,- 1 5 0 A civs, all pk h I farm land, 100 acre« Man' Young to J M. Crowley 1 aere o f land A farewell sociable for Kid. Mes- OOO to 5 H> , ( i t i bushels from abroad. v o t in g is fo r e c a s t p l a i n l y . «unimerfullow, good house ami bam , good J . IE V . Butler was at Portland . , ,, , . : IndeiM'ntlenee $ltW.— F. 1‘atterson to H , orchard, \x r acre, it i> well located. s i.k will la* given ¡it the chapel this Germany, Italy , Holland and Bel­ ‘ Ble- ed is the n.an th at hath his niisehberg lot 5 and l ti t; hloek l Iiuleix*ndence Tuesday and Wednesday. 1 0 0 A ires, all in cultivation, good house evening, (Saturday), ev eryb od y is gium will have to buy many m illions quiver full of them .” This proceeded . no. and ham , tlo acres suinmerfallow, farm divid­ Nat Holman of Dallas, was noticed fnmi the thankful heart of tne P sa lm -1 inviteli to attend. ed into three fie ld s , good spring in each, very of bushels, though the amount is not ist as he collected Ids wivi*s and off-1 on our streets, Saturday. MARRIED, desirable farm, $35 [>er acre. • Jo h n Murphy has our thanks for yet estim ated but it now se, uis prob- spring prior to cam ping by the .lor-, 3 1 : 1 A eres, good house and ham , 40 aeres F ill. Richardson and fam ily will T he M am ed at the iwrl.w» <*> <>»' L e\. rc Hou»® . two of the'flncst [tears we ever ex- able that the six countries named dan for the Jerich o nop 1 picking. in cultivation, good orchard, splendid st.« k move to W hitm an county, W . T . *. , , VlbatlV. nil Sundín sept. lfi. 1888. OeoriM farm , $10 per acre. i a lm u d g i v e s t h e size Ot h o ji liu X C ' ¡|U I11.;|iri.v ,|. p ntHeiating. W illiam linker p6ct to iind anywhere. They were will require in all near 300,000,000 W. K. Burns and Henry Stunts, of the Imrtlct variety and weighed 2 bushels. O f this amount Russia l> a s “ 2 c u b i t s s q u a r e a n d in h e ig h t o n e ; ,„ \ | i ; i ;, ,, | a ( liri.-tian, bothoi l'olk county Afi the ubove farms arc choice land and e t t b ii, ttud t h e U sual p r ic e i ta le n t un,| >[i-s. Itaker have our host wishes finely located. Inquiries by mail will receive with their fumilics aretg the fair. pounds and 2 ouncx^. I ex peeled to furnish 0n,noo,ii00, India ot s i l v e r porlxix. I h e m w a s b o o m - ,, . prompt attent^in. W esell um ltakeon eom- Amos Holman and fam ily will in turn's I»oys! H o p s wer© ’n jrr o a t 1 1 . . The little two-year» old child o f *(,000,000, %nd London authorities es- lnission, any properties in Oregon. JA M E S \t tin* holm* o f tho liritU»*« i^arenti on tho start next Tuesday for Harney V alley Geo. Claggett died at Salem Tue. dav innate that they will get 103,000,000 usp in til« M i a m i * a n d f\ s t iv :ils a m i in TA TOM , Monmouth, 1‘ ilk county, Oregon. t h e mannfiietim* m a n u fa c tu re o o n ic h o v o r a g e , l.n»'ki.uuute. \\ •'ln.v.lay, s pt. m. tssH, i>y ot f a a t tonic beverage bushels from the Fn ited States and Rev. Darker, George Wilson und Miss Eva J . I I , Hampton raisixl 100 bushels and was brought U> the Independence known as •‘niaketh tite im ,” transla­ Wilson. Ad in inlst ra t or s Not ice. of wheat on 10 aeres. Canada, though it seems doubtful cemetery for burial Wednesday. ted by Sm ith as “ H oji B itters.” In the County Court o f the State o f Oregon this hope qjWl lx* Mr. Fsterbrook of Lew isville, wa» Fryer A Pereival returned from whether Mr. Pond is engaged in hauling fo r lJolk county. In re estate of I*. \V. Pra­ lim in e » » M e n tio n . th er, late o f said county, deceased, notin' is noticed on our streets Saturday. Portland, Tuesday, where they dt*- realized. All the estim ates indicate, ’ thtme lumlx*r to alias from C. (i Nies A Sm ith are selling out at cost.- hereby given to all whom it may concern, however, that the broad supply of the Row ell's m ill, Sam Monkers, o f McCoy, had lit liverod AIM» head o f sheep to that th at 1 have this day been appointed bv Hon. G o to Ilen ry Patterson forperfum e Survey Butler takes tin* lead in Jo n a th a n Stoutfer, County Judge, id' said leg; broken Tuesday by part o f his m arket. They w ill, in a few weeks, world will fall at h ast 7.5,000,(MM short. county, administrator o f the estate o f 1’. \V. growing onts. Geo. MeBw* thresh«*«! I (iene lla y te r for cheap goods. Don’t kiss a consumptive. Accord­ drive looo head to tin* same m arket. Prutlier, late o f said enmity, deceased. All load of wheat falling on him. for him Slid bushels. ( >n enquiring of| ing to a conclusion o f tin* recent In ­ persi ms bidding claims against said estate are I D. L . Hedges’ 10 year-old e :i of Read our new advertisem ents th is W hy not the M onmouth rcpuhli- the worthy C. S. tin* acreagt*, lie ternational Medical Congress in Paris: iironipily replied “ l acres more or week. require 1 to preseti: them t > me duly verified | cans organize with the Harrison A Independence, fell out o f a barn anti w ithin s i i months from date and all per­ The F . M. A. store lues new goods.’ sons indebted thereto will please make im­ broke his arm Tuesday. .Morton clubs? Let us hear from the Osculation limy carry the turhucular less.” T h is is at the rate of 215 bush­ o «'tlier county paper» bacilli in atoms of sputum on the lip-:. els per acre. mediate payment. Hateii Sept. 14, 1 sss. ( ’on noway A Cooper hardware leaders. A dub o f one hundred mem- j can Hr down in quiet now. Jud g e W arren T ru itt and X . L. J . J . Daly, M. N. Prather. men, independence, A tty for estate. Administrator. Butler were called to independence hers can lie organized iter»*, to help D allas L o c a l » . J . J . liaxv n ha» left ns; he has an Aft styl«*s of summer dress goods swell tin* groat enthuse that will take Monday on legal business. Mr. Soan Isof Portland, has located appointment with tlicO . P. railroad, at c o st tit K. H ayter’s, Dallas. Administratrix’ Notice. this land for our standard bearers in' in onr town and will do a general oil Llieir ( 'nsctide division, as a giant G o to Vaughns, Dallas the lending Til re i at::’ a of Unnu-c < i. lia'.v ln j den - si; November. commission business, will buy any- powder .«harp. I lew ill disembowel Jew«*ler. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may coiiiiiiixliotisharn finished on his farm t in* old ( Y.seuiles ]>. d. g. if they don’t concern, that at the September term, A. I)!, near the Luckiamute. R ev. R itn o rw ill 111 i his regular ap­ a.iy tiling you may bring to him . make way. We defy cim ipetition;G ene lla y te r 1888, o f the county court o f Polk county, The rain ha topped the hop pick­ pointm ent at Calvary church, Sunday Dallas. •Oregon. 1 was appoint! I a iministratriv of Deter Cook, who has been in Last- 1 will try to tell the truth In my at 11 o’clock and Sunday-school will ers; only about hah of in'crop issav- items to l he ( lUSEliV Elt, but being a the estate o f Horace <1. Ilaw lev o f said conn-i . . . , , Students will remember they c*a,n ty, d o v a d. All p r i m s holding claims \ < > « * o n t h e JUXst s iim im returned hold immediately following. 11 a * will ed thus far. trout lisher, its u | >1 1 i 11 work Ixiys! get first-ehes photograph work doiie against said estate will present them to me, to Independence Tuesday. J . B . M iller ha sold his property hold regular service in theevom flgnt •dulv verified, within six months from this Hop [licking proceeds m«*rrilv, but at M. 1). l-illis’ Dallas. Dave Vatcr of NVashington T e rri­ Independence. Fvervi>ody i cordial­ in town to W . 1. It. v n o ld -. itati , anil all persons indebted to ssuid estate we nope for better prices. There T he F . M. A. store have as cheap will please make me immediate payment. tory, is visiting b i s old home near ly invited to all services. The long talked o f road leading should be import duty of25cts per lb line of general merchandise as cun NVarn i fru iti, Em ily J . Hawley, from Dallas to Cooper Hollow, at lust on heps. As now tirnmged our mon­ be found any w here. bridgeport. Attorney. A iliiiinistnitrix. The regular term of circuit court has been surveyed and viewed and ey goes to help the salarit*s of officials Dated Sept. 5, 1888. 5-t J . \V. Crawford is here aud is ready 5 i difibrent kinds of candies a t J . for Y am h ill county will not he held no doubt, will be e tabli hew as a in \E o'clock ]>. in., 1 will s, 11 on The m ay o ro f Spokane Falls has mereiiants profit of 30 per cent and terson's cheap. with opi rator, started to Die e;.:. t a the I’R E M ISE S tbe Dll uving ilcseribcil real will occupy bis house here. prices should start til 28 cents. ordered all saloons of that city eio- ed crowd from Corvallis, llis brother No trouble to show you our goods— i)ro[terty hi'loiigbig to the estate o f Nelson U. S. (irant o f Dallas, did not ac­ afte r the hour of 11 o’clock at night, Jo h n has charge of tin* office during Nealy, ilei aseil, by virtue o f the 1 lower of In tin* spring w c.“ heard telP’ of the Shelly A Vanduyn. sale ill saiil ilceeJents last w illaitil U-stament cept the position as leader of the Sa­ owning to the late fires, which lie has his absence. expected establishm ent of a G. A. R. 'I lie straight up-and-up ston*-kcep- In-wit: Tbe ilonntion latul claim o f S. S. lem band. reason to believe as incendiary work. ( >tir hand is m aking rapid improve­ post at Dallas and many <>f us old <*ra -S h e llly and Vanduyn, Indepen­ Nealy in seel ¡mis L‘l rue' 22 townsbio !) S !i 5 west of tbe W illam ette Meriilian ; also, lots ment and are praciicingalm osi every soldiers would like this to come about dence. K '‘ltv, Hawley A- Co., of McCoy Oil Monday Sept. 17th, the Mon­ night. They will soon command the No's I ami a in saiil see. No. 22 in -. id to w . Among the omissions in tin* <)ir- closed their warehouse for this season J . W . Daw son has school books and alii)) ami range; also tliat other tract o f bun! mouth public* school opened. with a place they once held ¿miongst hands ffoniutt list of “ ¡iionei*rs” nre the stationary cheap. ' beginuiio- at tbe soutJi-wn -t. coi-ner o f dona­ last Saturday. of Oregon—second to none. mum's of Ruben and Cyrus Glaze, good attendance, The principal I ’rof. tion land claim, No (:-» being the D 1- claim J . \V. Crawford took pictures o f the B. F . Murphy having thirty-tw o and W e nam e for you way down price* o f Paul H iltcrhrai.d in said township and There have b ee several applicants who cam e from Missouri in 1846. range, thence east 2U.50 chs, thence north hop yards of Jo h n it. Cooper and on all our general merchandise. G ive Our former Rrood«*r requests us to the assistant, Mrs. Goodnight, tw en­ before Prof. Reynolds, for certificates • 1.50 eli-, tie nee »‘»nth 51°. west 31.50 chs, us a cull. Shelly & Vanduyn, Inde- to teach in public schools. H enry H ill of Independence Monday say for him , that in a «listant county ty-nine enrolled. The work as being tie i v - null J i.s'i l b-, t i place o f beginning dence. and ciMitailiing in all 2U7 a.-ros mure or less. J . M. P hy , will return to his home lie will follow the Bridgeport new’s Ile n ry Berry o f A irlie, paid our laid off by the respective teachers Wood taken in exchange for goods with interest in tho O b s e r v e r , and T erm of sale cash in hand. in eastern Oregon next week. town and this office a pleasant call bids fair for a grand success. by inn n Damon, he exhorts Bridgeport to stand stead- at tii«* Farm ers Supply depot. A company of regular sohMers,con­ fust in the faith (and works) of last Jo h n J . Daly, E xecutor. Monday. W e have received the programme sisting of 1)1 enlisted men and l ight It don’t make any difference, it Is Atty .-for executor. !)-5t Dr. J . C. Byrd and family ofSalom o f tin* M inisterial and Sunday school officers, camped on the hanks of the Ith of Ju n e , and shoulder to shoul­ a fact you can get the lx*st gixxls, and der give a roll ing m ajority for Har­ were in town Sunday and Monday convention o fth c Evangelical church Imcrcole adjoining town last W td- rison and Morton in November next. at the "best baoguin at Z. F . V aughn’s Dallas. visiting their folks before taking leave to lx* held tit Independence from nesday—they were on their way to l i v e t ri.T i s. for Spokane Falls, their future home. Sept. 25 to 28. W e would lx* pleas­ Yaqulna. Wlfen you go to Dallas don’t fall ine F . H ayter’s stock o f gen- t«i examiin J n o J . l)a ly was on the* Luckia- D a y to n . *« Sol Stum p, of Stiver, will build a O recon P acific R a ilro a d . ed to publish it in full, but it came eral merehandise mute visiting relatives on Monday dwelling house in our town for the too late for publication. A season of prosperity i lx*ing en­ ' A nd .Oregon Development Company’« and Tuesday. For fine watch work go to U . N , joyed by our little city. Tin* business 'Steamship line 225 miles shorter. 20 hours purpose of sending his children to H enry Myers, o f Sm ithfield, Polk The X . G. II. It. trains continue to m en,of all classes, are kept very busy. (Sran tat II. B . i ’atterson’s. less time than by any other unite. I'irsi school. county, exh ibits thirteen Durhnms, rarive as usual, about 12 hours lat<*. '.class through passenger and freight line from The warehousemen unusually so. Tho most complete st«x*k o f dress Mr. Morris of Hast Portland, visit­ a t the State Portland mid all points in the W illamette T h e capacity of th«* warehouses, in g«M)«is every brought to Polk cotinty, Fair, and Hon. Dr. T. J . Leo of Independence was valley to and from Sun Francisco. this place, tire inadequate for the at F . H ayter’s Dallas. ed relatives and Grandma Palm er, Robert Clow, o f Polk county, ex- in town Tuesday. . W illam ette riie r line o f steamers. eimrmoiis* a«*res o f hops own«*d by several dif­ lin in g our lmrg Thursday. “ Kay s D ig u “ “ “ 2:15 p m tendance. progressing adm irably, under tie* dependence. A rrive Corvaiit* Tiles Thu “ Sat 4:2U pm Goodnight a successful term . ferent parti«_*s o f small fields. Tho Boats make close eonneetion at Albany eharg«* of the pre-ent teachers* Prof. Norm al Note*. yeld of t h e s e yards are e-timate«l nt Horse shoeing, now shoes $1.50; w ith trains of the Oregon Pacific railroad. L. It. Li'wis i principal and Minnie M. A . C. Robertson, city ofli *ial of T he Normal Athl«?tic As»n. Yam hill county |e*l recreation, it is appreciated. Parti« » having side-walks to build ! beside- six from Polk c«>unty. S ' . \ f h« ■¡until , Ä ups k ^ s i' v J , r Ä that wc know of. They are continu­ Iktourgeuis. or repair wall pleas«* attend to it im- uinm er’s outing at the hot springs | ally ham m ering aw ay at som ething Han Friniivo. The class o f ’8K has h. »1 ti neat wire mediutely and save cost.—A . N.’ HAII.IMi DATES—FROM YAQt INA_. >. ■ . The lia lle e k , m arshal. NVillamettr Vallvy Lridav, S<'|it., Dli on tlie M cK inzie river. W e are glad in tlie interc.it of th eir tow n. N or is > rt h Y i i . a l i i l l . Willamette Valiev Wnlnesday „ lixli to learn that both he and wife have it sim ply chin m usic, for they back tree 1» growing finely. Mrs. I A llan sieur C ity Bazaar FR« »M SAN FRANC 1SCO. Rev. Dallas, n young m inister from improved health. T he V«*- o- rt:u« s In,v<* already «'om- up their words with coin and mti-cle, I nd«*pen«l«*nce, lias » ni«*e lo t Wlllame*te Valley Hotunlay Sept., l»t Wa.-ihington county, preached her«! id < tir liter • • • work for* lb s It. 1*. S. Notson, and fam ily left and that is what counts. The latest Willaniette Valley Thursday „ IJtJi last Sunday- H is regular appoint- o f ladies muslin underwear, hosiery, : y n r . NVillarnetie Vaiiey Tins*lay, " 2X!i for th eir ohl home in Iow a Wtxlnes- 1 ment is every second Hunday or each gloves, m its, collars, cutfr; gents neck tiling then* is the Polk County Till*» foiupAiiy reserve« the riglit to change w< :ir, iiandkerehiefs. six ks; also, sta­ The »hurt hand cla-», under th«* in- month. dav. They have lived near Itallston Rank, o f which I>. T . Stanley is «ailing dain»p« rity. Gentlem en, of tlie hetilth for some «>f th«? m em bers of C. I I . H A sW E I.I.. Ben» ot >1 Aggie W lnnull, of Indetiendcnce, a the sniall-[!ox in M cM innviUe. Our Noti«*e is hereby giv«*n to all pa***- Monmouth Board o f Improvement («•lierai freittlit and pa- «enger the fam ily. lprovem ent, niemlx r o f tin* eommereial cla.-s o f citi/ en -w ill take t ste|>s to prevent ti«*s knowing themselves indebted to Orryen Deyelojnnent Co., ¿5*4 Mont it reet, t from that place com ing here, the Firm o f liorzee A Roliertson at Our genial friend, J . K. M iller, not let us take off «>ur hat to you, for we ’s7, will «*nt< r again in a few (Lays to ¡Uiv«ne from San Franciseo. «'■»mph te the normal cours«. I). N. IJz e r, who is recently from | Monmouth and Independane®, that forgetting his promise, s*'rv«»l this honor men who do instead o f talk j Nebraska, will move into town this im nusliate settlem ent ny cash or note office with acou ple of fin«* w atrrm el- a built doing.” M. lla y te r dentist, Dallas. w«s*k to s*'ii«l hi» children to seli«x>l. is required, its Mr. lb»lxTt»«>n retires The F. -t Portland Vhi'lirxüor n receipt goods cheap. *at Chan i ness’ Independen«*. | dated by the O d s e r v e r force. Farm s for Sale. The Yaqufaa Route. WANTED. 5000, V- ?