Foui C ounty O bserver . VOL. I. MONMOUTH, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER U>, 1888. T he wife of Votello Sanchez, a Mexican, gave birth at Pomona, l.oa Augeles county, Cal., to three healthy boy«. The babies are to be caller! Loa Angeles, San (Bernardino and San Diego. TELEGRAPHIC. COAST CULLINGS. AGRICULTURAL. NO. 2G. THE MARKET REPORT. tN E titonk or ih r P rincipal E vents D evoted P r incipally to W ashing ion DEVOIE1* ^ THK IKTKRC8TÌ OF I'.AUMKIU U lliabi N ew A ttracting P ublic I n rKKk_vr. T erritory and C alifo rnia . . ani » S tockmkn . f Q uotations C ar e f u l l y E vert W eek . TI i . Pitt, OLD BENARES. S I h t ** G a u t a m a T a u g h t It.-,.u t 1 O il l ‘ t .U „ »« .| ih y . H ts It E But I bad fnrgotton to speak uf Sar- nath, the old Benares of many c«utu- ries ago. It lies somo four miles out The Bergboff brewerv burned st W H E A T — Valiev, $1 30(3$l 31 of the present city, and is ail cultivat» Hsmpton D Balcom died at S; h >- Nothing pays as well on the farm as ed over, except where great heaps of Fort Wayne, Ind. Loss 1100,000. Walla Walla, $ l 20(3 i 22$. kane Fulls, W. T., from an overdose of a good garden. Til e k e is said to be ene house in broken brick mark the spot where its The motor and car on the South morphine. B A R LE Y '— Whole, $1 10<8l 12$; Tho pencil trees in Arkansas are so Chicago which maintains seventy Side Electric railway at Pittsburg, Pa., cos'ly edifices once stood. A loftv old George Lee was shot and killed by heavily laden with fruit this season ground, per ton, A25 00(327 50. round tow.-r-looking structure, about commercial travelers in a «ingle State, ran away anil wa«completely wrecked. Charles H. Jackson at Alberqucrque, I that much shaking off will have to be O ATS— Milling, 32(333c.; feed, 44 a hundred feet in diameter and over Seven persons were seriously injured, N. M. and whose yearly expenses were made done in order to preserve the trees. @45c. that in height, a solid mass of brick, one probably fatally. A tire broke out at ban Diego, Cal., i An English authority has computed $10$)))0 greater by the passage of the H A Y — Baled, $10(3 $13. marks the spot where Gautama taught A boy at Salt L ike threw a lighted on H street, and destroyed the entire that in the last three or four years Inter-State Commerce law. SEED— Blue Grass, 14$(3l6c.; Tim- ilia religion, and probably beneath it nptch into a coil oil can, causing an block. j more pigs have died iu the United otby, V$(3l0c.; Rod Clover, 14@ 15c. 1 were buried some of bis bones or hair. James Mitchell, a painter, engaged States of cholera than have O k the 16,500 (>er*ons who have explosion, which resulted in die death nf Cleo G irner, agid 5, and Gfliy Jor­ in paiiUing a church at Sacramento, raised in the British Isles. F L O U 1 — Patent Roller, $4 00; A part of its outer casing of stone is 111 visited Sliakspere’s birthplace during don, aged 6 years, and the serious in­ I good condition,exhibiting exquisite de­ Country Brand, $3 75. Cal., fell froiO the scaffolding and met Vermont’s maple sugar crop this the year,$,000 were Americans,thirty- jury of David Jordon. sign and finish in its elaborate aiul inti-i- with instant death. spring • is in i|uantily and quality 1 EGGS— Per doz, 18c. I cate carving. It is said to be over two nine nationalities being tt>presented in Charles W . Waldron, one of the J. 8. Wheeler, a blacksmith, com­ abi re the average, ow iug to recently B U T TE R — Fancx roll, ;>er pouud, thousand years old. and is probably the all. The amount derived from visitors’ owners and managers of the Waldron mitted suicide at Sacto, Cal , shooting intriHluced improvements in its niun- 25c.; pickled, 20(325c.; inferior original “ stupa” from which the pag.w bank of Detroit, Mich., has absconded, grade, 15(325.:. himself through the head with a ufacture. The yield is estimated at fees is about £800 a year. das of Burinuh were modeled, they, taking with him money and securities pistol. fifteen million pounds. C H E E S E — Eastern, 16(320c.; Ore­ however, taking more of a hell form, horse atqjpn from an Ohio farmer variously estimated at from $1)6,000 to The 17 year-old son of Richard The use of commercial fertilizers gon, 14(u;16c.; California, 14$e. it was a touching tiling to sit under $80,000. ; Smith, fell in a tub of boiling water makes it |>ossihle to apply some ma i two years ago came come the other V E G E TA B LE S — Beets, per sack, In a collision between a passenger and was terribly scalded, at Spokane tiure to every crop, and in land that $1 50; cabbage, per lb., 2|e.; carrot«, this old “ stupa,” and go buck iu fancy day by himself, having a saddle and twentoodd centuries, and to imagine and a construction train of the Bur- Palls. W. T. is constantly growing something, this fH*r sk., $1 25; lettuce, pier doz. 20c.; bridWon. H e was traced back over myself listening to the gentle tunes of lington road, near Krum, Iowa, an en- Wr1U 'W j U wi]] vote a tax for the means manuring every year. onions. $1 00; potatoes, per UK) lbs., I this man, who abandoned the luxuries forty miles to the inn where he broke gine and ten cars were totaB.v wrecked. piir e of building a new brick As the farmer sees the wealth of 90c.@$1; radishes, pier doa., 16(3 20c.; of princely possessions, the power of loose, but no one cajjie to claim him. Roadmastei Rose Dennis Gr.tfin and school|lollae, to cost $25,000, .he pres- blossoms in bis fruit orchard, he rhubarb, per lb., 6o. royal position, to become for long years 1 atnek Ready, and a number of oth. rs ent ^ b o o l building being overcrowded. should be reminded that it requires HONEY’ — In comb, ja-r !)>., 18c.;! a recluse, that he might «pin from his P au l D esgranges , of Philadelphia, ... The body of Elmer Alford, who was wn enormous amount of plant food of strained, 5 K*l. tins, per lb. 8$o. brain the thread which hinds and has collected 1,000,000 canceled A (Fork train, running at a high Adrownetl at Long Beach, Cal., came 1 various kinds to make the fruit im- P O U L T R Y — Chickens, per doz.. I unites man to his God; and who, postag» stamps. H e has put them rate of speed ran into a herd of cattle a, hore at lhe plaL.e where be was bath- lure. $4 00(a,6 00; ducks, pier doz., $5 00(3 j after he believed lie hail found near Fort Buford, Minn., on the Man- when tlr0wued. Soaking seed corn in tar water is 7 IK); geese, $6 00(38 00; turkeys, the soft, silken bond, gave liim- up in packages of 50,000 stamps each, itoba road, wrecking seventeen cars. : . . . , , the packages weighing over live Neailv 100 cattle were killed and five -clf up to a life of labor and depriva­ Herman Bostlem died at Los An­ claimed to be an excellent remedy for jien lb., 12$e. the geles, Cal., from opium taken for sup- protecting the plants against PR O V ISIO N S— Oregon hams, 12$c tion while he preached Ills beautiful pounds apiece. It has taken him six I train-men injured, three probably fa- posed suicidal intent. Deceased was ravages of both worms and crows. l>er In.; Eastern, 13(a) 13$c.; Eastern philosophy — teaching loveliness of tall;-. years to make this useful collection. a new comer, and nothing is known of Some believe it to be quite ns effec­ breakfast bacon, 12$c. ;x-r lb.; Oregon spirit, ab-olutr purity of life, love to A collision occurred on the Dayton bis home or family connections. tive as soaking in copperas water. 10(u,12o.; Eastern iard, 10(0)11 jo. pier God and a boundless charity toward B erry M il l e r , of Dade City, Fla., & Michigan road near Lima, Ohio, be­ By far the best potato for late lb.; Oregon, 10$e. Joseph Brown, 9 years old, while all living things. Here close by be killed an alligator fourteen feet long, tween a freight and a special from oiling a windlas used in moving a spring use is the Blue Imperial. It G RE EN F R U ITS — Apples. $ lived for many years, x'omuling a relig­ Ottuwa with a military company on does not sprout readily, but rem ain«, @ 85c.; Sicily lemons. $6 00(a)6 50 ion which bus more v»Luries than any weighing six hundred pounds. W ith­ the way to Columbus. One or two school house, at Han Jose, Cal., had cnmpurut.vely solid until early planted I California, $3 50(35 (K); Naval oreage* other faith professed by n>cn; hero be his head drawn between a boom and a in him was found an aligator six feet cars were broken up and two passen­ *6 00; Riverside, $i 00; Medilerru- preached that exqui-jiw charity which stanchion, and was crushed to death. potatoes are ready for use. gers, one engineer and the conductor long. The vertArae is -is large as a Fire is the best preventive of disease ; ncan, $4 25. Charles Parker, about 25 years old, can give pain to nothing breathing the four year-old steer. The monster was received slight injuries. in orchards and vineyards. If all the I D R IE D F R U ITS — Sun dried ap- breath of life— which can take life was fatally injured at Chico, Cal. He Mr. James Bell, a business man of very savage, and fought most viciously old wood be piled up ami burned it | pleB, 7Jc. per lb.; machine dried, fl)«i from no thing into which God line Chicago, quietly stepped up to Mr. was working on a hay press, wlieu in will greatly lessen disease and insect until killed. 13c,; Italian blow-': breath; vliieh teaches that, no John Stevens, a “ young man about some way the crar.k slipped and fell attacks. It shnuld bo done early in l i e ; piliess plums, on him, crushing his skull. prunes, 10(«) 14c. ; peaches, 12$(3l4c. ; living tiling is so degraded that it may town,” dexterously sliced Iris ear oil the season. raisins, $2 40(32 50. M rs . A zubah F. R yd e r , of Orring- with a pen knife, placed the severed not hold a soul which God has created Two brothers named Schumaker, l)o not force young p>ear trees too W O O L— Valley, 17(3l8c.; Eastern and which can never die. Here he ton, Maine, who is one hundred and member in bis vest pocket and walked tried to swiin across the river at Nap>a, rapidly, as it has been demonstrated Oregon. 9 ^ 15c. lived, win» to-day is worshiped by four years old, was one of sixteen away. Mr. Stevens, it is intimated, Cal., with their clothes on, and George sank when about half way across. It that the blight does not as readily at­ had too ardent an admiration for Mrs. H ID E S— Dry beef hides, 8(310c. ; countless millions as a god. Here he girls to scatter flowers in the open is supposed they were under the in- tack trees that grow slowly as it does | culls, 6(37c. ; kip and calf, 8(3 10c. ; walked and here he sat, uttering those Boll to suit Mr. Bell. those that grow quickly. A grass Mat rain, 10 (a)12c. ; tallow, 3(33$c. grave at a memorial service of George lluenee of liquor. maxiins which soon crystallsed into a0 A serious accident occurred on the crop will soon ruin a peach orchard. Washington. The has a large and in­ A young man named Ernest Slaysa LU M B ER— Rough, per M, $10 0 0 ; faith, and this is claimed to be Q10 Columbus, Springfield & Cincinnati Pick < If all the blossoms that may edged, per M, $12 00; T. and U. “ Light of A«ia.” I sat and thought. teresting cm re) pondence with young R iil way, east of Springfield, Ohio. A was accidentally shot at Pasadena, appear on your young strawberry- ; sheatliing, per M, $13 00; No. 2 floor­ Around me were more than a dozen Cal., by a rifie in his own hands wnile and old persons all over the United train, consisting of eight freight, two He died vines set out this spring. Do not si ing, per M, $18 00; No. 2 ceiling, per little boys and girls, bright, but alt passenger ears and two sleepers, struck taking it out of a wagon. ¿States. almost instantly. He was but 26 years aj>y of the young plants to ^fiuit. M ,$ I8 00; Nvi. 2 rustic, per M, $18 00 ; begging—lithe, healthy and pretty, a broken rail. The engine and every It will injure their growth and lessen J clear rough, per M, $20 00 ; clear P. 4 but nil steeped in poverty and Igno­ T he finest private collection of al­ car were dt railed. The sleepers, both of age and single. S, j>er M, $22 50; No. 1 flooring, |tor rance. and all followers of Bod.Ilia, or A Chinaman named Why Geng ran their productiveness next season. manacs in America is sii I to beowned carrying passengers, were thrown To prevent the sparrows from driv­ M, $22 50 ; No. 1 ceiling, per M, rather the rhftdren of hi* follower*. amuck in lhe northern part ol Fresno, down the embankment. Four pas­ by one of the Justices of the Supreme Cal., scaring women and children. ing the wrens sway bore a round hole $22 50; No. 1 rustic, j>er M, $22 50; How much had his teaching to do sengers were injured. m ai ori iu Court of the United .States. Ttio $2.) 00; over 12 with their degradation t Though Ills Ctlicers chased him in a house writh­ in the box one inch in diameter. The stepping, per _ M, The boiler of a locomotive attached ing on the floor in spasms. The man sparrow could not get into the box inches wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40 philosophy he so beautiful; though his rarest almanac in the country, prob to a Lehigh valley freight train ex­ through so small an entrance, while ably, is one published by W m « Brad­ ploded while going up the mountain died while being removed, and at the the wren would be able to go in or to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to 60, religion fie so full of charity—that extra, $4 01); 1$ la'll, per M, $2 25; quality which proves that man is akiu inquest it was found ho was a leper. ford in 1686. It is in the collection near Wilkesharre, Pa. A brakeman 1$ lath, per M, $2 50. to Deity; though he taught love for God The dead bmly of a man was found out at will. ■of the Historical Si ciety of Pennsyl­ named Joseph Vanhorn, was blown lying along the railroad track at The value of any kind of farm BEANS— Quote small whites, $4 50; and for every thing He lias created, from t! e engine into the woods, 200 vania, and is valued at $550. Bakersfield, Gal. Deceased had been stock is very largely determined by- pinks, $3; bayos, $3; butter, $4 50; vet his religion ha* depressed and re­ feet away. Both of his legs and one .-ren around the de|>ot intoxicated its feeding the first year of its li'e. Limas, $4 50 per cental. pressed hi« followers, lie taught that arm were broken, and his back wae A tornado that left bugs an inch H a hat was found on too of the box Breeding counts for much, though! BALT— Liverpool grades of fine n life of purity w as a life of tranquility injured. He died before reaching car. He apparently had climbed on j every successful breeder knows how | qU(,ted $18, $19 and $20 for the three and of calm, inactive reflection, deep all over the surface of lhe earth home. top of the car to steal a ride, and fell greatly the character of a y oung ani­ sizes; stock salt, $10. Man must constantly step fo»>- is the latest wonder from the solid Mrs. Mullins, of Pittsburgh, was a off, death being caused by coutussion mal is changed by innutritions or im Tbs C O FFE E — Quote Salvador, 17c; ward. H.- -ensf not stand still. 'South. It came near Ninety-Six in witness against Mr. Seholler in a ca-e ' of the brain. proper food. Costa Rica, 18(320c. ; Rio, 18(it20c. ; moment he pauses iu an onward pro­ South Carolina, and the “ varmints" which was to have been tried Tuesday A t Florin, near 8 lenimento, C al, moment tlio dead A party of New Jersey gentlemen [ Java, 27$c.; .ftbuckle’s’s rvasted, 22o. gress, that were unknown species, black, pointed, I afternoon, and Tuesday morning »Mr. an unknown man 7;as run over and who r. turned from a recent visit to weights of the earth from M EA T— Beef, wholesale, 2$(S)3o.; ( Seholler, in order to insure Mrs. Mul- killed by a friight train. The body which lie sprang begin to pull him rough-coated, yet evidontly not pre­ j fins’ absence from court, walked into was cut in two about the middle, the Florida, have decided to introduce the ! dressed, 6c. »sheep, 3c ; dre-sed, 6u.; downward. His mental as well as his cocoanut tree into Florida, and have hogs» dressed, 8<39o.; veul, 6(37c. pared to be bulled through spitEe at her huuse, and, seizing her by the parts being held together ouly by a physical being sprang from u genu of cyclone rates, as they were de .d very liair. cut her throat from ear to ear. . « P i . * » . from Wood I ol“/. PIC K LEU K eg, quoted .. life—side by side with which was the $1 35. Mrs. Mullins being dead, and, Mr. soon after touching the ground. marks on the ties the man was struck germ of decay. When growth stops, I Seholler being in jail, the case was while crossing a trestle and was ! O '1 most farms the manure is too SUGAR— Prices for bhrrels; Golden il... . begins its deadly work. Gau­ unequally distributed to give the best ! not tried. C .6$o. ; extra C ,6|c.; dry granulated, dragged some distance. • A P h i l a d e l p h ia drummer aston­ tama may have caused the “ Light of Some parts are are . manured 7jc. ; crushed, fine crushed, cube and Wm. Mernin, aged 19, « , bookkeeper Som®. ished the people of Onffaba the oilier lh of on. St. Louis county, I li e e » sheriff u c r i u ui uu uic w L tu vj, - , . 0 I---- * 1 ha i v i l v q annually, n nilii heavily lh e garden is one powdered, 7fc. ; extra C, 6|o. ; halves Asia” to spread ovei the mighty East. h livery stable at Nevada, Cal., left ’ , r s it require« mote It wns a light beautiful, poetic, calm day by wearing a live chameleon as a Mo, ., acooiUpaffie I by a posse of depu and I kjxch , * c . higher. i, went to St. Charles to arrest three town, saying be would be back in two and sweet; it was not a light to vivify ties. watch charA. The curious little liz­ A fight' hours. He did not return, however,' ]***>' than a ry other equal area, it is men for stealing 5 ferry boat the dead into life; it was not a light —To teach a young calf to drink, ard was attached to a chain by a thjji with revolvers resulted, in which one | *nd it was discovered that the pHq. | | «.r^ «n d U, a greater portion of hack bini into a corner of the « li et i ami which warms the torpid Into activity. band of gold wound about its neck deputy was killed, and two others lock on an old-fashioned safe at the manu,e- stand astride hi« neck so be can go Il lurked glow and was without intens­ California farmers increased their and nestled in the creases of the tiHilly wounded. The sheriff himself stable iiad been pried off and ahouD neither backward nor forward, having ity. The pale moon rises in the east, drummer’s waistcoat with every indi­ disappeared, and it is not known $5,000 stolen. Hcnnessy, the ljyjer of acreage in prune« this year, but the the pail in reach. Put three linger« iu spreads its mild light over n sleeping whether he wa-t captured by outlaws, the money, is young Mernin’s unBe j unfavorable weather during the blos- world, and all nature continues its cation of contentment. and was very kind lo him. His Homing period diminished the yield his mouth, letting him hold his head or is still running for his life. slumber. The sun rises later; its In­ nephew’s ingratitude has made the 1 considerably. It is, however, expected as high as lie likes; dip up the milk tense rays not only lighten, but warm T he story runs that kissing was in­ with your free hana and pour it into The false work for the siiper-stiuc- old mail almost broken hearted. now (hat the quantity will be double tlie other; it will run down into his nature, and all its children awaken troduced into England by Rowena, ture of the Chesajieake A Ohio rail­ A. F.lletor, whose cabin is near lhal 8anU C.!Hn* month and he will begin to suck. Now from slumber into activity, man and the daughter of Hengist, the Saxon. way bridge ¿jver the Onio, between KJ-an^file, Cal., has been a cripple for counlJr 18 P ^ ' P * 1 Prutle 1 lift the pail up to Ins nose, and us he beast, tree and flower. Buddhism may Covington and Cincinnati was swept In planting out patches of the gets interested gently lower it toward h a t e been the ‘Light of Asin, hut il A t a banquet which was given by the away by a great raft of driftwood that (or somo years and was obliged to His hermaphrodite strawix-rry plants to the ground. He will object to this, «a s not till clone lo tho Mediterranean British monarch in honor of his allies had accumulated at its base, and 350 walk with the aid of two canes. cabin w«s found burned down and on fertilize those that are only pistillate, but you will come it after a little. | » » « » a*««* better brightness was b«m thtOPrincess, after pressing the brim- feet of the iron bridge dropped a dis­ search being m»de for his body it was | it h important to have the two bio«- ! Now begin gently to take your fingers B*at “ the light of the world arose, ing beaker to her lips, saluted and as tance of 100 feet into the stream be- found some thirty or forty feet aw-Hy, soms at exactly the same time. If -. , , , , v . with low. The trestle went down the out of his mouth; you will succeed in Under the sweet, calm light the earth tonished and deliglitei 1 g ten or twelve miles, where some where it had been dragged and par- there is not uniformity in blossoming, this before long, ami Uie calf is broken, lies in the lap of a lethargy, from He the earlier ( r later berries as the case a little kiss, after the manner of her j ^ W;ta ancj,0iej . The iron work tially eaten by mountain lions. - - - which it mav not for ages free itself. had been so badly burnnd that he died may be, will be unfertilized, — ••A had habit once acquired, young UlM,er ,h<) tllB WRrm, burning own people. lies in the river nearshore. Thecom- from his injuries and the lions had | j ri„k bu8ine. B tftUint{ man,’ he said solemnly, “ is difilcu t M lt> th„ West marches with giant . : pany estimate their loss at $200,000. dragged off the dead body to l « d on. ^ for pUntimr, if they are the to break off. It weaken* the wil „rides. -Carter it. H arrinn, in Chicuy» T here was a very peculiar suicide • in . Laney Park, I) .1 Elmira, irtmirs N. N Y’ of F. Dudley Ayre«, A. Lenstein, George ]eRvings from a bin. They may make power, und tnuiby overwhelms and ultl^ Y., the the ^ W. H. Leland, mine brother-in-law owner of Aubarn( Ling, W. O Steele and Walter Adams KO(Xl seed, if well ripened and from destroys its victim.” “ I know it, air,” j other morning. A robi^ redbreast, ^ w)|Q is jn Chica){0 ^ dispose of Some Alloy* of Gold. were seated in the elevator of a build- *trongi thrifty plants; but potatoes responded . the . ywing man; “ there’ s 1 deserted by its mate, sought to drown n,jn’i ng property, was drugged in a sa ing in San Francisco, when a rope that grew small, because their growth tin-habit of tipping waiters, for in» A new alloy of gold and platinum, its misery in death. Taking a long loon bv a bartender and accomplices. gave way, precipitating the elevator Wlii ciKuked by blight or oilier La- stance. The first rip I ever gave was was in the and the occupants to the bottom of *trlIct,ioii 0f their leaves, are Worthless a nii ke|, and the sensation was one of upon whleh Mr. W. C. Roberts Austoa has boon engaged for some time, takes I«« rear 'vb" of , the sslnon, s r r i in , h an : alley, and the shaft. Lenstein, who was the ^ 8et. j i unadulterated pride. Now, If 1 give Are on being thrown into the water, he swung swung 1 it 1 around iu toitsn tst, he annum « a watcb an(] money were gone. His worst injured, received a compound anvtbiii“ less than a halt a dollar, 1 bough, then wound it around Ins neck in(a werP cutting the Hesh off fracture of the left leg, beiides being I The sour currants are sure to be and the gold is released as a black teel Lkea sucak thief.’ ’ — Fuck. l«)wdcr, differing from ordinary gold and expired. The body hung iu the |li§ fi„g,.r to get a diamond ring off. internally hurt. A lams had his k ft j plagued with tlm currant worm. Look A little ln-1 ebore H tve your mpply of white belle- iu its projs-rty of readily forming aurl* tree all d y and many pedestrians He resn ed, when they heat him and ankle broken. Hleele received bruises out' f° r them. [ got away, Leland bus identified the on Gie head and body, and Ayres had dusted on the leaves 1- an efficient ixjre on ban'1, and when the currant hydride. This abnormal form of gold, gnzed at it curiously. one of h s ankles twi,ted. ¡protection. The worm never get« a worm makes its 1 p ¡earance “ go for which becomes normal metallic gold os men. ... ,, . , . ... . . second -taste of this insect destroyer. him" at once. Hu lias an appetite heating, is said to have been long util­ M m Gr.gley was riddled bub early i(1 th„ m„ rnlI1 g. while R ussia leather is made in Conner * | Jacob M x'er, a piano dealer of like a school-boy. and gets in his work ized by the Japanese. They obtain it leu at James 8. Copeland . ranch £ Qu lh/ , emTei of lhe b, * bes. Louis, * llo „ - committed , suicide. rdeaux wine is nianufacturtd Ht. , * in short order. Promptness in head­ from its alloy with copper, with which icut ; B' w e* ux . ||e enttred bis wsreruoms and began near > ma. Cal., by J&mea Copelar*d, in California; Italian marble 1« q u r tuning a piano. When the work was Jr., and Mr. Hop|>er, whom he tried to The tomato is commonly grown in ing off his depredations is the price of they form ornamental metallic design» upon knife handles, etc., and then re ried in Kentucky; French luce l? conipl> ted he sat down at the instru- kill. He first stole a watch anti pistol ! gardens on soils made much too rich, currants. Make a map of y >ur orchard, mark­ lease the dnrk-colored gold by a pick­ woven in New Y'ork ; Marseilles linen mwnl , n,i played a “ dead march ' A s from Copeland’s house, and fired two The vine attains remarkable vigor, If onlv ing the location of each tree and what ling process. In this way, they havs i. nrodneesi in Massachusetts; Eng- the last note died away the report of a -hots at yon.ig Coj eland and Hopper but the fruit ripens slowly. 1« produced in * - H pistol rang out when a couple of work- missing hi* aim. Mis. Copeland and moderately fertile soil were used for variety it it, and you will have no produced an appearance of transpar­ liah cAAtimcre » macie m ^ e \ m fll ni§i,jng up found Moitar lying (ton, and Hopper took refuge in the growing tomatoes the crop would need to depend upon labels, which ency in a metallic representation id ■Lire; P«*ri«mn art work com*'* from a ^ g n}l the piano, with a upper r o r y of the Cook houne, fiom ripen «arlier, and lie less subjijct to are liable to lie destroyed or injured. water, at a place where in the design which they opened fire on Griglcv, rot, though this disease is apt to take A glance at your diagram or map will a duck was represented plunging hall shop in Boston; Spanish mackerel are (bin itr^aln uf blood running from killing him instantly, The coroner's tue first ripening fruit o some kinds sh< w at once the character of any tree Its body below the surfacs of a » ‘.ream. caught on the New Jersey coast; ar.d WOund in his temple. He died in in your orchard. of tomatoes on any soil. —Arrantu r Tramiur jury « xoueraled them. Havana cigars are rolled in Chicago, .ew ui . dg . xs vised “siT' '"I J iz -‘yum ”—1