| F O R E IG N G O S S IP . __At a ll upon see-rut liia l OR.SPINNEY THP MODEL HOTKLAOr»A|N . HAN Aa the p rinciple o f love ia the m ain principal in the heart o f tbe real C hristian, so the labor o f the ChrUMian o f love is the m ein busine life. ."O c ta v e Thwnet," a muni' signed to many excellent magazine stories, is a i pseudonym. The true name is said to M A K T I .I N ii I H S C O V K H Y . I !*• Alice French. the daughter of Judge T he d iscov ery by the inhabitants of a locality French, of HaveriDort, la. 0 T h is m a g n ific e n t h ote l c o n t a in s a w o r ld a ; ___ l y l t a i i n i n t l a i l i 0 o f c o m fo r t . It is n o t e d fo r th e e le g a n c e F ' o r R h e u m a t i s m . —'Th<‘ Australian market gardeners o f its a p p o in t m e n ts a n d the e x c e lle n c e o f art' being mint'd b» ( hintint- cheap In- ERAND NEW . STRO N O PROOFS U s c u is in e . W e a lth , s c ie n c e and art are here c o m b in e d to re. d e r ei j .y m e n t >>or. fit Y ea rs. S.wXos U1 * » I »* »***• . w rraa t»«J W 1»»» »*••» « ys*r»~I Ot g u e sts p e rfe ct. K ach d e p a r t m e n t is hitherto uuvisited by the pestilent scourge of deucy, k e ., due toex>'esses or abuse, ciirtsi. ' " A repenting cannon hat been tried fs v lU rS.«ai»llM» ot Uo kip I •“ , “r* i v e r and agu «. that it exists in their very m a n a g e d w ith th e m o s t d ilig e n t waU-h- l HI «INK«»-LIKE ort'EK. S i g n Jacob. OU _____ * o nODD at Briwachart, in Ht-itfiuni, which can midst, is d ecid ed ly startling. Such discoveries Y v w n v m s n u( yOutniujfoUl*?or lijo* Kor many years the m anufacturers o f Dr. fu lln e s s , s o th a t th e m o s t e x a c t in g g u e s t I S Y ea rs. M .bl.filll MIck M .r* IM». are m ade at every season. In every part o f the c a n n o t fail to be sa tis fie d . F r o m th e ele- rretion ehould avail theiuselv'-. o f our trestmao thro» twenty-seven ithoU a minute. Huge's Catarrh Item edy have offered, in good Mr JOfifi J BMITM ImsUy Mlcilf »s. M U nion. Subsequently, when it is ascertained, A positive fc r e gimr,lilt's-,t in every case. SyS,j|Ta aMlctoS with rk.sjnstt.si 1» f a r . ki. esis ws. fuilh. $'00 reward fo r a case o f Nasal i atarrh g a n tlv fu rn is h e d r o o m s , to th e b o u n t to u s ly Urinary nffd » enereal I ms .- hs .- h all unnatural d i Somebody now propose» to kill ofl as it invariably is at such times, th r o u g h th e which they cannot cure I ho lleniedy is sold s u p p lie d tahle, e v e r y t h in g is a s n ea r p e r s-onossc.l tscsr.bl. k. two pkyMctsa. kst w s charges, prumptly and safely cured. “ valuable experien ce of som e one who has been by I« Jscob. Oil u t t u r.œ.lnel «o «w» tiic Auatraliun ruhbita by introducing benetilted and cured, that H ostetter’s Stomach by druygists at only 40 cents. I his w onderful fe c tio u » « poaaible. Tt e c e n t r a l lo c a tio n » McOfiXABT Drssslu Hitters is a thoroughly etflcacious eradicator remedy has fairly si tallied a world w ide repu o f th e B a ld w in m a k e s it c o n v e n ie n t fo r poiaonoua guaea into their burrowa. j t RK#> KiflnfTB or Blafltler, Weak Buck ■ ta r e I SHA. fio Irssck Mtck Msy »1, 1»»» o f the m alarial poison, and a means of fortify - tation. If you have dull, heavy headache, ob­ th o se v is itin g th e c it y e it h e r o n b u s in e s s HebiUty. Wasting o f Bexiiuf btrcugtU, etc cuii? PaU .r u so WM tsk.n wtth Intsromstory Kb.s o f the nasal passages, discharges and reMtored to he ait hy vigor. ** cur^l Indian corn la extenaively raised m * the system against it. a feelimr of more struction a.tlam u l •uS.r.S tw. w..k. wu cur.S by o», o r pleasure^________ _____________ falling from the head into the throat, som etim e» security and tranquility reigns throughout the N.-B. IVrHunH unuble to viKit us niuy be bottl. of St J.cob.011. Mr. f I ViPDXCÁk. in Knifliali parka and gardens aa an w h ole neigh borhood. Hesiae» the febrile form s profuse, w a'ery. and acrid, at others, thick, at tlieir h«»men, by oorreniumdence. AltMijcliieM an!* *T OfiuáalSTS ANO DIALEX» tenaciou'i, m ucous, purulent. Lleody aim put- i net ruction* Bent by m aiiorexpre«a. Conaoitatin> G R A N D B X C IK S IO N E A ST ornament. The climate doca not allow o f malarial disease, dum b aguu and ague < « • $ . Bend 4 cent* iu Htampg fur ] he Ytrnng Mafit are rem oved by the potent action of the Hit rid; if the eyes arc weak, watery and inflamed; V ia Northern Pantile Katlmad. to Colum bus. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER C0 . Baltimore. MA. Krlcud ur Ouldo |o Wedlock. tile aeed to ripen. ters, to which science also g iv es its sanction as if there Is a ringing in »he ears, deafness, Oh>o‘ and points Esst. T he N orthern Paciuc a rem edy for rheumatism, dyspepsia, cons ipa h a c k in g or coughin g to clear the throat, ex­ K in " t ’ h a rloH of Roumanla U one tion. liver com plaint, debility, kidney troubles, pectoration o f offensive matter, together with I tail road will, on MepL 3d. L h and jtb , sell from Rather than the Che«|s 1 C The I OLDEST MEDICINE In the W 0BL all ooints in t Iregon and W ashington a round of t i ie m o a t e x p e r t trout iiahermun in and all diseases im paiiing the organs o f d i­ s i b . , from ulcers; the voice being changed and trio ticket to Columbus. Ohio, for *st), good to P ortland BusiNthS has a nasal twang; the breath offensive; smell gestion and assimilation. Probably Dr Isaac Thompson return to October 31st. This is the low est ruD K u r o p e , and aehlom faila to paaa a fe w and lasie im paired; sensation o f d ii/in ess. with COLLEGE. ev er made from the Pacific coast to the Last, incut d depression, a hacking cough ayd general PortlamL Oregon. w e e k s each auminer in the region o f Indiana is to have a soldiers and sailors' debility, you are suffering from nasal catarih. and the Northern Pacific is the route se lect'd m onum ent to cost $211.000. pe. ieel equ ipm ent, I n« -ni-ah instruction, t.» of California, G.-eiron x.nl W fll-a to c k e d h ro o k a . T he m ore com plicated your disease the greater hv thexleparlmeuta & ’ *gUiii Territory. A special tram will list'eil iepiit.iU nn.gr "»in g noim larity. Business Tilia article if hi"! carefully prepared, physician', n » tiie num ber and diversity o f sym ptom«. \Vtw Ll __^ ^ g _ the Pacific Shorthand, Cnn.moii School and Penm mthip Dtp ’ i W h it e K lep h a n t o f S ia m , L ion o f Kng- Thousands o f cases snuually. without m «oi- i...i Fm*^ ,'mnand Sept, _ ith, carryin I here la a legend current among riplion, uud ha« been in constant use fur neoriv» r.:en’ s. S'U'lents adm itted at anv tim e. ( at. ce ntury, an. 1 notwithstanding the many other prt-nii coast ft- A. It. through to St. Paul, where they ------- —ault in iaucl, D r a g o n o f Chin*, M i n f f h a i f o f tbe above »vmptoim*. tiie pcaaanta of Huvaria that the long Ilona that have been iutri»uiicu«l iiiuj th« market »2 will escort C ow iia n d er-in -t'h ief John P. Uea, Ill- ,e nnd »t'S 'llliens nf iM'llineiixhip sent flee la n d , B a n n e r o f 1 erwia, < r e o c e n l ? f consurnpiion. consutnpiion. and »m l end end in in the m e grave. grave. No di J. 4. WKSI'O.Kor’ i . ». P. »UHSTUOMi. Pris. ffaJe of this article is constantly increasing If th« Hi life of Kuiaor W ilhelm waa due to a Ifo u b le K agle o f HUHSIS, rit& rof L hl(w ^ to t oluaibus. ” fiis rate is open for e v e r y b o d j. «ease 1» so coinm on, more d eceptive and u .Il- r ctioas are followed it will never fu.il We partial, , gi-roits. or less understood, or m ore unsuecess- Special train will consist o f Pullm an Palace myateriout pliilter of which hia Im­ C ir c le o f J a p a n , H a rp o f K rin . lariy invito Ih»* attention of physicians to its ineru* U sleeping cars. Palace D ining cars. P al»«» Day F R A N K a A T o g e t th e se b u y a b o x o f th e g e n u in e fully treated by physicians. John L. T hom pson. Sons ft Co.. T K o Y . N y C oach eA an d Jrtt tourist sleeping cars. For S I E I N W A Y . S ^ / ^ e r , Koenlsi perial Mujeaty alone poaaeaaed the ae- D r . C. M< L a n k ' s C ki . kbkatko L ivku —--------- — —- • inform ation and Pullm au reservations, call ou Ptauo»; Burdett OrguuB, baud iastrumeuts. 'jOige«. cret. F it t a Drice ¿5 c e n t», a n d m a il u s th e o u t - C hico has ju st incorporated an electric light Btock o< Sheet Music and Books. Bands aiMipll lied at or address A j , CHAHLTON, _____ Eastern Price* MATTHJAM GRAY IXi . 206 Post Cardinal (iihbona ia aaid to be the s id e wrapper w it h y o u r a d d re s s , G p iaiiily and m otor m anufacturing com p a n y , Btreel, fl»n Frandaoc Ass’t Gen. Passenger A g i N. P. It. K . s t i m . s k N D IS E A S E S . favorite of Kngliah. (icA ian and Kua- w r itt e n , a n d 4 c e n t » in s t a m p » . ^ W e w ill No. 2 W ashington cor. Front, Portland. Or. th e n m ail y o u th e a b o v e list w it h a n e le ­ lly return matt. F u ll D e a r r fp ilo a W h a t ape< ta cle is m ore d is g u s t in g th an e ni'»st l-.iegsui nloua runner, Liver I d vigoriTor, tonic Tni aian carinnala for the higheat office in g a n t p a c k a g e o f o le o g r a p h ic an d c h r o ­ iiv'tizer known, known. The The flr-f fir-f Bitters Kirtcra cootalninc cnntnlnina I i..„. ’__ aH «na M oo 4 j * b New Tailor My*!*« of ilrr** A|ippfiz*r run ever ve. th a t o f a m an o r w o m a n w it h a a k in d is- C aillas. MOODY k CO.. Cincinnati. O. tizgxl iu America. J .r.ALLE\hrug*Ut*CheiiAlst.St.Paul.Mjniu the church when the Pope I.eo diea. m a tic carda. T r y G k k m k a fo r breakfast. eaae w h ic h ahovva it s e lf ill p im p le s aiuJ F t. km i n i ; B r o s ., P it t h b u r o , P a . An American Pope would be a decided b lo c h e s o n ha n d -ip arm a , fa ce a n d n e c k i M ia « im p ly im p u re b lo o d . Sts; w h a t B r a n d - innovation. A boy o f fifteen has been killed by driuking Finest and most costly illus­ subscribers already ? W h y not M A K E IT A M I L L I O N ? r k t i i ’ s P i l l s d id fo r a c h r o n ic c a " c : - Of tiie |ti. .inn p e r - o n a who viaited whisky in New burg, N. Y ._________ F'or fo u r y e a r s I w a s in th e M o u n te d To introduce 1 1 into a million fam ilus we offer the trations by the best artists Shake«peare'a birthplace during the lu f a n t r v in th e U . S. A r m y , r e s id in g d u r »&i ii 1 1 ri y ou know the keen delight in the country. in g th a t tim e p r in c ip a lly in T e x a s . A l ­ J ______d eaome appetite, hole laat year 5,. value. fle a »« read the follow in g: “ I used A factory in« pec tor found a woman Scott s Kiuulsinn for an obstinate t ough w ith in tile Hast Knd of London who waa H «m orrii»ge, Ixms of A ppetite, Km aciation, t T he berry crop o f Oregon is very large this Sleeplessmsw. etc. AU of those have now left, season. working sixteen hours a day making and 1 believe your Emulsion has saved a case o »» lien a threatening lung disorder. waistcoat buttonholes at tiie rate live f well develoned Consum ption." T. J. F in d Shows its first proclivity. LkV. M. D „ 1-ono Star, Texas. for id. A fur cape-maker told him. Do not let it cross the bord er— "Y es. s i r ” said fo p p in ja y , em phatically. »Juell it with activity. ‘ •I work from eight to eight, and earn Oraball is a man o f lim ited means, but un M any a patient, youn g or olden. five «hilling« a week, sometime» leas. lim ited m eanness ” Owes a qu ick recovery P U R E S IL K 75 CENTS AU to Dr. F ierce’» Holden I have nothing to do for aix months in COTTON L O S IN G A F O R T U N E . .1 0 C E N T S M edical D iscovery. Spinney & N ERVOU 8 85| Y O U N G M E N ■v«,’rinti fron> the M ID D L E -A G E D M E N ^ ; ^ . 2 EL ELEBRATED EYE WATE ALLEN S IRON TONIC BITTERS FREE 400,000 PHILADELPHIA LADIES’HOME JOURNAL F R O M N O W to J A N U A R Y , 1889 ON LY |0 CENTS Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Jo sia h A llen’s W ife , Mary J . Holm es, M arion Harland, Rose To rry Cooke, W ill Carleton, Robert J . Burdette, Eliza R. Parker, Kate U p so n Clarke, M rs. J o h n S herw ood Florlne T h a y e r M cC ra y, Dr. W m . A . H a m m o n d , C hristine T e rh u n e Herrick; CAMPAIGN HANDKERCHIEFS. Republican Flags. DEMOCRATIC BANDANAS. the year." It la said, ia actually dearer la Ifueiios Ayres than in London. In­ d e e d , tiie people of the former city complain that while the beat of Argen­ tine mutton ia «old to London con­ sumer« at nine cents a pound, they can not get the best at all. but have to pay te n cents to twelve cent» per pound for Inferior mutton. The general jollity at a wedding in Ajaccio, Coraica, was disturbed the other day by tin* appearance of two gendarme« who stopped a dunce and insisted upon arresting one of the dio a. a young woman. She tried to esi and then drew a pistol, but one of t.ic officers shot her. and then itwns found out that «lie was ( 'amlllo Noeolai, a not>'d bandit, and no woman at all. Prince«» de Mctternich is one of the ugliest women imaginable. She said of herself when in Paris: “ I am the hest-dre«»ed monkey in the city,” and she really had tiie courage to found the "Club of Ugly Women.” a club in which there were only five member«. A eorrcs|Mindent describing her, say»- "The shoulder«, uncovered to tiie last degree, were ornamented witli scars of every size and shape, the mouth w a s like that of an African, but the grace and elegance could not lie de­ nied." The interest in modern science is rapidly iucrea«lng in China, and a "scientific t«>ok de|>ot," instituted three years ago for spreading useful literature throughout tiie empire, is growing in favor. About 150,000 volumes have been sold, reaching the most distant parts of China, Corea and Japan. About 200 w orks have already been translated into Chinese under foreign management, to which about '¿oil native works have been added. - M e a t. A The TAFPTAR M nplt' BREAKFAST. F oim I of H a rd y nim I l .o v i i i f K a rr. I went into one of the stnriF-hnilt re- oesses, where several of our TartnA were crouching round h snntH gm -s- risit lire, anil waf eonsidei'Hlily edilied by watching them rookinyPnm! dis­ patching their morning n^Hat. lo Itegin with, n very dirty «•opper vessel was put on tiiellO' nnd tilled with some green weed like nettles, hurley flour uud witter W hile one of the men «tim 'd this pettage round ami round with it wooden Indie another prodtteed some rnw tnnwt a bit of the d o tiij I had shot. This lit' protN'edt'd to tear up into small strips »nil throw them on tiie lire, I'VeA now a d then pop­ ping a raw lump into hi» mouth nnd lliastientlng it with tlte greatest ap­ parent gusto. Kvnn the hits on tin* tils' were ipiiekly di«|«»aed ol after being merely signed As soon ns the pottage was eonsidt'red ready it was ladled out into little wooden eu|«>, like tht> whisk» " q neighs" of the H / h lands, minus the handles, which each man produc'd from inside the breast of his dirty woolen coat, and gulped up from them with a prodigi­ ous amount of noise After being re­ plenished a g iiin and again until the pot was emptied, the cups were care- full» licked clean and rt'de|>o*iUxd from wit,'tie,' they had been taken Another course of flesh was about to be par­ taken of after the manner of the flmt, but a regard for my own ap|>etite fo r breakfast prevented my w a i t i n g t o see it discuss,-d. These hardy T a r t a r « a re quite indejiendent of any other d is h e s lieyoml their little wooden h o w la . In these they inix tlieir sw/foo (meal m a d , from barley) with a l i t t l e w a t e r a n d salt and make an e x p e d i t i o n * r e p a s t o l it whenever they feel h u n g r y . I n d e e d , t h is k in d of u n c o o k e d p o r r i d g e *eem > to b e their s t a p l e fo o d . b ta c k u 'v e U . Jingo«»*« T he S to ry o f u P o o r .»Ian W h o »lig h t H ava H ern W o rth M illion ». "There is i» tide in tiie affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.” A white-haired man quoted that and told this story: “ You don't remember the Knima mine. She w its at one time the crack property in the market. I don't remember whether the mine ever was really worth any thing or not, but there was a time in its history when the stock brought twice its par value. A »peculator by the nuine of Lyons was in it. and he, in company with u number of prominent men, bulled the stock to tilt' highest possible notch. One of Lyons’ acquaintance» came to me one day and asked tne to lend him |¿00. T had a little shoe business then, and was making a fair living, but I didn't have many $200 bundles to distribute among my friends. He of­ fered as security 10,000 shares of Emma,' the par value of which, 1 be­ lieve, was #100 per share. It wasn't selling for any thing then, hut this friend said it w as hound to go to par, if not above. I told him I hud no use for mining stocks. I couldn't pay for shoes with certificate«, no matter how pretty they were. He said he must have money, and asked me if I couldn't let him have $00. I told him 1 would «'commodate him so far. and gave him the money, but look no security. The next day I heard the stock was in de­ mand for a small price; the next, day my neighbors were buying it, and in a week every «body had some of it. 1 tried to see my friend, and sent him word that I'd let him have the $200 for the stock, hut could not roach him for nearly two weeks. Then ho came into my store to pay me the #.50. I wanted some of his stock, hut ho said he had sold all he intended to si'll below pi.r, and P tnigh^ have all I wanted s ^ $100. I refused to buy at that figure, hut inside a month other people wore payiog that. One day an­ other friend offered me a lot at #12.5. I had got the fever hy that time, and I mortgagiPl about every thing I had to take his offer. If you know any thing about mining «took you know what happened i i me. The Emma took a • udden tgrn and went out of sight so fast I didn't©«»« #1 of my investment I never recovered myself after that, and only a month ago I was so Hard pressed for money I had to borrow #.50 of R»e frient? I hadQefitsed to lend #200 to on the 10,000 Emma. It looks now as if I never will be »hie to pay him hack. - {'h t r n g o .Yrtex. Brow n Does y ou r w ife keep her tem per very wellt J on es—D m - u r n - e r - s o m e , but 1 get the m ost o f it. _________ ITCHING FILE8. S ymptoms Moisture; Intense 1 toiling and stinging, most at night; woise by scratching If allowed to c<*i tinue tumors form, which often Meed and ulceiat«, becoming very sore Hwxrsa's O istm kst stop« the Itching and bleeding, heals ulocratiou, and in mxtly cam's remove the tumors. It is equally efficacious in curing all Sxin Diseases. DU. SWAYN’ K A SON. Proprietor», Philadelphia S w a v k i ' s OlSTWANT cai t»e olrtained nf'drugglst« Sent by mall for 50 (Tent*. Cleveland or Harrison Campaign But­ tons, 25 Cent». Each. M EN S’ FUR N ISH IN G COODS. « a * K K A H X K Y N T It K E T . N. F . Order*by m ail prom ptly fllltd. WELL DRILLS Sold on Trial ! DiUardin a U fa Kaamor has a m arked rffhet on the sexual organ i, restoring the torpid nervea. and -»«'thing irritability It t» the only reliable ar.d effective rem edy that we have. It la very p alatable also. (V ice »1.30 a borila All druggista- NA HM! Hiv VI AIM iaMtxiumtcd* *rr * ervwt*ii*"d fruit t 'a i l i m r t l r . Ü A V B I V ltw M arv a d i$rov«ry of to Ü» nimicai pmfwion f investm en t sm all, profit« large. Send 20o fo r m oilin g ilartr» illu strated Cstnl gue with full particu lars. Man­ u factu red by GOULDS A AUSTIN, THE COW BRAND. CHICACO, ILL. Ö A K lN ß It» miporior excellence proven in millions of homed for more than & quarter of a century. It in used by the United State« tlovemment P.ndnrwd by the heada'of the (iret».t Universities an the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful !h *Mee d Cream Baking Powder do«« uot contain Amn>-*i.ia, Lime or Alum Sold only in cans. PRICK BAKING POWDKR CO >KW OfiTH’AMO. MX vfcOUIH. GRIND EXCURSION EAST V I A Nor(Jiern I'acific Railroad! ------- TO-------- C o lu m b u s , O h io . AND P O IN TS E A S T. ---- TO DELICIOUS BISCUITS I Successors to the IM M IG R A T IO N A SSO C IA ' T IO N OK C A L IF O R N IA , 415 MONTGOMERY STREET. S. f „ CAL A B S O L U T E L Y PUFiE. ACRK8I Andei-Moii M lra m o n to lir a e im o a d H a a lie n a l‘ o iu l H r ) « WHOLESOME BREAD or D w ig h ts C ow -B rand S oda ^S aleratus . KoHonthal C olon y . Temi ma < 'oloi.y U.4HM» M on te V I n I h “ Shasta 1..YOO I I t e h e N la I .lit h e r a n N h ln g le t o » n " MAKE ---- USE W e are offerin g the follow in g inCJfO, 40. 80 or j lflO acre Karins: PERFECT »A®! D W IG H T ’ S / 1/ S O D A 1417 At I8U L a k e « 4 ., C. H. STREET & CO., B reakfast and D in n e rP a rtie s HomeCook- ing, Dainties and Desserts. 'l eas, Suppers, Lunch­ eons and Receptions. Gives explicitly all the little detail* women want to know. Tells how to enter­ tain guests, how to serve refreshments, what to have, and and how to make it. H ow W om en Can Make M on ey —By E lla N ew F ash ion s—By M rs J ames H L ambert . R odman C hurch . Talks W i t h M others —By eminent physician». H ints on H om e D ressm aking - By E m si a M H oopkk Greatly E N L A R G E D and IM PR O V E D . Instructive articles on “ H ow to Appear W e ll in Handsomely printed on fine paper I n a » and profusely illustrated. | d U rO^OS* S o ciety ," “ H o w to Talk W e ll and Im prove jrour Grammar.“ CURTIS PUBLISHING CO., PHILA., PA. FOR EVERY PURPOSE. ALWAYS 1.420 4I.4MH» UNIFORM AND FU LL WEIGHT. Be «uro that there 1« » picture o f a Cow on your packa the beat Suda made. IH INNI 1.020 Kern «.4444» San LiliaObiapo l o l l Tu Inni MIMMI M artin M immi »ml you will bars THE COW BRAND. D W IG H T ’S _ SALERATUS Other laud* for general farm ing, fruit grow­ ing or Mtock raining. A HO.MK K<*K K V K K Y B O IIY HKCURK « hom e on eaay term* in (he eou n tri, while retaining j o u r preaenf reaidence. poaition and a»larb? 10. 20 or m ore acrea o f land, with or without a houae. on the installm ent plan iu one of onr colonies; we w ill plant the sam e ID > o r ie l’ w ith fruit trees o r r ii-in grapes and will keep it in good cond iuon until full bearin g with or w ithout irrigation; these lands lie north or south o f San F rancisco, in the coast or interior counlies, nesr o r distant from r»fl- roart or town and vary in price. ( '. H. S T K K K T A t ().. s u o e s s e r s to the Im m igralion A ssoc taUon of '»Allforma. 41.» M ontgom ery street. Send for particulars and full descriptions. O! YES, Y ES ! C E R T A I N L Y ! A singed cat dread» the ftre. IQilead guilty. I am «elling a “ ne»v fangled" machine LO O K A T I T A IN 'T I T A D A IS Y ? “ SEALCbF The Northern Caeiflc Railroad will, on Sept. .?d. Ith and Mh. sell from nil |>oin(8 in Oregon ami W ashington a round trip ticket to C olum ­ bus, Ohio, for NORTH CAROLINA' ______ PLUG C U T good to «'tu r n to October 31 at. T his is th» low eat rate ever m ade from the Fiioitlc coast to the i a - t and the Northern W3ni?Vl* the route sr- ieeted by the d epa rtn ieig M W m ialiforala Ore gon and »VashingtoiiMV^ffimtlYi A special traiti will l r a « ! ji g p t » n d Sept. 4th, carryin g the Facitic coaaTi^j A H. through to * (5 I*11** l(»»'P»tohè peevish and St. FauL w h e ie they will escort fon in ia n d e r in t h i e f John P. Ilea, to f o i l in bus. Thia rate PRrnmoiint, ami to play the sovereign is open for n r r y b o d y . Kor inform ation and Pullm an rescrvxUons. call on or address i»t every turn, does hut blast the bless A. D. C H A R L T O N . ing* of life and swagger away his own Ass't Gen. Passenger A g t N P. K. K.. enjoyments: and not to enlarge upon ' No. 2 W ashington M.. cor. Front. Portland. Or. the folly not to mention the injustice of Mich behavior, it is always the * *lgn of a little unhenevolent temper. It is disease and discredit all over, and there is not a particle of greatness in it. A rtis tic N eed lew ork - Finely Illustrated Every thing new and original Edited by an expert Fat terns guaranteed correct and reliable and so clearly explained and illustrated that a novice would have no dimculty in working them Interior D ecoration s— By M rs A R R amsky , Profusely Illustrated. New Ideas and Original Designs The B U Y EBB' G U ID E it Issued March Mid- Sept., each year. It la an ency. olopedia of useful infor. t maticin for all who pur­ chase the luxunoe or the necessities of Ilfs. W s can clothe yo« and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to rids, walk, dance, sleep, eet. fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sites, styles and quantlttea. Juai figure out what Is required to do all theel'thln*» COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the B U Y E B 8 ' O U ID E, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay poatacex VIAiM art* a buon to *v©ry MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. household 111-114 Muhigan 1 y $ ou $, Chicago, Q i N A M B I R4g P I4»R are a moat deliriou s lavaUve or purgati; e. prepanal from fruit and IM rtemluma tç,ooo in u*a, i rjp'tahle* «0 year« K»taUi-hed N« « N A B.» F l » . , m . I prrfeotlr ___ I letented Steel Tuning Pe­ hamileaa that they may be admmlatervd « lili Ih in i»'» other Piano, hy a hich »Mir rixr. « entire safety ----- y vo to an in in rani. fa n t •Ur i In tune » _______m d f,.f 100 ; no« affr»-UU AIT* BO aciOUB tO by t limafe. Nownoi lo Bplit, break, rnell, shrink. a d u itf^ a j % •ing^dow will jiroTf I heir value. ETnk'k, demy% or »ear » u« . we guarantee IH D e on* bo aU 'gantlv p re Ml ( aera, S «trines, it • üble retealm« perod the! »hey need only to be presented to fant RtwewrM « [ kevi; the Fam»>«:s ANTISKI.1« I ^ Uw eablle ».hw M ie e necee In »vary h o n ^ ,r' a* gne. free T. M. ANTISK1X PIANO CO., Manufa.'turera. i*U,i feti» w$ Hall. Mar cent« a box. IH mc PIAN0S.Í Ut and «tveaià «netta» afcnuMlM. # $ THE “ ADVANCE” THRESHERS AND ENGINES ULu“ ™ n,pe the S f a - F a n g l e d A d v a n c e N r p a r a t o r to be the bent irraL in-saving, rsst- _____ Thresher _ . an , d — _ ic o Separator e p » r s u ir ev er ad ' eet nioat durable e r m ade. Hut. ------------- r e m e m b e r , it fs not an e x p e r f m e n t a l m achine, aa the O l d F o g y m acliines are. Y ou a*^ w ell avvan o f the tim e lost IthiJ you have to pay fori in experim enting with O l d V o w y m achines. T h e »«*»% F a n g l e d T t o r c o b - c r l e a d « the way. T he g row lin g and kickin ig o f the Old F og y agen t« is only equaled by the am oun t o f grain kicked out Tn the straw by the 4 O ct F o g y m achines. O f course, if you dear a* a n y ^ r ic e * 0Y^u'cailn'THtfrtrd euppli > ° '‘ » ' Jour ow n prti e ; but their m achines are r * - ^ - r W ithout exam ining the A O V A N C B . F o i , a m e n t a if t ^ v « m I T ^ a u w " ls »n d 4 »ld F o g y i - h . A sk tbe 4»ld r .? * r iu Z iT " ^ m i-h in e a n T L w 81^ - F a n g ie d tna. bine and let you see which is the beip dMfideriiiameritfi^if^he “eV" exai. J" ine had- ,0 court records in rel­ Please the O l d V og|#*_ m plan. ago o a man built a a r a - t a n g l e d m achine » » ld J l x . ! M anv , » year* >ears ag oaded a steam engine. O co u n try . Ou n a t « a n ?^ L C J . - i n. 0.W’ k « " d said they w ould r n l n th e d m ma! I i l ia i ? , jiact i ? t all s T i c è a â p L e l c . o * « » *•»•’ « » m e « ■ > » K em . m ber, the n e n - f a n g l l i e c c u d achine max nine ia nast all e x p e r i m e n t I n g . » hile 4 »ld F o g , a m achines are being ex- perim ented witli «11 the tima, and a at J o u r e i p i a s r , Do not fool w ith them any longer, hile y o u r g ra in ia g oin g to »» g a t e . R e m e m b e r t h e n e w - f n i i x l r d m a c h in«» in u n lit n»> m em ber. S M O K I N G TOBACCO ‘elected with great care from the choicest ti> b a cco regions o f N orth Carolina. S m o k e s C o o l L sts L o n g D o s s not b l o w o u t t h s P ip e I It la the undisputed leader o f H u g Cu sm okin g Toba*'Co throughout the w orld. ----- - , --------------- « 7 agents saying t fi e con tra ry does not m ake it so. Investigate. I r a n p r o v e a l l I an fb e riiS S ; W O O nw i KV PO W R A It w ill pay you » A nu m ber o f msao- Big ( f baa riTen a n t e » aal sailsfartica la ths curs of G onorrhea awS UleeL I prescribe Hand feel aaft la recoin me Dd- tn ( It to all eulfSrera » J. ST07F.E, fi Deeefer, IIL m u '* . * 1 . 00 . . Sold hr Drug*lam © P T o « S a D a y Sample« worth »1.1». m n c . JTk f l Un«« me un 1er the truer, tret, »\rite Ba. « w “ « n « i i S arfirr R I t aí» . x H 11---------- ■ o i l , ,| Ish. Sartre olds « O v TM K. P N. V . Ns. »V’ - L F. N. U. Ns p r i m « o n e o » .^ | , w sa „ass 1 twetsareisissi J ulw- l h r tfh»u»e hngines. .«ee ti* s THE RAWSON LIGHT RUNNING REAPERS AND MOWERS. THE LINOGREN CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES *• W W IO K T , F o o t o f M s r r l s o n S t r s s t , P o r t l a n d , O r # « 0 »T-