Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, September 08, 1888, Image 3

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    Polk County Observer.
P e rs o n a l .Mention.
K. ('. Pentlanil graced our office
Thursday evening.
i h : k i : a m
» i i e h e . u u u t s .
A party of -even men ascended
Mt. Rainier, or Mt. Tacoma, W. '1'.,
i last week—the tliird party that lias
, ever reached the summit.
I>. W. Driskel will have public sale
o f his household and fanning imple­
ments <viie week from to-day, one
mile west o f Monmouth.
Crawford A i.ittlc o f Albany w ill
re-open their gallery in Monmouth
the 15th for two weeks only. A ll
styles o f photos’ made, enlarging In
the latest, known a- the Bromdeo-
gruph, views o f residence, out-dtHir
groups a sjieclalty. These men will
lie remembered as doing satisfactory
work here in June. Don’ t fail to,
give them a call.
An exchange says the highest val­
ue placed upon any single coin is
that of a silver dollar bearing date of
1840 which is valued at $000. A half
cent hearing date ITlti! is valued ¡it
Beautiful weuther.
The «moke is disaopenring.
“ The ton n <>f Monmouth U situatati in the
Sol. Stump and family arc rusticat­
Studcnts are arriviug dolly.
center of the ridimi pa
of I'oik entity, ing at the Bay.
eitflit mili • .■»olirli of t!u . onttv *,at. 1 tall.i«,
The circus htis come and gone.
ami two unii oiic-lml!' utili - wi -t f the thriv­
T. A. ¿Vann ltcgan teaching two
Yellow fever is ntging in Florida.
ing town of linlep. tiiliiii- -, .aid umtaiim a
iMipiilntioit of over ton. l'he loeutlou i a miles north o f town on Monday.
Normal ojk ' ii - next Tuesday.
beautiful one, on a rieh rolling prairie, ami
Clerk Coad and Harry Gosper hffve
for general hiultliliiliiis«. the -tie is all that
public school w ill o|K‘i\ otte
conili lie desired. Motiuiouth otters many n'turned from their coast trip.
ndvantuge«. tut l tit- - • attenti lutin.: any en­
Pearl Blackerby, of Silvorton, was
terprise arc fin iteil to. titer « an mir citizens,
wife o f Dr. Wilson, of
rite OnuEkVKU will he rea lin e », rv township on our streets Monday.
thè ist ofSept.
anil at every Jsistotli. in the eiiiir emtnty,
J. M. Dalton and family will move
an i theretoro un« ovile t
an uilv. .-¡ 1 1 *$
Fair w ill i>e held
to Harney valley in a few days.
at Salem, commencing St'pt. 17, 18*s.
williams A Cooper started tliier
Diptheria has again tnade its ap-
The Oh s e rre r lour months for ¿Get*.
hop dryer on Monday.
pcaraiKV in l »regoli City.
Mrs. Ira Townsend, ofPerrydale,
tirain hay is sclling at $6 to $8 por
is visiting at Dallas tltis week.
ton in Klaniath eounty.
We are pleased to note that Judge
Mcions are plcntiful in thè mar gt
m o A e r -. y 'll.
:: ml o.,. a. I'm ai !'■
Dawson’s health is much Improved.
in cultivation, $ '-> ( ht aere
Jap Miller and M. M. Ellis are at
3H3 Aer. -. e i l ta « h - :.n.! In.nt, new
1*0 new nanu*s w -Q addisi to thè
oreliafil, 5t» tier - in cultivation, /noil titulier tlie Sound lOiutrv this week.
O uskhvkk suli.-ciiptioull.-t ibi wet'k
und past im', $11 per aere.
l'rof. Powell and Tiftts. Rash arc
150 A eres, all roc « 1 farm lami, 100 acres
The county court had quite a large
is ,h‘‘ K ™ * " «
',f a,1>’
, coln*
com. A copper cent bearing date o f
suinmerfaUovr, c"o<l lii'Us** and luirtt, good expected liftmc from Eastern Oregon docket this month. Ä
orehard, #.')7} per aere, it is well In ..tesi
on Monday.
1702 is valued at fió .
The O h s i . u v k u has Ix-on moved
10O Ai n , all in e :il:i\at - n, *o nl Itnt'-
and bam. 0o u n i« sttnnm-aillinv, farm divid­
from its old quarters to one door
ed into three 111 Id-, g... 1 -piii : ill each, very Curtis H aw ley, o f Bethel, attended
south of X. H. Butler’s drug store.
Threshmç Itepori.
deal ruble farm, $55 |«-r aer
ChurdvlMrO lafl Sunday.
3 111 A eres, good house and barn, 10 acri
The Republicans opened the earn-
L?Damon tini-liOd threshing with
in cultivation, gixifl orchard, splendid stoc
Secretary (feo. McBride is in Pol puign throughout the state o f Cali iff r- his crew last Saturday. The run
farm, $10 [ kt acre.
umbia county. H e is improving 11¡a 8t>pt l8t
was ..............
the best that has ever been made
All the aliorc fitmis nrc cltiace land and
..... ..
,• i i
, ,
raj Idly in health.
i _ _ _
vicinity, and lie is u^hmhtly
finely limited. Inquiri. • i
u ill n im -
J. K. Fenton, o f Igine oimnty has
prompt attention, v
w v. Brooks has returned to In-1 appe^ieti hi« contested election cast the champion in this direction, lit a
run o f :$o days he threshed 033<>9
itii.-sii»it. any i riq•> ■ ii s in (ir r ■ »n. JAM Ks de])eii(lence from Salem, Iiis mother’s ( ( ( jj1(> suttrenie ( 'ourt
bushels. The average yield per acre
health being considerably improved, j
The Oregon Pacific Company have
is a good showing for this county,
Grandma Coopt'r, o f Cooper IIol- lately purchased two new steamers am,
for th,H ]mrt o f -t 0î<{HH.Irtllv>
C o u n ty C o u r t .
| low is lying very sick and not ox-
in New \ ork.
. . .
Mr. Damon has kept an account of
The court met W i“dn>silay, eounty 1 ported to live.
A n attempt was made b. burglar- hiB work u to,|0 # 8 . 1G00 ;UT,. o f
Ju Ige Stoutler, c minis donors Mc-
Prof. B. F. Mulkey has returned i/e the house o f T. B. Duncan, of wlu, lt whi(.h
Eitti'lt an i Mt Bee pit
l he 0>;-
yit'ldiid 38,13.5 bushels
to Bethel from Pleasutff H ill and Zena, last Saturday night.
lowing business trails:.eti d:
with 25,550 bushels
In tlie matter estate of John An-
| The new an* neat resident'* o f R. s acres o f barley, 234 bushels ; cheat,
derson, insane, Warren Truitt ap­ w t. l begin teaching lucre.
ki-Kv, Hawley A t o., sold 8000 sfcelloy, o f Independence is now * nm», 50 bushels. The general av-
pointed administrator.
In matte; “ )]' (Cate of i loraci1 I law- bushels of wheat, which goes to San completed.
| .-rage o f wheat }»er acre was 23}; o f
ley, dec., Emily Hawley appointed 1-nuicisco \ i a \aquina, tltis week.
Would it be out o f order to have a oats, .‘19}; barley, 27|; cheat, 100.
Mi Ada Waller, after an absence mooting o f the Monmouth Republi- This report shows an Inerease in the
In matter estate I Vanhorn, dec.,
of one year, teaching at Dufur, Or., can Club?
1 yield over « few years ago. Farmers
T . L. Butler.
In matter, A. Thurston road, form­ returned home oil Wednesday even-
The hop season is now on, and good «red o in g better farming, than when
er viewers failed to iimet and II.
I pickers are in demand. Many are 10 to 15 bushels wits all that was ex­
Rowell, A . Guinn and i. Eoven« ap­
Mrs. A. A . Cattron went to Eu- already out with tli(*ir camping out- pected from any largo field. 'Lite
pointed viewers, Frink Butler s tr-
soil of Polk county is ¡ts good as any
veyors; to meet St'pt 17th.
geiTeCity on -Monday to visit her fits and ready for work,
Treasurer ordered to ho credited daughters, Mrs. Dr. T. J. Harris and 1 (J w . McBee, o f Bridgeport, says On the earth, and it will show up
with $1K971 cancelled warrants. 0
bis thrcsiiifg crew w ill huve about 8 when tlu* work is put on it.
Bills allowed and warrants order* i Mrs i hos. ( raig.
drawn for samo a* follows: li M Stone
H. B. Thielson, o f Derry, left days run y*<.
Tht' crops are all
2 bridges on Peedre, lilt Cooper H 1- W ednesday to take charge of survey- good and everybody busy.
N.-rmnl S ch ool O p en in '»
low, $699, l at Derry 190, l at Inde­ ing a railroad. It is the Astoria A
t 'l'he Salem butchers drove a tine
N ext Tuesday tli*> State Normal
pendence 2 m *; J W Kirkland •'! days
supt. andti mile- In si):!» F McEinch South coast U. It.
lot o f beef cattle through here Wed­ School here w ill open for the seventh
attentlanee at court and milage < 2 '»**;
\V. E. Dalton’s health has been nesday, that they had purchased of annual session. The Opening Exer­
Worthington & Liiughary autopsy much improved since his visit to the
cises w ill take place at the Normal
W. E. Williams, o f Airlie.
Nathan Conner tie ••.t-cl, 12; Worth­
Chapel at 10 (/(¿lock. The opening
ington A Ii'uighary examining per- valley. Ile w fel return to his home
The State election o f Vermont,
soti 15; Isaac Burs m
days .. rk in Harney valley within a few Tuesday, gives the Republican ticket Address will lie delivered by Hon.
on Jail 23 75; 1 ^ron 5 11; F M fer weeks.
Warren Truitt. Gotxl music and re­
39,000 majority, tht' largest since the
0] days 23 75; .1 s W illi i - II days
marks bv other persons will li!I out
and expen- •
N Garwood keeping
Mtinit paupers: » for two montlis; .1 miles west o f Monmouth, is reported
Judge StoufiV r appoititixl W. N. tht' morning programme. The after­
L Illingworth supt road district 11 as having one of the In'st watermelon Wright to represent Polk eounty at noon w ill bo dovotetl to organizing
27; T -V Far; y A- i o lumber tor road patches in polk countv.
tiie Stute Fffir. He will make u sjte-
district 0, élit; il M Unes burial ex-
The people should all turn out ¡it
ponses o f Win Wilson 39; L B Martin
M! s Ella Davis, o f Independence, cial exhibit o f the products o f this
opening ¡md show the interest
lumber 29 91; Gift- Black b.tulii..' was married on Friday of last week county»
they feel in the school. The attend­
lumber 9 3'); Dan P Stornier J P f<*cs
to the Rev. Craig. They left imme­
in matter W Ihivis 5, sheriff I*« • 23-
ant')* will be very largo from the first,
25; Rowell A- Son lumber 22 -'-t, also diately for ltoseburg where they taken to tlie insane asylum Monday, judging from the number o f rooms
by Sheriff Smith and John Grant.
for lumber !7 39; Geo Mtaaird A- t o will reside for the present.
that have been engaged. This school
blank book- 51 50; E Waite poll
Rev. Bitner, of the evangelical He is a foreigner and has iteen di- is not only doing a grand work for
boolt ('imip't't' 0 : a >, ¡tad 12 ok- 1
tlie Sttit*', but its financial value to
J J Daly attorney insane committal chureli at Independence, will preach
The good news conies from the
ft; J M Campi»* Il coffin for pauper 29; at Monmouth tltis evening (Satur­
the people o f Polk county is very
Itemizer blanks 29 59; I i Clark keep­ day). Fv rybody is cordially invit­ Yellowstone Park that there ¡ire still
great. It brings more money to re­
ing Catherin
per ¡3 ed to attend.
a few hundred buffaloes and several
main in our county than a large
weeks 41 09; Fall - , Cosp. r hardware
Jup. Miller, o f Dallas, has sold Ids thousand elk, deer ¡.fid mountain manufacturing establishment would
furnished 2 75; E i. Ketelinmcoroner
fees Conner (it-.■ 12; G W M e ]'c 10- drug business to A. K. Wilson, a sheep left in the Rocky mountains. 1 do, while its benefits in other Ways
39; Warren Truitt committal 3 insane fam„,r living alxtut two and a half
The grangers wlm have farms on I nIV beyond calculation,
cases 15; 1 Robertson blacksmitmiig
from Salem on the Polk county the hills in Polk county opposite; Thc Nornm| bllil(llngs aro lwll,K
1; Rily A Coad for scaffold 24 s.s Stan­
W e understand that Miller .-salen, bave a deeded advantage ;
n(| everything made
ley A Lack** autopsy Prather 25; E L
over those o f many other sections- mid for the K>1|,
on nevt Tu( H.
Ketch u m eoroiKT leather 111-».
<> will go to Seattle, W, T.
for their wheat is always fiigh.—
Carey Ilayter, who has been em­
R e c o rd o f D e e d s .
5Iiss Mollie Merrimnn o f Medford,
ployed in tlie store o f Churchill A
Mary K. Ilalleck to Ella R ibinxm, Moutieth, which moves tbi» week to
W illis finio*'«, an aged Oregon p io-1 a student o f last year has returned
lot (> block 8 in Dallas, love and affec­
Albany, will go to Dallas and stop ne'er, died Sept. 2nd, at his home .„„j w jjj enter school ngaiif next
tion and 11.
near Scio. His wife dUxl the Friday Tueselay.
his brother Gene Ilayter.
I. (>. o . F. cemetery to J. P. Dieus
previous, at Sodaville, where she had
Mr. Maxwell and his son George,
lot 72 I ndi'pendcncc r 1 -
A man named Henry Thuhers who
gotto for iter health.
L. Wallis to A. It. ( lockerhatn 23
also daughter, Ida, arrived in town
has been stopping at T. B. Tetherows
acres T li S II 7 W claim 49 #340.
The largest yield of barley we have Friday, from Halsey. They will at­
James McKinney to G. W. Shinn, on the Luckiamute, has Iteen very
vet heard o f in our county comes tend school, Miss Ida entering the
lots .'land 4 blo< ! 23 ito! , end. act', sick for the past few weeks.
senior class.
consitb, ra'Àon s
Frank Butler, our genial county from Roht. Steele who lives on the
E J H i l l to Julia R 'uf and M . ,
. .
Miss Lena Bosworth and sister of
Luckitimute. Off o f 20 Here» the
Imitili'In J Ererj Satinila).
Farms for
t'nllas Locals.
Judge Warren Truitt returned front
a few days sojourn at Astoria and
John Sicfitrth and wife who have
been in Eastern Oregon forni«)ut one
year, came home last Thursday and
sav they are-ati-tted to remain in old
Polk hereafter.
Then.' has lx-en three persons $om-
mittisl to the insane asylum within
tito last month from tills county.
J. R. Miller sold his drug store to
Wm. Wilson. We are-orrv to lose
Jap, who has faithfully served the
public for tin* past eight year-; at tin'
«ame time we welcome Mr. Wilson.
Supt. Reynolds moved Into town
from Buena Vista last Thursday.
Editors Doughty and Pent land
were in town Wednesday scooping
in iti'ins.
W illanl Siefarth ri'tnrned from
Eastern O r-'on last Tuesday; while
in Portland he was ro lle d o f $40 by
a young hoodlum, formerly o f tltis
place, w hom lie took pity on and al­
lowed to share his room with him.
The young t h ie f’s tnitiie is witheld
out (If resp<H't for h is" arents.
< hir (inlet burg was llvettt«! ujt a
little Thursday by the butcher’s team
taking a spin; with the result o f a
badly broken hack, md a great s ¡it-
terment of lieef steaks.
* bio o f our young men puglDtlely
inclinoil was -con hist .'loiuttty liattl-
ing for John Murphy; shortly after­
ward we met tht' would be Sullivan,
anti front appearance lit* laid evident­
ly lotmd him, jinkring fro m altered
condition o f l#is countenance.
Kansas, i- in North Yamhill on a
visit to relstlves.
News lias reached this ttlttce o f a
serious accident that liap|K.*ned
Wwlnt -titty evening at 7 o’clock oil
Chchalciii mountain. W hile F. D.
Stott, of this place, was driving a
-oparutor, with four Imr-es attached,
down the mountalii, the brake broke,
throwing Stott behind tin* horses.
The right ankle was dislocatisl and
the fic. lt severely bruise<l, making a
serious wound.
Ottr gt'tiial niereluints, Price and
Buckingham, have been camping out
in tlie mountains for two weeks past
with tliier families. They report a
pleasant time.
< >ur public school opened last Mon­
day. the 3rd, with J. A. Buchanan,
a- principal, mid M iss Popplcton, of
1 joayette, assistant.
Asa McKern has I sh ' ii on tilt' sick
list. On Friday,he, with P. 11. >h>s-
ner and family j Mis-e- ora and Heim
Morgan and Mell Morgan, will start
for tin* Three Rivers, Tillamook;
whore they will .-pend a few weeks
catching tlie festive trout. Success
to them.
The continual dry weatlierohas
caused a scarcity o f water around
Some artistic paper hanging has
Iteen di'tie in this place by Shinn
Bros., o f Independence.
Tin* threshing lt:trves4 o over.
Wheat hauling will soon lx*.
The advance in the price o f wheat
H. B. Cos per and C. G. Coatl anil has causi'd a smile on the countenan­
wives returned from :t short trip to
the Ne-tucca beach Monthly; report ces o f our farmers.
having n gooH time and tne u
W e a th e r H e p o rl.
amount o f fish.
T'tiriit : August, 1-sS, there was tut milt-
fall. There wen*
clear, !• fair, timi l
i Inticly -lays. Tin* highest leiii|-erattiri' for
Ai r i i i It i Cns. o
the iMontli \ot-sx°. t he lowest, -V)“. Mean
As r< quested wo will try and send tciiqM-i ut it re 00.7*1°. Mnlilltlv rartge of
• 1 i- ture 32°,
(¡r.-.itesi daily range 20°,
you :t few it- nis this werk^
■ 'll the I«tll. 1 -t daily tätige, 11° olitile
A d n ti Kbbert of your city, w a s v is ­ trd. Mean daily range, 1S°. The tiieiiti
teiii|«'r.ittire for A ni», fo rts years Is 01.80°.
iting friends hero the first o f week.
That for A tig. of this year Ix-ltlg I '1>° above
Andy Kcbringa former resident of the n ritmi. The nt> an lirts lpitatlon for
this place but lor the last five years A>¡) f -rdi-' -ante time. Is 0,:t7 in., and for
of Texas, arrived ill the city Tuesday this y, , r tlmt iiniotuit I «Sow normal. The
.'■'.vailing winds for the month were Iront
on a visit.
tit-- N. limine J7 days, and the 8. I days.
: -- there woi no min. There
W . E. Dalton vasin theeity W ed­
fair and ”« smoky days,
nesday and bought a ear load o f outs. tv i- I clear.
lie hest temo.-rnttire for th<> month «0°.
Quifc a lot from lien* went to the t. e.xst teinperaturv, 'stl Mean teliqK-ra­
circus at Monmouth and report it as ture, 03.(X)°.
T. F kabcic .
being a e*ie.
Kola, Kept. .*), l'SS.S.
Ira Hooker shipped a car o f wood
Ittl-4il( ss fletltton.
to Frank Collin- ot yourcity Tuesday
new advertisements this
There Isa great deal of sickness in
this vicinity at present, and Dr. W il- ; week.
son is kept busy.
The F. M. A . st<*rc has new goods.
Isaac Staats aecidentlv fell ( if bis
Connoway A Cooper hardware
jxarh Wednesday and was quite si- men, Independence,
riousiy hurt.
| W . E. Dalton w ill buy whedt and
(tilts at tile highest market price.
W. E. Williams sold 81 load of
A ll styles o f summer dress gtxxL-t
hocf cattle to T. U. Howard of Salem
¡at co«t at E. lla y ter’s, Dallas,
at 2} cents gross.
Go to Vaughns, Dallas the leading
John Lewis and family are im­ i jeweler.
proving under the cart* of Drs. L* e A
Paints, Oils, Varnish at li. II. Pat­
terson’s cheap.
Mis« Gertie Staats is n.M much im­
F. S. Bnrr.ee is bringing on new
proved, and her friends fear she will good.* every day. Call and see his
line o f wall paper, window blind»
not got well.
Mrs. Tony Noltner and family, of
The dry goods store F. M. A. '.»ill
Portland, arc visiting relative» here.
give you it bargain if you w ill (•nil
A g'.rl was born to the w ife o f Dr. ¡¡md see them.
V ilson on hist Saturday.
It don’t make any difference, it 14
The A irlie warehouse has done a a fact you «in get the Ix-st g«xxis, and
much better business titan »was at d lb''G '-t baoguin at Z. !■. \ atighn »
first expected. About 25,000 L jshcls
" s*
will be stored here.
!, •S,1'r,11eT “ n,I1 Vanduyn are in the
1 bad with the largest stock of general
John I ‘ Astings and family anil I merchandise in Indeitendence. Their
Win. Woods have gone to the Bay pries s compan' witli the tim e» and
for u pleasure trip.
‘ lll>
warranted first da««.
Dr. Wilson was culled to K ing’s] V hen you go to Dallas don t fail
I to examine E. Ilayter’» slock o f gens
Valley Saturday to'scc Mr. Maxwell eral merchandise.
who was quite sick.
, ,, „
. ,
I or llii" watch
' ’ work go to U, N .
W . E. Dalton was among us Sat ur- Grant at II. B. Patterson’s.
The most complete stock o f *lr*“ss
goods every brought to Polk county,
at E. Ilayter'» Dalias.
A lar;»" number of our citizens
Spectacles Itrop-riy toçussed and
me -p'lH litg I few dav« a tilt" N e - a*x‘urat«‘ly fftftxlttt Henry I bit tersoti’s.
tí,,.,»' .»< » i j ........ j 9 ’ m s It i -:<>»» 3 mid 4 surveyor, has lus ornee neatly lie
. . .
«-'i.... . w.. iini.i I livery pair warranted. N o fit, no
»...... it.... i,
also lots* i it nd 2 r 3 I 10 s il 4, 30 rtmg.dat the court house. H eb*- yield was 2200 bushels, or 110 bushels Spmgue, * . T . , arrived here last
|Saturday. Miss Lena is the art the following: E. 'I'. Hatch and fam­
acres $1600.
liev*-» in having things in order.
to ^ u‘ acrt** "
CRn ^Kat
ily, A. H. Denney and wife, the
Paints, oils, varnish*«, etc., at
teacher o f the Normal and her si«tei' Mis-i's llaw ev, l » ‘la, Ollie and Bird Waterhouses.
Ex-Governor Wluteaker was call-
W illiam Harrison won the
will attend tlu- school.
t«l to Eugene Tuesday evening front batti*1 o f Tippecanoe Nov. G, 1811.
P o lk C oan ty R ank.
K n u ti^C irf c r , F.nnir.i| d
Henry Patterson hits just received
;l „ pw 8t<K.k o f a„ the hiti st novelties
Li'R oy Lewis, n graduate o f the 1- rank and U m er Emmett.
Our business s men have Iteen feel- Portland, by a telegram which con- Benjamin lla m ó n will celebrate the Normal, began teaching at Dayton
Services next Sunday, morning j in the jew elry line. No old gixxls in
ing the med o f fahank, and the lack vcyed the sad news that the life of w en t N*(v. «, 18S8, by tiring elec-te*l last Monduy.
and evening by Rev. Cly*l«> at the his stock. Drop In and examine
en ¡i great ineonveni- his son, Dr. J. C. Whiteaker, was President o f the United tLtates.
Fr««hyterian chureli. Rev. Richard- them,
o f one has Ixx-n
J. W . Dawson has on hand the «on,
SheriffSmith has taken two insan«-
wito preached at Bethel last
enee. The Board o f Improvement \ despaired of.
Thon«andx o f ladies sav it is the
Ixxtks for the Normal School, lie Sunday h:ts resigned his eltarge as
has had the matter under eonsidera-
Mr. and Mrs. Gross, also Mr. and P!,r,‘< s tu ,!,e «rylum ^bis we* k,
best they ever used. They mean the
Whit«* sewing machines—you will
tion sinis- early last spring. Presi- Mrs. Bn-wster, o f Lane eounty, raov-
Anderson and M iller.
building, where he will lx* happy to to W. T. to take charge o f the < bris- find them at Buster A Vernons, In-
«lent .Stanley has made two trips to ( ( 1 to town Wednesday. They will third one was brought before the an wait on students with Ixxtks and fiait church there as evangelist.
1 depend* nee.
San Francisco, one to Portland, one have charge o f the Normal Dining thorite«, but hi« folks agreeing to
Prof. Mulkey, o f the Bethel school
N. 1!. Butler ha« nil kinds o f ma­
ha« returned from itis summer vaca­
to Albany and two to Eugene mak- j fuu.
" f h;,n* he wa’1 n,,t
chine oils. Call and see him before
Ing arrangements ft»r a lmnk, and the
Rou Humphreys, formerly
Prof. W . E. Cressey, the former
sdiool on the loth Inst. W e are In­ purchasing elsewhere.
From .function.
arrangement.« are now complete, 'll)*' Gf this place, hut now o f Albina, wa* principal o f the schools o f Indcjx*n- j
form««! that Miss White, o f Harris-
bank w ill be open for husimss next
marrjod Aug. 15, 1888, to J. W . Me- ‘^nce, who has spent the past two Crops are very good.
burg, ft teacher o f considerable expe- ^ U,/N'1
,.,t,‘ . *!j? following specialties at
^ u y n n : U inch embrol*
Monday. A new burglar proof Hall Burne>% o f Albina.
The newly 'yean In theeast, hits returned to In- j Junction is Improving quite rnpid- rience, will have charge of the prim-1
«liT Hk irti nir, New iHirtwarfs ehinilen
Safe with the latest improved \ ale married couple have our wishes for dejiendence. The Prof, was *>n*'*>f ly.
ary department.
..hhdie coni, fancy ornaments for ta-
Time Lock, weighing nbout two and unUmit*Hl happiness.
the 30,ono r puhllcank who marched
Tw o large warehouses an* Ix ing
Runior« o f a marriage arc begin- |>le scurfs, etc.
ning to «tir the credulous.
«h a lf ton«, Ira.- been purchascxl and i-
A m ,(, Holinan wiU start Monday
,in^ a‘ \h* n,f,’ rlP rw<e»>tion ,T! m,prl with »iri‘ in*
Horse shoeing, new shoes $1.50;
J. I). Belt, our efficient “ Nashy,” rc-etting SIKH'S ail around $.80; plow
now in place. A large sbx'k o> ¡ill foi Harney Valiev, where he will
The talk Is that the M. E. church
needed blanks have been printed here
. (>|lt a future home for himself
The building formerly occupied by south, Is going to buikl a $10,MM) col­ can lx- -ten out exercising St. Julien sharpening without cutter $.20 and
these flue e venings,
¡til other work in proportion. Oak
and in Portland while the large
They arP oW
the O rsbb vek is Ix-ing converted lege in Junction, provided they can
•md fnmilv who ' coupling put in for *1. onk bars each
tanking Ixxtks an- coming from the ‘o niillv ¡t. / an,| rar^y tvith them the into the Normal Dining Hall. It lx raise the amount necessary. That
left last **• ut
I»anktree’s Monmouth at
spent thc summer r ......
Fjv«t. Th«> business will tatiirritsl
W;B uf ¡ts citizens for very conveniently situated f*>r the | seems to he the only difficulty,
’ Eastern the old stand.
Monday for their home in
on for the present in connection w ith
, ,,sI8.rRV students and will make an ex«*lient j Not more than half the grain in Oregon. Miss Pink Frivzer, whom re-
Mrs. M. K. EnRansieur keeps al­
Mr. Dawson's Ikxtk Store in the
,in^ / Kenton and her son» ilatt. i '« 11 fiwthe purixisc. A new well Izme county Is threshed, while hun. ix>ri says ix getting (“ Is»n n” ly) ways on hand a fine stock o f select
dr«xl- of nor*«« are yet standing in the lonely, accoinimnh’d them.
building with the Farmers’ Supply an,l IHcks, also daughter, Him Mkg- has also been dug.
Parties having side-walks to build
I)**|x>t. It is the intention to put up
| jtfayptte, arrived on Thurx-
Willard Sicfcirth, who is visiting fields waiting for the header.
n • .r*:» Yamhill.
or repair will please attend to It im-
a good
gtxxl brick building early in the day ’ and are niaklna
making preparation for h is father at Ikdlas from Eastern
M i- Daisy Ftolt has accepted a jx»- mediately and save cost.—A . N.
spring I). T. Stanley is Pretddent entering the. Normal on Tuesday.
Oregon, re|>orts that while in I’ort- el, while oats a n only about 2» cents. xi tion a» clerk in the store o f Brld-1 H*H*ck, marshal,
and J. W . Daw-on w ill act as Cashier
W. E. Dalton lifts in prixs—> o f land Sunday night, he invited John
la m not certain wiiethcr I shall well A Co., o f this plait'.
Mrs. LaRansionrCity Bazaar
for the present. W e wish the enter­ construction tliree n*xit cottages, Hughes, well known in thi« county, go to the Hoda Springs next week— I lion. N. J. McConnell, o f Moscow.
_ Independen*-«', (« s a n ic i' lot
o f ladies muslin underwear, hosiery,
prise the greatest succès». -"Lee mrd which he w ill rent to students o f tlie to sleep with him, and that in the even If the O rh kkver did sav «*>,— I. T., «ix'tit Sunday in ottr town.
gloves, mit.«, collars, cuffs; gents neck
in another column.
Normal, or any one desiring rooms, night Hughes got up and left, reHev- or return home. For my j art, I
Prof. W . Williamson lias just re­ w ear, handkerchief)«, socks; also, sta­
School l««)k - at < h mints* .
---- eottagi's will add much to the ing him o f about $io. Officers were conf*-««, I ntn a little homesick, and turned from the East, where he has tionery, Ixxiks, crixpn't sets, notions
Innumerable. Cull Ix-fore purchtw-
H .n rv Patterson is not behind appearance and improvement o f the put on his track, but at last aecount gladly welcome our h«>me paper Ixs'tt visiting relatives and friends.
w ith its total«.
II. A . A.
Hughe** had not been caught.
Hon. Davi«! ¡Stewart, o f northern ing eh*‘where.
with a fine line o f jewelry.