tw enty-tw o Inches, having three inches of tine sentim ent, four Inches fur the beginning, tind nine inches of 1'ublixher. httnior in th e niithlle, ttntl tin out­ DOUGHTY, burst of innxliu and precept, six inches long, ut th<* close!” This tv ill Subscription K ale-. of course, lx- regarded as « bit of face­ Par Yew. 5ft Per Six Month*. tious exaggeration on the part of tlie 7.'» Per F our Mulith». 5ft editor, an i i' ir. leck, mam hull. I5eeaiis»> they won’t have votes R em ran tier we tak e produce ju st th e sam e ao cash in exchange forth» O H I T I YKY. enough. great bargains. M. H a y te r den tist, Dallas. *0T~Also Denier* in Rets! «C B arton's Sil­ It becomes a painful «luty to ch ro n - Tho dcinocratic press ices this Im provem ents in business are not­ vi ra n d Pluto! Ware, Jew elry, J/usical In- queer logic: They declare th at pro- leal tin? death of Horace G. H aw ley, | isi «‘very where. -traiiient.s of all kinds. tcction is “a burden on tin* people” one of Polk co u n ty ’s m ost honored j N«*is A- S m ith nr«- offering th eir •‘legalized robbery” etc., in one par­ and esteem ed citizen-, w hich occurred good-cheap. AT THE POST OFFICE STORE, HI, Independence. agraph, and in 11 k next declare th at at McCoy, Oregon, A ug. 1:1, W. E. Dalton will insure your th e Mills bill ¡-. no! a free-trade m ea­ He was th e clilest son of J . 11. tuul 1 w heat. Ile i, an experiential buxi­ sure, hut is drni.yly proU'eted. Eliza H aw ley. H e was born at ne-- m an and cm give satisfactory These statem en t d o n ’t consist, some* Bethel, Ju ly L’lst istil, living 27 y«';irs term s on ¡ill grain th at he Insuresand mid 2d days old. 1 ie united w ith tlu* , should th e owners wish to sell before how. Cliristiiiu ehureli in Lssti, und w;i« tt the tim e expires of policy, the money ♦* m em ber of good stnndingam l lead an ! will la* refunded on rem aining tim e. H enry Wat'-rsoii saiil hraggurdly «‘xem plary and Christian life. In j ( rider brothers of Dallas have ?*•,- F.eal Edtate and Insurance Agent ' and insolently a short timeliefor»* the Dtvemlier |ssC>, lu> was m arried to nun shakes for sale cheap. Miss Kmma S m ith, «if A m ity, lie I St. IiOiiis Convention; “ The Drino- lead a (piiet and pcacTuI life, and hiM A dininistratrix’ N et lei*. «•rat w ho is not a free trader liould mem >ry is tenderly regarded in the go elsew here.” T hey have taken com m unity wher«' lie lived. Hi* was Ili re e iute of (¡orare lì. Ilu'.vh v d -('ea-cd: Notici- is hcrcliy givc-n to all wlioiu il may | hint at iiis word and Inive gone and an energetic, industrious young m an, c.inccni, tinti ai tic- S.-jtteinlx-i- lenii, A. Ih. ! and contained ¡ill tiie qualities that are going by th e thousands into the isss, oftlic coiinty court of Folk c niiity. | go to m ake up a useful life. The Or, r .ti, I was appointed udministrutrix of nsr. H . B U T L E R , Republican raid*-. H enry is aston­ news o fh is sudden death called forth tilt- estate of Uor.u-e I ì. Hawlev of suiti rollìi- i ished and agrieved at th e failure of from ¡til wlio knew him , expressions ty, lice* : “ :-i 1. All |K*rs"ll.S holding cUiillls Druggist and Apothecary. his little bluff. B y n u d h y he’ll eome of prolbundi'st rcgrci, and «list ¡« agiiii'-l said t-s-.aic *vill prcscnt 11 i.*i 1 « to me. : I «lulv Vcriticd, witliin si\ montlis frolli thi- j gloom over the whole ncighlm rhood. over to tho Kepuldi-un party him ­ —Dealer in— To say he was honored and respect; it date, and all persona indehtisl lo sai-l estate- e nmkc me immediate ]«vmcnt. I self. H e w ill lx- welcomed and gjv«*n for his niiiny (basis of kindness and voli pica— WamiiTmilt, Emily J. Ilawii-y, —a buck seat. charitable nets, would be useless, as mgs. Chemicals, Books, Stationery, Toilet Atterncy. Administratris. ♦ ♦- tin' very large nssem bly gathered to articles, etc. Daini Hcnt 5, 1:183. 3-t E very public im provem ent a d d -to pay th«* last trib u te of r<*sncct, fully Executors Sale. Pn'scriptions Carefully Cniiipoumied. th e value of y o u r property. Encnur- attested. Tin* beautiful floral offer­ In r e . c f Nelson Ncaly, dis-caseil: ings, w et w ith sym pathetic tears, age every l'*gitlmate «'nterpri.-«1. If e.ivered th e casket, and gave forth Notiee is h.-rchy given to all wlioiu it inoy | you will not w ork and push and pull th eir fragrance in token of th e love conccni that 11:1 thè Fìlli day ofOet. isss ut | M onmouth, - - - Oregon. tln1 linnr of ( t\ E oh-hn-k p. ni., 1 «vili scll mi ! yourself, ¡it lea-1 -ium t, liurrah and th at prom pted th e giving. T he fun­ Ihe Plil-'.'l IsES thè foilowing deserilxsl reai | clap your hand- to cheer those who eral services wcri* conducted by Kid. iiroperty Ix'loliging l-i thè estate of Nelson I D. M. Doty nt his father’s resiih'iice, N -.dv, di*i .-;i--'."i, hy virine of thè power ni do. Don’t object and kick and g ru m ­ ¡mil from there his rem ains were ear- sale in san! (le. -denta la-t «vili end testanu-nt ble. Don’t stam l stand in the way «if ried to til«' Bethel cem etery w here to-wit: The donaimn Itimi elnim of S. S. Oregon State Normal School. progn ss. Don't w hine an d cuss the they w ire buried under the auspices Ncaly in sei ti ins gl and -"J t-'WIlship h S P.ó | west of thè M'illametle Meridian ; tilso, Iota country. B etter h a v e it. Nobody o f t ne Odd Ft'llows, of w hich order No - I and 5 in suiti - -. No. 22 in said town- F I LL FACULTY, he was a most w orthy m em ber. He will object and ninny w ill blix-s you leav«*s a wife an d one child, Ix'shles | sliip and range; slso tliat ollier traci ni land S. J. WATERHOUSES. GOOD BUILDINGS, h- ginning nt thè south-west corner ol dona- for it. T he co u n try is all right tin* loving parents, lirothers and si.-t«‘rs tioii land clalm. No (W heing thè I* l. claim LIG H T EXPENSES. I trouble is w ith you. Jo in th e pro- to m ourn his death. May they look of Paul Hilterlirand in said tnwnsliip and range, tln lice cast -Jt'.’SÌ ehs, tlienee nortli ----- C arries a t all tim es a fresh and « im p ié té stock ot groceries.— • «•c-slon. i*n 11 top< tlier. Encourage to Him who is th e giver o f nil good < > òn ci is, tlienee snidi 51°, west 31.50 ehs, gifts, in th eir sorrow , and lx'com ­ im m igr.ilioji, dcvi'lopinent and pro­ forted w iili tiie tho u g h t of the hom e tlienee sonili “o.Siiehs, to place of heginning gress. lh u i’t k iek n n d sq u irm . Don’t lieyoml, w here all shall I k * uniUsl to and eoli: 'inin:, in all g<>7 acivs more or lista. Terni disalveasi! in hauti. b e n nuisane«'. Your ow n interests part no m ore. I.ymnti Damon. '•|b - forever rests in sacral keeping; Jo h n J. Daiy, * E xeeutor. nr«1 involved in the m atter. Put ------ : 0 :------ o o It is we \vln> Mill in exile ntnui: Attv I ir exeeutor. !*-5t y o u r dollars in county im prove­ Wear»- glad lor him, with all our weeping, I All Normal Graduates receive a D iplom r r every description, ¡ 1 « cheap';is tlu* eluftpest. Y our patronage is lb- lias found his heavenly home su.vt - m ents and y o u r shoulder to the from tiie State which authorizes them to cited. und d see mop him . eited. Cull Call an hom e.” — t'-aeli in any public -ehixil in the State. ( Ither w h<‘cl, am i an intelligent effort will i Slates grant teaeliers' eertilieates on preselltu- achieve sue« «'-*. Don’t forget it. I tiiin of these N ormal DiploiutLs, w ithout cx- ! am inatiun. Oregon. Monmouth, “ H rick” INuutTny .iys in I iìh pn- M ( 1 X 3 1 0 1 T il, O Jl ay ; o x . THE OBSERVER FOR Yttornefc a t Law, Y ttoriiey^it Law, It lister YerilOIl, I oats and train. Pass« ngeraand bag- Jii**t why the democrats cannot November docs not TAX isss. | Churchill k Monleith, Oregon. James Tatom. ÍYlonmcuth, Oregon. à VÄMDU SHELLEY ¡lead Quarters for General Merchandise, n 1 BU Y YOUR GROCERIES AT formal, CoiSegiate, and Commercial Departments Polk Comity l>;i,uk. per ot Au NOTIONS! NOTIONS ! ! O Vaughn & H illard. 8 GENERAL BLACKS!VUTI!iN . ° ■ w York li noi O p m » H rptiM ubor lO lh . a «lemocnitie stale, as n -tate. But , ----- AND----- for tli«* demiHT.itic < ity of New York ^•0*Docs n general hanking husiuo^t. o r Port- it woiild never go «lemoeratie. ’l’iie b ra flu on New York, San Imul. iViMwits reucivcHl subject to chock or vote of thè di-triets are lim ited. tm oortilioaios o f tloposit. I’oUoctions will T h«'voi«'of thè C ity is lim itless, «»- itsviv»» prompt attention. O i H ih » hours m n. in. toft p. in. Iln /r« Burglar Proof Snft\ |H" A Sp«vialtv.-\,ja 111 «' l>ets alreatly niade !>y th è deino- erats. ♦ B >> - and i .irl- to buy Hi ho -I Bo« k - _ ■ite livery stable, a t the foundrv at Cham ness’ Iiulependence. O ® *’ Politi«»,’’ reiim rked a W estern traveling lumi, *• i- a n u itter of eli. m ate ; dejx'iuls w ludly mi tlu* menu anim ai tem |iera tu n '. I ’ve Just lav n up in Ihtkota wliere th è air is «■. m > 1 and bruciug, am i thereth«' pisipleart* nearly all itepuldii-.ius. In lo w a th e weatlu-r is -'-verni ile- ree- w ariuer, Cook «tovi-s funtixhi'd jlo mid higher. and Deimx-rats ¡ire a little mon> nu-1 Milk puns lj.) cts nnd higher. Milk pails Xi cts mid liighcr. I ihtous . in M i"ouri it’s con Id e ra -' Shiv«' polish «»«•«.-> and liighcr. bl«' w ariuer, ¡md thè Ih'inoerats are III thè iiiajnrily. In l'exns, w bere it Is hlnstcd lu>t, tlu' people Are ulne- U'iiths di nux'rits, Arni in lidi it NaiN di cts |x'r |H>und and higher. unanim ous ! I teli you sir, i t ’s all in H ip«- Hi» ct- p« r pound and iiiglier. 11»«' cllm ate.” * /•>. I Inrdw art', lim ilx'r, shingles, tixds, -¡tsh, doors, moulding!*, «*t«'. • ♦ \\ oven w ire and spim l spring niutr« -st s. Some yeacs agii a y o u n g n u in wroto to an A m erican p ipi r thnt he wanttsl to lx' an islitor; and thè reply w Iddi he nxvlved Is well w orth repnxluc- A m unition and tlshing tackl«'. 'N’nil piijx'r and window slmdes. lu g h « re . ‘‘Canst tinnì,” a.-ki'«! tlu- Bird cages, lim ckets and m irroi •». «liitor, *‘«lraw leviathan w ith a C ^ T E A P Horse-Shoeing’ WANTED, 5000^ N e w G o o d s -N e w P r ic e s . A luil lino of Tinware Correspondingly. X j I A T I L T C 3 - . T 't'liixxl tulli«' board i» fumi.dici 1 to xtu- deiitxat thè "N onuul Dining H all" at $1.50 |K-r vyei-k. tlissi Isianling in fainilies with funiislied moni, fuel und lightx, to $.3.5« ; |f r week. Praciical ^ourse of Study, —C om pierai in a— „Short Send for Cannarle. Addresi tho President D. W arren, Association, Warren In General Merchandise. Bed Rock Prices, Best Grade of Goods, And Fair Dealing Is Our Motto. J. F.. Je n n a n , & Jerm an, -A ll kinds of produce taken in rxohange for goods.- General OREOOS. 3 1 0 X M O L T I 1, Blacksmiths and Horseshoers. A Good Line of Furniture. Wood Work a Specialty. ' ' ptitnm 'l ‘Ht i yOU f" r ,,iLSt favOIN W0 .Mercantile Time. FANCY WIRE FENCE. ^ Farmers D E A L E R S up luxik tliou lettest down? ( ansi tinnì Inxik tip grvat kleas from thè depth of tldn«' Iut«-ihet, ami «,l«,an, s«iik*nn«l fry theni nt fl\c m in u te -’ noti«v? Canst tinnì w rlte «slitorlals to men.«- ure? Canst tinnì w rite an in length just Oregon. ^dependence. Agricultural Implements and Farm Machine COOPER k O G NNA W A “ «M itinuance of y o u r —D E A L E R S I X — Farmers Supply Depot Co., M O ls T M O U r a , O B U E G -O is r - A * “ All charges reasonable. M O N M O U TH , Give ns a call. OREGON. Hardware, Stoves and IwT A gents for K u p p , B urrell & GY). Tinware. Indep en d en ce. Oret»nn.'