Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, September 01, 1888, Image 4

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l i e T o lls o f th e W a y * hi W h ic h th e S ixth
C o m m a n d m e n t 1« llro k e n .
T w o In q u is itiv e S c rib b le r's D is co v er tb s
IJueerest .Han In D a k o ta .
In a recent sermon upon the Ten
Commandment« Dr. Chari« « II. Katun,
of the Church of the Divine I'uternity,
the 8 ix th *-“ Thou
«halt not
k ill"— a« hi« text. The«e are «omu of
tie' tMiiifa he »ui«l:
“ Amonjf the popular form« of mur­
der w ar mu«t bo placed l!r«t. The
t ruining of the world ha« boon aucb
that people have come to think that
the law ••Thou «halt not k id” only ap-
plleB t<» individual« and not to the
State. For an individual to murder i«
a eriin«!, but for the people in a collec­
tive capacity to devastate the territory
of their neighbor« is considered per­
fectly legitimate. Individual murder
i« a crime, but wholesale murder is
W ars of defense some-
tune« become a necessity, but the
larger proportion of wars have been
a.id still are aggressive, being waged
to gratify the ambition of some ruler
or ‘to preserve the balance of power,’
as it is called In Europe. The pretext
is frequently made of defending the in­
terests of oppressed countries or that
tin* wars are waged for religion, but
such wars not only cause a great sacri­
fice of human life, but make many
desolate homes and undermine religion
itself. Ilowovermuch we seek to glorify
the soldier's profession, it is at best a
necessity and al tb * w en t am urderou«
••Other popular forms of murder
arise from the narrow attic, the fold
basement and the crowded factory,
amid the cries of men, women and
lives are being
crushed out by a condition for which
somebody is rcsoousible. I hrough the
burning days o. summer, the cold of
winter, in hunger and in rags, with
w h ite - fa c e d children crying for bread,
needle-women toil from twelve to four­
teen hours before their daily task is
d on e. The greed which to some ex­
tent underlies modern
shows itself in the cruel disregard of
the ordinary means of protection to
“ In refusing to put, a roof over the
heads of the workmen, the foreman of
the shop sai«l that men were cheaper
than shingles, and that there were
dozens eager to take the place of any
man who should fall by the way.
“ Other
forms of murder
tlicinselves in constant attacks upon
tiie happiness of the home, upon repu­
tation and in gm sip which takes away
a good name and breaks down health
by persecution.
“ The spirit of I lie commandment
also includes the murder of the soul,
and this kind of murder may he prao-
ticed oil ourselves or on others.
There are some things worse than
physical death.
“ If the spirit of the sixth command­
ment were obeyed, the greater portion
of tiie world's
sin would
pear, human sacrifices would go on no
longer, and plot«, conspiracies, riots
and revolutions would cease; in fact,
th«‘ spirit of persecution would entire­
ly disappear, prosperity would follow,
science enlarge Its boundaries, and
manhood mid womanhood would bo
eunobl'sl.” .V. T. Herald.
The Eastern papers had been circu­
lating the rejiort that nearly every
farm in Dakota was plastered with a
mortgage and that all of them were for
sale. Chip and I were determined to
break this re|H>rt if we had to visit
every quarter section in the lerritory
| in order to find the exception. W e
had traveled fifty-seven days in this
pursuit, and our iron determination
was fast turning into lead, when we
rode up to a large building with a small
farm that evidently belonged to it.
I A man sat on the fence whittling a
CtxnracterlNtlc» o f «ir.Mil Mon
fo r T a l k le g .
H enow ncn
“ W e are collecting a few items,
said Chip, as he drew out his note-
| book. “ I suppose this farm raises the
usual 60 bushels of wheat to the acre?
corn, 125? ’taters, 600 a n d ------ ”
“ H o ld on!” cried the man, staring
at him with a strange look in his eye.
“ Yor’ll have ter revise them figgers a
bit. Set the wheat at 10 bushels per
acre; corn at 25; and taters at 50."
“ W h -w hat?” stammered Chip, as
his note-book and pencil dropped to
the ground. “ Say it again, friend. Rind
o’ slow. Mebbe my pard can catch on­
to the racket.”
The man repeated his statements.
As soon as Chip could rally ho went
*,Ye’ll o.'O'Use the question, but, cotr
ferdonshally, the amount of mortgage
on this ere farm is------”
“ Nary a cent,” came promptly from
the man.
Again Chip was about to collapse,
but ho roused himstji for the final
“ And tho price?”
“ Not for sale.”
I raised Chip from tho ground and
propped him against a post. Just then
a man came running from the house
with a pair of handcuffs, and took the
man from the fence. W o had struck
the lunatic asylum and had been talk­
ing with an escaped lunatic.
“ This poor fellow onco owned a small
farm which ho would neither mortgage
nor sell,” explained
the overseer.
“ People flocked to nee him from all
parts of tho territory, and ’twnsn’t
long liefore wo had to bring him here.
He imagines that ho owns this place,
and still clings to his old ideas."
“ But, pard, we’vo struck a place that
ain’t for sale, anyhow,” cried Chip, re­
covering tho use of a tongue that seldom
failed him.
“ W ell, I don't know 'bout that,” said
tho man. “ W e've had this asylum here
for several years, and now our neigh­
boring town wants it for awhile. They
offer a Wit and new buildings free. It
is probable that this place will be in
tho market in a few days, if it is not al­
Chip was getting nervous. Ho ex­
plained our mission to tho overseer,
whoso keen eyes, meanwhile, wandered
constantly from one of us to the other.
Suddenly a change of his features
showed that his doubts hud settled into
At the same instance strango suspic­
ions Hashed into our minds.
leaped to our horses and set off at full
Wo gave up tho search. Our labor
had liocn in vain. Hut we were thankful
to know that we hud escaped the insane
asylum. And when we came to reflect
on tho matter, it gave us no small
pleasure to be able to indorse one item
concerning tho West, when found in an
Eastern pajier-— C. L . H ill, in I'id -
Mr*. Macitay. who has been seriously ill la
Loudon, ha» regained tier health.
H E L P I N G T H E H l t i l l T S ID E .
T o help the right aide 1» not only commend-
«h ie in a general p o lo of view, but Is judicious
anil pru*ltuit ahe.VUiat help u enlisted in tar
half of the right »hie of the holly, ju st o ver the
lower rib» in the region of the liver. The m o«t
efficient help 1 » nttorded y 11.«le tte r's Stomach
H iller» an anli-billoU* medicine of iuconipsr-
, able tttloacy. Inaction o f the liv e r is ««c o m
nanled by constipation. Mi k-lioariache, furred
tongue, nausea, occasional vcitigo, and un-
ulea»«nt breath, yellow lie »» of the »kin and
ball o f the e ie . The author o f these symp­
toms, liver complaint, routed by the H itter» »»
accompanied by them in 1'» flight-
h over and
ague, which alw ays In ol • < » the Uver. dy»uep-
sia, rheumatism, debility »m l kidney trouble»
are all m»ladlea to the eaily relief and mud cure
of which th i» standard medicine 1» adapted.
Don't u»e it by lit« and atart«. but aystemati-
oally, that it» full effect» may reault in a per
feet reatoratiou o f health.
Sold on Trial !
Latest designs la P K ItC A ln SI1IUTS. three latest
stile Collars and one pair Cuff., ¿1.50 each.
GA.V I'N'PERWE Ut, at #1 an I i l. W per suit.
lnvtottiment ►
mail, profita
t0o for nmihntf
liinre liluntrttlrtl Catal true
with full particular». Man­
iac tim.il by
a. ^
O? .tr t e n L a k e E l..
C H IC A C O , IL L .
Gents’ Furnishing Goods,
int) of
*vn or
r»*» Bladder,
Hli.,t,(..r WawL
..f K
Weak «*
ná.a 'vlth<l‘a
Jehility. W uating of s. x ii.f Streugth
’ "w
.lid restored to béait hy V'ifor.
N._ II. Person» unable to vis it na m ar h. i
u by
bis iiiireiunon.l..,.««
«« . * I
at their home»,
eo^reRpondence. ÀlîTti.
ructioi.K hph
lit by iiiÂiforexprcM».
ma,fo r e »,,re ...
Freo. I. È
send t cents m »lampa I¿r ihe vü u lïs*'“*
udor Guidate* V. *dlock.
232 K e a rn y St., near Bush.
t r
Send (or Illustrated Catalogue.
a c t iv k
a g e n t
..anted in each countV for the
iiicn oo
aikct - —
two beat campaign
... tiie m
risoti Slid Morton, and Cleveland ami I bui»
man For terni» and territory address F. P E R ­
SON. room 77, Flood Building, corner Fourth
Market wtreet*. ____________
t ITc rnlunia
P ai n f .' h C i l e ut C ompound in % N*»rv« Tom*
which never fail«. «✓ jntainiiiK Celery »ni
Coca, th«**• ■ womderful nerve ■tiiDul*iitrS
»lieedily cure* all nervoua disorders.
---- AJÍD----
am es
I o d itle o l ’ I ’otawH.
P aine ' s CFxrr.T C ompound rmrlfiM tK»
blood. It drivi a out the lactic acid, which
cauHi s llln iunat.Kin, au<l restore;« the blood
inakinK orkraiiH to a healthy condition Itui
the true remedy tor liheumatiwa.
CO ., P r o p r ie t o r «.
4 1 7 M auN O ine s it., h n n 4’ r a n e la e o .
pAiNi’aCn.FRY C ompound quickly r»*»ton»
the livi rand kidiD > m t
Meet health 'Iha
curntiv « ¡lower, combini d with .tu nerve
tond . malice it tho beat remedy for ¿1
kidney com¡<lainta.
P xisf ’ s C n t st P om porsi« strengthen« th.
slnmacii. aud quiets the nerves * f the dare*,
tivo organa. Ihia is why tl cures *e a tla
worno cttBcB of Dyspepsia.
Paris has adopted the Am erican ambulance
I L A D IE S ' C H IL D R E N ’S & IN F A N T 'S W E A R
C O N 'S !'M P T I f IN', S C K O E l'E A , D E N E R A I.
113 K earny S treet , 8 K
Illustrated Catalogue» »eut free on application.
D e b ilit y . W s s l l s l t l l » « » r « o f C h il­
d r e n , Chronic Cough» and Bronchitis, can be
cored by the use ot H i- o t t 'a E m u I s i o n of
Cod L iv e r Oil w ith llypophoaphiles. Prom i­
nent physicians use It and testily to its grave
Please read the follow in g: " I used
Scott s Emulsion for an obstinate to u gh with
Hemorrhage. Ixsw o f Appetite, Emaciation.
Meeplt*88n«#8. etc. A ll o f these h ave now left,
and I believe your Emulsion has saved a t'asc
of well developed « onsuinption." T. J. Kl.ND
t.gy, M. D., la n e Htar, Texas.
U R E S Nervous Prostration, Nervcua Headache,
Neuralgia. Nervous W eakness, Stomach
and L iv er Diseases, Rheumatism, Dys-
'pepsia. and al! affections o f the K idneys.
P aine ’ s C elery C, impound is notarsthsr
tic. It in n laxative, kivih * »‘any and uatuni
action to tho bow 1 j . lu-gnlanty uurely fol.
lows its use.
Recommended by nrohnnional and busing»
men. Send for l»ook.
Trice $ 1.0(1. Fold by Druggists.
v ,v
■Northern Pacific Railroad!
A storm «ltd $100.000 damage to crops in
Huron county. O.
For constipation, "liv e r com plaint," or bil­
iousness, sick headache, and all diseases aris­
ing from a disordered condition of the liv e r
anil stomach, take l)r. Pierce's Pleasant Pur­
gative P e lle ts -a gentle laxative ot active ca­
thartic, according to size of dose.
The I'opo is suffering from liv e r complaint
and is losing strength
P E N A L T IE S O r n iP K I DENCE.
S u m m e r is at h a n d - t h e tim e o f y e a r
w h e n o ld h ea d s an d y o u n g b ecom e im p ru ­
d en t, g e t o v e r-h e a te d , c oo l o f f s u d d e n ly,
catch c o ld , h ea d a ch e, n e rv o u s d iso rd «T s,
an d A th o u s a n d an d on e o th e r trou b les
P re a c h in g p ru d en c e is p la y e d o u t.
o n ly th in g to d o is a ft e r yo u h a v e c o n ­
tra c te d o n e o r m ore o f th ese pain s to cu re
y o u r s e lf as qn n -k ly as p ossible.
S m a ll
pain s are n o t to Is* n e g le c te d e x c e p t at th e
risk o f serio u s con seq u en ces,
lie m o » e
th em a t on ce. I t can bo d o n e by an a p ­
p lica tio n o f on e o r m o re o f A L L C O C K ' s
i * i «Rou s P i. AST kit«, re c o g n iz e d th e w o rld
o v e r a « th e best e x te r n a l re m e d y e v e r
m ade
M in d yon , d o n 't n e g le c t y o u r
litt le Ills. T h e y o n tg m w e v e r y t h in g else
am i i f le t a lo n e c o s t you m o re th a n yo u
can e v e r k n o w ,
lte m e m b e r A lX C O C K 's
P lasters .
Professor Herman Ronitz, the German philo­
logist, is dead.
C o l u m b u s , O h io . D w i g h t s D o w - B r a m d S o d a - S a l e r a t u s ,
Tho Northern Paeitic Kailroad will, on Sept.
2d. Ith and 5th. »eil from all pointa in Oregon
and W ashington a round trip ticket io Colum-
biiH, Ohio, for
Be sure that there ta a picture o f a Cow on your pooLa*;«! and you will have
tuu best BoJ» n L o .
! good to return to October .31st. This is the low-
! eat rate e ver made from tho Pacific coa»t to the
j Knst, and the »Northern Pacific is the route se­
lected by the departments oi California, Ore-
! gun and W ashington Territory.
I A special train will leave Portland Sept, 4th,
I carrying the Pacific coast G. A . It. through to
Mt. Paul, w he-e they v\ill escort Comniander-
in-Chief John 1*. lte*a. to Cdam bUo. This rate
is oi»en for everybody.
Kor inform ation and
Pullman reservations, call on or address
A. D. C H A K L T O N .
2 \Hs't Gen. P.isscngcr A g t N. 1*. It. It..
No. 2 Washington
cor. Front, i’ ortland. (ir.
Chronic nasal catarrh positively cured by
Dr. Sage a Item ed) .
Patrick H om y iv»» in early life an
utter failure. His father set him up in
Boulanger i, determined to seek a re-election.
a small store, which did not « uccimh I,
and then th«< youth married the daugh­
ter of an inti-keeper mill for awhile
W h e n yo u v is it S an F ran cisc««, s to p at
th e fa m o u s B a ld w in , th e b est a n p o iiile
tended liar.
Later on he beoame a
and in e v e r y re sp e et th e m o st d e s ira b le
petty lawyer. Hut it was a long time
h o tel ill th e c ity . E v e r y t h in g 1» tlrst-closs
Teaching by Example.
before nil occasion presented itself
an d g u e s t» tlnd e v e r y posn iLle c o m fo rt a n d
which displayed tils wonderful genius.
c o n v e n ie n e e . T h e lo ca tio n , c o r n e r M a r ­
Yes, brother, you should teach your k et, l ’ o w e ll and K «id y s tr e e t » g iv e s access
Thenceforth, however, ho stood at the
child obedience; teach him that your to a h a lf d o z e n s tr e e t c o r lin es, an d is in
In-ad of the profession, and soon ho-
will ikid word is law, und instil into his th e c e n te r o f tho business p o r tio n o f th e
came the loader of tlie patriots of V ir­
c ity . T h e h onse has j'u st been re fu rn is h e d
mind that profound reverence for law th ro u g h o u t an d is c e r ta in ly a m o d el o f
which every citizen should feel. And e lega n ce.
James Otis was the only one of the
If you will just keep on lying a little to
T w o industrial schools w ill be started at
great American orators who sufTcrod
tho assessor about the value of your Columbia, South Am erica.
tlu> lo ss of reason, which was due to a
property in order to evndo certain tax
blow on the head received in a public
t i l t A N D E \ ( t Its IO N E A S T
laws, ami violate tho law about riding
V ia Northern I’aciflc Railroad, to Columbus,
affray occasioned by |Kilitical discus­
on tho platform every time you ride on Ohio, and points E ast The Nor;hern 1‘acific
sion. During th is unfortunate condi­
a street ear, and defy the ordinance Railroad will, on Sept. 3d. 4ih and Jtii, sell (rum
1 all point« in Oregon ami W ashington a round
tion In* «h'stroyod ail bis papers, ami
respecting the ash-lmrrels anti «now on trip ticket to I'oliinibus. Ohio, for $S0. g ix »l to M e a led with gria r «arc fnini the clioircst t<.
soon afterward ho was struck by
bucro rt'ifiotis of North Carolina.
return to October 3l»t. T h ) is the lowest r«te
your side-walk every time you have the ] ever
made from the I'acitlc coast to the East,
S m o k e « C c o l l a s ta L o n g D o e s n o t
lightning, being tiie only statesman
opportunity, ami keep on breaking and the Northern ■•ai itic is the route 8el««ct« d
b lo w o u t th e P ip e ,
that met such a fate.
the departments of California, Oregon m d
every municipal and State law that it | by
it is th « undiaputed lead er of P lu g c u
\\ ashingloD Territory. A special train w ill
John M. (lough was brought out by
isn’t convenient for you to obey, the leave Cortland Sept. 4lh, carrying the i'acitlc «look in g TotttU'i'O throug'.iout the world.
Occident. He did not know what was
■ coast 14. A. it. th ron g» lo St. Paul, where they
boy's reverence for tho law will grow will eacort ('om m am ler in-Chief John P. Kea,
in him until the hour of utterance
T h e B U V E K 6 ' G U I D E 1*
deeper every year, until it will be so lo I'oiuinbua. Tkis late is open for evorvtxsly.
.'Win', (lo igh talked about that very
issu ed M a rc h an d S e p t.,
Spi-eiai train w ill consist of Pullman Valttce
deep that ho can't reach down to it slis-ping cars. I’alat e Dining ears Palace l>ay
each y e a r. I t is an e n c y .
wourronoo, and lie smiled at the pict­
o lo p e d in o f u so fu l in fo r ­
when he wants to use it. The way to Coai'hrs, and .free tourist sleeping can*. For
ure lie drew of himself a miserable
info« matlon and Pullman reservations. eaS on
m a tio n fo r a ll w h o p u r­
teach a hoy obedience is to be just as or «uldreaa
ch ase th o lu x u r ie s o r th e
lrunkard who happonod into a tem­
A. I). C H A K L T O N ,
disobedient as you can be. Just sit
n e c e s s itie s o f lif e . W e
perance mooting and was Induced to
Ass t Gen. Passenger A g 't N. P. K. K .
u an d fh rn ia h y o u w it h
down now anti think; try to count up No. 2 W itshiugion tit. cor. it root. Port land. Or.
speak. It was the lieglnnlng of that
a ll th e n e c e s s a ry an d u n n e ce ss a ry
how many State laws and municipal
a p p lia n c e s to r id e , w a lk , d a n c e , s lee p ,
reform which he advocated with such
f o r l . l v e r 4 'o m p l a l n t s t a k e A l l a n »
ordinances you
violate«! yesterday. Iron Tonic Bitter». A ll genuine t>ear ti e sig­
e a t, fish, h u n t, w o r k , g o to ch u rch ,
fascinating eloquence.
o r s ta y at b o rn e , an d in v a rio u s sizes,
Then call your children nround you nature of J. P. Alien. Druggist. St. Paul, Mmu.
William Henry Seward's speeches
s ty le s and q u a n titie s . J u s t fig u r e ou t
and tell them if th«>y ever disobey you
w h a t is r e q u ir e d to d o a ll th e s d ’ th ln g s
ire remarkably complete, and art* ml-*
J . H . r i * » K . Aaaay e r s n d A n a ly tic a l
In the slightest (Mirtieular you’ll break t 'h r n s l a t . la isira lory, 100 M rst sL. Portland.
COMFORTABLY, an d y o u oan m a k e a fa ir
nim ble for the eloquence of style ns
Or. A n a lyse« made of all sutotanoeo. K ate«
e s tim a te o f th o v a lu e o f th o B U Y E B 8 ’
every hn«'k in the ciimp. HuriUtU.
for assay ing gold and »liv e r ore» $1 JO. i*aoa-
well as for argument.
They were
O U I D E , w h ic h w i l l b e s en t u p on
age» sent by mail or eiprvaa promptly attended
r e c e ip t o f 10 c e n ts to p a y p o s ta g e ,
written out with elaborate care before
lo. and returns made
-------------- * ------------- -
F o r T h r o a t T r a n h l r s a n il t o n g l i a .
111-114 M ic h ig a n A v e n u e , C h ic a g o , I lk
John Randolph was noted for his
"H n m n » Bronchial Troche»." They posseaa
nt* i f Tia* ( i ven e n tre e
r «1 merit.
withering sarcasm.'and was by some
sal satlstartloe In the
tonsldered Insane. His spisvhes wen«
See An tim'd Plano art vertisem enL
cure of (ionorrbnpe aed
seldom reported, and his fame chiefly
tlleet. I prescribe K and
u t U i h x u for breakfast.
feel safe In recommend*
rests on tradition.
Ing It to ail sufferers.
Cuncua* R im o « Cuaa
I lie most finished of American era-
L J . S T O U I , I.D .,
& » • »mo Bxooo Pi», IMS
—W bat may b,» of great value tn
sirs was K.I ward Everett,
but ho
Dscstae, Ilk
»sou P arxis <• V mmuu
ship-building and watchmaking i« the
ticked the magnetic pnwor by which
PRIC* *1.00. .
Drug* I sta
itoscoe ( ’oakling held an audience.
O r*M cam no je a r ie a t o t i i k i s t h m im discovery that »tool, mixed with twen­
which the Cl TKM a « H k m s i ' I ks are held by ty-four percent, of manganese beoome*
Alexander Hamilton's s|s«s*hes were
RatSer (has the Cheapest
tils thtmaaads "p on thousand» w hose lives have
been matte happy by the cure o f agnnuting. hu
lot fully reported, and his fame rests
P ortland B usiness
mutating, itch in g .m a l) and nlniply disemarwof
- Tiu< fabric known a« Chinese gross
ipoa tradition.
He was. however,
the skin, »calp and hlood. with le»a o f hair.
--------------— — — - — Tort I an it, Oregon.
C é n i t h a . the great Rkin Cure, and C m - cloth i» mode from th« fiber of nettle«.
lighly eloquent, and his last effort in
ion. ,s ;»t^
c i u à B o a t an exquiatte «k in BeauUlter. pre­
» ‘half of the liberty of the press awoke
pared from tl, externally, and C i t i c c h a K *- Tho cloth 1« peculiarly glossy and tl«tied rrtM itatNxn.gr"» ng i»M nl xrttv 8 »; se«a
aot.v*MT. the new Blood Puritter, Internally, ( tranaparent, and as belting fop ma­ Shitthama. Common School and Pcmmanihip Dto-rt
igeneral admiration.
mtn<». Students admtttrd at any time. 4 .u«-
are a p ositive cure for every form iff skin and
\N i 1 .- to r 's oratory w is characterized
chinery has double the strength ol legue nn,1 epectmer.s < ( p*'rim inkbiix sent fn-e
M imt disease, from pini nica to ■»rotula
J. A. WRat'O. xiee'y. *. 1 ». t a a s T K ilM ;. I'rle .
dnid e veryw h ere
tVio«. tT T ict ha . SO t .
iy lobu-.t thought, simple but powor-
B o a p , « Ç.. ftx a iu v u x T $1. Prepared by the
'ul language, and a bold presentation
P m - m tlm t a a m . « h a w k a i Co .liosum M o m .
Electric rifle« are the latest. In- \ S 1 E I N W A Y * • * * ' • < H. r K A M K A
if national mailers
f'h«.'ii</<> .Vines,
M 1 • "4 IH .
Gahler. Keen tab
BVdend fo r "H o w to I'tire Hhin Diseama."
m am
/S A LE R A fUS 1
To Hou*ekerj*ern and
F a r m r r * . — I t is impor­
tant that the Soda or
Saleratus you use should
be White and Pure same
M all similar substance*
used for food. To insure
obtaining only the "Arm
d&Hammer'* brand Soda
or Sale rat *, b .iy it In
•pound or ha’ f pound'*
cartoons, which bearour
name and trade-mark, as
inferior goods are serne-
timessubstituted fdttbe
•Arm k Hammer” brand
when bought in bulk.
Parties using Baking
Powder should remem­
ber that its sole rising
property consists of bi­
carbonate o f soda. One
t e w ° on ful o f the •‘ Arm
6 Ham m er” brand o f
Soda or Saleratus mixed
with sour milk equal*
OL’ It T R A U K
four teisp oonfulsof the
brstBaking Powder,Bar­
ing twenty times it*
much healthier, because
it does not con taiD any
lnj irious
such as alum, terra alba
etc., Of which many Bak­
ing Powders are mads.
De rymea and Farmer*
should use only tbe‘‘Arm
k Ham m er” brand for
cleaning and keeping
Milk Pan* tiweet end
B^e that
every pound package of
" A r m and H a m m er
Brand” contains full
10 ounces net, and the
\ pound packages full
11 ounces net, 8oda or
Saleratus same as speci­
fied on each package.
P A C K A G I.
Packed in Card B o a r d B o x es.
A l w a y s keep s Soft.
S O D A or S A L E R A T U S
O! YES, Y E S ! C E R T A IN L Y !
A singed cat dread* the Are.
I p lea d g u ilt y .
I am s e llin g a “ n e w fangled” inachin*
. L i uarf n,ee
^ • » - • ■ '« n a il'd A d v a n c e S e p a r a t o r to be the best gra _in-8»ving. ;*«•
not an e x peri-
er * nd m* » « d u ra h l.'«ip a ra to r e v e r made. But, r . ‘ m e in h e r , it is n
m e n t a l machine, as the O l d F o g y machines are. Y o u are w ell aw are o f the tim e lost ithst .
L 1”
f°.r) i " «»p e r i men ting with O l d F o g y machines. T i n - N e w F a n g le«*
bv ,vT
. r x i - » Tlu' (Fr° t ,|,nit »«HI kicking Of the Old 1'ogv agen t» is only equaled
by the amount o f grain kicked out in the «traw by the O d F o g y imwi.i es O f course, if jo “
wish a cheap machine. Old Fogies
w ill
ill supply
offics w
you at your ow n price; but th eir machim* •(*
at x any
Y ou
• to
- buy
• » « j n
11 « r, _,
L price.
k „,4
v cannot
a thresher
iiui-oiiri without
wiiuoui exam ining m
e A O V A K t 'f * ;
F « ü » ‘ a i Ì 2 all Ì 2 d ■ | ‘ # ì? J ,!2 i i? * Î maohine beraum* it is cheap ami O l d F o g y l a h . Ask the
^ ’J1.*'! " d i *et ty »id e the n e w - t a n g l e d nia< hine and lei you »ee which ii
V lM Y
ï — U 'F ——* ' ( * d n i f t c l i i i i e In a n l d a n
m e rita e n tire ly .
" i
S/ tf/ vj/
Old ladv (in Pennsylvania railroad
d at ion) “ Is this the car ter Sliw w s
I Irak
f you want to smoke* take the cur
Usewd." AqviA.
t r Ptinnlee. Me, kh .ad a eliap|mt and oily > 1
akin prevented by C u n i r a « d a p .
Uhaumatlsm. K id n e j Pains and\V«ek
’w U 1 X rnred by O t TCM aa A mti
P la » t « « . t « » only pstn kllbn, r ‘— -,
vice, fu usrj in no other Piano, by which our PUn
•land in tune 20 yuan, go*»*! f r P.H>; uot atfjiJ
iiy climate. No wood to i-plit, brcaw, »weli,
•crack, decay, or wear ou t; we guarantee ’it.
Kant Rosewood Case.«, 3 stiin/s, double re eau
action; finest ivory key»; tb« Famoua ANTlsri?
Pall or u rite fc r i'uU b^u«, free. T. M. A.NTism
PIANO CO., Manufacturers^ Odd Fcll«.v»s’ ll^li ¿Jr
ket and Se\cnUi Street», San F iancUco.
J. R. C A T E S &
[M urk
2:,ouo m ,
PIANOS^s srs-'s
a C T I V K A t iK N T N H 'A N T K U f o C T k '
J \ Ldfe o f General Sheridan” ; a popular hero;
a popular book at a popular price. F o r term »
and territory address F . P E K S d X , Boom 77.
Flood Building, cor. Fourth and .Market streets.
It cures RiiauMsTisM, Nat k a l o ia . Boll», Pimple«,
«tout, v.
in. : ai Tumor»,
* .L. -■ HI. —
. . urne,
...„I - Rlieum.
«ras and
pain» . II . «»
the Blood,
A successful effort 1» beiog m ade to ralso to­ Liver
aed Kidney» to healthy
—s " a * “ the
bacco in Ventura, Cal.
I Complexion Hrtuhi. and Clear
W A R O t M E lI H A E V E R D IS C O V E R E D ?
A t the tim e when Columbus »tartsxl In search
of the N ew W orld, nearly e ve ry man. woman
anil child in Europe inaisled that tnere wa< no
New w orld to discover. W hen he oame back,
crowned with auceesa, a large proportion of
these good people adhered to their theory; and
if they were alive to-day many o f them would
doubtleas insist that A m erica had n ever been
discovered at all. A man w ill g iv e up any­
thing in the world more readily than a pet
theory. For crumple, look at the Individuals
who still maintain that consumption is incur­
able. Hr. Pierce's Uolden M edical Discovery
has cured thousands upon thousands o f cases,
and w ill cure thousands more, hut these people
can't g iv e up their point.
Nevertheless the
"D iscovery'' w ill cure any case o f consump­
tion, If taken in time.
Spinney b
cretion ahotltd nvr.il
« , t our trpaV1^**
A positive curt*yuiirtintfc .1 in every
tr m a iy and Venereal
* all uuuatuAV1 ^
charF'« f, promptly and safely cured.
ura* da.
Each farm er in Japan has a patch devoted to
the grow th of iudigu.
W h it e E le p h a n t o f S ia m , IJ o n o f E n g
laud. D ra g o n o f C h in a, C ross o f S w it z e r ­
land, H an n cr o f P e rs ia , C re s ce n t o t K g v p t,
D ou b le E a g le o f R u s sia , S ta r o f C h ili, T h e
C irc le o f .lupan. H a r p o f E rin .
T o g e t th e se buy a l»>x o f th e g e n u in e
D r . C. M c T . a n k s C e l e b r a t e d
L iv e r
P h . ij », p rice 2-i i eu ts, a m i m a il us th e o u t ­
side w ra p p er w it h y o u r a d d ress, p la in ly
w r itte n , an d 4 c ell la in s ta m p s .
\\ e w ill
th en m a il y o u th e a lio v e lis t w it h an e le ­
g a n t p a c k a g e o f o le o g r a p h ic a u d ch ro
m a lic card s.
F l e m i n g H r o s ., P i t t s h u r u , P a .
atead of the ordinary percussion firing rtaaoa Kardetl i M t - aua . hanit laetrimenla U i m
idktet Muñe and Recks. B ad !« ftii p^tkl At
j device, it dry chloride of silver buttery •ioek
Prie»» MATTHIAS t;OA Y t v . ^ S t r , «
and a primary coil will, a«» it was lately
T o * a a D a y «ampie« w«rth $ 1.». FRKK.
atatisl before the American Institute. '
Linee »«< un 1er the hursesfeet. Write Bare,
tire the rifle S.V,iXh> time« without re-
a m • SArerv Reis lini osa ( . . I l o t i , . M irh .
N. P N. V . No. M
s. F. N . U . No
¡n v«w figite.be| 'em »0 p r w v e ‘a n " I f L V ' " *
contrary doe* not n,ake 11
I ( w ill P » f Tou w
fact!.™™ m » k 5 * , r e11 kno* n
n o o i l H I B Y P O W F .R . A number of mano-
cTTn^m bSk
" M * .hl11 1 <i" not know o f any I m l U t l i o n » . hut cm a!way» l*'
» h,t I ' u
imitations. I also deal in I . a a n i l r y n rul t l a r l a e
~ ”u rrh
p' ' ko° i Kell«. General M ». Inner) .«w ilt IMlets o m ie Safety
U ^ 2 5 2 P n i Z 2 ^ w Hr i i ^ 2 . ,;t‘ ;1,ra ,on '
In joetor., A . me ,«M A lU rtW
.K j-^ fa x o i'h .Drills., Self H .a tin g Bath Tuha. the W e ringhouse E ngine«, bee f f »
p rtw .^ (h h o ra e oa wfceala, *jWC. Traction. 11074; 15 hor«.- Traction, *1400
ciel U'count for
A “ *^nt for Colburn s l l y u n a iu s and la m p s for f c l e c t r t r I . i g n t l n g - * * •
do without one. Yon must h « e * one for your mills.
bs without a small one in your bouM.
F o r parU. ulara. a d d rv «.
You cannot »(ford ••
Z. T. WRICHT. Foot of Morrioon Stroot. Portland, Oragon.