Iii m a k in g his g reat speech in C on­ great nutural rc-iurrcs to build up. Let ev­ gress on tiie ta riff 11 n o t ion recen tly, ery man I; toinlci h i I ndependence, has a n ice lo t Of II» ' I !|M r. j o f ladies m uslin u n d erw ear, h osiery, Then* i« no use to burden tiie third gloves, inits, collars, eutfs; g en ts neck .Monmouth, Oregon, S .p t. I, I s v i , Offli-e over Ladd A Bush’» Bank, Suleni, Or. p arty w ith th eir m a n y inconsisten­ wear, h and kerch iefs, socks; also, sta­ tio n ery, Looks, croquet sets, notions cies o f their opposition to the repub­ j innum erable. C a ll before p u rch as­ lican p arty, hut ow n , because tin* re­ in g elsew h ere. JO H N J. D A L Y , publican p a rty say th at rather than SOOTS W . E . D alton w ill in su re you r T ill A ft r T lio X o v e m ls T K lection. break dow n th e protective tariff s y s ­ w heat. l i e is an exp erien ced Inisi- tem, th ey w ould In a contingency re­ ne-~ m an and 'O t g iv e satisfactory peal lite tax on liquor-; th e y abuse term s on all grain th a t he insures and will promptly attend to all legal business Republican National Ticket. entrusted to him. them and call them th e “ free-w h isk y should th e ow ners w ish to sell before For President, th e tim e exp ires o f p o licy , th e m on ey D A LLA S, OREGON. p a rty ,” when in th e v e r y platform w ill 1 m * refunded on rem a in in g tim e. I! 1 .NJA.M 1 N HA lilt ISON, on which th ey stand there is a declar­ of Indiana. Crider brothers o f Dallas h a v e gn,- WARREN TRUITT, e ation in favor o f th e unconditional < hmi .«hakes for sale cheap. For Vie. President, un Im m ediate repeal o f th at ta x . I f LEVI 1 *. M o K T o X . their conscience can endorse such an of Nt V Y ork. inconsistency, I am h a p p y to say D A LLA S, OREGON. m ine does not. W ill practice in all the courts o f the State. m tini Kir For Presidential KIrotor», Offici* in ( 'ourt House. GENERAL BLAGKSMITHMG. noilKKT M' LUAN. W m . KAPi S C leveland is in a dilem m a» A C. W. l l'L T O N . ¡ ‘lutforin: l ‘nitri 'ion o f A m eticón ! strong elem ent o f his p a rty w o u ld - a n d ---- Jintn.Orti «, A m i l i on Home* for w ish him to hedge on his m essage and the M ills hill and claim that he Wot!:'mine ». is a protectionist, and ¡ire u rg in g him W e hav e never b e en an adm irer o f to such a course in h is letter o f uc- Druggists and Apothecaries. Mr. C levelan d but when w e consider ceptance. On th e o th er hand the his open m an ly pe-ttion on the tariff; larger and stronger portion o f his teff' A S p e cia lty , 'ha, question in e tupari-on w ith th e ¡p a rty insist th at he shall stand rug«. Paint«. Oils, »¡la.«« and all other A r Shop on|xi«itc livery stable, at tiie foundry crin g in g sn eakin g l y i n g s u b - straight up and re-as-ert th e free- liete« kept in a tirst-elass drug store. terfug 'o fs d ta e ¡'the h td e r -o f his trade doctrine.« o f his m e—age. T h ere I n d ijM 'iid in c e . party, In* looms up above them lik e j is no m idd le grou nd , he m ust ta k e Prescriptions Carefully Com pounded. SH EItIFF’ S SALE. ti stork above a pond o f w ig g lin g | one or the o th er o f th e tw o horns o f In the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon slim y tad-p"l* -. !i -at* m the qu o-- tlii« d ilem m a. H ence tin d elay^ n for the enmity o f Polk, tion in hi last im~ -age upon the the- ] g iv in g h is letter o f acceptance to the W illiam M. Gregory, plfF. ory that the price o f wool to th e pro­ country. v« Jf-ff* Also Dealers In Reed A Barton'» Sil- ducer w ill b e t r i h lr I by p laciligit Oil “ A ttronr/ilìfemmo isti desperate case I S. G. Bailey, T. V. A llen , ver and Piatisi Ware. Jewelry, J/uaical In- and the free list, and it w ould be absurd T o n ct w itli in fam y or q u it thè p la ce.” John Poster strumenta o f all kinds. Defendants. to argue otherwise*, for lie Is try in g Notice i« hereby given that in* virtue o f an to prove that farmer- can buy cheap­ “Old WebfM)t" is i«>imng tu thè front. execution issued out ••! and un ter the*eal o f B rick Block, hi'leprmlruce. the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon for er woolens if th e m anufacturer (*¡111 The rimiiug ha« Invìi »low, hut great ÌHMlies tiie county o f I ’olk on the .doth day o f July move «lo«-. The progres.« of thè «tate get cheaper w ool, y e t ill the face o f a,wo>’: |sss, upon a certain judgem ent therein ren­ their I’ resident and in contradiction 1 « IM'rmuiuiit. li.sgrowtli i» not flint of u dered mi the ilth day o f Deeemlier l«se. and inani east- vidl'd half in the smith J o f seetimi IS and price, how w ill r ijffiti'.s bTqflket” cheap- liumheretl umong lt« inliuhitant»; tliere «ili and lot ,‘t o f -ei'timi 17 in I « S K t> W o f the I h * muuy tosay, “ I tolti you so.” lf Oivgon W illam ette Meridian. A n d in «aid decree er’.’ Let all i|eiiy^ci'ltsj Who claim had «|>ent Inilf thè money in advertising thè directing that said desenbed premises he sold that placin g w n o it fid ho #]»•»• list w ill n sr. II. BUTLER, variety and rieliness of it*t resoureos, 11« has in manner and form as by law provided, ¡uid m ake it h ig h er MfeJ ti*»* fot low Ing I been «|M*nt in Imoming thè de-ert of Soutli- that you apply the proceed.« o f «m il .«.ileus follows to-wit: First to the payment o f the llnm ( level.iinj s fcn*ssuge and set* i erti t'alilornin, lt ivould to-dav bave live cost« and i'Mpeii-i « o f «ueh side and to costs Druggist and Apothecary. how “ pittili ¡1 tale \\ ili pllt tllOlll [ tinie« tilt* |MipuIut|oii. Down in California and disbursements o f il i • suit as taxed: sec­ d o w n .” Ilc s a y s : every inali talk« f’ulifornin, «ings Calllomia, ond to the payment o f the amount found -Dealer in— due the plaintiff to-wit: $JS7 70 with the in­ T h e d u t y o n thè gradi* o f Im ported 1 ,hvai>'s ' 'alifornin, and luu k cast thè 1«■ q*U* terest at the rate o f ten per cent per annum Wool w b ich t.he-e «lieep y ie ld is In lune California « ritten in llieir prayer ho. iks, since December 11. I* s i, and .*¡100 attorney’s mgs. Chemicals, Books, Stationery, Toilet eeilts t*aeh potllld i f o f thè va lile o f 80 | and 011 thè lintel« oftht •ir doni«. Kverv- fees; third to the payment o f the sum found articles, etc. eetits or le««, and PJconts ift lie vain e hotly there want« to go to California, and if due pUiintitf from John Foster to-wit: the sum o f $Jo and interest at the rats o f * )M.*r o f m ore tlnm do c n t s . I f t h e lihoral they do ant liv e to see it, tliey cxfM* t to go cent from August gs, Is«.; and the sum o f Prescriptions Carefully Cumpoiniilei! »‘stintiti i i i\ p itteIs l,o ;\|hiw.sl for there «'lien they 1 i¡«*. T h i« year is Oregon’« •f7 7o costs mid if the proceeds o f such sale »•nell 11 ." •• ilu' . lu ty t b erci 11 wonld elianee, never were the opportunità'« more shall he insultieieii t to satisfy the sums found I m 1 (il) or 7 ‘J eeut -, and Ibis m ay he to I«' due plaintiff that von proceed to satisfy M onmouth, - - - Orer/on. tu Iteli o- thè u lu le ! tiiiia iiiv iiirtil o f favorable. Shall we t ike the«e advantages, the -ami' from any other property o f the de­ and «hi.»*' t:> the world we a re a progressive fendant, S. G. Hailey, in your county not e x ­ its price lo thè furm cr h y reason o f tld s d u ty . I.'jb t* 'ti d oilars wonld people? Other State« have gone ulna I with empt from execution hy law. Therefore, bv virtue o f .«aid execution and in pursuance o f thus repn s ut thè inereased price o f ! ,l,rt half «0 great advantages a« Oregon. «aid decree I « ill «ell tin* foregoing described tliew o o ! troni tw e n ty liv e sheen am i | I' Ik eoiinty I« one o f the boat in (h e «tati*, l.remi-es to the highest ladder for cash in Oregon Stato Normal School. #'iti timi froni thè w ool o f tifty slieep; the productivem'«« cannot lie over rutili, o ""1 a' the court house door in the town o f and nt pri*«»*nt valu es tliis addi tion LI Th* earth almost groan« under its load o f Dallas. Polk county, Oregon, on S A T t 'K D A Y 1st ilav o f SKPT. A. D. 1SSS, F U L L F A C U L T Y , wonld ¡uuoutit to about oue-tldrd o f j vegetation. Our husllicss men are more bet ween the horn«* o f I and J o'clock p. m. o f its price, l f 11 poti Its «ale thè fariuer GOOD B U ILD IN G S , j cheerful than a year ago. The outlook has said day to satisfy said demands and costs i n h v I v c s t hi- or a le«s ta ritf prolit, thè ,. L IG H T E X PE N SE S . and accruing costs. Datisl at Dallas this.'toth loiiht« are I'litertuiueil o f wool leaves bis hun»ls chargetl w itli I * ' « » « ' " dav o f July A. I), isss. -----: 0 :----- the tirigli teat future for our people. Let all p rcclsely flint suiti, w h lcli in all its 1 1 : V S. S M IT H , »•Imnges w ill a.lh ere to it u ntil it Polk county tow n« take iidvuiitu.v o f these Sheriff o f P olk Co., Or. renelle« th eeo u su m er. W Iteti inanu- faefured in to e lo lh and otlier ginnls and m aterial l'or u«(*, its eost is not o n ly iiu*ii*asi*d to th è ex ten t o f thè farm er’s t;tritf proti!, hut ti further A l! Normal Graduates receive a Diplôm e suiti has been addisi for tic* licnctit o f frmn tiie State which authorizes them to thè inalili la i*tun*r u nd er thè npcm - tea. Ii in any pulilie school in the State. < Ither tion o f o th er tariti' law s. Siati « grant teachers • ertiti eat es on presenta­ T liis o iig h t t o I m * eo n v in cin g to timi n| tin-, Normal Diploma.«, without e x ­ amination. d»*mtK*rj\ts. Is ( ’levelatul, rig h t or ---- :0:— O w rong? lt m ay bc w ell too to indice that under th è M ills Itili (la* fu rtlier riieiicUnowIcdgci! Is-ading F.xhihitlon ofthe Day and Age. compnsing thè Ctwmi of thè C H E A P UDIRTI HQ-. suiti sp okt‘11 o f us "addt*tl for thè I m * i i - Professimi fnmi live eontlnents. Kumpe, Asia and Anienea in friendlv rivulry ut etit o f tlu* m niiufacturer” under thè and everv entertainment. Grent ltiders frmn Franco, Kngiaiid. Uusiaaud America. Oynmasts frmn everywhen* Aenihats, Aerialists and o|H*ratiou o f flit* pre«ent tariti’ law s, dents at the .Normal Dining H a ll” at # 1 .:«, Kipiestriaus of thè I-eading lIip|»Klronu*s front every land and ciinie; in- w ill he inct*ca«ed. T liis ¡« “ tarilT r»»- per week. G ihm I Imarding in families with troiiiii'ing a scrii*« of Novel and Amazing Fiat« and Fioturcs entirvly tu*«* tu furnished room, fuel and ligias, i-'i.oo to $3.5t forni” \\ ith ; i*njrt‘;inco. American iiudiences. Fimi date and price of ihlmisstmi lielow. Will para.li* thè prim*q«l | mt week. -♦ • P#- «ireets, in thè FJaliorately lHcorat.sl, Golden diari..t of ('leo]«tra, in thè foronoon**^ I t e l i in t e i ' T o u « ! > o ! l a r s u i t M n le h r il Polk County Observer. C. E. Worthington. A D ESPER ATE ACT! \ t lotist so it appear«; but 11s wt* h ave deeidvd to retire fro m tin* husio^. w e are n o w otTering our stoek <>f tlry gm xls, etc., at ex a ct O COST. DENTIST, THE OBSERVER FOR T h is is no old or shop-room stoek, hut all fri*sh goods, Vttonicy at Law, Attorney at Law, Vaughn k Hillard. B u ster & oYernon, C h ild can huy^just as ch eap as the m ost ex p erien ced buyers.; ® N d E A IS r AYliv stand y e ¡.lie all tin* day'.’ Com«* in and m a k e good w ages by hm*. ing w iiere yo u can got goods th e cheapest. A tw in can m a k e H IS M on ey go farth er w ith us th an at a n y o th er place in tiie S'tate.'of Oregon, Horse-Shoeiìig’ D L I F E • Is too short to w aste in je w in g m erchan ts d o w n so th at yOu can get goodjH at r»*asonahle prie**s. lint from us yo u can b u y a t cost, ju s t exactly t h t l prices w e pay tin* w holesale m erchants in P o rtla n d , San Francisco,L'iii«^ Q Boston and N e w Y o rk . R em em lier w e tal^e produce ju s t th e sam e as cash in exch an ge for the*» great bargains. AT THE POST OFFICE STORE, C h u rch ill & Monteith, Indepen dence, Oregon, James Tatom. fflonmouth, SI Oregon. SH ELLEY &VÂNDUYN, Head Quarters for General Merchandise, n Normal, Collegiate, and Commercial Departments b r a m i Iiiimvnliim ¡n Ihqitilur A 111 u.xeiur 11 1 s. A T l l O X M O I T I l T I E N D A V S E I T , R it . McMahon’s World Circus. T w o -h i.M seM-U ila y. AHi rnoi.n at ±:trt. E v e n in g a tS :.'» . D oornand th'kH ..t»hvo|M*n ..tu* hottr carlivr. A fi*w coinfortabh* Roscrv»*.! S»*ats at a in v ito tilt* ( II) ..........l'Un* l 'ni-o-tim ¿ e i *■ * xtm . A g e uni fi*. .• K xh ih ltion ench d a y al io a . m . and 7 p " m [Advertí*« lout in tin- Washington /*•*.*m- p r i'in g tli o b i r o |Ni|iulutinn o t ---------- n o ~ ® A n io riin , to mir o xh ild t o f tlu* host ; oh e \ ... t • A : O 1 ntako, 1 11- vortw l by Aniorioiin fri*«* luUir luto Send for (Analogue. A ddre«« tho President D. T. S t a n l k v , J/onmouth, Oregon. «ni ©nini 1 rock «uii« i I m 'H i t inaili' aliti lM'ttor tlttlnir tliuti nny Lom lon nitido \ flothfM thiit \vo havt* o v r r « r n i that H E A D C A K E I T 'L L Y . wt* aro solliug' nt #10 a «ult! F o rty-| D. Warren, j . E. Jemian, tim i* st.vl.'s 011 1 xhibitioii in olio o f t 'iM'k toves fürnlshrd $15 and h igh er, m ilk ¡mus i ” t — a mi U d M I olir 1 o \ ® , 1 m -, any q r t p a lis ;i7s'ts; - ï ; - v e |M>llish k t « bum h; a • • ! ! lino o f tin w a r e ; nuila olio o f wliioh \V ili kniK-k sky-hiirh Ilio A\ »s iits | mt iMiund and h igln r; n>|M* Iti] tvn ts p»*r pnund. )*ult reoontiv oxhihitotl dii tht* tlo o ro f O O tho 1 luiisoc■; O r. ■ .'iitativos. T h in k General o f lt ! Iti l.n ylish fahricM ivo havt*Ilio lluthlorsrtolil «iitglo ynrn itimm I« that b a vo »ohi all o v e r London at 1 J sh il­ t ar|M*nt» r tnoN. b u ild in g m at. rial, lum lior. -h in glcs, «ash and door* fam*v ling"* (lin.ftti) a suit, unti \vo w ill soli ; \i in* fi*ms*. w o von win* and spiral -j.rin g I m « I - . iim unition ti«h - you a suit o f tlu* «ani»* m aterial at i n i 1 in g tiu'kh*. w a ll i>a|M*r. w in d o w shnd.-s, and a good lino o f hi>us»> fu rn ish in g gin»»!«. inailo hy il« right boro in tho l'a p lto l o f A m eri tu; hut \vo fm n k ly sny tu you tlioy art*not ns g ì m «I for xvoar tir •tylt* it« o th er suit»* wt* st*lhit thosaiuo jiriot* mudo frtim fut.rii««munufaotimsl | Wood Work a Specialty. I'om o and s v »uir -t.M*k, \i ** w ill tn at y o u rou rtoonsly. « g In thU oou n try. L m k in tlu* w im low and bt* con vinetti that y o u ran tinti pigili lion*, in tho sliiulow o fth t'ilo in o o f tilt* N ntioii's t'a p ito l, tilt* tie-f #|ti A ll charge* reasonable. Give us a call. suit o f elothes to I m * fotintl in an y city in tliis com itrv in th *W orld. S. J. WATERHOUSES. ----- Carries at idl tim es n frt sh and co m p lete stock of groceries.----- A full line of Hardware. f e v e r y »leseription, us cheap as th e cheapest. Call and see h im . O cited . Y o u r patronage is soli Monmout%, Farm ers Oregon. Mercantile Association, D E A L E R S In General Merchandise. ° Bed Rock Prices, Best Grade of Goods, And Fair Dealing • Is Our Motto. -AH kimfc o f produce taken in cxoliangr fur g w i K - M OXM OITM , O i l E G OX. and ° Horseshoers. Orders Solicited and filled with care and Dispatch. Farmers Supply Depot Co.. O R EG O N * MONMOUTH, ( NOTIONS! N O TIO N S! ! ^ armi k »Jerinan, R lQ IS T ^ r o U T H , 9 B U Y YOUR GROCERIES A T Tim?. New Goods and Quotations. Blacksmiths Oregon. Study, —Compietevi in a— Short Independence, OREGON. Agricultural Implements and Farm Machinery, COOPER k C O X X A W A Y , — D EA LE R S IN— Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. I^ A g cn t* for Kapp, Burrell A Go. Independence, Oro(|ou.*