Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, September 01, 1888, Image 1

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    P olk C ounty O bserver .
— ■—
O '
A nkw double-pointed nail is the
mention of an ingeuious woman.
ie [Hiints turn in opposite directions,
A n E piton e o r the P r in c ip a l E vents D evotku P r in c ip a l l y to W asu ikg ton D evotku to the I nterests o r E au mers R e l ia b l e Q u o ta tio n s C ark ^ lly R e
lev are especially useful for invisible
N ).^ , A tthactinu P ublic I nterest .
T e r r it o r y a n © C a ij for m a .
vised E v er y W eek ..
and S tockm en .
liling in wood-work.
It is simply
0 nails joined firmly, the sides of
Strawberry Vine*.
W H E A T — Valley, $1 2 2 * Q fl 23
The loss by the burning of the con-
Charles Russellor, a receotOirrival
e heads being placed together.
Now that the strawberry crop has Walla Walla, $1 15(31 18.
vent in New York is now estimated at from the East at Sacramento, Cal.,
$350,000; insurance, $130,000.
was accidentally drowned while bath- been taken off, the success of next
B A R L E Y — Whole, $1 10(3l 12*;
[ t is found that nearly every kind
year largely depends on the treat­ ground, per tou, $25 00(327 60.
The main building of Wells’ col- in8 iu ,he river-
glass, especially that containing
lege at Yurora, N. Y., was burned.! The Browu house, one of the finest ment given the vines from now until
OATS— Milling, 3 0 @ 3 5 c.; feed, 44
^fcngeiuse, is liable to a change of I he loss is over $200,000; insurance buildings in Phoenix, Ariz , caught the winter comes on. There are two
| A ' i ’ by the action of the sunlight, $100,000.
fire, and was totally destroyed, owing modes of cultivation, the first being t345e.
H A Y — Baled, $10(3$12.
The new Catholic church at Cole to a scarcity of water. Loss, $35,000 ;
■ t can be ri stored to its original
a space, which is^riiown as a “ single
« l o r by heat. Stalled glass in win- m m , Wis., collapsed, killing one man insurance, $13,000.
Blue Grass, 14j(<tl0c.; Tim-
stool’’ plan, and the otlnPis the close
Fire destroyed Leach’s large plan-
■ w s that has changed tint through and crushing seven fthers so badly
matting of the vines in rows, the row» otjiy, 9 *@ 10 c.; Red Clover, 14(315c.
tliat several may die.
ing mill and the Poiueer Box Com-
being about one foot wide, with room
^ f a r action can thus be restored by.
FLOU R— Patent Roller,
$4 0 0 ,°
Edward Haulan, Jr., a young son of P*11* ’8 factory at Marysville, Cal. The between the rows for cultivation.
Country Brand, $3 75.
Hanlan, the oarsman, of Toronto, !° 88 ' 8 estimated at $30,000, and w^ll
EGGS— Per doz, 18c.
The total oat crop of this country
OxK of the most curious of the Canada, while playing with matches, insured.
set tire to his clothes aud was burned
Janies Featherstone, a schoolboy 14 in 1887 was fiol),000,000 busluls. Illi­
B U TTER— Fancy roll, per pound,
ety appliances for theaters is the to death.
years of age, while bathing with a nois took the lead in this crop with 25c.;
pickled, 20(325c.;
¡n curtain which has just been put j
A passenger train ran into the rear number of com panions at San Fran­ 100,000,000 ; Dakota raised 37,000,00« grade, 15(325.:.
the Theater Francais, in Paris. ! end of a freight at Darlington, Ohio, cisco, got beyond his depth ^ n d was bushels.
C H E E S E — Eastern, 10(320o.; Ore­
*e curtain is of sheet iron, stiffened badly damaging the passenger loco­ drowned. II is body was found by a
A stock com p in y with a capital of gon, 14(3 IGo.; California, 14*e.
$2,000,000, equally divided between
braces of iron and decorated by j
V E G E TA BLE S— Beets, psr sack,
Charles Harvey, known as “ Big English and Minnesota capitalists,
Nobody was hurt.
livass attached to it. It is worked ;
The Mackintosh sampling works at Charley,” an employe at I he Borden proposes to ship wheat direct to Liver­ $1 50; cabbage, per lb., 2 } c . ; carrots,
Idraulically, the vaftes arranged so j
The prin­ p e r s k .,$ l 25; lettuce, (>er doz. 20c.;
Sandy, fourteen miles south of Salt farm near Maderia, Cal., was found pool by way of the lakes.
¡to be operated by electricity.
plan is to onions. $1 0 0; potatoes, (>er 100 llis.,
Lake, v.as burned. The loss is atout
$25,000, insurance
The He had gone to water stock, and was avoid the mixing in transfer elevators, 90c.@ $1; radishes, per doz., 15(320c.;
p T is pointed out by a wilter in the oause of the tire is unknown.
rhubarb, (>er lb., 6c.
subject to fits.
hitherto found so hard to prevent.
inufacturer’s Gazette that all com-
little child of Hollis Edwards,
H O N E Y— In com b, per lb., 18c.;
Mr. W . P. Atherton, whose success­
For the second time in three years
■Bunds for improving steel and re- a large part of the business portion of living three miles from Walla Walla, ful apple culture is mentioned in the 1 strained, 5 gal. tins, |ier lb. 8*e.
^ ^ i n g burned steel are useless. Good Litchfield, Conn., has been burned W. T., while playing in the yard with Maine Pomological Report, urges set­
POULTRY — Chickens, per do*.,
its brothers and sisters, tripped and
el cannot be im proved; burned The fire destroyed several business fell head first iuto a small hole in the ting the trees of eacti chosen variety $5 Q0@6 0 0 ; ducks, jier doz., $5 00(3
by themselves, instead of scattering 7 0 0 ; geese, $6 00(38 0 0; turkeys,
el is good for nothing and caunot blocks.
yard, breaking its neck.
promiscuously through the orchard ; per lb., 12*c.
1 restored. The same writer also
Nicholas Frederick shot and fatally and he refers to several sorts highly j
Gntluh block, on Market street, be­
PROVISIONS— Oregon hams, 12*c
ndemns all com pounds ,for remov­ tween Sixth and Seventh streets, at wounded his son at Virginia, Nev. recommended and planted
freely, per lb .; Eastern, 1 3 @ l3 * c .; Eastern
ing scale from boilers, and advises Chattanooga, Tenn., aud destroyed Father and oil had an altercation, be­ wliieh experience compelled him to breakfast bacon, 12*c. per lb .; Oregon
cause the latter and his sister attended root out.
$400,000 worth of property.
1 0 @ 1 2 c.; Eastern lard, 10(a)ll*o. per
nt they be let alone.
a hall at a neighbor’s. Thg father at­
To show the numerous sources from lb .; Oregon, 10*c.
The wholesale agricultural imple­ tacked the sou and the latter ran out
T he recent tearing down of a New ment house of Martin A Co , and
GREEN FRU ITS— Apples. $ 60
of the house, when the father shot which potatoes are deceived in New
York City, it may be stated that dur­ @ 8 5 c.; Sicily lemons. $6 00@tt 60
impshire manufactory by means of Kingman & Co., in Peoria, 111., were him with a revolver.
ing a single day recently the following j California, $3 50(36 0 0; Navaloranges
luamite demonstrates a new use for burned. Loss, $120,000; insurance,
The body of Mrs. R icliael Frazier, lots were received: By Rotterdam
$ 120 , 000 .
$6 00; Riverside, $4 00; Mediterra­
explosive. The concussion com-
who had been missing for several days, steamer,
Amsterdam nean, $4 2.’r.
Btely separated the bricks and did
the Mount Tabor Methodist camp
D R IE D FRU ITS— Sun dried ap­
¡t seem to injure them in the least, meeting grounds, at Newark, N. J., mountain, fourteeu miles from Liver­ steamer, 3,928 sacks ; Stettin steamer,
more, Cal.
She started from her 2,761 sack»; Nova Scotia schooners, ples, 7*e. per lb .; machine dried, 10@
e charges were put ia holes dug in was burned. Two children and the ranch to go to Livermore, and evi­
13c,; Italian
12,444 bushels, and by Prince Edward 11c; pitless plums,
i foundation under the brick walls, mother were burned to death.
prunes, 1 0 @ 1 4 c.; peaches, 12*(314c.;
dently lost her way. The woman was Island schooners, 13,147 bushels.
raisins, $2 40(32 50.
A boarding house and store at quite prominent as an army nurse
Id the number of cartridges was
A South Jersey asparagus grower
ded according to the number of West Charleston, W. Va., was burned, during the war of the rebellion.
W OOI— Valley, 17(318c.; Eastern
and Mrs. Wallaee and son Simon,
The sloop yacht Thetis, the favorite says that growers fifty miles nosth are Oregon. 9(315c.
heks iu the wall to he demolished.
aged 30, were cremated.
Robbery, yacht of the Corinthian fleet, was often earlier with their first shipments,
H IDES— Dry beef hides, 8(310c.;
murder and arson are suspected.
wrecked on the rocks just outside because as soon as the ground is in fit culls, 6(37 c . ; kip aud calf, 8(310c.;
|A d a y or two since Mrs. Tom Shaff j
Deacon Lovering, aged 00, and his Port Point near San Francisco.
Murrain, 10 (4) 12c.; tallow, 3@3*c.
1, and was buried on Cow Creek, | sister, Mrs. Richardson, of Greenfield,
is now alongside the wharf. She was light furrow from the sunny side of
LUMBER— Rough, per M, $10 00;
bgan county, W . Va.
After the Mass., were instantly killed by light hauled off the rocks and towed iuto
per M, $12 0 0; T. and G.
Ireinony the minister publicly ¡ti­
port. Her rudder is gone and there
is a big hole in her bottom. It is in the sun to the crown of the plant sheathing, per M, $13 0 0 ; No. 2 floor­
lted miy couple who wished to be buildings were burned.
He thinks the extra price received ing, per M, $18 00; No. 2 ceiling, per
lined in matrimony to step forward, J Information was received at Tuc­ thought some miscreants cut her loose does not fiay for the labor expended, M,$l-8 0 0 ; No. 2 rustic, (Kir M, $18 00;
son, Ariz., that two men were killed for sport or for spite.
clear rough, per M, $20 00 ; clear P. 4
hereupon Bluff and a thirteen-year- j
between Crittenden and Huachtiu, and
A young man named Gene Drake
S, per M, $22 50; No. 1 flooring, (>er
¡il girl
named Mary
Browning lin t tlie deed was supposed to have committed suicide at Riverside, Cal.
A New England paper says: “ Oleo­
M, $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M,
bpped out of the funeral train and been the work of Indians.
The men He was lying on a lounge in his par­ margarine is not selling so well this $22 50; No. 1 rustic, (>er M, $22 50;
ent’s house, reading a newspaper.
►re united in marri ige.
Shaff is ' killed were Mexican vaqueros.
stepping, per M, $25 0 0 ; over 12
W^ile Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt His father and mother went out of the < haracter is known by customers. inches wide, extra, $1 0 0; lengths 40
■y-seven years old.
was riding in a victori* in Bi Uvue; room a few minutes, and returning
to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to 60,
eated quite a sensation.
avenue at Newport, R. I., the carriage | found that he had shot himself through a lirg e market, offered under its true extra, $4 (X); 1* lath, per M, $2 25;
He must have died m- colors. Only by a series of deceptions 1* lath, per M, $2 50.
the head
Miss P a k l o a , the celebrated anther was ruu into by a dogoart, and Mrs.
No «ause is assigned for the has it been sold better last year, and j
Vanderbilt thrown out.
She sus­ stautly
SA LT— Liverpool grades of fine
Icook-boeks and lecturer on cookery, | tained serious injuries.
is selling better this season, by reason
quoted $18, $19 and $20 for the three
oed the other day with a Pittsburg [
An east-bound overland passenger
sizes; stock salt, $10.
George Metzinger, who was the
]y who had especially prepared a chief instigator in the Chicago bomb- train ran off the track near Siberia . sale of filthy substitutes."
BEANS— Quote small whites,$4 60;
Plums and otner similar fruits may
lad for her distinguished guest, but makers, and connect, d with the Hay- 8H*tl" n abt,ut
m ,lw we8t of
(links, $ 3; bay os, $3; butter, $4 50;
the latter scarcely tasted, market riot, died in an insane asylum
derailed but no body was injured, ex­ country, where the trees will with­ Limas, $-4 50 per cental.
No one
iss Parloa, don’t you know that at Jefferson, 111., recently.
C O F F E E — Quote Salvador,
claimed his body and it was used for cept a few bruises and sc latches to stand the climate without any dam
Sat salad is made strictly after your
some of the passengers, caused by a age from the plum curculio, by spray Costa Rica, I8(320c.; Rio, 18(320c.;
dissecting purposes.
broken truck on the baggage car.
ing the trees with the arsenic <1 poisons, Java, 27*0.; Arbuckle’s’s roasted, 22c.
ripe?” the hostess asked.
‘'Y es,” |
At Moose Lake, near Duluth, Minn.,
Louise Parker, 12 year-old daughter Paris green and London purple, one
MEA T— Beef, wholesale, 3(3)3*e.;
died Miss Parloa, “ and that’s why
Japp Cox, a well-to-do farmer, shot of Mrs. Dr. Cown, was drowned at pound of either to fifty or sixty gal­ dressed, 6 c .; sheep, 3c ; dressed, o e .;
afraid to eat it. I have told peo- aud instantly killed his 14 year-old
Anaheim landing, twelve miles from lons of water, through the use of the hogs, dressed, 8(39o.; veal, 7( 3 8 c.
liow to make a great many things son. The father was teating a W in­ Anaheim, Cal. In com pany with a s ta y in g pump. First spray the trees
PICK LES— Kegs quoted steady0 at
it would give me nightmare for a chester rifle, when it was accidentally party of children she Btarted out to just before the blossom buds open ; $1 35.
discharged, the bullet penetrating the gather clams on the beach of the second, two weeks after the beetles fly.
,ek if I ate them."
boy’s head.
SUGAR— Prices for barrels; Golden
creek and accidentally fell into deep If a weak soap emulsion is used at
registered letter
Nancy Railing, a colored woman water. Several of the children tried these sprayings to mix tlie poisons, it <5,6j|o.; extra C ,6 | e .; dry granulated,
will also destroy the leaf lice, aphis, 7 go.; crushed, fine crushed, cube and
i^arappa, Me., the other day? de living at Norfolk, Va., who has been to rescue her, but failed.
bugs and all other insects injurious to powdered, 8c.; extra C, 6 fo .; halves
Kted to Joseph Landry. Now, there
Then a and boxes, *c. higher.
living frog, nearly as long as a finger, ing on Schoolcraft island, near Rio the frait and the foliage.
ie three owners of that name in 1 and almost white from long depriva­ Vista, Cal., was fatally burned and third spraying about June 10, and the
iccarappa, each ef whom was sure tion from light. It is supposed that died in a few hours. She was at home fruit is safe.
— It is reported that a “ dovil fish” oi
letter was for him. The con test1 some time ago the woman swallowed alono and was found by a neighbor
Halt gathers on the outside of hub
ocoaff vampire, weighing fully twe
xed warm, and an interpreter was
tous, was recently caught in a llshitu
During a heavy gale the sloop Flora every stitch of clothing burned off, evaporation of water contained in the seine on the Mexican coast near Tarn
lied in, before whom the respective
B. capsized near New Castle. D .U
her body and lower limbs fear- brine formed by the salt added for pieo. When dead and spread out on
Rons of the claimaints were argued,
seasoning the butter, the brine being
She had on board,
Elijah fully burned.
the beach it presented every appeaium*
nally the letter was opened, and Wheaton, Mrs. Johnathan Turner.
Some boys swimming in the arm crowded out of the butter by con of un enormous bat or vampire. It wai
und to contain— nothing but a small Mrs. Sami. W heaton and daughter, 9 ; near Victoria, B. C., found on the traction from change of temperature.
fifteen feet long and seventeen foot
11, which
of the three years of age, and Mrs. Thomas Finne- shore a pair of pants, vest and coat, It occurs when Uto much moisture is wide from the edges of the pec tom
n the left in butter when working it, and
anted. ________ ______
pockets were found letters addressed when there is so much water in the fins, and its mouth was five feel
Jennie Woolver, a domestic on a U( w m . Culby,headed “ Dear Father” composition of butter that it separate» across.
A m e d ic a l journal states that new
farm near W oodland, Miss., was shot gignetj j \y c rawley. The letters freely and forms an excess of brine
[»eriments have changed old theories
—There is at Lone Pine, lnyc
aad killed by George Moons, aged 20 ^ g^ow
writer to be connected when salt is added.
In the latter
» n the best methods of treating years,
_ _ who then blew bis brains out. j with a circnB
lem on a d e, case the butter contracts from the County, Cal., arock that might be easi­
lice ar'e looking in to
Dst bites,
A physician froze sixty Moons lately returned Iron Colorado, The
the liberation of moisture without change ly passed off for a petrified elephant. A
of temperature, just as curd contracts photograph of the rock shows as like
Kgs into a condition of completely and it is supposed that he killsd the matU;J:
girl because she ^ ts soon to be mar­
Mrs. Murphy, of Fresno, Cal., sent from the liberatior of its whey by the as possible to the photograph of an
jspended animation.
Twenty of
ried to another man, and refused bis
13 year old son to stake out a cow actios of rennet, or as lean meat con elephant. The trunk, the eyos, the
ese were treated by the
usual suit.
rear the bouse. The boy not return­ tracts by separation of its moisture head and body are all as well formed
pethod of gradual resuscitation in a
In the photograph as If the camera had
Three young men Soloman Reid, ing toward night the mother went out from the application of salt.
Did room, and of these fourteen per- aged 1« years, W m. Lawrence, aged to search for him, and found him a
The Commissioner of Agriculture been turned to a living animal.
h( d ; twenty were treated in a warm 18, and the third name unknown, were „hort distance from home lying on his at Washington, has just received from wrinkles and folds in the skin of an
Kartmeut, and eight of these died; drowned in the E<st river, opposite face insensible, and suffering from a Europe a consignment of choice silk elephant and the color ase all repeated
Sixth street, in New York, from a gunshot wound through his head. worm eggs which he will distribute In the nick. 'The symmetry and pro­
bile of the remaining twenty, which
boat which was upset by the wash The Uiy rallied enough to charge the gratuitously to all (versons who desire portions of the living animal are re­
ere put at once into a hot bath, all from a ferryboat. They tried to swim »hooting on a Mexican bov named to raise silk-worms and who are so produced in this remarkable freak of
Enos has been
arrested. 1 situated that they can do so satisfac­ nature.
ashore in a strong tide, and their five Enos.
companions were rescued after cling Murphy’s wound is fatal.
—Vermont man (scornfully)— “ T ex­
torily. He will also lie able to furnish
N avigators in Central Africa know ing to the boat’s keel for half an hour.
William Odell, partner of the young books of instructions in silk culture as? Why, man, Texas can’t hold a
$iat boats of iron and steel quickly
The locomotive of a west-bound man Nelson, who fatally shot himself before the sericultural season com ­ candle to Vermont. From men down
Drrode in tropical waters, while th- se Chicsgo express on the Erie road a short time sgo, committed suicide mences. For two seasons he has town to flapjacks we're ’ way ahead of you.”
ade of wood are attacked by white jumped the track near Corning, N. Y., by hanging himself with a pocket purchasing cocoons from Amer can Texas man—“ Flapjacks? Flapjacks?
•— *Hr— bi-» from - a branch of a tree silk growers at an average price of 95 I reckon you don't know whatcher talk­
lit*. A missionary society l<aa there- and dashed into a Lehigh Valley he * handkerchief
All, therefore, who in’ about, stranger. Didjever see i
at Hangman’s creek, near Spokane cents per pound.
re built a steam canoe for Lake
their cocoons or Texas flapjeck—one of those fellers that
passenger locomotive overturned and Falls, W T. Odell, who was a
yassaof the comparatively new sl- ,.rn.h. d to death John Mercereau of road laborer, became despondent after who wish silk-worm eggs, or books of weighs fifteen pounds, and is ninety-
crush'd to death Joh
Dy known as Delta metal, which le- Hornellsville. the engineer. The fire- the death of his pal and left a note to instruction or information of an* eight yards in ci'oum frence?” Ver­
ists corrosion, is light and as »trot g man escaped! Henry Fisher, the Is* say that he had onward the dark river sort in relation to the industry can mont man (aghast)— “ O, come, now
• steel.
The vessel is twenty- lc high engineer, was hurt about the to join the spirit of his departed com obtain the same, free of
charge, John! You never saw a flapjack as big
iet 1 mg. with a beam of seven and a head
Minne- upon application to Hon. Norman as that. How do you get your syrup
Two baggage cars and
a rade.
Deceased hails
pth of three feet, and draws <>nlv smoker were wrecked.
wi'e and J. Col man, Commissioner of Agricul­ on It.” Texas man.—“ With a hose, of
Several pas sotta, whtre he Lave#
zteen feet of water with engine and »engers were badly shaken up.
ture, Washington, D. C.
Howier ’ loose»“
I a veral children.
Diler on board.
NO. 24.
A B ird T h a t
tlon *
Askt>d a u d A n s w e r e d ^ u « « >
a H u m a n lie lug.
Sir William Temple tells this about a
Brazilian parrot which l'rinee Maurice
met in his travels: “ I had a mind,”
said Sir William, “ to know from Prince
Maurice's own mouth the account of a
common and much-credited story of an
old parrot he had seen iu Brazil, dur­
ing his government there, that spoke,
and asked and answered common ques­
tions like a reasonable creature. PiTnre
Maurice said there was something true,
hut a great deal false, of what had
been reported. He had heard of such
a parrot when he went to Brazil, and
though he believed nothing of it, and
it was a good way off, he had the cur­
iosity to send for it; that it was a very
great aud very old one, and when it
came into the room where the l’ rinee
was with a good many Dutchmen
about him. it said presently:
•• ‘ What a company of white nieu
are here!’
•“ They asked it what it thought that
man was, pointing to the 1’ riuceP It
•• •Some General or other.’
“ When they brought it close to him
he asked it:
•• •Whence came you?”
•••The Parrot—From Miriannan.’
“ •The Prince—To whom do you be­
•• ‘The Parrot -T o a Portuguese.’
•• ‘The l’ rinee —What do you here?’
“ ‘The Parrot—I look itftcr the chick­
“ The Prince laughed and said:
“ ‘ You look after the chickens?’
“ The parrot answered:
‘ “ Yes, I; and I know how to do it
very well.*
“ And then he made the chuck, chock,
chuck, three or four times that |>eople
used to make tq chickens when they
called them.
“ I set down the words o f this dia­
logue,” said Sir William, “ just as
Prince Maurice said them to me. 1
asked him in what language the parrot
conversed, ami he said in Brazilian. I
asked him whether he understood
Brazilian. He said no; but lie hud
taken care to have two interpreters
witii lorn one a Dutchman who spokt
Brazilian and the other a Brazilian who
spoke Dutch; that he asked them sepa­
rately and privately, and both of them
agreed in telling him just the same
tiling the parrot said.” — Boston Record.
T h tt C lia i’ m litfr IlniiMfM o f W e a l t h y a n d I n ­
f lu e n t ia l .la|>an*M« C 'itlzt>im.
Life iu one of (he old families of
wealth and position iu Japan is full of
unique and picturesque interest. We
may call it heathen if we will, but it
is still a home anil replete with sugges­
tive home history. Well do I remem­
ber one such, a grand old house of solid
timber 69 feet broad by 100 deep, with
lofty rooms and long, wide corridors,
its one story had an immense and im­
posing sloping roof, whieh covered 14
apartments and many balconies. Tho
sliding partitions could all lie removed
aud make on occasion a noble hall,
with many columns. The ceiling was
made of fine grained wood and 15 feet
from the floor. The front of this house
was protected from the inquisitive gaze
of the world by a wall of tiles built
with cement and lined with a row of
firs with mighty girth and far spread­
ing branches which measured their
height by rods and their shadows by
furlongs. The main gate of the
court-yard was supported by heavy tree
trunks and covered with a handsome
roof, while just within was the porter's
nidge. Near this lodge was a clump of
evergreens and under their shadow
stood an ark cut from solid stone, per­
haps four feet high, used as the family
shrine anil holding in its depths sacred
emblems and holy syinliols. Just be­
yond was a rockery of great beauty,
where fountains tossed their spray and
played with the sun and nuMinlieams.
Here and there the mockunji tree shed
Its purple blossoms to the breeze from
lofty heights, while azalias and starry
asters bloomed alsiilt its foot. All
about the garden eamelias of brilliant
red or purest white unfolded their love­
ly buds from low grow ing shrubs,
while now and then a cumelia tree,
towering fifty feet in the air, drew the
eve with its iorklv wax-like blossoms —
L i« « -
:c .
L ig h t • r e r r .
Eight hundred a year for clapping
your hands a dozen times every even­
ing Is good pay for light work. That is
the lowest estimate of the income of the
“ chief of the claque" in Vienna; and
the estimate is based upon the confes­
sions of some forty or fifty ladies and
gentlemen of the opera and ballet who
have been in the habit of purchasing
applause at the cheap rate of from ten
shillings per month each. Out of this
the eliief of tho claque has to pay hi*
assistants; but as the work is pleasant
and easy, and occupies only the even­
in g—which might, no doubt, be much
less agreeably spent—the annual ex­
penditure upon this head can not lie
very large. It is tolerably clear that
the astute gentleman who “ controls"
the claque in Y’ ienna puts most of the
fees into his own pocket, since he has
quite recently purchased a pretty little
estate in Hungary with his savings.—