o It in estimated that 100 toils can TE LEG FU P H IC . fuow be carried thirteen mile* an hour 1 by ett'am-li’ i' at i nnle oo-t, including A n E p it o m e ok t h e P r in c i f a i . E v e n t * fuel. itn iranoe, A :., of oue-eighth of a N e w A t t k a c t i . n o P u b l ic I nterest . P *n n y. AGRICULTURAL. I „ D e v o t k d P r in c ip a l l y ^ to W a s h t o n TKKKiroKY AND CALIFORNIA. O H o o t e d O t -.« t h e a s 1 j I ntkhkht » . « K ahm es STOCK HEN - ~ ■ ■ ' S a l t i n g Hnriftk. Four finest buildings Jacob Fenner was killeil hy falling T hk decay of organic iu «^ 'r h e Valley, $1 2 2 ^ 1 1 23 Some man has simplified out of a wagon at Bedding, Cal., when The Ancient Creole Averse to Change and Walla Walla, $1 15(ss is over $100,000; insurance, it overturned, breaking his neck. ta u o *a tio n «--T h e ItepresentatlTe o f an dw-aiic influence of living organisms. $50,000. B A R & Y — Whole, $1 1 0 « 1 Frank Taylor, aged 14. son of G. B contiivance that is already finding i’ s ground, per ton, ^25 00 been declared an resident of San Franeisco, was tended, and do it very economically. Country Brai^, $3 7 ^ modern appurtenance rear tbf -T stately U French jzty -uci-V. {}. has epidemic at I.iaiksouville, Fla., and drowned in thet*u’ ramento river, ueur Coose salt wastes a great ileal in or columns, but down lu the old f fi quarter EGGS— Per do«, 25c. __ s e rfii tigt the ^fmtillbjtions of stars tlie people are fK eit£ The S$eatl.er Sacramento, Cal. there is a m ark«) differon-se. -he whole dinary tailing, but th<> hard roll BUTTER— Fancy roll, jter pound, q ^P before in^ny igonqp^ iudicat- is hot and very favorable for a \f>n ad faubourg, with few exceptions, seems to have Jack Sheridan, a hod-carrier, fell nA ,t>y or disappears uulai it 25c. l pickup 2 0 « 25c. ; inferior reach«! the point whereovolution hasceuo«^. « ingiJliffturlgpK'Q of tlie upi^F ftrtnos- of the disease. from a horse car at Los Angeles, Cal. Inis been used by the stock. O ¿ g raile, 15® 25:. o The houtt- are singularly curious and an­ _ O _______________ Duriug a thunder storm Martin Tlie wheels passed over his chest, Wul *■ phe£> Hour* la-fortk ci>0 metwrologicxl gular: tb» o > 0 !crs look w ith peculiar pride *f*he idea that salt is -gs-i-iall^ehealth CHEESE— Eastern, lt>(ii20e. ; Ore- Olsen, living on a furift three i.fles he died in a few moments. He leaves upon these grim, solemn structures, and ft^flU&qnttfKDoW 50? change. The ful to w^paiayus is niM, .denied. But 8«m, 14® llic. California, 14^0. w*g>t of Lonsboro, Miuh., was killed a widow and several child itmv cling affi-ctiountely to them because o f old fieri.. did Uiorni th*s ij \ ooj b tUc by lightning, together With two of his potaslf ijs an impeg-taut constituent of Corry L. Young, aged 19 years, son ibis plavt, and much of the lighter VEGETABLES— Bta-ts, per «k ck . ^■ociat Q is ami influence», in their eyes con­ ijjUl iff CflU eOindlkitjtnl« in- children. of J. S. Young, of San Francisco, lias soil devoted to its growth is deficient ■bl 50 ; cabbage, per lb., 2Je. ; carrot»; siderations of fft^ greater im|H>rtuiuie than —1 K * l the decrees of modem fashion. In house The co^rt d porter of g slee^fing-car 4tcnlently shot and killed while hunt- JU this mineral. Aslit^ or some of jht »k.,2fil 25; lettuce, per dot. 20c.; decorations the distinction ap]M>ars with tittiulX'd to the Union Pacific wttJt mg. He taNia'o'it' at the time. The the • >. German potash < 4 lt* are indicate I onB'HB. ¡9 00; potuIAe^ per 100 lbs., greater n ^ ety Where re[»ration or renova­ l£ iUrt « w r «te a * > .-nitr.il on tit • 31st bound flyer Was trliot and im-Qgntly c itjse of the accidvtu is iuikn >rftgtft, iM'-her th:/U ^ I '.c t il ; radi^liC,, per doz., 15(tO^*c. ; tion becomee necessary, while scrupulously of>l|sr Bcfasiojiot- rtie pupaktioa of iulltjtl by mi insano piL?.-t»ng©r mtnjvil rhufiarb. i>0r lb., ftc. particular as to tlie quality of materials A hoy nftnival XYillie Rearney, 7 milt. usefl-4u embellishing, old ta|>estry is rehabil­ AnAraiia u»(S»8MKtu> ;ur> ixcoat of [Iutohia»ou Anwld, of Niclioteswilte, waif; old, star toil acmes R titrept In HO05RY— 10? comb, (ter lb., 18c.; There ik> littl# nutrititi iftluft in the itated, so as to coriX*q>otid with the ancient 100(011 souls, white I'asuMttmi Had t y - Sftn PiuncratM, ft-hen gu ioo Wagon stavitied, 5 ofll. tin«. j>er lb iiBsft-1». fresr-qjiigs are renewed, with a view Mw D, Sla/.uo, t»dl*gati te.dpur on ing ihiven at ft rapid rRte, »uudenly first pi i SAlot« ififtt come to nigiRav New Zealand showed; ior reasea of <3t urea-a-ving 0> for 0» poAible the original This Cuhtr at it« hist g? lOllinly tfVirch, J?OUL'PBY — ChickTlOs, |/0r dot.. the turup&a p.t Oulu mhos. In i., wiu» tuncxl tfio cornftr, runnhij over tf‘0 4*2t)7 aud 14,«7a i-uepeetmlv. TI10 but tlui ittiripe potati hm* not even 0th®i> (JO; du« ÖS. iter d o/.. ■$?< (iOifl) ASQAA allot end killed in cold blood byaioHn boy «ml emailing him to duftth. In o>ri>ajftfnee of tf® growing social rnta- gao ----------- tlglt. The pcAuKM «hiAA skin c « i Im 7 W) ; gQCiO, tou£ population of all Aualutlia a» wh«> nods up So bar lodgo ut tmdnight -,..... , „„ • . . . -N— 0(Wp5 <50; tudbeys, CteO tsftros'Ji AntE>-tt-«0> and French New Will.«.n latum , ftU n.UiOlO UÍ t»u> mbkftil off by the l,*.id »»«,» by that E*r lb., 1% . noii 3,810,72b The rate of inotwase Qtenry Kcllur, a deputy shortT, it? held Ubtosus, the yo u i® Creole, with euthuiflastio O er»*n hospital « t N«n tranciato ho foot tJitU tJi^ Ora full of row ju.etw «i for the crime. PO ovlsiotiÂi-itft-cuÿrfi basis, l&i» t e p O M t . 'If tl® teraitlful and novel, fre- for |he past vear was about 3J pet .«m o violently deliriout, And junipoil t|,nfc Umó to 1)0 developcd in p&r hl.; Baatöl'O, lfhffll^ii'. ; Be&ern qnfiitly iQufijeftK to pnnerfaiVfiliai It® pro- Trapponi sneamped on th« Bod f»>tn the third-Sklfy window of the largOp irt into luyoiy of «tan h. ^enjf. liroakfaPD loroR, L&¿>. pot- lb.; ein-gon piiOTy iff rafartioddn* or rnoonstructing tlie • -- — ---- - — r ;:g r . Etiv«r near Denison, Texas, report the hJAniUll, a tlistauet- of tlfiy fgat, Itjclit» I in k3»;yciQ£ with tl® esiChatip spirit of l'ltß cboica qnality of iwist of tteo lUtvjlÄc. ; Rajacu'ii laid, lOifOJl^i . per hump 4- wr / tbb fells of a pi ice of good ¡tilling by Indian« of a trapper nanutd ing on hi« lieiul. Death reunited al h& tflta» |U»»S^»)Oive io3^hlna-s; tmt all «v-o g} dwi'-yl by a |sU « 0 Qptory re- fortune coming from the sunambttlis- Meyt««, with his Wifn and two chil­ ui'iat instilutl». exisltont reyutAtiol in this cokhlry,, G BURN F BU IT'S*— Am dm». « I 00 R> rust down tfipso tin ® honored Firo bn>ko out in L. Vuaa’e luniher espccifllly tlie vaciety call> d i.ko Mag tio habit. A you tig woman, troubled dren July 10, white in camp on tlie «üß 50; Sicily InToiinfi. t ö y O 50 g a te tt M I , i r to allpw tt®se respected fur- Territory ante of the livar. Mayors Vftrd at Hunt’s hill, gix milas from ancf anxious about a pr.se fm which Was from Michigan. num, and the wiite our-tet ntuliiiqo Do fall uiuf® tl® auctioneiS-’s Nevada City, Nov., and 300,000 faet of | denoatiri b»ve mario thom ¡m d « g v r i p a h f o i- u i ig l » ¡W ®5 tJO; N a va l o r t i« goe tmiiaina- w >toutl>*ilJ 'tBp' 0-r « 1 nvjre.Ctor*wr».intft th«£ writing of an essay, arose from «venue A, New York, caught lira. lustf of fn>m $»,tx iXüAa, t l H rOie fir JOtgmRI't- c«pt lause or t»ic* when thfl amltm or. ^ ... ■rt® Cre-Ut gsiittnm n Of Id® okl regtine pi her bed in sleep and wrote a paper up- rhsfatiUy of Gustave Beg, consisting mia amali insurance Tha fire it ; staggered under tn.irtnotis Mcoipis. DB1.8D FBI 1 Ih—Suo dnod ap- ,,, k ■ ... _ tdoa, 7JC. por lb. ; ajaobiaO rtriu-il, 10tg a c*g res»JC(OjNvre of on n »b u b she had uiS of himself, wile, daughter and mother- thought to bo irmondiary. M j l Ths ia 8 amnmonly k s toamO’ kM o 1 uoumamily gn>wa in , ^ iJk%. ,^ ¡¡ 7 , i l«ssD(g a w ay. axthy io which fuaali w«t he hi Frank Jacobs and ttarvoy Ncabitt,. ¡jdjytooj, on «kls inailo lunata tuo urte inumded to write when awake, and in-law, living on the top door, were a tfrutg so fitFap. so sscrSd, thKb tf® heett xhr- burned to death. The oilier arcu 1 k > v 9 11 yottrs old, »o a t hunting squii* 1 p[1# v; u0 m,toma romaikablo v 1 m>r, but pj iiooK, Uu. ; jHiaohe«, 12^® H i . ; cssnu je>3> "-30 ooioCn®d iilho «¡3 insulting thiqessay secured for her the prize. pants escaped. The financial loss is rote-n1*!- Sl-*kti>0’ Col^ With dog». I ituams, $2 lOrft Î fto. hicpTmcfiro, f i t r whico aft imnsudosT»' apotegy frail rip 0n8 8jv(W|y If ,)0ly noil insignificant. White walking ovsr till, fie Ids Jacobs or0t0l, lartii,. ^ wn]a ,* « , for graw- W orn— Volley, 17®l8o. ; XteMmi wa* AiiSWta i. <» a oonfutatiou at tl® sword’s M*s 81 gAfijua, of Chicago, has e—Dry boef htdoft, S< b U).'. ; WliCOr, as 7e»; kip aia! calf, 8(JtRh'. ; oottlll dtSm without the grenflbst breach of is f^d from the V>p, die ashes sifting yeai-s aho he plucked liar right eyo pdmrautss. caflially meetiog la the street, o carfe at that they may be conveniently ltd succeeilod in gouging oui hnr re­ t h .r « r d « n c e .n a a lima coo t e l . . . * , Ths«t i. o ily . pro|t ,0*1,.» I from a * ,* , , » r M, $1200 ; T. and G. wittuMTJ lirst throying away the smoking m h o i»a of John l y i n , « the orchard » h e . tlmre is « full yield cinti thing, jk t M, $13 IX » ; No, 2 lb»>r- hatred away. It is so constructed maining eye. wl»>J, even though it were u most expensive koopor. and a buildn^occuyn.1 , by ,ntrtourtJ . • fruit. mgrlmta mjf, i„*, n wpr O. *18 *18 (X), 00, rto. No. 2 2 culling, c l i n g , j«>r «lid fwjtraut lla v a i® tq which u »te h Dad - ; L f t n , — »■ ■— * >•**. The » *u**~ji*- r>r 8J, thaf all the eotutea and smell is esaiod Baaj'duu, the negrt> who allot and Zetta . 1 texurng, pur whtltfr “ lioblease oblige’’ * U 0. gentleman's not until liia laxly wan tilted with lead. Cnrtby, a laborar, wore found aftm Um , w,10 nr<1 wm U iují 60 iffl.V giR.d prima for (¡J, $ ß a ä ö, So. 1 c.nlinR, per ítf. «r e d . washing windows. per kthiU'QUir bAS lieeu an ex|>ert dueli© In his He »da placed in the Springfield jail, fire Wm extinguished. He 1» i BP‘ t>it. The appi* |ro#er ftiugf njbtntDpi to $$S 50; No. 1 nufta-., j>er M, $ 5 2 rdf; rthy, «Orel his rerainlseethes of the HpaQisb which is n o » surrounded by a mob of | posed to have been inb>*ii'«fcoth o ® !B intcrinfetition of diphUierin nnu-t this demand for fine fruit if It. strtjqtjng, per 8J, (K> ; oves> 12 01 )d Italian fencing schools are very enter­ 300 armed men, who threaten to A lb-yuar-old boy named Vnrthofr>- Wonlil make iriti orchards (Kiy. iuclaoi irate, exiKa, $1 09; InuRtl© 40 taining He has also been a putO>h of the bet*ueo man Bud varum» lower anir lynch the dt«per»do. ! mew Nyhftrn, employed in the ro|>a In Ne« York Ftatu tho grapo cr>>p to 6U, exf>ra, $5 (10 ; lenRthi* 31) to 60, rod and the gun, and knows every turn find o su {t, ft*im pjgeona and fuwh* to cuts, Mis. George Allen W hs burned to works at I he Potrero, in Francis­ extra, $4 . Grower* say there it much when several birds hovered In the air, he Costa Rica, 18®20c. ; Rio, 18®20c.; j “ gaftf>” in chicBenp. Wfts frequanQy now ft maniac from the eft/>ck. raised his gun and, hang I “ he had seen but dislocating thft spjial column Alid I more money in them, afxl they re- Java, 27 Je.; Arbuckle’s’s roasted,22c. j three and Uvo came down.” Age has not Charles Henry Riedel Whs hanged causing instftnt deftth. 9 omplic^H»l With d ip h th e ric iu«u I qui£i, as a wltpte, less attention. M E A I — B o i , w h olesale, 3(5*3Ac. ; ! diminished his arimi ration for the fair sex; at NtA$ Castle, Del., for the murder of bnujVoOs grofvtb. . I I be is as courtly 4 .1 — _Q„|| .I.. to bestow Oscar LegaftU killed a negro Oamed aOpdlant a and 1 ready Peter Henderson states that a patch Pressed, 6c.; sheep, 3c ; dre*sed, O' his wife and child, on the night of a stately compliment as in the brightest flush SaWuel Morris with a bh>w of his fist, i of alfalfa about twenty-five feet by hogs, dressed, 8O',Do.; veal, 7<®8c. Septfitnber 16 last. Riedel then T klhgp , aph j>ole» && pretfrfld in •f youthful gaycty He Ls proud of his name, turned the ^eapon on himself and at Truckee, Cal. The killing occurred one hundred or only about one-six- BALT— Livorjiool grades of fine of the positions of trust aud honor he or r Norway hy making an Au^er'^lo^e fired two bullets into his heaiit but in a saloon. Morris struck Legault, , leenth part of an acre, used as a soil­ LegauB ing crop, near 8t. Augustin«, Fla., fur­ qffnted $18, $19 and $20 for the three members o f hi* family have held in the com­ about tvioifet from the ground, in f\hey did not penetrate the brail», and who had not molested him. munity and his mission to foreign courts- struck him with his fist squarely on nished feed through tlie suuiuiei sizes; stock salt, $10. but far and alxive all this is lie proud o f his which four or five ounces of sulphate he recovered. Poverty and despond the bridge of the nose. Pieces of months for u cow ; and that twice that PICKLEHryKegs quoted steady at French and .Spanish origin, and holds as his of copper in coarse crystals are placed ency caused the act. bone were driven into the head, caus­ amount, or about one-eighth of au $1 36. 0 most precious possession a long, narrow» box SLi uwgo m. i h * « « » i i and | j - killed s , i r at » Danville, i i 2 r l,l 111., was by shot Dour. The 1 lie coroQer’s eoroUer 8 > aere, would l>e Hif»^)le to HUppC}’ a w - BUGAR— Prices for barrels; Golden wteich contains the decorations and incon­ O. ing deaslt , in one hour. testable proofs of his noble ancestry. gtsilually ayv^hed by the wood until Allen, a notorious ohVacter, who had jury com pletely exonerated Legault. 1 wjt|, fooJ during the entire season. *C ,6§c.; extra C ,6$ c.; dry granulated, The Creole mother! No ordinury woman | served a term in Ban Morris had lta whole outer surface turns of a been hiked by Dectective Hall to ar­ It is stated that since the sunflower 7|c.; crushed, fine crushed, cube iyyl is she, no vain seeker after fashionable no­ graeuijji hue. The sulphate requires rest Lams on a charge of assaulting a Qiifbrib- has been c.ltivated on certain swamps powdered, 8c .; extra 0, 5|c.; halves toriety, no loud advocate of woman's sup­ posed rights, no aggressive competitor inQho Fire at Fftlton, Cal., destroyed of the Potomac malaria fever lias de- and boxes, ^c. higher. M occasional renewal, and Is said to woman Allen claims was his wife. The ranks and callings of men. Hhe is the queen murder w h s most deliberate, Lams of­ about $14,000 worth of property, con­ { creased. At the mouth of the Hcheldt fafe perfect preservative. —The evil of prodigality leads t<> ! of home, that is her supreme sphere, her ideal fering no resistance to arrest. The sisting of a brick wine cellar, und its iu Holland, it is ulated that similar re­ dignation against Allen may end in contents, 35,000 -gallons of wine, sults have obtained. The sunflower this, that he who will not economize j realm, where love Is tier throne and tho at­ tendant ministers purity and truth. In the A w i l d girl, some twelve or four will have to agonize. — Confucius. lynching. valued at $12,000, owned by W. Chis-| emits large volumes of water in the rearing of her daughters the beauty of her te.u years old, has been discovered in —Fait tfi.l ness is a higher attain- \ A car of stone left the rails nette holm, of Petaluma. life most asserts itself. From the moment The building form of vapor, and its aromatic odor, (fetahoula Parish, La.^nd the |>eople $ a pie ton, Pa., where a gang of >Aen wQs valued at $ljU0O, and outbuildings as well as the oxygen it exhales, may ment than mere success and, unlike that the diitiee of inatronbood claim her at­ there are anxious to capture without were buildmg a bridge, and crashed were valu^l at $4TK). There l*eing no 1 have to do with the sanitary influence v3"‘ c 'ss’ '* *s w‘t*lin the reach of every tention she leaves the gay world, of which ■he has been such a brilliant ornament, and man.—Church Union. harming her, and see if it is not pos through aTifeht trestle, crushing tW: available water with which to quench in question. in the quart seclusion of her ow n home de­ workmen into thefAuniata river, fifty the flames wine w a s substituted. The Th' ^nind. 0< order to be kept pure, . . ., Bible to civilize her. She is thought feet below. Two rtlen were fatally id- . . .. „ • , < IA* warmer the milk when set, the must be employed in topics of votee herself unreservedly to the training loss is partially covered by insurance. CT , ...... ’ ,. and education of her children, and when tho to be on© of two children brought jjured, and three are in a dangerous The origin K • of / ,u J 4 w more will be the ,, separation thoughts which are themselves lovely, eldest daughter is of an age to enter society the c hre is not known. . . . complete F v . 6 j of the cream from the milk at any ch iHtened, nnd elevating. probably will be thither by a gypsy tramp woman condition. for a second time the mother appears upon Manuel J. Silva committed suicide Kiven lower tem|grature; ami the O— --Hus It ever been nolieed wbnt the social stage. Time has but matured her . ^ e years ago, and to have b e e n 1 crippled for life. Several others were at San Francisco, by cutting his more rapidljo the temperature falls, large I s egotists have?” “ Yes; bill girlish charms into mellow glow o f autumn, abandoned on account of a club fo o t; more or le88 injured. At the Ohio A Wisconsin coal throat with a razo© For some time ! the mors rapidly will be the separation then their knows Is small enough.” — and as the chaperon of her daughter, la that prevented her walking fast. belle Creole, with her eyes of gypsy bright- mines, two miles west of ^Vlbia, Iowa, past he had been Buttering from of the cream from the milk. Cream ' Town iinit Country Journal ——— ■ — . J neea, rich, clear complexion, and face spark­ Michael Dial, an old miner, killed his severe illness, and was consequently r'H*s h«** when the temperature is fall —The highest point outward thing* ling with intelligence and vivacity, not once ii/. T here is no city in the world in in a very despondent moral. He arose. *n8 1 very slowly when the tempera- son Dick with a shotgun. The sou madam« deem it prudent to dispense which so much black is worn as Paris, was about 27 years old. The old man from his bed and told his wife he was ' luro •* stationary, a^yl little or not at can bring one into iT the contentment doee with her motherly supervision until her < < f the mind, with whieh no estate is Writes a correspondent. It is a rule in is in custody of the sheriff and nearly going to the kitchen to get a drink of ttl1 when the temperature is rising, carefully guarded jewel Is given to a i . ther's miserable. — Sir Uhiliji Sutncy. keeping at the bridal altar. Then the («other j n germination, heat aud moisture It seems that water. She followed him, drew the •11 large establishments that the gales- crazed wilh grief. — The greatest thoughts..! the great­ retires to her own «reside, not again to figure water, aud while waiting for him to ^ re tj,u powers which awaken the Women should be clad in black, Dark | there was a family row, and the father claims he shot his son in self d.fense. finish drinking, noticed him suddenly - germ to action, and no plant food is est thinkers have all passed through In the world u«tll a similar occasion requires tellurs are made the badge of respecta­ " hen a light was | needed at this stage of the plant’s tire. The greatest poets have “ len n- i t — M ane L. Points in New Orleans Pica­ James P. McLaws, civil engineer, totter and fall. bility, so that the mother of a family was killed on the line of the coal road brought she discove ed her husband life, exeept what the seed in itself con-' , e rag-bag, locks him in there and towr, lad., by a broken rail. The cartridge in the cell of Frank Fray, I late start, and the dry weather catches to at least free from the taint of crime, and baggage car and single passenger awaiting trial for arson. How poison it before it has made near its growth. punish the wicked; the wise and good It If the Gordian knots with which Cupid so •very night hides the key in s differ­ coach rolled down a thirty-foot em­ got into the jail is not known; but i t 1 The soil is packed and robbed of its do not need them as a guide, but only often enmeshes bis victims can be untied ent place. Her husband says that if bankment, ai.d every person in the is thought Anschlag was aware where i rightful and natural mulching and a* a shield against rapine anil oppres­ with fists used according to proper rules, the e hail her way she would arm him car, with one exception, received in­ it was and would have u.^ed it to cheat \ fertilizer; and consequently the sion; they can live civilly and orderly, art of the puglltot can be regarded with lees the teeth aud put him in the closet juries. No one was killed outright, the gallows had it not been diacov- meadow is impoverished and the grass lliongh there w*r* no law in the w«i Id. repugn ones by masculine adorers hi Osburg Bulletin. — Pittsburg •red. j only make» a half crop. j but one or two may die. — Ftllthajn. th the dog. T, O o