They 4 a Indlx Hlnul of i ou«Mimbl«i I iitporlam r •ud Very L lttl« Lea ruing. T h e m offi/en, o r M trologar, 1« a p o w er in IV i-ia . H r in recognize«! i t a man <>( M-itiue. a m em ber o f a learn­ ed profession T h e ch ief astrologer i* a high court officer, from whose ruling there is no appeal, for his decisions are I•»scd utmii know ledge that is com municuti d d irect from tin* stars. Thus, if he decrees tiiat tin Asylum of the U niverse must not start ou a hunting expedition on Thursday, hut that half an hour after m idnight on Saturday w ill In* the fortunate hour, he is able to g iv e irn fragilile reasons fo r hi- con­ clusions by show ing that Saturn is n the ascendant in one case, while on Saturday night, at the precise time mentioned, there will be .1 happy con­ junction o f VcllU'. If another astrologer is consulted in* w ill give tlie same story. K i y y hour in the dav, and every day in the year, Li thus worked out a> foilu n ate, in­ d ifferen t or iiu lu ik y in the astrologer’ s books of fate. liesides these calendars they have as their stock in trade it plumb-line. > level, a celestial sphere and an a s t r o ­ labe. The a-trolabes are in tile form o f a g ig a n tic » iitcli and are often beau­ tifu lly made livery large town cop- tains at least two astrologers, and they are very far from ladtig poor .\ IVr- sian may find an astrologer very use­ ful. especially if lie be all officer and desires to evade some responsibility Thus, suppose a provincial (Joternoi is ordered to the capital and t !ta' he does not want to go. what more powerful reason for delay in starting than to re­ ply that he is w aitin g for a fortunate hour, and wliat easier than t< induce In the astrologer to fail lo find one! the meantime tho officer has time toad- m inister tin- necessary bribe* at court, and the storm blow * over. iHiUhnru. tossing up, or draw in g of the lot, is done with a rosai v. A bead is grasped at at hap-hazard; “ tio o d ." ••Bail,” ••Indifferent,” is ejaculated at each bend, till the big terminal one is reaehed, and that decides the question. Answers an- given in conversation, bargains are made or refused, and seri­ ous acta are undertaken under tlie guidance o f this formula. Another way is to thrust a knife into the leaves of tile kuran or one o f the poet cal hooks, and lie guided l»y what is found At tlie plaee. The diviners are real quacks and gain their success by w ork­ ing oil the fears o f the people. The gu ilty party in a scandal or rrim ln a 1 inquiry in Ilia nervousness is provoked to do some act that brings about liis detection. P a pu la r S rim re Monthly. -w « *- P E R F E C T E Q U A L IT Y . Why II Is 1-ssrlltlMl to Ihr Karrylng On of a K »lr liissiisslon. No disctMaioii between two persons call be carried on with any degree of fail n ss unless each | erson recognise* tlie other as liis full |ieor ill that dis­ cussion. It m atters not that one per­ son is old er and more experienced and better inform ed Ilian Ihe other; con­ senting to i liter into tile discussion of a g ite ii point, llic superior thereby ¡is. sullies the position o f one w hoill.'ll be in error at that point; o f one who may be show ii liis error by the other person; amt of one w ho is ready to weigh fairlv and candidly the view s and arguments presented to the oth er in the course, of the discussion, and to bo convinced h\ them if they are such tlint they ouvhl > convince him lie w hodoes not recog ni/.e this as liis du ty in every discussion in which lie hears a part is tneompeteul to conduct a discussion in telligen tly. If, indeed, one deems another un»vort o . o f being counted liis peer in a ili-cti-- aion, then lie lias tlie privilege ot de. lin in g to ea te r into a discus­ sion with him, even though lie would lie w illin g to ! h > Ills instructor, or to gin - him all needed inform ation; but * discussion once hogun must lie carried on ou Mu* basis ,,f perfect equal It be­ tween tile disputwcl* as di — putaut'. or it is not a true disen«» o i It is in view of tins truth tbatfpne wlm lias ani real, or apparent. «u|n'- rior.ty n te r another, with whom be i- dl.scussiug a point, must be ser ipu- loiisly careful to refrain from assert­ ing, or seem ing to think of, that supe­ riority. If" it lie a learned teacher in disru*»inn with a you n g scholar, or a trained expert tu discussion with a laym an or a wise father in discussion with a fo r waul child, or a boat discuss­ in g with a guest at lib own 'aide, the ill»ru»«it>n as-a discussion must go on ns betw een p« er>. Die moment that the superior asserts or iu tiiu it• ■» the claim that lie is to la- regarded ill this d W u «»io | i i« a -uun-rior. o - that le» orpin on is to have nun« Weight than tlie o th er's opinion tiiat moment lie proposes to deny his op| ouctit Ihe rights of an equal in a contest which the tw o have entered ns equal*. If. Indeed, lie who has sit|ieriority in other ••»•»perta can show his *ii|>crioritv ¡is a disputant, liis sti|ierionty is entitled to prom pt ...... gnition aecon lin glv; but until a disputant can show hi» Mipert- o rity a» a disputant, ha ought to lie ashamed to asset-L du ring a discussion, III* ligh t to 1st recognized in that dis­ cussion a* a superior on any other ground. X ti, h in t*. A m edical authority «ay* there are some |wop e who can breathe sewer gas with impunity W e know that It is so The plumber, for instance, enn live *i d thrive for weeks in a house where he says it is suicide for the fninilv to remain another dav. — lo r Poi-ult. ♦ tlie Js pa n r* students at C ornell I n iie r s ili b a le a wav of rook in g Kng- ll«li «parr w« to that they make a very i Inin ■ ' U m J i y t Uka tk s n *“ min Ii that tl4Bk make a standing of- f*»r *»f three c # i i t• fur nil th f itr u r ru * » L rv u g b t lu them . Oitn Not It* Cotultl«r«U n’ M t« o f Capitol. 'spected ter timi a few A re beautiful churches a waste? TW O W A V ». UlOOSfc \\ Ills M1 pania, but dar was r.uffin iti etri’ ceptiu’ Perhaps so, from a strictly economic There »re two u«u»l way, of doing what Ns- a kear ticket a m O a k e y !” — Chicagt ture sometimes 'Joes incompletely, namely, to view -point, though of that 1 atn not relieve Ihe boneis. One H lo »»allow udraatlu Mail. --------- • • ------------- sure. 1 am w illin g to grant that there nurtfutlve »Inch evacuate» nrofutely. abrupt!/ _ - A x.oucot 'i iauy w no reeenuy seni and »ith pain, tt eo'h r is to take Hostetler s SPRAINS, STRAINS. INJURIES. is no return in hard money for the»« •Stomach bitters, the effect ot which I» not vio tifty cents for a box of ribbon* “ war- 1S11 Seventh St , LouHvtll*. Kf leu , but »ufllcieiitly thorough, and which does While helping to remove & it’ami building of tho enoriogus outlays, if adm itting thit I not ¡fiipe the intestines. If ihe first is selected. ranted all s ilk ," In answer to a Maino City lUilw y Co It fell over on me pio*el»g mo to the groa td end »prelnlng r**y bock 1 we« car­ w ill ¡^ ve our utilitarian friend* any ' the person employing it need not expect perma­ fin n '» g io ii ing advcrti»em ent, roceived ried home «a e etrotchor, eni J»« dot.ton attended nent beuetit. an t he cannot hope to escape the me two weak« when my wife per* leded me to u«o satisfaction. But it is useless to at­ dibilitaiintf reucliou » liich leaves the organs a smal. lot o f w orth le*» eoiton ribbius SI Jecobe Oil ead the peln wuM-n gone entirely. as bad or worse off Ibuu before. If. ou the and a printod card, ivhieh “ ¡uldad iu- tem pt tu strike a money balance in O her hand, he rasorta to ihe bitter*, ha can JAUYllL MOWUt. There is a Value In tho rely upon the restoration of a regular lmbil of sult to ln jn ry " by tho inscription: these matters bod) ■ inaequent upou• renewal oi a bealia Sold by Drugjtit* and Dralcrt Kverytohert. massive inountaiu that no book of ful four in the lnteatinal canal, liesides health ••botilo folk* e.xp-'Ct tho ca rili fo r leu THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimor*. Mi. fully relaxing the bow da, tlie Hillers arouses a real-estate valuation can recognize. dormant liter, imparta a ta neticial impetus tu [ cents.” 6 1 C lk iU lA V H K A V I t H. r K A N K A the action uf the kidneys, and counteracts the 1 O I t i l s TT n I , H A C K , (labler, Huunish Th ere is a value in the m igh ty eatar- early iwinKea of rheumatism, a tendency to ! Ptauus- Hurdott (>rt»n* t*:id l>i»vmu«ut« L jusmi ract that has nothing to do with gout, and malaria in all Its forms. «took of Sheet Music »nd B. oil» Itiu.d« «uej)Hed st Kwt,rn frtoHS MATTHI AH IjKAY CX) , Post water-power. So there in a vaille iu «trw-t. Ken RrmeiMo In 1730 a line of stages » as established be­ the cathedral spire that is not com­ tween New York amt 1‘hiladelphia. to uiake | ________ putable iu coin. A spiritual value in­ bi monthly trips. P U R E herent in tlie sublim ely beautiful. 1 T il K IT. Y IM * IK IV K OK PEACK. A richly frosted quivering flying Dove. pain >' P a trick '» t r< n day. u d than is always some one g a zin g up at those A Dream of I.ife screen calendar. An Im­ ported ideal bead. An imported f osted tow ers that take the thoughts as w elli »now scene and a full set of magnificent as the eyes away from the ra tU ili"' ñora! cards. Fourteen artistic pieces. pavement, and hundreds, yes Mrou- Sent to anyone who will buy Com a drug­ gist a box of the genuine D k C. M T. a n k ' s sands, owe to tliosu ••useless tower* 1 <_»:].f.HItATI.I) LlVKH I ’ll.US (price 2» CU.I some moments o f *elf-forgetfulnes»| and mail us the outside w rapper from the and some moments of tiiat coitsoiou* liox with 4 renta in stamps. W rite your spiritual uplifting, which is, in pro­ address plainly. F i . k m in u lino*., P itts HL'KOil, P a . portion to its pow er, a mount of trans- tigu 1 0\ion. The most beautiful church j The manufacture of tirfftare in this country wtM commenced io Berlin, ('unu., in 1770. I ever saw — or ever expect to see, un­ In answer to cannai (|UCHtÌQn til 1 w or-liip iu tlie “ house not made i How easy and truthful Ioid i it's with h a n d »” — Is not a full-grow n A cure for the worst indigestion, To take Pierce’« Purgative Pelleta. church; it is only a chapel—a small, low building, put up at an expense ol Tennyson receive« an income of from $20,000 about a thousand dollars. It is beauti­ to 925,000 a year front the sale of hia book*. ful, because the cellar wall a free­ TH ING S W ORTH KNOW ING. will offerin g from poor farmers who Tiiat dyspepsia conien from torpid liver st perfect had a right to claim a w inter's rest and coHtiveneaa. after the busy harvest Mason; because That you cannot digest your to g* well each tim ber of the fram e-w ork repre­ unleKH your bowel« and liver act properly. U s w p e rio r exrrllelu e |»r. i t u iu niillious t h o « - , for ....-1 .tu s 'in. irt. r ol .1 i,u u) it l- u-d *' '■■■ sents hour* of toil in m akin g aprons That your bowe « require thorough U nited Stiitca (lovern iu ei't Kiidont« d by the hewdffof and holders, by the sale o f which to cIcauNing when they du nuE d j their lu t V t ig I ¿r* ¡at I niverai n a m ti • Strong» - *. l ira it . > J UCAlthfiil l»r Price ' * U l»niu bukiug p..»d»-r «ln«-n iw t couUiíu ▲xiunoñi*. Lim* t>r A l mi Solti only iu emuv raise a few dollars —hours needed for by your digention. PRU K liAkIMt PnWDER CO That your torpid lived need, stimula­ rest o f some m other's w eary head and ting iu order that it may net a* nature iu NEW V d KK CUIQgk»»*» «T. LOUIS. tired hands: because every clapboard teiuhad it «houid. T h o B U Y E R S ’ G U ID E is Tiiat B b a n d b k t h ’ h I ’ i l i . h taketi in done* tells o f a pipeful o f tobacco loss for issued M arch and Bept., one or two at night for, «ag, ten duis the father; every shingle, a cup of tea of loach year. I t is an eney- will regulate the bowel«, stimulate tho Ic loped iu d i useful rnfor- loss for the mother and the daughter; liver, improve the digestion and ilriie rm ation for nil who pur- and every nail, a stick o f candy less a wav dyspepsia. chuho tho luxuries or tho for (lie child. It is beautiful in con­ necessities o f life. W o On« person i« drowned for every kill* ti on can cloth e you and furnish you w ith taining an organ, while there are no land, according to HtutiBticn. all th e necessary and unnecessary organ* in the hom e* o f tlie g ivers; in appliances to ride, walk, dance, sloop, having pictures on its walls, though ••I DON’T W AN T K K I.IK K . BUT n U K ," eat, d ih, hunt, w ork, go to church, i« the cxi lamation of tliou«Mud« suffering from or stay at home, and in various sizes, theirs w « blank; iu its carpeted isles, catarrh. To all Mich w« «nj : < alari h can b»* styles and quantities. Just ligure out whilo the floor* o f the donor* are bare. cured hy Dr. Sage'« Caiarrh Remedy. It ha« , w h it is required to do all these things l« en done in thousand» of ca«1«: why not in But would this santo chapel lie beauti­ yoursf Vonr danger is in delay Kndose a COMFOBTABLY. and you can make a fair »tamp to World'» liisnensary .Medical .Vs«o* ia- estim ate o f tho value o f the B U Y E B S ’ ful if it w ere taken up and set dow n tion. Buffalo, N. V., for paniplillit on tUl.« di G U ID E , which w ill be sent upon on Fifth avenue? Th ere, instead of a receipt o f 10 cents to pay postage, tem ple o f »elf-sacrifice, it would ap­ A new French gmn tli**owa a projectile hRvotg MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. pear an ugly, w ooden box o f n iggard ­ a »htll of («crinan silver. 111-114 M ichigan A ven u e, Chicago, Hi. liness. The church architecture of CoikNUinptlon* \Va»ting D l«ea.»e«. iliU lU A T lN O PUMPS Fifth avenue represents a certain And General Ddbilitf. Doctor» di»agre<‘ a» to 8 IK AM ENGINES tlie relative value of I ’ofl Liver Oil and llypo- amount o f sclf-sacrifico, though very ANO plioephiteH; the one supplying «trength and BOILERS, far, I fear, front attain in g unto that lloah, the other giving ihtn a power and acting a tonic to the digestive and entire system. C omplete P ower and o f the people w ho built the little a« Bn* in Nrott*M F.iiiu l- io n of C» m 1 Liver Oil P umping P lants . D w ig h t’ s chapel. * * If into the with liypopliofcphile-8 tho two are combined, Low prii os, prompt deliver) the effect lh wonderful. Thousands who beauty o f form and o f color of our and Write for ( Insulare. have derived no pei inanent beuetit from other larger city churches could be injected preparations have been cured by thi». Scott's B Y R O N J A C K S O N . S A N F R A N C IS C O . Kmulsion is perfe» tly palatable and easily »ii the spirit o f self-denial tiiat built tlie gosted by those wlm cannot tolerate plain ( ’od chapel in the little hill-tow n of Alassa- Liver Oil. The OLDEST MEDICINE in the WORLD' cliusetxs, u e should have tem ples The United State« mint in l’hiUdclphia was I* Probably Dr Isaac Thompson every way worthy o f tit* Most High completed in til Ml. Are you and. despondent, gloom) f — --- FOR E V E R Y P U R P O S E . Sold on Tkátil ! NERVOUS dency, ho., «luo to v cn or abuik> curoi * YOUNG MEN cretion «houlil theniM lvi - A |*o»>tlve i ure¡emrurit.. d ■try , „ . trmsry end \ ener»»l D is .- sk . « a[l u..,.,f r m chuiy». rruuirUy and suitiy ound, MIDDLE-ACED MEN o iogtitiaszivanati« ».I aatisfai'iion „ ^ cure of (ionorrh Ule.-l. I prewnbaitj feel safe In recoma. In. It to all suffer. Sold by iifactutoil by GOULDS & A U STIN . To »H a Day. Ham;ilea worth 1417 «A I «II. I.uke Nt., CHICAGO, ILL. J I.irii s not tin 1er till- o r«"»f -,i ; IVritiiS ; .«IKK s S.rrrv Kris lloi.urH< Iloti, ^ O! Y E S , Y E S ! C E R T A I N L Y ! A singed cat, dread« the lire. LOO« J* 0 Are you «ore distreHsed? — At the close ot a recent perform ance Li«ten to tho welcome bidding "He at rest.” at tlie opera house, and w hile the crowd Have you aches and pain» unnumbered. was retiring, a lady’ s garm en t was Poisoning Cup/ _ life » (¿olden ______ pf i'hink not t there’« mitmliii in Uilead, and caught iu a seat. A gallan t Irishman there's mil "Dive it up. rushed to the rescue, and asked the A Golden Remedy awaits you Golden not alone in name - trouble. “ M y lace is caught,” site Reach, oh, suffering »»lie, and grasp it. said. “ Houid oil a bit, la d y ,” said Health reclaim. There is but one “ Golden Remftly Dr. he, “ and I 'll relaSe y o .” — llnnyor Pierce’« Golden Med leal Discovery. It «land« Conn m ri’i'il. alone a« the great “ blood purifier,' "strength- reuewer," and *‘health-re«toi*er," of the age! - H o w to get into a mesa and how to Tho Liver, it regulate«, removing all impuri­ get, out o f it; -A t an art exh ib ition : ties. The Lung« it «trengthens. cleansinw and nourishing them. The whole »y«ten» it buildH “ That picture of X 's is a fearfu l daub, up. Hiipplying that above all oilier thing» most don’ t you th in k ?" T h e gentlem an needed pure, rich hloo»l. addressed: “ I beg you r pardon but During l.Vs7 eh-\c| nnd one-half tons of powt- Fin the a rtist." ••Oil, 1 beg ten thou­ age stamps nearly iTOUUU.Uiio in number were sand pardons! The fart is, I d on 't know sold at the New York postottic*. any th in g about a r t — I just repeat what J. H. H N k . t * » a ) e r m ii «I A n a ly tic a l t'lM-mlMt. 1 jtU»rHtor>, lo»i First «t.. Portland. I hear everyone s a y in g !" Or. Analyses made »»¿all jubstances. Hates I hope the C olonel didn’ t seem at for assaying gold and # n r o r « | L A p«* a age» wad by mail or ex press promptly attende«! all annoyed when yon presented him to. anA returns made with my account, P e u w ip e ," said Ku (Ter era from • Ougliw. More T h ro a t M otildhi to his eoutidentiai clerk. ••»), etc., «houid try “ Brown'* Bronchial Trocht dear, no, sir; lie was affable a* you ---------- ^4- - ITCHING FILES. please, offered me a c ig a r and a glass S ymptoms Moisture; Intense Itching and utlnKtng, of nine, then he glanced over the bill, n»o»t nt night; won»«* hy scratehing If ulluwed t*> oon- tumor« form, which often bleed ami uloeiatc, nodded hi- head pleasantly, »¡till *Th:tT Unuv becoming very «ore N wavnkh O intmknt the w ill lie all righ t,' rolled it up and itching ami bleeding, heal« u I. n ration, »ml In umny esm « reuiowe* the tuinoi» It is e«iuaiif ellloactoaM iu lighted hi* pipe with it,” answered curing all .Skin I)i»ea«o«. Dll 8WAYNK A )N, Propr t'tors. I’l.i ae obtaimd of drugginta Sent Kent by mail for M 2 (Jen * lit» \ Il \ K (.1 IT . T hy G kkmka for brrakfaaL If thè meri! of « h»>»>k ih to ho itidgod from i(» circulation, thè 1NNS • aialogue of Me««rs. Staxer See AntDeìl Diano axlvertiscmenL \ N\ ilker. nf thè New tnarkot Block, l'ortland. Or., must certami) ho «n cxo*Ueiit work. The di»t edition alone con«i»ts of thirty tlioiiHarui copioa. Mini oven tNiennruioiH nutnbor bids flirto «oon brionie ethanated if tho demani! i. J. Multi:, i Decita. ■ PRICE »1.00. Investment -mall, profite a rife. s.ini >?•»< • for mailmi; m wirh full purticulariA. Uun- l e m illustra tod <’<4tai « Ô AK î NG to ® esse of Kidn.'V« or Bladder. We»* I' , , Hebihty. Wastin« ot bcxii^l Hireuinh aud n-slnrsd to lo-slt hy i ,m,r. N. B. Person; uusbU 1 0 visit ua mart, J 1 at tneir homes, by I'orresponilsnce instruction« sent by mail or ex itch « r,.« Jr.-.* Bend Kcn.l 4 i cents . eut. In .fun.».. Xu . r «' \ Tree. in Htamp» kc You*, j u rlcad or uulde to V «diock. j I p'ead guilty. AT IT I am setting a “ new faugled" murJ A IN 'T IT A D A IS Y ? THE “ADVANCE" TH RESH ERS AND ENGEñ I guarantee thè Nie w -F a n g le i! \d\aisn* *«• p a ra i o r ro I m * thè I m «fc grain est Threster and ino»t durable >epHr.«t*»r » v» r made. But. rei»»«^int»cr. it is m*t hu iiM iital machine, as tlie ODI F » i i ) i ma «li i n *« are. Vrua/t w eli aw aro nf thè lime loèt 8 vou Imve to pa) fori in expcrimenling willi O lii t oh \ machine*. T h e \«*W lans- T lireN liei* li ail*» thè way. The grow!ing ami kicking ot thè <>1«1 J\igy agent» i» only i .*© bv 1 1 » * aiimunt olgiaui ku ked ,i,i» in th» «tiaw h> thè 4> d I-’ osìj inaliti »•». Dfcourge. wi-h a ( heap machine. Old Fogies will supply you at >our own price, but tlu ir nun bin^^_ dear at any price. You cannot afford to buy a thresher without examining the % |>\ .vfl Do not he talked *nto buying a macjiin«* because it in cheap ami O ld Ifo g y l^h. Ask the* | Foi;> ag«*ii(N If they will - t h* ide the n e w - t a n g le d him bine and let'you «ee which 1 1 experimental nmchint*. and «old on it» m e n in . I ha\e never yet had to iRli on any ouurfl help decide the merits of the n e w f a n c ie d mai hinc. {’lease * xat. inc the court re*ordsn erem e to the O ld F o g l e ' « plan. Manx y.ats ag*> a man built a H ew ('AUificfl p»,, p • ailed a steam engine. O ld l o i i i * « then, a» now, stood back um! said ih< > would rifft co u n t uy. Mo > ou n ot w n n f tu b e 1 11 i lied ¡11 ( h r »n iu r H U ) f i: itrember, tnean fu n g lr d machine i» pu»t nil r\ | iri'iiiM ’ iiliu i;. whilt U hl I ' o g ) ’ » inuchim'K ure t >*• 1 n g y* jMf’imentcd with all the time, and ut > » u r r\|»i n s r. Do not fool with them an) longer. »■$' your gram is going to n n « t r . IC«‘ m e iiil» e r t lie ne%« - fitll^ le d i » i « r h l u e I m *Mld 011 it*» m e r i t » « n t i i r l y t| j member, your whole *1» pendenc- is upon }ou r crop proceeds, and if you allow O ld FfljjfM ; | chine-to w n*«lc o u r g r a in , you arc m*' that much out of pocket* To pc» \C,ntr\ j that the p ait) that doe» )our thr«*-hing procipt•« a n e w lAHtCl e(| A I D %\4 U T liK ib as they are. constructed so e - t > save your grain, «nd have a better record than any oltk'ftfl machine. W rite tor further parti* ulars. 1 am prepared to prove ail mv statement» i. e A I R l \ ( K uni*-Ii 1 ne w i l l <1o m o r e and l i e t l e r work than any other. I l ie » e l» y e liu l le n g e Ii n> «»Id f o g ) a g «‘ ftl 10 llu n ie .% \ \ V h # wfterr tv ll A D A A \ '('K nine Ii i in- I imh lu lle d l o d o a » re p r e « e n I ell MlfteR it s iutiO*ICC? on thiM ( ou st. W liow up o r m I i i i I up. lUun« niber that old h>gy agents «a> ing the contrary doe« not make it so. It will pay yotW TliU artirlrt j»* a car»ful!y ¡»repitrefl physician'ft pr»x investigate. I ean p r o v e a l l I s iiy . •cdption, anil ha» bt*«;n in c<**cn intnalucetl into the uiaiket, th j dined to k«»k out for those that talk of imitations. I al^o deal in o r y m id ft«rn *a)e o f this article is c<>n»t*iitly incr*-uAiiiK I f the tli Machtncry, barm, i ’lnircti and Fcliool Be 11«. (ieneral Machinery, ^ \ ilt Oiler», ( >riHc,'. { hw r ctiona are follow ed it will uever fail \V • |v*rticn Valves. Miller Pumps. Hancock Inspirator«. Hark & Kenm.dy Ipje^tors. Acme and AlhguMH !arly invite the akteution o f phyaiciauH ♦«> it - menta Wrenches, Hlacksniiih Drill». s»'ll Healing Bath Tubs, tho AYestinghouse Engines. John L. Thompson. Sons I Co., TH uY. *N. Y. ! prh'es: Ih-horse on w hceD. >:• <»; Traction. SLOT-*; l/> horse Traction. NDoO. i«l di»couii '^H « ,i»li. (General Agent for colouru';» My m iiKflh and l*amps for K l e c t r l c Idghtit/U 3 1st Premiums. 25,000 hi u**e, « H i l i g h t * . j C ELEBBATED EYE r n W A T T E E U PIANOS. 20 years L»tabli^iit*i. New |4itente«l Steel Tuning De­ nse in no other Piano, by which our Pianos stand in tune ¿0 yt^are, good for 100 ; not affected hy cMRmte. No w*sxl to split, break, »well, shrink, crack, decay, or wear out; we guarantee it. Ele­ gant Rosewood ( ’'w s, 8 »tringfl, d -uhle repeating a*'tlon; finest ivory keys: the Famous O^I’lSKI.L Cali or write h r Catalogue, free. T. M. A.VTisKU f ’ lANO t’O., ManufacturerH, Odd Fellow»' Rail, M vr Jxet and Seventh streets, .San Francisco. THE RAWSON LIGHT RUNNING REAPEBS AND H Q W E ® THE LINDGREN CHEMICAL FIRE ENG INE? Viinr \ i!l«K»' rannot rt" |t) nut imr. liti »¡thorn a « jtv 11 out* in jour hou«i' Von must hai <• one for your nulla, l ’or purtioular«. addi'»». You ranno', affali!« Z . T . W W IC H T , Foot of M o r r is o n S tre e t, P o r t l a n d , Oregon d ia Y Ior ihe hook contimi»*» a* bri»k h » it ha» htM*n •»ni' c tt»c da v o i publi ation. It is no: a little • uri. .in» to ti f r i a mire » «talea, le a kivid *-f Pihlnation Tfttially consideixit tlu» tir» *-t « f dr> it-Htling m > e «gerì.v so ught after. Min hav- mg «oen thè liook, one* aurnrise at thè oager I tit illami »'OMsea. It m re«Jl\ noi t*»o much to •»a' that Mc«»rs. 8tn\er& >N'Hlkerha\c pi\>-I C ut « cuma RcMtoas Cusa il iicih I a hook, thè < »»ntents of w hi«’h i» astnter- ! cNting a« it« generai «ptM aranre i» liand»o,ne. S kin and B looo DiMA&ES I he coverà, litho«rapln*d iti olght colora mi rWOM F*IM 11« t 4 heavy roughonisl cani, di »piai, on thè front, artisti. all> grou|H*d. thè h* nd» of twe hloo.hd PKN CAN D O Jl'«TICK TO TIIK KBTKRM IN ImrscN thè New market Blocw. and mi elcgant which the (.'I rid H.% K kmhhkh held hy * «twiolet. thè wholtM'lhk't h»*ing atiractive ami thousands u;>oii thou»» mis w hoax* lives have atriking m thoextrtuuo. (hi thè liack cover are Die been made happy by the cure of tu r* nFzing, deliout* Ijr esani t ed pitturi» of nome of thè iniliating, itching. « aly ami n mply «li». H-es hu of machine» hamilcd hy thè drm. BetwtN»n thè«« covar« are Idi coni parti) printed ¡mgv« tiN-m- ti»e skin, scalp and bliMHl. with lues of tiair, (T'TI ci ha , the great Skin l ure, and I 'n ir ing With flrat » la»« illu<«tratiotir and gu ing In ha S oap an exquisite Skin Heautifler. pn*- ¡••n*8ting »1»*«» ription of pretti ne«rly evcry Cl pMre»1 from it, externally, and Cl TK t ha lhe- klno of fami, dairy ami nuli muchincry, aoLVRMT. the new Blood 1‘uritler. interrudly. wsgtvna. hiiggie». carriagea ami all aorta òf a poeltlve cure for e\ ery form o( »km and uiei hanit'al noveltif**» u»etul in thè homo and on are blood disease, from pimple« to s* rofula Rie tarm < onsiderahh* »|*n« e la dei oted to il Sold even, where Trice, (T ’ tkm ka . »W*.- luatrationa of thè magnltlcent threshers and S oap 15 c ,; Kkw>Lv*NT fi. Ihruared hr the engine« which bave dono much tu inake thè Fom uiD R r* and C hemical CVk.Hoeton.Maaa. nxiin- of Sta ver A W alker hm w nlel> knonn im i E#*Seml for “ How to ('ure Skin Di *»»'> Ioghi) reapocted. (*reat as ha« t>e«*u ih** IMn'.iiir^ hl.rkh*ml*, i ti»i<«>.-i «mi oiiy * m .* i t.f nrndtieing thia unhpie work. Me^ara. »kin pKTuiu-d by C fr n i'R A S o a p . ' „ Staver NV alker annonne«' ihat copi*'« w ili la* I i mathal fiee Ui all appio anta. KA/ R km iM thm , K»tm-> i'atn»an.UVSak. PÜR1TY BEAUTY N° i K P R P P Hy rvturu tuati Fall D r«rrfp iloa r H E X W* Ü GI a i l S a f i n * a r t F a s t e s l T h r e s h e r e t e r M Ä ' i ( i m » « m n l i l ; r a p a i h v f i T li i i » f J ^ P l l » Pi l»T>H. Hip n l, ¡lain ktllln. GENERAL AGEHTS WANTED CLOSING OUT ( C k i ' 1 ' i * x « i «T> - k " t *-t v t i ”, n . t i i m i t i li tx- t M i»::t«K \K. .1 *1 «n.t «1 .< prr month ea.ily mail«' »rllinatlm Karm.r*' » u«a holder «ad «mlr«roinhin,si lion t m l » « **>•- Hnnd for ctn-ular». K K H A lit M»"aL"7 » inert Sound Mf*. Co.. Taisuna. \\ a«h. Ter. TO to !«. L i.'-l W ( U l i i F U h 'A lI flllK T I, ttnvr *.¡1. «n i ,«ir litff., ft .5» r«-h. THE I . «■>■»••*' fa e v â jé ffâ c . x c rrn m U W B i Hilt «ta .« o n la r o u r v iu i o r i: ' \ - y I s » t X i - w k a H IIS K e x r x t « t u r n n f Gents' Furnishing Goods. 232 Kearny St., near Bush. I WELL DRILLS Q r .SPINNE! f f i L D r . Spinney & C o , ^ * . t t.-tr-i.t t «I IlItiHraled m * i »I ( two ob apf»IW ttaa PISO j CUFIE FOR C 0 NSU MPTI 0 N N B X. I Nc. a. r V i X*. ua. F W i l l VII I hl ' NEW' A M A C H IN E BECAU SE IT IS C H E A P m u c h « a f .< r a n d ’ c h r a p o r ™ T o M r o i M o " í k t y k ^ w n ^ hh i , r J n ^ W * * | , e M l , i r c ' , ' f r n i ;“ U ' *n'1 * r e r o a d j - t o p r o v e i t . r * m a c h i n o f o r t h p t v n e t i t o ' » r m o L ^ - t c n fa c t . r r w h o w , n t « V r *‘ ' ,n rve rx *« *P ^ ? t th a n to p x p ^ rin ip n t w ith a n ew “ •" t e m achine* you X do *o at trrrat lo .» to ' f crn v d w U h * « vo, , r 11 w - ^ ,u » » H U ron endan ger It bv Pxpcr*m pntlnB wi t h new fanF^j I q itator « 1 , t’ r T ! a n o in t n il *>),.. ,K).,.,»Wc C, ¡U wt-h our ./. I. Co.., An h n t h r e n t h o r o u o h t u t r * t r , i 8 P H | H ri i ? t v F .fl PE / nnH '* knn'r " to be ¡w rfrrflfi rrlin h lt. BEING HT II.T » P E C C I IA L L Y T H E R E Q U I R E M E N T S O K T H I S ' SECTION W o a la o *p |l t h « o n W B w n n in # H i N t . F E W O O n n i R Y u n n « r t v i n - r n ■ T h * J . I. C A S E P O R T A B I E T R \ C T I O N E v r r v r A l< t 1 " " ^ 1 m a d e . H e W a r p o f I m i t a t i m i » for rpar* »’“‘ I w p ( T M r s n t P P t h e m t o hp. J n d a r c i m ” , t o n m « V «F | ^ hsrp h?KÎ h W m ' : , 1 n « ffpnprai n n*p " " la O tpvot Tand"wa*hinKton * n 'I ' V a » h l n K a n d « f b e tte r m a tp ri» « th ,n , , , T oth- r i n a i n e « m a d p " * t *1* , n " * ‘ I ” " ’ ‘ r f u l - " d u r a h lp , * a f e » t . in o rp » k l l l f u l l j conatriK 1 W p mimt VnW* ™ ' m ° * ' ‘ Bur K t N i x >I.i ' 1 T ( m V 1 ¡o V fn '. S7Fvih,,FUF:v x i v ' ! t ; n n i ' i i A ( K s o x s /'FTlRFCES S E L F FEED ERS .AND FORK- Il adcr In u«p. W# aell tbp O N I.Y S TE K I F R A M E HIM rt|-p Vt K ‘ '..gllar,lr” ' 1" 1 '*»*• Simpl—t. I.tghtp.t and Eaalpst H a rd * for ourpticP, a o d t.rm *. and all o t h ^ f ^ V t l i n ' ^ t a S th , ^ n i ^ Z y " * M ° S E T by C* 1Jinii ** ' or ! M I «A.A E H A W A L K E R , (> vn e ,u i - A o v illa , F * o i* tln m l, O r.