i P olk C ounty O bserver . — VOL. I. T he South African diamond fields ■ lust year yielded gems amounting to ■ 3.646,990 carats and valued at over V $20,000,000. -— " • -------- --------------------------------------- MONMOLTII. IMfl.K COl X ' i L PULGON. S.UTKDAV, ¿ULY H, lsss. TELEGRAPHIC. It Li lime of the P ru rin irip cip a! l ('v fcv e e n n ts t* No« Attrieticj Pablie Interest C O A S T C U L L IN ^ S . AGRICULTURAL. M AR KET REPORT. NO. 17. OREGON NEWS. Devoted Principally to Washington * ^Dc^ied y> the Interests of Farmers Ratable Quotations Cnreltilly Revised 2verything of General Interest In , ¡E p r riu r y a n d C a lifo ri^ C ) and Stouten. Every Week. Condensed Fenn. I t in now an imperial regulation in ------------------------------------ A telephone is being constructed b - . .. . .. i l j i j - V i Geo. G. Bingham, of ¿alein has Brazil that i>er*oni who die from yel­ wilQ WHEAT— Valiev, *1 20( i *1 26 Peacon Isa ic Bronson, of Pokoville, tWe€n Farmington and B lmnnQ W.T. carUinl;'utid i '* c ^ been appointed deputy prosecuting at- Walla Walla, f l lTJotl 18J. low fever t-hall be cremated, the Stale Conn., murdered his wife with an ax. It takeVien n « u*■ s f r a t A in to _ ’ . I torn« y of Marion county. bearing the expense. ' and cut his own throat with a razor, pa-s the Cascade tumid. ca \ " ** ^ UU ’ ou , ss g iv . O B A R L E Y — 4 ’ hole. $1 10(41 12 J; John ivandish, of Halsey, Linn The motive is unknown. Pikm eeC itv W r is nut tine in i.A * ° r . f A " ' 1 © ', r » ‘»“ « « » n d « . t l y ground, per ton, 25 00(427 50. ¡ county, while trimming the feet of . . . O f I • t 1 iw * : * 1 4 ,ltin * m , 0 ex|>ect h4/to produce good milk and Q ueen V ictoria is an subgraph A m the returr of a boyish q tu rrH ,; $8,1)00 system of waterworks. butter O ATS— Milling, 42J(.t 15c.; feed, 14 his hor-e, was kicked in the eye. He illector, aiid idle has recently added Horatio Hatfield, aged 12 years, -hot . may loose the sight of that organ. A new Episcopal church is to | A11 jovr Rft, w, t R,10uld be ?to her American department au auto and fatally wounded Thomas J. Allen, built at 1 acorn., W . 1 ., to cost »5,000. , dr-iuf.(l A few 'o f llraill u,e Wll, H A Y — «fle d , $15 Ot ,4 17 00. A Store at Brooks, below Salem, was aged 10. O graph of Andrew Jackson. A tii€>at Aberdeen, Cliehaliscounty, i prevent slush and mud around the SEED Blue Gris* 144(416.* • Titn- entered, pnilf.-lv bv the same parties Coherin' John Uiins and his © n weie that burglarized Keller's store here. 1 1 •' «1 a portion of the busi- houpe, o oihy, j m lo ,- ; Red Clover, 1401&O. B e r r y , the English hamim m, has killed at Jack-on, Tex., by W. vV. Ter­ , iies.-Q>art of the town. Little was obtained. I ,, no wav can a farmer with less O F L O l;K _ Pil„ .nt K ,,Uer An old familx feud was the executed 113 persons up to the pres- rell. I red Crump, the insane convict who Iron deposits which hid fair to be- troub.o enrich a poor Held with scanty finimtrv Hr.ml * * 7 ". cause of the tight. Terrell was yUrit in : i made two deep Mate attempts at tui- 1 come valuable properties, have been j herbage than by feeding sheep on it. , ¿ ;«iit time sixteen of them having been three places. ^ {fid e at S ilent, has been committed to diseov '•» red on Hoou" canal, near I So atllrms an English sheep farmer. | EGGS— Per doz, 20j. -' In Ireland atnl two in Scotland. Thomas Prentice and Patrick L ike Cushman, \V. T. the asylum. If a solution of London purple is ; B U T T E R — Fancy roll, l**r pound. Rooney were instantly killed, ami , The building board at Salem, let to Puget sound lir for tine car work is u-ed for spraying orchard trees, you 40c.; pickled, 15} (4 20, | W illiam II. S eward commenced H enry Millbach was seriously injured inferior J. M. Oil *uan, a contract for putting a replacing the higher p © t d walnut may know it lias bft ti applied too grade, 15(422 t ’ ;e practice of law at twenty-one, at at Wellsville, N. Y., by the premature hydraulic eb-vitor in the state It use. and the Louisiana a.-h us well as We-u strong if yellow blotches appear ou j 'thirty-one was president of a State explosion of a dynamite cartridge. C H 0 E S K — E intern, 10.420c ; O re­ The price is $*185. India mahogany. the leaves; later, the whole tree turns gon, 14 m 16c.; California, 14}i*. Fire at Fort Apache, A. T., destroyed Convention, and at thirty-seven Gov- I A. C. Barber has been recommended Erastus Hankins, of Florence, Cal., yellow and assuti^ an autumnal ap the entire quartermas'er and coni mis- ‘ ™ ^ ^ ru o r of New York. \ EGE TABLES— Beets, p r sack, to the postofli -e department for ap- g iv e himself up, saying lie had shot pearance. •ary supplies. The estimated loss to and killed Win. Everson in a dispute The winds in the spring shake the $1 50; <’aMi igc, per lb., 2j|c.; carrots, pointment as postmaster at the pro­ A grandniece of Ke.it*, Miss Elena the government, including buildings, over 50 cents. young trees and thereby damage them t>er sk., $1 25; lettuce, per doz. 20 ; posed oflice at Glentoua, Lane county, is * 100,000. The jury in the case of John George lt> a certain extent, but this can be onions, $1 00; |M»t ii|>-s, per UK) lbs., Oregon. Block man, who has attained consider­ The Mexican fieight depot and an 90c.(4$1; radishes, {er lb., 6c. young trees as much as possible i»e- i granted ( ®vg >n — Original invalid, McDonald, at L me Tree i-land, Cal., In Ma Irid upon a life sized portrait of Texas, burned, also about seventy The peach brought in a verdict of manslaughter. forc putting them in. H O N E Y — f t comb, per ll>., 18c.; B m jiiuiii \augbii. liiniaha; Nancy, the Queen R-gent and the infant frtight cars. A large amount of freight tree will thrive better if cut back and mother of Liberty R Pull, Springfleld ; strained, 5 gal. tins, per 11». 8.J Henry AVattler, a well known florist burned. The estimated lo-s is $¿00, also become more ‘‘stocky.” Mexican survivor, Andrew Fitzwuter, S in g . of Sin Francisco, committed suicide PO U LTR Y — Chickens, jier doz.. 000. Watermelon hills may lw prepared. $2 00@3 Ot); ducks, per do/.., $5 (K)M Lebanon. in his bedroom. H e cut Ins throat George Wilson, wife murderer, was from car to ear with a r.izor. | B enjamin L. H ume , a native of Vir­ L iv ott’ the rows ten feet apart each R )V. \V. A. Willison, of Oregon The 6 00; geese, $6 00(48 00; turkeys, ginia, who was Stonewall Jackson’s hanged in the iail at Albion, N Y. He came is unknown. way, and at each intersection dig a , | ht lb., 16(418c. City, started up the elm kamas river to strangled his wife in bed, owing to A t the bottom marry a couple, and «lid infl reach his gui le during the late war, is now liv­ M. F. Gillniore, a tearmter, and a G hole two feet deep. complications growing out of his as­ P R O ! ISIONS— Oregon hams, 12Jc ing on a farm near Madison, Ga. He sociation with pretty 16-year-old Laura A. R. veteran of the l f t . l i Indi ma, place a few chips, than manure. per lb.; Eastern, 13($13}c.; E.u-Un destinati«au until 4 o'clock the follow a hill three feet square, ------------ --------------- , ----- j - . ing morning. As he had thè license was thrown from his wagon and killed Next make is a Methodist minister, now ou the Thompson. ^!'lHl haoon, liL -, per II».; Oregon in bis pocket, thè expectant liride and at Palouse, W . T., by a runaway team. and wot’ k plenty of manure itilo thè retired l ;st. Wallace Mitchell, the murderer, who lL(«.13c.; Eislern lanl, 10@ ll^c. | ku groom had to await bis arrivai. A passing train blew its whistle, fright­ soil. l lb. ; Oregon, 104c. - ,« u , ., was brought back from I'riudad, Co!., Plant beet, carrot and parsnip seed ! Giant Osh irne, of Eugene City, I A philanthropist in London has to Syracuse, Kas., charged with0 the ening the team. G REEN F R U IT S — Apples, $2 00 Mged about 25, staggered into a saloon A hotel in Sin Diego, C a l, was to­ early, so as not only to get ahe id of established a Spectacle mission, where murder of a boy named Johnson and the grass but to give plenty of time j (.Y-2 50; Sicily lemon-«, *6 00(.y6 50; and fell unconscious from an over tally destroyed by tire. Autone Wur- poor printers, tailors, shoemakers and the wounding of his father June 9th, dinger and F. Greaber, parties wtio for growth. The most important mat- I California, $3 50@5 00; Naval oranges dose of morphine. An effort was was taken from the sheiiff by a body »earnstresses can have their eyes tried, had the dining room mid kitchen ter wi It such crops is to have a per- | $6 00; Riverside, $1 ik); Mediterra- made* to save tho young man's life, of armed men and lynched. but without avail. Ho was not a mor­ , , , leiM'd, have !»e«*n arri Sto,! on a charge feetly tine, rich, clean seed-bed, and to nean, $4 25. •ml obtiin spectacles for little or noth­ A colored man named George (ij use plenty of seed. Tho seed is slow i arson in setting the hotel on tire. D R IE D F R U IT S — Sun dried ap­ phine fiend and not in the habit of ing. ________ ___ Deans, liis three little children, and an­ | The tot d loss will bo about $12,000. in germinating, and often fail to sprout j ples, 7fe. |M-r lh. ; machine dried, 10(4 taking it. His parents, who aft» well- other child, Anna Godfrey, ate break­ at all. 11c; p ifes« plums, 13c,; Italian to-do, reside at Eugene City. T he body of Emil A. Knostc-r, form­ fast, and soon afterward all were taken Gus Gounet was handling a pi-tol A dairy expert suggests that the | S nafor Mitchell has introduced a prunes, 10(4» l ie. ; peaches, 12^(41 L\ ; erly of Pu k, was cremated at Fresh violently sick. Two of the children at Sac ram -uto. Cal., whet« the weapon proDt-r way to dry off a cow as the eud raisins, ruisim* $2 25(42 k) fiO bill providing for the establishment of 5Ò. was disclnrged, the bullet striking Pond, L. I., recently,making the 189th died. Deans and his other child are a lightship, with fog signals, at the The GoJ/rev I ®-UH Moulin in the right temple and of her milking season approaches is W O O L— Valley, 12(416c. ; Eastern mouth of the Columbia river. not to gradually cease milking her, incineration since the opening of tho in a critical condition, He j entering his brain. G >unet surrend child will recover. Oregon. 10(414o. also introduced an amendment to the ,, -jkrematory.' ________ ered himself at the station hou-e but but to keep on milking the cow just By the burning of a small frame H ID E S— Dry beef hide*, 8(410;.; sundry civil hill, appropriating $40,- was relen-ed ou giving bonds in the as you hail been, but stop her food; not staive her down, hut give her the culls, 6(47,-.; kip snd calf, 8 m 10: 000 for tho purchise of additional T he last pu!»lic whipping in the house on Edwards street, occupied by sum of $10,003. Mr. Burmeister and family in 8 t. Paul, ground for the custom house at Pert kind of food that makes more flesh ] Murrain, 10 ( | 12 o o ; T . a ml G. The pension case of Martha Wood- thieves were fl)'g * ’d with a cat-o'-nine tist from Chippewa, \Vis., were suflb sence of i!s mother, took the coal oil condition. sheathing, per M, $1 1 0 0 ; No. 2 lloor- him, a blind woman and m soldier’s can and piocecdtd ta pour its contents cated todea'h. Burmeister and three T. M. Winslow, of tho Ayrshire ing. per M, $18 00; No. 2 ceiling, per widow, which was conferred to a con- tails by order of the court.. younger children had a narrow escape. into the stove, causing ail explosion Breeders' Association, being asked and scattering the oil ovc©her dollies, what is the average yield of Ayrshire M,$18 00; No. 2 rustic, p«*r M , $1S 00; ferenee between tho senate and house The small steam pleasure yacht | S tranqk as it m iy »eem, more peo­ which soon wrapped her ift a sheet ol cows, writes that he lias collected clesr rough, per M. $20 00; clear P. 4 committees, has been reported back to S, j»er M. $22 50; No. 1 11 siring, per I the house, with a recommendation for ple enter R iss’i.i th m come out of it. Etiia was struck by the steamer James flames, the cln:d lingered in great about 1 000 records for a year yield, \V. Baldwin, a mile s mth of N w- Between 1873 and 1881 the number of burgh. N. Y. There were eight per­ agony for ten hours, and then expired and he finds that for cows and heifers VI, $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M, * aH increase of pension ftom »12 to »50 $22 50; No. 1 rustic, per M, $22 50; 1 pur month, and the conference report A lire broke out in the briss works the geneial is 6,525 pounds of milk •migrants was 8,030,000, and tbe num­ sons in the small boat, and two- of stepping, per M, $25 00; over 12 j was adopted. Mrs. VVoodlum resides Roylance, a t -8 in Francisco, for the year, and of manure cows inches wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40 | it* Gaston, Washington county, ber of immigrants 9,450,000. them, Miss Annie Miller, and the wife J’j ^ buildings being wooden the 7,000, for a selection of 75 cows he of Bdtij entin Odell, Jr., w< re drowned * to 50, extra, »2 00; lengths .»0 1 < 60, j John Drummond, of Ash land, aged ’} E xperts , it is said, now value a per- The rest of them were rescued by the Himes soon spread and enveloped obtained an average of 9 220 pounds, • xtra, »4 00; 1 ^ 1 i'll, per M, $2 2.»; obotit 7.1, committed suicide by silent­ Myers’s wo- m I turning ostihlishment, and all of this average he believes was le d ruby of livek ira ts as being ten steamer. ^ mg himself in the head with a revolver. and tho Columbus Machine Works, obtained from ordinary treatment, ly lath, |»er M, $2 50. At a ranch near Cheyenne, Mont., M E A T— Beef, wholesale, 3@3.j£ ; Ho was s'opping at the house of VV. times moro valu iblo than a diamond and tho brass wotks of W ild «fe King- common to all careful dairymen and ' John C< w in was apprehended in the 8 f the same weight. A pet feet ruby act of rifling a fellow cowboy’s trunk, well were also badly burned in the and m iy be considtoed an average of dressed, 7c.; sheet», 3^0 ; dre-seil, 6c .; ••. VanBuren, and attempted, or hogs, dressed, 7(47y *.; veal, 7(48® threatened to kill Mrs. Van Buren lie- reir. The total lj.-.s will be about $15, Ayrediire as a breed at this time. teems to be the rarest of all gems. and he was taken to a corral and was I1E ANS— Quote small wl«tc*,$2 25, i,,rt‘ *'e ' l" ’! *'i'»-c!f. Mrs. VanBuren 003. That there is such a disease of the about to be hanged, when tin« foreman pinks, $2J ; Day os, $2; butter, »2 50; ran *9 a neighbor’s lit use and Drum- peach tree as yellows is unfortunately Two hoys of II. M. Shiw, aged 7 | T he Emperor Frederick jj said, by inteifered and allowed him to eseipo. m ond followed her only as far as the Still, much that Limas, »3 00 per cental. and 9 years, were carrying wood into loo well attested. L mdoii Truth, to be a comparatively i The enraged cowboys followed him the hou-e and playing, at Seattle, W passes for yellows is due to other ____ C O F FE E — Quote Salvador. 16c ; l,-*r yai-d, wht*" he placed the and administered castigation. Cowan ^oor man, having been left little under half dead, reached Cheyenne and told T., when the younger bro her climbed causes— poverty of soil and winter* j^Josta Ri.-a, 1‘; m 20.-.; Ri *, 18£«0c.; , °* “ * a,,d ' upon a chair and reached for a re­ killing of the previous year’s g-owth. »ava, 25|c.; Arbucklo’s’s roasted,214 -. the will of Iftnperor William , and lias liis story, but no arrests were made. volver that was hanging on the w ill, I 11 any kind of tree the withering or S A L T — Liverpool grades of line ., L i 1' ' ' ',11 " ’Vl" '* l,Jr MeEwan, at •oth u ig to dispose of by will except Silas Robinson shot his wife and cocked it, uud pointing it at his dying out of branches will in time af­ quoted »18, »19 and $20 for the three , '’' . ' A ’ k tli.- dd.v. ry team of •bout £120,000. The job of Emperor Nick Wiens, with whom she was out brother, tired. The charge entered fect i's vitality. The apple is a great sizes; stock salt, $10. ‘“ A J'**"■l W' " ch WM »"»' ked up is not as lucr<3.i\e, it seems, as it once walking, at Minneapolis, Minn., and the (lder boy's head, killing himOiii- deal hardier and str-iiiger tree than p .n trr Pd ir . , . , . the curb. J he tongue m truck one I lL k L E S -K e g s q u o h -d steady at ■ Gf the horses just behind the shoulder afterwards put three bulltts into his g^m ly, the peach, but even on this a dead tiras. ° :own bodv. Robinson had been h .. „ ,, i » v o 1 and penetrate.1 to the depth of alaiut limb is, if not speedily removttl^ soon , . ; ,, . . . . . rr>, ■ D,,c. Gutfleld and J. N. S.-ott, paint- fellow, and his wife lefr'h im _ , . ’ * . . followed by others until the tree dies. SU G AR— Prices for barrels; Golden sfx inchu-, making a wound which [ I t is seldom that «three Empresst* drunken , - * , „ , ,| era, swung on a plat orm suspended: It eight months ago. W toss fell . ’ ? . . . » • ( .i i In many cases other catiM-s of peach C.5J«-.; extra C, 5 jc .; dry granulated, would admit of a aiau'4 h ind. meet each other at the same time. about fatally woundeiLO Mrs Rubinsou was by n,p.-s forty feet from the ground , trees dying are ascribed to yellows; 6 -jc.; crushed, tine crushed, cube and was with some difli ;ti!ty th it the end That unusual sight was seen in Berlin killed 7 . ________ _ w bil« e her husband A rope suddetBy hr-,ke on the side! not infrtquently the cause will lit ffciwdered, 7^e.; extra C, 6§ ; halves "f tin tongue was pulled out, and then instantly, Gutfleld was ♦ -Äc, and b .,, , -a 6 i - i i where w ne re uu;n-:u w.is at wo teconlly. Stranger still was tho fact will probably fle from his suicidal , , . the blood gushed from the woudd. The . * i. , . was precipitated to the ground, 11« found near the root in an attack from 1 ^ d lioxes, y.*. higher. j poor animal died. Mrs R Lnuson bore aiB nn-ul-l 1 . 1 • Bbat they were mother, diughter and shots. the borer. 0 , .. O w O-vas picked up in an iinconO ions con- Reports from the Navsjo country, In two days lawns may often be Stephen Sagar, the 14 year-old son Bio her in-1 iw. Perhips a similar oc­ hed reputation. a Ultii .n, badly mutilated and fiffertid N. 51 , state that some of the roving of 1 humas L. Sagar, of E ist Portland, grettly improved, by giving a denser On the Pennsylvania ® Sehuy^Ttl { inti'rn.-.l injuries, an ! his a in ^ 23 1 currence li is never bcenOccn in the 9. lent be is of that Indian-trine »re be­ died at the hospital from injuries re­ V«0!ey railroad, at Cable City, a freight broken .0 «-veral places. One ®7m kri,wth 01 grass, :0 d by enrioblog tbe B o ld’s histnrv. soil with to|»-dr- »sing. For enriching coming turbulent. Ike VV. Stevens, s ceived at Albina. The bov was ilriv- ie boy train was shifting cars when a gravel will have to be ampul ited. o n C m 00mpost nr palverised om prosjiector lias 111 rived at Gallup, and ! mg » team attnelied to an ice wagon, train bound fo r Shaniokin, l’a., 1511 Q ueen C h r is t in a , of Spiiu, has ouP s and into the rear « i d of it and ten ouU dP , f Fire w s broke n w wsr w c cnmitmed w w w s s ,li known to b . give* information that In- wasultacki d 'vh'-ti a passing locomotive frightened . _ ie I , nmnure, * 0 1 f aad if tbe •••« soil * w.. ia m m.,. , f such a character as to he mania for being photographed in com- eleven laborers who were seated onthe billeting ^0: _ at the B rnout m ^ _ t, „ ________________________ __ strongly tiy Iiiii®ms, ambushed, wlio-i weapons lbo horses ami they turned sharply to One arrow one side breaking tl. tongue. Stephen p in v with her children. A recent fr o n P c ir of the gravel train were MOTOphir, < 1 Three men wrfe »t j h*j„ flt, d by siijierphOBpIlBU Oi - t i er weie bows and arrows. pi in (rated his should« r blade. II* es­ lictiire presents a most charming fain- buried in the wreck. When assistance work on . drift 100 feet from the sitr 1 I< 9 . 1 I f- i»il ^* r, mix tin III with the caped from them, making b isw a y to held plttckily to the lines but was I pulled irom liis seat and dragged some _ arrived, six dead men, horribly ntan- f.icc. i M H i s from tbs timbers 01 l b msntsrs. First, and e.irly in spring, re- i'y Krott;.. It represents the queen 1 In- IV )« i.io'cuObe soil with a steel rakp Of I’ioclie#-’« place, a L ou d ly Indian, distance. Wliun picked up it was , . gled, were taken < Ot, and four others, .-lialt was extinguished. ■ g e n t pouring tea at table, the baby ^adly injun'd? It is not believed they were found ce.id^ near the mouth Wi , ,||)r p, tine harrow; then spread evenly who guidi-d him throiuTi the country. found his skull was fractured. He ltn-ir num -s are James to|»-dns*ing, and rake it thor- Piochete claims that the Indians who never recovered consci« u mess after .. king in liis high cli *ir at her side and 041I1 pve- JDe victims are all Hungar the drift. ex Utilled the accident. R ardon and Joseph H zw k p t. In oughly: th* n imv grass seed heavily,. attacked Stevens were ■ t h e two inf m u looking demure and ians, and their name« are yet unknown. the attempt t > rescue the men, An- 1 amt lightly rake i( iLin. A roller passed States scouts employed in Geronimo’s '1 he following articles of incorpora­ ■ beautiful i 1 their plain white dresses. j;, reported from the flooded dis­ drew L.tOon alsOl »«t hi« lOo. -.v®- it will pres» the tile earth au< and *e»*d ill raid. tion wi n- filed m the oflice of Secre­ tricts of Mexico that 1,500 lives were o . At H islett, Cal., Jin.-s Sullivan tary of State: Grand Arm y Cemetery contact and promote free growth. This The city marshal’s attention was at- , One thou­ L i H ung C h a no , the viceroy of lost by the inundation. treatment is well adapte-^ to lawns had some difficulty with a Chines - sand bodies have b en recovered. tractcJ by a di. luihance in 11 ,0,u.-<; of •bi'*li have become thin of grass, and laborer, and knocked him senseless Association, Portland, O.egon; per- China, is six feet tall, b5 years old, well ill fame at Col'ax, VV. T. upon his I tecting its organization according to Leon is a citv of 10.000 inhabitants, Sullivan then went to D iggett, a fww ! tlie law, and electing trustee* as fol­ built, gray and swarthy ; bis eyes are snd a largCfgmrt of it is in rui nW-sThe arrival on the scene, he was met by ] the harrowing or raking should be of­ ten enough repeated to give the tur- miles distant, saying he needed some­ lows: G E. Cattkin, A. E. B irthwick, dark and piercing and his teeth dark Mexican collector of customs a L'Paso one of its occupants, Tim Miloney, face a fine pulverization. thing for protection, and purchased a who deliberately commenced bring 1 | T. \\ right, Z. W. Christopher and and uneven. When receiving Ameri­ del Norte has received an oflicial dis­ pistol. He returned to H islett, and, It is stated that Mr. J. C. Jones, the patch stating that 100 miles of the upon the marshal. Toe marshal re ; noted buffalo breeder, of Kansas, re- with a pistol in each hand, went up to E Martin. Clatsop County Road and can guests he wears a gray Astrakan . , M* xican Central railroad i« impass­ • ponded with a few shots, one taking a man named Sherlock and com | Construction Comp m y ; incorporator, surtout with long, flowing sleeves, able. It will be ten days before mails . fleet in Maloney’s right able, the ball cent,3r H H«'V of liv« wh,ch J. F. Hustler, J. W. Conn, Frank J. Sherlock walked 1 is out of the usual run of such trans meneed talking. i riy l°r, H. Elmore. I ate K rgman, (?. loose silken trousers, felt shoes and a can get through, and twenty days be­ following a rib and 1« gnig i in bis backbone. Tue wound iP nfi con- fers. He sold to Mr. Austin Corbin away, when Sullivan filed, hitting W. Fulton, F. W. Newell, C. H. Page, flaring hat with the button of liis rank fore freight can be moved. resi- him in the leg. He then went aftei of New York, whose country sidered fatal. John Fox, 8 . W. Gordon, V. Bocling, on the top and a peacock’s feather deuce is near Babylon, L. I., six head j the Chinese, »m l shot Chow Q tong J. O. Hanihorn «m l C. H. Cooper; A south-bound train proceeding to Moan in the forehead, the bullet com­ of buffaloes— three bulls and three John Vaughan, a dwarf, as a joke, Mobile, Ala., went through a small sticking out Iwhiml. I object, the construction, etc., of wagon heifers. These are part of Mr. Jones’ ing out behind the left ear, causing and toll roads in the vicinity of As- bridge at Tensaw. John Morgan, en- |»o'ir«-d a glass of beer into the pick J ohn Q uincy A dams ’ body servant gineer, Saul Williams, firem.in, and of Luke Curry at S1 1...1 one sleeper were tot illy wrecked. I lie morgue Vaughan’s 1 fl si le and groin these buffakies has not transpired, but ville; ( ’ . H Canfield, Oregon C ity; D. uud to run until it b -cams entirely ex* family, and was present a ie « 1 Rnd wounded were taken to Mo- was found to be bruised snd dis­ that the figure was high may lie in­ R. R. Murphy,Portland ; A. H, Logan bnmtted and fell 011 its side. It 1» re­ ing ground at Bltdensburg when Ins ^ 1*. The cause of the accident was a colored. An autopsy showed death U> ferred from tbe fact that on more than East Portland; R. C. Warinet, Cornu­ ported that after it lny a moment 1» thit posit.ou its ‘ Wyaa popped entirely master was killed by C >mmo?or* «eak bridge undermined by heavy have resulkal from peritonitis, re.ull- ne occasion Mr. Jones ha« received copia; J. K. lleggius, Astoria, Stew $500 a bead (or members of his herd. art S Denning, Canyon City. ; ing from a kick or a blow. out vf its head.’ ’ It bad to bs Irll'ri Barron. j rams.