IN A C u rio u s A M A IL R U S S IA N BAG. Mixture* o f .Joy xn d f lo w — A chum pimi case o f meanness is reported from Montreal Tlie em­ ploye of a co cera accidentally t ■ ¡uto the water while in the perform* ance of his duties ami had his tv ago« docked for the time lost while he was g iiing dry! A local pa|icr thinks the man was lucky in not being used lor the water absorbed by iiis clothes I t lx Organix**«! a n d A d m in is te r s «! tb s I ’ rrsa u t I I i n * . Humor and 1'atho«. The |H>liee in Russia, as in all al»aolute “ 8««! h«*re, w ill you pittas«; b«; no kind A S T A B IN T H K O A K K as to more away? D on't hug up bo monarchies, has had to combine the Sometime» fsil» <•( its m urderous intent. The clou#* to in»;, you -you t»lai k->> )r»lcr««l duty of preventing crime and watching lusului.u* slid ilsstsidljr sttse k . m ade upon the or a in s recntation of Hosteller's i'lo liu e li Bitters b> over dis people with that iif supervis­ envelope.” A nd S o r e n e s s R e s u l t i n g f r o m ner»ons who *■ ek to palm off cheat» ami Mery tonicsss identi. et with it, or "tlie »aiiw thluK ••Kxcime n><*. I f**«;l bo Imilly that I ing officials and protecting the govern­ S^ LlCjCeAM Pgllc^ under another nsnie. ' or "e qu ally a » suod. in hunlly know what I am doin i'. I know ment. Alexander I., in imitation of muri Instances reset dt-a*trou»iy upon the un- ach c — pniiripii .I ti n.ivrs U|»||| popular credulity who you <1<> not lik»* my company; nolxxly Napoleon, made it a department of the them, eon vertin« th. ir »peoulattuns /\U b (fje sfarriacti w ell wi(h State. Nicholas, refining thereon, di­ »loea. 1 don't blame them. I am Borry. • I , , L Cz i A into ruinous failures. The tim e r» is a pure, Kj O V / ( 0 w’hole-»nie amt thO'OUKh medicine, lulap'isl U* S fJ a c o ts C M Apply flatjpel sfEeped You look happy, you »lainty pin* **n- vided it into two sections -the ordinary t n , , , n p _ i ’ n,t* tot iii cure end prevention o ( f- ver eiel »su e , ▼elope, aealod with blue wax. Blue police, under the Minister of the inte­ bilious reuntumt. dyspepsia, constipation, bit in t\o( wafer and wrur\g auf. <§K'n $ e)calp rior, and tlie secret pollen, under tiie iousi ro» di bilily. nervou ne-e end kidney wax ¡ b tin; ay mhol of lovo, 1 b it not?” SOLO BY DRUGGISTS AND OEALERS. troubles. It» every iugredienL unlike those in D iseases “ Yes, true lov»;. Ix>vn tru<; ami puro Kraneror in parson. The latter was a **“ CHA5 A .V O G E IE R C9 B a l t o . M o . 1 the imitations of it. is of an a»; ertsined »tend- aid of excellence, and while they, by reason of m the akii’B, and aB enduring. 1 am a privileged body, above all law, re­ their Hery piopertiea react injuriously upon sponsible onlv to the (.’xar, and with love letter. ” the brain sod nervous system, of both those C l C lIU U / â V H H A I I C H . 1‘ K A S K J I organ» it i» a »c-'lative and in vigoran L Kofuae d l C l i l V V n l . H A T H . © U T IC U R A Uubler, K /Olilsli Ami the pink envelope fairly glowed almost un'iini e l authority. Its head F 3 » EVERY PURPOSE, d l these harm ful imitations. rfest Piauo«; Hnnlett ! « Orgaas ? ra »*i8 , >>ai»d imlruit«euc« with the hlian of it.« a< alod kisses. It was member of tin* ( 'oiiiinittcc of Min­ MuJlC d J •tock uf Sheet Muxic aad oka Banda boì »«!! ÌA-.1 At ---------- » ---------- R e m e d ie s . K u t*m P r k « M A TTI T T H I AB liK A Y ÜU . 306 Puêt ister», and hy lus intimate relations Kresh lime scattered aroun d the cellar w ill bore the miiio II of forget-me-nota, and Mtr«et. ritan F nan ciuco help to keep it dry. it^ ire tty direction wan as tine ami per- with the sovereign and freedom W jui nilK M iiH T D IS T U K S H IN O F O R M S O F K K I N fe» » an copperplate. Truly it had a other control became the most power­ t iik m i N o u o ve o r i ’ e a c k . 1st Premiums. 25,000 in use, Mini «call» diseases. with low« of hair, from 20 years Established, ft ear , infancy to old age. are HjxjediJy, economically A ric h ly fr o -t e d q u i v e r i n g tly in g D o v e . right to glow ami throb— for it wan ful person age iii the umpire. This in­ and iHTMiancntly cured by tlieC'UTIct'KA H k . m _ _U (âtoottd Ht— 1 Tun inf Do* love that kimlh d it» warmth and Kent stitution was preservisl hy Alexander 1I- EiHKfs. when all other remedied and methoda A D re a m of L i f e sc re e n • a le n d a r . A n im ­ in uae In no other Finn •» by which our Pini • ported id eal h ead. A n im p o r t e d f ' oh ted stami in tune 20 \ears, good f. r 100 ; not aiïeeted ! with its attrihatioiis intset. Although fall. a thrill through ita every liber. ( ' r ricf h a . the great Skin Cun*, and C i t i c u ! -n o w scene a n d a fu ll se t o f m a g n ltlc e u l by ( limate. No wood to break, «well, «brink, Investment am«!!, c roflt. F o u r t e e n a rtis tic pieces. t ra* k, de-ay, or vse:vr out; wo tfuarai.rcu it. He- "Alan! 1 carry a »ad meMage to a hy law subjects of the t.'/.ar could lio h a H oap , an exauimte Hkln Beautifler, prepared Dural c a rd s . ree. H* nd 80u for ntLin. from it, externally, and ( '( t i c i ’ ka K k h o l v k n t , ; i Sent to a n y o n e w h o w(|l b u y f < o « ! a d r u ^ longer he arrested and condemned guilt lU>*.e^o**d Cam.», 3 ctrin^H, double re; eatinir l»W*’,",l,u*tr»u-.1 i-«” “ ' fa r-off home---- " the n c ’.v Blood Purifier, into* imily, c u ie every «u h full I - .rticuUn. action; flne«t ivory key«; thu Famous A N T lsE l L. ' g ist a b ox iff the g e n u in e D u C. M ' L a NK s tifaetured by * ttu' “ What I n it? T ell me. L o v $ you without legal process, the liiU'u Sec­ form of «kin and blood disease, from pimples to C k l k b r a t k d L i v k r D i l l s (p ric e - > eta.) Cal! or write for Catalogue, free. T. M. ANTISKI.L PIANO CO., Manufacturera, Otiti Fellows’ Hall, Mai G O U L D S & A U S T IN , know, ¡a very rurloua, and--ami my tion could seize, incarcerate nr deport scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price.CuTicuKA.50e.; S o a p . and m a il us th e o u t s id e w r a p p e r fio tn the ket and Seventh Street«, San FrancUcO. K IT «X- 1 fit, l.u k u g, pretty laily never »tint auch a letter aa at will, and even secretly. By jesuil- 25c.; K khoi . vic n t , $1. Prepared hy the PoTTICR box w it h 4 c e n ts in s t a m p s . W r i t e y o u r C H I C A C O , IL L . ‘ l)RUO AND ClIKMICAl. Co., IlOMTON, M ak H a d d re ss p la in ly . F l e m i n o D h o s ., F i t t s leal distinction it did not pretend to Big O nos given anlrep- 1 am before in all her life. Tell me Hend for H ow to Cure Skin IMseaee*/_______ Hi'H iiu, P a . __________ punish nr to interfere with the course sal satisfaction in th « youraecret and I will tel%ou mine — " gif PimpleH, blackheuda. ( happed and oily tHi cure of (lonorrlm a and The convict is n atu rall) a good hum or “ Stop (hut noi^-nFic, you two there uf justice against crime; it merely sup- £*r »«kin prevented hy ( V t u t k a S o a p . Gleet. I prescribe it and t l l l f l p ** 111 *" I -1 lorviuJi Hi. J . Very yr,!,, Relief in one fiunute, for all [uiinx and Cu n he's breakir g out. J P ( ] pressed indolinitely individuals who onou« dLl'r’ tdficc» It ui.d :t 'A ìm |;» i w Rclienin .. ---------- iP lU U U I oiji'U.« in the corner of tin; hag, can’ t you?” feel safe In recommend« weakneaaea, iu ( ’ u t i c u k a A n t i -P a i n th- moat de.i^htful a i i - O - i rwù reali) P l a h i k h , the onlv pain-killing plaater. 25c “ Yea; 1 shall break the engagem en t,” «he Ing l O sufferer«. “ Who are you?” aakn»l the love- were deemed a danger jsj |Wbli<; order. hand t *tlet article ever produced for L*e*uttfyfc* Huid, folding her aruiH and looking defiant; " I t and j rt«erv , tiv* •.■«. plexl.m t*^ tai», aunhjft A .J .S T 0 5 E R , letter ipiickly. It wa-> auch a happy, Its existence after the inauguration of it* really too m uch to couverte with him; he’a freckl.-e aud -II Mcuiishe« and t#h«.t .*•«« of - he ekln Decatur, III* at* d eaf um a post, and talk » like ne had a L’ < d and int! .rw-d ’ " the olitT of society tini giddy thing that it could alfbrd to the reign of law presents an anomalv xsiiety u j.t * j Ü P R IC E 1 1 .0 0 . . m outhful of mush. Resides, the w ay he h aw ks Sold l ) i- I tir ^ la at 50 ceofi’ t)« pt-r hottï similar to that of let’ree < le . >achet in brave ami face even a businesa-liku White iUid Flttfdi Vau and spits is disgusting.v “ Jion’t br* ak the en­ ■ired »?> W M WltsDO* Sold by Drug^iat«. ! ^(>. (ryiprr • »it.* > itla 1 * »THiron gagem ent for that; tell him to take Dr. Sage's envelope with the picture of a mighty France, of which the K ingQ nild avail t a tairh Rem edy. It w ill uru him com pletely." at pleasure, despite tribunals and stat­ •tructure in one corner. P IS O S C U R E F O R .C O N S U M P T IO N ‘‘W e ll. I'll tell him 1 do hate to break it off, N r. TM S. F. N. c. Nixyi.i. N . ! . N. for in ull other respects he's quite too c h a rm ­ “ Well, I*in a full-grown business let­ utes. ing.’ O f course it cured his catarrh. During the early years of Alexander ter, and I ’ m on my way to tell a man V y i i A4 f.i N i i v fc. J i •: e ’ z C i x s b t C -o n x u is a R »n il« T he oftner Dow er is sifted tor sponge eake that our firm can not give him any more II.’ s reign, when Russia seemed pro­ wLucli ::v . r ii.ip ✓ *.-.,uilig E «lery aud the lighter the eake w ill be. credit. I’ m tireil of hearing you two in gressing toward a new and glorious C *!t. th woudt .i d ncivE Htimulantalt tpeeualy cures ull nerveua disorder«. future, it was seldom resorted to. All the coru»;r gabbling, ami 1 wiah you S l 'I N A L W E A lr t E s S I) L IN O 1 I t W liL K S . v attempt upon Ids life in lMtiti restored woidd ipiit it at once. P atnk ’ s C f I o E b y C o m p (» i n d pnrifle* the *8 P i t i N f e S t r e e t , N eav Y o r k , Notwith- “ Love and death, my staid friend, it to favor and activity. blood- It drives out the l«*ctic acid, which M a r c h ¿5, 1 -8 !. caiis» s Ith* unii.tisiti. und resit »it - the hlood. are ao cloudy allied that even the com­ St:iQl in i its irresponsible character making« i gaus to i. h itlthy condition, it ie H a v i n g treen t r o u b le d w it h p a in s in the true remedy tor hlieumattsiu. monest of us ought to consider and and its almost unlimited powers, it was k a ek a n d c h e s t d u r i n g th e la s t W i n t e r 1 worsted in thOluel with nihilism from have patience.” 4 w a s c o m p e lle d to re m a in a t h o m e u n a b le P a in e ’ s C elery C o m po u n d quickly r«*«tore« “ Well, w»dl, who Npokn in that deaf 1870 to 1H7M. Of its last chiefs, (iene: .;! , A (»article U applied Into each nostril un'Un aeree able. the livt r und kidn* ys t > ii rte*ct hcaltli. ’ihi* to a t le n » lato b u s in e s s , u n til I w a s a d v is io l 60 ota at (fpi«¡f!ata : by mail, re^tereo, 60 eta. M' /.eii t si if was assassinated, and (Jen- I Prion curative power, combiu. d with »t« n.-rve tone?” K L Y HK m TIIKRH 5»i Warren Ht. Near York. b y a f r ie n d to t ry o n e o f A i -L c o c k ’ s F ( » k - toniis, makes it thu best remedy for all kidney complaints. “ I come front a great pocL Me is ti eral Drontcln, severely wounded, re- | o t ’8 P l a h t e i w . A V e r a p p ly i n g o n e to leader of mankind. 11»; ludpeil to fre» signed. Its inellieienev caused a change m y c h e s t a n d on e to m y liaek in th re e h o u r s 1 fo u n d r e lie f w h ic h 1 h a d n o t g o t the slavi'B; and lie has done much good in its organi/.arioii; a double police led P aine ’ s C elf . by C o m p o u n d strengthens the rtomach, und quiet i the nei-vcn ( f thethgee. in o v e r three months. 1 c h e e r fu It r e c o m ­ In tills great world. He is now an old, at times to absurd results, and the pub- tive organs. 'J hi:» i* why it cure;} c^ca the m e n d tOs-in to p e r s o n s h a v in g sp in a l worse casus of Pyspep ia. white-haired man; and he sits In the lie agents of one department often w e a k n e s s a m i lu n g tro u b le s . golden sunset of life, respected, l»e- wasted their efforts in pursuing the ItE N K V J . G A L L A G H E R P ain e ’ s C elewy ( ’( m p .' t - nd is not a cathar I ovim I and esteemed hy the whole world. emissaries of the other, acting in secret. . __ ___ „ easy _ __________ ivo, giving and natural tic it |S tt_ The (Votr of Russia is buildin g a castle near ___ n to the b->w( Kem lanty ia m y fi He lias written his name upon the page After the explosion of the Winter KakJ.a in Finland. lew« it* U60. I’ alaec, in IKS), the T h irl Section was of time, and all the ages to come will [ U R E S N ervous Prostration, N ervous Headache, nt Mnmendcd by n^ofissionai andbucinesa men. »Send fo r > kx k. K K M A K K A I iL K St lU iK R T . N e u ra lg ia , N ervous W e a k n e s s, Stomach never erase Dial name. He is known alxillslicd, but in name only; it was re­ Price fl.otf. Sold by Druggists. and L iv e r Diseases, Rheum atism , P y 3 - T he science of surgery lias m ade sm h w on ­ moved from the imperial chancellery as Whittier. derful progress in modern times that the most r pepsia. and all aflections c f the K idneys. W E L L S , R IC H A R D S O N & CO, Prop’» Intricate and delicate op -raiion s are now uu- And for a brief period the mall Img ami united to thu ordinary police. BUR LING TON. V I’ dertakt fy and carried to a successful issue. bv ^ivinif tbc? w Itole •r, U S was silent. It was great company tlu;y U m ure now s e v .ia l w ell BUtheutioaUld --ANI» vico a «iridio limul, to incrmse cases of w h at is know n as pncuniunmy, tiial is — those wonderful, mysterious, differ­ to say tlie rem oval of ui»< aseil portions of tlie ellìciency. fiidli departinciits Io < li< l«s o i* P o t U N N . ent, queer and curious missives were i t s lungs in lasia» of consumption. W hile, h o w ­ L o ris ever. this »1» Ii. ate operation has sonie inics in. The dainty pink love letter nestled w o r o p lactn l u n d e r G o u o r a l four teaspoon fu l« o f the ur/CMVi OCR TKADK M A B K It cures R iik u m a t im m , N k c k a l o ia , Boils, Phnplefi. been successfully pcrlornied. ilie risk , attend­ against the hlack-liorderod one. The M td ik o f, u p oti w lio in , hh M ilitato!* o f HcrofuUt, Oout, 1 atarrh. Tumors, Ha't Rheum, ami in g it are so gr. at, and the chances of recover, best Baking Powder,sav­ Farmern. — It is impor­ MtrauHil nslna It Pnrlll— U m Blood, K m I otm U m ing twenty tim es it« tant that the Soda or so slight, that it is sel om resorted to. The one carrying a sa»l, sad message to tlie In t e r io r , a lin o s i d l c t a t o r i a l p o v v e rs I. iver at.d KidiieyH to tiealthy action, and make«* the cost, besides being Baleratus you use should safest plan in consum ptive eases is to use Dr. some one far away. The st<;rn, busi­ w o r o e o n fe m M l f o r Ilio p re sc n -v a tio n o f (Complexion i:ri*du and (Jltitu be White and Pure same much healthier, because P ie rc e s U olden M istical D.scovcry. This will M all similar substincea it does not con tain any J. R. CATES S l CO., P r o p r ie to r s . a lw a y s cure the »liseuse in its earlier stages, p n b lie o r d e r. W l i i l o U lta e l i a n t o in a ile nesslike letter, with never u wont or inj irious substances, needforfood. Toin«ure thoroughly arresting the rawig»-* of tlie terrible 4 l7 M a n H O iu » > H I .. N a n l - 'r a iir lM e o . line of ryllim in It, lay side by side iio a lt e r a t io n in ile* a t i r i b u t i o n s o f thè obtaining only the “ Arm such a« alum, terra alba malady, hy rem oving its cause and healing the etc., of which many Bak­ A Hammer" brand Soda lungs. with a commonplace envtdope bearing a e r r e t p o lie o , il w a s a s l i ^ b t R fiin in ing Powders are made. or Halerat s, b iy it in » a poem fresh from the hands and brain p rin cip i«*. T b o 'F ilin i S e c t io n w a s n o •pound or half pound” Dairymen and Farmer« T here aru not more than lâO.UIIÜ Q uukcrs in cartoons which bear our should uae only tbe “ Arm Am erica. ami heart and soul of one of tin; purest I o n i c i u n d e r (In* p e r s o n a l d ir e c t io n Q name and trade-mark, as & H am m er” brand for singers (>o»l ever gave the divine gift tIle ( ’/.ai*, b u t b e e a in o o n o o f th t»(? e p a rt- | cleaning and (T iiisiiiiilitlo ii, W a s t i n g IH s e a s i'a , Inferior goods are seme- Milk Ians tiweet times substituted fdethe 183 h'init tìt A n d U en eral Debility. Doctors disagree as to of poetry to. Ami then another voice n ie iils o f ^ o v e r n in e iit , a n d a s nueli w a r Cali or ••Arm A Hammer'' brand Clean. Rortlaud, Or tlie relative vulu of C od L iv e r U ll and 1I j ih >- broke the stillness, ami the ri'st shud­ H iibjeet («» a d n iin iH tra tiv o e o n t r o l. when bought in bulk. phosphites: the one supplying strength and C autiow . flee that r»gor. Seminal ____ N E R V O U f t Debility, liORB of Vigor, Parties using Baking “ w O f.oggi.g, Weak Mom iory, or; Detipon Duali, the other giv ing nerve power, ami acti g every pound package of 'Fin* unreaHonin^ vi<»lenee and moti* | dered as th»;y heard its rough, brutal Powder should remem­ dency, &oM «ino to dxcfmhdh or abuse, cun as a tonic to the digestive and entire system. " A r m an d H a m m e r «tnniH atroeilies of thè radicai part) ! Y O U N C M P M suffering from red« tones. ber that its «ole rising B ra n d ” contains full the offerta Hu* in H e o t t 'a K i i i u l a i o n of » .si L iv e r Oil property consists of bi­ " 7T W m ^ o f youthfulfollioH or indi«- with ttyjiophospliiles tlie tw o sre eoinbimxl, It» ounces net, and the “ Ami if ye air ke*;rful, pard, ye kin not onl> b*d i<» tli« revival of thta tri*- | cretion should a va il theruHelyijt o f our treatment, and the effect is wonderful. carbonate of soda. One Th ousan ds who % pound package «/oil positivo euregim rant*'ed in {¡k>ry cane. Syphili*. teaspoon ful of the **Arm kill the oh; cuss wi’ one blow o’ yer mendoii* e n f i n e o f t|es| d i s i l i w i t h ili- a U rin 12 ounces net, Boda or ary and Vonereal i>ineawen a ll unnatural iììb - have derived no pei inanelli beiu-Dl from oilier 4 H am m er” brand o f pivparatioiiH liav e been curcil hy this. Seo.l s Baleratus same as speci­ club. Il»> linin't no longer strong; ji'ss •reased power*, tliey bave alno turned 1 charge«, prom ptly am i safely cured. Bodaoe 8a le rat us mixed _ kuiulsion is perfectly palutalile and easily di fied on each package. With «our milk equals EVERY PACKAG E) a little tap presto; he’ s dead an’ the Ilio wlicei of progress b.aekward, dc- M I D D L E - A G E D M E N ^ i M ; gesled by tliose w ho cannot toleiate plain Cixl i'll«« of KMn.ys or HIad.1w, Woiik liock. Nervous I.iver Oil. prived ilio natioii of liberties accordi li, ; Debility, W liftin g o f Hextial BtreugtU, etc., cured swag is yourn." P acked in C ard B oard Boxes. A lw a y s keeps Soft. ml re«tored to healthy vigor. “ Who dare speak o f such n theme a« ' and destroycd tbe hope of tuQbcr con A strong effort is being nuule in London N -M. i’crftonn unahlo to vi«it uh m ar l»« treat**»! against ex travagan ce in funerals. nt tn«*ir norm*«, by corr«*«i»ondenc**. Mcdlciucn and murder? Ho you know that I came eessions for vears to come. — Alberi t f. iuntructioriH iw*nt by mail or exj>re«s. ('onHultatiou hrtti. Hend 4 cent« in«tarnpBjur ¡he Young Mau i from ill«; hand of one of the highest Menni, tu Urr's Mtvjnzinc. t'rlcutl or (i uldu to *Mllock. TH E N E W I’ HI/E STORY judges in the land? Itevoal yourself, is eagerly sought for. r » « d with plMtsure o rdis- TU H K ISH IN V IT A T IO N S . T h © B U Y E R S * G U I D E it villain, and let the strong hand of the appointinenl. is then Raised aside sod forgotlen. is s u e d M a r c h a n d S e p t., Hut ladies w h o read Dr. 1’ie ie e s Favorite P re ­ law throtth; your murderous design I«lt e r a r y I 'A r e iy t iiiH T l m t A rn ,\ l»«o lu t»*ly l e a c h y o a r. I t Is a n e n c y . scription, read it aguin. for they discover in it A liw iiril Mini N a u a e titln g . something lo prize a im sseiiger of jo y to those Indore it gix>s further," came from n l o l o p e d ia o f u s o fu l in fo r - Tlic> O i i c n l i i l i im i g o r y , so |>l«■> 11ifiii suffering from functional deran gem ent» or any r m at ion fo r a ll w h o p u r ­ long, legal missive with a red seal. o f the i a in fs l dl»ord ers or weaknesses pecul­ c h a se the lu x u r i e s o r Uf o ia r to their sex. Periodical pains, internal in- But tin; criminal letter said not a word; in :ill tin; w r it t e n c iim m t ii iic a t i o n s iff n e c e s s it ie s o f life . We -J llaiiimalion and ulceration, readily ) ield to ita it only slipped down out of sight ami l l i r K is li'l'll | »‘ri|»lt,s, lia s bto 'li I'Hi r ic il b v e s n c lo th e y o u a n d fu r n is h y o u w it h w onderful cu rative and healing powers. It is til»; T u r k s to l In; |>uinl w h e r e its lit n r - a ll th e n e c e s s a ry a n d u n n e c e s s a ry the only m edicine forw im ieu. sold t>y druggists was covered Dually hy a letter from a a p p lia n c e s to r id e , w a lk , d o n e e , slo e p . iiHif. r r » l i g i i i t a r y , w r i t i n g t»> ease, or money w ill be refund»»!. T h isguaruii- cheek for one hundred dollars; and the o r stay at h om o, a n d in v a r io u s sizes, ti'e has I»een print d on the bottle w rapper, and s t y le s a n d q u a n titie s . J u s t fig u r e o u t letter was worded as follows: “ Semi a iiu tlm r, s p m ik s o f l i i i n s r lf ns “ ll iy sn r- faithfully earn ed out for many years. w h a t is r e q u i r e d to d o oil th e s e t h in g s v :in t," “ tliy i i i is t - r a b l« ; » ! « • ( , ” “ th y me the one thousand in ‘green goods’ COMFORTABLY, a n d y o u c an m a k e a fa ir s l.x v u ," m m » ii m i, w h ilti :ill Ills r i'f i'r - M r. Cist tes. tin-ow ner of the cutter M arjorie e s tim a te o f th e v a lu e o f th e B U Y E R 8 ’ soon as Qisslhlc. I think 1 can use has bought tin- Thislle. »*i h ’»* s to ilu> | )o rso n a ililr u s s e d u rn to G U I D E , w h ie h Q W ill b e se n t u p o n them without much trouble.” re c e ip t o f 10 c e n ts to p a y p o s ta g e , “ th y h i g l n m s s , " " t h y g r n i 'i o l i s l o r d ­ Then all was »piict again for a period. H -,r , î * h . A s a a j r r a n i l A n a l y t i c a l A CO. - t Í iK * -m s h i p . " " t h y m o s t e x u iliw l p i 'r s o n n l i t y , ” in t. I at bora tory, ioti First st., Portland “ O, »tear laty, I hear had news from 111-114 M ic h ig a n A v e n u e , C h ic a g o , 111. Or. A n alyses m ade of all julwtunoes. Hatea you, Don't »hi it any more. It has a n »l tlm likn . for assay ing gold ami silver ores «l.aO. l-ucs I'll«* Turk, In mhlivssing his equals ages Bent hy man or expresa promptly attended killed your mother and is killing me, t a and returus inaile or superiors, nnvt>r uses tlm plain your poor old father. Ihnt't ,/ ^ iL ' words "y o n " or "inn.” lu stfu l of "I * T > n * li". H o t e T h r o a t . A n t h in a . don't drink.’ don't drink f " saw yon tlm otlmr »lay at tlm mosque.” « ki ll IMMKNSK STOt'k OK S IM M E R BAI.RUIU- < a t n r r h . and other Diseases of I he Hrom Inal “ Aye! aye! so sav we a ll." cried out I Uh»-s. no more useful article can be found iiAX t NDKllWKAU. st #1 so,I il.._S 1 |« r suit Im says: “ 1 olisnrrnil at tlm nmstpin I ban /.niM-ri t Bronchial Truche t ” four or live from a little pile. the »lust of your nxivifj^u’y ’ s fi»'t.” l^hwt ilssigns in 1‘E W A L K SIIIHTS. tim e latest “ And when we cracked the last bot­ A B E A tT lF U i. - o n v e n i r a lb u m , c o n t a in ­ riinr»' is a Turkish proverb which de­ fo lia r, an.I one |-,ir fulf,., $'l each. tle. Jack, a sigh went around our IliOa in g c o m p le te c o llec tio n o f H itlers F la g s nial*»'» tin* wold “ in»'” to be alu a\ s and am t l o a ts o f - A rm s o f e v e ry n a tio n iu th circle. Wo had piled iii the stuff pretty Ov.;, y " Imre liateful. w o r ld , sen t free to a n y a d d r e s s on rec* ipt freely and were feeling good. The lust o f s e v e n ty -fiv e fo ld in g c a rd s , tin a o ile d a m i Here ar»* two geniiino Turkish invi- » t«Ule ’ That almost broke-our hearts. sa m e as ta k e n fro m t 'a m e o C ig -a re U e p .ck tatlons to ft stivals: Our motto is * is merry Mfe and a age» W . D u k e S ns & C o .. F irst a v e n u e ■•N;dil»< and \enerated friend: T o­ a m i I w e n t y -n in t h stre e t. N e w Y o r k . short one’ " night, when the silver barque of tlm “ (iiacinus, I smell something like a 8ee Antisell Piano ml vertlsement. drunken man’ s breath. I don’ t want moon, now ............. »lays »d»l, floats out M |m n tIn* sk\’ s a/aire expanse. In1 T r t OKHvaRA for breakfast. nothing more to do with you ," broke at#* Send for Illu*tinted ( atalogue. In a long, lean, spidery envelope as it I stowing upon all tlm world romance rness. we shall 1><* assembled slipped down among a lot of Jolly let­ ami leiUi Vu ters from some school girls. The spin- ! nt tin- Tilla;»- of Ululili, ill th«1 slci 's letter lax there, drinking In with piw »■ . alksd II «r o ti-Moll ih, a tpoi full keen delight the merry prattle of the of »li-liyfhis; ami all ib«> nij;lit, »;v»*n to girls' letters. It fell young again and tin* l isin*f of i ii»* sun. we shall «aste »li»; * O F - it made a stern determination to en­ |»l»-a»ui»- of ili.- \V»> shall not a«l- mit a ili-l i\ »»* yM ' »< tin- thickness of ter the lists once more and battle > '» « lu r s T R A T E D bravely for some man’ s heart. Ilelter »1 I* tir. May liai» tloetm ss of sails ami w s - C i a L “ CATALOUI K o r FASH ­ the strength of rowers lirinjf tlie«>, thou IO N ABLE S tIO Is skelter, rough and tumble all In a mixed pile upon a table the letters were sour,-«- of joy, to nil thy friends!” T h e F in e s t a n d m . a t ( ’»» tn p .ete Sh«ve C a t a - “ Most gracious master ami most thrown l>\ I lie hands of the mall rlerk. lom ac e v e r p o U L h m l I n tla e U a i t a d S ta te .v It Flutter, tiitter, Dash amt Hurry here. ’ VaMicratasi loisi: This cvi-niiig, if it w i ll e n a b le y o u t . . b u y y o u r f .s g w e a r , v a iu t e lll Has made the Pipe a popular ple*-c Aliali, wlieii the great king of there, everywhere, hut all pro|>erly dis­ g e u t l y a n t p r o f it a b ly as th o u g h v o u v is ite d the army of stars, the aun of all th«* tributed st last v institution— being composed of u r »to r*- a n d |a * r s o n a lly m m le y o u r piareh aee . And w hen the reeipients of each let­ shall, setting forth towards the Sent Tree to any address. Send realms o| the shadows, thrust his finit ter received his or her mail all were at quality of leaf best adapted for it now to into the stirrup of velocity, thou art last ssfelv housed. The tears that fell upon the black- besought to illumiuiati* us with the for smoking, and ent ready for bordered missive, the kisses rained ; bright rays of thy countenance, wltii-h, upon the pink love-letter, the pale look iiidi-i'd, rivals tit«- »tin's. Thy arrival, immediate use, it is preferable that confronted the business letter, and like that of lit»* zephvr of tin* spriitg- to tbe best brands of light all thi* cries of joy, die sol,* of sorrow, time, will, for u», dissipât.- tit«* ».»tuber night <»f solitude and lie*.»1 ation.’ ' the chuckles of exultation and the other A single trial Ami litis |hni.|»-rou< is»mpo-iti.»n is pressed ping. thousand and one expressive terms amt only an invita’ to “ com,- amt din* will convert every consumer T h « O r e g o n N a t io n a l B a n k , acts all went out In air; and the mail at six.” YouiÂ't to »»; .fat.»«. O r M B T IA till. b»jf never told the story of its roman» a. — A n..t»'d inst ance of a very small, they will use no other. I >et |*»-if.-»-tlv »leve'»a|aa*al dwarf, was the m*mm Rarkit« • If your dealer does not keep it, he k«t4 eulijrx t i.> dk.^% celebrate»! it .ndi».» >ky, of twenty-nina AN liK tuh iD (,, inches height, who died iu lSg?, .».-wj wull get it for you, if h# values your — aìffiìt— * i about foriy. T ’ P 5T0M A HE D,ARRHCiA WELL DRILLS Sold on Trial ! « R E W A R D ! 0 , m C a t a r r h j ames WEAM BALM. C , R H E U M A T Ii’M KIDT EY C O ^P LA IH T S DYSPEPS! A CO NSTIPATIO N SARSAPARILLA, YELLOW DOCK, ARM & H AM M ER^BRAN D O r .SPINNEY o La,"£»Dr. Spinney & Co. p L » J » 7 i T r a c f . y q n ¡ry .n WRIGHT, o MONTGOMERY WARD CLOSING OUT Gents’ Furnishing Goods, ! 232. K e a rn y St., n e a r B ush . -SEA Lr N o r t h G a r o lin S t PLUG CUT S M O K IN G TO BACCO BETTER THÆN IRRIGATION I a 7:W and ?40 M ark et St., S. F. , tr a d «.