tifityj P olk C ounty O bserver . i VOL. I. ncj. ilot. ■ A low estimate j uts the number of pe rsons supported by all the forms of Aiploym ent furnished by electricity at 5,000,000. MONMOUTH, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, J U L Y 7, 1888. TELEGRAPHIC® MARKET REPORT. A G R IC U L T U R A L ..flK - - ■—i - NO. 16. COAST CULLINGS. OREGON N EW S. Devoted to the Interests of Fanners Reluble Quotations Carefully Revised Devoted Principally to Washington Everything of General Interest in a Kprtmnr Ifct Principal Brest! Nu« and Stockmen Every Week. T erritory and California. Condensed fo r a « the ilerartici Pahlir liAirwl W, ----------- 4,** '- . j mth ; ■ T iikke are forty-three lug s c h o l Too much corn or con.meal causes Walla Wall.i, W. T.. will hav elec­ 0'h e postotfice at Aobm, Morrow ’«7 W H EAT— Valley, $1 2.x«ifl 26 Ileuses in Iowa. This s the number chicken cholera. e*Pl tric lights iu a few weeks. county, Oregon, has beeufliacontimied. Three nu n laying gas-pipes in I Walla Walla, $1 17.Jt ground, jkt ton, '25 Ohsi27 5U . 0(1 train near Sail Anita, Cal. T r'e cases of sunstroke and num­ uiucii of laxative for them. Charles Oanon, aged 8, of Tendle- ■ V knl ’ s , me morning star, is brighter feu OATS— Milling, 4 2 J@ 4 5 c.; fi'etl, 44 erous prostr 'lions lnve occurred in B* The 13-year-old boy of W. K. White ton, fell from stilts and broke his left To prevent the formation of ktng @ 4 5c. the it ever appeared to any man now New York city and Bro k yn, owing " q pou was run over by the cars at Gold Run, arm. lap roots and get a large number of *«. ' living, and nearer the earth than it , to intens heat. Cal. One leg was cut ofl and the HAYVBit^ed, $15 0 0 ^ ^ 00. W B. Cunningham kmed a lv tx small roots on plants raised in boxes Will be eg tin for 1140 vears. other badly broken. He will die. ! A man named Glass, residing at near Heppner. He measured 3 feet i use a shallow seed be<£ not over two a. SE E D — Blue Grass, 14$(0c.; pickled, 15J(<|20o.; inferior falling tree and crushed to death. He pointed postmaster at Mountain Dale, At San D ego, iu the State of Neuvo destined for the butcher including all grade, lop* 22 3 . was 70 years old and well known. Washington loiunty, Oregon, vice- Nathan A. B irret, resigned. I n Mexico it is the emioni to ud- Leon, a railroad train l'lunged through grade males, may bo well fed until William Higgins, aged 22 years, was C H E E S E — Eastern, 16< j>er lb .; Eastern, 13@ 13^c.; Eastern blyyd heat it should have fed of some China. It is reported that the troops : let ' H K\ The body of O. 11. Peterson was A salmon was hauled up on the breakfast bacon, 12^c. per lb.; Oregon kind stirred in it to miik© it palatable ; A have joined the rebels ¿yid murdered found on a bank of the Russian river Cutting Packing Company’s doc k that 12(«)13e.; Eastern lard, lO 0 ll^ c . per 0. bran or corn meal will do. If given latch wong quilt (Qade by chil- goveryuent officials. near Cloverdale, Cal., with a gash in Weighed seventy-four pounds. A, !*n* dr£) in tQ>U nitedOstutfrs ¿nd 411 lu- to them clear it should be, for the lb .; Otflgon, 10£c. his left wrist severing the artery. He Booth, of Chicago, sent it on ice to uoO During a severe storm at Manitou, best results, only a little warmer than G R EEN F R U IT S — Apples, $2 00 had died only a short time previous. Chicago. x .o d iill slifttyL the gift of Queen V icto r^ , Out., a brick »chool house in Osgood o , IU. w $ j buried f^ith Je n ijy Lind i t her township Mis blown down, and twenty spring water, the icy chill entirely re­ @ 2 50; Sicily lemons, ^0 00@ 6 50; On his right wrist was a similar cut Wm. O’Neil, of Pendleton, was moved. o >. I California,^3 50@5 IK); Naval oranges which was almost healed. tried, convicted and sentenced to one children were buried in ti e ruins. I» It certainly does not pay to keep a re iQ< Oi • Some of they^ were fatally wounded, loB- gr.de e»f sheep anil then let them $6 0 0 ; Riverside, $4 00; Mediterra­ A boy 18 yea© old whs killed at year in the penitentiary for the crime nean, $4 25. ÖJ Philglelphia family and none Acaped paftful injuries. X 1 ©ItTAIN Dixon, Cal., while attempting toard of mayhem «11 the person of John take care of themselves. The small D R IE D F R U IT S —Sun dried ap­ AeeQ i to be of very fragile material. a freight train bound for Sacramento. Brassfield. C. H. Hemstead, while engOged in amount of wool secured, as well as ttie Johnny Lonon, of Pendleton, while ;sa ,**Th^. on- lU^ereous in it, and they a game of baseball at Oakland, Net© poor quality, i* sueli that no margin of ple», 7jfe. per lb. ; machine dried, 10(«6 No one0 here knoflsOhim, but Louis 11c; pities» plums, 13c,; Italian Carson says that he called hi^isell blowing a fire-cracker to see if it had profit will be left to the farmer over O ^hfjfìryxpcneiiced 152 frac lures of bcims ¡ Ù ' 8 8tru,'¿ i*1 Cie s u m id ) by rite knee prunes, 10@ 14c. ; peaches, 12$(<$14c. ; “Dutchy” and that his motliO' is a gone (ymt, bad his face dreadfully 3 J l f t . g il» V & 6 © years. ‘J 11 B r u n n e r and fatally JHijured. ai®l above the ei^j. Even with poor raisins, $2 25(42 50. ft'idofl and lives on Thirteenth strQe^ burned byotlie explosion that followed. QP> O w ” ‘ Ijj( wa8an employee of the Chicago, sheep a much better growth of ©uol His eyes were not much injured. hetfla. il G and H, Saeiflmento. can be secured if they be reasonably ns, . I’r« i>-. Q slant . . . O citizens . . , ,__ _ ,.f iiul- WOOL—Valle A 12(416c. ; Eastern of «ft. Q .i rid 1 St. Ifiul, Minneapolis and Omaha mil- 'bivo WSiile a woodchoppci at Meacham, well cared for tlia.11 if they be left to Oregon. 17@18e. road. A shocking atteOipt at murder was named Henry WindermiOi, was lying wefj; Idtely condemned 8 ' six m onths' themselvi «0 ° A loose engine filiilebacAingaround llfa )E 8— Dry beef hides, 80* 10 ; made at the farmhouse of U tP.Crftic, in his tent a tree about ten inches in in iflrf) nyn nt lift VefOJ.Ssj? hP The very best time Me b iliev e'o culls, 6( ftere Iv^jig aslO^p^n the trafle. The canes is just 0s s< on as frost destroys! LU M BER — flough, p * 4 , $B> (01; the t>er H ,$ 2 0 0 0 ; c l jjr F. 4 J a £ ) on’s adopted S0X 4111I ^ is born in Nevada, a i^ lately from Eureka, the first freeze flith straw or litter. 8, por M, $22 50; No. 1 flooring, jier of Sumner, Pj^-rce county, W. T., jyas hotel and Tell out of a door to the He es­ accidentally Rilled while on a pros­ ground, eighteen feet below. ,tli- pro idential mansion during Mis drowned in Wood river, Idaho. Ten tons of sujMrior Texas cotton­ 4 . $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, |fl-r 3fl, caped with only 4 L h t injuries. pecting tour, nOCr the foot of the Q,he ..dministration of '“Oh D©^°ry. A wagon loaded with m ineg neck. Hiscompanjpns buried him artie es of incorporation with the body of Ifci-IOird has not beri© found. accompanied the seed for the pttrpi se extra, fet 00; 1^ lath, per 4 - 12 25; secretary of state; also the Masonic ® bet^.was c h is e lle d ©ilh © iter f.0111 forty miles from any jettlennffit. For a period of twenty years there of instructing Uie naUycs of Z.ftizihar l i lath, per M, $2 50. Building Association; incorporators, O ° ^ O th e JordQi river, a bottle having been Isntis Riva was found murdered at George F. Himson, George W. M i»ton, lias been carried on a systematic plan in the cultivation of the cotton plant. MEAT— Beef, wholesale, 3(0)34«. ; 5 secQ ed for that purpose by Rt v. C.M. of em b^zliug goods from ^>ne of the This event marks the introduction of draped, 7c. ; sfibcp, 3 ic ; (He-sed, oc.; Guerneville,Clear Santa Rosa, Cal., in Chas. El. Wolverton; capital stock, a cih in . A few days before a woman $8,000; location, Albany. y Owcji, of Hiiminghain. largest priming concerns l#n Boston, c. ;tton on the c ^ t coast of AfriQ. hogs, drespd, 7(«» and Dixie BEAN S—Quote small whites, $2 25; • i n n Captain of the Briiish ship tectives is now in progress, whiHi against rabbits and ground mice, colored that he was lying a few feet Havage Became involved in a row in pinks, $2^ ; bavos, $2 ; butter, $2 50; ^<>111 thO door, d£id. He had shorfly Cit(. of Madrid, which arrived lately threatens to result in the arrest of practiced by Missouri farmers and in­ Limas, $3 00 pft cental. North Salem, in which Sivage was dorsed by the Missouri Slate Horti­ returned from a hunt, and had his many of its oldest ^nployes. The ecked down by Marshall, and in COL Pan Francisco, reported that when COFWCE— Quote Salvador, 16c; (Owder-horn on when found. The lowest e»ti 1 © ite of the value of the cultural Society, consists iu COVt Q ug ling his leg was hrokfti. Marshall off the Patagonian coast, during goods stolen is $ 100,000. the irutiir of the tree around with Costa Rica, 18(420c. ; Rio, I4(420c. ; bullet entered his body near the hip also broke the nose of Ross with his •tri© g we.-terlv wiuiC) butterflies were wiie cloth. If this he inserted an Java, 2 5 ic .; Arbucklc’s’s ri0 40, named Henry Nelson, rested at Brownsville for the rape of during the winter. tentiary who, beginning w it^ a term(^children were de ni The motive for eloped from Chico, Cal. The pair Miss Eliza Harrington, and was lodged $1 35. Experiments in pig feeding, insti­ SUGAR— Prices for barrels; Golden were taken to the (ailice station, where in jail, having been bound over by at Pmg Sing years ago, h a s g rved his the deed is supposed to he anger be tuted under the Danish Agricultural His cause her husband had orleied liis 80 iety, go to show that skimmed C ,5Jc. ; extra C ,6ic . ; dry granulatoi, Nelson was discharged on his own re­ Justice Avery of Brownsville. tim o in regular succossio©in the peni- brother from the house, whom he sus- milk haH double the feeding value ft 8Jc. ; crushed, tine crushed, cube and cognizance to aiqiear when wanted. victim who is aged about 16, states ten n ariisof New York, Pennsylvania, pected of criminal intim icy with his iliat her ravisher entered her bed room buttermilk ; that rye and barley are powdered, 7^c. ; extra C, 5j}e. ; halves The girl la detained, pending instruc­ and administered chloroform and out­ Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and wife. tions from her family. Nelson told of abou‘. equal value, with a slight and boxes, ic . higher. the officers that he and d ie girl were raged her, leaving her unconscions. ^ ^ k sa s. u Sergeant Nolan and Private Tavlor IKTCentag-a in favor of rye, and that at on their way to Mexico, where they Much indignation is expressed SILLY LITTLE THINGS. of Fort Madison, Neb., got into a quar­ six pounds of skimmed milk Iftve the Brownsville, and Burton only escaped would have been married. lia s . H etty G hrenk , the richest rel over a woman named Carrie Reed, same feeding value as one i>ound of Why Trill**» Should Never Be Mud« the being lynched by the strenuous exer­ wi^.un in America, was burn in Nan* (luting which both drew revolvers and rye or barley, and twelve pounds of reuse of e Querrel. Sa vage, Son A Co., proprietor of tions of liis guard. What absurd little things peopjy the Empire foundry, one of the old tuckit, Mass , and her father was a lagan firints Nolan was fat illy buttermilk are ri quire-d to obtain the John McDonald, known as “Van­ ■piarrcl about! What trivial matters est foundries on the coast, made an as­ couver Ja c k ,” met with what might sea captain. She is a queer character wounded whd died shortly after. The same result of feeding value. woman was also shot and is in a criti­ There is no ¡sipular craze just now cause ill-feeling in families! The mut­ signment for the benefit of their cred­ have proved a fatal accident. He and has been more written about than cal condition. Taylor gave himself for growing sunflowers. It is quite us ton being roasted too little or the beef itors at San Francisco to Jam es H. rooms at a lodging bojise on Fifth and almost any other woman in America. up, claiming that he acted in self de­ well, since the old-fashioned reasons too much; an opinion about the tern- Graham, chief olerk. The liabilities Washington streets. Portland, and was She is worth $40.000,000. fense, but a coroner’s jury decided for planting them are as strong as perature o$ the house or the style of are from $75,000 to $90.000. The as­ silting near a rear window skylarking that he shot with felonious intent. they ever were. They made excellent curtains that ought to be bought for sets are 1 stimated at $150,000. The with some young men in the court be­ T here is a curious law in vogue in failure is reported to be due to under­ low. In attempting hi throw a basin A devil-fish, or ocean vampire, was winter food for hens, and if protected the front window»; the definition of Swi zerlanQ compels every newly- accidentally caught near Vampico, while yjung, the sunfi ,wer will rap- a word or Its pronunciation, are things bidding on the part of the firm. Alaiut of water on them be lost bis balance married couple to plant trees shortly Mexico, in a fishing-seine recently. idly tower up and make a splendid that might he argued pleasantly about, 100 men ura thrown out of employ­ and fell out of the window on a fence ment) below, a distance of about twenty after the ceremony. The trees or­ Rtqies were thrown »round the mon­ shade for them in hot weather, in the (,„t surely are not topics worth a quar- jard where fowls run. The plant is a r,,[ whe n peace and good will are of so A superficial examination Frank Sparks, of Has Jose, Cal., a feet. ster, and by the aid of horses it was dered to be planted oil wedding days drawn to the shore. It weighed two «roes feeder, and even the henyard ia mU(.h (mporUnce in t |ie home. A little man about 45 years of age, wishing to showed that no bones were broken, are the pine and weeping willow. On ill-feeling is like • seed that may grow avoid the noise made by democrats but he was pretty badly shaken up, tonO and when spread out on the scarcely too rich for it. Twenty years ago the value of fruit into a , trP„ whk.h wi|( .hadow the who were ratifying in his vicinity and may lie internally hurt. natal days the suggestive birch tree is beach dead presented every apt>ear Word comes from Sand island of the ae! < ted. ance of an enormous vat or vampire. tnqm.ted m G m a tB r .ta ,n was given „ hol* house. Many a man and woman took a walk towird Normal school at about 915,U0U,UUU from a l (Hunts. , , . . , __ It measured fifteen feet wide from the v, . . . , . »«niin/Hin must look back with regret on the He entered the square and had gone , drowning *f two men, Charles Gus- has increased to $37,000,000 , , .. * . . . . m A year ago Miss Clara M'*>re. of edge of the pectoral fins, and its mouth Nowit ... ,, _ w _.7 l ■ hasty word or the cold reproach which a short distance when three men ! tinson snd Alfred Blank, boat-puller, 1 is from North America, . , r .. . ... _ . Of the , . . . ap( . . , r _ , „ ... , was the entering wedge that split a rushed up behind him and knocked fishing for the Astoria Packing Com­ Cincinnati, went to visit friends in was five feet across. lone-third reach British ports from him senseless with a sandbag. When pany, The men had their boat an­ V*- Ang les, Cal. Hhe h id a f w hun- A collision occurred on the Cliey ! Canada. Judging by the quantity household in two, and yet how few he regained consciousness he made the chored off the Great Republic spit. At make a point of uttering the soft word «■td dollars with her, which she in- eime Si Northern branch <4 the Union shipped, the yellow Uellefieur must be discovery that $200 lie had in his the turn of the tide the water always that turneth away wrath! Quarreling Tistid in Southern California lands, Pacific, near Bordeaux, Wyo .between immensely grown for American ex- is one of the original sins, I suppose, pock< t was gone. There is no clue to gets rough. The waves rolling in, the a work train and a passenger engine, j port, while the Baldwin also re i -lies men concluded to leave the host and •A1' in the Kami that followed she which reunite I in the death of Pas- Britain in immense number». The for the babies sitting on the floor will the identity of the robbers. swim ashore. Both were overwhelmed Mild out her pro|>erty at a net gain of singer Conductor Hader, Fireman Newtown Pippin brings the highest fall out over their toys, and one will Jesus Errada was arrested at the and drowned. The boat was recov­ push down the block tower that the old town of Temeculs, Cal., charged E m and Brakeman Mayfield, and the price. K 5,000. • ered and brought to the cannery. probably fatal injury of Engineers The old fashioned open ditch is in other has built with great pains; and with stealing a mare and a colt in Han Gustinson was a fine young man there will be a ••name called’ and a Bernardino county. The officer aged 23, and is deeply regretted. The ■ M i ' s . C l e v e l a n d h a s taa-n sttidyir.g Brooks and Marsdin, and the serious our climat/» an expensive nuisance, A Every spring it is partly filU-d with ••face made” and a slap given, and started overland with the prisoner. boat-puller wm a stranger in the Frtench, tinder the tutelage of a ir jury of four other employes. washout occassioned sending out the sediment, leaves of trees and soil mamma wil! be called to settle a quar­ On the way the prise ner got slightly Fn nch w ■man who lives near the work train. On the arrival of the washed down from its banka. There rel, and no truth can be got at, for in the lead of the officer, and whipped M iintry. K.tecutive Mansion, and has made north-’ ound passenger train at B..r- is, beside, a waste of time in plowing, each Is right in his own estimation, and up his horse at full speed, thinking be August Michaelson and Hans Tidge each hat been wronged by the other. His horse stumbled were drowned on the lamp river, Neb. •V< 11 good progress that she can now, deaux, the conductor run with the Cultivating, and every other teamwork So it is through life. A rea «liable would escape. it ia stated, read and write quite empty engine to the scene of the in n ft* Id thus divided. The sooner quarrel about great matters may be and fell, throwing him from the sad­ M ichaelson wishing to frighten Tidge, washout to barn the situation. While 1 the op« n ditch is made into an und« r- settled, and the parties made friends dle with one foot hanging in the sad who could not swim, tipped the boat fluently in the “court” Itngnage, and making the run the colli>-ion occurred draiu the better it will be for the again; hut little tiffs about nothing are die. He was dragged some distance until it finally capsized. In trying to flp . prove charming in an additioi al with the work train, which wae run­ farmer’« purse. It m»y cost at first, such foolish, intangible affairs, that and fearfully mangled, dying shortly save Tidge the latter clung to Michael- ning to Bordeaux at full speed. from bia injuries. tei^ue. eon, and both were drowued. reason epu not overtime them. but it will pay every way. PUT. :o. - a?*“ * 3b' D