CLOSING oUîj A c co rd in g to the Douglas iKa£) Tribune la , a f m I f A D C 1 in. J. C. Ayer'» widow IS reported to ha . .k in g ib~ well for tha s u g a W s o r k s e * Ik a t W 1 l i wortli S'ZVUUU.UbU. Il must be a plea ran t com . h> forced the place a l U H H a C f I d « N p » * * atruck s i ® 4 s furl to those who 10 days gone The young man fell dead ! kill IM'll.N Tftt'K OK relu c ta n t I tiftr ßfly feat. feat. __ I ___________ _ P r « | » m * t lu ( l b * K«|| S pirit* l a d th a G r o a t little blls of bitterness uowu 11 their reluctant o l G AN LN U K .K W E A A friend httd |>otnted a revolver at him. gullets to reflect that they were contributing to lir a g o a o f l a u t o o H irer. H o u h ' s L i t t i k V KOKT* BLU 1’ lLi.a are amali ! the happlues* of somebody. “ H e d id n ’t know it was lo a d e d !” f o r s w i n e . lu aise, augers oeted. rea y to taka and act di j In the ruined sort o f s cou rt-y ard be­ Lateat deal, ALK Slim W e often hear it mated that a m an la recti) ou the liver. Try them. A S T A R IN T H E U A ItK tt) le i ullurs 1 m l i not responsible for what he d oe» not low am ateur ph otogra ph y was attem pt­ Sometluies fall» of ita murderou* Inlent. Thu ------- CURES-------- know . The law pteHiipioHeti know ledge ed,hu t not n c o o lie cou ld he m ade or laaiduoua ami daslaidly atiaclt» mada upoo thè F o r T h ro a t IH «tu a .a • o d d o u g h * . Price Ü eta and therefore con v icts the uian w h o e x ­ li ir ed lo stand llp licfore thè b ig cam era repulation of fluatettei * »'ornai h Hltter» by UW “ blown » Brot ¿hull Troehtt Hog Cholera and all pen*oofi * ho «eek to palm oJf cheap aud Mery Sold only in bolt ft. cuses crim e by ig n oran ce! on the tripod. Superstition is on e o f the tonic« « a identical with it. or “the same thin* Diseases of Hogs. “ If 1 had on ly k n ow n ” has often been 1 co n tra d ic tio n s and ir.consistengies of under another name,” or “equally as good, in J . H . K I S H . %*»*,> c r a n d A n a l y t i c a l rucMt inetancee read disaotroueiy upon the uu I II, n il.t . laboratory. I'M Hr»t *t.. Partlaad. an unfortunate m a n 's ap ology for soma C h in ese character, and, shrew d as they principled trader« upon popular credulity who Or. Analyses mode of all subataucaa. *-»'«* «V-tfE.VEE.4L D/EECT/O.VE-Uae frealy evil u nkn ow ingly w rought, but in a attempt them, con Ter tin* their «peculations assaying gold and »liver ore« fl.SO. rack- In th* hog awUl. U they will not eat drench m atter of general interest—as for in­ are in ch ea tin g and b a ig a in in g , their into ruinou« failure«. The Hitter« 1 « a pure, for ages a«-nt by mail or expiv». promptly attended with milk Into which a quantity of stance that laudanum is a poison, that acum en and penetration fail .utterly vtholeaoine aud thorough medicine, «dapred to to, and returns made tha Oil la pub ___________ n aphtha 1 » a deadly ex p losive, that blood when they to m e to spiritual affairs. A the total cure aud prevention of feyer ana ague, bilious remittent. dy«, constipation, bil h eavily charged with a w inter's accum u­ C h in am an 's prayers and offerin gs are iouHnee*. debility, nervou new and kidney In illustration o -- f - how fast Said by Dtwjyutt and Baaim EneryuAert. JtJT akjiit! for Uhl trite i 1 .** ----------------- , a ,, popular « . „ lied to a lations of the wa»tu of the system ,— it is all to placate and appease the evil trouble«. lu every ingredient, unlike those in idea can travel oar Attention 1 « called IHI CHARLES *. VOOELER CO . Baltlmora. Md. the imitation« of it, 1« of an ascertained stand- c|ub jn Scotland »hat ha« placed an order o n e ’ s duty to know the fact and the conse­ The B U Y EHS’ GUIDE i, __x of _. ...II...... l u/btia Kaav lav _ » of _ J t Catiteo PI. m wot fun btat* spirits, his hard-headed log ic w ork in g ard ciceJlence, and wliile t they, by rptunn reason nf of . for a *___ large i lot Cigarettes, issued March and Sent quences thereof. Our good old grand­ their tiery propeitie*, react injuriously upon Ing their desire to adopt the brami and P« o u t that the g o o d spirits are bound lea ch year. It U an ency’. m others knew for instance, that the o w n ­ stent of both those >k Iclopodta o f useful '.ainr 01 ing of spring was the m ost perilous period | to look c after ami kin dly h elp him. so Ä Ä J r i r Ä ot u Ä o í The? 'm atm u tor nil who pu. _ Ä S ' Ä f i l l S : of the year. that th te av ertin g o f the sch e m e , o f the all these harmful Imitation,/ chase the luxuries or >hl W hy ? who would be one in a party w ho re' evil spirits is the real thing for him to necessities o f life, T h eO rea t Northern Kailway Company of | Because then the blood stream is look o u t He believes that ph otog ra p h y Kiigiaiid lnaisis tJiai its engineers shall'uke at I turn the largest number of em pty oc. I can olothe you and furnish you with nglat I leiag hours'rest bet ‘ w ___ een — one day * labor b. xea of this brand of cigarettes ln lätirt. sluggish and ch illed by the cold weather, >ait nine n_________________ all the necessary and unnecessary is an invention o f the d evil fo r stealing st uccider * ht I an’ iW m olh er as a proci.nliou against accident. | N E W IL L U S T R A T E D appliances to ride, walk, dance, slew and if not thinned a good deal and made it c h in g PILES eat, fish, hunt, w ork, go to churoh! | V n S l a CATALOGUE OE FA SH ­ to flow quickly and healthfully through aw ay his spirit, and that when his im- THK F L Y IN G U IIV K O K K K A C K . H ymptomh -Molutufv; inteuae ito bin* «mi itiugtng, or stay at hom e, and in various sum the arteries and veins, it is im possible to age appears on the paper som eth in g o f A richly fronted quivering flying Dove. muet »t night; wunte by acr«tcblng. If allcwed to ouu- I O N A B L E S H O E S . styles and quantities. Just flgute out h ave good vigor the rest of the year. his real b od ily self has been taken | A Dream of Life screen calendar. An t i n - lluu« ___ ___________ tumor* form, which ofUm «utl «kaast«, what is required to do all these thiun The Finest anil most Complete Shoe Cata­ U IMMUNI stop« the H en ce, without excep tion , what is now aw ay. T h ey have the greatest terror ported ideal head. An imported f ooted beoomlug boonmla« m »ore COMFORTABLY, and you can m a k e a f¿ bl4i«tiln«, ulceration, aud I d many logue ever published iu the Uuited State«. It -now scene and a full set of magnificent itching ‘“A*“« re «Dti know n as W arner’ s I,og Cabin Sarsa- ino V » the tumoi«. 1 1 w t-tiuaily o dicacio u« iu estimate o f tho valuó o f the BUYERS' o f losin g an arm o r leg. or any part o f floral card». artistic p ie e ^ cards. Fourteen aruauc pie« ail «Im I>U eaM * DK H&ATNK A .SoN, will enable you to buy your footwear as intelli­ » parilla, was plentifully m ade and tb O U ID E , w hich w ill be sent upon . et4>re. Philadelphia. bWATNM'S OlNTMUtMT cau dr ^ religiously given to every m em ber 0 / the them selves, and dissection o fte r death Sent to anyone who will buy from a AN receipt o f 10 cents to pay posts*» gently and profitably a« though you visited taiuod of druggist* tient by mail for 50 CeoU. lit gist a box of ihRyzenuine D h C. MT.Af KS '« obU is the m ost aw ful thing a foreign er can fam ily regularly through M arch, April, our «tore aud ¡jorsonally made your purchase. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO _ C ________________ xi . khkatkh __________ CT vkm P ills (price a.i 1 C c t».l W ith all their and mail us the outside wrapper from the May and June. It is a matter of record threaten them with. See Anü«eíl ITano advertUemelMl 111-114 M ichigan A venue, Chicago,m' S en t F re e to a n y a d d re ss. Send that this prudential, preventive and re­ terror o f the devil and the inaehina- box with 4 cent* in stamps. W rite your T ry G kkmka for breakfa«L r .Q i T \ j ;il storative custom saved m any a tit of tions o f the evil spirits, they y e t seent address plain«;. F laming B kos ., P itts f o r it n o w t o L IT T L E V l'ltx a : sickness, prolonged life and happiness to ______ _ to have p o o r o p in ^ i of the wits o f these burgh , P a . W( a vigorous old age, and did aw ay with F O R T H E LIVER. in fern al ones, us they try to hoodw ink rs A woman In Perry county, Ky , has a clrculsr heavy niediual expenditures. l» i liiole in one of her eyelids through which aha JVriect digestion tu om p l.O O fic O Mrs. Maggie K erchw al, Lexington, aud d eceive them by the most childish eau »ee when both e fts arc close ’ Wl. : lNsAaSAiT s L ittle V .- r iE * and lu dicrou s devices. The reason o f K y ., used W arner’s J » g Cabin Sarsa . I . lli.H. . H o l , i V .US * »“ire ....... .»nderf._ íet IS THIS tt HAT AILS YOU? parilla “ for nervous eirk headache of alw ays pu tting a screen a! the door- i :« ‘ t n e d jr c u r«'K S ic k II. O Do yuwJtave dull, heavy headache, obstruc- 7 3 8 A n d 7 4 0 M a r k e t S t ., S . F . w hich I had been a sufferer ft# y O n . wav is to prevent the devil from ju m p ­ lion ki »H ie , l>v«pi*|>«!Sa Intllfestiuh, of w e nanal passages, ifjwharges falling X and all l>ÌH<*ase« o f the Liyt. t *1 1 an imoi It « 1 has lieen 1 n a t,n great uviioiiv benefit to w n ie .” the head into the thfoit, sometime, ing in. and tl£> round doors and win- from q au d »Storniteli* 1 ) profuse watery, and aerid. at others, thick. Capt. Hugh H arkins, 1114 S. i- i o v s y , thill are em blem s o f the suil, are j tenacious. i$kcous, purulent, bloody aud put ! z ThO following Rymptoms rrej- d F h U t d l l p a h y f a . says “ it pn mrifieiViny" d o w b" frulli disc il. S nf t!n> J^i 1,1 k keel, h ick k ail -ill spit snii ns. ils none none | riqTeyee weak, w.terv, and Inflamed; ringing dr< lipjlOSIMl I 1 to les from my blood and reiW vtìl the blotclie i » p it.u dcafneMt 'hacking or ¿pughlng to ' •r ’lin1: I'on ilip a tlon , it,, j j j * rW — ____ the __ throat, _____ expectoral I offensive sk in .” Mrs. Aarea S m ith ,T opton , Berks being able to pa: through om o f these \ dear _! ach e, J’ ile s , Heartburn, evi ion << T a il* in Ai »u tli, No us,. »fee en»; voice „ iniur and I matter, together with'scabs from üb Pa., C o., l’ a says she “ w ta entirely cured of f t agi c circles. At (lie mi iw " I I I r aim I cba,l|(Hd BIld nasal twang; breath offensive; 183 F irst SI — S t o m a c h ,! outcirrotigoa,v,|l Ne s skQi disease of the worst k in d ,” t t m idsum m er feat M ils all tbw-, superati- smell and taste impaired; is there a sensation i a ä S k B r . S i i j a a B ÿ Ä C o . P o rtla n d , Ur lmviiCHS o f si. In, r a in Iu tt, I to I lzig x g C’a t'aliin ."arenpHip^la. Bail Akin im tio of diixmeaa, with mental depression.aapackinu I ' u. Side, etc. H ob b ’ sLittle Vrr, V î n fY T t o D e D illt y . Loss o f V lfror, S^ninnJ t io i® i rop up. l / ) g meat, w hich is as 3 ta b le i ills will Q o the cough and general ‘ debilitai J *-” '*,11 If you-wave vou^Iave all, ' cates a very bad condition of the hlood. W eak Memory, Donpon- these symp­ ti t'vO ' «•"! deocy, A c ., due to exoegses or abuse, cured. If you would liv e and I# w ell, go to freely e x n - « d in the markets as fish, or any, considerable mini iber of tbeae „1 of - 0 n" ' urtny oth -r i; ■ toms, you are suif suffering from Nasal Catarrh. u •• w , y a • 'N i.u ft.c.a t. 'Uj'iggist tm day and 0 ‘t W arn er’s or lon g-n ecked '|^ ks. and alw ays with The more YO^ñDG ? z Xi ry A ^ d l y C f i * V t o ia k e ,0 L lore compile complicatali yourdisease has become. I cretlon should a v sjl them selves of otir treatm ent. ¡ j o n e i T i O n d o s e , b u t iu iu O .og 1 .tton SarHaAriila .pul tOke no tho l« 0 ' k tuft at the end o f tfie tail the arcate^ diversity of ber ai0 rcatc^ .the Wmber ▲ positöre cure^cxyCÖCitood in every case, SyphiliH, Uvimii r fu l r e s u lt« , p u r e l y Yep Thousands of cases annually, bat ing like it or(t> g,>Ol, left on to prove its snot'ri or qu alify, ijriiinmis. oilier,— there’s notTiii ÇrlmOor I n i VenetïHÛ . Dixeases Diseases all ali unuatftrai dis- wiiliout manifesting half of the wbiove 1 tnLlo bfdnff compounded fruaflf nßtCy CGÇpd. w -—and contpleLaU’ renovate your im paired sjrniiftms, result in consumption and efm Ini vevictaM cs in d ii;c n i)u s A c i¿ is O 'e i i at these times to prom ote V 'rO O ' »'Ob fit s sim ple, '0 0 -feaOO^TljkH niji and Mcxii o, T.*y tHi'inoLN I the grieve. No i« ho conuQon, inQ »* de- j health for the rest o f the seif$>n. O n ^ and fo rev e r f l t e r V u w ill r- <. • • ceptive and danxerou«, or lo^« uad<‘r|y>od. or ; piepuration of flA 's and berlfl. W eak iiiiok. Nur \ ou.« J Í fOroflyni, tQirud mend tin in. Price ‘¿Z C’lnt^l is sure to partake o f the qualities o f more nneuooeeaniHj treated by pbyuciini. VffüTli S5. \V 0 rner, who ,tJ.tkes IIJJ, f.9gpfiQt cay. . \lu l, o r liv e fo r 11.00. A ll 0 The mani^acturer« of l>r. C’at^rti i Cure, puts it up, and tiijl is a i'uQ-UiCi^j the Qnimal w hose flesh he eats, «pint ft) Keinedy uOcr. li^yood faitth a reward of ToOO frigA or sent bv mail f « O r a s h o r stnrii.s. O H o b b ’s b o o k 01 u s e fu l in fo r m a tio n S e n t F k «, s I vhich they caonot' 0 exeellq^J e »11 oO 'i 0 ieo k©iw n vOO-IQ. eat and d o g lin y make them tireless, fora ca«o of this g if’ ítóU V ÍÍgte; e wa fs Mal 0 ‘ It yottqp-lf iQxl ttivq it t>< tb® oth of tlo- fninily, ineltiding CJ q . ’Bi surely quicken the hearing and to cliililreQ N'< 0 i 't>ill be astonished ah ipO »\ Ketit Hiiake-dealer Aya t|jat he hi^, :& un fkxt this iu price« OOO'b p ilin g und life c03'ta29"'P |“ '%epj. iili A 1't h e hair grn #,lu xu rian tly . T ill) Uld l.J}> I'O ol * (0 Qtfiorrb e o o De- P U W S * 3 1 t O o 1 Dm i ¿>9 Obis e^it'iyioll? ^ itb jSJi IpJ-t tlnO iy is shared by all prim itive and from 0 to IlUO 4/fth. I priacrlbmO: J vico, in Ose ih n u ott^y I’tW«-, by | which I I oi ! f*cl safe In recoiueien* . r loC3cO 3 )0 9. b© O di0 09'»jii0v3 iflar'T gliMl um-ivili/.eir people, and ths A m erican äPQid In in tcQje 20 years, >eurs, good for U h L'; not A, Vvtf# ,,ANU by chaO C?*- No wood to break, swell, shiOkT 3 b 3 jHj 'ff it ev(#s \9lniai, »33 itti n »a ce f) liid ip i has the scviie belief. A t the l'IX It P) lOl "UlSyrO ® Its superior excellence pMven In miUloos >>I hdh-esfOff or wefOr out; we guarantee it. Ele- Changed iff tOtoioD-aOufr ard ffot to rAi«i£' a w .o d ii » g im a o c c » ttajedt » fimhci«jOD kj r- than a quarter of a cenuxiy. It fa used by tJU rO flneeWood tJAicK, 3 « 1 r^|>eati m idsum iiierfestival n stie n o il) is m;nlSl 'U i^ l Ciuveruuient midorsed t>y the head! uJ ' Q DC3I0PS?, HL ® oq ; Ivoqy key*; tho FaOiocw * daygilroug dickiitVB^ in the full-blooded ihe Great L niveraiii^i as th« Htron«bd, l*ur»jHt ¿9<1 iflr-* tutael*- --------------- 4 S --------------- than at anv other time o f the p -a r. as p R ici sa.(ûo , for Catalog^, free. T. 0- ANTI: ■ ¿O ' " à “ a U« G4UorWrifb apiQlexy is,l()ared. 2 i'V h 6 o you have) ChaitmO IA FiÄe'• Cic^Jb Hifim " V q » it* Pl^NOCO., Mann^dtur^s, Odd FellowH* Hull , Mar Molt! S 9 U ru ».;»9 the griqjt dragon o f the Canton river ' only in can«. - 4>#ll' 'u O iig a r e s o iO P o P th e d «# | £ ( a (Skin in t b « heftd, fd«l d i o » , fe 0 e « » h , Jiet and u pri V tiated. He on ce rbxIdOi.'Oie >Q- sit'd at til« BtoimOdi tSk<> flt 0 T ïi t V O n d u l i BOttÖaOüDtf QJQS q / diftg©, d a fishenmitf dow n to JuJo. >71 f», t ip height.; I CKO e itiOfy n e C R »ít»b a .-»i». once tlitW: to ten of li 8 ANi> 8 t»Tg's Pit.I.«. fiJnmG GO'S, IO 'Q 3 0 , W.i?arCV) ®fft»-ry depths and devoured hifl), Such si iff Ok a& taion e a f only th » hflr- t ^ W K b h h >0X 5 a ■ I ■ p * ° T li\ CtlCS> Odb 100 ntB& 3 )aOa;C.Ti IX A' i A j his fiery u\es mid pliosphoitts- biqKUi*) of H iijm cao# suddoCC ptyrd'Oition, Bank h g LufiJJoft and t h « tilin g to do is to mastQr the T O cent liody art' offuti AHm p rq w liti« CPU) bQc c ( r b ftTMJ ® o«C> f t £ toQ }bla£t once. NeddoCdta littl®F;cDne^a| Cb Q3 Pi c i ^ y an & J 0 OO o hai AND 0 8 C L A 3 A T IO N . the river in search o f another ju ic y fo't the bettttr of Drive it out o i i aftLttia- rt-herman. The boat ||)piilation turn T./vre ¡CSaiO'lt0Ol>.o Let thftO' IfU no coni- __ ----------» —9 ------- Kbit 'u ‘W. hjvfl Yrtth yot^, a box itf C D D o l Ce W orO , First toû B jll — I H .t t f i lN . V - oCb® ;oh 0 n 0 Q " 6 (l 2 rE jjl. tfi(J Qtlnilemoniiim loose in ,Jiinc«ud frffcfr.- paomjfp, vrt^saUkliYKii/T X tr„1' uya- tfj* ■ y. HiQ)C K | « n naKTO s P i l l s , Rnd you ar# piw cCitiflGiPi'ta >0 g'Oai iCKia'BiDa yn the dragon l o f Ins Appetite b * lOujol to Hoot tho u »oh t of siefitaus WeJ j n r i m d í f t ' t o © ' co'h truly feel Offiilp' •lO 'b'jfoiigs and tireeraefc-rs, and t'O /) in ¡B'ipittni'9. im f H» AT »wm * nenY upon ions o t I> o M( m I rice 9 ml ,ngp (i ne,lS4«ity, rici» brandy are pour . In«. Nc-»)iy ‘ftl --- .fjHWn *vc Or f AA 1 half Experience in a tìn»t-clf «sO* store, ivanu p a i C 2 i T P ’ < '0 9QI0 to it iO o o It (1 U iv i|s suhstitiite f.ljijV T h ey li«tt4 o r h jl, of them are oCAhe sjmx tribe. c\¡ jL, position. SpceA'» E H n ntflieh. ( ¡crina.Otin: g lis h , (ierm r n iicb. li. Be»f B est o of f m rPTe eren ccs. V e ry h u m Q i U' 0 - to l i - g r e t l e r tlifn 0 0 « 1 Wild. - K lin «l Chir o f the griOt wftq r dnftgoO. ini^ o O di OP AWJCJffcOtj ( I q A saWy,yi«axp!*t t.*d. A d d l e a F. V. H.. care Fanbr rilytii'lP wi® received with the utfnpO / ) ' 0 ml 1 ' 'e ' 0 ed a p.Oflt oil Qj.- 0 ,\j2)nQ f P o t a r n e fth- noblest elt ti(j, tees g re those foreigners, wlio dread the h orrible, iatsi; but Qiriarrest of a d ii t V ' thgt is —Û---------- away ti loved «0-1 valued life, i.s an u rh(^ve­ a fte tlirce-inrli-loiiff, c o a l blucQ. liook - "<&D ItO \ 0 steered ifl • Pife-Vessel l'flit# nHm V »T i»M , « t u ’ b * l u i » , Boli fiœr«*. in tint iOat Hhould iif^tin* ^Ort-felt gratitude. I J T Oui». rrc*cD: Gout, i '»Girti T ;A a flxV H "OIS. Stili T o wa< tflom igo sl Q iniest Q is. 0 b< 0 nf d o « II «•l:ifvi,il Canton cock roa ch far m ore, < ’hillii(l cold e\liemiti 9 | depn^sed r 1 yv niai Upnp ^ fhoO'l __ ___ 0 ..rm tL» crourUl U;, O It l'unÇy- tr.» Y Q hen a deadly c o b ra was foin^) on and ext lamely Qiisccable seiibAtions Vith pOc. i iver and tritine A to bááltlir «clàUL Âd icxXfa 0 l ¿ of ^3 m ^or ^ ' h and cvAy Q.iln of ffh'iO 00 rlored a g O o ' s o ld A r yet. J a f dacafeuBf # Go«* waO features, are the results of the tfisordercd l'ufaolaQ ù Urtimi » ...I T i J j MÄUU0 iitoiia RulmtHiicvH fornid in W'iüdoru'i Pi t P Shameen island. T lO e o b f^ or fif? Cj kittO'j» and liver. Arrest 10* cause at once by ; MamQkotftyao» and Importers nf j acknowle1* A m erica n ca light his cobra, bottled it W h»\k )rrtgil«' wom an sighs deploring lCphat a man — be ho voung, <>],| o r Prtoj Si oeats at dniggist« . t o mall. r»^lstA*r«Nl. eu oeuu The « harm« that qu ickly fade away, and scut ¡t to the H on g K on g museum , HLY HKOTI1KRH ff> Warron New Yur^) m id d le-ag ed sows, that,' « 101^1101 liiiQ \N hat power, the bloom o f health restoring, I an cheek the orogress o f decay? else, shall lie r e a p Th...... . thing t o and tho C h in ese sh ook their heads 1 he only aid that « worth attention. w isely at the p r o o f that the origin a l old d o with wild oats is to put them c a re ­ b or |*in« «n d ills o f «uoh description. d ra g o n w as sen d in g its y o u n g after ThouNHiidH o f women gladly m ention ^ fu lly in the hottest part o f tho tire, I is Fierce s F arorite FreacriptidQ ' - offen ders. — Cor. fit. Louis G lobt-Dcm o- FOR EVERY PORROSE. and get them burnt tO dust, ev ery S imh I 1 he price of this royal rem edy. Dr. F ierce’s cral. Favorite Frescription. is but on e d ollar. Spec! Sold on Trial ! o f them. — Thom at llui/kat. ‘ ‘ D ID N 'T K N O W IT W A S LO A D E D .* C H IN E S E S U P E R S T IT IO N S . Gents’ Furnishing Goods, 232 , Kearny St, near Busjj BETTER THAN IRRIGATION I O i i «»» \/ H ob o 0 ) . SPINNEYS i BOB V gEPjciaie co., sii 40 S PUMPSG EiiTBlFößAL r f ? F 0 fííBfiIGfi,TUlN » thnr■■■y ““i ^ SABMPABlLkA, TI 1 WI Biffi, Ä Î , DRUGGISTS» KEW AEDT Oiu 1 Ladiss’, CMlifei^aid Wants’ 9m, m i OBftLS — N ever m ind wrliat the w orld th in ks alMMil you. It cares little fo r y o u and thinks less about you. Hotter th in k nl«>ut and for you rself. Y ou nre y o u r ow n Iicst co m p a n io n and ju d g e . Il '^ a lm o st as difficu lt to m ake a man ^ i i f u n his errors as his k n o w l­ edge. Mai -in form i t © is m ore h o p e ­ less than n o n -in fo r m a t io n ; to r e r ro r Is a lw -Q s in,,re b w j th en ig n o r in ,-' Ig n ora n ce is a blank s|»««< r U nity thott- »»tiil |N‘o|ile win» make their living out of rag-gathering and lijgrow ing in the — It £ ) * cim titon prac'.ic* in F rano* a»li l.ins of tin- cltjr, and many more <* <"»• th* bonma. th* j u*t«i am i th* who are dependent directly on the rag intler «ills o f the (I >oring o f b u ild in g* industry. I ’nlike their professional vith a th ick c o a tin g o f linte-wraoh %* liretkren in I.ondon. t l ^ have not * a«f< «0 ia rd ftg *in st fir*. It i s * pre­ taken to rag-gathering as a Necessity ventive o f p rim e ign ition , a lth ou gh it when every thing el-e had failed. They will not ch eck a fire w hen « n c * tin lur nra organized and knit together like hrnilw ay. — Public O pinio*. A v oii 0 i man asked his a u ste re any co-operative or industrial society, An e x ce lle n t e g g -p r o d u cin g food _ , -------------------- ----------------- . . . pnrent:’ • Shall I m a rry fo r lorn o r | and are divide«! into two great ela .»e» I« o n e , r art corn m eal, tw o port* bran. m oneyP” He xvas a n sw ered In this I of W o rkers t liu r ii« and IlOetUl nal. I two f t 'art* g rou n d oat a on * part .1 i , i t .m ali. Brüllt» A r je . Semi «»• f„r m»lüua « IMu»tr»teJ O aa*iuna *¡eh fell pAi'Clc-uiare. ahur- •ifai’ tured b j G 0U L 0S « AUSTIN, ì * * i.uit* a«., CHICAGO, ILL. H O y ° u smoke a pipe? i f you do, take the | advice Of thoUSands^of old sftiokeis that have m iddling*, --- It» and emoke w ise: " I f y o u m a rry fo r lov e, y o u w ill * -i'* untai Inveii tiegin to ply their grou n d m eat and one p a rt ' m a r - he ad - - dsd a sm a ll prò- p roba bly a lw a y s lie In w ant o f m on ey ; J w ink lalxotit eleven o 'c lo c k . T h f m ay ' lo w hich S e d i O f N o rth C a r o lin a — " in *- g * from street to street «-ar- if y ou m arry for m oney, y o n w ill a l­ I»!' St'*“ rn g |iortion o f l>on* m sal and snlt; t*ald P l u g O u t . w ays lie in w an t o f lo v e ; th erefore, r\ ing a huge basket on th eir ha. k and It and ?•*.! « a r i* in th* inornlair. y o u r safest xvay is to m a rry f o r a little " i t h a lantern in one hand ami an iron o f b oth .” . hook railed a c rotch et in the other. I hey walk »innrtly a lon g the gutter, \ L U C R Y T R IA I . look in g keenly about their feet, and SKin «r Scalp Tile .....a i n r i « » , w hti ti f . l t .erad r .t r liow Q m l then pick tip som eth in g w ith ll s a tiu s n l. D ISEA SES the crotch et nml pitch it in to the holte Ran Frauxlsco, KYliruary 18ttt -.•■cured b y or h i-ki't. 0 I h e) stop at ev ery «lust- N a » * S i * : II ailbrrl» me * r .* t p t, a , lu» u , , , Ull hox, and after ran sack in g it to th eir y o « t tu» » u t .u i .r v atateaw at vr x „ , tn C u t i c U f ^ /\ «be n e n t » , f Joy • * e r « » ,« r i ll a í ,» r tt » [ heart « con ten t, p roceed on to the next. * a » l S v * year» I have b. . n. Irva-hlml * i ( b rl 1 he w eaker »m l y o u n g e r m em bers o f • **> li**l 7 alu«|i<*h I t 'e r , » i* l w lti in th.- ¡ » a • « ., I the fratern ity w ork at h om e. T h e rag V » r » D h .a t- . itd l,t w ith ln l t . l r . l l , u » * « * a | ,| , ' g ath erers h a v e te g u la r heats o n the POR CI.ÇAN 8 INO. m R I F T I N G A N D 'l '»' •’ !• " .1 'i. ii>.'lt»l|i,K í ,» » , I beantifj .L»¡ th . «ali; of rhlhlrro end infant, and U»»» a f l e r » a l i iL B .i * i„ , |n * ,. ,,, , •treet*. W h en a ch iffon ier w i»he* to sad curing tom o In» d ld tn rin c, llchina w olr *l Ibera, and bt» • i , iii « k llB, t 1 and piwiptr diwwe»» of «h. »kin. retire, he sell* the ginwl-will o f his bus- ha *» trlrd »»T»r»l r. ■ . . 11 »» tftiiri, , . , l blood, with low of hair, from infonci to old «um «■• p a vU llf I■ r tile lle er, an>t t ,Z t. ine»s to his su ccessor liefore he gives the t «'Tlct'Rx Ü m t u i n or* "¡fallible. than I n i p m r r relie« .1 at » a * , .*• ! * . » 1 1 C i t ic i a», the invat Skin fu r.- amt C m - E very m aster chiffon ier * * * " e ' i i i meuded I- • try a ta rín », ■« J , . * , — 1 . 1 , 1 , ' u p hi» m edal. s»r»»l..nll« •• . ir.t , | , ■ «.. ,|» * , „ has a certain nitm lier o f picker* at­ i « 'H » O v a r , an r > d alaite S k in n v e u n fle r M- IWWBlIV. *1 d «’ITti l H« H kmo IVKVT --- HP tb» _ DfW S .H « .. I be. ama « ¿ S u t í Ü K ¡ internali), enrvevery form of tached to him. H e pays them by piece­ Itlooit I «rider, ----------" •kin a n d bloc d f r o m pimple, to N Sllr». R iid 'U n n g uu |ttr s í).-« b a * « | w ork. T h e da ily earn ing* o f the craft ► roula » r tn * fMtlsr.ilfmNilsr rioln » V*rvwhere, n r n u * r . ; rio.p nn*N| Ritf »%«*«( ih # up I vary front tw en ty-five to thirty-seven « * . : K m o l t k t t . |l IV rp a m l by th* I x -r r a * "»*»•» \ un m ■ | Cents. — I'nrtl I cllrr Im re .a n f e m c . i ( V |b*rrn*. m ,•«. ' / ftr7V, Ur d*'*Jt,r d c«« not krap It h» « t u > u m « t | , or you « a Hr t l * « to far* S»«w ■•‘ Tn.m ~ r o ta li tar jrpu. i t k , vainas « Oo - , - u , Sk iu *n d s«w lp xukets and fur* put aw ay well O0 I t * « * * r ; • . Sk B ^t ^ I N i l C ib i U i A W K a t V I lw . . CAHRA be*utib*d by « i Tin Hi Snxi >, « I t IN W A T. V f r K spi ink 1 « h I with l»>rax and don e up oir- Komtlsb k i o s t v I’ t i . a B o. k a . b r a n d \ V r * * I I M n **o a I w 4 m i i i n u . W n l 'l » m » a I L J tigh t w ill never be troubled with , 1 '' 1 K * *’ » 1 - r-T , , , c .,« * a f V * H yde 0 . Ok. P bb * . . m » U .i * * t -f 11 » pain » w d u u ^ p|*.t, , «*,. moth*. b lM . *M r>L YOU INFANTILE will And it the best Smoking Tobacco ever sold on this coast. It is made from three year old To­ bacco, smokes soft and cool, and will last twice ks the many cheap imitations that are flooding the market. z Seal of North Carolina and you at once see why it has the largest sale o f any Tobacco on the coa»st. g y * r g £ a ^ enera^ Agent for ADVANCE Threshers and Engines * PtRTUSB, ORKOTI. °