Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, June 30, 1888, Image 1

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a AL 3
A HEW matt rial called Catherine is
an English manufacture. It cau be
old at five or six cents per pound, is
laid to be as tough as leather, and is
d< signed for packing and bagging.
O bserver .
li Epitome of the Principal Eventi No«
Attracting Public IiAerwL
Devoted Principally to Washington
Territory and California
NO. 15.
Everything of Cenerai Interest In e Reliable Quotations Carefully
Condensed Pom .
Every Week.
Devoted to the Interests of Farmers
and Stockmen.
Tlie pri j'Ct for building a large
The crop
of Chinese pheasants
S»r§ Teat«, or
Valiev, $1 25<i»l 26
1 hotel in Ellensburg. \V. T., is one promises tc l>e enormous in Linn
A correspondent of Hoard'» Dairy-
Walla Walla, $1 17il«tl 18J.
The Indianapolis Veneer Company’s
liial is much talked of lately.
county this year.
man gives a cure of his own for this
works burned. Loss, $100,000 ; insur­
B A R L E Y — W hole, $1 lOdil 12*;
Some lino nuggets were brought in-
O. J. Beardsley was appointed port-
troublesome complaint.
He says:
ance $53,000.
' to Ellensburg, W. T., the past week master at Kola, Polk couuty, Oregon,
At first one teat will milk harder than
John Muehthaler, a confectioner,
from tlie placers of the Swank.
vice Asa Shain, resigned.
O ATS— Milling, 42*i«i:45c.; feed, 44 the rest, and gets worse until scarce a
killed his wife and himself at Detroit.
I drop can be got from it. The quarter
The Olympia (W T.) board of trade
A new postothce was established at (<i45c.
Domestic troubles was the cause.
1 of the bag it represents is hard and
is preparing a circular to advertise the Nashville, Benton county,Oregon, and
H A Y — Baled, $15 00(117 00.
Prof. B. Q. K'tots 'died at Tamaroa,
; swoolen. He lei s the teat thus affected
city. It is to be done by private en­ Jennie C. Curry was appointed post-
111., in his seventy-eighth year.
SEED— Blue Grass, 14*(<tl6\; Tim ­ «lone for four days, rubbing on linseed
; mistress.
othy, 9*(<i 10c.; Red Clover, 14(<tl5c.
T he extraction of camphor from the had been for years President of the
[oil twice a day, giving the cow five
A man with a bullet hole near his
Patents have been granted as fol­
Board of Education of that State.
■ee totally destroys its growth, and it
heart was found in Columbia square, lows: Oregon— Wilton K. Anderson
FLO U R— Patent Roller,
$4 00; ¡drops of aconite, on an ear of corn,
Charles Cross, the jockey, who was
night and morning, and not giving tlie
It is thought the and Ben H. Smith, Wspenita, sawmill Couutry Brand, $3 75.
as owing to this fact that the custom thrown from his horse at the Jerome ¡San Francisco.
a full grain ration during this
ice prevailed in Japan that when a park race, New York, died from his man was murdered, but it is strange no
EGGS— Per doz, 20 .
time. He milks on the fifth day, and
one heaid the shots in the neighbor­
Gov. Pennoyer has appointed Mrs.
person removes the camphor another injuries at Manhattan's hospital.
B U T TE R — Fancy roll, j>er po^ul, generally has no trouble. I f it begins
Parsed, of Alpine, Oregon, a notary
■ee was immediately planted iu the
The hotel at Mauitou Park, Colo.,
inferior to milk hard again give another rest,
John Walton, a waiUx in
it a restau­ public, the first instance of a woman 50c.; pickled, 15*(<$20c.;
and there is no trouble afterwards.
ad of that one from which the gum burned, with all the contents, caused rant at Los Angeles, t i l . , was acci­
grade, 15 (.(2 2 \
having been appointed to that office
», Hi.,
This is a simple way of treating a
by a log rolling from the fire place,
I been removed.
dentally shot by the proprietor, James 1 in Oregon.
C H E E S E — Eastern, 16(tf20e.; Ore­ troublesome complaint, and aUthis
and setting fire to the house. Loss,
Wilton, while the latter was cleaning
Convict Crump made an attempt at gon, 14(<tl6o.; California, ! % •
time of tlie year there may he many
a revolver. Tlie hall passed through : suicide at the Salem penitentiary hv
r A P ittsburg mechanical engineer
V E G E TA B L E S — IQets, p«r sack, persons who will be glad to know how
The Atlas paper mill, controlled by Walton’s abdomen.
The wound is jumping from the top hunk in hisceli,
ba- invented a novel movable dam, by Kimberly, Clark A Company, was to­
$1 50; cabbige, per lb., 2Je.; carrots, th re a t it.
probably fatal.
head firo-t to the stone floor.
He was per ek., $1 25; lettuce, per doz. 20o.;
the use of which he claims a boating tally destroyed by tire at Appleton,
Large quantities of butter are ex­
Five young men of 8 in Francisco, I knocked senseless, but recovered.
onions, $1 50; potatoes, per 100 lbs.,
afc.ge of water may be obtained in shal­ Wis. Loss, $150,000; insurance, about
ported from Russia. The amount ex­
whose ages range from 18 to 22, hired
low rivers at all seasons of the year. $50,00©.
torted in 1886 was 4.306 tons, as
a yawl to take a row on the bay.
Destructive forest fires are raging on When near Government island the affirmed the decision of the commis­ rhubarb, per lb., 6c.
1 against 3,315 tons in 1880.
The invention has been examined by
the south shore of Conception bay, N. boat capsized and one man, George
H O N E Y — In comb, j>er lb., 18c.;
A fanner’s wife tejls the Farm and
Old river men and pronounced practi­
awarding to Thomas C. Little a tract straiued, 5 gal. tins, per lb. 8*e.
8. At Little Kaynorth twenty-six Flannery, was drowned.
Horn* that if butted 'makers will put
cable. The inventor is 82 years old.
families were burned out. One wuman has not been recovered.
PO U LTR Y — Chiclf$ns, jH>r do*., their cream through a thin linen bag
(Oregon) land district.
and two children were burned to
$y 50(«j6 00; duclta
doz_ $5 00
just before churning it, they will not
Deputy Sheriff Alverd, of Cocliii
Dee ICLit^ick shot A1 Larkins, at
E xperiments have proved that the death.
county, Ariz., hadO tight with three I Heppner, the ball entering theftde of 0 00; gee*e, $6 00(38 00; turkeys, 1 lie Mthered with white s{iecks in the
tèndile strength of a wet rope is only
Commandant Hereot, proprietor of Sonora train robbers in the Whetstone
I blitter.
I ihe neck ju.Q above the collar bonfc per lb., 16(318e.
ODe-third that of the same rope when the Louvre, and a warm advocate of mountains, sixty miles north of this passing out above tlie Oioulder Uade,
An avenue of well-grown trees by
dry, and a rope saturated with grease the Boulanger cause, during a fit of place. The officers succeeded in kill­ and barely Blissing a large artery. l>er lb. ¡ Eastern, 13(«13*c.; Eastern the roadside makes a farm vastly more
temi>orary mental aberration, shot his
or soap is weaker still, as the lubricant young wife and then shot himself, at ing two and mortally wounding the Larkin lias even chances for getting breitXfnSe bacon, 12*o. per lb.; Oregon attractive and costs little except the
other one.
Mjftlpclr is^ht larjt/.
Larkin 12013c.; Eastern lard, lO0 ll* o . fier , labor of setting. On high ground the
perniila the fibers to slip with greater L’aris, France.
sugar maple thus set will make a
Joe Wallace, a young man, met vy>a on crutches at theOtime, having lb.; Oregon, 10*c.
f a ility. Hemp rope contracts strong­
A disastrous fire visited Trinidad, with a fatal accident on freight train been hurt by a horse.
1 sugar grove after a few years. On
G R E E N F R U IT S — Apples, $2 00
ly on being wet, and a dry rope twenty Col. After a hard fight the fire de­ No. 13, between^ H ot *>’ rings and
, i i ov- Kriinojrfcr v}ias ri^eived from @2 60; Sicily lemons, $i5 0 0 0 5 50; low lands the elm is the handsome
tree, but its roots extend far into the
five feet long will shorten to twenty-
Eagle Gorge, W. T. B e f e ll between
of it, but not until the Commercial the moving cars and was horribly | Alexander Sutton, ^cretary of the California, $3 50(35 00; Navaloranges fields.
four oil being wet.
hotel, with seven or eight business mutilated. He was brought to the
Potatoes ought 4p l»e planted
iVA Union, (ji complaint that
or nean, $4 25.
houses, had been consumed.
Fannv Paddock lu%>ital, where he ' pound uet fishermen violate the latv
least three to four inches deep, and if
c , I t is proposed to preserve fish alive
W ill. George, a Hotel man, died at died.
D R IE D F R U IT S — Sun dried ap- j covered thus deeply they will b» some
I by fishing during the weekly close
by placing them in vessels filled with Spring View, Neb., of the glanders.
7Jc. per lb .; machine dried, 10(J time in coming up. Weeds are quite
A t the Coyote ranch near Spring- | «eifon.
'fjhe governor has referred 4 ilea,
Water and hermetically sealed.
It is He contracted the crease while treat-
ville, Ariz., a shooting affair occurrwl ijje matter to tlie fish commission, * l c ; pitless plums, J3e,; Italiii'iv sure to get the start unless the surface
id that fish so confined have been ing a trotting horse which he owned. between William Magee and Henry with directions to act.
pj unes, 10(Wjl4e.; peaolie80l2*(3l4e
is harrowed aheo or twice before the
w .
. ■
u ii f t . i
, 11
n t-m t t
u r r A n il
f . . s-
2 ^
raisins, 49.
$2 25(dt2
potato crop is out of tlft ground.
found alivtPafter three weeks, without George suffered great agony for two Jenkins.
The latter
w$s fatally
weeks before his death.
wounded, a Robert Thomas, a looker- the river at (he foot of Stark atreQ,
W O O L— VallQ-, 14(315c.; Eastern really does not hurt the potato to con­
cither air or water having
tinue the harrowing still longer.
Nineteen persons were poisoned at
changed, while fish in an opep jar K.isota, Minn., from eating cheese on, . vub shot in the leg, shatO-ring the Portland. ^Uie’Temains were so swollen Oregon. 12(314c.
bone and amputation was necessary. that at first it was difficult to identify
There is a greater demand for ever-Q
H IM iS — Dry beef hides, 8(310j . ;
dk<l in forty-eight hours.
If the air which was manufactured in Wiscon- Jenkins lived twenty-four hours.
He them, but subsequently they Jvere re
greeu corn than fiflr any other.
It is
in the vessel is compressed the life ty <Jn. Many of the victims became in- leaves a wife and three cQildren. cognized as being thdke of Jolw Ken-
1^ ''» * '0i> therefore, preferred for canO
Murrain, 10 @ 12c.; tallow, 3(33*c-
rensiffle, after suffering spasms, but Magee was arrested, examined and yydy, a shoemakeo
mug. t l d f rpiy large and sweet, and,
the fish is still further prolongei^ f
Mr. Kennedy
fV'vT,D jjopjl treatment will recover.
discharged on a verdict of uistifiable was an old resident of the city.
LU M B E R — Rough, per M, $10 00; therefore, i(J demand (Jor^yioiliOg and
, 'A\ftcflement house was burned at homicide.
was a quiet, peaceful njr^n and a good edged, per M, $12 00; T. amP G. ensilage. Being late am rlarge, it iP
; F rom studies upon the rela( ^
Eugenia Vallerand,
^Bertha Schaefeld, a girl 10 ^Jurs of citizen.
sheathing, |M*r M, $13 00; No. 2 floor­ difficult to cure the seed without tire
which the annual rings bear t o (0 ) ^
ing, per M, $18 00; No. 2 ceiling, |>er heat, wjych should always be given,
Peter Vallerand, aged 8, and age, residing with her widowed mother
Peter Slmnnoitjahot and killed his
, ,
. alleranfl, aged 5, perish^. in San Francisco, was sitting on a v<?fe and afterward shot and killed M,$18 00; No. 2 rustic, perM, $18 00; to ha<j* i r »aft from freezing when
age of trees it has been couclut&Aj^
that they are only an approxima­ -OÂOot'Rer of the Vallerand family and stairway on the street, when the l>oom himself. The tragedy occurred at a clear rough, per M, $20 00; clear P. 4 | cold weather cogies.
8, per M, $22 50; No. 1 than mg, per
named Bjisveit, of a blast in tlie vicinity was heard, small boarding house in Portland.
A man’s character can %e judged
t e l y and rot certainly correct i n & P
Y a ta H v h T t^
and a jagged bit of rock came whiz­
M, $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M, pretty well by seeing him among iiis
Of age. Any agency operating to pro-
A bottlo WM 1>Scked up on tlie shore zing through the air, striking the
$22 50; No. 1 rustic, per M, $22 50; cows. If I wanted to buy a cow and
der. Shannon was about 60 years old
stepping, per M9 $-•"> 0 0 ; over 12 , was shown one that the owner mised,
Tlie unconscious
dnee alternate periods of restand ac- near Lo^know, Out., containing a note child on the head.
and his wife 65. They lod only been
Civily in the growth of the trees serves stating that the schooner Tiffen, of child was conveyed to b y home, and married about a year, and Shannon’s inches wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40 i and she kept out of reach when he
to determine their formation.
In Bay City, was going down with all on medical attendance was summoned. jealousy is supposed to have been the to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to 60, tried to put his hand on her, I would
extra, $4 00; 1* 1 h 'I i , per M, $2 25; rejest her for no other reason. I
boartl. There was no date on the note. Her skull was found to be fractured, cause of the crime.
•Old climates the number of rings
1* lath, per M, $2 50.
should be afraid either he had bred all
The vessel has not been heard from and the physicians state there is su
John McIntosh, a youHg man em­
ilo re nearly serves to indicate the age for some days.
hope for her recovery.
the good disposition out of her, or that
Dr. E. C. Thatcher, a prominent ployed at G ^ . Pennoyer’s sawmill,
of the trees than in warm climates.
An atrocious outrage is reported physician of San Diego, Cal., com­ Portland, met with a serious Accident, dressed, 7c.; sheep, 3*c ; dre«sed, 6 c .; she had lost any she was born with by
} associating with him.
from Fair <»*iance, Penn.
Stmuel mitted suicide at Ramoua by piercing en silin g tlie loss of his rigtit hand. hogs, dressed, 7(37*c.; veal, 7(38c.
The orchardist is largely dependent
H P auer bottles are now in extensive Humbert, an old resident of Fair his jugular vein with a lancet and He was working at a planer and in
Bi?ANS— Quote small<jriiites,$2 50;
, on tlie weather. On one point he is
Cue for containing such substances as Chance, was assaulted by masked men bleeding to death. He was commis­ stepping on tho lever to throw the pinks, $2; bayos, $2; butter, $2 50;
nearly, if not quite, helpless.
I f dry
ink, blueing, shoe dressing, glue, etc. at hie residence, who tortured him for sioned surgeon in the navy by Presi­ belt off the pulley, he slipped and was Limas, $.3 00 per cental,
weather enough does not come while
two hours to make him disclose the dent Johnson in 1865, and served till pitched forward, his hand striking tlie
C O F FE E — Quote Salvador,
16c; bis trees are blossoming for the pollen
Tfci y are made by rolling glued sheets place of his supposed wealth.
His 1873. He was a native of Pennsyl­ planer and l>eing caught under the
of paper into long cylinders, which feet were toasted in front of a tire, iu vania. Lately he was addicted to the heavy blades. I i was frightfully man­ Costa Rica, 18(320 c . ; Rio, 18<320e.; to diffuse itself, the fruit will not set.
gled hs far up as the wrist.
Mr. Mc­ Java, 25*c.; Arbucklc’s’s reasted,22*c. Part of this work is doubtless depend­
•re then cut into sui'ahle lengths, addition to other indignities.
use of morphine.
S A L T — Liverpool grades of fine ent upon bees, which do not fly dur­
Janies Ahern, a sewer contractor, Intosh w.is taken to his home.
Tops aud bottoms are fitted in, the iu-
A cn«h boy named Andiew Howard,
$18, $19 and $20 for the three ing heavy cold rains. More than once
J. F. i ’arks, a lawyer of Spokane
sid coated with a water-proof com­ aged 14, has conhssed that he started par.ided in the democratic demonstnO
we nave seen abundant blossoming
salt, $10.
lion at San Francisco, and returned F m II h , who has been staying at the St.
followed by heavy rains which wasln d
pound, and all this is done by machin- tlie million dollar fire which destroyed
the dry goods store of Barnes, Hene-
away the pollen and left oaly a very
.crv almost as quickly as one can gerer A C o ., at Buffalo, N. Y . He at alMiut 3 o’clock iu the morning and a dying condition in his room.
A $1 35.
poor set of fruit.
says he started the fire became he was
Mulching consists in the applicatii a
C ,5 jc .; extra C ,6* c .; dry granulated,
mad at Starring, a H tor walker, who open window for a door and walked
fviFuMK phenomenal fortunes have would not excuse turn to go to a through it. A moment later a police­ what ho had taken, and a doctor was 6*o .; crushed, fine crushed, cube and of old straw or something of the sort
on the surface around the tree, for
bee i made of late years in the Penn­ funeral at which he was to be a pall man found him lying on the sidewalk 1 at once summoned, but all efforts to powdered, 7 *c .; extra C, 5§c.; halves three or four feet on each side, and to
with his skull fractured and covered : restore animation failed, and in a and boxes, *c. higher.
sylvania oil fields.
That of William
the depth of ten or twtlve inches.
with blood. He died an hour later. short time he expired. It is supposed
This retains the moisture for the ben­
Mrs. Sarah Jane W hittling volun* He leaves a widow and five daughters. ! that the morphine was taken with
Phillips, of Newcastle, for instance.
efit of the tree, inst ad of allowing it
Which amounts to $4,000,000, l:is all tarily confessed that she had poisoned
Harvey W ebs, one of the best suicidal intent.
— Some people are er, sensitive thst to evaporate; and if the season be
iu7u e jn ,i
r.f her two children at
Three young women were passing they seem to have corns all over them. dry it will save the life of the tree,
^ H e n made since » •
8 **»
Penn., and had furnished her husband known salesmen traveling out of Chi­
Pittsburg, has taken $.>,000,000 out of wj^, j 10is0n with which, she declares. cago, was found dead in Golden Gate the corner of Third and Taylor streets,
— The wise man Is the man whs while if it hapj>eiis to be wet no iu-
Park, in San Francisco, with a bullet Portland, a hackman asked them to
Mi« oil fields since 1880, and a doxen ^e
|Ug own life, on account of
Newly planted
what to do when the time jury will take place.
hole through his head and a revolver laze a ride. One of them told him to
trees often live without mulching, but
Uen could he mentioned who have despondency caused by poverty. Mrs.
by his aide with two chambers empty. drive around the corner and draw up comes.
the danger is great, and the hot, dry
.dt $1 000,000 or more in the same Whiteling poisoned her 9 year old Developments proved that it was a J to the sidewalk.
—People don’ t get famous In a
He did so, and
summer frequently proves fatal ; so
daughter Bertha, and a boy, W illie,
c.i c of suicide, and letters found on aiignt'd to o|>en the door of his hack, hurry, and it takes a deal of work
| < ^
(hat the careful planter will not run
two yeers old.
his person showed the cause was loss when two of the young women seized even to earn your bread and butter.
the risk of neglecting it.
Fillippo Guastoni, shot Mrs. Louisa from gambling. He wrote pitiful let­ him, and the other, taking his whip
— "W ill the coming man use both
■ O r six hundred torn» lues, of which
It is quite right to color butter with
M.irri, and then blew out his own ters to his wife and children. Among from the socket, proceeded to lay it on arms?" asks a scientist. He will if his
mulatto, observes Prof. 8tewart. I l
,rd has been made in the United
brains. H e was a constant visitor in his other papers was a contract en­ over his head and shoulders with great girl knows how to drive. — Omaha
has no effect upon the real quality of
¡Kales, not more than seventy-five the Marri household and had for some tered into with his firm, Kuhn, Nathan
vigor. After receiving a small taste of World.
tlie butter, except to give it an appe­
" ¡ r e east of the Allegheny Mountains. time made no secret of his love for the A Fisher, a prominent clothing firm i what he richly deserved, iie managed
— There Is a forture waiting tor the tizing color.
Butter is one of tho
TL< warm air tempestuously driven woman. He had been warned by the of Chicago, dated December 1, 1887. i to escape, and jumping on his hack man who will invent • humane binds that we taste through our eyes.
, ,, w »
Mi*, woman’s husband not to interfere with It shows that. Weiss’s salary was $4,000 drove off, leaving his whip as a trophy method of starting a balky horssv
If it has a delicate golden color the
Jfcm the Gulf of Mexico up the M s
domMt(o reUtions ( f the Mairi
a yetr on condition that he made in the hands of the young woman.
—Judging from effects, the kind of imagination can easily give it the
(k o p p i \ Alloy i* caught
up J
ie family. Notwithstanding the warn-
sale* amounting to $80,000.
James H. O’Reilly, a young carpen­ oil most extensively used for pouring aroma and flavor of the sweetest grass
polar wind and driven in gyratory tor- j ¡ng ( he forced himself into Mrs.
ter in the employ of the O. R. A N. on trouble4 waters Is turmolL— If. T. butter. If it l»e too white, as winter
does across the prairies. The Appa
A singular shooting aflray occurred ! Co., met with a fatal accident at bridge Bun.
butter must lie, without coloring, it is
at Mount Pleasant, Utah, the sequel \ No. 77, about two miles beyond the
hian range serves on the Atlantic was committed.
—Money la not nearly so valuable imagined to be largely coni)M>*ed of
Andrew Cascades. It appears O’Reilly was en­ as character, for money can not buy lard. Coloring adds much to the
pe as a barrier against storms of I A thrilling accident occurred at the to which was a marriage.
Biundage Whirlpool pork elevator at Rumarro had called on a young lady gaged with some other workmen in the respect of thoughtful men aud pleasure of eating it, and therefore to
at sort.
Lock port, N. Y. Four South Ameri­ to whom he had been paying atten­ making repairs to the bridge, when he women.
its digestibility.
cans, accompanied by an interpreter, tion, Miss Mortensen. W hile engaged fell, sustaining what was regarded as
In a report on entomology recently
■ A oreat tunnel has been con-
—True politeness Is perfect ease and
| stepped into the car to descend to the in a slight scuffle sue drew a revolver serious injuries. The head < fflee in
made to the Columbus (O.) Horticul­
ucted through the Cascade Moun- rapi()8( descent of 300 feet, at an an- from his pocket, and, pointing it at , this city w.ia telegraphed and informed
tural Society Mr. B. W. Allwm d stales
ns for the Northern Pacific Railroad, gje 0f forty-five degrees, when the car him, said in a joking manner, she of the accident, and requested to have ing others as you like to be treated that many remedies were employed on
a cost of about $2,000,000. One of suddenly started, and rnsheel to the would shoot turn if he did not let her - a surgeon at the depot to attend him
cabbage worms. None proved of any
— Tlie louder the whine of com* value except tobacco soaps and pyreth-
alone. “ Look out! it’s loaded,” said when he reached here.
, interesting feature* of its comCrm>
pplinhfrPt pnd iu
Romarro. Just tiien Miss Mortensen ments were made for the injured man 1 plaint, the leas need for sympathy. rum.
The tobacco soa|>s prepared
n was that electric light* tr
pants thrown with great force upon pulled the trigger when a bullet en­ by the company, but another dispatch Intense emotions never express them­ with i-otHsh were quite efficient, the
illuminate it while work was going tjie , .inform. Before they could es- tered the left side of Romarro’s face. stated that O'Reilly had died on board selves in noise.
value of which was ascribed to the
— Be not offended at a jest. If one potash. Pyrelhrum is recommended
and that the power was supplied cape the other car reached the top Almcst wild with frenzy, the girl the train just before reaching Bonne­
throw salt at thee, thou will receive as the best remedy, being per’eHly
a mountain stream falling directly w.th such force that it was douched threw the revolver away and began to ville.
Romarro, bleeding profusely,
---------- *
no harm unless thon hast sore plaoea *af'\ eury of application and more
, ,
„ .1
Tl.r re *nd canne di Wn uP °n lb® diotked and run.
sr the mouth of the tunnei. IH
bew)idered victims of the first car foil, but got up ami went into the
Mis* N. Hayworth, a young lady 20 — Old Proverb.
deadly on the worms than any other
nd*nce of n e b power going t« * 1^), * ireiziendou* cr*»h
Mm. Santm hou«e. A doctor was summoned and years old, waa fatally burned while set-
— It Is only another lllostratlon of remedy used. Powder of good quality
all over the country, and more
* leg broken and was terribly the wound dressed. The shooting was ting fire to trash in her yard, at her tbs law of compensation that women mixed with three tiaiee its bulk of
sntkm should be givi n to its utili shaken up and bruised,and her daugh- done at 7 p. in., and at midnight they home near Galveston, Ind. She was advanced in views are apt to be behind fl >ur, was found perfectly effective, ap-
were married.
i ter was badly hurt.
¡soon to have been married.
| |n the fashion* ,
. .,y
-_r_ , , - I plied with a ducting bellow«.
J acob
H iggins , a
inner, hung himself to a tree in the
H f1
a short distance from his
1 »
sidence, near Hixson Station, Tenn.
e had recently lost his wife. He
jives five small children, who have
j relatives to care for them.