Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, June 23, 1888, Image 3

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    Polk County Observer.
PiililUln-il Every Saturday.
"The tmvn of Monmouth i> «¡united in the
center of the richest |«art of folk county,
eight mile» s mth of the county »eat. Dulltis,
and two and oiic-lialf mile» >n«t of tile thriv­
ing town ot Independence, and contain» a
Kipulatiou <if over ton. Tlie location i» a
».•autiful one, on a rich rolling |irairi»', and
for general healthful tie»«, tlie »¡tc is afl that
could I*- dc»in«l. Monmouth otter» many
tulvuntagc», and thorcwontcniiihttin^any en-
terpri«,' are invit,«1t,, confer with our citizen«.
The i ip-jmvF.H will !»• r.a I in every township
and ay every |«i.«totInc in the entire county,
and therefore uncxeelli»! a» an advertising
Tlji‘ Observer finir mentii» for 50cts.
Itii'inc»« M cution.
I. T. Mirimi thè deiitist, a; Dalla.»
J . ( '. Wortll's line g: »-i rie».
Head olir new adverti.»emeiit.» tlii» week.
The F. M. A. »toro ha» new goods.
Cotinoway A Cooper hardware men Inde
T h e lat<**t iti tln* je w e lr y lino ut
ILonry R u tter-o n ’*.
Dentistry Mr»t eia«« Work dune by I. T.
Masoli ut bulla».
Paint», OH», Vami»h at II. K. I*atter.snn's
Feilton A" Tniitt, thè b'iullng inerehiint.» of
Dalla», look at their stock lieldre going ei»e-
P e r so n a l M ention.
F ra n k M ulkoy took in A lU in y last
Tnom lay .
l l l . u t : 4\t> U K IK A B O I TK.
T o -n ig h t at th e Cha|H‘l.
F in e w eather for th e pienle at tlak
F ld . K. M . M esslck is at P ortlan d d ro v e .
th is w eek.
T h is i» splendid g rass-grow in g
tir a n t s . W o lv e rto n , o f S jsik a n o w eath er.
F alls, is lion-.
t iregou S ta te N orm al school exor-
K o y t, o f l ’orrydalo, w as in ei.se« n e x t w eek.
tow n AV edite.silay n ig h t.
StrawlH*rrles a re reported a dull
C hostet <*. Coati antl Irv . W o o d *, sale at ¿0 ets per gallo n .
w ere ht tow n W ednesday n ig h t.
T h e expression “ w e need ra in ” is
Mr». R otta Pow ell and Mi»« H ayos not frequ en tly heard th e se d ays.
woro in Saloni W ednesday.
T h e M onm outh hand is a tte n d ­
W in . Poreival has returned from ing th e O range p icn ic a t O ak d ro v e .
u trip to So u th ern O regon.
Independence now has steam pow-
M i«s C arnahan, w ho is teach in g at e r attached to th e W ater w o r k s putnj
Y aq u in a C ity v isited frien d s here
a tru stee m eetin g w ill be held at
th is w eek.
th e Norm al chapel T u esd ay 10 a . m .
Horn, to th e w ife o f II. C\ F o x , of
A nu m ber o f fish in g excu rsion s
D ixie, on May 27th, a son, w eight R
h av e been planned b y citiz en s o f this
place for th e com in g su m m er.
Im p rov em en ts are bein g pushed ¡9i
A large num lier o f people w ill be
all parts o f o u r co u n ty . P o lk w ill
in atten d an ce at th e com m encem ent
not he behind.
I'M -rris s a f O regon ^ tato N orm al
KeV. A .T . .\ d k itls,ofC orv td lis w ill school.
d eliv e r tlie baccalaureate serm on to-
T h e Im prov em ents b ein g m ade to
m orrow at 11 a. in.
buildings in th is v illag e th is spring
K dw in T . H atch , n ew ly elected
tire v ery num erous and are n o t con­
senator o f P o lk co u n ty , v isited rtn-
fined to one section.
Salen i W ednesday.
A neat in v ita tio n and p rog ram m e
R e v . H itner’s ap p o in tm en t for o f th e fourth an n iv ersa ry o f th e W il-
services at th is place th is ev en in g a n u u ette F n iv e r s itv , S a lem , to he
w ill not he held.
held J u n e Rih to l ltli, ’88, is on our
d ra h a m <ila*s, J r . , has sold th e tab le.
P o lk C ount;/ If d in n er to W . A . W a sh ,
“ It is absurd to spi-ak (>f th e 'foot­
o f A lb in a . T h Q I fn n h n - has been a p rin ts o f tim e ,’ w hen
is well
good paper u nd er th e m anagem ent know n that lim e llie s,” says an e x ­
o f M r. G lass, and we tru st th e pre­ ch an ge. Y e», but m an y a tim e flies
sent as m uch success.
leave fo ^ prints, sn h irty .
»ulistltute for th e figures correspond­
ing letter* o f th e nlphaliet. a» A for
1. B for 2, ( ' fo rd , etc. T h e result
w ill g iv e th e nam e by w hich yon
are popularly know n.
In re-ponsc to an in v ita tio
n *
senior da»» o f th e Norm al schoo
at th e resid ciuv o f Ju d g e liu ti
Frid ay ev en in g last ft»r a sodi
and candy p u llin g. T h e can
a stnress and it was a v ery
gath erin g, and th e deft finger
Indie- soon w ere h and ling fir
en then m ilk y w hite m u ss’s i T
T h e u n tirin g efforts i-N Il# A w * 1 o c í e .
Misses B u tle r in eiitertainliu.w ^ ^ —
to th e w an ts o f those
was appreciated by all. T . OREGON
m eetin g was a farew ell g ath erii
■Mug of General In tere« 111 • Devoted to the Intanata of Farmer*
socially o f th e class.
Condenaed Form.
and Stockmen.
O bserver .
NO. 14 .
l>riiry-H i»li"p
tetón will apeud $2,000 more in
Saving the cream daily untilenough
lin n . W ells D rury, w ho w ill Jflin g the levee along the Um atilla f()r a churning has accumulated is
romeinlierod liere as th e form er/er.
wrong. The best butter is made from
Usher o f th e ('h ristlau J/< •otent
Th e wife and child of H on. J . D cream that lias been recently removed
Burnett, of DougUe county, are very ■ from the milk.
m arried to Miss F ila Hi»!'
44 nick.
no, N evada, m M a y 2 fit’ ’
A g xxl deal is said about the “dairy
W . P. W atson, of Toledo, fell from form” of tlie cow. But it must not be
ry is remi'inln-red k :
ding, on which he was
a building,
was working, taken for granted that every angular
m any friends, w h o “-
and fractured one of his ribs.
cow is a good m ilker, and every smooth,
bride ti b righ t futm lSc. ; Tini
straight-lined cow a poor one.
we republish fro«> 14«sl5o.
qo • 1 " spring gun
* for irophers,
* while v-
A fter the lieu is set and process of
( ¡(W fir.
oner, * * w . p la c in g its operation to a fiiend lost | incubation begun, it ia desirable th at
F or fino u ntoli work ¡fu tu 1’. N.
1 lie iin cxp
one of hi» thumbs by its unexpected nothing disturb the lien. Every pre­
(ir a n t at 11. 15. l ’u tterso n ’s.
W ells D rury
I discharge,
caution should lie taken to keep her
tor, in Reno
The finest line of ilres» good» ever hroilght
w,is ti grec roll, per pound,
G. W . D uncan, a prom inent citizen setting steadily until tim e for the eggs
to Folk county are tobe fmnd at ( '. ti. Coad'a
friends, w l» (*2 0 c.;
inferior ° f Staytou, who suffered severe in- to hatch.
thè new «t^v Dulia.».
received t
juries by falling from a step-ladder
According to some experim ents re­
maiO in 1
sonic days since, is not expected to re- cently made in H olland, cattle fed on
All gimd» will I h ' «old at
<1. ('oad'» new
boonim J.t" n -. 16^ ^ c ' : 0 r e - ; cover.
hay with other food increased in live
»ture. Dalla», at piiees th.it defy i - oiiijk - itimi.
deflhil » 1 ornia,
jc .
T he House com m ittee on com m erce weight more than those fed witli en­
You »houli! not ini»» thè chance lo exumine
reti'iir.Es!— BiVAs, par s a c k ,, made a favorable report of the bill an- silage. but those fed with eti ilt^o
thi» «tock lx-1'ore j hi n 1 iti-In.r elsewliere.
he ty
gave more and better butter.
U oodnm n tutti Dmity havo fotir
fro r
Poor, sandy soil should not be left
“ D avis” scw ittjr m aohinos, whioh
T h e N elson N ealy place, on th e
M tigniliecut view s m ay I k * had afi
uncultivated. Carefully prepare the
th o y aro o (Ferini' at cosi for tlu* n oxt
th ir ty ilay s in orti or t > d o so tlie in I.u ck iam u te, w ill lie sold ¡it public from Cupids k n o ll, West o f th is vil-1 1
)• land, sow to buckwheat, tmd plow the
« u t. T h o y aro tirsi class, cali and sale S atu rd a y , J u n e Kith, b y tlie ad ­ luge, and th is is th e season o f th e
)f buckwheat under when tlie crop is iu
noe th o m .
m in istra to r, L . D am on.
O a r in w hich th e y are m ost beaut'
lO blossom. In this way the land may
J . S. \Vuterhnii»e hit: ; a full line Of paints
Q gradually be made productive.
M r. Dan H e w itt, on th e L ik k la - fill.
A few stakes around a young tree,
and oli», givi: lilm a cali
m ute had a barn raisin g W ed nesd ay
A $75,000 fire ooeured in S.
witli barbed wire wrapped around tlie
(io to noe thè opeuing uf new good» at the
¡it w hich a n u m b er o f citizen s o f th at T h u rsd ay.
T h e H olm an e'
stakes, will protect trees from anim als.
new sture at Dalla».
W ith this method fruit trees may be
v icin ity participated .
liglit p lan t and ngrieultum '
TI toso h aim n o cks tit tho ^ ’arm ors
plantAl in a field given up to stock.
Hupply Depot ¡»re nobhy and ohoap.
Pyrethrum or buliacii will kill the
c. c . c «d la closingout thè hankrupt th rou gh here W ednesday to lie pre­ on ly p artly Insured.
apple tree worms.
W ith a bellows
of blow flic powder^into the nests (or
T h e ju r i s t hut church
stock of gissi» lately brotlght to Dalla», sent at tlie com m ission ers co u rt at
tic webs) after four o elo ck in the after­
¿They are ¡iti tir das» « 1 . 1 » ami must l>c I Dallas w hich convened T h u rsd a y . ; annual cnni|w icctiiig a
noon— the later the better— for the
M r. Jo h n Dieus had a valuable g rM n d s from J u n e 1 F
rly worms will then he in tlie nests. The
(ill ¡Hill »l'O the bankrupt »teck of goods at hoi ipse snagged one day la te ly , from Persons p ay in g fuP
va« powder will kill them instantly.
Dalla». They must lie noli! in the next (50 the' effects o f w h ich it is feared lie lie returned ¡it one
Pig pens should not be in the same
flays. New is the time to get y « « 1 bargain».
•will n o t recover.
A sack o f th e
every season.
By having
Every fetir .»elil fully guaranteed.
per them movable m uch valuable manure
elm s. U ohrer, froili N a sh v ille, on h av e seen tnf'i
Sp ectacles p rop erly tbi-u- e:l and
hi« can be secured from the saturated
a ccu rately fitte d a t H enry P atti rson’s. th e O. P . R. U. w as in tow n sev eral th is ottice by
earth around the old sites, while the
E v e ry pair W arranted. N o fit, no d ays th is w eek. H is m an y friends d ay . W e *
)Wn change to fresh places will greatly
s a l e .'
are alw ay s glad to see h im .
are promote cleanliness and health.
M essrs B a rz .v A R obertson are fill­
It is not best in planting young or­
Frytf? and P erciv a l b ro u gh t in e x te n d t
in g up th e ir M onm outh store w ith a
tied chards to trust to laliels or to memory.
fin e lint* o f goods; am ong o th er
Both mtO’ fail. T he only sore way to
e )
tilin g s
n o tice a nice lo t o f wall ti d rove o f 1500 fine m u tton sheep for th ,e
ran know wliat trees are planted is to
3 paper.
th e P ortlan d m a rk et; tdso F ra z e r and on ‘ 7
tned make a record at the time of laying
You can get first class ced ar sliin- Daily ^<o for th e sam e m a rk et.
and the orchard out in a map and m ark­
g les from G oodm an and D ou ty, Di-
>nee ing on th at each variety.
d ependence.
In m ultiplying very scarce and dear
discovered a coal vein ten m iles aliov
Fee varieties of potatoes, gardeners plant
H en ry Patterso-.i has ju s t received
d of the eyew in hot beds early, placing in
a new stock o f a ll the latest n o v elties Sw eet H om e, L in n co u n ty , w lf
Miss ricii soil, and from each eye will get
in th e jew elry lin '. N 1 old goods in th e y consid er v alu ab le; T h e y s
h is stòck.
J * o p ia and ex a m in e is seventeen to tw en ty -fo u r
severalQplants. These may be set out
th e ip ,
t f t - in the open ground, and cu lliv stid
th ick and w idens as th e y d<
i has the same as potatoes planted in tl e
Shelly and Vanda i » • la th e lead with
F ra n k C ollins w ill soon
thr lurgi-t «tu®.
"' ' i! il i n litt’idisv in
ding usual way.
indent mlene O Their prices compare with repair on th e w are he
g tlie
There uro a good many cattle coni
ilio tunc» and all goods arc warranted first place, l ie is caleu latin
Eu- ¡ng out of their barns and stables this
or a spring with the hair rubbed otf ill
(in tu Dallas and get the advantage ’ of the in a now clean er, wl
some places.
W hether it be barn
Jòw price», that the new shx-k of good.» un­
near itch, or some other m inute parasite,
tieing clicod ont at. This is the tirs' time a m uch faster rate
wlio the old fashione I cure is the b est:
111 1‘ulk county that new goods were ever A ll th e needed -
1 hi» Hoftiher and lard well applied.
T h is
sold a» Cheap. Now 1» your time.
w ill he done lv
it he knocks all of them.
T h e “ < tsborne” m ow er luis an in i- ( J > com e ill.
if a sample of sweet cream is di­
proveniont tifi- y ear w h ich , i» far flu ttering
sonic vided, and both parts are kept at a
ng ft
ahead o f anO thlng. Call and
sisted favorable tem perature for ripening,
th em at (io o d m an and D ou ty ’s In- and a large
a re- and tlie air is excluded from one and
deni'ndence. ,
mBtdy a free exposure given to the other,
'iTrousanil» of ladies sty it is tlie best tliej
both will sour at the same time, but
ever ustsl. They mean the W hite sewing
J i K<i tlavift will or.ly be increased in the
mueliincs—you will find them at Raster A
hotel- one exposed to the air. Churning tlie
Vernons, Independence, brick bkictA
y left two parts will show this.
for 1
•re he
Dr. Waterliousc of this plaec lias made art
T lie pep|>eriiiint growers of W ayne
a city county, N. Y., where three-fourths of
some remarkable cure» of bad cuses of
south, tiie world’s oil is produced, are com ­
fchnmie female compluint; lie cures every
d, and plaining that the prospects this sea­
ttase, even after pliyslelun» liavc given tliem
of last son Hre tlie worst for twenty years.
Up. C(trresi»)ii(lenee solieitcil.
id wife They t-uy that Jap an ese oil is now be-
Parties c-ont"tiiplatiiig building, will do
le left , mg »old in America at such ratos that
Well to consult Itatv»--- and UnlK-rtson, and
I the former large profits from the busi-
Ihcic prices on shingles, «a»h and door».
th and I ness are greatly I cbmciuh I.
e near
Do not now trim shrubbery that
N o te th e follow ing »peeitiltii - at
s very blooms on lis t year's wood, if you de­
Hhellv A V an d u y n s: 15 inch em broi-
) same sire abundance of 11 >wers.
T h e best
>ler s k irtin g , New pert »••¡trl*. ehinih's
lay and way >s to cu t out the old anil weak
e h in ile cord, fancy o rn am en ts for ta­
i have wood immediately after flowering. A
ble scarfs, etc.
rs near judicious thinning, if too large amt
A ll fa rm e r-w h o intend pm ch a sin g
men thick a head remains, will improve
s e lf hinders should call anil »ee the
the quality of the (lowers, but to cu t
new “ O sbo rn e” at < io o d m an ’* and
y have hack the whole head is not the best
D ou ty ’*, In d ep en d en ce.
It has
way in America.
m a n y new’ im p ro v em en ts and ¡ni et
ouse is
T lie garden should he near the
tire ly new road w heel.
tie O. A house but free from shade.
8 c t no
T h e celebrated hrnadhead
goods ju s t m v iv e d d irect fi
waiting den. Have it laid out so th at as much
metory at Shelly <v Vanduja'
idetrar k work as possible may lie done by horse­
ors absolu tely guárante;
to be power. A sandy loam is tlie best soil
goods for th e m otley.
ae com- for most vegetables.
F se no green
M rs. Ia iR a n s ie u rt i;
s about manure in the garden. T h e standard
In d ep en d en ce, hav,'
le owner fertilizers are good. Use wo »1 ashes
x>f ladie« m uslin u n i l l J
sals ry of freely and slops from the hr. use. The
jfio v e *. m it», collars.I
replace. Loss to building omu n v ,- a w< oaten structure, was » u w » * . . —
will be secret of success in gardening, as in
W ear, h an d k e rch ief
tu b reason oi im i
— r
courtship lies in sm ill attentions fre­
------ —
dimensions, and was literally blown to
tio n ery , lxxik«, ere ¡<
is never there after the first strik e.—
A warrant was sworn out before quently and steadily bestow.d.
W hile the otfirers were all at dinner pieces.
in n u m erable. C a lli.) Court,
T he men being at dinner,
Drake'» Mug m i n e .'
Ju stice Lyons of Fox Valley, Linn
Mr. D. B W idr, says ho nas solved
in g elsew here.
Q> one 0f thieves kicked in a window of the there was no loss of life.
-—•‘Night-caps are coming into favor county, charging
Mart Hmitli, his the problem of the plum crui ulio. A
P ratt County Bank, at P ratt, K a s ,
Ml stolen and got away with $4,016, all in cu r­
H. 8. W heeler, recently employed again,” say the fashion journal» Bless brother, and another man, whoee I m ixture of on pound of Faria green,
At the rency. Precaution had been taken to by the government in the construc­ those innocent fashion w riters; “night­ name could not be learned, with t h e 1__________
„ ________
or London __________________
purple, and sixty
J . O , CrnW m rd o f (i
tion of lighthouses on tlie Oregon caps” have never been o a t of favor. attempted murder of d ia r ie s Thom as, of water sprayed over the trees jn st
to ll's g allery o f Albat1 n,:" aor
| coast, dropped dead of heart disease Ask the bartender» — B ottan Globe.
two weeks since.
They are now in t««fore blossom buds shall open, then
g a lle ry at th is place «ned the safe.
at Alameda, Cal. Deceased who was
— "How would I advise you to be­ custody. The Sm iths are enemien of a spraying of soap emulsion two weeks
W illiam Kem ¡»ton, an old fanner a nicmt>er of the Masonic order, is
til th e 12th o f J u n e inabi r of
st North Booth Bay, Maine, was m u » about 55 years of age, and a widower. gin P” responded an old actor to an as­ the Thom ases, and are supposed to la- later, with a third spraying about
o f ta k in g th e g ra ih n w *
pirant for stage gloriae. “Well, the leaders of the vigilance com m itte Ju n e 10lh, will eff -ctu illy destroy the
k in d s o f p iio tn g m p ffr ^
dtred by Llewellyn yu im b y, aged 20.
A three-story brick building owned best plan ie to begin like a good din­ sworn to exterm inate them or make curoulio, as well as kill leaf lice, aphis
and ou t door v ie * ?
The murderer was captured after a
them leave the country.
and other injurious insects.
v iew * w ill lift at|_
desperate tight, during which he re- by the Hharon estate, and occupied by ner; with the e n p a T. Tribune.
strayed in ceived a severe scalp wound from a the W est Coast F urn itu re Co., burned
Bennett camp, No. 8, Indian W ar
There are in Am erica over 4.000,000
p m m p tn e—i.
\\ »tr
—The milky way— “ HoP on, boy!
They cover
clam w o rk. P ie H xlges, of rhot fired by A. H . K enniston, his at San Francisco.
T h e loss to the Don’t put no water In den» ease to­ Veterans, near Halem, have elected tl e farms, large and smell.
A\e use th e i n - v . ci ndren victim ’s son.
building is estimated at $50,000. The day. Fill 'em np wtd enow. Dat e de following officers: Joh n G. W rigln, nearly 2 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 acres of improved
and can m ak e a
A terrible tragedy is reported from F u rn ilu re C o.’» lo»s is $15,000, insur­ same color ae da milk, an' we must be ca p ta in ; Jo h n Havage, firal lieutenant ; land, and their total value iarom e'.hing
clo u d y w enthi ■r :i«e quite a
These figure»
O»ccola, Ark. A widow named Allen ance $10,0tl0. A finely wrought cabi­ jes m hones' ae we kin, whenever we N. K. Doty, second lieutenant ; T. C. like $10,000,000,000.
in M o n m o u th o > n ntj, f,
freak. It
Bhaw, orderly sergean t; E. H Piper, are not, of course, vety comprehensive.
th e ]»uri«»s<- o f nut
commissary sergean t; D. C. Thomas, They simply convey the idea of va»t-
r;. * * rellt 16 year-old boy and 10-year-old girl to the Sydney ex posit ion from this
C haw \T"
—The old adage le good in these color b earer; W m. Townsend, musi­ ness of area and equal vastness of im ­
,1ng on the were fatally injured, by four mis- State, and valued at $2.000, was de-
cian . E . J . Chamber», corporal of the portance. Th e estim ated value of the
them leave# creants. F ou r young white farmers stroyed. T he furniture factory of A. days of progress and innovation: “Do
uot he the first by whom the new ia guard; delegates to the state encam p­ yearly products of these farms is be­
a ill jum p tip,
m ent, Frank M. Hmith and T . C. tween $2,000,000,000 and $3,000,000,-
and strike the borhood Saturday night have been ar- Joh n Cuff, adjoining, were damaged tried, nor yet the lent to Met the eld
8 haw.
its fore paws.