D vol . O l k i. C o u n ty “ ¡SERVER. MONMOUTH, POLK C O U N TY. OREGON. SA TU RD A Y, .U N in.v;.:;. generally a very d< -¡ruble C O A S T C U L L IN G S . I. MARKET REPORT. T E L E G R A P H IC . 1888. jil, is a source of great annoyance |t!»e manufacture ol white lead, for Devoted Principally to Washington R eliable Quotations Care full v j Revised Bveiyt-------------------------------------- of ifcf Principal Eventi Now »resent in an appreciable quantity Territory and California. Every Week. A G R IC U L T U R A L . Ij.oils the c.iltir of the finished pru­ Attortine Public Interest st, owing to tlie well-known black An Indian horse-thief was shot and WHEAT— Valley, $1 25c«H 26* ; Tb. ling of General Inter«* In a Devoted to the Intereett of Fanners Aug effect of light upon the salts of Walla Walla, $1 17ji«l 18*. Chari s H eyes was blown to pieces killed near Helena, Montana. citizen Condensed Form. and Stockmen. worts. Ehvood’s shingle mill «tear Blaine, by an explosion of giant powder, r< r . _________________ BARLEY— W hole. *1 lt V l 12.1; The . I ------------- which lie was carrying at the Daly W. T.. was burned accidentally, less ground, per Lin, }20 (XL« 2 5 (X). boat o' eU” ! " i " 8l’eiltl $2,000 more in Saving the cream daily until enough |5,000. ’ CHFLOWiRS are now used in Wyo- mine, Park City, Utah. OATS—Milling, 45t 14idl5c. Montana, was shot in the neck by spring gun for gophers, and while ex­ After the hen is set aud process of A riot among the negroes at Longn- Mrs. Gordon, while trying to get his BUTTER— Fa oiler, «4 (X); plaining its o|>eration to a fiiend lost | incubi.tion begun, it is desirable that Wim.K George N't why, aged twenty- loo College, La., occurred on com- wife to go home and live with him. 40e.; pickled.nnexp , M-iry Wilson, aged sev< O and one of his thumbs by its unexpected nothing disturb the hen Every pre- | mencement day. In the .^hooting Nelson Silsby attacked John D d y ,! grade, 20t « 2 - I >rury. I discharge. caution should lie taken to keep her ily Wilson, aged five, and a man which followed several negrOes were while drunk, at Itocklin, Cal., ami in Uono' n l'k.swrtfiv» a «rnmimtnl ritizon setting steadily until lime for tbe eggs C H E 1' led Perkins were attempting to killed. kicked him to death. Silsby alleges gun, to batch. O >ss a small stream in the Ogden Jocoh Higgins, a prominent farmer, that Daly insulted tiis wife. According to some experiments re­ who lives near Hixan Station, Tenn., Max Hoppe, a tramp, shot aud non, near Salt Lake, in a boat, they cently made in Holland, cattle fed oil committed suicide by banging himself killed a man named Adams, near Fo> ire swept over Wilson’s dam and all ha^witli other fi»od increased iu live to a clothes line. He lost his wife a Conrad, Mont., who had been i>© cent Perkins drowned. weight more than those fed with en­ few months ago and has been despond­ him a free ride. 9 silage. hut those fed with vii ilage ent ever since. John Roodes, son of *’ gave more and better butter. iik tin© Ewing brotht rs, of Liw- A destructive hail storm destroyed «loodee, 19 yeen of age Poor, sandy soil should not bo left O wje ehurg. Ind., were born at the same cotton plants and greatly damaging ! ally drowned while uncultivated. Carefully prepare the ae fifty-four years ago. They are other crops at Sulphur Springs, Texas. Palouse river, W land, sow to buckwheat, and plow the Brookstone, ¡ h Lamar county, is re­ A shootie buckwheat under when the crop is in d to be the oldest, largest and best ported to have been almost demolished, I ence, A r blossom. In this way the land muy iking triplets in the United States, but no loss of life is reported. and Jo gradually he made productive. i 1 weighs 225 pounds, Joshua 24.‘1 Michael Flynn tried to induce his J sho* A few stakes around a young tree, d Putnam 2 48 pounds; total, 71(5 wife, who hud left him, to return to f he with barbed wire wrapped around the return to his cabin at White Bend, I unds. _________________ stakes, will protect trees from animals. Texas, and, at her refusal, shot lx With this metlu»d fruit trees may be e- He th planted in a field given up to stock. A lady teacher of music in Ontario three times, killing her. it shot himself through the heart. Pyrethrum or buhach will kill the unty, New York, inserted her pro apple tree worms. With a bellows Nicholas B ?nnar, a half sional card in one of the county farmer, living southy£stof Ad of blow the powder into the nests (or nev. »papers. It was seen by an old shot his son John, aged twe ic webs) after four o’cbick in tbe after­ n, noon— the later the better— for the lover in Chicago, who at once hunted The yompr man found his 1> worms will then he in the nests. The He hei up, explained his absence of a mother qiLwreling. as powder will kill them instantly. qu i rter of a century and married her. his mother’s behalf, e to took down a sho'gun • Pig pens should not be iu the same o It pays to advertise. the side, killiug him locatien every season. By having o erniint growers of Wayne city county, N. Y., where three-fourths of lt,e encounter near Seianj^ o1 ,IM'1 cu ¿lint; be cures >uth. the world’s oil is produced, are com­ kith a wild cat, wliici ians liave givcl , and plaining that the prospects this sea­ Clubht d into insensiliili léoliciteil. f last son are the worst for twenty years. wife They say that Japanese oil is now be­ B>>al had torn his clo t. . , „ ■ , , , . . «itnif; building, left ing sold in America at such rates that ■cratched Ins face. M , |ln(1 u,,,*...,*, the former large profits from the busi­ Bpiently procured a gijLles, sash and d.v ami ness are greatly lessened. © o 1 m aSt, and the k t t e r t , * , , ^ s,KH.iu near Do not now trim shrubbery that © very blooms on 1 ist year’s Wood, if you de­ ptufft i] m a mi mi nt iltynsi 11 Inch < © v\v|wlrt si•art's, i same sire abundance of tl »wers. The best © y and way is to cut out tbe old and weak ' Mns. B aker ,of E have wood immediately after flowering. A O L rim-1 and tin- - jnK,rt(1 ,Jlir( near judicious thinning, if loo large ami © men thick a head remains, will improve pnm to go for thdf s Should call ami mor- the qualiiy of the flowers, but to cut |1 n nn ndous attaid rno” at Goodma q have hack the whole head is not the best Mr. Baker went, tl ntlependence. nprovenientH an way in America. B a n In ur or two af nail wheel. se is The garden should be near tbe ■ was born into flic tritisi brmulliea O. A house but free from shade. Set no e 20x trees of any kind in the kitchen gar ■ surprise of botlll ' ret vi visi iliris-t Ì aiting den. Have it laid out so that as much ■ who insisted the^ (belly A- Vnniluy was jealousy. Cal., aud arrested. It is claimed he ______ work as jKissihlo may be done by horse­ Itely gunrante | any such thing Fire in the medical department of was trying to wreck a train in revenge Bridget, that I’ m going to raise your platform 680 Tong, and is to be power. A s illily loam is the best soil e nnmqy. ren t" Bridget— “ Glad to hear It, the university at Philadelphia, de- for being discliaiged. Use no green sorr. Faith, 1 can’ t raise It tueselL’ ’ — finished in first-class style, to lie com­ for most vegetables. ieer< '¡J tansieér( r,Lstroyed many valuable patliologal A novel schoo' iileins pleted and seady for business aliout manure in the garden. The standard A boiler in the works of the Sacra­ Texas Sifting*. The specimens, wax models and delicate mento (Cal.) Woo) Pullery exploded the 1st of July. The town site owner fertilizers are good. Use wo «1 ashes •held at the New in um m firf —Lightning never strikes twice in pays for the building and the salary of freely and slops from the hr.use. The instrumenta, which will be difficult to with terrific force. The building was »liars on Friday last, replace. Loss to building onlo $10,- a wooden structure, was 32x40 feet in the same place. Neither does a mule. the »gent for two years, who will be secret of success in gardening, as iu twenty brick layers The reason of this is because tbe place appointed by the company. p in 000. courtship lii s in sm ill attentions fre­ dimensions, and was literally blown to is never there after the first strike.— I mas, one lninil r t d \ c ’i a l I4-) Court. A warrant was s.worn out before quently and steadily bestow d. While the officers were all at dinner pieces. The men being at dinner, Drake's Mngaiine.' Justice Lyons of Fox Valley, Linn thieves kicked in a window of the there was no loss of life. Mi. D. 13 Widr, says h" nas solved ■ plumbers, caeli armcil o, one of — “ Night-caps are coming into favor county, charging Mart Hmith, his the problem of the plum erm ulio. A . _ Pratt County Bank, at Pratt, K hs , skin, were set loose H. 8. Wheeler, recently employed again," say the fashion jonrnala Bless brother, and another man, whose mixture of on pound of Paris green, * *’ ‘ 11 and got away with $4,016, all in cur­ together with tift«\ At the rency. Precaution hail been taken to by the government in the construc­ those innocent fashion writers; ••night­ name could not be learned, with the or London purple, and sixty gallons thirty-eight painters a| partly turn the combination of the tion of lighthouses on the Oregon caps” have never been ont of favor. attempted murder of Charles Thomas, of water sprayed over the trees jnst Alb;.,1 coast, dropped dead of heart disease Ask the bartenders. — Boston Globe. two weeks since. They are now in before blossom buds shall open, then carpenters. safe. |arc ten®d the at Alameda, Cal. Deceased who was — “ How would I advise you to be­ custody. The Hmitlis are enemies of a spraying of soap emulsion two weeks William Kem iston, an old faimer a member of the Masonic order, is tine jnbi of B ob M oody and his gin?” responded an old actor to an as­ the Thomases, anil are sup|N»seil to lie later, with a third spraying about the ques- at North Booth Bay, Maine, was niu>- about 55 years of age, and a widower. pirant tor stage gleriee. “ Well, the leaders of the vigilance committe June 10th, will eff.iclmlly destroy the Berrie went out hunt] dered by Llewellyn Quitnby, aged 20. A three-story brick building owned best plan Is to begin Uke a good din sworn to exterminate them or make curculio, as well as kill leaf lice, aphis The murderer was captured after a Maine, and each kill them leave the country. and other injurious insects. desperate fight, during which he re­ by the Hliaron estate, and occupied by ner; with the supe."—Af. T. Tribune. M oody's deer wouldr Bennett camp, No. 8, Indian War There are in America over 4 000,000 ceived a severe scalp wound from a the West Coast Furniture Co., burned —The milky way—‘ ‘Hoi’ on. boy! voting mae came shot fired by A. H. k nm.-ton, his at Han Francisco. The loss to the Don’t put no water in don cans to­ Veterans, near Halem, have elected tl e farms, Urge and small. They cover the other barrel building is estimated at $50,(XX). The day. Fill 'em op wtd snow. Dot's d# following office re: J'»hn G. Wriglii, nearly 20 000,000 acres of improved victim's son. went back to his A terrible tragedy is reported from Furniture Co.’s loss is $ i5,000, insur­ ssme color a* de milk, an’ we mutt be captain ; John Savage, first lieutenant; land, and th*-ir total value ia rome'.hinf starLsl to cut llie dvi,n tl£ freak It Ark. A widow named Allen ance $10,(XX). A finely wrought cabi­ jes m hones' as we kin, whenever we N. H. Doty, second lieutenant; T. C. like $10,000,000,000. These figures Shaw, orderly sergeant; E. H Piper, are not, of course, veiy comprehensive, was ravished and murdered, and her net intended to hold cereals to be sent git de chanoe.” — Harper's Motor. stuck the knife tlA ma, commissary sergeant; D. C. Thomas, They simply convey the idea of vast- great JO ye»r-ol*i boy and 10-year-old girl to the Hydney exposition from this deer kicked out twi*tA on the were fatally injured, by four mis- State, and valued at $2.000, was de­ —The obi adage Is good in these color bearer; Wm. Townsend, musi- ness of area and iqual vastness of im- ran, swam the river' 1 eaves creanta. Four young white farmers stroyed. The furniture factory of A. days ot progress end innovation: “ Do cian ; E. J. Chambers, corporal of the port