DRUG-STORE , C A TAR RH . T a y lo r ; I W h y U lso en ser. of M edicine Must Be Ea* j u s t ic e » ceedmsiy Careful. There are many peculiarities n u e» in » the -a rail or f i r S n t ' " * * " very little Jewelry; retail drug trade which corn[>el th* New Home Treatment ‘ midi ms ” * • ^ r “ nly men do not object drug clerk to be exceedingly t'nrurrli, Cutarr l.al 11 ,-allge w ill L*'‘j N E R V O U S in ls r before K Yorl Yumi. to arrest an In- notes form ed a perfecting link i f £ tnd unique scarf pins, handling the right medicii Huy fe v e r. utlinlu.V l! *1 re for killin'' one of bis c m - chain of evidence by which the prilJ J ton s, or the neces- the customer. If a clerk happens to Tt.e microscope has prove«., . » l 'i . )• 1 i Î c ™ That remind» me of a case er. were convicted, suggest» f j j Tho lisca es are contagious, and tl? ’ 1 K- 1 Y O U N C M S M U Q t r t bosoms. take the wrong bottle on the shelf and due to the presence of living pell Saturila that" baupened here way hack in the description o f the bank's m e th o d ,^ • * ‘ one, the /;•' _____" “ ** re* ienlaces it to get the right the « ■ . ’ 7 h . 1 >-■.■<> . , n t o f thf* uri/t* rejllobC» lfc v r* . . .. . . , nan| tj,# white peo- regard to its issue. the lining mem tirane of the uppt . / ;r .ptoru;. ^ lar£ e customer’ • contidence it uuuiediatelj sages and eslachian tuties. 'ine ....... much about how the The paper o f which the not« note» .. ^ I u T ^ i m ^ r thaV U j iVVTlidnV care muiih by w icnli i-, Tyndall, Huxley uml 1. M I D D L E - A C S D i « r » . ••n.-vs cr r e -, . dress being P,lv »te facto,. ■ ■ • • '■ * t - >r N s l v . d * , » j U be disputed. The regular method o, , ,, >tor, Z t i - U - . day s party of iu Yorkshire under^ Mrictly ^ ’ "i 11 : ■1 v i, i , ..ii .. hen ala- ' w U ^ K m r a ^ r ‘ V e'in ii nr tiiese diseases lias lieen to apply pnildl'IlPjj ,j j., •r."r,- .r.i. Lu , i 1 rumali v to tip C o r sa g e «, M illin ery a m i W a ists fur th e Mid* su m m er sesson . •IStrH the Proper Thin* ka f Select Clrelee. BANK OF ENGLAND. •aaslhiug About the -Old Lady -. , h U s t -h or r s M a««1 ,h# tB* aaedl. Street." I a Lea* A recent crim inal trial io ” said the old-timer to ,.By toe w .y , - hia U1(jrn. E llgU ud. in which the conver,i 7 o T reporter, ook.ng up from ^ ^ ^ York draft into Bauk j ( ‘¿ ¿ J r e d - s k in SECRETE Although there are no decided devi­ ations in the main line* iqiori which fashion is m oving, there is an endless series of innovations in m inor charac­ teristics. T ak in g the single item of the corsage, the styles are legion. V ery often they are most effectively made of fragm ents put together with .1 ritant remedy weekly, and even 1 >r r - ■ r : t !• nfl ‘ , Li \ 'if .......... such picturesque effect that they out­ M d thus keepln« the deikate meml | |. . rV/'hr'J;iVc.,LU u 'M ' ' 1 «• •“ * U u i ‘ yl of vie many a richer style made of a in a eonstant stiOw of irritation, ullo’ 1 ‘ 1 '■rlei.ilor ou .: « v m it no chance to h^i', and as a natural o li i i n _ _ . , , e»tateol \, occurs, for women are are more more keenly a ^ ^ t h a t ^ th V cou rt ¡‘t will sus J in fifty ,mundTs w ' ^ ? ^ single material. When two o r three |.(W. J* gen»itive on this point* ib e customer fabrics com bine to form asin gle corsage inaneut cure has ever been reel rorded ,1 testarne! of tin! will bns.k no inadvertency on the part house and wanted him tried and pun- suspended at the corners. The pn^ the lining of the waistcoat is cut to be­ is anab-olute tart that these diseaseuutUi ;i DISPENSARY. t a drug clerk. A dry good* clerk Uhed for killing another Indian. Hut injf I, perform ed at Uie bani; ¡, gin with. This buttons snugly up the not lie cured by an ap p lica tion s,,)', r~ J H - L A N D , O s oftener than once in two weeks, rr "'ll- ild make a slight mistake as to the as no white man had s*‘en or knew any Threadneedle street, including ^ fu back, and ti|M>n the front o f this is inerubraue must get a chance to hev< I' ■ e , 1 , a piece' of dress goods or a Ulj sb,lUt the matter, the officers re- aign atu reof the nominal maker of ^ Ii in 1 ▼oJDg. U:lddlA^fCKl 14, Squaw p u t. near Warm Creek, and ,wing isawed. so printing was ,nb»u. o f material of which the corsage is spoken. Cures effecU-d by him v\‘ ,|h<> r^r 8 kln HyphillJa com posed. Next to these com e two years ago ttrr r u n s still, there has Kruptioua. H^ir Fai 11ns ties, , iicts. aixix. *wo drugs have almost had a big powwow over him. He wa* tilled. 11 ' Bone Pains, 8 welling» m ore revers o f plain silk or velvet been no return of ttie disease. '■ Y Hore Threat, rioera, rence. You see. a cus- fljUud g u ilt y ^ murder and sentenced l^ c h individual note as soon a» [j. ho highly arc these remedies valued, fects or Mercury, Kidniryt again. A ll these revert narrow to an SeeAntlsetlHanoao ivwWwj in the accu- to ^ hanged. The sentence was to be suV^i has iU number, letter, date »ml and Bladder T r o u b le that ignorant imitators have started up , , - inch and a half as tiiey reach the everywhere pretending to destroy . frih. I y i«. Huron# Trina, ibinorrhea, Qlaet Bttict >y a ¿¡¿ara ¿¿a i T hy O kkmka for hr. akiu* knowledge some- earried out at once. They didn t be- denomination placed to its debit in a f i'l i t i i ~ t-reilef »t,i cure for laa. »^e!lef and I ab . neck. «itp, of which they know n oth in g ®> .JT h < «sONiilt i con fid en tially poufibility resta ,jeve ¡n g iving Coche auy chance to ledger account, the per contra beini reincdieH, the reauitM of tiie application .ol 2 9 -1 & L£4 THIRD 8T. Gradually we are returning to larger box w it!' ® ry get off or to appeal to the SupreiM filled on the return of the note, p*r. hit h tlicy arc • ju a llrtfH ignorant. Mr. E LY ’S C A : kU ur * T Ú shnpes in hats, and low crow ns and Dixon’H remedy in appli r w ™ T ■ III ppiied only once in address » J 'l i T g o n N a t l o n d r 'B a n k , PDF AM B IT U g v n W * " .prora 'rruri iu JU~ CburL J . tap* the uext day. perhajw in fifty BUKOII Ti wide brims are once again distinguish- j two weeks, and from one to thriQ.ipplica 1 i . i t HT i f r i I.AN « v n I» bllliAIn DALW. S inventor *The court had been held under the years’ tim eOSom e years ago a lot of £( - ..... \vO PO ing features ill millinery. It has now lions effect a permanent cure iiifh e most O The Injury m ,,„Motcssjlkon 1 avfng(il»nX.) .T ^ F A M B K patent of some cottonwood trees, and notes issued iu the middle of the lM t cases. . __ / suffered from \ w ho will not1. *' IWOjiog b e co m a quite a fashion to turn t h o aggravated », ,,, , , , , ... ,, 1 , . w i Mr. Dixon sen ilr« pamphlet describing catarrh /? years. J r 3$^ÌA>£»UR£$° con* when the trial was over the Indians century were handed in for payment ft _ ^ c.,1 I ^ a ™ natty sailor hat up at one nfs new treatment on the receipt of stamp 'Hie dropping# rnvd fA rather like the tiling, land note when compared with that of tliat of till tilings that man is u l lllll! s ig fe d to represent, a^j'l thus iftspcinO ■ul away on the rial a • other issues and countries, is it» crisp- ri with, a Qlk or vcivO fa< ¡ 0 g. • > and then let him ness and clearness. The simplicity of S' CViislied .»I i iw I m i i v is a color l® t is 0 ''ft1 -' tM for proU 7 «, ‘ ¡rues CiH‘ he asked design and clearness of lettering and v . o~i*i she n o n e -« \L l | c - i g l l ( ^ Q > he II» |" .( 0 11 " d »O t IVO iin¿ 0 thuLJ ir. I*icn <1 m P’u\uriti* I 'i • i he smoked tlieiu fig u i^ g are also -Kery conspicuoua y e a r s ago, u O n it w n Q f t ' i nge. T iO i Ip-Mini Miilvation <»f lier h >-\{ Tí s if he was at a Tiie reasou why weSriever find tattered A ry en " “ ’ A • h that lA k iX 't sballa GiO appi G in coslm i 0 's as Itui'Oii, . curniK all_ Jiiiifiil ft iiiL'i;'i cart in tw,s own and foul Bank o f Kngland bills or bank iy w a r in e r 0- O cr ad\ 1 ''• > u U m n 'I i 0 n l * in. »' t n Q Hiultit 4 1 notes, as the Englishman prefers to i11 ' OtP 11 ’ »O'* kinarea weakneh^HL«* j liivcly and 0 • 0 >>tiut' .V. slmOn 0 A n mu ', 0 0 0 1 those con- 6(11 them, arises from rihe custom of India c eOO'O silk-w i ap iR m iella tp n . di *0111 >. r. in a i-?» mi . ii'ni H0\i«ì3 i d HI • the whole the hank never to issue oue of its note» pi 90 ^ ). o c£ eoilic ¿ i ni' ii" ' R CO OD f'OOQflZJ I'O4 tti 0 ¡Çj-Miotc.-s refi • 0 j ----------- ♦ — ! • ‘ti letting a second time. T his rule is so scrupu­ 0 ih ' 9 - S 0 53JO1' cily i tco ' liRo/n i;o o . A siJCTip ^ i •» i • O u iii nd chaff lously observed that shoilhl a thousand o © ir i0 tt t t( l i n t o a 0 ¿ u ! l j A 'flj s o oo o « t ns ig s!i' in »imple Imi ¡ h k r »PTo0l o _ _ _ _ _ whole notes o f £j~ each, issued in the nioris 0 * 00 SCIO HwB> d>. io ¡bO shade, a # • o f a ing iu exchange for gold at the issue OSOC303'3 \'Oo 'T, ¿0 CoCO'h 9 i Od 8 )cb 0 O 6 0 CD 1 d Q9> ' HJÎ d h f (É | > the j department, com e into tiie hands ol « D ' O C 1 “ » # 0 o i S r - i i e and | tiie banking departm ent as a customer'» Ì3'CCCSfeC»U£^ aÌDO^ iQ p l, C »PofcO Ò • 03 jGÒ \ ®S)HiQCKlJ0» 0 < 'oii Li veri 0 i vTT -0 llv;s tvn ; deposit in the afternoon, possibly with­ 1 3>o Hb 11 OMJSÌ 0 0 to» o 5 ® o « o ° o n «cn 2 0- G3» (&>Qf> cQXÌiCbo htQ Q )Q .(3 al 1 aO— a ta U B O n .fn la limi llftn fl]i:i,i er i out having been untied, they would b» c , im mediately cauceled. This uanoellt- con ino Ir '5*0 0 n » W 0ci8> *kirl b e i* " ^ ¡ ¡ ¿ i i * '( * c 'o 'llSÌ'i «»*< 1 - I|QB oOoCdb Ò « b j v °d tt sqj * 9 in c ili» À < • * * '0 l'H1 '« <>f '• « »a rili to iglò 'C J I tion is perform ed by tearing off th« . . , ^. _. _' . w cinBs rc|Mi-l unr Utili- lAiii nls i.»ko tl signature corn er o f each note, tIncum­ 1 l'qjxw qnw<» 0 ^ i O ® o ■ i 0 o o ' ^ u q i . i ; . (p ■ gny (ateo tiv 1 « %J> Q, cto (Da® °«tD OCB» & oORtO >0 ! p eoo Ni « ^ Ha iti 000 a day t r , the receiving clerk in his couniac cash­ svryrrKym i Q js O ° fdyjy on(j9o '4 {gp . Cufl ellfijlCB mg'fto^eek tclU.et:: i book. ffSSPO # 0 ©fi CO *<33> oro qiartmeut are collectes^at sho^ in- I 5 Q ksp QQ&dJ A O ob owk» (top ìiw - inxci> I ________ , _ ** '•vals by a clerk from the uecouat- oaroj < q > qnpiOccjii ali atper noetico e ®cj can oe ouu* 1 Offo ia<> .'«a»- I •uQered] °C^b 'OgrotiSD troca fecisTO c o 0 duo» J after ten years' interval consigned Ê ïto anm'HOKD O >0 le d year, tr ones ocas aoonu asti citeruai tvl’ l the tl.imes. cQjO)o. t8x»flo(Dai»o, ans djutCCb «o aturo (UnniAia ocoon » imo li kg many i;-.o The detection o f a forged hank uot« rurrerod fr CO ota> irruoid) A ll tl Gftfiaop up ©annual toocoBd 5 £0 con» lm ost inevitable uuder this system, tffcprmg' :4 di atti «argoo^ai ng>°o aurei stK>>aa^d wuoio . oimptny" ’ ) iply to imitate the paper is difficult, CW TO C 101 - a> ! (Iioafifl.o fir ktuff ^ & nnn> auro Cii«> is a e s o » o © o © r> 9 *a o a T'J 0JU w ho I l « 0 0 tff »he n readiljfjpei'oeptiblo to a practiced i » 9 .i' 0 o iòti 0 a ' i »rn ' omd £ > v Pi:.e ¡ani’ (faDofl® ommeoOD 0 0 O) IÍ 0 '‘ toflels qA, T o counterfeit tiie printing is liist impossible, ow ing to tiie ab- oj; qijaogH) Otafi 5 Û) o nsjoirm oÆo,9 (JO 1 * 0 IgQ » . i . îgrt'' .. - fi*4 1 no ipomvLi.'i - w ice o f com plexity to confuse the eye. wiffi ero team oo '«moo i 01 0 ;l1* (il S fil) 0 tîi Int lu ! ore shoveling out the gold in ^change roo.*. '¿°G>CDa3KEjj, CO OfiCBo 0 iQ^ÓMÍD trun O <1 waters im tui s a peculiarity iu the formation of cer- s o w n ) 0 -ÿ 1 n 01 sojB .il 1 « full i €> * t* JV-• min letters, kno wn only to the ini­ O i J2P¿J3 s ''I SQ i » act ÇtrcrTTy im 1 0 « uikhiin of *# ip 'Iplcft. '-i tiated. _ »w > A «® .- 1 Q• - Qo B 0 ......... aQI ' "Jü***te%aiaary »Otof laaU^Bf t j p A Tl r » i • un,I » 0 . ¿ n i Should a forgrry slip through the*« CBCccO) *<3330 0 1 OtD 1 "O : also 1 ^ >^Q.| rTocgag^;ful. >• ¡I oui', in !" ©• ' ' guards, the numbers and date and de­ cao (iaOol & 0 aOd sn io eked waist,«, nomination must all correspond with r r t t fli^ m O 95jb-6 mía3üfl3 ®|.i 1 ially for the chilly the ledger entry, and should all the»« ■rVI ^ hing 0 1 , 0 * U 91 I O O' iu ialily appear in mid- must « Á at tiigiT. (V isi by acratcliing It n 11 « Br agree the chances are thftt the legiti­ tinuo tuli a» ri» forni, ablrn off. i z^. «• - v * thr tuinoia It I* * im * i ! v ■ * î blank. O f’R 'fSt Q 3 m C entrQ curing «11 l HVln I * i " . D I I HW a YNK m > Propriété O Pttiladflphl«. hvuvNki Ol 1 U nt IL ,r $ The “ Old Lady o f Thread needle It) u iiU k li uf tlruggiiiU H ««u t by m all f< The first train o f . . 11 » from the Oxus orflOM * reet,” as the Londoner lovingly calls rolQ .1 into tho city o f Bokhara institutioiip which, next to his “ • .J.b .1 day. I he g n a test factor in «'iieuifig. I s .I n . ii ,ion ¿»i irrsi »i.^rirtiL en, he most deeply reveres, is very . H C H modern progtM s has Ui«in.fon r c W iM l( I Air- »»'•»'»"■ a - Jk 1 tnr for uuiiM HMHH . ) .•»« ili# „ KoliTTtiid silver ortw II U i * •ul when dealing with cases of notes thè c in ter of roiinri vativr .Moh u m Q l- Rent by iiui^ir c»l)r*BN c Q ifcpCÿ V ’ < oyed or mutilated. The secre- td. and returns^Ade. ism the city o f a hundred mosques. ' t office attends to those matters, whose people think the follower» 8eo Antiscìl Piano advurtiii«*: S » ere may be seen daily remnants ( of Islam in Q i sia and India ss which havo undergone every T ry (IKHMITA for brcakfiiQ are little better than infide)«, vable ordeal short of absolute because they hare 0 1 © Iteli - L t t t li o illy came home I n ^ j * c f j O Jtloa. their lives and conduct to h* __ ___ She is only fi vi full of indignation. ) pulpy masses which have passed i " t l " .i " i .i b y otkei I*» - *n.Q i. iiin Q 1 old, hut »licQvag h t lío f i O poh h the digestive apparatus of than tlios,* o f the Koran. The fouth j little body would hold. < fl* i id children, half burned pieces stage hi the developm ent o f this remark m a,” she said, Q k that C M : ive unw ittingly done duty as alile railroad will be its extensi....... » Q Q a i rad* to^me. " “ W hy. 0 ?ht*rs, remnants o f every kind Hamaivatid, one hundred mil« © teyoml # * » ;#* d on e?” O sn e laughed n enough is left to indicate in Bokhai a, and tin a It «rill undoubt­ — l a i . C j l right out huid. ” 101 “ est degree the original w orth— edly be extended to Tashkent!, IQ • ild som ething to mn ve full consideration, and the capital o f Ruagtau f u r k e i t # a ñ a h 0 1 ‘ -.0 "N o, I * l© i t d.> any tlMÉÍ ose nothing. Even total de- la g i lie Caaplou a B v i t k C n M A d i •■tt . 11 , how did it happen?” "lr w . . when fully proved, is no bar by a railroad nearly twelve liuti nification when good security G* ’ U tejaogi rO r\ ■ " to deed miles long, about the i li-i I nice me WWl wVn u w is the p'liirx^il producti. 'ssible mistake is given — Fir bet Ween New Yol k and the .Mississippi •’© ‘ he Sandwich # *la n os, and I Ju „ . '.» . .» j r - v i o u m u e s i lUOU- Av 4 J A . river. The pioneer road in Central *“ i«l ‘ S in .le e » 1 s. and she la u g h ed ." sand dollars for 9 * country home up Made by San Krr ». » Timi Co. mjjL**, First and A - a is .»nly th # o iv r u n urr o f other long O ••• J / ' J.tn 1 rhlr ,-a.n T*UfcÌn* Und* 7 DiflFicultie*. (t-T 8#nd for llhi'trate-l Unt.il >yue. the Hudson, and it is said to co.»t him <4t*-T«»n*<'U 8 U *6 b «»,''•« i,., ttpMv» it a .gtie (T»f ho. JusTfua Snow, an old ladv who lines, XIready projected, which are des­ irate and c four , hundn ii dollat - a day, or near^| ^ was present nt the birth of Ha n ie l,—. .. ° t ) the pursuit of T h e O r e g o n N a tio n a l B an k , T } l A ■ *V” l i )4n»' tined to revolutionise the conditions of lt »jcr dl cutties came un­ > '0 «ter. limed i^ . _u eniiihatic O "* ‘,uu',lv 1 :" " t ,;f,.v thousand doll o r r o n t t M i . A liU tieni co i _ life in tiie great reigion which for I a X ’ A *lf* It o 111 11 e,, . i o a ««l » a .. * a à . ■> . church la the re- -O is an ' uncom mon a year. It em braces almost a square in f a n t il e : ■lo-ed U ,n _ I9uo0w»i*»ti> MatmimWtan .»• rtar-»lank I centuries has been one o f the most O Aj-rrAL i a i d in r is»«« mile of land, ninety-fiv* acre* o f which '.het West o f England child! Look it his great sire! Hi* SK ir) Sr S c a lp «etaa (>«w«al Ilarkn m I: isolated parts o f the w orld. A. 1 > ««. , kept -uhjeet lo cla ck [(1 J.KCril 'NS w la».w»l,l ■ T>,rt- — John AN . M u hay does not appear is a wonderfui ch ild! I never saw h i»' •■cured b y . - ’- lak-AMtatmt ''MO b MAUKUHJ. 'uJn*aJ ‘ U *• the dismay and to lie made o f the com m on clay of equal before! lie wiU be worth rais- V ictoria llot«J, in Now Y ork, was in C U T I C l/fV \ n 'r sherman ( _ her girlhood a waiter in a Lowell res­ 1 " " And he u as - P , V ‘A e occupant o f Forth raising” as which most millionaire* are com posed. . mb .During the discharg* taurant, while her husband began life the e O n t proved. R ^ r f c cU o" h* w u " » I only heard the bottai/.* king say when a leach roar. It ,, an , n y! -‘. i t in. ousy sullen roar o f the $ 6 , 00 0 , 0 0 0 . and her hotel is head­ «(like was threatened in Virginia C iti: Iclopedla of useful POR CLBAN8INO. P U R I F Y I NO AST) quarters for the English aristocracy in TthanMfof «ro w in g Uieir an- " mat I- n for r.l who r ,r. i be^utifyin# the skin of children and infant« “ I am sorry that these men w ho receive and coring torturing, di*figuring, itching, »calf bo cur. fi.kd challenge o f hi* this country. chase the luxuries or the > fou r dollars a day do not save more of ink« l-'M .,. _ . ., , ami pimply di-cK-c- of the akin, ucalp and necessities of life. \ye * vkx 1 v*tion o f the pnlpit, blood, nith lomof hair, from infancy tookl age» — Mrs. Eliza Garfield was the only their money. I rolled rocks in Yuba can clothe yoa and furnish you with the Ctmci'MA It km EM ra a re infallible. all the necessary and unnecessary woman who ever saw her son in au g­ a . t 'k X . ^ i '^ 'n ^ “ * ht »kirmish- river fourteen hours a day for months C m CUR a . the great Skin Cure, and C m appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep 9 w m a® « out ou i and per- ' j íip r . J 00D urated President o f the United State* CURA I^OAP. an citiuiai!«* skin HrautlfW. r* at a time and went to earn.) every eat, fish, hunt, work, *o to church! tornallv. and CcnccRA I( iwui . yknt , the ne^» _ ns pT,n»inatory manu veer* W ashington’ » m other was living or stay at home, and in various sixes! night soaked to the bone, and did not . in H B n i I uriflir internally. cure every Iona of i Toi * :*1 'B* distance o f k u styles and quantities. Just figure out Fr*i1t*rU'k*btintt V a , nhen tho Father * *kln, k>kKHl diaeoaeo. iron» pimpk* to average two dollars a day, but no one ------ — ----- acrouJa. what 1s required to do all these things J.T.» .'«„m r’V.Viio (*«•<“• *t length he- o f his C ountry w as inaugurated, but __________ S«o*p Hold every where. Prt«<,('tTicTaA,Me.: ever found me quite broke or ever C0MF0KT4BLT. and you can make s fair C D CC r f * ™ ’ L -r ,g iT. •lie did not witness the cerem ony. R^eoiviwv. ft. Prepared by the I* ott *» estimate of the value of the BUYERS’ heard me c o m p la in ." . . , . . .. .. , “ f' j o » * n C hkmical C o .. B out ,.!». M , w . * l l b b t ■«!•*, « IP« beea This wa* OUIDE, which will be sent upon %Uu h took place iu New York. % | Send for ‘How u>i*TireSEin l ‘ir»near«.** V l . l / H reoeipt o f 10 cents to pay postage 1 3 C ’’ De» •*** ««fortunately — I.id v 1 r-nnvs,>u's dairy man ago- j AW Baby » «km »ml j«.«]p preaerved and '» i — A rural editor Inning i n se Tied tiie TXTTT V f H V K n tt K C . 5 no. «ut the bees ¿ I MONTGOMERY WARD & CO! B A L S A M » / U L Which I* pHric,pally in the hand* b r“ n u '’ " 1 hT ^ t ' * , k . s.. ,r *» pai agrajih “ Mrs. Blank is a very pietty I f U L M U i A A l i i 111-11-4 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111 ! klffMKV I'xisis. H m . kacheand VI -akiu-, a acpvaioa aauanv ma S i o i o a w- & e n s . 'j ! 2 L 5 T M ^ ' ‘ 1 1 mi I cnin s..;i, is k n ow s foe A ar*(ltqrt m . v i Hi « » A own n m ib s ii nredtn ( - ti m i P I' ain iin tn .. sth wom an, but she can ’ t a ct,” received K HAM It H l*R A »R A wkeowledsed Uw ^Jpt inin • H H ff roU fx ^ n c« ot c\ Culle - Hence of the butter, blitter, cream uml an.t | i » T fiashaUaMn« pala-rahduina piaster. Mr. S I E I N W A Y . H the fo llo w in g reply from the lady’, COUGHS, COLDS. IHCIPIEHT tOUSUMmow the ex A I I», ivabi -, H<>. n:^h u i »'tat cm, R'ifdftt O a m b^od brnrumrete b “ that a « , u m anager»: *T>e»r sir: You have veej •••id * )«I* t.' k r \o t ( r . a t a , wi la which send* to market. Through A L D SO R E kj S 4 ilia AND LC ER S w iw, *'sw . of Kh*«l M-Àdic Mtd Hoolm Hoi.it* . .~ " P j n«i«i h> a ll I i iV n ra u g a f cU lui« far Mi w*. I. it ami lir*»*dth .«# iwautlful m l whisker«, but you can’ J R CATES A CO •* LT 1 Alìa °* WWW fati*, kj itaés t# J. P. #«.*•«* ai B m ì M ìu •»M-t. Son TraoHarr roor...t» ««, J * * « increasing demand ~ -, _ _ „ _ - è m* l. ( I %rt*M* -V. rwwta r.octLarv *4 I IfT e*iit a newer. Your«, John Iks-.' u s curl t o n cnN'utM) r n k H T M a s w a r M L » A S r S A M l M O fo r the produca <4 tu» I’ lMt L *u r**U ’t 0S6 SllT Rfi‘ Ic itlB £ ROllfir COHlIJOSltlGll — iU * . P. N. U. I ésg** c —» *. > » «. ' , The Van Moncii I - O