where a platform and seats were mi- pro vims I, and all »sudd hear. The aildress lasteil two hours and the best INtldMicd Every Saturday. &Y. o f attention was given during the en­ tire delivery. It was remarked by L. titwn of Monraoutli U situateti in thè ni' thè rie!»est i>urt of l‘<>lk coiwty. m any, that it was the finest effort nilie snuth of thè oi.unty »vnt, Dalla.-, they had ever h in n l. The orator did ______aiul .un-Itali' mili-* w.«t . .f theth riv - .Of 0f Iwdcpeiidcni ...... . 1 not s[« ak of the democratic party in of "Vi r K«> Mio l"' «ti"lt ¡- i* term s that any one could take ol ■ fu i otto, «il a rid i rolliug prairie, ami Timral hoalthl'uli.aw, thè «ite is all tli.it fciisc at; and hi> argument did Iris, j be »li-ircl. Monmoutli otTen» inuny up alive. The s[»eeeh was closed b\ uiiittlio’» '' •( « t« in i • ! a'i usi any cn- uriànvttc'ltoi "iifi‘r witli ouroiti/.i u* [laying a iM’autifid and touching trib 1, 33, N O . 14. li i «Je to the ladies, and the crowd was and dismissed. After the dose the speuk- Evsryt- ^ ^ P lio n -l'itv u:i. v. . :Uitul of farmers in town this w'eek. u n ." er was surrounded bv the crowd c ’’ A G R IC U LT U R A L. llein en ibcr the closing entertain­ anxious to -bake hands with hin f Obicrver finir nuintli» l'or óttets. ment of the public school Ju n e sth. The band of tld* phut» \v;J,S(g| 1 2fij ; Th« ling of General Interesólo a Devoted to the Interests of Farmen Decoration day was appropriately music at the grange pii.SA. oU“ en Condensed Fora. linsines» Mention. and Stockmen. observed in many o f the valley towns, • Grove on the Hth and !•*$[ jo .,. [ j2 | ; w orks. Af I, T. Mamili tlio »kiitint, ut Dalla». A num ber from here attended the A little son of I.vioHKs«L'. A rth ur W ilson, o f the printing The fall wheat is now heading out. 1 be wife and child of Hon. J . cream that lias been recently removed hors*»* when0 tic fi4 o0 «i 15 00. \ T di Minowav A Cooper hardware meti In»l • [jrnl of ( ’rollli« ‘ A W ilson, Salem • ’ Fro R cnm Burnett, of Douglas county, are very j from the milk. rom every t»ve w here in th i com ity on tin- s i g ‘ ¿ V ' Brass, 1 Dei , 11 sick. enee. Q paid the O i s e u v k r office a call comes the encouraging words o f a seven A gxai deal is said about the ‘‘dairy WO'.lO ; Ri ll CloVlT, ^ ’ O fill* latest in the jew e lry line at Tuesday. W. I \\ ataon, of Toledo, fell from , form” of the cow. But it must not be tine crop prospect. 1 Î__ Patnnt »*.x11* x .1 » h..Urtine» on wll.r-l. bn v s . «."»Vine» itry l ’atterson’s. for granted that every »»gular Decoration day, Ma\® 30th, P re s Monmouth is a town o f [.leasant ent ist rv first class wofk done hv I. '1 ■ a good milker, and every smooth, 8il« Stanley fkvored the students with a homes. W here a people take u pride o it at llalla.*. it-lined cow a poor one. In» 1 very practical m em orial address at in their homes it betoken- tie’ r-.iu.t-. "il-. Vana-!' a' H. H. I‘.t!tev-"i. - t the hen is set and process of the t’httpfl exercises. prosperity but content tion begun, it is desirable that P#P- W e acknowledge a pleasant call ig disturb the hen. Every pre- A lady in this vil* ei,ton A Truitt, the lending m en liant» o f las, look at their stock before going else this week from Messrs. II. T . H atch, thirteen eggs, • n should be taken to keep her ( steadily until time for the eggs Mi’Oioy, Jon ath an Stouffer, of Balls- chickens hate’ 1 f o r tine w atch w ork go to U. X . ~ O oh. ton, and F ran k Butler o f Syracuse. ‘•egg-anil ” fau t a t II . B . d ’a tterso n ’s. ording to some experiments re­ G. J , Tetlrow starts n ex t Monday ¡ The fh(. finest line "filiv— L’ .,"O > V,TI'MUL'ht made in Holland, cattle fed on |l’"lk county are to bo , iA at C. d. <’ >a I > u:i his visit to Ohio, Illinois and ’ NV itli other ft»od increased in live Peiinsyl van®. li e will be gmiVtwo t more than those fed with en- i new store Dallas. those fed with eu ilago til goods will he sold at < (¡. fow l's new m onthPand we \vislQtim0 a pleasant ->r, norc and better butter, o. Dallas, at pril l’s that defy com petition, t i p . r, saudv^oil should not he left tm >li,.nld not miss the ......... .. i " < xam iiic W illard A dkins is cam|iing ou titrated”" Carefully prepare the Is stock beftg pan haaing ci-. win • the L uckiainute Falls now, with Wv to buckwheat, and plow the Hood man and Doutv have four hope of deriving some benet* vheat under when I lie crop is iu Davis” sewing lnaclmit s, which m . In thi* way the h H ' u j i ley tire otfering O cost for the n e x t health. W e wish he m ay re ally l.e made productive, O lirty days in order to elos * them good result. aw stakes around a young tree, it )t. * They are iirst class, call and 1 “ A m i9iU ‘r I^ tb e fri9ndsa*i Barbed wire wrapped around the them . O o . j M unihy gave jg|m a plea *, will protect trees from animals, H.l S. WaterUouso haa n füll li ■ of peints pri-Vone evening last weck -T i this method fruit trees may )>e il tülj*, k ’ ivc hiiü a f üll. ed in a field given up to stock. joyable evening was passi ¿o to aeö the opening new gootla at the Qhrmn or buhach will kill the itO und playing games. w störe at Dalja*. tree W'jyns. With a bellows I lev. B ^ O of III i ' O - ’ 1 Thos.0 liaiiS!'>ekJ at theOFarm ers t^jc powder into the nests (or lnpply TtepoMir»' nohby and chea[>. excellent sermon here ter four o’clock in the afterc —the later the better— foi°tbe C. (i. Coad is closing ottt the bankrupt Mr. Boggs is near so y sQ iD then be in the nPsts. The •k of goods lutely brought to Dullus holds up well in bis « o O O o © 011 &.& them instantly. licy arc all fe st da— g"'«!* aml tuU-t l.e , |,it|s fair vet to SJietlk {©ti££liould uot be in the same Did. Mrs. F . S. Harzee *ii every season. By having | (io and sec tile bankrupt st ick o f g.n>< ..Pat ! V ict^ R i, are sojourn 0 0 o movable much valuable manure alias. They imtst he »old in the n e x t 60 I Marion county. M i- ©cured from the saturated lays. Now is the time to pet go«"I bargains, Ifj'ouud the old sites, while the sp en d t P ‘ m o O p a r t ivery pair O ’d WH>' guaranteed. V> to frflwh places will greatly Stiecftcles pry> rlv idctis-eil and " U b bu itd- A d r ote cleanliness and health. keciirately fitted at H en ry Uatter-Ou’s. jl.o iit Salem . B not best in gjanting young or- Every pair warranted. No tito m ' ° S. W . P. Bi«© tn s to trust to laU’ls or to memory. late. Q ay fail. Tiie o^Jy sure way to m em orial sermon t M e -r s Barzeo & Bobertsrm :ir«‘ fill last Sunday. O il trees are planted is to n<* ui> their Monmouth store With a V record at the time of laying I ^ * . .. i ........... ...... - ».kl..,.. I Ine line o f goods; ¡iinonj oth er that city united in xh.Qd out in a map and murk- things we notice a nice lot of Wall MurgatjOyd read n tli0 t eacli vari©y. ^ .a p e r , CD 1’ow ellPte tir»t [ira ©oliiplying very scarce and dear lies of [Hitutoes, gardeners plant You can get firP class c c d P shill- the closing prayer yes in hot beds eHrly, placing in fles from Goodman and Douty, In- ty voices led tbOs toil, and from each eye will get vénd em e. ¿vas decorated ta- O d plants. These may be set out llert!*v Patterson lias Just received i ,„„[ draped in e i q n ground, and cultivated . new* stock of a ll^ ie latest tlQV.’i « . - n n|' Bev. I f out as potatoes planted in t) e in tl. ‘ jew elry line. .No ol«fego<.,|s in q w&y. ids stock. Drop in and exam nO 1,1' ' ■> O ere are a good many cattle com- them . 1” v^ h n ‘Pt ut of their barns and stables this [ Shellv and Y..mluvn arc in the lc;i 1 w : ’ '¡ o n to o u r P O g with tiie hair rubbed off in • iStlic largest largest stock o f general merchandise o '* the I « i n k o f ° ‘r0 ■ndepcüdenóu. Th«& coiu[*re , with Qlaces. Whether it be barn ™.....epeiidei-. *..... prices r . ■the times and all goods are warranted hrst moistened ey or some other minute parasite, of thOfeeling: ¥ela*s. O Id fashioned cure is tiie best : I to Dalla- ami get the advantage» ^ th c ler and Drd well «applied, This l)U|jng tl low pr:0 ' . that the new stin-k of goods arc is all of them. ° l.c9,g closcl out at. This is the first time j ers «O 1 ap a sample of sweet cream is di- in Polk county that new eo,..t> uere c\, © work on t> , and both parts are kept at a K sold O 0 hea’O ron, 1 A. H / n *ble temperature for ripening, vj Now is your time. (J he air is excluded from one and T he “OslMirm?” mower has an im -O c. Pentiti kJ e x p o s u r e given to the other, rovement tins year vyltjch is lar t^rliou.-^ O prov O J im set S jjn le y wm sour at the same time, but [ alleati of anything. Call >i aind O them at Goodman and Doiny’s In ­ Ö : will only 1« increased in tiie O I »OttglJft xposed to tiie air. Churning the dependence. O O O o .arts will show thi* Thousands ofladh -c.y it '0tiielK.»st they B . e pcp[>eriiiint growers of Wayne ever lis ts i. mean the White sewing and O ty, N. Y., where three-fourths of machin.s— you will find them at Duster «V 'orld’s oil is produced, are com­ Vernons, Independence, l.rick block.O O ing tiiat the prospects this »ea- Dr. Waterhouse of th^ |>latv lias made ire the worst for twenty years, some rtOarkal.le cures of laid case» of © ran say tiiat Japanese oil is now be- chronic female complaint; lie cure» every 4 Vi. jld in America at such rates that case, even after physicians have given them# *'■ 1 O © inner large profits from tiie busi- © O up. CorresiKindence solicited. O are grea’.ly lessened. Parties contemplating building, wi'l -tic- Ot not now trim shrubbery that © us on 1 ist year’s wood, if you de- Well to ronsult Burzee and P.ol>crt»nn, oc © d.undance of 11 >wers. The best © CD d Pie prices on sliingles, sasl. and d.s.r-. ^ is to cut out the old and weak Note the following specialthep immediately after llowering. A Shelly A V’antluyns: 4d inch ‘‘ikffroliusing ious thinning, if too large and dcr skirtin g, Newport scnrl's, tli7- a head remains, will improve chinilc cord, fancy ornom Woodman’s and MO Mil CAA IME IM MUi, AM «A »IM. — pounaeu oui e.ixo wan a nanu mor- i me quality of the flowers, but to cut et high, causing death. Ins appointed a committee to prose­ U eaM rih ,etc. jieo. it hti-. ... , . —We believe no or.e has yet secured tar in one day, and think they have back the whole head is not the best cute him in the Hupreme Couit. .. ...............................„ „ a , , . , , » j » an instantaneous photograph of a kiss, plently of that kind of rock way in America. self binders -lmuhl .• .11 *el / ^ n y , , « » n , . allot . . Ins . wile in . tiie , i A former employe of the California ’Cause why? 'Cause the old lingering A new depot and warehouse is The garden »houli! be near the il„l.m „ *“ t U Southern railroad named Ix»ng was variety is more popula/ . —Burlington \ building at Central Point for the (). A bouse but free from shade. new “ Osborne” at Gt proiidbead Dniatllit :i»l ne8,i. a 11 ])eat Set no Death was instantaneous in Douty’s, Indejienden^ I direct p Ibt.tli casts. ' caught in the act of misplacing1 a Free Frets. C. railroad. The building will be 20x trees of any kind in the kitchen gar The cam e of the tragedy switch in the yards at National City, m any new lm jirovi —Landlord»—“ T re called to tell you, 60. »nd contains an office, waiting den. Have it laid out so that as much tircly new road Cal., autl arrested. It is claimed he n ru r tl’iJR ' wat‘ **>*- idget, that I’m going to raise your room * nartly turn the combination of the caps” have never been oat of favor. attempted murder of Charles Thomas, „( water »prayed over the trees jnst coast, dropped dead of heart disease Aak the bartenders. — Boston Globe. safe. two weeks since. They are now in before blossom buds shall open, then at Alameda, Cal. Deceased who was — “How would I advise you to be­ custody. The Smiths arc enemies of a »[.raying of soap emulsion two weeks William Kein iston, an old faimer a member of the Masonic order, is J . G. ( raw rord of ( •• ‘' the n o s- 1,1 North Booth Bay, Maine, was nim- about 56 years of age, and a widower. gin?” responded aa old aetsr to an as­ the Thomaae», and are supposed to be later, with a third spraying about pirant tor stage glorias. “Well, the leaders of the vigilance committe June 10th, will effectually destroy the tM ’s gallerv of Albm«|’ dered by Llewellyn (juimbjr, aged 20. A three-story brick building owned best plan is to begin like a good din­ saorn to exterminate them or make , cureulio, as well as kill leaf lice, aphis The murderer was captured after a gallery ut thi- place ffc* them leave the country. til the 12th of Ju n e desperate fight, during which he re- by toe Hliaron estate, and occupied by ner; with the supa.*'—V. T. Trxbune. and other injurious insects. »yed in of taking the gnulii Bennett camp, No. 8, Indian War ceived a severe scalp wound from a the Wert Coast Furniture Co., burned There are in America over 4 000,000 —The milky way— “ Hoi’ on. bey' Hodges, of »hot fired by A. H. Kenniston, his at 8 an Francisco. klnils o f [ihotogm The loss to the Don’t put no water in dem cans to­ Veterans, near Halem, have elected tl e farms, large and small. They cover and out rlot.r vl building is estimated at f5G,000. Tint day. Fill 'em np wld snew. Dal's d# following officers: John G. Wriglu, nearly $0000,000 acres of improved "he childn n victim’s son. views will be » Jtl A terrible tragedy is reported from Furniture Co.’s loss is $15,000, insur- tame oelor aa da milk, an' ws must be captain; Joh n Savage, first lieutenant; land, and their total value is »ome.hing quite a pnunptness. W O-ceola, Ark. A widow named Allen ante $10,000. A finely wrought cabi- N. R. Doty, second lieutenant; T. C. [ike $10,000,000,000. These figures clai** work. P I« llk lirtn k . It was ravi*hed and murdered, and her net intended to hold cereals to be sent jes aa hones' as ws kin, wheasver we Shew, orderly sergeant; K. H. Piper, are not, of course, veiy comprehensive, gitde chanoe.” — Harper's Baser. W e use the in l! en a great 16 year-old boy and 10-year-old girl to the Hydney exposition from this commissary sergcantj_ l>. C. Thomas, They simply convey the idea of vast­ and cun m ake ing on the were fatally injured, by four mis- State, and valued at $2.000, was de —The old adage is good in these color bearer; Wm. Town»end, muai ness of area and equal vast ness of im­ cloudy weather them leaves creanta. Four young white farmers »troyed. The furniture factory of A. days of progress and innovation: “De cian . E. J . Chambers, corporal of the portance. The estimated value of the in Monmouth on _____ M jp the piir]M»M» of mu •• ju n ip up, who attended a dance in the neigh­ Johnson, and the carpenter shop of not be the first by whom the new is guard; delegate»’ to tiie state encamp- yearly products of these farms is Ini- C’R\wi»nd Atrike the borhood Saturday night have been ar­ John Cuff, adjoining, were damaged teiod, nor jo t the ieet ta m it the old *vient, krank U, Hmith and T. C tween $2,000,000,000 and $3,000,000,- Shaw. to the exteut of $1 000. rested on suspicion. 000. « lore paws. astila Iiaiy, k County Observer. Personal Mention. E »S. CattlOll Went to 1’ortluJUl 1 u- day. J . ( !. Crawford, the artist o f Al­ bany is doing our town. Mr. Hauglunun who left here for Faster» Orogon u few weeks ago re­ turned W ednesday. lio n , W arren T iu itt uddmved the republican elub very acceptably last Tuesday night. Prof. 11. F , M ulkey, whose school closed at MeCoy last week, was in town two days this week. H on. X . I„ llutb r, of lhdlas, fa- vored our town with his genial senee Thursday evening. General Sheridan’s sickness con- ! tinues very serious and his death may lie expected at any tim e, lllilli: AM* H ER EA BO U T*. Gardens are lodging w ell. A tine shower Wednesday night. Present Indications do not |Hiint to a dry spell. The shower is welcomed by the gardens. The erops in Southern Oregon are suffering for rain. W e acknow ledge visits from most all the oandiilates this week W e have noticed a large num ber 53SERVER. 1888. »REGON NEWS. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O 1«SFJ o o o o o o o o o o