C o u nty S3SERVER. MONMOUTH. POI.K COUNTY, ORKGON. SATURDAY VOL. I. W hile fighting a grass fire at Car­ lton, Ohio, Mrs. Hasan Hess was ned to death. T E L E G R A P H IC . • t Kjrttoat dl« Pmap»] Kreoti Ne« T he production of pig-iron in the Attracts« Ptbk luterai United States in 1887 was 6.417 148 gross tons, the largest in the history Seven persons were killed by a col­ of the country. lision on the Wabrsh, Haunibal A Ht. Jo« railway, near Kansas City, Mo. T he richest child in America is said J. T. Htroope, of Junction City, be May Hharplt ss, a liule miss of 9 Texes, was brutally murdered by two rs, who is worth 19,000,000 in her unknown persons. rn right. Ex-Gov. Leon Abbett, of Richard Mitchell, employed in slid Mew Jersey, is her guardian, her father ing logs in Provo canyon, Utah, was killed, being struck by a log. being dead. _____________ W m . M c P herson , of Greene County, Ohio, has four young h< gs that can't ir it thunder. They will tand per­ tly still while a gun is fired right L* r their heads. Th6^ have no ears nd no signs of any, though in other pects they are well shaped pigs. f. I t is said that Mommsen, the histor- of the Romans, when walking along the streets of Berlin, keeps his es fixed on the ground and pays no Mention to the salutations of those uaintances who meet him. H e is in his 71?t year. Mrs. Elixa Lewis, an aged woman and her three grandchildren were smothered to death in a house at Cleveland, Ohio. At Ashland? Wis., Wm. Andrews shot and killed his wife. He then shot himself, but not fatally, but fiu- ished the tragedy drawing a raxor across his throat. James Dobie, a middle aged English­ man, shot and faOtlly wounded Miis wife at a hotel in Pullman, 111. She had I*-ft him several months ago on account of his general worthlessness. A rolhsfcn occurred betweeu a pas­ senger and freigjy. train, tweuTy milos from Barcelona, ¡Spain. Three persons were killejJ and forty-six injured, sev ■ M is s E liza B liss , of Rehobath, eral of »¿iom have diefl. Conn., invited an applicant for charity W m . J. McF^yland, of Cleveland, into her liouse the other dayO While Ohio, quarreled with his wife, while ■he was preparing food the tramp ander the influence of liquor. Iu iris fury he drew a revolver, shot his wife ■Eng, “ Nearer, My God, to Thee,” and and three-year-old daughter, afiff then at the same time stole the lady’s shot himself. A ll are d(pd. pocket-book aud $25 from the bureau A barn belonging to A. IB. ForboP, drawer. and located on W e® Moftroe street, C ficigq , burned. Seventy hoC>es A plaster cast of a fossil°egg, were suffooated, and several people found in the tertiary strata of the barely escaped wit& tSff'ff lives. 1’ljp lain nd of Madagascar, the original of loss is about $ 24000 . 0 SergVfct Japies $ ’ hiCb, of Company ich was in flie Paris Academy of itences, belongs to the National C, stationed a t^ o r . Qjbson, I. T., met with a fatal accident Hp wrfji bold seum at Washington. It ir thirty- iug a stake ig his haed, wften a hi©vo four and one-half inches one way and kicked at him aud drove the Qako through his^jody. H e d iid iijytantly. twenty inches the other. A cyclone swept over BrowOt<0i, " A bout 2,500 words are all that are Texas, destroying Gie MRHJDdoff. Ifcip- WPed in ordinary talking and conver- tist and C ougregianoil charcl®« and dwolliugs. person wa- Mtion, although there are some 20,- eight v , . r • One , j. non , • V u °kdltHl, and eight, incleaiiHX 000 words in the English language. and county record», wrl und of water from 174 degrees Fah- her inft.tntly. weapon to Iris own h£& ]££ nlieit to a freexing point, or to cool Hiding a ¿fital wound. J' 2 pounds of water one degree. the cause. Three ch ijii nine to eighteen y ^ rs T he city of Liverpool is to be sup- The «teaftihip ied with water from a reservoir in o left Colon 0 I r aletP which is to be four and one- on Old .*<' , station o lf miles long l© a half mile to a ma. f»y tr was fci in se ile broad, an 1 eighty feet deep _ .1 here will be three lines o f pipe, each sel U' . 'V weatJtbr s,('rn Ria ^-'I'Dat ty-eight miles long, with fll&ring at 1 ••rc.*moud> Va- o ’ s and sec^pdary reservoirs. The mi I ‘ .he Southern I y èm inary, of tl qugduct alone will cost $15,000,000. In, 'fesident, vice D M ortar made in the following man­ or will stand if used in almost all rts of weather. One bushel of un- ktd lime; three bushels of sharp u d ; mix one pound of alum with e pint of linseed oil, and thoroughly ix this with the mortar when mak- In* it, and use hot The alum will Counteract the action of the frest on the mortar. i ()■• gemination of E O mil hroat, dissipates icoverO-Tlie though the he « « able strength, h< b .i- nil au early dea Ci.s , 'oomington, W. V- "(■sane man, ft O kii. 11 is Bougliner, A o the hid, seizing lii c*8l| fi *d struggle, tin hN* infect high, caik o lilt ^tes Turner, a iss A lmbda T a f t , of Sadorus, 111.^ , y City, Penn., shot Abo o ■ im » canary » bird " h that •■•■»* snores. -- an,j tju.n nhot *wo o’clock one morning its snoreiid j)eilt), W:lg j,w me so loud as to arouse the I Is-th cam s. Thecau-o< old. The bird being awakerjr Jg j was jealousy. Fire in the medicalpt oise instantly ceased. Thr a “e bird regards it now a lt.( • |,eard the university at 11 l stroyed many valut al canary, and the neiglk:^, Tlie specimens, wax mc. ex Htate Treasurer Wiol, fell dead iron ‘ t spring gnu for goplftrs, and while After the hen is set aud process of tU-e of the whole, a wagon, of bean iliaeiJe, at Haora $4 00; plaining its operation to a friend loot -iucubetion begun, it is iLsirnble that I ho.ise. >Uer' meuto, Cal. o one of his thumbs by Qts unexpected nothing disturb the hen. Every pre- Senate bill grautit Turner pQrdum, while fi-hing on 1 discharge. caution should be taken to keep her thrmigh9he Crow I some rocks a mile south oj Suita G. W. Duncan, a prominent citizen setting steadily until time for the eggs to the Billings, Claoll, j>er pound. Cruz. Cal., was washed off by the surf ¡City Railroad Conj2Ui inferior of Staytou, who sutlcrtQ severe in- | to hatch. and drowned. juries by fulling from a step-ladder According to some experiments re- A committee w some days since, is not expeeted^to re­ ccnllv made in Holland, cattle fed 9u iug the committ^n, 16culd not be left street by a runaway team, died from The X! illy prepare the the effect of bis injuries at Sin Fran­ sTTin ar o iat, and jrlow the o cisco. cu n O eu the crop is iu A brakeman named J. F. Brown o O the laud may waa killed while walking on top of a o reductive, o Û o freight train Hi SuffiinitjOOal. Bro$fP ul a young tree, o o was caught und^r a snowslij)), ifJIB t\i]i ipped aiVuiul the top of his he&l was takeft off. •ees from animals, o uit trees may t>e Henry Petersoft, of S.iO QrqjTpfJ f •en 1 ^ to stuck, and fPra. Payne, of VickQia, 9 « o ach will kill the have signal articlA for a With a bellows maU’ h at Victoria, on JuQe ^ o ■ to the nests (or course, tlire^ miles and tJiQ. & in the after- sta kfc of $»2,150. PO ffsflP 0 • le better— for I f t $5160 for tfltptmaw. u in the nests.O The Wm. Ittirns, a youn^j ^ m inst^itly. dJlO FraiO'ffon, vflQjl o i l ) lot be in IhOsame laoS on the Iff^y 03 J> a ison. o *!.v having h & not begjj scdJi tJTO h valuable manure o d rift® tOffl'C-o rom Jjie saturated iJp-rOn. It (Ji o d sihw, while the cffit of tlcPKf^iCPy ■laces will greatly JJt-b O O t ' u O o 1 and health. fftood ^(¿12 ilauQng young or- throat cot. J iMU or to memory, o coam itaSbfD e only sure way to eqry. IL c . d are planted is to io B,q2no the time of laying driaft {10 a map aud murk- o CQ-ly litO o iriety. C .® ery scarce and dear o cat? >», gardeners plant Iwearly, placing in o each eye will get o iese may bo set out ml, and cultivatid jdanted in tl 0 o In a h.sehall game at Monterey, Cal., John Tymau, while running basis, i^ppcd and fell, b rak in g bis and ti-lM ee t-i.w .na, c. Oo 41 o o o o o o o o o o CO o o o u o o o o o o o o o o o o o o G) u CO o o o o o o o o 0 o a wooden structure, was j z is u irei iu The reason of this is because the place dimensions, and was literally blown to is never there after the first strike.— pieces. The men being at dinner, Drake'* Mugaiine. ’ there was no loss of life. — ' ‘Night-caps are coming into favor H. 8. W ieeler. recently employed again," aay the fashion journala Bless by the government in the construc­ those innocent fashion writers; “ night­ tion of lighthouses on the Oregon caps" hare never been out of favor. coast, dropped dead of heart disease Ask the bartenders. — Uotton Globe. at Alameda, Cal. Deceased who was — "How would I advise you to be­ a member of the Masonic order, is gin?" responded an old actor to an as­ widower. pirant for stage glarioo. "W ell, the *"■ * “ i * The murderer waa captured after a I A three-story brick building owned best t plan Is to begin like a good din- desperate fight, during which he re- by the Sharon estate, and occupied by •er ; with th« aup«."— if. T. Tribune. reived a severe scalp wound from a the Wert Coast Furniture Co., burned —The milky way— “ Hoi’ on, boy' shot fired by A. H. Kennirton, his at San Francisco. The loss to the Don't put no water In 4am cans to­ victim's son. building is estimated at $50,0(X). T h « day. Fill 'em op wld snow. Dat’ s ds A terrible tragedy is reported from Furniture Co.’s loss is $15,000, insur- iirae cel or aa ds milk, an’ we must lx M honai' as we kin, wneaaver we Orccola, Ark. A widow named Allen unce $10,000 A finely wrought cabi- 1 • / .1 »4 KkAMKMfe 1 KB ft. . VVA A Bt ft ! * .. _ — _ was ravished and murdered, and her net intended to hold cenwls to be sent git de chanoe. — Unrptr » Dntmr. 16 year-old boy and 10-year-old girl to the Sydney exposition from this $2,000, was de - 1 —The obi adage Is good In these were fatally injured, by four mis­ 1 State, and vs creants. Four young white farmers stroyed. The furniture factory of A. days of progress and Innovation: "D o who attended a dance in the neigh Johnson, and the carpenter shop of not be the first by whom the n«w is borhood Saturday night have been ar John Cuff, adjoining, were damaged triad, nor >et U m last to uesl th« wld to the extent of $1 000. aside ' - • , rested on suspicion. u o o. l manywcattle com rns fiul Htublcs th9i hair rubbi-d oil' in ^bother it bo barn ir minute parasite, O re is the best . veil applied. This 1 . sweet cream is di­ arts are kept at a iturO for ripening, udiC from one and given to the other, lie Hanio time, but >e 1 Q j rested in the e air. Churning the w this. t growers of Wayne ere three-fourths of produced, are com- proKpects this sea- st for twenty years, wnese oil is now be­ es at such rates that iroliUi front the busi- ewened. trim shrubbery that ar’s wu>®, if you de- f fl iwers. The best tiie old and weak y after (lowering. A ig, if too large and mai^f, will improve a flowers, but to cut lead isOnot the best should be near the mm shatle. Set no j in the kitchen gar- id out so that as much may be done by horse- ’ loam is the best soil O hies. Use no green o srden. The standard od. Use s o <1 ashes from the house. The l in gardening, ns in appointed by the company. courtship lies in sm ill attentions fre­ A warrant was sworn out before quently aud steadily bestow, d. Justice ^yons of Fox Valley, Linn Mr. D. B Widr, says he nas solved county, charging Mart Smith, his the problem of the plum cmeulio. A brother, and another man, whose mixture of on ...... . of l*aris green, name could not lie learned, with the ! or London purple, and sixty gallons attempted murder of Charles Thomas, ' of water sprayed over the trees jnst two weeks since. They are now in l»«fore blossom buds shall open, then custody. The Smiths are enemies of a spraying of strap emulsion taro Weeks the Thomases, and are supjxrsed to be later, with a third spraying about leaders of the vigilance committe June l