7 V P olk C ounty O bserver , VOL. MONMOUTH, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 26 . 18 .HS. Emperor William left a p> rsonal for- BRtune of 112,500,000. TELEGRAPHIC. O' COAST CULLINGS. OREGON NEWS. NO. a g r ic u l t u r a l . EAST I N DI AN M Y THS, Wh«*r*> llerodotua »ml Other Aiclenl Devoted Principally to Washington Everything of General Intereet In a Devoted to the Interest« of Fanners Writers Found Their Fable*. A ll the accessary papers for the in Epitimi of the Principal Eventi Vow Territory and California. The Greek* aoceptad, without hesi­ Condensed Form. and Stockmen. B lraasfcr of the Lick observatory to the Attracting Public Inleresl tation, (he talcs shat were told of runn without new**«, and wiih two orifice* ^ b tu te university have been prepared, ThiunliiK Fruit. Jacob Poort, a sailor on the schooner Weston will soon have a r.c w flour­ abovo tho rnoutli, for the porjHMW of As there is a prospect of a large crop lijk force of men will put on four hj - ing mill. Black Diamond, at Antioch, Cal., while Nicholas Di li r, ex-Treasurer of hreatliiDg, which, it has born niggrsN- of fruit, seasonable suggestions are in scraping the mast on the vessel, fell a •rJdraulic rams, and as soon as this is Iioranne township, O., is short f35,- A new cheese factory has just been order and hints for management of ed, may have been an unco luscious distance of fifty feet and was killed. 000. start »1 near Marshfield, Coos county. B u m 1 the university will take charge fruit may be of use to some who are caricature of the Mongols, say* a W e . Livingston, a miner at Vir­ Tom Kooney, a negro iarm hand, Another chicken with his crop full not experienced m the business. All writer referring to the fables of the old ginia, New, died of blood poisoning, was hanged by a mob at Bowling of gold is reported from Wasco county. trees, in good bearing years, have a Greek historian*. The pigmies, only He was suspected of produced by ulceration of the jaw fol­ T he other day at Fresno, Cal., a Green, Ky. Forest Grove and Hillslniro creamer­ tendency to over-produce, un£ many throe spans in height, who were lowing the extraction of a decayed ies are in good running order and times are greatly harmed by haviug warred upon be cranes and by part­ ( ewe gave birth to three lambs, two poisoning a farmer’s stock. too'h. Miss B. A. Minims, a young lady j prove a great convenience to those too much fruit left to grow and mature. ridges as largo as geest', may have Tahiti' and one hl.uk as the are of from Edgewood, S. C., has arrived at I An inquest was^eld at Los Angeles, who have cows within a reasonable Ov« r bearing is sure to injure the tree, hern Qi dwarfish ruce, dwelling in rhibs. When the mother saw this off­ Pendleton to take »position as teacher Cal., on tTie body of Peter Walters, distance. by weakening its productive jniwer wood* and at the foot of mountains, who died from the effects of a snot color offspring, she stamped on and in the Umatilla Indian school. mid its vitality. The value of fruit who earned a precarious livelihood a* The 15-year-old daughter of George fired by his wife Bridget. OThe jury butted the poor little fellow until it At Elyra, Cincinnati, Jas. Smith, 20 returned Kennedy, owner of tl>$> foundry at depends on its size and flavor. A bowmen and trappers. with a verdict charging her years old, beat liis wife, five years his ! Corvallis, eloped from her hone in bushel of Urge peaches will sell at a vas dead. Bhutan people, whoso ears are junior, to death, because she wanted j murder. that city with some unknown man. good price, but when fruit is over­ cuorniouslx elongated by artitvdnl The trial of Jol n G. Crawford, who The parties were overtaken at I nth* crowded on the tree it is worthless, as A n Aromatic gas txtinguisher has t q go to a dance. shot and killed Martin VanBuren pendenee, Polk county, and the girl it lacks size and flavor. You have a means, may have Doen represented aa Eighteen Cuban farmers have been j lately been patented by Joseph Heroux a tribe whose ears reached to the Burke at San Francisco, closed,Oand wOi taken home by her father. lot of inferior fruit, and the tree that ground, and which wore otherwise so Df Yamachiche, Canada, which shuts arrested at KeyJVVesi., Cuba, and are the juryOeturned a verdict of guilty, bore it is weakened and injured. The now in Colon«* Fort at Hefana, fixing the penalty at imprisonment The Truckee Lumber Company haa hung that their owners would ooil Automatically when the gas is extin- charged with being kidnappers. bought the sawmill of Smith A Sons, true way to do is to carefully thin the.i solves up and go to sloop in them. for life. _ fruit us soon as • it has fairly set, and Hkuished. The mechanism used i- at Tillamook, and will immediately in­ VP William George was hung in the swift ru iners wh > could run downo The First regiment United States crease its capacity and run it night has gained sufficient size to show that Tho Hbased bn the limal expansion of penitential^ of Columbus, Ohio, for a hur-io might havt found their ana­ purchased two it will hang on. A lively picker will logues within quite a recent period Tia the murder of James Scott in Noble Infantry, Col. Shatter commanding, anu day. They Have metals. O n go over a tree in a short time and thin ami a battery of artillery, have ae- i large vessels in San Francisco, and ex county, in July, 1887. p it, so that his time lost will be well in- and may perhaps still find them In celled an invitation to speiqj three to do a big business. A V ienna engineer has just taken William Culbort, a saloon keeper 45 months in camp in Santa Barbara, ! vested) Even when fruit is dried, the some of the native slate*. The fable . , , ,, , . 1 It is reported that the Falls Pulp buyer discriminates in favor of large of tWd gold-digging ant, aa large as Bout a patent for a new smoke-abating years of age, of Forest City, Cal., com- ! i Company’s mill on Young’s river will ■process. By means of electricity he mitted suicide by cutting bis throat, j ( apt. Adams was shot through the ¡change hands and that the new own growth, and pays in p op^ytion. In wild foxes, h-j* been long since ex­ plained as reftrrln fto Thibetan mtn- Domestic troubles was the cause. lung, Bob Pringloin the mouth, am! ers will be tbe California Paper Com­ tlOnning, see that the p cker takes off er*. men of low stature, who inhabit «■proposes to condense the solid part of t^ie ©mill fruit, and all that are in any E. Peean©> has been arrested gjp Khoilfs in the hand, in a saloon [ pany of 8an Francisco. The new rathe smoke as it arises from the coal, .it Joseph way ¿1 shapen, or that have fungus the mntinna. Vfcf Calhoun would be utterly destroyed from town in a state of intoxication, The remains had been in the water for ers, was capsized off Peacock spit, in hangs too thick or pruning trees o\v® eyes, they ‘-bxisted, no donbt, iu the breakers. The look-out on ©lie heavily enough wlign they need it. bright colors on the inner wall* of i K n March 20, 1888. She was only one he fftl off a precipice UK) feet in bight several days. J nkina came from ft.ilay out of the way, the recent disas- and was instantly killed. After a pro­ Nashville, Tenn., was a photographer, hill discharged the signal gun, and They have to be educated to it, and p igndus, and were iutendod to depict the life-boat was soon under way, and when they have once learned their tile Kakshasa* of demons, odious alike 1 'trous cyclone there having occurred tracted search his body was found. was in company w©li a man named [Oked up DitckbuOi, his boat puller lesson they arc in condition to do well to men and gods. Such was the proba­ A party of anti-clericals came into Smith. Smith is missing. HI arch 21-t. Her prophecy is and coat, and brought them into the and make money. It is aggravating ble origin of tbe beings who were burn collision nirn a religious procession at Mr. Walden, a merchant at Wheat- cape. The net was picked up by a to see a tree die in the effort to bear corrohi.r q .I by a dozen citizens, wh without mouth* and lived on the Bancina, London. A fight arising, distinctly remember the occasion when the military was called out, and ¿he fields, A. T., was stiot at about eight fishing boat, and ©returned to Ditch and perfect the fruit that crowds its iroma of fruits ami flowers; of those miles from home by an unknown burn, but was lost again by him. own burdened branches. Theorchard- whoso foot were burned the wrong ■lie made it. ® soldiers were compelled to fire up'iu party in some brush. The shot did _____ » __ . . ist has many lessons to learn, and suc­ way, the heels beiug in front, while the Fred Hayal, a 12-year-old lad of the mob. Several persons were not tak^effect, but nftqj arriving at Grant's Pass, son of M. W. Royal, and cess in iiis occupation depends very instep and toe* were behind; of those [ A lonzo A dams , of Areadia, Lapeer killed. homo he was shot and killed, it is sup­ several other children were on a lot* greatly on his learning th«‘m well, and who bore tho head of a dog and were Hfcounty, M ichigan^iys that he put a Two young freshmen of Harvard posed, by the same party. Deceased railroad bridge which is approached1 ►practicing them to perfection. furnished with daws, who lived by leaves one daughter, now in California. ijjiiullet through the lieart of a large college, Boston Mass., John F. G. by a veQ sharp curve, Hearing a , . , , , , . hunting nnd firwIHg, and who clothod A new daily fraud has made its ap­ The body of Bernard Legrave, col­ Cogle and Charles F. Belknap, aged porcupine, which was in the top of a train ipproaching and realizing in an themselves with tlie skins of wild pearance in England under Iho name lector at San iQ.incisco, and iv highly |jjta!l tree o n his f©m, three weeks ago, 19 and 20 respectively, one the son of respected member of the French instant that the others could not get of “cheeserind.” be:i.-t*; of those who had the oar of a a prominent city official, tOo other of off the bridge in time, he pulled a • end the animal has just fallen. It a well-known merchant worth a mil | colony, was found dead on the Rail­ dog, erect hair and siiaggy breasts and Meadows that have ceasi d tu give handkerchief from his pocket and ran liung to a small branch by one of its lion dollar«, have been captorejl®while road bridge between Third and Fourth around the curve toward the train, good i'ru|M may be reu« w*d chedflily wiih one eye in bhu renter of the fortv ¡streets. It seems evident that while which he thus Otcceeded in stopping by ttffnlug the si »¡I soon afti'r cutting, head; finally of tliose without nostrils, B B iìih I t'< < t for tin- three weefc« ita death robbing a student’s locker. on his way home, he was seized with and sa On g the lives of his little com then harrow thoroughly at intervals of who devoured raw meat and all man­ grip lasted. Gas escaping in the basement of the a tit that terminated fatally. a fortnight, and before autumn rains ner of abfttninatien and «Hod in £heir panions. First National bank of St. Cloud, Durnius Moorehouse, a well-known reseed with timothy and such other routh, ungainly creatures with tho i L ewis M illsi ’ augh succeeded in Minn., exploded. The holding is a farmer liviiu/ ©few miles from Walla The railroad commission made the varieties of grass as may be suited to upper lip hanging over the lower. Of killing an otter recently, near Pleasant total wreck. • The front waa blown Walla, W. T , earn© to town with a following finding with reference to the oil and situation. no greater imp¡)rl^n<^<, are the marvel- *$?< ike. N. Y. The otter attacked Mr. across the street, shatteri 'g the build­ load of chopped feed. Ha was accom­ accident on the Portland and The Dutch are taking Holland at jus animals erroneously delineated ings on the other side. Many people panied by two young men—Lynch Widamette Valley road on March 22: as Millspaugh’s dog and whipped it in were on the ¡f?reet, and a large number the rate of eight acres a d iy. During rather than invented. such and Saling. They began skylarking, “The bflard having visited the scene of (he la«t two oentifties it is estimated, serpents with membranous wings, Jihort ordt r, and then turned on Mr. were hurt. and Moorehouse lost his balance and the accident, and having made a care­ l,000,00u,000 acres of land have been that flow by night; horses with deers’ Millspaugh, who fortunately had an At Macon, Ga., a tragedy occurred© fell beneath the wagon. One wheel ful examination of all the available reclaimed from the sea. heads surmounted by a black horn, nx and succeeded in killing it. The in which a 9-year-old boy murdered passe d over his stomach,crushing him testimony, finds that the road and the with legs without a joint, and with the India is b ^ in u in g to compete with otter measured four and one-half feet his 6-year-old brother. The children so badly that he died in thirty minutes. bridge where the accident occuired tnil of a pig; tigers twice the sine of a were properly constructed and in ChinaQii the cultivation and exporta­ lion; the pliomix. sprung from the were sons of Col. J. li. Williamson, He was 48 years old. Bn length and had a beautiful skin. tion of tea. The merchants of China O good condition; that the train was nne of the most prominent men in fivo George Drury, 8-year-old son of running at a low rige of s^ieed, and are becoAing alarmed and arc seeking ■ un’s rays, that lived its life that part of the state. They were put M rs . M aggie J unce , who lived on a to lied in the same room, when the Thomas Drury, of L iguna, Cal., was that no blame attaches to the em some means of improving China tea. ihousami years in India, an9l, singing . drowned while he and his father were ployes on board. But the managers Get a piece of land ready and grow its own dirge, die«l in its own nost of Jfarm near Lancaster, Va., was attacked oldest boy^ob^ained a shotgun J sn/H.rcliinj 5 for shells on the beach. of the road were not justified in jeo a crop of corn-fodder. Plant the seed sronflillo herbs hard by the fountains off. . pl.y a rooster while gathering ¡,m e eggs blew his brother’s . bead .. J*e There was a very heavy sea at the pardizing the lives of passengers by tmckly in the rows, use plenty o^niu- ,)f the N le. It would lie slieor waste t,©nf., an(j a large wave rolled over »nd had her hand painfully lacerated murderer acts as if he were insane. attaching passenger coaches to cars nure, cultivate often and harvest it of time to bestow farther thought upon A terrific ilcwion occurred at the them, and both were carried out. The loaded with live stock, as a sudden when the ears are in the milky stuge. he childish irryentions fathered by Bn the encounter. Two or three days The bright spring days will cause Pnilostratus upon Appollonius of Ty- ■after the occurrence the hand became pAvdcr house of the Pottsville blown- father held to the boy, but the waves crowding of cattle to one side of the were too fierce, and the boy was torn ears was the pr^iahle cause of ihe ac­ the young pigs to grow r.ipidiy. Turn una, or rather upon tiie journal of his ■inflamed, and the unfortunate woman stone quarry at Belvidere,.N. J. One from him and drifted out. Drury was man was killed, and several others them on grass as soon as they are ten fellow-tnOeleF. Danila. Q dte as little ■finally died in great pain, her death were injured. A number of houses badly bruised about the arms by being cident in this case.” weeks old, hut gradually at first, or intention is due Latin writer* who pro­ |i t is said, being due to lockjaw. were wrei ke 1 and considerable prop­ dashed on the rocks. It will fessed to havo derived their iuformo- PORTLAND rH O nC C K I I A H K K T . they may have Che scours. erty was destroyed The report was cost hut very little to raise a few pigs iou from Indian morrliauts settled at Mix train robbers, supposed to be B utter — A W est P oint (Neb.) bridegroom is heard twenty miles away. Four hun­ MexicansQ attacked the south bound Fancy roll, g fb ... 40 if they he given the privilege of a Alexandria, or from apocryphal em- dred kegs of giant powder exploded. small grass plot and fed twice a day. O regon..................... ba sics supposed to have been dis- 8onara train as it was standing at a Upending bis honeymoon in jail. A The explosion was caused ) y a work­ Ü0 % In ferio r g rad e . . . . Shropshires are quite siQiilar in lyjM' tatched by Indian King* to Roman small station called Agua Harcu, N. I party of young men went to give the man diopping a keg*bi powder. P ic k le d ................... 27* t and general character to the Houth- Emperors. In mors than one of thoso M. The robbers opened fire and kill« d C alifornia roll . . . . 1 newly-married couple a charivari, down, but have darker faces and legs, romances allusion Is made to the load­ Conductor Atkinson, do p ic k le d ................. An iron tank containing 15,000 bar- the fireman and are somewhat larger, and clip more stone islands in the Indian Oce,an. C h e e se — [which so incensed the bridegroom that rels of oil, two miles up Oil creek, Pa., Messenger Hay was badly wounded E astern; full c re a m ............. 10 A4 wool of a superior quality. They which wero b«-ltrved to draw iron bolts [lie emptied a shotgun loaded with salt was struck by lightning, The tank in the head and back. Wells, Fargo’s Orego ■on, do .............. 14 « have neat heads, with rather short, nut of ships at an incredible distance, [into their midst. The entire charge boiled over, setting fire to another 1 box, containing about $140, was taken. Calilo o m i a ................................ muscular nicks, long, level, b ro ad nnd which have bee i thus explained ogs — F r e s h ....................... I was noi iveii by odp of the party in the tank on the opposite side of the creek, A large posse of Mexican troops andO B backs and round bodies well s t upon by the fart that the seas in question D r ie d F r u it s — containing 24,000 barrels. The Key- citizens arc in pursuit. Apples, qrs, sk s and b x e ... [face. He will lose both eyes and be done refinery, a shorn distance from short legs. were navigated by veasol* the planks C a lif o r a ia .............. The Secretary of War in the City of do A Massachusetts man says that of which were bound together by ropes [otherwise disfigured for life. there, is in some danger, and wing ’ Mexico have notified Mexican officers A pricots, new c ro p ............... 18 « though he could not cure his horse— nnd cord, without the use of nails and 12*« dams are being built in the creek to along the border that hereafter the Peaches, unpeelea. new . . . Pi a rs. m achine d rie d .......... seventeen years old—of heaves by bolts. — A aafir. Q uarterly Review. protect property along the stream. T here I s said to be a blind jeweler penalty of death will be im past'd for P itted c h e rrie s....................... ----- ♦ ♦ « feeding him marsh hay, .the disease itted plum s, O re g o n ......... [in Bradford, Penn , who is able to re- The oil and tanks are owned by J. B crossing over into the United State« P Figs —The figure* of the Berlin Bureau was so subdued by its use that the aui Cal., in bgs and b x s .. Smathman. with troops and interfering with the CaJ. P ru n es, F r e n c h ............ mal did not cough, and showed no of Statistic* show that there are ten I pair jewelry and watches entirely The five ar. J seven year old boys of affairs of citizens of a friendly nation. O regon p ru n e s ....................... signs qf heaves. When feeding on thousand locomotive engine* in Ger- [ through his sense of touch. The John F lour - Filiman, of Htromsburg, Neb., This action was taken after an inquiry upland hay was recommenced, the 3 many, seven thousand in France, anil blindness came upon him after he had were playing with a gun that was into the cases of Col. Arvizu and P o rtlan d Pat. R oller, t?bb! J horse beiran to cough again. twentv-night hundred in Austria. Salem do do become a proficient workman, and loaded with powder and a long wooden Lieut. Guilerres, who rescued a pris­ W h ite Lily » b U ................. Bees should he furnished with water — N. Y. Ledger. then, by cultivating the sensibility in •¡lick. The youngest peered into the oner from the American authorities. C ountry b ra n d ....................... 8 if a good supply I k * not close at hand. —Mosquitoes in Chinn havo a very . im erflne................................ In «isrly spring water may lie set out poisonous s:ing. In a Tientsin hospital his finger ends, he overcame in a great barn 1, win n »h# gun exploded, driving The courtmartial at Guavmas sen­ Superfine G rain — tenced them to be shot for the fiffense, ihe stick, which entered at the eye, measure his lack of eyesight. This is clear through his head. After three and on apjieal to the supremo mili­ W heat, V a l l e / .* 100 !b* .. 1 25 « 1 27* to them, to which m ay be adiled a there were at one tiriie Inst summer a I 17* 3 1 20 little salt. Take a salt-barrel that has do W alla W a lla ........... certainly a most remarkable instance. trial« the mother managed to draw the tary tribunal the sentence was affiirmd. B arley, whole, * c t l ............. 1 10 * I 12* just been emptied, soak it in water mao with sn ab-cfslin his face, and another with blood-poisoning from tho -- - ■ - ---- ------- - * — *■ do g ro u n d , * to n ......... 20 00 (2 25 00 slick out, but the little fellow only President Diaz, however, commuted 45 % 40 and set it out near the apiary, and the bito of tho insects. Oats, choice m illing * bush the sentence to imprisonment at hard gasped twice, and expired. A S heriff in Franklin county, do feed.goed tochu4ce,old 44 « 15 be«» will show how they appreciate - A though great quantities of pea­ labor for twenty years in the military Rye, * 100 Ebs......................... 1 10 « 1 26 such a tonic. A triple tragedy was enacted in the prison in tbe State of Santiego. Maine, had a novel experience "h i e nut* are yearly shipped to Antw«V]\ F eed — In ordt r to destroy the grub in the B ran, * to n ............................ (215 00 making an arrest. It was the sher­ iiou 1 1 try near Beecher City, 111. Henry but few are eaten by the Dutch. The A Southern Pacific west bound pas- S horts, and Wm. Oderholt, farmeia. rts, * ton « 1 7 OH cr«»wn of the peach trees, remove the nut is submitted to a treatment by iff’s misfortune to be much under the Miller soil as low down an the grubs are at Hay. * ton, b aled................. 14 00 felft 00 sen train was badly wrecked at iad a lawsuit over a trivial matter, usual size, but he was full of pluck it\rpover and landing bottonsside up. Mrs. Dry, 4 as 6 was quick-witted. Without a word lie irstiU in by Miller ond then Oder- Good, an emigrant passenger, w.is in­ Wet salted, over 50 the........ Murrain h id es....................... 7 « 0 very s««jn cause the cow's digestive or­ toils c tcli. took one of the big man’s feet under nolt hiznself. It is supposed that stantly killed, Having a husband an-J Pelts ........................................ 10 « 1 26 gans to h<*come diseased, and injme —A line of railway connecting the | the quality of the milk. It in for this Gulf of Bothnia with the Arctic Ocean each arm and started down the hid Kinsey and Oderholt attempted to three small children, who were travel­ VSGETABI.as (% M te . * lb........................ 2 75 cause that city authorities often for is now in process of construction. Its with him as fast a* he could go. The duel J themselves behind tire horses ing with her. Another passenger C a ^ t« . * s a c k ..................... • 1 26 i bid tne use of bmwers’ grains in the *#tmi us on the gulf is the S vedish sprained or dislticeted a leg. amt a 'au llllow er, « d o e............... n»en Miller proceeded to the hut fat man gf t such a bumping that In ............................... # 1 76 : production of milk. But when brew­ port of L't’ea, about s-ve ity-fivn miles wbi. h served as his home, and, after Chinaman’s leg was badly hurt. But Onions 76 ers’ grains are fed fresh, and mixed begged for mercy, and the < fficer had etting the place on fire, blew hia own f< w other passengers sustained injur­ P itaroes. new . * ICO lbs . . south of the Arctic Circle. Tills lino W ool — an ea-y time in completing his ar ■rains out. es, outside of scalp Wtunds and Hia blacken«d corpse East Oregon, Spring c lip .. '2 « 14 with bidder, they ffi..ke healthy food will be the the north-rnmost railroad bruises. VaJlav Oregon, da 14 • 16 [ cows. waa found in the debris. in the worl d.—AT. Y. Led itr. - Test. B fr1 r I ;