Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, May 19, 1888, Image 3

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    IV r.o iiH l M e n t io n .
i i l u i : v m > m in ; v u o t r s .
Picnic season i» here.
l'ublisliHl Every Saturday.
Court week at Dallas.
•The town Momuouth i- situateti in thè
Fine sum m er w eather.
.H^gtiK'r of tin- rieluvt m >art nf folk cotuity,
term of court is in sen»ion.
le euuuty «eat, Dalla..,
ff;lit mile* * mtli of the
|lii.l u n alni oiie-iiulf mit.T. west <>f thè thriv-
T he g rain pro»peet 1» very flatter­
ig town of Imlepemlctu'i'. and r< mtains a
>|>uIntinti of over fi»». The location i» a
Mutiliti otte, on u rieh rollili« pruine, and
K. T . 1 latch has m ade som e good
Im provem ents are noticed in those
r«olierai houlthfuln«!HS, thè .iteinali that
mlil I h - Uenireit. Monmouth offerì« inatiy talks at different points.
Ivuiitagee, and tliooe conteinulatingany en-
Jo h n F. Swift is talk in g over the
M any have atten d ed court th is
rprise are invite« 1 to eoi iter wìlli ourcitizcn.«.
file < ih . kkvku w ili In- rea I in every towtiship -tate for the republicans.
nd ut every pustulliee in thè entiro coiiiitv,
Otir old friend G. J . Tedrow w ill
W heat is now w orth *05 ets per
nd theret'ore unexeelled a., un advertising
siMin m ake a trip east.
H on. Geo. 11. W illiam s spetvh at
’l"u* county is being well organized
The O b n rn rr tour numtlis for ólh ts.
Dallas Tuesday night was im m ense. w ¡til club-.
I".. ( ’. Pentium ! addressed th e re­
.V republican club w ill lie organised
llu « iiic » s M e n t io n .
publican club at M et’oy last S atu r­ here to-day.
I. T. Mason thè dentist, at Dalla«.
A change o f post m asters at Kola,
Worth’s liu.' rim •erics.
G. M. M iller prohibition candidate Asa S train resigned.
Itead our new advertisements this week.
for congress w ill speak to-day in , Tin M et'ey republican club now
The 1*'. M. A. »Loiv lia. new «oíd».
Connoway A Cooper hardware men inde Dallas.
num bers :k» inctnlvrs.
lio n . J . 1). la v sjiok«* in different
T he Roseburg /tt-ru ir cam paign
work done by I. T. audiences in th e no rth part of th e tlaily sh tv t has reached ih .
Dentistry first
í Ma» ni at 1 talla».
A change of train tim e ¡« e.\|H*eteil
faint.«, Oils, Vurni.il al li. It. 1‘uttersoiTs
W. P. M urphy, w ho lives four on the Narrow Gunge soon.
m iles south of Salem , called on us
T here w ill not lx* a n y division g iv ­
Fenton «V Trtiitt, the leading men bants of W ednesday.
tallas, bulk at their stock before going else­
en in the Oregon R ailw ay and O. R.
A tto rn ey Goo, Belt cam e dow n and N. Co.’s suit u n til next October.
The finest line of dress goods ever hrouglit from Dallas F rid ay , on his w ay to
Several com m unications n i c h e d
fo lk county ore to bo found at C. (I. tViad’s Salem .
|l i e new store Dallas.
this week are not published on ac­
A n infant child o f M r. and J/rs. count o flie in g to o lengthy. W e will
All goods will be sold at ( \ H . Road’.« new
Y oung died T hursday, near In ­ try an d give them space soon.
tore. Dallas, at prices that defy eonipetiti«*n.
on should not miss the elianec to examine
T he A lbany tire departm en t will
bis stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Mrs. Cass Higgs, o f C rowley, v isit­ give a gran d excursion to Sit lent on
G oodm an anti D outv have four ed h e r^ ilk s , M r. and Mrs. Beilwell
Sat u n lay , May 20th, on th e steam er
r Davis” » w in g m achines, w hich this week.
W in. M. Hoag.
th e y art1 offeriti}? a t cost for th e n e x t
th irty days in o rder to close th o rn
*Y'strum will preach at Dal­
T he Jo h n Young farm near D ixie,
©:tr. T hey are first class, call an d las on S aturday an d S unday, th e w as sold th is week by K irk lan d A
e th em .
lfitli and 20th.
W ells to Jo h n B chker and son, re­
J. S. Waterhouse lias a full line o f paints
arrival» from N ebraska, for ¡SI2,-
'B u n I oils, give him a call.
I Ki' e stock of watches, clocks, jewelry, at
¡, Jl. R. fatterson’s. All these goods are go- publican party.
.V dancing p arty will be given at
fi,« fast lieiniis ■ they are sold cheap.
R S Shelly, father of R Shelly, of th e residence of Jiicftb R aker on L it­
I G oto see the 'opening of new goods at the Independence, was sh ak in g hands tle L uckiam ute, n ext F riilay even­
■rvr store at Dallas.
w ith old friends hen* this w eek.
ing the 25th. A general in v itatio n
all w in* wish to go and have a
M art B yerly, o f Y aquina died on
Spring goods, late styles, arriving ut H. It.
tim e.
F rid ay , Mav 11th, ’8S. H e i» an old
gSl'.itterson's, Imleju'inh nee.
unnouncvinont.s are n u m er­
(i. C iad is closing out the hankrnpt plonei'r an d well know n in th is
w ill be held at B ridgport
(t ick ot goods lately hrouglit to Dallas. county.
and K ings V alley to-day, 10th; ¡it
1'iiey uro all first class goods and must he
I V undtiyn cam * over from I n i s-
K - f ii.
pendence W ednesday.
Mr. Van- L uckiam ute S aturday, M ay 2<ith:
I A first class jeweler is now engaged at the duyn has lately m ade a business trip Balston J u n e 2nd. and Oak Grove
church and school house J u n e 15th.
»tore o f II It. fattersmi, lnde]>endenee. to th e Sound country,
mil wateli und i-inck repairing, (live him
T here never lias been a tim e when
Prof. M. G. Lane, o f th e Salem
• call.
onm outh people have showed as
I I in and sc ■ the lia^ ru p t stock « f go O it public school, aild re—eil th e N orm al
interest in fixing up th eir pro­
|B ) .i t la » . They in ast besold in the n ext 00 class an d audience assem bled, at the
n d pain tin g th e ir houses, us
i?»l.iy«. Now is the tim e to get good bargains. tree p lan tin g exercises S aturday.
they are «lisplaying this spring, all n*-
I Spectacles properly focused mid accurate­ A sm all ehihOof Ed H atch w ander
W hich is com m endable and th e best
ly fittisi at II. 1!. fattersoifs Imie]tenderne.
e<l aw ay from hom e last W ednesday m ethod of ad v ertisin g th e tow n.
Ti v ery pair sold fully guaranteed.
and considerable uneasiness was ex-
You can
first class cedar sh in ­ cit«il for a few h o u rs tillit was found. M onm outh i» th e p rett-v st tow n in
Oregon, and w ith its pleasant su r­
gles from G oodm arg and D outy, In ­
Drs. W orthington and Laugh.try roundings anil social ad v an tag es it
ti -pemlonce.
I Shelly and Vandiiyn are in the lead with are located in Dallas an d ¡ire both has a b rig h t future.
You should
‘ tli” largest stock of generili m © liamlise in gentlem en of w hom it is safe to say
come ¡induce ^».
B n I' p id ' n c Their price» c aupare with
T hey
fh e times und all good., are warranted first they know th e ir profession.
Clean up and b u rn up th e trash,
CI l I . s .
enjoy th e confidence of th e people.
th e shrubbery and < lean up th e
(io to Dallas ami get the advantages of the
Leo Joans, of near McCoy, killed a yards;
spruce np. beautify y o u r
B ow pric es, that the new stock of grtods are
flowers an d triv s, and
dicing closed out at. This is the first time
gin fo lk county that new goods were ever H e b rought th e scalp to Dallas and m ake e v e ry th in g look cheerful and
took in th e bounty o ff ri*<l by the in v itin g to the strangers now tin n in g
mid as cheap. Now is vour time.
H e says coyotes are to tlii-» lovely country in search of
■ T h e “ Osborne” m ow er h&snn im ­
p ro v em en t lliis y ear wlrieli is far quite num erous in th a t section.
hom es. T housands are ‘‘m arch in g
Stlieatl of an y th in g . * all and sei'
Ex-gov G L W oods will address o n ” im p atien t to reach tills new ‘‘E l­
lllie iu at G oodm an and D outy’s In- th e people at Dallas on next dorado,” th is land of great possibili­
T hursday evening at S o ’clock on the ties and o f grand golden o p p o rtu n i­
Thousands ofladies say It is the liest they
Let everybody t y , to carve out new fortunes and
liv e r a sci. They mean the W hite sewing issues of the d ay.
llnaehm es—you will find them at Buster 4 com e and hear him . l i e is an in te r­ to build new homos in th is kind of
¡Venions, Independence, liriek block.
esting talk er, and you w ill be pleased ever bloom ing flowers, and to enjoy
tin* w onderful blessings o f a m ild,
Dr. Waterhouse of this place has made w ith him .
lome n markable cuna of bad ohm » of
clim ate in Polk cou n ty tin*
E. ( ’. P entland for school su p erin ­
chronic female complaint; lie elm's every
ten d en t on republican tick et is a live garden »pot of th e n orthw est.
■«•»».•. even after physicians have given them
ru stlin g an d progressive y oung m an
Last S atuaday was a v ery favora­
■up. Corres; ion de nee s« >1 ¡cited.
—Just such a m an as w e can well af­ ble day for the class tree exercises.
fartles eonteinpluting building, will do
ford to tru st o u r our public school At 1:80 p. m. Prof. M. G. Lane, of
I v i ell to consult llurzee and Knliertson, and
w ork to. T he fittest should have Salem addressed a large audience in
Vtheic priri-s on sbingles, sash and doors.
th is olliee, am i M r. P entland i that tlie college cha|K*l. T he Prof, is an
N ote th e following specialties at
m an. G ive him y o u r support.
able speaker and lias a com m and of
I.Shelly «V V anduyns: 15 inch em broi­
Rev. M u rg.it royd, o f Indc] ten­ language bent to th e hum orous. A f­
d e r sk irtin g , N ew port scarf's, chinile»
[chinile cord, fancy ornam ents for ta- dance assisted Rev. C. T. Ingle in a ter th e conclusion of th e exercises in
1 hie scarfs, etc.
m eeting at the* B yerly school house the chapel tin* e!;i»s headed by th e
All fanner» w ho intend purchasing
about 7 m iles n o rth of Independence, baud m arched to the place w here th e
Iscif liintlers should call and see the on hist Sunt lay, Sunday-school was tree wh 8 to I k * planted. T h e <*xer-
J h ie w “ Oslxirnc” at G ixidm un’* and
ei.v's a t th e tree consisted o f a class
■ J b u tty ’s, IndejH'ntlenec.
It has conducted by M r. K now les us supt, tree poem by Je;ui M cDaniel, a ela»»
I m a n y new im provem ents anil an en- about CO w ere in attendenct*. A fter
* I ti rely new road wheel.
tiie school, short experiences were ong tom posed by C. II. Jo n es and
rem ark s by th e facility anti different
T he celebrated broadheail d r e ss given by C hristians and persons e x ­
1 goods ju st m v iv c il direct from the horted to change th e ir m ode o f life. mi*mtiers of tin* class. A fter th e
H factory at Shelly A- V anduyns. Cnl- Several cam e forw ard.
Service» p la n tin g of tin* tree th e audience a«l-
“ íiir s
abso lu tely guaranteed.
jo u rn ed to the g ro w for pleasant <i»n-
were also held in th e evening.
I goods for th e m oney.
ver»ation or w h atev er th e ir m inds
Teachers Picnie.
'Polk County Observer.
Sam M ulkey, o f A m ity , adorned
o u r streets M onday.
Prof. W illis, of Salem , was in tow n
S aturday.
Mrs. Haskett, of Dixie, attended
church here S unday.
H r i d s p o r t < a m p a i s n Club.
Programm** o f exercises for the
A t a m eeting held p u rsu a n t to call
teachers picnic, to I k * given S aturday,
M ay 2»»th, lsss, at Sim pson’s Station a t P leasant V alley school house a
club w ith th e aixive title was organ­
on th e N. G. R. R.
B and. ized and a roll of ¿1 m em bers signed,
and an educational com m it its-
R ev. M officers
O pening Chorus, Dallas C horal So­ were elected and after some spe;vh(*s
th e club adjourned to m eet n ex t S a t­
A ddress
Hupt. Robinson.
M usic
A thletes. u rd ay , th e Htth ¡it th e B riilgjsirt
R ecitation
Hobt. Bell, Dallas. school holts- (the votin g plat* >) a t
Miss M cD ervit: 7:80 |>. m ., w hen th e candidates and
In v ita tio n , M em ber of Bethel school. o th e r leading republicans are e x ­
Mrs. Coad, D allas.
Rally around
R ecitation,
A nna Stoeton. In d . pected t > a tte n d .
F . B.
A ddress
Mrs. Bell, Dallas B ridg|s»rt republicans.
M usic
B and.
Q u a rte tt
M onm outh.
Airlit* school.
R ecitation, Miss W hitney
M aggie Lem ons, Ind.
Bethel sehonl.
Prof. W . E. Yates.
R ecitation
A ddress
B aad.
An excursion w ill Is* given on the
N. G. T?, R. front all places in the
iw unty north o f th e gmunjJ*. Come
ill an d m ake th is thecrow iling cfllirt
nf o u r w o rth y , re tirin g su p e ria te ixl-
eu t.
G r a n d I’ . ni
To I k * given u n d er th e auspices of
th e McCoy Heptiblie-an club, S atu r­
day J u n e 2nd. I***, at H a tc h ’s grove
one m ile south o f McCoy. H|x-aking
by th e candidates, good m usk vocal
and In stru m en ta l. F ull program m e
n e x t w iv k .
C ircuit court adjourned at Dalla»
F rld av till th f* 2**th Inst.
I.a c k m m n te S tatio n .
P icnic n e x t S aturday week.
S inging a t I). W. H e w itt's next
S unday evening.
T he C ulvary Sunday-school Ixnists
o f a new «irgan.
Rev. H, L. B itn e riire a e h e ila n e x -
e ‘llent serm on ¡it C alvary last S un­
C harley B row n and fam ily of B u­
ena \ ’i»ia wen* visiting at J o h n
B urns I.i-t S unday.
Conte to the picnic everybody, w e
will assure you as good a tim e as you
ba I at I ndependt'iic«*.
Prof. J . N. H art di»mis»<il school
T hursday and F rid ay «if la«t week on
account o f th«* picnic at In<le|H'n-
I ftlu* P rohibitionist« w ant to «■un-
vass l«*t ;hpm g«*t in. T h eyaren « ith -
ing but ¡1 lot of obi s<tn* h<ads who
h av e trie d t<i gt*t in office in th e old
parties an d tailed am i th in k th is is
th e ir on ly show for office, but we are
afraid generation after generation of
th e prohibitionist» will pass aw ay
be for- th e y obtain any gr«itt «legret*
of-no«» ».
P om p .
lit t'oiirt.
Laiulivtli, uRitiiurt w hom an ¡nilietnicnt I’e r
niur'I'-r uf »yiiimii' Klli. Antic w
was brmiidit Into omrt III un» lav ut 1 o c lis k
ami iilcini m>t Ruilty t '• musei tor ilefeinlant
u»ki i that tim e t r trial l>e fixed for Tinxluy
-■ind iu«t., a» he tlnuiRlit he «imiti have the
ea»e ill Rood >hu|s hv thaï time The nmrt
■»•I Monday the J* th at il a. m. as the date
for trial.
rinn» lay afternoon Frank Smith was
hrotiRlit ¡uto omrt. un indictment having
been found uRuinst him for euttlnir marsliall
Bohuution, lie plead cuilty, and wa» »mi-
ten t I to one y ear in the |R*niteutiar).
K Benewitz chuiyvd w ith the lan env of a
wateli ami gold |si|i h o ld er of N ew tînt 1er
of Monmouth iva» arruÌRitts.1 T hue» lay and
plead not guilty. The evidence was omlllet-
iliR and the ea»e was given to the jury about
I o'eli.'k. At six they agTo'd on a \ Tillet
of not guilty.
state is Á \.a n d Win Kratz not true hill
Slate i» \ l und Willis Jordan not true bill.
Court adjourned Fridav.
G r a n d .Ittrv H rp.ort.
To tin* I Itinorable Circuit Court for
the t otm ty of Polk, S tate of ()rcgou,
for May term lSsS:
\Ve the gm nd ju ry d raw n to serve
at said term would most resp«s*tfully
u ia k e th f following report: W ohave
d iligently exam ined and in q iiirn l
Into all m atters th at have lK*en
brought before us for o u r c msideni-
tion, and have studiously cn«l< n v o rn l
to discharg«* our d u ty faithfully its
such grand jurors. \\'«* have ex am ­
ined car«*fu!ly tin* county jail and
court hou»e. also the clerk, sheriff an<l
treasurers olfiees. We find th e court
house in good repair anti kept in good
o n ler, we tliul th e books, etc., of tin*
clerk neatly and well kept, as well as
th at of sheriff and treasurer. W e find
tin* county jail kept in goml order,
considering th e building, hut we do
not consider it a safe plan* to k«iq>
prisoner.» in. Respectfully suhm ltt-
Scot: 11 i g 1 .
K. ( ’. Mall,
G. C. S m ith,
\\'. 1!. M urphy,
L. Damon,
J . J iv Brown,
Si tli Riggs.
Ilrid g p o rt B rooding«.
F ran k P utì r survey n l on P u lce 2’
dav« last wevl
The new road plow is a great sui--
La»t S aturday tin* A m ity grevs
and th e M cM innville club plnyctra
m atch gam e here th e s«i»re stan d in g
iff t'i 90 in favor o f A m ity.
F ran k M artin, a live busliie».« man
of Mi M innville, wa» in tow n Mon­
(in i. E dw ards and l)i<k Sim pson
h ave ju st returned from a fishing e x ­
pedition to th e N chalcm . T hey re-
I m > rt ¡t ple-.isant tim e and p len ty of
fish. < in«* bear w as k illu l by the
p arty . M r. Sim pson brought back
a tine specim en of «m l from th e
m int's then*.
J o h n B riedw ell our popular mer-
chant, and J times L ikens are a tte n d ­
ing th«* I. (). O. F. grand lodge in
P ortland.
T om m y la tiu lin g h a m ,o n e of A m ­
ity ’s rising young m en, su d d en ly
<ii«ap|ieurtil about tw o w eeks ago
and Wits gone no one knew w here.
11i.» friend» were* beginning to feel
an xious aU ait him , and were not a
little »urpri»« d ti> sn him stiq> «»if tin*
train S atu rd ay w ith a Im uttiful
y o ung lady, once Mis» M attie M iller,
of E liensburg, W. I'., b u t now Mrs.
lam dingham , leaning on his arm .
H is absence was a m milted for. T om ­
m y is all sm iles am i »eetn« as happy
Your report-
¡ 1 » a clam at high till
er w ishes him jo y .
V irlie Ite m s.
See., was one of suive»» and pro«|sT-
ity. T he following ar«* the offhvr*
for th«* new term : J . II. Collins,
Pre».; W. S. Stock, Vice Pr.»«.; I. T.
W illiam s. s«v.i T. J . Itisley, «ilitor;
Clara Irvine. Treasurer; Clara Fi»h-
er. »ergent at arm s; II. L. A rnold,
eritie; J . C. R igl^, I.Rirarian; W. S.
Stock m ade th e appointm ent of si \
«nifimitt«i*s fo r th e new term , u s j .
II. Collins was aw ay on a m n in t <»f
sickiu*»». R«*V. J .C . K ee/el, Pres,
of Philom ath College will address
th e »oeietv at close* of s «<1 km >I,
Ntinniil Xot«-».
»I.ITKl» HV C. II. JiiX»>
Ml»» Coren« Butler, of Dalla» ¡it-
tem h il chaiK‘1 exer«-i»«*s Momlay
m orning.
Lottie «.round and Vida W orth
v isitili fríen«Is in 1 »alias Tin»«lay.
W m . P. M ulli'ns, «if Oregon C ity,
ri'ttiriu il to his home last week, til»«»
I,«»» Et'wis re tu rn u l to his hom e in
Ellin tn u n ty last Tuesday.
D ottle llu rlb u rt and Glett E m ily,
of M ultnom ah county. Miss M innie
G oodrich, of Y am h ill county and
Bonnie Thom pson, of B enton county
returned to th e ir hom es last Satur-
day. During th e ir «tax her«* th«*.v
ha'vt* gain««l m any frit nils who were
sorry to have th em leave.
A bout 400 |Hi»ple g ath ered on th e
college cam pus F rid ay '.fternoon
(M ay 11th) to w itness th e gam e of
hast" •»¡ill hetwi'OM tin* A t h l e t e s of
th is ¡»lace an«l th e Al« rts o f Dallas.
Mlicit inti'rcst was show n by all.
T h e p tm e was playw l w ith th e best
of feeling on both sides and ti*sidti*d
in ¡t victory for th e Al«*rts. Prof.
Pow ell was um pire.
W. II. H olm an, a gratiuute of th«*
Stut«* A gricultural College ¡it C orval­
lis, »pent W ednesday v isitin g th e
N orm al school.
Som e of th e boys ari- g ettin g p re tty
tlip w ith th e b o x ili' gloves. C lyde
W illiam s age 11 years i» th e boss.
Chas. Pow ell, th c-rep u b lim n can­
d id ate for constable,T ortaiidy w ill be
eh*et«il; lie has num erous friends and
is m ak in g m ore.
T he Item iter m an was atten d in g
court ¡it Dallas th is week.
IIugh W illiam s i« again able to be
at work at h iso liljo b . lie has had a
bad finger.
T he m agnetic battery for th«* list*
J .C . H astings is doing co n sid era­ of th e philosophy class is now in
ble fencing this sp rin g w hich m akes good repair am i any one w ish in g to
lots of w ork for his boys.
know the effects electricity m ay, to
W e understan d th e railroad «*m- his heart» content, by rep o rtin g to
ployers are to be suppluxl w ith new Rrof. Rowell.
tim«*cnn!s. Som e ot them w o u ld n ’t
Rrublem If a hen ami a h a lf lay
objivt to new leg« or lingers.
an .-gg and a half in a day and a half,
If an y body w ants to set* a circus how m any <*ggs will six Imns lay In
let them com e aro u n d to tlm depot seven day»?
Rendam i and Bg(i>n are very a n x ­
a litth* after l p. m .
ious about th e allo w problem and
II. Chamber«, of R in g s V alley, will rew ard any one liliendly w ho
has received considerable freight at will furnish them w ith a correct ao-
tin* R. R. office tld» w eek. It looks ' lutim i.
like business.
Tho follmviiiR | >««■in, written by Mis« .feat»
I.ast S unday week a largo p arty
m et ¡it F. Butlers anil bad a musical
tim e.
Leap year conundrum -“ W hat a n ­
imal cainedow u from heaven, W illi
(or Jo ey or T om m y, «Vc.) Till* rein-
T he roa I sup rvis.ir wits am ong u» Mei»miei »ml read »t the piantili« <>f tin?
lie will eom m encc eia«.« ttve, May 12, IKS«.
Oast evening.
F u rth e r ext raids from
fortli- work next M onday. W e w ish him A eia«« nf merry, joyous heart«
Have Rut hen «I on tin* lawn.
com ing work “ Salt R iver. ;!T\Iiisilig” success, we need lots of road w ork in
And nut up'in the e illege «round
are of in terest perhaps. “ One of tin* this district.
It« ninny friends an' draw'll,
popular am u«cm ents of tin* Salt Rix--
We n o tin ' soini* land h u n ters in To «I e the piantili« of tlii« tn-e
er residents is in h av stin g ¡is it ap ­ tow n. T hey have m ade one p u r­
Which Is t" mark the date
pears to be a relie or survival of th eir chase from J o h n S tory w hich we t If il» advent into the world
This ela.«« of eighty-eight.
form er .»tate of existence. It is sin­ th in k th e buyerw ill not regret. We
g u lar—“ a few ‘leading citizens” would like t*i siH'about titty such m en Then eunic my friend« and lend a hand
seem ingly irrespective of p arty , but around here, 1 am sure th ere is land
To place it in the sod,
For like the ela«« o f ei«h!y-ei«ht,
residing near i*ach oilier, join hand» enough for all of th em .
It« future rest« with Hod.
¡mo form a “ ring” dancing w ith
T he hoys w ho fish arc doing a good We are «uthcred lien* to place with care,
great energv around a d ollar placed
n>ot» within tli" soil,
in tin* m iddle. The gam e appears business th is spring. On«* said lit* To It»
mark the close o f scinsi! day joy,
to I k * to prevent outsitlers from g et­ caught 128 pounds in one pi«*«*,
The cinse of school day toil.
tin g (lie dollar and In secu re it for w hi It* an o th er caught on«* so large lie
the sha le of Normal walls,
tlmmselves. E \‘eii »hould an out
bon« may it» tendrils «row
siiler have placed th e d o llar in tin* te r have th a t fish w eighed Dana.
Through »itmnicr suit ami autumn rain
B unco .
ring ¡¡s a sort of ta x , it L eon»id r<il
And winter'» frost ami snow.
very u n p atrio tic and in tru siv e for
Two years of happy days,
.»|« nt within those walls.
him to attem p t to regain an y portion
Two years o 01 ileasure wehuve »|K-ut,
o f it. O nly a bad citizen of Suit R iv­
In si«ht of Normal Hall«.
er would try to “ «livy u p ” w ith th e
May 15th, 'SM.
m em bers o ftlr* saernl ‘rin g .’ A n­
years of happy jovons days
Elfl.JItiehardson, of Independence,
Have Ins'll the lot of all.
o th er curious and d istin ct class of passili through McCoy T tu -d av .
Two years of pleasure pn«t and «one
Salt Ri verites are th e ‘w ater-dw cll-
Which we can m't r recall
The dem ocrats organized a club
ers,’ not fish, or beaver a « you m ight
Then eoine my lriemts an i plfcee our treo
suppose, but hum an in m ost of tlm ir S aturday w ith Alex 1 lolm es chair
Within the soft moist 'id,
characteristics. T h eir attach m en t to m an.
Foi like the class of el«htv-elglit
w ater is profound, th ey accordingly
Its future rests with Hod.
Mc.»srs. R endam i and H atch nitide
live in boats or rafts on tin* riv er ami some warm sp e ec h es at th e m eeting I 'ome one and all of this «lad hiuuk
are m ostly to lie »eon w ith th eir bare of tin* republican club S aturday eve­
And shovel ill the soil,
fe« t dip p ed in cold w ater; this seems ning.
To show that we thou«h callege trained
Are not afraid o f toil.
to «•ause a rush of blood to th e head,
( 'oiisidendile still h u n tin g going on A few more weeks will pass away
w hich gets extrem ely hot and th eir
each of us mu.«! go
utterances ar«* excited, ai.il tro u h liii in th is vicin ity last week by candi­
the world to take his share
by an eager d e siri'to g e t oilier» to fix d a t e s . Tb«* custom of trea tin g tin* Into
( If pleasure or of woo.
up in lioats like th«*in«('lvcs. W hen boys s n ’ins to still prevail.
when this hand with purpise true,
¡1 whole sec tion holds and follows
J . II. Ilaw le y returned from B ak­
«tarlisi out ill life
tlii» belief in th e wut«*r, over o th er er t'lty M onday, lie rep o rts pvery- T> He«
win its way to futuro fumo
elem ents, th ey m is t «.iiTUtrically tliin g 'q u iet conn*m ing iiolitieal m at­ '.Mid
sorrow or 'mid strife.
«all th is ‘going d ry .’ Tne.v keep no ters am i th a t d u rin g his id»semi‘ In* Give each a hand unto his friend
«logs beeau»«“ tln*y ‘w h in e.’ Reliev­ n ever heard polities m en tio iu il.
With firm and kindly «rasp.
And to each other I«' a friend
ers in a future life, th«»y obje.'t to till*
Th«*re w ill be a grand rally o f r«*-
A« Ion« a« life shall last.
m ention o f ‘sp irits' unil w hen they
die are never p lan d on a ‘bier.’ A part publicnns to g eth er w ith a picnic In Then let not pride or jealousy
from these peculiarities th ey are th e grove m a r McCoy on S aturday,
Divide tlii« little Imnd,
peaeeabl«*, good «•itizens. ” <>i\’e J u n e 2nd. All are in v itili to lx1 pre- lint let a« stand forever true,
heart and hand;
y o u r orders early gents, for th e book
And if again in future years,
lit a n y rope factory or d ru g store.
,\Ve «other ‘round the tris-
la-t each to eaeli lie just ns true.
T he hand o f fate again—tak e our
As now ttjsiii this hv.
dem ocratic friends county ti* ket and
W ild str.iwlKTrie» ar«* plentiful at
see th e pm pheev in it.
ic i r k L a n D
âne per galion and tam e ones in m ar-
D ied
SI M I'S «1 N
ket for 2d r t j . (wr Ixix
1 »epartnl thin lift*. M ay 13th, a t 1
B l' ! T
Hon. K. B. M«-Elroy was in tin o ’clock a. m ., M attie E . y o u n g est
d a u g h te r of Mr. a n d Mr». E. s. Bar-
Mis» Beil
Rcil 1 H lall,
all, of Buena \ ’ista, i» zee, ag d l five y«*am, nix m o n th s anil
v isitin g w ith Mrs. A. T. Ki-csc«-.
fourteen <la>».
On M onday th e 14th. h er rem ains
BE i T
The increase o f th e hard w are busi­
w ere laid to rent in T w in (hik ceme­
11 ,
te ry , near T u rn er, M arion co u n ty .
an enlargem ent of bis store room .
S id e by siile r«*nt th e lMi«li«*n o f little
Rev. J . L. H lrsi'hiier hux Ixi-n a«- b ro th er and sister, an d on th e blessed
»igned to C orvallis for an o th er year. resurrection im irn, th«*ri* w ill be a
happy miH*tiiig in glorlfi»*d tnnllcs.
1 IE N R
\V. \V. H all lx v isitin g in M arion M any sy m p ath izin g fri«*n«ls am i so r­
count j’ tliis week.
row ing relatives w ere presen t a t tin-
Hon. Geo. II. W illiam s addressed g rav e w here ap p ro p riate fum*rul ser-
a large g ath erin g of people on th e vin-s were conducted by th e writ«*r.
A m ity .
political issue of th e (Lty a t city hall She was ev er a delicate child and h er
E«1 Ilarri»«»!i 1- now ru n n in g a g«K«I last W«*dnesday.
ow n paren ts had b u t little I ioim * «if
liv ery -tab le here.
s«s‘ing her grow up in to w om anhood.
T he iU-publieans organized a club
M rs. In g ra m ban n*nt«il th e prop- it tin- «nurt house last M onday eve- T h e Targ«* brain wtts too active for
tin* slender laxly, an d hence, when
erty «»PP .»it«* Dr.<inn«'her’« tv-idi-mi* ,Vinv; witll' a lY.rge tnemliershlp:
th e fatal fever laid hold upon her,
amt inox«' lhi*rfutnilv there Mon«ta>.
About 250 jx iip le lxiarded th e ex - it’s sa«l work was soon done; yet she
«\ sin g in g so fietv liim lx»-n o rg an ­ cursi'in tr.iin r’riilay th e 11th in st., did not m em to suffer pain until th e
ized in A m ity , called tin --‘Sol-fa So­ f.»r In<le|M-n«l -m- -; all return«-1 w«*:l final struggi«* cam e a n d th en it was
c iety .” T iicy meet every S unday plea-til w ith tlie tim e s|x-nt.
¡ill s«xni over. W hen h er sw'eet anil
and have a good atti-nilance.
q u iet s p irit h ad w itig u l its way to
C o n allis has about «leciihil t«< cele­
Mi»s M artin , of M cM innville, is brate tin- com ing ftb of J u ly I n a A b ra h am ’s Imsom, th e w eeping m o­
teaching a class in w ritin g at th is patriotic m anner. < >ur people say th e r said: “ I have don«* all I ii»uhl
for m y d ear ch ild and Ih a v e n « ith -
th«-y will m ake it a - m u s s o r th ey ing tv n -g ret.” W e th an k U«xl for
M i«s L ila G oneher left T h u rsd ay will* not (i-lebnife.
such resignation to h isu n e rrin g will.
for P rin ev ille to sis*n«l a few m o n th s
T he past week th e theniioim -ter “ T h e I^m l gave, and th«- Ixm l hath
w ith h er sister, Mr«. Springer.
has averaged x5 tl«-g. ev ery aff«*m«x»ii tak«-n aw ay; bli»ss«l I k * th«* nam e of
J o h n I., W att, of P ortlan d , was in i»ut we usually h ave a s*n bns-z«- th e Iy in l.’1
R. M. M kssii K.
W hk-li m akes it quit«* pb-asant.
A m ity F rid ay .
G uyon and B yron S pringer, «»f Th«- term of offtiec In th e A delpli-
i’rlnesvill«*, are »(lending « f«-w d a y s ian L iterary His-iety Just closed, w ith
Tin- base Indi nig«- has subsided.
E . S. Laug’hary I’n-s. and J , C*. B ight
here on bu»!n<*“-.