«Til F ir M orkll M ackenzie examined 11 li-• tliroai of ti e Crown Prince with |an electric lump The lamp u* ap­ Devoted Principally tlrs . I t l o o K i e r T h a i M i * la Epitome of the Principal Events pended at the end of what look* like a Territory and t h « I n v e n t o r o f I I — lt d H i s t o r y . pong, »lender pen-holder, end the pro- ittnu-tioe P i blit bleresl “ I have tried often to correct that Im­ pression,” said Mrs. D. C. Bloomer re­ hiortinnately email battery which su|>- Chas. MeStravick, of Grass Valley, A coasting schooner is laving O u ftln f. cently to a reporter. “ I elld not Invent Iplies the electricity ia worn about the Those who wish u> do grafting later the 'Bloomer' costume, nor was I the first T I ip supreme court of Illinois “ has Cal., was riding in a buggy and lead­ by Win. Squire at Tillamook. The Congri galioiihliats of Hillsboro than is usual in the spring may find one to wear It. 1 am quite willing that affirmed the dee'sion of the lower ing h coll by a line. The colt stopped Examining surgeon's neck. it interesting to try the following the correction should tie made, for 1 do court in the county ‘‘booeller” case'1, 'iiddenly, tearing off three fingers of expect soou to build a church. his left hand. methods recommended in eastern not vv ish to be remembered only as the and defendants will have to serve their has Mrs. Campbell jf Empire, Coos bay, A small tr ;iit with two heads farm journals, as they seem reasonable ! woman who Invented a new style of Win. Keyes and J»hn Peyton, hid died at the age of 80. ¡been discovered recently in the d e ll term of sentence. I (Ires.* if not in common use : i few words at Boea, Cal. Keyes U. S Marshal Franks has been al- ' Phoenix, Jackson county, will build " I did not even name it. Mrs. KUza patcliery at Iona, Mich. The heads The a t l ,200 school house. An exchange has a correspondent beth Miller, a daughter of Gerritt Smith, lowed ¡pi,301 07, for expenses incurred struck Peyton with a pistol. ire perfectly formed and the bodies in biingiug Benson, of survey fame, men clinched and Keyes tired. The who says he has practiced a style of was the llrst lady who wore it. She came Considerable excitement exists over grafting not laid down in the book*, dressed in one o f those costumes from bullet entered Peyton’s breast and jjSnnite at tlie back tin. The little fej- from Denmark. the coal discovery in the Nehaletu aud which can he done at any time Peterhoro, N. Y., to Soueca Falls, where passed through the left lung. He is flow is described as looking like an arp Ewing Watterson, son of Henry dying. county. during the growing season. It should l was living, ami where Mrs. Elizabeth jmated boot-jack, and as lively a wrig- Watlersnn. editor of the Louisville A two story hall is to be built at be done iu the spring as soou as the t'ady Stanton lived. Where Mrs. Miller Alexander Duckworth, serving a gl< r as any fish in the pond. ! Courier Journal, has been arrested on Yaquina City by the Masons and Odd bark will pool freely irom the s’ oek. got the idea I do uot know, but she is en­ titled to what credit there is fur putting { a charge of aggiiiilt with inteut to kill seven years’ sentence in the state Fellows jointly. He u^es scions of last year’s wood, the dress into circulation, as it were, and prison at Folsom, Cal., for robbery at Y ellow or orange stain for wood !■ is rf• l fene 1 nkel. These are it should lie named lor her if for auyliodv. The class tree of the graduating with two or three buds. San Francisco, attempted to escape, Officer Maitin Nolan was shot in lo n e of the most fought for in orna- and was shot by guard Fitzsimmons, clast of the State University this year cu t ell one side, with a slop in g cut. j It's hardly fair to Mrs. M iller to take the several places and fatally wounded M ak e an incision in the bark, ex a c tly j m-dit from her. A few days after Mrs. I mental or cabinet woik. A beautiful while trying to arrest two members of the ball passing through the prisoner’s is a ^arix Europea, grown in the nursery at Woodburn, Marion county. as in budding, insert the scion w ith 1 Miller a a|>;xarauce fa short skirt anil thighs and indicting a dangerous trousers, Mrs Stanton had a similar coa- [result is reached by digesting 2 1 the notorious Mollie Nult gang of Paris is the name of the new town the sloping cut so arranged as to ex j mine made, and she wore it. Then i wound. [ounces of finely powdered turmeric housebreakers in Chicago. The nitry-glyccrine house of the laid out for the county seat of Mai actlv lit on the wexxl under the sii| | adopted the style. Mrs. Stanton did not, A freight car loaded with powder, California Powder Works at Pinole, heur county, and the county is with­ bark, then wrap and tie well without I wear hers a great while— possibly uot [for several days iu 17.5 ounces of 80 using wax. It would seem reasonable more than tw o years; but l wore mine as [per cent, alcohol, and then straining while standing iu the ysrds at Mont­ Cal., exploded. The employes had left out a newspaper.O gomery, A la , exploded from some un­ A call was issued bo proininont bus­ to cover with paper for a week or so, j long as the public bilked alsrnt it and me. [through a cloth. The solution is ap­ known cause, destroying several cars the buildingulamt ten minutes before in case tlie weather is warm to shield ! I did not name the dress. The press did the explosion occurred. Alxmt 3,000 iness men of Albany for a citizens’ plied to the articles to be stained. near it, and killing Robert Givan, a |«utiu* of glycerine exploded. the work from the hot sun, or it might that. I wore the costume for six years—- meeting, for the purpose of organizing The for two years in Council Bluffs—au.i, if I slu ink the wood of the scion before, it hud not retired to private life might l>e colored man. building was totally destroyed. No a board of trade. T he apparent paradox that the could take up nourishment from The Amos II. Tyler, of B ith N. Y., a one was hurt. wearing it yet. It is a very comfortable M. M. Sale, s6h of A. H. Sale,odied stock. Tins is worth trying, as in and sensible dress. most transparent water is at the same salesman, shot and fatally wounded During a runaway at Sacramento, at Astoria, of cerebro spinal meningi­ many instances, trees have too high *-Some R uie, possibly a month, before W. .E F. Gilroy, a Tyler time perfectly opaque from a certain Dr. G r .W G ilro y a dentist. dentisi. l y e t Oal., a wagon oooupied by Isaac Lea tis. He was 28 years old0and a native beads, and it is desirable to cause Mrs. Mrim 1 made her appearance in went to Gilroy s house, and upon the md M Jame8 B linditi collided with ^ point of view is shown by a si.nple ex­ of Marion county. the costume, a writer, them to have lower limbs. It would Seneca { latter a annearance , .... , ......., , ............. _ ...... latter’s appearance began shooting at L tliat wgose JlSiever did disco.er, advo- of an ol I man named Myers. periment. Partly fill a glass goblet A t tljp preliminary examination of j seem reasonable that such grafting him. Three balls entered Gilroy’e Both of the latter were thrown out, •nted in the columns of one o f the pai*-rs W. L. C. Elliott, at Independence, lie should be jHissible, and if so, nqjv is aitli clear water, and hold it a little body. the lady receiving a severe uAi. in the was held to answer in tlie reymt mur­ tlie time to try it. He does qot state >f Seneca Kalis a reform In woman’s dress. I u os editing a pa;*-r there at that above the level of the eye and distant The remains of Gen. Martin Beem, f tee, and Myers striking on hijr hpad der of John B. White. the size of trees or limbs that can be time and took up the suggestion iu a flip­ a foot or more. No object can Ixiseen of Chicago, will be interred at A lto n ,' beiffg orobably fatally injured. One of Cook's fisfiennen, in his grafted in this manner, and readers pant way, nud treated the subject rather The death of Gen. Beem by sui- j . ' , & when liel 1 just over the surface of tln^ III. playfully and facetiously. The unknown cide, at Stanton, Nebraska, was a most brancis G. Bornemann, casbiej of boat, near Clifton, while about to who are successful in making such writer of the other paper answered me, $ water, but the water surface appears unexpected.blow to his friends a n d i“ ’® ® ib*treasury at S in Francisco in shoot a sea lion, accidentally shot grafts will confer a public favo^ by and I answered again. So w$pn Mrs. IS like a burnished mirror. relatives, to whom the deed was inex- I 8S.1-80. w.is arrested by the U. 8? Igmself in the right thigh, the ball giving the result of their experience. | Miller came in the short sk ill a i l musers, If done later, well ripened wood of the i and after Mrs. Stanton and myself had ittering the bone, p’ icabfc. O | marshal upon ail indictment found same year can be used, cutting off the adopted the garb, the p-qa-rs of the coun­ igainst him by the $deral grand jury. leph Kin nison .°of Baker City, A series of experiments lately made Wm. Spurgeon, who has been r<- ^1’lie charge against Bornemann islh.it leaves save a short stem. try round about tried to make fun of us, w-as (jSipwn from ihe horse he was rid­ 1 bv a French metallurgist are said to siding at Springfield, Mo., sometime < of embezzling $10,000 iu currency If one graft fails another can lie put and called us ‘ Hitsmieritea’ and ‘ HI.¡em­ ing ana received injuries that are i r s , ’ and so on. Hence the name, 1 sup­ have proved tli it steel loses weight by under the name of Samuil Whitney, from the sub-lreasury. thought to be quite serious. His con­ in. T ift buds remain dormant the pose. Lucy Stone qvore the dress for a first year, usually. When doue on rust twice as rapidly as cast-iron when was arn sted for the embezzlement of j while, hut gave it tip Ixscause she thought Tlie coroner lias been called on lo dition indicates internal injuries. tover $150;000 while in the employ of a trees to induce entire change, they exposed to moist air. Acidulated private banking firm of Baltiiftore as investigate the death of a 14 year-old A twisyear-old child of John De­ should not be headed back to tlie dor­ It attract is l attention away from the sub­ water was found fo di solve cast-iron confidential clerk. 9liild of parents belonging to the Band ringer, of Albany, drank a small quan­ mant bud until ihe next spring. This ject*— temiwrance and woman's rights— gpon which she was lecturing. 1 wore much more rapidly than steil. Front A gang of men were working in a of Holiness, and living in a hut in tity of concentrated lye, with ftvliich is said to bo more successful limn cleft my costume and lectured In it In all toy this it would seem that steel bridges sewer trench at Yonkers, N. Y.. which Arroyo Seeo, Cal. The i hild had been its mother was gleaning house. It is grafting in some parts of Illinois hih ! tour of the cities of the north and west, sick two months, but ihe parents re­ thought the child cannot recover. can be done on wood too large for and 1 was the tlrst to make such a lectur­ a recess affected by t lie acids contained is sixteen feet deep, when the water- fused to call in a physician, saying the ing tour lit tlxise cities. I was the first J. J. Rorell,of Sweet Home, arrested budding. i pipe burst, cau-ing the sides of tlie woman who wore the costume in publio in the smoke of the locomotives than o for assaulting his s9n-in-law, Daniel) ditch to cave in, and quickly filling L o ti would cure for tlio sufferer. Side grafting is described as rutting in Chicago. are iron ones. Morris, with a knife, was discharged ! the trench with earth and water. Six a notch, or slit, about an inch long, in Lucy Siftg, a Chinese babe, died at “ O f course, wherever I went the dress of the laborer* are known to have tin, Chinese mission in S r ii Francisco. in Justice Humphrey’s court for want the side of the stock and inserting a attracted a groat deal of attention. It I nstruction m the use of tools is been buiicd alive o scion cut to fit the same. This is was a curiosity, and a great many people File infant was taken by a charitable of evidence. Albert Gillianjg of Pilot Rock, suf­ practical in case of scions received came lo the lectures ns much to see It as about to be introduced in all (he The boiler at the sasli ar il blind society from un undertakers shop in primary schools of France. It has al­ factory of J. Hodges, at Manchester ChiiAtowu, whither it had been taken fered a broken leg by bis horse falling late in the spring. The difficulty in to hear what a woman had to say. Women lecturers were quite a curiosity, Wm. Tyler anil* by its inhuman parents. They coiP He was alone, and tried to attract working large stock will be to make too, iii those days. 1 used to notice that ready been introduced in many, aud N. H., exploded. some one’s attention by firing his re­ the scion tit well and to tie it on after I had finished my talk, whether on -idere i it too puny to live, and they li.is been successfully tried at such Harvey Emery were killed, and En­ In all such work it would women’s rights or on temperauce, n great gineer Thompson was fntallv injured. wanted to save trouble^ by having it volver, but failing, he climbed on his firmly. schools in Manchester, in England. It ^ piece of the boiler struck the hou-e near the Collin at ihe time of death. horse and rode home, a distance of seem j^rojjpr to use wood cut in au­ many people, women esixx-lally, would three mil s. is found that the use of tools furnishes of Mrs. James Mahoney, 500 feet dis­ tumn and carefully kept iu earth all remain and rome upon the platform, os­ A t an executive meeting of the di­ The Wdlapa Packing Company0 winter. Such wood ought to grow tensibly to see me, but really to inspect an agr^-able relaxation. The appren­ tant, and fatally injured that lady. rectors oi the Nevada bank E * Sena­ lib (¿a.-tides of incorporation with the well it well grafted any time ill April., the .cess." A vacant frame Building on Four­ ticeship schools, which are the next Mrs. Bloomer showed the reporter n ent tor Fair was paid a balance of $2,000,- Secretary of the State. Tne incorjior- Another way is to get scion and slock representing herself iu her younger days, teenth street, in Chicago, collapsed 000 which the bm k owed Him. This ators a® D. W. Dobbin*, Mile* Bell higher grade, arc taking the place of of nearly the same size, split Ihe bark while a number of Si-bool girls were attired In one of her noted costumes. A the eld apprenticeship system in Ger­ therein romping. Lillian Collins, 10 squared the account between the old and L. L. Reeves ; capital stock, $20,- on I lie scion an inch and a quarter up short skut reaching to the knees, baggy, bonanza partners that lias been un- 000; location, Portland. on each side, turn back the bark, cut very baggy trousers gathered and frilled many, Switzerland and France. years old, was buried in the ruins and ** tiled, and Mack ly, Flood and Fair Portland Investment Company. off a little of the end and make a at. the ankle; n straight brimmed sailor had to be chopped out of the wreck have now arranged all tlieir (financial The incorporators are F. C. A. Perkes, wedge to occupy the rest of the inch hat, set well back upon the head, made T he first irain tD cross the Arctic She was horribly crushed. The others affairs as relating to each other com­ W. L. Sherman and H. R. Lewis; the attire from a masculine point of and a quarter. Then run the knife up Circle p .ssed the line on the Lulea bad a narrow escajie. view. Female observation might have pletely satisfactorily. capital stock, ¿50,000 ; location, Port­ around and peel the h.irk anoinch and disclosed that the skirt and w "ist were of A cyclone n^rtiek the village of Pe- Rdlwuy recently. This most north­ Fbbarmen on a tug wlijph went out land. a quarter on the stock and cut a slit one piece, and that the sleeveaof the waist catonica, 1 1 1 ., wrecking several houses erly railroad in the world runs up from Leonard, 16-year-old son of A. II. were full and slashed, and gathered and and innumerable outbuildings. One to Farallor.e islands near San Fran­ Hooker, living at Eight Mile, in draw­ foi the wedge on the scion to frilled at the wrists. Close scrutiny and a the Swedish | ort of Lulea, at the cisco, caught a huge devil fish. The fit into. Fit the wedge into the slit woman and tim e children were in­ It ing a 44-callibre revolver from bis and slip the bark |>ecled back from the reversal of tlie picture might possibly have head of the Gulf of Bothnia, into jured, but not fatally, by Hying tim- animal bad a number of teftacles. pocket, shot himself through the left scion over the wedge, tie it on close led to the discovery that a bustle was not Sw dish Lapland, within four miles of tser. The storm came all the way clung so closely to the side of the part of the attire. This point, however, steamer that two of Ihe arms had to band in the middle knuckle joini? and wax it. This graft is said scarce can tie left to those ladies who have lx«!! ^n- tl$ Gt-llivara Mountains, famous for from Freeport, accompanying evor to fail. be severed in order to get it on beard. The middle finger was amputated. accustomed to rallsthenio exercises aud their yield of iron ore. The works evening train part of the distance and It is thedargest specimen of the octo­ surf bathing.—Omaha Herald. causing havoc rJong the route. The silo is the only reliable solution pus caught here, the arms measuring POBTLAHD rK O n ilC B BABBIT. were begun twenty-seven years ago, Fire was seen on the farm of Widow H sle s of P a t e n t M e i l l e t n e s . of the run down farm problem. and then were given up until quite Freeze, near Arlington, Neb. OA pc see fully four feet in length. B utter — Proprietary medicines spring up by the 40 Fancy roll, F lb................. When setting out striiwlierrv plants dozen every day, but yon seldom hear of Charles 8 in s dry weather is pushing their sale. None succeed without do ........... eaeb hair shown under the micro­ i Louis, scattered in different p in s of years old. His wind pipe was cut and California.......................... HA sometimes thé cause of a largo num­ the barn, among the horses and cows. 18 ber failing to root in the soil Hfiei advertising, although millions have lieen E g g s —F resh.................. £ scone, especially in polarized light. Police Surgeon Martineau performed spent In puffing medicines that never sold Emma Althouse, a young woman of I) hiku F ruits — the original stock shipped to wholesale Linen thread may be spun, because Attica, N. Y., who has b^en subject to a timely operation which will save his ' Apples, qrs, sks and bxs... 0 transplanting. £ druggists. It is a game of chance where 0 do California........... the libers have certain roughnesses on trances of long duration for some life. An orchard twenty-five years old, Apricots, new crop............ 1» £ 28 time, awoke, after a sleep of thirty- 14 13»« William Nicholson, a shoemaker at Peaches, impeded, new ... 10 three days. When told of her pro­ San Francisco, came home shortly af­ Pears, machine drltd....... 40 tracted sleep she evinced much sur­ ter midnight, in un advanced condi Pitted cherries ................. 12« Pitted plums, Oregon ...... prise. During her sleep her grand­ lion of inebriety. A lodger tindei took Klgs, Cal., in bgs and bxs.. 9 « father, residing in Kentucky, died. to help the man up stairs to his room, Cal. Prunes, Fren ch ......... 8 « 10 10 £ 12* When Emma awoke, she informed the and with much difficulty had dragged Oregoh prune«................... F lo u r - As H a r d y D e lo n o and his eon , family physician of the fact, but she him to the top o f ihe front (light, when Portland Pat. Holler, ? bbl f 4 00 Reuben, who live on Black Lake, | could not tell liow she came to know Nicholson’s almost inert body slipjied ! Salem 4 1» do do 4 ?A alxmt eight miles from Ogdensburg, I from bis g'asp, and went rolling and White Lily * bbl.............. 3 A0 « 3 7» brand................. A number of explosions of natural bounding to the floor below. Within 1 S Country N. Y , were driving along the highway 8 Ml « Z 76 inert!ne.......................... ga« occurred almost simultaneously in a few minutes he was dead. H e had j G r a i n — they saw a large bald eagle sitting on Buffalo, N. Y., caused by over pres broken his neck. Wheat, Valley, It 100 lbs .. « 1 22» the fence. The bird was covered with sure, and created widespread excite­ do W alla W a lla ......... 1 1» <• 1 I7J Louis Furor, a 10-year old boy liv. I Barley, whole, F ctl........... 1 l l l i I lz« mud and too weak lo get away from ment, besides destroying Kt. Paul’s do ground, |f ton...... ZU oi (a ll > 00 ing just out of hail Francisco, was Cathedral, the pride and glory of the them. He was soon captured and put Oata, choice milling F bush G <een granted Miller pulled the trigger. The full Cherrle*, Oregon, F drm ... to C. B. Gillett, of Whatcheer, Iowa,! charge struck the boy in the abdomen come the head-quarters of the carved Lemons, California, t? bx . 3 85 £ 3 50 the amount being $12,613. Gillett re­ Lime«, F 100................... 1 0c wood industry, sdpplanting Switzer­ ceived a sunstroke while in the army. | tearing a horrible opening. Riverside oranges. F box... A bold attempt was made in broad Lo» Angele«, do do ... land. Six liundrid artist* in wood- was treated at the hospital for disease ftl Peaches. 4 b o x ................. £ carving, the same number of turn­ of the eyes, and finally discharged day light by John G ivt-y, a contractor, H ide *— from service on account of this disa­ to set fire lo the exten-ive lumber 8 ft) ers, and 700 carpent rs are engaged in Drv, over 10 ffsi. f lb......... bility. In 1872 he applied for a jx-n- yards of the West Coast Lumber Com* Wet «sited, over i>6 tt-«..... 4 « manufacturing such articles a* cigar- sion. but his claim was rejected in ptny at San Diego, Cal. He was dis­ Murrain hide».................. 7 ftt 10 £ c i »- i , newspaper and picture frames, 1878 on the ground that his blindness covered running out of the yard from P e l t « ................................ V r o r t a r i . r » — napkin rings, etc. The value of the ; could not be directly traced to sun­ r s|>ot where a pile of rags, saturated with kerosene, had been fired under a Q^rrou*’# tack stroke while in the service. A lew annual expoit of these articles is given It is re|K>rted Cauliflower, # d o t!!!!! years since bis relatives and attorney pile of dry lunilx-r. V « 5,000,000 mark*, and this is exclu­ had the case reopended, and the result ih itG o v e y had a dispute with t’ie Onions sive of the cosily carved wood furni­ ia an allowance of over $12,000 on the company regarding some lumber he] Potatoes. n*w. ÿ ICO lb* W oo l — bought, and threatened v< n- \ ^ Spcin* clip. ture, the manufacture and export of tint payment, and $72 a mouth dur­ had Valiev geanc. which Arc- assuming large proportion®. ing the remainder of hi* life. their sui faces which enable them to cling together. Hence it is impossi­ ble to m »« e as fire linen as cotton cloth, but it is much stronger. you cannot estimate the risk. Results had been seedtd down and in grass the cut very little figure with the salesmen, last ten years, and bad become un for If the stuff will sell it will go off their thrifty and unfruitful. Last year one hands with scarcely an effort, becauss half of it was thoroughly plowed, their best customers are the chronic In­ wd aslies were applied, and it was valids, who are thicksr than flies around cake. carefully pruned. The other half was a molasses Nevertheless, I would prefer to take a not cultivated. This treatment w,i,, new medicine out on the road than hnudls continued this year. 1 lie result wm | mjr o( the old ones which have lx«eii that the cultivated portion resisted the i vertlsed from thecllffs of the I’arl'lc roast drought |>erfectly and had dark green to the rocky banks of labrador. Ameri­ foliage, and is heavily ltden with cans are experimencatlvs, and will buy a Baldwins, Greening* and Golden Rus­ new nostrum without any recommenda­ tion, for the simple reason that they have sets, in remarkable contrast with the heard nothing against it. Rt. Louis lends other jiortion. In cultivating an old the country in sales of quinine, malarial orchard which Its* been long in grass, *periflc and bilious antidotes, nud some of it should lie remembered that it the local manufacturers will clear millions should be done while the trees are from two articles that originated here dormant, when breaking the root* will within the last two years, but wbirh are do little harm. When in a growing ilrendy beginning to elicit notice.—George Haskell. stite it may cause |x>sitive injury. R e s u lt* o f O v e r tr a in in g . There Is one aspect of the Sullivan Mitchell fight which is so far devoid of tirntality as to be of public Interest; this is, that a man seemingly in superb physi- al condition may. In reality. I* so far ivertrslned, as It is termed, as to hat si jeen deprived of his staying powers. Nature supplies to us certain qnnntltlea of adipose tissue, which may seem to thu critical eye of one who looks ocly at the outside to be an Incumbrance, which MUfUI’ tr r reduced r i u t c u by u j careful h i » training; » **i i ii s . ji . should l I he A photograph of a wc ¡n sltnut 4-> ! i)nt it may turn out that In thus bringing years of age was also found, M ie v e d the human organism down to a mass of to be that of deceases!. An ¿¡r.pty bone and mnscle tb* trainer wilt deprive box of Rough on K its was found near the body of the food that it need« to make the body, and one theory ia that being good the waste of physical energy. A unable to obtain employment, she be­ man thus prepared may be well fitted for a spurt, but entirely unable to keep up came disconsolate and »wallowed ths under long continued physical exertion.— poison. Boston Herald. . . , Tlie remains of a woman were found in the brush in Swetlxer can­ yon, about three miles east of Han Diego, Cal., by Mr. Grubnow, a dairy­ man. The remains had been shock­ ingly mutilated by coyotes. In a satchel near by were several letters, one addressed to Miss Annie Cunning­ ham, care of Hamuel John Erwin, F . resno, California, postmarked , I reland . « I * I 1 *