fu ie u .N AG R ICULTUR AL. — DgvoUd to tha Intonata of Faraón and Stockmen i ** II * % - W o rn Out la n d .. A writer in the Southern Cultivator tell* of a farm he owns in Tennessee where the held« are badly worn out and washed out by many years' culti ration. Turned-out fields are grown to sedge., briers and bushes, and have many washed out gullies. A century or lees of cultivation, so-called, has done this, and he now is experiment ing with grasses, to find some way to make available pasture and return the soil to usefulness. H e says there are hundreds of millions of acres in simi­ lar condition. It is well enough for the people who commence to till a new sol) to look ahead to what the laud they own may come as a poor inheri­ tance for their heirs, and try to follow some method of farming that can pre­ serve some degree of fertility, rather than exhaust its virtues and thereby beggar their heirs. 1 nere are many farms i;i this lieautiful aud fertile val ley that have already lost so much productive power as to not bring nearly so good crops as in the beginning. There is no profit left in growing staple crops on such land, and the question is H ow long will it be be fore cropping such land will cease, aud it be •*turned out'' like those worn aut lands in Tennessee? It is possible to pursue a profitable system of rotation, with clover as a restorer, when clover will grow, or by putt ng land to grass and feeding stock on the land, and by jprudeni management prevent the continaance of such waste as has been practiced here. There is downright wickedness in destroying the fertility that has been accumulating for untold ages. To do this ignorautly aud blindly is bad enough, but the world has reached a com moil-sense knowledge of soils and their management that no man can be ignorant of, uulcss he is blind to all sense aud deaf to all reason. Robbing the soil should be made a worse crime than felonv. * ■> /i Bl * i r f/ t _» The market for fat sheep shows these days very clearly (list the man who remembers that carcasses as well as deeces are to be sold from his dock* is the shepherd that is going to win. Q In 1850 the English sparrow in Am erica occupied the area of a single tree or tree-box. Now he disports him­ self over an area 885,(XW square mile# in the United States and 150,000 in Canada. I>r W . L. Chall t, of Atchison, Has., is h irin g the cotton wood trees on his farm cut down and sawed into lum!>eO These trees were plaifled bv Dr. Challis in 1858, snd are now an average of three feel in diameter. I i require« m- q P la lor to engage ii^ gardening as compared with farm ing.' but lee- laud is rtquiredb The moat profitable crops sre g, t thO e that give the largest yields, but which bring the highest pri.-e,compared with the cost. o 'w 'Vfc # # Pig pens should not be on the same location every season. By having them movable much valuable manure can be secured from the »aturated earth around the old sites, while the change to fresh places will greatly promote cleanliness and health. lu tu s . i n e. n experiment recendv made by the medical staff of the German Army as to the effect various grades of to­ bacco had upon the health of their sol­ diers is of general interest to all smokers. It was found, after a searching inquiry, that the prevalence of throat diseases among smokers was not due so much to excess in this indulgence as to the use of green and improperly cured leaf. Few manufacturers can afford to have a large capital idle for three years or m ore; consequently, the most of them cut new leaf, the noxious effects of which is fully realized when generated through the heated smoke. It is only large manufacturers who make smoking to­ bacco a specialty, and who desire to re­ tain their well-earned reputation, that carry large stock* of leaf for the specified riod. We learn that Marburg Bros, neric h a v e e in store ne irly twenty millions of ponili!* of thè cr>q> of 1885, and ¡lis t o this is line tln* wide reputai¡on thev havccstablishi* liartheir “ Susini ',’orth C a r o lin a P lu g C u t. ” — O r o c t r an d C o u n try iferrhant. A 'TEAL Q U A TE H M A IN . . U W tlu gu U h s 1 T r a v e le r W h o h q u * l* H * g g » r . l 'i U * io . A lm o s t Th e warbles, or bunches on the backs of the catlle, may be killed b, puncturing them through the en­ trance hole with an a w l, L i v e r P i l e s «p rice t\ c u m and m a il u » th e o u ia id e w r a p p e r fro m the b o x w ith 4 cen ra in a ta m p ». W r i t e you r a d d ren » p la in ly . F l e m i n g B r o s .. P it t s B LK iiH. P a . Minneapolis has been figuring up and finds , effvet upon tho lining mucous membranes o f the nasal and otk i r I inatr " promoting rile natural secretiou o f tlii-ir lollieles, elands, tbi-reby s*ilb ning the dis* used and thickened mi mbn i" I restoring it to its natural, thin, delicate, moist, hi-aiihyi dition. As a blood-puritier, it is unsuipassid. A s those disc, which complicate nitarrh are d i- ns* s ot the lin in g mucous t t,runes, or • f i h i - •• d. it w ill readily be a iiu w hy this uitd is so well calculated to euro the in. CATARRH IN THE HEAD. I T S P T f P I S O K T H E D IS E A S E .- H u ll, honey b e vinche, •betruction uf the n&sul piuvsturi-a, discharg*** falling fr< m tno head into the tliront, sometimes profusi', watery, and acrid, at others, thick, t noiious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putì id; the eyea are w.-ak : tir re is ringing in the ears, d'-afni-ss, hacking o r coughing to clear the throat, expectoration o f offensive mat­ ter, toaethi r vrith s<-ah» fro m ulcers; tno voice is crum ifd and b a s a "nas.il tw a n g ” ; th * 1 reatu is offensive: smell and taste im paired; there is a sensation o f dizriii.-ss. with mental ih on-a- slin. a hacking cough and g n ml debility. Only a i » o f the above-named symptoms are lik e !, to It* present in any one caia*. Thousands o f cas-t lem uaily, without m anifesting half o f the above aympt mia, r-suit in consum e!ion, and end in the grove. N o disease is so oi-m non, m o v deceptive and dangerous, li»s understood, o r m ore unsuccessfully treated by physicians. ion local application for healing thedi a^g^d 1 i ii ad, l>r. S. ee's 1'aturrii li. misl) isbeya all cor I'arison the best pn-pai-ation ever Invent! ti u i i It is mild and pleasant to use, produi ing no srnai r r i ui. and c* utaining no strong, irritutiug. urt tu urug, o r other poison. This Hi medy is a powftl fi.l antiseptic, a: I s ised ilv destroys all bad smell whl h aocen I. m a , ..I m a iir c a - s o f catarrh, thug affordin g g n at comfort I those who suffer from this diseaso. that seven feet of snow feU in Uiat city during ! The Golden Medical D ta royrry Is the natu I f you w ould rem ove an evil. r irO f at it » the past winter. “ 1 Ipmato ” o f l)r. Sage s fa lu r rh Ri mi-dy. Olia of the lions of the d lY in Pari* »Z. A s tho predisposing or real cause o f t o n ly cleanses, purines, r* guluti*, and bul n < C ommon S ense catarrh is, in the m ajority o f case», some i a tirai of Stnnler and D j Brtsza. up the system ---------------------- to a hcalihy standard, and t, T H K ¥ 1V K S I S T E US, w eaknea, Im purity, o r otherwise faulty quers thn sit. bronchia), and nd lung complicati» lameil Camille Dou's, a young fellow T reatment . condltion o f the system, in attem pting to There w ere five fair »Utera. end each had when any such exist, but. from its spec an aim — cure the disease ou r chief aim must be effects upon the lining membrane o f the nasal passages, ft | •f twenty-three, who has just returned directed to the rem oral o f th it tnusr. Tie* more w e see o f tins Flora would fain be a fashionable dame; materially in r storing the discus d, thickened, o r ulcerated ng o the boulevards after many viciasl- o lions dis-a»*, and w e treat auoceasfullv thousands o f cus--» an­ Scholarly s u m h * selection waa books: Prune to a healtliy < < ndltion, and thus eradicate* the diseiaJ nually at the Ic va liils' H ot 1 an 1 S irg: al ]!:stitute. the n.ore do Coquettish Cora cared more for got*! looks; tules in the African deserts. M. effected in this m anner it it permanent. ^ When a cure is i c w e n alize the Iraportanc-* o f oimbim.-ig with the u«e i f a local, Annie, ambitious, aspired after wealth: Both Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical D iscovery and Dr. £a»a DouU is a middle-sized man, and not soothing and h alm g application, a th in ovrh amt pernuUnt Uiter- Sensible ?*arah sought first for good health* Cutarrh K.-m.-ly aro sold by druggists the w o rld over. Disooven ,“- nal use o f biood-deunsm g aud touic medieinus. So »he look I>r. Pierce*» Golden M edical DD* tt all robust, his privations having # 1 00, six botti, s fo r fô.ûOL Dr. fcag.'a a Catarrh Kerned; Remedy 5u venu ‘ covery and greu he»ltn> and blooming. Cora » In curing catarrh and nil the various diseases with half-di /en N .tli. s f " 0. old painfully on his health. He was beaut/ qu.ekly faded; Susan » eyesight faded wh. a it is r- i fo |U"i: >• e mi in m-d. as tno at, A complete T r a t:-' on Catarrh, g iv in g valuable hints i_ iccredite«l to the Court of Morocco iu from over-study; Flora became nervous and hr i n 'ual. a id lung dis rs -. v.. ,s stomach, ca- t. and ■ r malt, rs . f im portam e, w ill b, mail fretful in strivin g after fashion. And a sickly tar. a U il'-afn-sa. w.-nk . .r r fla1:. 1 e u s . Impure J - I - I ... 1 to u; V a . ■ -s. < n r. " i p t o f a nt p. .stage stamp, ' 1886 by M D • Freycinet and sent out 1 fam ily kept Anna's huabaud poor, but sciisi M . . I. ser .1 ulous and sy; !© I . ts. t •• w ■ : r- Address, At o r l d 's D ls p e lia a r y m e d i c a l A s s o c ia tio n , ble Sarah grew daily more health/, charming o explore the mines of Erckchirch, ful P •Wers and vu-ta*-» o f I>r 1’ierc. - (...Id l >!• 1- aud intelligent, and married rich. N o. 663 Mam Street, B u f f a l o , n .I Icoi D iscovery cannot be to o strongly extolled. It has a specific • h em « tiie Sultan gets his metal fo r lis coin. H • w as not allowed, how- i The South A frican diamond fields last year iver. to go along by the Atlas route, ! yielded gem s amounting to 3,646.!M> carats, valued at o ve r $20. Sahara in a small vessel, and landed Liver Oil oq account of iu unpleasant ta»tc. 5etween Cape Bojador and tho Kio 1 his difficulty had been overcome in ttrott*» D b ih I b I uu of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos B o , | relending to have beetDshi|i- phila». It being a» palatable a» inilk. and the moat valuable remedy known for the treatment * recked. M. Douls, having fallen in of Coiuumptioii, Scrofula and BrouchitU, Gen­ * i h some Moors of a thoroughly bar­ eral lability. Wasting Disease* of Children. | Chronic Cough» and Cold», ha» tainted phy»i- barous sort W'Oit through a series of < dan» In »11 part» of the world to u*e it. Physi idventures which, according to bis in­ ' cian» report our little paiieul» take it with Try Scott*» EtnuUion an 1 be con­ teresting account, are almost as thrill­ i pkaiore. vinced | he original ing as those recorded in “ She. P f erne r » »teel patent» have brought He was go t in danger of "hot-pot , 1 |3ó.2»5,UtO m royaltiea. liV . " like ihe hero of tl^at » range B A R T H O L D I’ S G R E A T W O R K . itory, but the natives of the place PU R E LY VEG ETABLE! c P E R F E C T L Y H ARM LESS! statue o f Liberty enlightening the world, where he landed put irons on his f el w The hii h stands on Bedioe s Dland. in the hartxir A a a L IA E I i P I L E , t h e y a r e l u e q u a l e s i ! snd buried him to his neck in the sand of New York, is one ot the most sublime Ar­ tistic conception» of modern tim e» The torch S M A IiL E S I^ C H E A P E S T , E A S IE S T T O TAKE. 'or a fiflr.night. A fter this species of of the goddess luhta the nation» of the earth to Beware o f Imitations, which contain ^visonou« Mincra/s. A lw a ys ask for tvPture the members of tfce tribe wore peace pro»i*enty and progrès», through Lib* Dr. Pierce's Pellets, which are little Sugar-coated Pills, Put “ lib erty" i» an empty word to tho or Anti-bilious Granules. ONE PELLET A DOSE. lee pi t impress nt with his Certitude. erty. ' »nd» o f put ailment* a hundredfold more tyrannical than a ml not only gave him his freedom, ( any Nero. T o »uch sufferer» Dr. Pierce*» F a v ­ but invrted him to join them. He *oon orite ervachpUun bolus forth the promise of a S old by D ru g g ists. ii'Covered t^at th* y a ere blackguards speedy cure. It is a specific in all thoee de­ IllH o n s H e a d a c h e , IH rrincsa, r o n s t ip a lio n . rangement«, i ’Tegular« tie» and weaknesses 25 C e n ts a V ia l. tud fr fh h : weesl kintl. a :d which make life a burtfen to »o many women. I n d i g e s t i o n . B i l i o u s A t ta c k s , and all dcninge- ments o f the stomach and bowels, an* prom ptly re­ for five mon h» he h ul to remain with > The only med. ci ne sold by druggist», under a lieved and perv-anentlv con'd by the use o f I»r . positive guarantee from the manufacturers B E IN O P V R E I.Y V E G E T A B L E , them, h t l p l i ; them to plunder cara- that it wilt g iv e satisfaction in every case, or P i e r c e 's P e lle t s . In explanation o f th lr remedial pow er o ver so great a variety o f diseas»-*. it may Dr. Piero- » P e lle t s operate without disturbance to faQN Ok» M D«)uU spflke Arabic, he ' mosy y w ill be refunded. a - - guantut«« truthfully be said that their ad ion upon the system Is universal, not t tMirfu-il ou wr»p|>ffr eocluaing bottle. the system.vsllict. or occupation. Put up in glHss was believed u firu ilj to be a Mohan • (la n d or tissue escaping their sanative influence. vials, herm etically seal'-l Alw -ivs fo-sh and relia­ ble As a gentle l a x a t i v e , a l t e r a t i v e , or active !Unaf»ctunv-l by WUilLXFS D^PKNSABV 9EDICAL ASSOCIATION, Oieilan. a n d h is maunsr o f escape w a s ¡ A number o f pretty girls hare been appointed T i'ir g a li v e , they g iv e t>:.* tie nt perfect satisfaction . :----- i _ in a * fiction. .:— ' ushers m a church at Ottawa. Kanawa. B U F F A L O , Is l. ** rguiantic a.« --------- «n r . l thing V.n* clnef of the tribe took a strong liV v I'l I'v lA A M I CONSTIPATION. liking to hifii. and offered him hi* Dried »hark fin» »re »old iu New York and Henry B. Archer, Receiver of Taxes of daughter a-* a w ife M Douls, ho»-- the City of®Yonk-rs, N. Y., *ays of bring nearly $i a pound. hi* o w , country—Tu rkey— in order for indigestion and constipan.^ taking Painful Boil«. one or two every night for ten dkrV*. The to raise f inds for the wedding. This are also admirable blood purifiers, per' MR 9 0 LT S, former!/Clerk of 8 ol»no C ount]. write* » «e n e a o f P t n s r r L B o n - was granted, aad an e*c*»rt sccom- fes-tly harmless but exceedingly effective nogardin» ‘Aftoi suffering udad / sJe**,!««* tiigh sfrom a arri-* of B«> il . w i; txccu'red t>> me to try /c*ur MAGIC pa- 5 *d ih#ingiOuou- tianl to Southern i aa a cathartic. I first used them myself, •tubboru particularly for biliousness and d)*pep D»TIUN whicto had be **«1 iuir a < Hi»u 4 » ft *- uuc i To my grew . Viti'i « rpnsv I fc>uud immeati «u* .1 M *racco— /gwuiati t a t graph. sia. They relieved me in t » o weeks. 1 com plete relief from its uw Its u»me is well des r red i cheerfully recommend them. FO R EIG N isTJ: J jjTTLE LIVER PILLS. SICK H EAD ACH E, T . Am ong the cat lemen who attendee! the recent convention in Jjeuver of the International Kenge Association w Ex Senator Stephen \V. Dorsey, who is one of the largest cattle owners in hou-aud women in T ronto New Me xioo. His holding« of ranch lands at one lim e 'aggre gated 104,000 h ve Hie muni«i|)al v *te, and are pre- pai ¡n^ t • ta .e an active part in the acre a. contest for mayor. After removing the mulch in the — D ring the last seven years more spring from the strawberries hoe be­ than tn o bundr-d thousand acre* in tween the rows after the soil shall F "«' 1 ate g .vie nut f cu ltiva:ion. have become Somewhat warmed, as It means a loss of £900.000 000 to the that will let more warmth and air down to the n> >ts. A small portion ef land-owner* and fa mers. wood ashes scattered along the rows alter hoeing would be very beneficial. A Kansas school teacher offered a prize to , the scholar who would i.-otue to school with the cleanest face, and the indignant trustees gave her the bounce on suspicion she was agent for i a soap factory. — A monster |ie i:ion In favor ot the ab@l ti n of ImU-tight* is to be presen-* *•1 to tl e M X can GovernmeZt. M in e f the leading j -urna s of the country denounce these sjwc:acles as barbar- < ns. — T i e city of P .ris derives a large incoil e from a tax on gas companies, a d the city now to #D'ot •leotri«’ «lotion» A fui »apply ^l^ctrir light fo priTAie e iiiie u * anti to it 0 » pub ic w»T4 a» f»r a » may be d o firth!»« — Pi* nvi*n« «r#* .ni b.*\d AT a » thon<*h hey liTtui in E iro *e in the matter of military •errice, for »U of that n rlo n U twt* n twenty-on« »«.1 thir y year« f Afft» nm»l tei re five y « a n 1 > ihere^* 1 r rmy. and after that pi o into the lat on.vl ottani or mit tia. I G H ! 4 flush*. "Ä’ v i i F- * i < S ki I Tr*c\- iQa »t Mi) .1r:f n or country va i had railla«?^ to alleviate Coucha Sore a The « prie« 5ü cents pet bott.e LKrp- t itbé H » srd Thrr>at. Moarsenea« and bronchial Affection». ■t wet sui Knncuo Su/d " i T » t i O iM nisr cun be oMau»d ot I druastst* Hent by mull foc 5t) C«u ta Üee An tívcll l'ian o advert T h y G k h m k i for breakfast. J . H . K l k k . %*»wa> r r a n d A n a l ) t i r a l C la r n ilN t. laboratory. KM F i-»t -t.. Partial ti. Ur. A n alyse« made of ail substance», lu r e » for asaa/in* icold and silver oies $150. h u .- »*fe» sent by man or eaprtas promptly attended ax and returns made. ^ akelee*» Squirrel and Gopher K*terminator. Try it. and prove the beat is the cheap* at. W akelee A Co.. San Francisco. FOR C a t a r r H E L Y ’S CREAM BALM I ('I r a a a c a th e h k .n l t - i a - U r « . A lla y » P a la aad l u l l it as w i l l s * . H e a l* Ih r M i t » . K rs ts rrs th e d r a w , a f T k a tr k k d W a s r ll. iV/sw» axnmtA 9w*U*wfart* if tiee%rm ÍV thr^xU M i to^tt cum meal dtmoA * Uk the OL G ee eat :nd be cured. Seid by ZV»»/? .*** L * ->rt Fee^y*there THE CHARLES A VOGELER CO.. Baltsi»r» Y A. MAItN6 FGÎÎ PUASÜ RI OR PROFIT. VKKY •aisli trirrsîÂcsiL Kcwti-W, aud nux msKriActi os a dr T h e O r e g o n N a tio n a l B a n k , VUMtaiBL Will t u on« deOiiMT TvKM* t \n» foe th « mAh in » cv tw«iwv *.3*p :« T v is U t h and pà/ n flc K - c t fo e M a f at*4 i » Sny kitchen t ilt tsm !n (r t (ifn t a r e ■«* • »»’ ikrtks T f.r iW ls s > 4 . CckrTTT,* trr Ï1 , « r> Sx #•»*■ t .- l* » 1 t. * . Ik K«r*r« givtW * * f i e l , M n « » 3 F West» k lr " t €fj4t i s I t-ro.-.A.a CisW' «■» No Engineer Ne« For VUUgv*. Storea PubUc Buildings and Rssidences. I IK *. lil.P tR T 1 ll.k T HI P P L IE N w ff w*nt. OK ALL K IT H * . ^ ‘ “ » ^ t n r e r e direct I ça». Seud for descriptive circular of what H A T C H u ; s s tis f s c tK ji B iO Y O H K A L . F. PLF 'a A. J. 1T1IYI R. lsD-w n ffS a a a DOORM AN® lI«»»o «s DcbiBW, 1 »< lr Ik i l l « I r r , ar / > 9otd by Pruett*» a writ* «.f.LArp. n:s,-.,«dch Hr,*, sriuaii n t t m a .Cat I CURE F IT S ! Wkt« 1 tAf ret* I » ms mat marei* %. _ „ _ _ «TAtiArn Ami tare kAre tare, Tetara Again 1 , ■ « fx » I ba*w »*J s th* d t i i f rrr\ ■ pri* pst •* rauavti sit K 5 s S T !Æ iiîi4 Pn-. Moer. tn. .,yr* tCi, flWrere.tt. . .ramre «re * «J *fhki. »Iv k fw a v r». Ciress. Back S1EINWAY S “ * J M " M t V»K « \ H/ 1li* tK" l W SHUTS TO ORDER, 11. SSL?f t : . C O B -L A N D . n.-itrhc-All kltltnrrxn Oecftwr. IU PR IC T L I U A C»«Urv C«ffv Eie. d is p e n s a r y T h « H « ( itaccessfu’ H t. chine Mml«. JOeM w r u . l SC^r VM a I « *• I r*t rrvmium« Io « U t s ui: soStfu cib Hurts The V an Monci PtTALUMA INCUBATOR m r* d Gooorrhamt)ur^ 232 KearnvSt, San Francisco JSrcnun. Laundry Mactiiiery. I THE LINDGREN CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER. W f fïfi»»C lT e n oofTS^ PIANOS. «:Zé A l>trr**. l lT X L IS H j (llrw l /ta 1 . OHME Safety Viiyg lor Manse aid Slitioarr Emiaes aisjied tiy tie GcTermneit. * lT« r w h «tk «r they hmv* » tast« foe t h « w j»fc u f i b a s XM» i » d by q u t e s fa ir U » pr^ft» î noe « T «n F t 'cw 9C ce* »t d n a s o KL Y Kk lH K k U .' K i l i r o iT i.u n . p o w k k h The Yt estlnghous* Engine* and Boilers. Farm Engine Tank Pumps several v in e « ot Engines of all sue* and for all purposes. Farm, Church and School Bell*,! Mann • W ork of all kind*. Creamer» Machinery, Hancock Inspirators, I Park Injectors, all the latest Patent Wrenches. B a< k-mith. ■ Aut-matic and Farm Drills. Boiler Feed and Duplex Pumna. >team Fitting Goods. Lubricating Oil*. Beittng and Hose. Self-Heating Bath Tub«. wfeiizig ■» U**ht ptetusoi. sod. pwrikSi«. pr 'û.*l,« ».«-caemrui *rt ot Cm mi? ÌS»Ain« »* hx'iar. scdwhil.- givtafsarmeiu^rt t* the r f .vi* »rid úi- i- Try the Cure t 'l m i m i R Y Kriebel E b £ m ; Stationary and M arine. t* - Q E > ERA L D IK E ' T IO S ”. - M ia 2 pi2 1 R b r n s w l u w . K M m i 1 Nil tit A a d f f w i - name*. CKa, dned varieties of ». gg. « i t n s d i l t cored bv CWSrVWA A n n t ible* should never be discs ded aa F»ii « P U J T IL k t » h I » 1 lo n g aa they give good reeu la. A ««rea n sa. r u Z change of seed w i t h o u t first ex^wn | L kH kS tt«. w J tv n , u m t K« E lo llt J ltc h m eutiug with the new variety the year preen a* tuay cause a low of the en­ O S ? - Ï Î S M . i ï P . d t i S t t f . S J S tire crop. W fe* MsARS KRi »»$ F Aétatb* N»L K M E fW«»emer. Ala.. U one y e »r old »nd ha» be ttttreu three and four thooBj^.d inbrnbitan'-Q A fmrUcè» to «pphed talo g r S eel 'or H a « ta IU o m a ». " rtanpl««. M arkh.sd* . hapfrd mad o*lj W* W M-.m. « n i K A T T H !A S Bora Thir»», tt - _ ------ ---- fares ot Mem and Bladder T r a t » •Vs» Hm t. reara reTrte* Ookonbak Olm tt r * ? r * * * •*"> re a fot Utk ° * » T O * — CS is a ? ™ A I* 1S4 THIRD I I 8T. REW ARD! js r O RkT T. SO S r.U R fF 0 R C Q H .q y M PT II » on l'Arerea. w m p. M. O. R*, n - * F. tt. V. 8* I n h is a t 1 t r