P olk C ounty O bserver . VOL. I. P eople in Minneapolis Minn., cun- 45,000,000 cigars a year, but only 0,000,000 of tliis number are made by its 200 cigar makers. MONMOUTH, POLK COUNTV, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1888. TELEGRAPHIC. m i me ll hpitMDt of the Principal Eventi No« AttnrUüj! Pablie Intensi COAST CULLINGS. Devoted Principally to Washington Territory and California. G o r d o n H u g h e s , an Ohio boy, son i A serious stabbing sffray occurred of the American Consul at Blrimnit- j Hungarian house deputies adopted at Rid Blutf, Cal., in a saloon between ham, has won, in competition with 52 the army b 11 as proposed by the gov­ Suve Trust (colored) anil John Mali- lon, when the latter stabbed Trast others, a Cambridge scholarship worth ernment. three times, and it is thought he will $ 2 , 000 . In the duel on the Boisde Boulogne I die. in Paris, between Dopuis and Habert, At Truekee, Cal., a special train T h e supervising architect of public art critics, the lormer was killed. ! loaded with oranges aan into a freight bu ldings at Washington has recom­ R. P. Gravet, treasurer of Scott ¡train at tunnel 13. Both engines and mended to the Secretary of the Treas- ' county, Kas., has been found thort in j several cars were badly smashed and ury that $40,000 be appropriated for his accounts to the amount of $9,000. [ jjf,y jeet of snow shed was knocked The ship Smyrna was sunk in a ¡down, the repair of public buildings in San coll sion with the steamer Moto, - A Southern Pacific passenger engine Francisco. tne Is'e of Wight near London, Thir- in turning on the table at Santa Ana, teen passengers were drowned. N. M , ran by the taMe and collided T h e rematkable finish of American Daniel Moriarity and Daniel Hayes with a freight engine in the round papers is imparted by the addition of were hanged at Tralee, for the mur­ house, demolishing the roundhouse a mineral called agalith, a silicate of der of James Fitxmaurice, a farmer, and freight engine. John B. White was stabbed and magnesia somewhat resembling as­ near Lixna, county Kerry, Ireland, killed at Big Pine, Cal., by W. T. C. bestos in texture. It is fouG'l only in January 21si hist. Alexander! Jones, colored, was Elliott. White was an uncle of El­ the United States. hanged at Tallahasse, Fla., for the liott's divorced wife, and it is claimed that he was stabbed for offering pro­ A l e t t e r received from Robert Gai- murder of George Cuthbert, in N o­ tection to his niece. Elliott asked to vember, 1887. The execution was pri­ rett, dated at Cairo, states that he be arrested. vate. A t Los Angelgs, C a l, while Mrs. and his party will ascend the Nile as Samuel Phillips, the eleven-year-old Molleto was driving into the city the far as Thebes, and returning by way son of a prominent merchant of Sagi­ horse took fright and she was thrown of Cairo, will cross the Mediterranean naw, Mich., while playing on some from the buggy. Her dress caught in to Greece. From there they will go logs in a bayou, fell in. Guglehart the axle and she wasodragged some Reidlinger, aged twenty-four, jumped ¡distance. Portions of sjalp were torn to Russia. in to save the boy, but the little fellow \ from each side of her head and her T h e y are not troubled with breach j clung to his neck and both were right arm broken. drowned. While driving along a road seven of promise fuits in China. When a ; Ramon Cruz, a wealthy planter re­ miles south of Santa Cruz, Cal., three future Chinese belle is about three , siding thirty miles front Havana, was boys were thrown from a wagon, by days old she is formerly betrothed to j taken prisoner by bandits is held for a the horse balking:, over a sixty foot the scion of some acceptable neighbor, j $10,000 ransom. Soldiers are scour­ cliff. Vincente Garcia, twelve years and when she is about fifteen she is ing the country in search of him whil^ old, wis killed ; Manuel Snath, six carried and left there, and that ends his wife has received a letter demand­ years old, was seriously injured, and ing money, and saying if she plays the John Smith, four years old, escaped it. ____ messenger false her husband’s life will miraculously without injury. Pedro Pino, a M xican, and Joseph J o h n H a l e , of Westbrook, G a , is be forfeited. New York brokers have been in­ Silva, a Portuguese quarreled on a evidently a humorist, although he has structed by a detective and requested sheep ranch near Los Corrillos, N. M., not yet become known to the world to look out for a large number of over the right of possession of some as such. His first baby was christened bonds stolen from a firm at Lisle, laud, when Silva drew a pistol and First H a lf; the next, Second H a lf; France. The bonds ars supposed to shot Pino through the jaw. The lat­ the third, Other Half, and the fourth aggregate $1,000,000, and include ter returned the fire, and shot Silva Best Half. He has a big sign over Panama obligations, Credit Foncier se- through the brain, killing him in­ , . , . . ... , curities, Portuguese obligations. Bus­ stantly. Pino will probably recover. ins cabin door which reads: The 8ian renU( Turkish bonds and ftiscel- A passenger train on the Interc \\ hole family of John Half lives with- Ig n e o u s obligations, Oceanic raiftvay was stopped and in. A half family is better than none, \ passenger train on the New York robbeifby a hand of fourteen high­ but if you want to see six halves in A Pennsylvania railroad was wrecked waymen, three miles beyond Irolo, of The passengers and train one hole, come inside and see what is »oar Whitehouse, Pg. Y., by thespread- Mexico. i /. f i i , ___ ,........ >, ing of the rails. The mail and bag- men were systematically robbed. The left of us. Goo bless our home. 6 . , ® __________ _______ gage cars and two passenger coaches company lost over $3,000 from the Qa i containing about forty passengers, treasure box. It is presumed this i* W h i l e a ciiizeu of Lumpkin, " i rolled down a twenty-foot embank­ the same band that entered Ameca- was cleaning out his cellar recently ment. No one was killed outright, meca recently, and that plundered the after it had been flooded, he discovered I but seventeen of those injured will Chatbuac ranch in the state of Pueblo. a plight depression in the earth, and, ! die. A ton of Wm. Bent, who keeps a examining it closely, saw a bar of | Helene Crosmond, prima donna, saloon in San Francisco, was drowned He metal partly buried there. Picking it committed suicide in the cabin ef the at the entrance of the ferry slip. up he found it to be lead. Further | I’ -ccadilly London. She signed a con- was in a boat near the end of the j tract with the Drury Lane Opera Com- wharf when the steamer Donahue searcli revealed 107 bars, weighing j j,any ) but owing to a mis understand came in, and the waves caused by the about a pound each. Hew they got ing the tore up the contract in a fit of steamer swinging into the slip caused there is not known, though it is sur- temper. Later she tried to reopen i the boy’s bo.it to capsize. A yacht mised that they were buried during negotiations, but in the meantime a j saw the accident and went (O his ret-- , ... , 10„ a , , | substitute had been engaged, and in a , cue, but accidentally rail light ovei the Indian war of 18 , when a iu< t ^ 0f j^pondency 8he shot herself. ; him. The lad sank and was urowned. fort stood on the present site of the General W irt Adams, postmaster at A shooting affray occurred at Oak- house. ___ ______________ ; Jackson,* Miss., and John Martin, an j land, Cal., which resulted in the death editor, fought a street duel, and b o !h ;o f John Phelan, a tailor. It seems IT is said that 40 per cent, of all the ; men were killed. The general was hit j that Phelan was out with two coin- deaths from poison in Great Britain ill the head, and Martin was hit twice. : pauious, and met Ben Litchenstein, are due to opium ; and this rate of A published article was the immediate ! another tailor. They had some angry words about the price of work. Phelan morsality, according to Dr. Winter cause of the tragedy, though a breach j has long existed between the men. It accused the other tailor of taking Blythe, “ arises in a great measure I chargeit incompetent service in the work from him by doing it at cheaper from the pernicious practices both of j p08toffice rates. Litchenstein denied this, and hard-working English mothers and! A nine year-old daughter of a farmer things were smoothed over, and all the baby-farmer of giving infants named Albert Goodapeed, living near parties took a drink in a neighboring •soothing sin-up?,’ ‘ infants’ friends’ and j Des Moines, Iowa, is lying at the point saloon. Phelan than struck Litchen­ stein in the face. The assaulted tailor the like, to allay restlessness and keep j ^ a th , having been almost literally * , . . eaten by a dog when found. 1 he girl went away, but quickly returned with them asleep during the greater part o |la(j been attending school. A huge a revolver and shot Phelan in the left their existence.’’ It has been ealeu- wag standing over the little girl, breast, the bullet entering his heart. lated that one preparation alone is the tearing the flesh from her breast and Phelan died in fifteen minutes after reaching the hospital. undoubted cause of death of 150,000 ' devouring it. Her leit breast had been A few days ago a gentleman from eaten away, leaving the lungs exposed, children every year. while her limbs were horribly mangled. Fresno registered at one of the princi­ A terrible accident occurred at pal hotels in Han Francisco, but as B o s t o n has just received from A f­ j Rusnsylvania, Ohio. A school exhi­ there were no rooms vacant at the rica the largest gorilla ever landed in bition was in progress in a hall situated time he was told to return in the af this country. His name is Jack, and m the third story of a brick building, terooon. His luck was no better on Sud­ bis return. He was a little indignant, ho is five feet in height when stand­ over 400 people being present. denly the floor gave way with a fright­ and told the clerk at the desk that he ing erect, and measures seven feet ful crash and the entire audience went would stop there anyhow, and offered from the end of one outstretched down in a surging mass to the ground. to back his boast with $100. Among hand to the other. He weighs about So far, two people are reported dead, the guest at the hotel was a young 125 pounds, and exhibits enormous ten seriously injured, and probably lady from the same town as the gen­ tleman, and for whom he had a liking. fifty less seriously injured. strength, compared with which that An odd marriage occurred at St. He went to the young lady, told his of a man seems like a child. He ar­ Louis. Miss Ada Belle Richards, a predicament and determination, and rived in a large box made of planking cousin of the late President A rthu r,! asked the young lady to marry him. two and a half inches thick, and when was married to Dr. Wright, of the Hhe consent.J, and together they went being removed from the ship he tore Choctaw Nation, Indian territory. The to the parson and were married. It is groom is a quarter-bio id Choctaw In­ sufficient to say that the gentleman large splinters from the hard wood dian, and a son of the late G «v made good his boast. planks with as much ease as a child Wright, of Indian territo y. He is a Home nine months ago Miss Laura well educated physician and quite I Webster, a young laxly living in 8 inta would break a twig. handsome. The couple became ac­ | Clara county, Cal., received a severe A n enormous black eagle has been quainted while the bride Wis doing fright w hile visiting her sister in Vic- II I missionary work in the territory a year i toria, B. C. Hhe was in good health seen lately at Lander, Wyoming at the time, but a few days later is believed that the bird is fully ^ ve 1 A lamp exploded in the hand of she sank into a deep sleep. Shortly feet iu height and that his powerful Mrs. John Quillen at Pittsburg, Pa., as j after her affliction she was taken to The burn­ Han Jose, where she now resides, and wings measure fifteen feet from tip to she was going up stairs. tip. His legs are almost as big as a ing oil set fire to her clothing, And, during the trance the only nourish­ overcome with fright, she ran to the ment she received was forced down man’s. He gone tally makes his ap­ window and jumped ont, alighting on her throat. Her breathing was barely pearance about sunset, when he wii. a brick pavement thirty-five feet be­ perceptible, and her limbs, when fly from cliff to cliff on the mountains, low. Coleman Kilroy and wife who placed in a certain position, would re- all the time keeping up a piercing alao occupied the nouse had retired, | main rigid until changed by an at­ •cream. He has been shot at doaena but were awakened by the explosion. tendant. Hhe lies with her eyes closed Kilroy jumped from the third story but will reply to questions, when re­ of time« by excellent marksmen, but window and was badly injured. His peated several times. During the last so far h° haa safely avoided the flying wife iorced her way through the flames few weeks her condition has improved rifle balls, and each shot only seems hich filled the halla but in to doing i considerable, and tbe physicians in at to make him yell louder, as if laughing was painfully burned about the head, ,endanoe state that she will eventually face and arma. I awaken from her long aleep. at his would-be slayer«. I 1 CONGRESSIONAL. THE Kiug soft aero*« the dying day. Legislation Pertaining to the Interest of the Pacific Coast ▲ugWu-s! H O t'H R . o A bill to provide for the sale to act­ ual settlers under the homestead laws, of the Fort Sfedgewick military reser­ vation in Colorado and Nebraska was passed. A bill was passed to establish an ad­ ditional land district iu Oregon. Johnston, from the committee on elections, submitted a report oh the California contested election case t*f Lynch vs. Vandever, and it was placed on the hcEbse calendar. The report is unanimously in favor of Vandever, the silling member. Cox presented a bill for an approp­ riation, in reference to a memorial from Gen--. .Schofield and Slocum and other members of the Army of the Potomac, asking for an appropriation of $25,000 to aid iu meeting the ex­ penses of a fraternal Q-eunion of sur­ vivors of the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia, to be held on the battlefield of Gettys­ burg in July next, to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of that conflict. The secretary of the interior trans­ mitted the report by Governor Swiut- ford of Alaska, upon the operations of the Alaska Seal and Fur Company, in which he alleges that the company has grossly abused the natives, and at laches an affidavit to the charges. He concludes that it would be better to al­ low every fur seal to be exterminated than to continue so blighting a mo­ nopoly. 1 The day of toil seems long ago, Angel us' While through the deepening vesper glow. Far up w her»* holy Ulitni blow, The beckouiug boll notea rise and dew, Angeluat Through dassttng curtains of the west, Angel us: We set» a shrine tu roses dressed. And lifted high, in vision blest. Our every heui't throb is confessed, Angel us! O, has an angel tauched the beU, Angelas For now upon its (tarttug swell. All sorrow seems to sing farewell; There fulls a peace no words can tell Augelus! - Frances L. Mat's RIDING A SIG NM AKER’3 LAM ENT. D eca y uf a tirau ch o f t b . I’ a in tliig llu th l ie s .— W o r k s o f A r t . Acrctii the timber tinted bay, Tiie meadow hushed with sunnec ray— Ring out, and float and mail away, Angvlui*: MKNATK. The committee on foreign affairs reported to the senate in executive session the treaty which was recently negotiated by Secretary Bayard and the Chinese minister, with the recom­ mendation that two amendments be nude to the treaty, and that it be sent to ..he President with the request that he secure the consent of the Chinese government to the amendments. The first amendment is to the first clause of the treaty, wn><-h provides for the exclusion of all Chinese labor­ ers from this country. The amend­ ment added to this clause provides that this exclusion shall also apply to Chinamen who have been iu this country and have departed, taking certificates with them. This amend­ ment will prevent the return of all Chinese with certificates. The second amendment adopted by the committee on foreign affairs pro­ vides that exempted classes in the treaty, such as merchants, students and Chinamen who have departed from this country leaving behind a wife and family or money or property to the value of $1,000, shall be allowed to return only upon presentation of certificates showing that the holders belong to the excepted classes named in the treat)’. The number of individual pension bills passed by the senate in sixty-five minu.es was 105, forty-two of them be­ ing house bills. Several of them were for volunteer nurses, at the rate of $25 a month, and one was for the widow of Gen. Charles P. Stone, at $50. AN G ELU3. NO. 8. IN MEXICO. L i g h t i n g H pC Igaretto W h i l e s i t t i n g on m ■ t u c k i n g H o r n e — T l » « S e c r e t o f I t . Thu great tentin'» o f all Mexican riding is looseness of their seat U U all done by bahitwv. And when I sny “ a ll" it means a wonderful deal. 1 have set'll a Mexican named Louis- to tie sure he was accredited to he the liest rider out there, aud for my own port I cannot conceive that there can be a lietter iu Clio world— I have seen that man cross his legs ever the horn of the big Mexican saddle, and, throwing the reins on the neck of the horse, calmly ijyll a cigarette while tlie horse bucked up and down with him. I know it is asking a g n a t deal to expect credence for such a feat as this, but yet, when wo consider the pitch o f jierfection reached by circus riders among our own countrymen, the very much higher degree af excellence attained by one remarkable man out of a nation whose momls'rs we may also lay a o ' born on horseback, is not so nlto gi'lher lieyond the prospect o f belief—though there is of course an enormous difference lie- tween riding the trained things in a circus and tlie mustangs caught wild upon the prariea. The Mexican saddle, with its great stirrups and the horn on which the lasso hangs, gives, o f course, very, many good points d'appui; but the (icrfnrmanres o f these Mexicans on tiure liack are wonderful enough You see a herd o f wild boiSM driven Uisough the narrow i«iss o f the corral. Your Mexican, with a hair ro|ie in his hand, will drop fu>m the l » « i n alsive upon the I task of the horse it is wished to reclaim to domestic Any person anxious to kuow what has be­ come of the m ajority o f the emblematic sign, which ten or fifteen years ago huug half a dozen in every block should visit any largs sigmnaker's workshop. The once fam iliar wiutMeller's hunch of grapes, tbe glover’s hand, the locksmith's key, the carpenter’s saw, the blacksmith's m ighty arm, tb . butcher's boor's head, the hundred and one figures that form erly std iu front uf tobao oonist«1 shotis inviting customers to enter, are all ou dusty shelves in the storerooms. “ They are all goue out," said a signmuker, ruefully looking over his collection. “ True, tlie idea of I'mnl mg totalcconista' signs whit, aud making them look weird and ghost like revived that particular sigu for a time and brought back same of its old time effective- utsu, hut emblematic signs iu general belong to the |iast. About all we sell uowadays ars mortals, hoots and clocks. Biqgularly enough the demand for them is not from country houses, but from the city. One would think that city people In the hunt for origiiwility that business com|ietition com­ pels would reject sooner than countrymen the ok lest merchant's sigu knowu to luau. Emblematic signs need pushing. They ought to I ni still a good advertisement. Why, some o f them, particularly the Ilfs figures, are works of art. There are wooden and m etallir Indians and 1 leasts iu stock that pretentious sculptors would not t>e ashamed of. Issik at that bull's head and at that bust of (iatnbriuus! l » o k at the extra and tune It took to carve even so simple a thing as a gun amt get it true to life. Kmblematio signs are curved no more. Those that are built sre made of iron, either cast or spun. A use for which some of them yet command a good pries is as weather vain"» and as ths t o ), of llugstaffs. There are numerous men In town who have expensive emblematic vanes on their stables. I heard o f one man who took his indoors at night. I t was so costly he was afraid it would tempt thieves. “ But Imsiuess in other kinds of signs is brisk enough,” he continued. " W e make them of wood, iron, glass, mirrors, porcelain, copper, wire, silk, velvet and plush. Ths signs in this city, as a w hole, are second in artisticnees only to those in New Y ork, and that city's signs are second to none. Ths tendency is all toward display, with aa much gold amt glitter as (sissilile. I wouldn't dars guess how mnuy hundreds of tbnu-iai)ds of dollars' worth of gold leaf ths signinakers o f the country use up in a year Carved' signs are the inost ex|smsivs. I t ’s no uncommon thing for a merchant to plaster 81,500 tu $2,000 worth o f signs on tb . front o f his stooe. ’’—Chicago Times. OSes. In an instant be is away, snorting, bellow ing, pouitively shrieking with terror, In the midst of the thundering staui|ieile of his tal­ lows, who are scarce less terrified than him self. He cunnot buck, while tlie bent presses c lo s e « upon him. The Mexican leans for wai'il with tho rope iu Isith hand-, pusses It over the horse’s head into the wide open mouth, and fon-es it Itehind his teeth. Then he takes a turn with it. unihr the lower Jaw, and there he has him bitted and bridled. A fter a little over half an hour be comes back with him broken; not “ so that a chilli could ride him,” hut so that a Mexican can. O f course they are small horses. I cannot say how the Mexicans would fare with one of th is» big Australian buckcrs. They main­ tain, however, that this loose seat o f theirs does not irritate a horse in the way a grip with the kneesdiv-s; and this 1 fu lly believe. Further than that, I fancy the solution o f the mystery about those horses which w ill go quietly enough with a lady, though a man can hardly ride them, is to tie sought rather iu the method of the lady's seat than, as is commonly thought, In the superior delicacy of her fair hands.—Murray's Msgszina. L ife at the North Tote. I f they ever find the North Pole and it be- i-onies colonised, they're going to have an awful time of it. They will have daylight six months and dark six months out of tlie E O H T L A N I I P H O U I ' C K m a k k k t . year. Tbe great check on im m orality is uay- iight. There is a certain lim it of trouble and B u it k r — ingenuity beyond which Immorality w ill not 40 Fancy roll, 0 lb ................... go. The lim it Is far enough off at the best, O reg on .................................. hut i f it were night for six months on eud in In ferior g r a d e ..................... what would become of uel Huslumds would 27$ * P ic k le d ................................. never go home at all. Parties would only be C aliforn ia r o l l ..................... divided by the time necessary to recruit ex­ do p ic k le d ................ hausted nature; a woman would need a new C heese — 10 <9 Kas tern, full cream ............ drees every four hours because she couldn't u « Oregon, do ............ go to more than two imrties In the same drees, C a lifo rn ia ............................. end it would be an awful hardship to do even E ggs —F r e s h ..................... that. They would say: D r ie d F r u it s — “ W hy, do look at Mrs. -----. Hhs wore Apples, qrs. sks and b x e .., that same dress at the Biuiths just ten hours do C a lifo r n ia ............ ago." Apricots, new cro p .............. IH <9 “ Are you going to the theatre nowf" Peaches, unpeelea. new . . . u *« “ N o; I saw the piece already to-uight.” Pears, m achine d rie d . . . . . . P itte d ch erries..................... “ Get up." P itte d plums, O reg on ......... “ W bat time is itf” Figs, Cal., in bgs and b x a .. “ Don't know, but I put you to bed in n Cal. Prunes, F r e n c h .......... miserable condition six hours since, and we O regon pru nes..................... arc due at the Jones'." F lo u r - "W a ll, wsit till I get my breakfast or top­ Portlan d Pat. R oller, # b b l g per or dinner; which is it anyhow f Salem do do “ Don't remember; it Is my llfith men I this W h ite L ily 0 b b l................ season." C ountry b ran d ..................... 8 'ip erfln e “ Don't light the gns yet. I only saved $1,- G r a in — 000,000, and that gas bill is getting prodig­ « 1 22» W h eat, V alley, 0 100 lbs .. ious. A new drew! That’s the fifteenth in 1 16 « 1 17$ 175 hours." do W a lla W a lla ........... 1 10