Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927, May 05, 1888, Image 2

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    Polk County Observer.
doughty .
su b u rrtflio i Ituti'K.
the voters to stand hy tliel tiekei.
The opposite port ils- are rem arking
th at th ere is disKitisfaetion am ong
tiie republicans w ith th e ir ticket.
['Ills i ' not the l’use, and we feel as­
sn n i l th at the republicans will not
U found w anting in thi- county in
hoi k HU’NTY ixxs.
iti p u b lica n t ¡im piligli S o n g .
•‘T u s c a lo o s a Slim ,
In fiiir hoik i ■ntntv, Oregon,
A |«urtv ih nth
i reside.
\ i o t win I. tin;, go up to the |iolls
The “others” run and hide.
They im 11 tleinselves “Republicana”
And often thiy will say.
flier' - in 'i r a I*cn,<MTutie vote
We can't whip any day.
Ker Y«-ar.
lVr Six Monti,...
IVr Four Mmitli-.
♦ ♦
Advi-n.l«iug ruU» inibii* known on u|>j>li-
i nones:—Oh what a row Ac. Ac.
To prevent forgetfulness we reprint
r<>mm|N,iulence i» -olir itivi from all tri* ini. the tariff plank of the state platform . TO true in eighteen und eighty-six.
of Ilio |ia(irr.
This party got a blow;
T his is-ne iteed* to Is- clearly kept And
many |>atriotic H".uls,
Did up Salt river go.
M oiniioiitli, (» reg n a, May .*>, |KHM, • «•fore the |s-oplc, a- it i ' on tliis re­
pu hi leans are m aking th eir tight. But now in eighteen anil eighty eight,
This must all altered bo,
T hat tiie |H,liey of th e dem ocratic ad­ or we shall have to scrutili and «inoli
1‘urti'clar ugourr.
m inistration which would place wool
and lum ber on tiie free li't and xx.isd-
cn yissls on tin highly p ro b -te d list.
Cotton ties Oil the free list alld o th ­
er sim ilar h<s»|< Iron in the protected
list, and w hieli policy would continue
the e;,ilifti(,ll of
on -Uigur
ea"!' year, w h ileat the same tim e the
m ajority applaud and claim to curry
out the president's idea that a tariff
tax is robbery of the |>coplo consti­
tue - a pie- e of unparalleled |silitiiu l
dlshone.-ty having for its solcohji'ct
the sii 'i'cs- of the deni,wrtUle p arty
at the next election, even at th e ex-
pi n- ■ of the practical destruction of
m any of o u r most im portant agrieul-
turaI and m anufacturing industries.
W e favor the policy of providing
chiefly for tie revenues of th e general
govt m in e n t and for the purposes e s ­
sential to tin1 general governm ent, a
system of duties levied upon im ports
so adjusted as to d iscrim inate in fa­
vor o f dom estic industries and pro­
duction- and in favor of .American
labor, and we declare in favor of re­
ducing the annual surplus revenues
of th e governm ent hy a d m ittin g Aeo
of d u ty -■neb articles of general use as
cannot l>e largely produced or munu-
fictliri'd hy our people.
T hat w<> depricate the attem p t of
the dem ocratic adm inistration to de­
grade th e hones* toil of Am erica to a
level w ith the pauper labor iifth e
Mill W orld.
Supremi' Judge.
» . r. ioidi.
I'll - ilftitiwl Kli. i■
R O M . Ml LEAN.
!.. ». HI/ION.
»si. K i n s .
I’rnwiuting Attorney' T liinl Di-triet
H. II. H E » ITT.
F< >K—
G O T JIsrT Y .
Stato Senator.
E. T . Il ATI H.
E. v K it» 1 1 1 .,
I . G. MMI I I E .
< 'minty Juilp'.
r . o . c o a ii.
oiiiiu omioim 'I-'.
it. F. MI I.IM li,
ii. » . MCKEE.
!.. » . (AMITSL'LL.
<‘.unity Surveyor.
«I liool S ii | m rinlfiulfni,
< i miner,
♦ ♦
Druggists and Apothecaries.
riics. Paints. Oil», tilass and all other w
ticks kept in a lirst-class drug «ture
l’rwrriptions Carefully Compoundeil.
A Bonis th e !>est advantages for purchasing
Goods Cheap-
r-ér.Mso Ikxthm in Keel A Barton'« s;;.
v e -uml Plate«! »'are, Jewelry, J/usieal In!
»trament« u!'all kinds.
As our party now puts forth.
W as n e u i ei'ii in a n y st a te
('pm, this mortal ear'll!
If «'lonely we examine it
I'll show mui , all the time
That 11 KAI TY, wiurrii and VA Ism
In our ticket ali combine.
<I lu ax U"H is Ii T Hatch
< Men 'lit and renown
I'm sure you runout rind Ins match.
In country or in town,
t wo men oi mo.-! gigantic mind
To .Salem we w ill send
Unwell and t'harlie Kishcr
And our laws they w ill amend.
I oik contiti cry in June will lie
T' r Shi rill— Ira Smith! !”
' t or ■ i k u w ill have t'hesîer t ’oa 1”
A ml h. »: h are tito'i ol pith.
Bra ve Si niter a* our cocxty Jl'isa;
Will march to vict ;ry,
And with him ourcoMMtssioxERs
Mcl.in h and (ieorge McKee
(if i P. •Ik county “unHwj**
TI" r«’,M iun»c like *‘rnr|<» Hill”
Hen cut out for a tukamirkb »
Ami put Kim Ijiroujfii we will.
Ami tiioti^h tirkets are “uncertain”
In tlit ii running nftvntimcs
<>n a Hntlcr tor mi kvryoii
N «»u cun U t your Uittoni dime.
—A T -
Don't let your - nils la* l.ithered hy
The l’roliiliiflon ernie,
I.*‘i 's I io | h ; our friendsrun sit by this,
The error o f their ways;
observe ili.- wily Democrat*.
I alk Krohiiiition loud.
But wiii'ii they i onie to cast a vote
They 1 »How their own crowd.
• vjjv , -•*»»'*» i»
! K u s tc r ¿
-Connected w ith the-
Republican Ticket
BIX».Lli IIKit>1 \> .
Kem em ner by j,hieing y o u r o rd er w ith us, you get new goods and latest
style*, cheaper th an an y firm can sell, that carry th eir goods in stock.
B rick S tu ck,
■ J. O . B Y K . X ) .
( »n d elivery of goods, our m argin is very small aud o ur facilities for buy­
ing arc th e very I>est. We m ake a speciality of house furnishing good- at
our M onm outh house. Also builders m aterial, shingles, stoves, crockery
and ghtss ware, and ex tras for all kinds of m achinery. < «ivo us a trial order Office over Unid A Bush’s Bunk, Salem, Or
and be convinced.
I » E N T IS T ,
IM Z E S S Z R B - B A R Z E E
Sc R O B E R T S O N ,
James Tatoni.
Real Estate and Insurance Ag-ent
ÜST. E L .
Sure an “illejçunt” aükxxou
Will Miir trieml < irecu Cainplwll make
Aihl Ki ll lumi as a couonkr
I»•*••> mti’e in\ fancy take.
I. «'•, but Ii<it le >t, t > Hcntland,
W'c our < <*i NT y hciknilr entrust,
l«i»r< m o \ is our watcliwonl
l.c! al * t - iranc«- !*.: ‘‘bust”
B T JT L E R ,
Druggist and Apothecary.
C*-,/'<«run'rics, I’rovisioits, ( 'rockery, Candies and Tubare",- ..»a
—I Valer in—
—A L S O —
I a peak dig of < learin for ( iingress,
,Ju«t notice a fcvv planks
rugs, Clicniii ui», Book«, Stationery, Tuilci
tlie dem ocrats say “ we want a m an
I’resh ’IV"!ileal F ru its arriv in g every week. Call on him.
In our plat firm 'arirc ami fait*
artii'le», etc.
to w ork In harm ony w ith th e ad m in ­ ” I S Scuri for.* to thr /tco/jlc
I or f lrrtioti m ust rrjtoir"
istratio n .” .Iii't so! tl,e pri's >nt a d ­ “ Vote early and vote* often!”
M O.XM or ill,
o n K n ox .
U no’ our party cry
m inistration proposes to ta k e a w a y
I'rcMcrlpUons Carefully Compounded,
I it fttir a u d intinsi fut lliit"
w hat Ii ! tie protection the w estern ibi Which
w ill give ns victory .
farm er has left him on his wool,
Monmouth, - - - Orei/on.
»»nr party will give buttle
fruit, Hax sit'd, Imrley, potatoes and Then
To the KM * KABLK T1H STS,
ve-o talil« , w hile it g u arantee- to In sugar, coal oil. cotton, lca»l,
I bt > all sh ill bite the dust,
the southern planter adtspiate pro*
.1 t'lir ta riff f o r protfctioii,
tis'tion to his pro l u 'ts sugar, rice,
t tj our n n ird im luitfryt
oranges, raisins and alm onds. T h e t b cu p a tio ns ih trinici J u t
To our health, they uiil destroy.
Oregon State Normal School.
♦ «
I »alb's '/'inii’K Momitiricrr in com m ent­
" h a rm o n y ,” says Take heed! then brave Kcpuhliean*
it is really discouraging to note ing on this
----- Carries at all tim es a fresh and com plete stock oi groceries.----- „
lake I hci I you don t disgrace»
th c c .iic n t of theopposition torel'orm " th e people do not w ant th eir repre­ Hy tpiarrels .»r disunion
< >nr party in their rare.
ai>»oing our local dcutocm cy. It
sentative to work in harm ony w ith
- i i . i » kr ;o suol i.i*KR let ns march,
• V uh'tit that the party will not u.'* *- Mr. ( 'li'velnnd or liisc irporation see- S im
AII enmities forget,
ee)»f reform till alter it g ets another retary of war; lor th e form er pock t- Then i nity and pkoorix ;
W ill land us !>n the sp*»t.
licking. Therefore, it must try som • e I the riv er and harlntr luH l
“A-MKFI h ts *4
m ore of the sw eet u se of atlver itv. ion anti the latter removed m ajor
e every description, os cheap as the ehetipest. Vour iKitrcmnge is -oli-
e it e d . ( 'nil :inil si-i' h i m.
T'tien perhaps it may listi n to the Jones and w ithheld tin* approprii
voted hy
volee of tlii‘ reform er. W e can think ' tion in W ashington I
o f m any good tex ts for ciuiuinige- congrtsv*. Mr. l>olph was not in h ar­
All Normal (iroduutes receive a Diplunin
m ent of K m tunaii in thU tight w ith m ony w ith th seactions, neither was
!n»m tlu* State vyliich authorize1« them to
th e P hilistinism of his party . For Mr. Micthcll n or Mr. H erm an, aud
teach in any jHihlic m I kh »| in th e State. Other
>t«itcs grant tea. her«' certificates on presenta­
exam ple: " T ru th crushed to earth the justple o ft »regon desire the least An<l Oregon l>ev'clopmcut Company’s
tion of tlic.sc Normal Diploma#, w ithout ex­
miles shorter,
will rise again;” “ Tin» stunt* which harm ony |>ossihh* w ith such m atters. steamship
b * time than bv any other route. First
tin* builders rejected” e t '.
1‘r d z , I ndoiilitislly Mr. U eartn would have t la - through passenger and freight line from
I n - cii in harm ony w ith the ad m in is­ I' tlund an»l all ]»oint> in the Willamette
persevere. Orejonian.
' alley i » ami from San Francisco.
♦ ♦
tration in these actions and therefore
\\ ¡limnetic river line of steamers.
C E L E L K I P I j I V U T G .
The repttlilieans ha ve a gmsl candi­ Mr. tie a rin s nam e will not appear
! be \\ m* M. lloag. the N S. lk’ntlev, the
d ate Ib rclerk , C. <>'. Cowl, who is in the next congressional d irecto ry .” I’hrcc «Sisters an* in service for both passen-
! "Or (i» un ] t.ul»It* hoard is furnished to »tu*
'• i" aiid freight traflic lvtw«*eii Corvallis and
well and favorably known all over
I «Viitsat the ‘ N'.niial Dining Hull” at .*! ..v>
1’ ‘rtluml and interimsiiute |M»ints, leaving
lu i- week. G ikk I («»anlinir in flunilien with
th e eoiintv.
“ C h et” is a genial
.loiiathart Stolfrr is before th e pts>- •nipuny's wharf, Corvallis, and Messrs,
: mnn»li««l ruoni, fuel anil lielits, ävi.t«, to
i Iiiliu.i’» «V Co’s wharf, ‘_t*> and 202 Front
whole-souled fellow, thoroughly ple of l ’olk isam tv for the honorable strwt,
> per week.
Portland, three times each week as
.et in potent inni reliable, and will position of Judge. No better m an Collows:
n <»u r n nocND
m ake a m ost excellent t 'oitiitv ( Jerk. could he placed in nom ination, lie
* -vc « "i \ alli> Mon. Wish ami Fri. 10:00a tn
Tiie republicans ar«- going to tlo th eir is well know n anti stands high in th e
r \ ' la i’g Tue. 'I’hu and Hut O .'tOain
Practical Course of Study,
“ **
d u ty , and " t ’lie't will w in.
com m unity
ty as
ns an hon«**!
holiest and tiprigh^
u p r ig lit' “ •Ac Fubpiart/
P o r t]a m l................. * 44
li.ttia m
eitir.en. llis
Hi- eainlidaey giv e- th e ro
—Completed in a—
Tht* y o u n g Voter who d o e s not in­ publican» a cham e to stam i hy t m ar * .( i\! Portland Moti W<-d ami Fri
a in
4 ‘
Fuloitnrtx **
**# ‘4
44 2:05 p m ,
herit his polities, d o e s not l«vl the who has alway’i
ilwavs -tomi h\- them whet
Hay s |,dg '*
44 2:15 pm I
spirit of strife which kept alive his friendship was tustled. H e is fully Vrrive C(*rvallis Tues Thu. 44 Sat 4:20 pm
m ke close ( i*niK(lion jit Albauv
father’s h itte r partisanship, lie is «spiippisl for the |H>altion. II«' is not
with tiaius 'i'th« Oregon Pacific railroad.
not abnorm ally in tere st'd in the before th e ptxiplc on a prosja'ctive
t», . '!p1
«J 1 r *
Adilress tiie Prcsidcn!
past, lie d in s his own th in k in g . rtvord, and is too well know n to sjty I'\II.V PASSKN(.*:»: TRAINS LXCKIT Hf XPAVS.
i .. TAM.KY, J/onuiouth, Oregon.
T he party that « trim s his suffrage o f him tilings w hich It«' never p er­
., Corvalli.s 10:.‘»S ji m
m ust prove itself a p arty of the p r e s­ forms. Jo n a th a n Stutter stands on a Arr Albany II la a <n I
All kiinlr of pr.Hlure taken in exahange forgi««!».-
iaave AlUiny 1:00 p m ) i
ent. 1 le seen no excuse fof th e exis­ record m ade by hard struggles, and
„ Corvnl I Is 1:47 p m ,
tence of u party th a t has no positive hy* u u tirin g /etti and ent'rgy he bus
- L E E S c B T J T U L E ] EL,
\rr Yaquinu 5:50 p m ) * M o x M o rrir,
OK Eo ox.
|K»lley of hont>sty, and ¡udtistriou- gttitusl a si ire Aud s«»Ild fisdlinld in
O A c trains m m s t at Albany mid Cor-
Physicians and Surgeons,
hum atte Am ericans controlling it~ th è rank . of nhie and progres-ive eit- v.’illi'* riu ab* *ve trains conius t at Ympiinn |
with Di Oregon Development Vompany'* j
platform s, utterances and nom ina­ Izan-hip.
— a lso —
Frinii U-ginning ti> end line "!’
b ' I s n cell \ a(|Uilia and
tions. T he young voters are draw n bis lite ha* heen roiisistent and ttp- San Ki-an
strongly to the republican party. rìght, and to-day he ls w orthy of an y
Wù'a'iu :t' Valli «
SMii'iiiv. April JMh.
T hey adm ire Its courage to act upon . piv-dlon tu Ila* giti o f thè |ss>ple of Witlani'
X iH. N
TlMirolay, May l'»th
% ! Office «wt siilo Main St, Independence, Or.
Wiilamct ' Valli'«
Xlun Uv
principle, and to protect v irtu e and Folk coim ty.
Itoth m orally am i
Thnm liiv “
hom e happiness. They s r nixisslty in 'a ta lly titt«'d t ’> wt'.tr 111 «' or­ \Vill*ni<'*ti'
ERt>M s \ N EliANVlSCO.
for th e tariff which it proposes. They m ine, th t' peiple, xve I h 'I ìoxo xftll Willaiui'in X iiley
May s
Willamette Valli «
“ It»
d islik e and distrust the m ere politi­ «'l«vt bini.
NV illa mette Valley
Satunlay ,
" LW
D. Warren,
cian, who haul the sam e old furrow
J. E. Jcrman,
I lii- "m|> m«' rv-.TY'S «lu- rij«lit to elian)(v
—D E A L E R S IN —
for "otticial w orm s" But are w illing
T he preside!» ha.- s«*nt t * thè sell­
N II I'li- eie I n frulli I'urflanil and all
to follow the statesm en. Vote the ai«' thè n"nilnation of M livide NV. Wiliam tte Yulley ,«.int>i ran make elote
'" iin .it
««uh til tniiii» of the Yai|tiina
republican ticket young m an.
f’uller, of Illinois, io la- eldt'fjustlis' ruute
ut Alhaiiy or t .>r«allia, and if(te«iiueil
♦ ♦
of th«' I nit«sl States Sup*ente <s>urt. !.. Situ Frsni'iso* «hoiiM arrange te arrive at
M r A gents lor K app, Burrell A Co.
Independence, Oregon. * a
T he free trade tic iiiocim O want hi Il«’ is .Vi ycar.s of ago, tuul has lavi) V«.Inina '»>«' .•«■»•nin«- i>efun «ailing.
Ka—i-i.k*' 1 and fu i »lit niti«* a I way« the litr
buy th in g s elteap. T hey can then quite u prom inent .nati at s«>veral
«•«!. Fur Infoimation apple t.>
w ork cheap, sell thing- cheap, live d enav'ratlc nutioiial «xmvention«.
«' C. HOGUE,
in a (’heap house and in cheap style*. Ilis ah ility la nnognlzed am o n g thè Aotinp gvn.-nil freight and paiwenxer ag.-n!
i»r«g"ii I'm • - iailma<l t\i.. Corvulis t»r
Tliey ta n then drive- their wives and foremost a t th è bar
♦ •
elaughters to the farm litld s the
(k-nernl ftfigia anil |«.«M'npr agent
«*r»V"ii LVv« 1« i '.ieiit ( a jin Mont *tr»,et,
w ork shops, tiie fa c to rie s and eve'll to
K. < l ’ro tx m a n lias laa-n inaile lo San Frunriscvi
th e w h a rv es follow tin sty le of lis i th è kis'ii «w ord o f M iiltim inali
th e ir cheap cousins across th« A t­ «leiiiorratlc ing ratitu d « '. Th>- tn ie
a n d tri««l w a rrk ir In th è «ienioenitlc
w arlarv lias las'ii shorti «>f bis p in n e -
From reliable w iu m s from nil
parte of the county, wt* leurn that
th e republican ticket is grow ing
stronger d ay l,y ility. T he ilissutl.—
fiction th a t usually follow s e u n ity
coiivcnlioiiH is not to lie founil in tli •
ranks. Kopuhlicnn* look ii|ion t h i s
as a m ost im p o rtan t election, ami so
it is. and tliey nre determ ined to not
give th e dem ocrats hope of carry ing
th e presidency hy helping them in
Ju n e.
m Y Y O U R (i R 0 Í 1 E H I ES A T
The taquina Route.
Normal, Collegiate, and
Commercial Departments
Fanners Mercantile
General Merchandise.
Bed Reck Prices,
Best Grade of Good
And Fair Dealing
Is Our Motto.
Short Time.
Airrieiiltural Iiiiplcineiits and Farm Macliinerv.
Stoves and Tinware.
T h is is an “ o n ” y e a r in (Milities not
an **«>»■• one. Th« jairty line«* an*
d ra w n , am i we tm -t every g<s"l eitl-
/,*n w ill e*one*e*m him self w ith |s>li-
tlee^ |«arti«-ularly till- y«*ter and at
ond>. It is a d u ty you owe y««ir»**li
a s well tv* for th«* c o u n try ’s *ak<\ f«,r
(lepri vtsl o f hi» s tri|a 's an d intuì«* to
tak<‘ a Nwk s u l f**rn \V m . l ’hitreh
as e h a im ia n o f «santty ro m m lttn * .
e now ìip p e a l- to III«“ |Hs>pl<* o f
..tillo o m a h «sainty irn«|aeltv«> «>f
p a r ty , t*> et istalli hfni in an a tte m p i
t « "r«'H 'rtn p a rti m« th<a|s. atei
tiiiH go«a1 l'Si-al ; >\ r n m e n t."
;r* at lll»«ltr »1 •
» 1« | •
( HAS. L A N K T H E K
»Lie and work done
Give m e a
I * Q-. D^LVID SO lSr.
Portrait and Landscape
Warren & Jennaii,
Blacksmiths and
Wood Work a Specialty.
Portland, Oregon.
L L O U S T L L O IT T E L ,
.ît-J B ik* *. wt m cmr l«-vî
.ait TViutic*.
O Eò.
Work E xceoM in Kverv
, Brandi of I h..|.«rr»pli«
i ip,.
*u » i«-- ,°11" -o’! Km N.i: nat Lank
Ab ehargm reanonahle.
M o n m
Give u s a roll-