I JF PECULIAR CUSTOMS* B a p tis m a l •aperatttU .n* P n t a l l l S ] A m u a g th a l o u i r l t a n l a I s t u s t \ RIGHT HERE W h a t T o u r F r ie n d * an il N e ig h b o r * S a l on a M r t lo r o f V ita l I m p o r t a n t « . The Saxon mother Is careful not to Below will be found a sample of the leave her child alone until it has been F IS H D E S C R IB E D multitude of litters of encourage­ baptized, for fear of the maliguaut HI’GO. ment Messrs. H. H. Warner & Co., of Is not • m ore lenaelous m onster tl.au malaria, spirits, who may steal it awav. leaving Rochester, N. Y ., daily receive. The whether It takes the form o f ch ills and fever. au uncouth elf in Its plao-i. Whenever subjoined unsolicited testimonials are b lioua reniittant, a « u » tak e o r d u m b ague. L ke the octop us o f the sic a child grow* up clumsy and heavy, from your friends and neighbors, tlm In Its tentaculSB. nnd with largti head, wide mouth, stump ladies and gentlemen you know and closer io a horrible em brace. A tta ck ed with nose and crooked legs, the gosops are ‘t^teem for their honor and straight­ tiostetter's S tom ach Hiltira, how ever. It if>e,l ually rcla -cs lie trem en d ou sgrip , finally aliali ready to swear that It ha* been changed forwardness, and who w./uld scot II to dons It, and the quondam sit livrer. last, re jo n e s iu the sense o f new H boru freedom . In the cradle, more especially if it prove be a party to any deception. What engendered by the restoration o f com plete awkward and slow in learning to has beeu done for others can he deme health, Dispepsia, too, and constipation, tho^e and rem orseless eiiem.es enem ies or of tit* the human hum an rain fain .... „t, ir n a n l u ira in st aiii-h « n » 1-- r i t , old and tpi ak. lo guaill against such an ae- f„r you, and It is folly, nay suicidal, to i Uy « h * «roun d , and are finally d riv en from cidunt, it is recommended to mother* t longt r sutf-T when the means of re- the Held by this N apoleon of rem edies, the obliged to leave their infants alone, to | covery lie at your vtr.v vi r.v door | S * « ^ door: : Ley trouble». T h e nerve«*, when overstrained, place beneath the pillow either a O a k l a n d , f a ) . (A ttorney at la w , (*¿7 Bromi regain quietude and v ig or by its aid. and the pvayer-book, a broom, a loaf of bread way). Duc. 20, 1*87. I have lung u»e«i “ Warner'«* ability to reel tranquilly and eat with zest are .-afe C ure" with tfuod result», and am now in>iug increased by it IU«*o>t to it In tim e and avoid or a knife stuck point upward. the baine. unneceaaary suffering. Very cruel remedies have sometimes Kxterniinating prairie dog-i at so m uch an been resorted to in order to force the acre is the occu pa tion of several men in evil spirits to restore the child they W ich ita Fall*. Texas. have stolen, and take back their own T IIK F L Y IN G U O V K O F P K A C K . changeling. For instance, the un­ TOLO, ral.. Dee. 1st. 1887. My wife is using A richly fronted quivering flying Dove. fortunate little creature, suspected of •'W arner'» Safe Cure" and nays that it is doing A D r e a m of I.ife screen calendar. An im ­ being an elf, was placed a stride upon her g ood. ported ideal head. An im ported f os ted -now scene and a full set o f magnificent a lodge and beaten with a thorny floral cards. Fourteen artistic pieces. branch until it was quite bloody; it was f f & y eta.» brought back the stolen child. ALVI 80, Cal.. Jan. 6. 1888.—1 use ‘W arn er’» The infant should not be suffered to Safe C ure” to keep well. I think it i» a good and mail us the outside wrapper from the lx>x with 4 cents in stamps. W rite your look at itself in ih- glass till after the m edicine. address plainly. F l k m i n u lin o * ., P it t s BL'KOU, P a . baptism, nor should it bn held near an ________ open window. A very effieaciotlS | re­ Australia now furnishes oranges for the Kng servation against all sor s of evil spells ish markets. is to hang round the child's neck a S afi F ran o iso o , Cal., 1723 .Market Street.) T o dream of a ponderous whale, little triangular hag stuffed with grains Deo. 10. IXK7. W e consider “ W arner's Safe hreot on the tip o f his tale. Hem ediee” in valuable and w ould not be w ith­ Is the sign o f a Btorin of incense, wormwood and various out them . (If the weather Is warm!, aromatic herbs, and with an a ! ler'i Unless it should happen to fail. Dreums don't am ount to m uch, anyhow . head embroidered outside; a gold coin Hume signs, how ever, are infallible. If you aro sewed into tlm cap will likewise keep constipated, with no appetite, tortured with sick headache and bilious sym ptoms, these the spirits away. signs linlh ste that you need Dr. lie r c e 's I’leas- Two godfathers and two godmoth­ 8 an F r \ nciroo . Cal., (f',21 M ontgom ery Street) ant Purgative Pellets. They will cure you. AU Woo. 10,1 «87. I find “ Warner 8 Safe Ueinedloa" druggist*. _________ ers era generally appointed at Saxon all that we oould desire. ^ peasant christenings, and It is cus­ Dom estic animals stand with their beads from the com in g storm. tomary that one couple should bo old and the other young; but in no case FOR R K K F .T H , M ARAHM U* AND hould a husband and wife figure as W A N T IN G ItlM O liiiF .K S OF • parents at the sania baptism, but C H IL D R E N , B a m /«* F k r r y , Cal.. Jan. t, 1888. —I am u»ing • eh one of the quartet must belong to “ W arner’s Safe C u re" fordiaedao o f the K id n ey» M r w lt'n E m u l s i o n o f Ibire Cod L iver Oil with Hyiniphosphitea Is unequalled. T he ra­ n .1 fferent family. Th's is the general and it 1» d oin g m e good. pidity wliii w hich children gain tiesh and Htreng'h u p .n It is very w onderful. Bead the custom; hut in some districts the rule follow in g: "I h a re used Scott's Emulsion lit demand* two godfathers and one god­ eases of R ickets slid Marasm us o f long stand­ ing. anil have been m ore than pleased wllh the mother fora boy—two godmothers and results, as in every ease the im provem ent was oue godfather for a g rl. m ark ed."—J. M. M a in . M. I».. N ew Y ork. If the parents have lost other chil­ D a n v il l k . Cal., (Heal K-dato and Business A m achine m aking 72.000.tHX) toothpieks per dren before, then the infant should A genii Deo. H. |N»7 I h ave used som e o f day 1» boin * built at Lewiston, Maine. 'W arner s Safe Cure'" and le-Hove it lo be a good not be carried out by the door in go­ remedy when faith fully used. B L O O D W IL L T E L L . ing to church, but banded out by tlic T here 1» no question ab ou t it -b lo o d will tell window, and brought back in the same especially if it ih an im pure blood, due to the im proper a ction o f the liver. When this im ­ way. It should be carried by the portant organ fails to perform it» function of binailcst str et,, never by narrow pui if> in* »m i clea n »!!)« the blood, im purities ai*a carried to all parts o f the system, and the lane*, else it will learn thieving. symptoms above referred to are merely e v i­ The god-parents niu-t not lo >k d ence» o f tho Btrutfkfld o f Nature to throw o ff round on their way to church; and tlm ( ' a l p k l l a . Cal., Jan. 13 1888. —I am happy to i tho poisonous germ ». Unless her w arning be he ded in time, »orioin results are (*ertain to »tato t* at 1 have uhc '1 “ W arner’» Safo l'u r o " i lirst person met by the christening pro- ami “ Warrior*» Safo D ill»' with the be«t result» ! follow , culm inating in liv er or kidney d isor­ or even in cmiHiimption. l)r. P ierce’s cess'on will decide the sex of the next |H>H«lhlo for itprniikfrd K idney» and L iv er I der». to U*e /a m o r » Safo C ure" although Holden M edical D iscovery will prevent and child to be born— a boy, if it be a man. • Í feel well. cu re those di»ea»ee, by restoring tho liv er to a healthy condition. If two children are baptized out of tlie lamo water, one of them will soon The annual co n ia m p t on of »uijar por capita in the United states is about dft>-»ix pound». die; and if several boys are christened successively in the same church, there W hen all so-called rem edies fail. Dr. S a fe ’s J acikbon . O r )., flopt.. ?8, 1887. Last D ecem ber will be war in llie land as soon as tli<-y one o f my b oy -, agetl .'ty y rara, wax troubled Catarrh R em edy cure». wilt« what »♦fined to be a bad e.old. H o k ew lire grown lip. Many girls denote 4 ‘ o i i k I in . “ Rrmni'a Bronchial Troches* are a woi»je and 1 called a d octor w ho called if Drop»y fiuitfiil vintages for the country when and heKan to Ir at my child for it. Ho c o n ­ sure remedy for C oughs and JSore Throat, 26o. _________ thov have attained aniarriageable ago. tinued to a raw w orse and 1 Kot »n oth er d octor a anal.zed hi» m in e and p onou nced it If the child sleeps during the bap­ who See A n titell lla n o advertisem ent. Hi ijfht » Di.-oaHc in a t*ad form . All the d octor» aid my boy w ould die, and he looked mh if ho tismal ceremony, then it will be pious Hiirolj Mould. I he^un to jfivo my boy T r y U khmka for breakfast. and good-ten p red; hut if it eric*, it W a rrior» Safe C uro" without Maying Anythin* a ill bo bnil-tempered or unlucky; to the d octor», in three day» hi» urino show ed C a m e l l i n e i m p r o v e * a n d n r » * e ^ r v f * « t h e o » > i m > l e * 1 o n a change, and an nnalyni» mn H u t »t., P ortiand Or. Analyso-* m ade o f all substances. R ate» for assaying gold and silv er ores fl .j o . ages tent by m ail or express prom ptly attended to. aud returns made. C 0N 8 U M P T I0B A W r e n c h e d A n k le . MR MAVKNrt. 8ecri'tar> of the Consolidated Vir gini a and (,’ai fornla Miuiug Company, Kouui 2b, Ne vada Block, writes: ‘ Permit me to offer a wonl in favor of your M ao IC L o t io n . A short thue since, whtl» shooting, 1 wrenched my ankle very severely, it causing Intense pain, and hein.f very badly swollen before I could at tend to it A fri-nd recommended y ur preparatiim, and while I had no great faith at the time, 1 j»r.-cured a bottle and tried it The re*-ult was astonishing. The following »lay the swelling hail disappeared entirely, and beyond a little stiff ties« I have felt no iuoouvenience, uor havtf 1 since, walking without difficulty ami feeling no pain I think 1 am indebted to your preparation for escape from a season on crutch« s It is well named It will give me pleasure to recommend the L o t io n to any doubting Thomases I am »• k k k m t l v c o n v in c e d of its efficacy, aud shall not t«* without it in the future. Yours, very truly, D ta a g r a e n ld . R e s u lts o f a I’ e r u lla r Hat M ails by t w o N u h le in rn . Lowell. Mass., July 9, 1817. \V k * t B i t t r . Cal. Deo. 28. 1887 My daugh ter has taken “ W arner’s Safe C ure” au d re w iv e d icreat benefit therefrom . 1 am never w ithout it in my hou»o. Gentlemen Mr Lewie Dennis hoe Jant ealled S|>on me. and Informs me that the boy Orta Robln- ton. who was a poor cripple on crotches, and was cared by 8t Jacobs Oil In 1881; the care bos remained permanent. The young man has been and Is now at work at manual labor: the caw certainly proves th# efficacy of 8t Jacobs OIL Swret al gentlemen were scutoii tlie < titer day in u London St rang its ' Club, discussing tho subject of f, niulo Imnuty. Dft 0E0. 0 08O00D, II. D. One of them. Siv Arthur McCiimur, ex- preMfd tlio iqi.nion lh.lt (hero WAS no Sold by Druggists and I balers Frrryirhcre. •ituntion in life in which n bonu iful H U M O RO U S. f h s C h a r le s A . V o g o le r C o ., H u tto., Aid. Woman hit* not twice the success of hoi — T h i 'i n is o n l y o u t ' p in it d a y mmlt> le-a attractive sister. Beginning with llie stnge at the top, u; on w hich the f o r i<»i,h in li iliit a u t o f tin- I 'u i t n l S tu ti-s. E L Y ’S beautiful actrc*s already hits half tlio im l w h o e v e r u.si's m o r u tlu iti t h a t a l ­ becom e* a m oiio| > n )i*L — game in her hands, down io tho com­ l o w a n c e oxcc.ll Citizen. mon beggar-woman in tlio streets, lie eloquently illustrated hi* thesis. The Father- “ What do you think, of n F o r m o n th s I mit- company was not unanimous, how­ my that throws a banana skin on the fe test f r o m a 1 r r y ever. and finally Count Patrick ddewnlkP" Son—“ 1 don’ t know. art’* re m id in he o d F ly 9 C ré a n t Holm made a wager with Sir Aulhttr \\ hat do you think of a banana -kin that h a « iror/ced like MiCumur, which was carried out throws u man on tlie •idcwalk'i’" 0 I.it'e. m ai/ic in ifs cure a mv of the leading st itesinen are a ft e r one iccek'n lit the following manner: A Ifeetg rtU efiU remsikab’y bi autifui chamber» good French seholars. and some of iute. fo r \rhat it h ae maid iu the club, and at the aamc them have a critical knowledge of the d o n e fo r m e .'S a m . Senator Edmunds and J. Harris, < 1 etude- time a alcwardess. plain almost to ogli- languages. nes», were provided wi:lt precisely Senator Hoar have their libraries well nate ffr<>cer 1 I ! 9 F r o n t S t., AT. T . I eintilar and eon mon clothe*, and sent stocked w ith works iu French, and the A partici*» le applied Into each nostril and is afTveabln. out to beg tho whole afternoon in au most attractive means of recreation P r i c e 50 cte at drugs iste by mail, nwlsuvfd, 6U cts K LY HR» »THKRH 235 Grvwnwloh hi. New York aristocratic neighborhood, with In­ which '1 liuruian can find is to devour structions to meet again in the club at 1 rench novels by the dozen. John Slier« nine o’ clock. The gentlemen passed man lias many 1 rench financial books the time at the card table, but dawn in liia library. rrodorck l>*ugla** is said to lie ati 1 found them there with the cards in their hands, and neither of the two worth |j.V) OH), although he i* onlv VB.S worth of properly. beggars had returned. The reason assessed f. r Samuel 11 m i*, a nei-ro of Williams- of this turned out to bo that both had shown themselves so inapt at their now burg. Va., is worth $N0 00ft In Rioli- business that they had been arrested mond there is an Afiiio-Amei iean by the police, and had passed the night liarla-r nameal Williani L on* who 1 * in the cell*. ’1 hi* two noble sportsmen world 960. 000. 14. H A L L ’ H appeareti as witness-v and made a T i l l : Y A L I. A U SI T IT . frank confession to tlio magistrate of 1 ha*«* tweu taktntf J>»y‘i» p ili Ila forcen t mi Ilia whole sfftir. Ho thereupon A SrrR R IO R R RM BUT FOB d*s4>tlity w ith jjria l ltt» upon tb » asked the beggars why they had »♦ tvch » C 0 U 0 H 8 , COLDS. I H C I P I E H T C 0 1 I 8 U K P T I 0 ]I 1» »plm tlld A o««o «>f caUrrb. now consented to sueli degradation. They «od er nay «twerv»tlon. hA» « e U o m arly kuconmbed And ail Throat aud Lunf Troubles. N s ld by a ll D r s g g l s i s fb r M O a t s . replied, because these gentlemen hud *• li» o o itfcttv « iufluenofMi. J . R. C A T E S A CO., promised them three pound* each rftom tRToaa, V i*«' c > V ^ . m y that > i may i > also •’.« » nee my gentlemen who have coma forward aa witm a«ea to learn her* in court tin usane, as a a » Idi lion »I a n t h r i t y . f r the statt m* nt U t l It wiU cu re d yspepsia and liv sr and kidney caaes with which beauty ha* nothing te 4 >«asa. Kl b se doua It for ma. S.it DM, Man aft Tite* 0 Ho. and that it has not the slight- st in *~ m » m I * M n I » m I » iuaaoa upon the decision of a Judge.’ ■ • ft» M I M O M M l t C M 't i f ò '# » o m o K -r ------------- — Mmgdfburger Ituttnf. I ( » I k A t * . , f t u i 1 ' r u . l M CREAM BALM. C a t a r r h PULMONARY Wt..n .1* montl,. o il. thr left h a n d ^ o a r t t n i ,’ frandchiM to swell, a„,l hwl every , ppwt. l ; «nee ot a 1-rue boll. We putittUwl It. but all to ,o I | im r ]« « . Aliout live months after, it becam, >1 | runii.n* a o r . Soon other *ore. funned. He th«i ha«ltWi»of them on each hand? and as nis blood j R iu k o ik s . CcTictTEA, the „-roat *kln cure, and CUTIctm* l>e op f t f ö . K Svivpo* H(, T V.'V i-V * enrae West. They lead all his hands. of these five deep ones ju st before healing, which now curing a young gentleman of a « »re leg, while the physicians are trying to have it amputated. formations I preserved. his leg and perhaj s hü» life. Pri e: Sold everywhere. It Too much at the age of six years, a strong and healthy chi id J Mus. E . 8 . DKIGG8, tVnCCTt*. J-vs.; S oap , I BIS I . O U y S t., Bloomlnitton, HI | M D l M l ’LES, h.achheads, red. r-u gh , chap|iey ibis uiigic ai*plic»tl0n. D Y S P E P S IA T ainf .’« C elery C o m p o u n d strengthens tha stomach, and quiets tlie nerves of the digea- > tive organs. This in why it cures tfen tha worse cases of Lyspcpsia. C O N S TIP A TIO N F i n n 's : ERT O O M r o r m is not a cathar- a laxative, tic. It _ is ___ _____ _ giving easy and natural | | | I ! I ! | j e. I 1 IK | I f N ervou s Prostration, N ervou s H ea d a ch e, N e u r a lg ia , N erv o u s W e a k n e s s , Stom ach and L ive r D ise a se s. R h e u m a tism , D y s - pepsia, and all affections o f the K id n e y s. egularity surely loi- atrtion to the bowels, lows it^use. Recommended by pro professional and bu^na . 11on«flj H. B. KMITH A BRO., Covington, Ky. f'^Al * immediately another healed, a bony m atter forming in each om cannot be said in favor of ( ‘ uticttra K k v b d im . x®r*irS®522l n n m I t'unci’ ra ItEMKPiKd, using a!! freely. cured a little giri in our house (>f the w »rsfc sore head we ever saw, and the R i s o l v i v i and < uticura aro o ▼ * -s' ^Ty> He cenlj and could not move w hen in bed, having no use ofl W I Wo could not w gte nor c»»Id R smrdirh . One year ago the C tttictra and S oap will » r e v-«“ Ms mother! walk a little, but could not get up If he fell d »wn, H you print all we have heard said in favor of the C ut ! OK V t - . / Í í ^ every f Ilis head was one solid scab, discharging a greali] deal. This was his condition at twenty-two month* having died when he was a little more than a year others In their Hue S <-ure for form ef »kin and blood dl*eate, from plmi-le» to scrofula, from infancy to a;;e. T ilR MOST F L A T T E R IN G T E S TIM O N IA L ? K K C K IV K D FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY T B 8 T IF T IN O TO THB a b o v e f a c t s A N D TH E : M K IiITS OK M ITC H EL L’S MAGIC LOTION A ik l o u r D r a c i U t f o r It. D e p o t. 1066 H o w a r d fc*t.. Ann F r a n c iso o . P r i e r . àO elm . Lai k «* H o t 1 lew. I I 1 D a y . Samples worth fl.5 0 , FREE, t un 1er the horses feet. Write B rkw . » B afktt R r in H oldfk f'o . I f o i l v .Y I I r h ~ BALSAM In fa n tile 0 L o v e lin e s s No mother who low* her oWlilrs-i, who takes t-rile to their besutv. purity an other Piano, by which our rian»w stand in tune 20 years, good U r 100 ; not affected by climate. No wvnh I to split, break, swell, shrink, craok, decay* or evsr o u t ; we guarantee it Ele­ gant Rosewood Cases, S strings, double refloating action; finest ivory kstw; the Faiutme ANTjSELL Call or write for Oatalogue, free. T. M. ANTtgELL PIANO CO., Manufacturers, (Kid Fellows' llall, Mar­ ket and Haventh Streets, San Francis« o. PIANOS’ Theti ^ V“ 5 f n ot g u a r a n t ^ d to be eq u a l to oth ers, b u t g u ara»- teed to be far superior and better in every p a r tic u la r. I f not it co sts y o u n oth in g to try it. Kriebel Engines. Stationary and Marino, E UROP E AN TICKET OFFICE. n r a t-l''* * * . fit-oond-ClA»*. and Emigrant T k k « G at u iw KATKA. vi* the lradlng .tram ■hip and Itallroad 1. n>» to and from H amburg Brrm an. I-iTcrpool. Soutliatiudon. Huvrr. C op .uhafti-u. S tockh olm , etc., etc. A . H . M V F .R . 101 California St. San ErancUco. ftWCotonlra and famlllea at reduced tale.. EJ * in« T ank T ,.» . " * W 80N "»ow en s reapers . and THE LINDGREN CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. Fur % ,11 a*. - ....re. Public Building, «,„1 Hcidence* . k ir k , «¡1 g want ------ > » d k p ir t h k u t e ' PPLIEN or A lili i A K H M IT T a n>'fac, nren,‘d,rec t I can and bur»*Rin.r fceud for r *» « bartram. deampilve circular of what you PETALUMA INCUBATOR Th. Mwt Sncorsafn/ m . ctiiu* Uad — n »rain • I DUN — u» .n>—Un.-m Ann .1 -a ft i«dnn. • a»kao-W.Kr.l Ih. am * d-iwhlful .n.l oa’, nal!> rtoaoa B-irOrn < karaba, *«h * w ild » mm p-datad for --.uU fjln, *^» < * W ft, w d im m i M in* cna*1«lfcM?wïïtT2î 'T U'"ir fT|cnd, Aud Uirmi-lvrt. dft- \bry Ü S n îilü Z L l? * t “ - t* f o * t h o - . r k > * n , p r o f it f 1 » . » « ■ ra a rrrT RdHSpIpts, »mi fan instructions in " “ *1 ’’“ " ’ " * ’1 . i r f t ' - ' o . f , » r t h . n i . - i c f °* PU “ i * m ld j » u m c ir n t fo r h o t«» he V » h * e n t f o ,r ° n e d o l l a r T o o ls s i w s u f f m «f U V A T ‘dl » nr , “ l r ok,*c ,*«n- A d .l m « . l i f c X ) . 1 . r u t «- V A U E L »a S t r w - t n a n K r a n c i i » . 1 V r it f r m a n Pij:: NEASüHt t f t ,^ cwn i—g S*11*- - >ll-*t *ail «n »îu î!?»^ - % ) B M ALKTJT, J v , REWARD! " d R I Y I ir An HATTTH • to MMrunAttar .rlo » C u k | > IN. 8*00.018 __ la CreneMi Dank uf itiauiRm [ k«i»4 M»bje* t t»» ftiten k “ U N G b up A m t "u»»wrr and Mew TN8 M favtwaMe term« J ««veral vatl.tie. Mariue Work o?2l“ ind. ^ 1 ™ ’ C u‘r° h Hcho°' ft«1U’ I’ftrk Inject«" ,h , & ' “ T 11 L,‘^ ira,« n‘. Au^nt.,lc Anil F ^ ,^ ™ L ? F ^ hT n d % i i S Uh* p um,nc Meat,, Fitting CK>ods. l-uhrioatlng o!ls.P Baltin« wad Hose, Seif-Heatinff Hath Tub«. xMA* mu T h e O re g o n N ational Bank, o r roBTiann. No Engineer Needed ■ C O S O K IC A Ia i CURE F I T S ! Wh^n I say cure I do n>*t mean ssarely to stop them lor s tuue end then have them return s«!un I iue»n n -»«licai cure. I have made the «iieease <>f FITS. KPIL k m or FALLING 8ICKNESitaUfe-loag study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst case». Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Rend ad once f**r a treatise and a Free Bottle M my infallible rrme*iy. Give F.ipre-w and Poet Offii-e. U G . H O O T . Al. c „ isia I’ r a r l St N ew Y ork Laundry Machinery. ACME ENGINE, the best Coal Oil Engine in the world. 123 KNABE! TTi« hart rlAN'O on «aetfti H am «, lina» PIANO! --------- PATTI'S preferm c*. ■ S S S f U T j? ? 1~ S l A ^ thmeroft k Ce. IG- ^ ° T” to 1 » To*« Hft. San Aranci«». C»L ’ a r m e Äw.te* io » - C lA lO » l r Vallr, ci Rapa Riva 1 ctlniAt« •ndprodost,