O'* Polk County Observer. P e r s o n a l M e n tio n . 6 H tiitE vm » ill n i A i i n i r s . Slieridati I xlge and given in th e lar re pa- ; tw ' m onths has furnished m uch Air* ady tb*» tl-berm an h ave tx*gun A pril show ers com e q u ite fronuent- warehouse on tilt* R. 1L line, well . * 1 , 1 ¡row ing weatli«'i-, and shotibl to catch the - p iik h d trout in w hat till ’d w ith a happy crowd. The Mc­ n o th in g prevent, and th e n ¡so o th in g is know n as tin* Merry Creek near i ly. in sight now, all will In well w ith hen*. Some side w alk has I kx - ii r**ixiire*«l M innville brass hand was in a tte n ­ tin* farm ers. Jo h n < ¡riggs, of your place was out dami* and furnished good music. In alsiut tow n. this way last w«vk looking for l»eef the afternoon a m atch gam e oflwst* cattle. D l l l l l l S I 0 * 1 ' I I I - • Severn! places are mention«*«! for hall was played by th e S heridan nine I. \ . Sim pson, of n«*ar L«*wlsville holding picnics. Tlu* republican «vutr.il nimmlti*'« and A m ity nine. T he d ay was spent is talk in g ot ru n ning a 'te a m th resh ­ The I. O. (>. F. excursion to S h eri­ pleasantly by all. W e all got hom e bad th eir n n v tln g her** Tuesday. er and boanling hous«* outfit th**«*oiu** dan was a succe- s. A large crowd from thi p liu v a t- ing harv«*st. in th eev en in g . F arm ers are busy w ith th e ir su m ­ J . L. llirseh tu T and wife, of Cor- Supervisor Powell is now out w ith tended tlu* !.«>.»>. F. an n iv ersary valli , pas'***l through lu re Monday celebration at S h erid an T hursday. m er fallow plow ing. his force o f m en w orking th is road to v i'it L. W. Luughury’s. No.accidents and a good tim e re p o rt­ T he th ird p arty put o u t a full tick ­ dD trlct. Considerable interest is be­ F iu x . ing aw akened l king Sheep 'hearing: has fairly begun in chin* ry are l«*¡ng introducisi for tlu* work and all our citizens can well af­ E«l. C rystal o f C orvallis was in h * w . tin* E astern Oregon co u n try . ford to do th eir part for tin* sake «»f tow n t h i s wcck . I »enuvr.its .n o ru stlin g around eon- Measles are still reporti-d prevalent having good ro ad '. W ell worked -i-lerable •ending nam es off to luiul- 11 o'*. W arren T ru it went to tin* in some p arts o f o u r county. L. M. 11.ill is tak in g a roads m id' greatly P» th e appearance onthern part o f th e county lT u lay . qm irters. g r t i t inter, st in at l« ;ist *.i part of the More rain this w eek. W e th in k of a county. 1 la!la- v. ill s o o j i I »oust **fa llrst-class ticket. L. M. should mi»«*inbcr th e th e prospects for a d ro u g h t is not > ganóte uu arm y o f iv p u U iu u t hotel. past, iliat his friends th at ho works prom ising. for most are badly left. clubs in Polk «‘ouuty. li i* w o rth The political candidates ¡m* seen An exchange say>: politicians cir­ observing, there is so m ething in th e How wo should enjoy these days culate q u ite fn v ly in th at section co-operative club idea disnixcrcd by quit*' o lti‘11 these tim es. of sp rin g «lid we not rememlHT th a t T he dem ocratic cen tral com m ittee house cleaning w ith all its terro r is since th e roads have driisl up. ropubliim is and L ing put activ**ly to ju st ahead o f us. w ill b e n t Dallas to-day. T he republicans an* well pleased work in o th er **ounties of the -tate. Mi«- L aura Elkins is visiting her Tlu* O nsiatx Kit «if last week did not w ith th e ir ticket for th is county, it Then* L n o th in g in tlu* w ay of Insti- should bi* voted straig h t from top to tilting a republican cam paign, th a t roach th is olliee till T uesday o f this sister Mrs. E. <*. H eath. R. F. W ells has return***! from ttotto*'». will m ake all our citizens elo-cr and w tvk. It W its m ishiid ¡it th e *l**pot. S outhern Oregon. Dick 1ms been tra ­ P erry dale has tw o good ch u rch w arm er friends- th an ev er before, V Townsend spoilt the first of veling in tin* interest of the N orth buildings; one of th em , th e M. K. a » '1 to carry tin* county and state th e w ck at his hom e at l ’orrydale. W estern Insurance Co. t 'hurclt, w ill I k * dedicated n ex t Sun- s‘»H*.l for th e n'publiean nom inees, Mrs. Nelli«* IvuyziK*, o f Corvallis has been v isitin g friends at this place day w eek. | “ See that m y grave is kept g reen,” IIIill*pcIIill* 11**1* I.iX'llls. tin* past week. A rrangem ents luive I h * oii m ade for was th e last -ad wish of a most uot- R. F. Wt*!!s retu rn e I last S aturday F arm ers are m ostly th ro u g h their* **d leader am ong tlu* Irish heroes. after several week* at son«*«* in S o u th ­ a base ball g am e here next S aturday sp rin g w ork and m any are fixing for It is a d u ty w e aw e th e lam ented, ern i/'utersoa Labor Day, which is tlu* proaches, tlu* ow ners o f lots i n i ' T he m an w ho is not straig h tfo r­ ed in potatoes in th is vicin ity and t Sat u n lay in J mu*. w ard and honest— w ho trios to I k * all '¡len t eily of tin* ilead should -i «• th at we predict a larg o cro p an d low p rh v i Tlu* new foundry w iift- Kill b«* in tilings to all me*. —generally ends by th e graves which contain tlu* d u st of th e ir loved ones are m aile as refresh­ w orking order. being n o th in g to anybody. Norm ill Notes. ing, and given as favorable an a p ­ T he local talent o f (his place w ill T he Sunday-school o f tills place pearance as possible. i : u i t i : i > b y «*. It. jo ñ o s . N othing is play tlu* d ram a, * * N evada” , on tie* Mrs. K ate A iken retu rn ed from Sa- w ill g iv e n concert at th e c lu ire h S u n ­ m ore to be regretted th an an appnr- evening of tlu* lo th . day evening. E verybody cordially rent lack of respect for th e dead. If Th* ■ q uart rly m* th e M . E . li*m last S atu n lay . Mr. and Mr-, McCoy, of O akville, in v ited to atten d .- ehurali will l***gin on S aturday and theft* is a n y th in g calculated to m ake attended chapel evereises Tuesday continue over S unday. S heridan is fast b u ild in g up th e one Ims lx*en slek for a vv«x*k an eloquent address, an d lio n . J . D. W hile th e re are not so m an y b uild­ south bound T hursday was a re- L. RolK'rtsuii - new brick. new sture at Dallas. was alile to retu rn to scluxil th is Spring gootls, late «tv Ics, ur/iving at II. 1!. Li**.*, r ta d n p o e m , at th e I. <>.<*. F. ings going up around tow n as th ere m im lerof'“ p ae k -tn d n ” tim*-- A f er W ork w ill !x* eon I ti tenets 1 at one** " r , ‘*'* has been som etim es, th e re is a great sticking thre** tim e-, one of tlu* p arty on Mrs. W m nnll - new brick. an n iv ersary exercises at S heridan. fatterson’s, Indc[iendeiiee. fleorge and Jo h n H ouck, Villa and ... ... * * - ■ 11 * ....¡«.. ¡it W ill W orth, anil Solon Hltedd are ('. (». Coni is closing out thè liankru|it Ira S m ith , P eter Cook, II. A lex an ­ am o u n t o f changing, re fillin g and rem em bering a m ule could start a heavier load by p u ttin g a w eight on i „ , n k stock of goods latcly hrought tu Dallas. d er and W . W . W illiam s, of Inde- p ain tin g going on. . i w « * ’" : * w « « >» .................... '■"* *>•«*• Thcy areali lirst class gisnls and must he pendence, took tlx* excursion train h , A voting gentlem an of th e N orm al Jo h n W olvcrton has greatly ipi- !iis b a c k s t i ”rg e s te ti t h e a p p l i a n c e t o solJ. a b o u t 15 o f t h e “ d o n k e y - e n g i n e ” a n d here Th ursday for th e S heridan I. <>. p ro w d tlu* appearance of th e simile A lirst class jewelcr is now engagé.! a thè (). F. pienie. trees in front o f his residence by giv- t h e vv e i g h t y m e n o f t h e e r > w d g o t o n 'blu» picnic to In* held hi this **dy *e*rious aeri*lent th a t <* arm out of tihui*. W e art* g la d io li....1 wnteh end clock re]iairing. Dive him mid took us (o Dallas, w here lie nn*; T here is m ore of tiiis w ork needed in t o s a y tin * t r a i n « ¡ im e i n u m ic i* the* qu ite it'g ra m i affair. T h e eom m itte * learn from Al. W h ltouker th a t he is a cali. of arr.;ug«*im*nls has ¡»re pared an e.v- im proving. l a s h l o I Hi l ia - tow n. .» sim p ly saying " n o s ir” am i is not tv tittisl at 11.1!. fatterson's Inde[icn.letiee. nal, dropped in at our office i'l.u rsd ay . gold k in g .” A dm ission 25 cents; 1* NV i ’liiTH’i'v Kllis Daviiis. h RlioiLi Vi *t:i . . '.‘V . ' 1' 1*,‘< *lt halt so affective. Please ludica, w hen Kvcry [iitir sold filile gua rm r.'isl. He is m ak in g ¡i canvass for th a t live doors open at 7: ;»o. “ M oiim ou.li .Irti M iller ' ’ 1 ' you w ant to nay “ no” to m e, an d Slielly and Vanduyn are in thè lead ivitli ¡tiul progressive paper in th e county. “ D m '.I im l ylev. Mongolian pheasants are m ore nil- have a elilinee, say so in tlu* gixxl old T he follow ing is going th e rounds .1 Ab.-I thè laigeststock of generai meivlinmlisc in “ Salt I«like D Ibis; n, i*i than grouse in th is locality. w av, 1 w ill not lx* so lik ely to mis- IiKlepeliilciii***. T heir ]>nc.*s < >ni|uuv with W e w ish him ab u n d an t success. of tin* pre-s: “ Wiu-n a felon first be­ W II Dtin-iiti Hcllicl th e tiiii. s mi.i ail ¡ ' l l . a r c u rraatcil lir «till. H -----then* are Köln judicial district. K i* 1 ».IV is m ore of us th at want peunutson th a t in l ’olk eounty th a t new po »Is were ever political issues of the «lay. «114 'ov .1 I* K> 11 v <«ov. M. N. N ystrom preaches ¡it th e note* business. Live in th y lot, am! bravely w ork, I )«»UyJas -1. »1 ! * 1 J¡ IH- k .»Ill us cheap. Now is y o u r time. P ennoyer will spe-.ik w ith him ¡it Methel church S unday th e - J th . A nd wh**n thou dost forget 1* Ililtc rliriu i'l L u ck iam u te T h e report comes to M onm outh M — is . Hiirzcr *Y ltolu rtson are doing tin several of th e m ost im p o rtan t points. T hyself in labor, some swc«*t flower ItridyooK .rt 1. it K in. The concert of la-t S aturduy w as a th a t a y o u n g lady of lndc|M*iidcncc fair th in g hy th eir eustoiners, an I th e ir i*nt- < ico ( ' S m itli Dixie W ill in th y path lx* set. s:tW II eollegiate senior tw o l)l«x*ks literary and financial success. Suvcr .1 V On* roiiage is fast inercasing. T hey will I k * com- “ and ealltxl to h im , “ Oh. 1 Set lì ' Dixie W ho seeketh jo y for its ow n sake, W ord has ju st l«K*n reet-ived of a alu**.ul I m * 1 1***1 to [ilacc an o th er m an in tlieir ostah- R e c o r d ot D e e d s . (ieorge! I'v e got som ething aw ful < ..S S.uy lut I >oUula*: T hat jo y wi il never see; dram atic **ntert;iinment t*i lx* belli ¡it iishm ent to he able to accom m odate tin* [>at- Im lcpciKleuec M en ImiO .) good to tell y o u .” 1!. II. please e x ­ Tlu* follow ing deeds h a v e been re­ W ait tru stfu lly in th y trut* phi *e, SOK-k d e aler ! .incolli next S atu rd ay evening. r;»nage. I.-iok at tlieir new “ad " in a n o th er T .1 1 rvitr plain. A nd peace will come to tlu*«*. U'a .n i11 1 .los.‘¡»ti i Im it Urtili*! corded by th** county clerk th is Rev. M urgatroyd, o f Indepen­ colum n. < >ti T uesday evening hist tlu* nioni- lii(le[X'!ii!i'il:v f a rm e r J < Tlie “ Oregon St:*tc N orm al School il D (tru n k I week: d e n c e , p r e a c h e d onMl .lesduy « veiling |„.'iV'of tiie Nforiiml .^ n io re ittss iiiet *• Iv.l-i “ to mi a tte n tiv e audience. ¡n res|K>ns<* to an in v ita tio n from l )al!as Mrs. M. ( ’. W ells to W in. E. Wells A —o ¡¡ition,” of this place h ave tiled R obert H owp Price List. Days Only at R, M. • * Ja e k so a lots 1, 2, ;i, 4, 5 and 12, in block 4, in artic!«*s of incorfKiration in th e office* S -n tt A lîiyys Smith's Store. An * dii* :.t U .. 1 m eeting will lx* Mrof. M. L. ('iiini)lx*U at his residence*. u Iz iik la m u lc th e tow n o f Merry dale; $1 and love o f secretary o f ¡date*. Incorporators .1 .! r.n u v n h<-'d at L. th I on th e 2 'th un d er th e T he follow ing ladh-s w«*re i.ivse-nt, ** W h ite shirts, 7'.<* to $1.00. .1 < ’ Kicliimls M«4 IV ¡tad ntiection. ■ 11 - ! »: < e ■ »f Stipi. Robinson. All Mis-s-s, Lizzi«* Ja k e s, Isuliell U ra y , Did las French l ’en ttle Hth* to $1.00 R uth and II. R. H a l!to Ju liu s and A. 1!. <*rigg*<, D. W . D ri-kel, F . S. Il I! ill-K lglît I'rieti-- o f <*dii: ation o f su rro u n d in g Sarah W iinlx rly, M ay W oodbury, i: î* c w iiiu D ixie Men and y o u th ’s clo th in g n t cost. Magdalim* Ruef, u n d iv id ed tw o-- v- Powell and N . L. R utler; v alue of locality ¡ire invited to I k * present. Lotta O rouud, J«nn M cDaniel, Inez Roys su its $1.00 to $4.00. ,, H am ilton, L«*nn R utler an d Id a Roots (m ens) C-kTA. enth o ftlie south one-half of th e do­ l»ropt*rty $*4)00. . Limi ly o f t . Rurges^w.is sn iitli. T h e gentlem en pn*se*nt w«*r** nation land claim o f A. I lodge** and S c h o o l \p i» a rtio n R i« * n t. Roots (boys) $1.50. wife; Death has rem ovctl an o th er v ery vestenluy e-illed t * tlu* Isslsidi* of ('. II. Jo n es, W in. Dawson, W. L. alstj 3.41 iur*s in t ills , r 1 vv; Shot's (ladies) il.Oti to $1.75. $1,240. ■lio.ll fund.' Mrs. It.’s m o th er, w ho Is lying d a n ­ ( 'arix*nt**r, E. noteil citizen of our state*, Jess A|>- At>jK»rtioniiicnt o f co u n ty Mentitimi, S. (J ikk I- Shoes (children’s) 75o to $l.oo M artha Sinqison an«l J \ \ Sim p- ph-gate, o f S outhern O regon. He m a.le in BcroniuiM-o w ith section 25, siilxlivi- gerously ill at h er hom e near Sher- iiignt and Robert B urnett. T h eev e- Dress giKKls (rem n an ts 10 to 15c. son to J u liu s nhd M agdaline Ruef, flilw] ideal. ! ni tig passisi in a iKTfei-t w h irl o f fun ¡it |,; his hom e in Yon- sioll f). AIIHMldCHi yejiool laws. I No o f district i 121 to 15**. utulividi'd tw o-seventh ol the south died sm ldenly llt Ladies collars , iici l':i ieiit land agent and gixxl sp irit. Miss W im berly ('. O. Miir_ in, , in: i. m iium u«' m ...... s,........... i.....................- - ------ y : -,- f |Hi[iiU und post ottico uiblrcsM, nunilMT o 10 to 15c. < 'ltil*lr**tis collars one-hit If of th e donation land claim col hi valley last S unday . F o rty a m o a n t «»f do llu rs l of.McFoy, - d a ily n v e iv in g l«*tte*rsof mad«* ¡in im p ro m p tu I spe** s|sx*e*h w hich tila -s w are a t cost. of A Hodges and wile; also:». II acres yev.rs lit* has stood a conspicuous i n q a i r y «one ru in g lands in 1’olk was sim p ly immense*. . Mr Mrof t'iui)|>- I *i st ri.-t No. 1, Jtena, 45 j.npil «.4254 81; 2. in t 10 s, r 4 w; $1,-40. chanicb r in th e history o f Oregon. Dallas, 2lf>, .^.»711 04; 3, Dalla«. ;<7. $•»?>!> u2; eo'.int v*. V erilv tiiis w ill indicate I k * 1I was in n funny vein an d inelee-el M. E. IL irt an d huslm nd to same; 2S; ! m u c h t i th e ' land owne rs of o u r all «•ontribut«x! to th e pleasure o f th« 4. F .lu, 23. ÿl IS 4.5; 5, L 'w isv illi *, r>S, NOT ILK. A little altercation oceurred a t .Sy­ <1. IV rrvilale. 15. S254 HI; 7. Í■i vrac usd , », co unt’ evening. T he refreshm ents w ere $<>20. Oct v. TI lx* ------- an opening se rved at t«*n. Mrof. t'am p liell a n d C hristian hureh. n 1 racuse, * iit - «* will . . . . . I — of su ^ it- * E. »• C. * • K * * ■ e , y ’ t * to * .....................- - ............. C ....................................- »I X «. v j L U l uckiam . ' I V U I I I l ute, l I l * f Ix*tween > » l t * * * 11 » a » i m l l « ar- ‘ 1217 1>2: H, Lc\vi .«ville, 40, f2«D mm u Kails* < Ids w o rth y lx*tt«*r h a lf nave the? n ter tim iin ery gmuls at Mrs. K. Vi in- part of th e ltenjam in 1). Muti* r dona- ri(K, la m , i*7g> (Hi; 15, 1 1 «i li*¡ M*t»< le ie i*. n u ll’s S atu rd ay A p ril 2*tli an d .loth, tim i land claim : $1. , . ‘ th an k s ot th e S«*nior Norm nl Class I. <•! in inule S ta l tun. in ! ’»< », 2! Ä > CM; Di. A i ri io, -r>* K » i **>; 17, Met ' E. W in M T, I— o d d Mellows’ R ural cem eterv As- th ,‘ ' m ,e M>«'!‘* 1 lu> cause w as i for a very pleasant ev en in g . 115. 533 H5; le, D ixie, 12. TV* •'*1; 21. lV rrv - A pril show ers. I n*l* i*(.'it«Ience Or. soeiation of Independence to W. M. old grudge, and th e parties m et tin 1 dille, 5*1, gx! t ir 22, Silver, 2*. ’, 17: (d. 23, T he S enior N orm al Class com plot- Spelling se ll* xil every Saturday C onnow ay, lot :!P: $15. o th er day, an d tlie w om an pn>:***cd- Sili ridilli. H. 21 7 02: 24. Dallai«. :«», 217 02: '2. 1 'îo n n itn itli. Ib. 2*în 2Í>. Iinl« ¡K'lldi piirts ot sections 5, (I, 7 a n d s, in t s , th ey had Just m *overed from an at- T he eundidnte's of the thr«x* | ¡irt¡«'s r 5 w. will lik ely p u t an end to th e difficul­ 445 F»; ;^*. .M oaiiioutli. 27, HK* «H; 51 Salem e l e v e n o'eliK*k. i », J ¡. t lu; 52. Si. lem , *js. 17*1 34 ; 33, lineila i ■ finely under tack of fever, an d w e reex p e ctln » a n ­ ar«> requi'stixl to m«*et at the* court Tims. M. H u m p h rey s and Louisa ty . Kola, 22. i l l 55 57. • Vista, lu.'!. 102 ti:«: house* a t Dallas to arran g e for th e H u m p h re y s to F arm ers’ M ercantile ti m a u a g e m . at of M r . J . N. H art. ” “ M r - I " ’11» a n ' 1 v<>r>’ , n ^ h (,J S- rid a n . 24, 147 50; 3«. I I t i lei h piwlcncc, 1^». ! tvuragexl o v er th e pr«Hp«x*ts for < )ne o f th e t v e n ts of th e season will SI,c can v as. <>f the* eiKintv, S atu rd ay May A ssociation of M onm outh, lots 5 and r.i2 ‘V*; ¡Vi, l / ’wi^villA, 4*>. 221 ÎH ; 4«». I.iu* »Ill , Ti: Map ists will comtiu*tu*«* u <■- s|xs-elu*s in Ju n e . H ow ever, since* 5th. n J of 7 a n d n i of 8, in l»l«x*k !) in he tlu* pienie* at Indcjiendcnfe on 57, 2"!* «'2; 41. Dalla«. 50, JO" OH; 12. 20, ru i.*- *>f m eeting- ¡It th e E lkins -chool M onday these sam e fiu*«*s fa«x*s hi have lxs*n M onm outh; $tioo. M ay H) and I). Home o f th e leading 174 «H; 43. Silver . 37. 2tH 02; 44 , W iliaiiiinu, j house n ex t F rid ay evening, All are as b rig h t and s u n sh in y n sa n e w moon, js. ait i»^; IV Crow icy, 1! ■* ■ fl. Met '•») T rtisP H -sofC hristiauC .Jl. g«*, M.-u- ’ , o f t |„. s ta te w ill lio in u t- ."'t, am i vv«* co u g ratu late th e class ov er IIX It; 47, i lid. in m il'll, v, 54, H** 15; 4H. invitisi to litt« ml. O ak D ale. rriouth, to S tate N orm al Se luxil Asso- 1 . , . .. , L* vy *) k vilit*. :v». y e t 45; •>), ju, 135 !»>, tion u n iv ersity lot M in tow n o f tendance and addra-s th e people on 51. , y p a rt o f tht* luinlx r for Mr, D M. th e sudden change for th e Is-tter. As D allas, VO. J04 s!l; 5“ W lu-atlalul, -2. was state«! in last w eeks issue this H op **roj*s are looking well. M onm outh, containing 7.HI acres; th<* politiend issufsiofthe d ay . hewidea lit! '.«»; .55, H I'.lita». ew itt’s Met '«»V, 31. 101 S5; 54, .'»f, barn has arriv isi a t the* S ta­ eltL's consists o f tw e n ty ni«*in!x*rs ten tion. Farm* r* h av e fimdieel th eir grain also lots 1 and 2, In block 3, and lo t' o th er kinds of e n tertain m e n t. g*l 72; 5.5, D a lla s 17, 125 '»t; ,V(. Dill-e*. :*>, ladies and ten gen tlem en , and th ey 1 a n d 2 in bl*in- Jan«* H u m p h rey s, s \ o f lot I, In réndered hv th«* I k * s | locai ta le n to ! ti«*s. Tin* tilty«iollarx ns|iiirw t by law I' i ) m * o f tlu* en tire class, but we f«*e*l safe in I«oat S u n d ay was R ev. Royal’s re- Mock !> in M onnioutli; $50. tliut place. a|*nrt to etM-h «listrirt rc|»ortinif in tiicse say in g th a t the* m em bers of the class g u lar ap p o in tm en t but on m* -omit <»f Tni-t«s - o f C hristian College to D. T. joint iHxtrictx, «liv'ilr-l pri|i>>rioiu«r«r t«> the Surer. never w orked m ore industriously In T he L O. t). F. exeursion on th e t). l»ad h ealth. J u d g e Collins »(Miki* in S tanley, ldts •'! a n d 4, in bl«s-k 3, and until 1 s t o f * iiil«lr: it in tin ilistrii t living in J . S . S tu m p is p ain tin g hi-* house. th e ir lives. T he general average of his plan*. lots S a n d 4 in M onm outh; $»5o. R ’y line T i:ursday «-.trried a large Polk mi l V an illin m a n t i a irs[***ti»i l Y . It. F. K obin -5* f'p y ard . \ It. C»riggs, o f M onm outh, » 4 o f oreler to «vdelirtete its fiotti h irth d ay at tro ttin g horses, T h r Outlook. w ere su«*i*e*ssftilt and w hen a -«* a«l«i t«» S heridan, w here it urrivtsl at 10:3(!. Miss Retfii S hreve has gone to Set- ),,( i < in hl«K*k t* in M onm outh; $50. Mm Ii - have again broke* out at th ese the* tw o g raduates in th e Collc- T he w h eat am i fn iit crop outlcsek lent t<» stay w ith h e r -i*t«*r w ho is in t , t>. W aller am i ’vife* to T hom as T he dny uras cotti am i an occasionai the S tu m p school house* and th is g iate and f«air in th e Com m ercial we v«*r>* p . m » r he-alth. M. H um p h rey s, n j of lot s, in hl«K*k sliow er <»f rolli, b u i th i-d id not d**t«*r of tills co u n ty is Hn *. Tht* pr.j tim e tin- teacher, H . F . per, D. t'hitwiHNl general' inanngfT. I«»t H5xfi» fts*t in tfi«* tow n of Imte- and all wew* ai»le to etijoy tl.o cxeel- | n th e s p rin g Isalme*-: a -fa r islv sn e -'l tak'-n it. ><- ■ ol h:*s I s*n olo-ed for r»*r qiilie flatterfng intl«*en. i»ong | f ss. N. Y. Z. L. |s*nele*nee*, $504). S t.J o h n Inis let loo-eund will m ove PuklKhrti Kwr.i Saturday. on. J o h n n y Hrigg« bus lx*«*n u n ite sick -Tlie town <>f Mniuumitli i- -¡mated in tin* e*et»ti*r of the rictaist |mrt of folk i unity, this w*x*k. »•¡o|it milt« south of tin- county suit, Dallas, Hev. Mexsirk i: holding It Illivline I nini two ami omsjjalf miUn wint of tin- thriv­ ing town of Iinle|**ii bsi : h \ KK will he read in every township pa-setl th is w ay F riday. anil at every [«.sO.rlWv in the entire eounty, M r. and Mrs. P itn e y , from Lane ami therefore unexcelled as an advertising county w ere here this vv*H*k. medium." Mr.*anti Mr-. McCoy, o f O akville, J’ln* Observer four months for 5 Ort«. an* calling on Miss M cDaniel. A . L. Shreve, one of th e -olid linsincsa Mention. farm ers from near Dallas was here I. T. Mason the dentist, at Hallas, F riday. t'. Worth's tine groceries. •* Kd C lark, o f Dixie, was noticed fKiad our new advertisemen's thi- wet U. am ong th e visitors on o u r street* Tli ¡ M. A. s ore lias lie v gomls. F riday. I! M Smith publishes pria- this u s'k Horn, to th e wife of F.d llidw ell, in rminowuy A t'ooper hardware men Inde tiiis tow n, T hursday, A pril ill, lviS, jiendellee. Dentistry lirst class work done by I T. a d au g h ter. Mason at Dallas. I’rof. T. F. Cam pbell left Tuesday Head K. 51. Smiths [irie that he oilers for for his E astern trip . 1 Ie w ill visit the next 30 days. M issouri lirst. l’uints, Oils, Varnish at II. 11. Tuttcrson's Dr. W. W aterhouse, is hav in g his cheap. residence repainted and it presents a The highest price will lie [mid for old irons neat appearance. 1 >y 11. Dunee, ol Iudep n .1. A. liu sh n ell, of J u n c tio n is The Farmers Supply Dejuit, ,1/onmouth visiting his brother-in-law , Mr. A d ­ ami lmlej-elídeme. Hurl Hink seedling potatoes for sale at II. kins of this piaiv. W. Murphy’s farm, lietivcen lmlepemiem e Hev. M urgatroyd, of ln d tp cn - a n d Huella Vista. Any one wishing scisi [mta- tlenec. preach«*«! un excellent discourse toes will do well to call on Mr. Murphy. at McCoy lust T uesday evening. (1 i to Shelly ■' Vanduyn for vour dry goods, clothing, ele., lndepondciiee. Lewis M eflrew ,!’ y oung m an of Fenton A Truitt, the leading merchants of ; P errytlale, died of consum ption, at Dallas, look at their stock before going el i- th a t place F riday, April 27, 1 ss. where. The finest line of dress good« ever brought T he road ru n n in g wo-t of th e to folk county are to lie forni 1 at t > a I s chureh has ix en ¡graded an d put in the new store Dallas. excellent shape by J . .1. Russel. All g unis will be sold at r. < I. ('. ad's new Mrs. 11 um phrey and d au g h ter, Mis- sforo, Dallas, at prices ¡hat defy competition. Lou, left 'Thursday for A lbina, w here You should not miss the chance to examine th ey will m ake th e ir fu tu re home. thi stock before purchasing elsewhere. X, T arta r, ilem oeratie eandiilat- .1. S. Waterhouse has a fall line of paints for sheriff was in tow n S atu rd ay mi l oils, give him a call. Fine stock of watches, clocks, jewelry, at shaking hands v ery enthusiastically It, II. Patterson's. All ....... gixxls are go­ w ith our people. ing fast because they are sold cheap. Prof. P. L. C am pbell, tlem o ratic When at !hdcpcmlenee call at the ei ■' 1 ta­ aom inee for legislative honors, m ade nnar bookstore o]iposite the Nichols Iloilo- ’ l'or cmbmideries lacio , pocket liandkercliiefs a torn* in th e n o rth ern p a rt of the % a i!» Â jS r îs w