Medical work in the capital of China does not differ very much from the or­ dinary 1 'nii of practice in any large city T h e Young Cow. The vote of Wallowa «ounty is be- An unknown man was killed by a of the United States. Owing to the tween 800 and 000. Some cows may be naturally vicious, train in Sacramento. King Humbert, of Italy, has fcexlthftilneM of the climate tho na­ $ 8 , 1)00 to tlood sufferers. Grant's Pass has an elevatiun of 905 but nearly all viciousness is the result An unknown tramp was killed by a ■ tive*. as a rule, enjoy very good health. of ill treatment. Calving is a severe train near Gilroy, Cal. T hk first iron boat is said to have By far the most frequent cases that Jacob Sharp, the boodler chief, died feet above sea level. come to the dispensary are those re­ been built in 1777, on the River Foos, at his home in New York. A postoffice has been established at nervous strain and leaves the cow J. L. Smith was shot and instantly j I nervous and irritable. If the calf is lating to the digestive tract. One who in Yorkshire. It was fifteen feet long L. H. Orndorf, a braketnan, was Fern, Curry county. her first one she is very much afraid killed by his aife at Hailey, Idaho. killed at Heaton, Arizona. John H. Mires was killed by a fall that it will be injured ; in this she is and made of sheet iron. Frank Thompson commit tod suicide has ever seen the Chinese eat will not wonder at this. A bowl of food is General Terry lots been placed on from his barn near Oakland. like all young mothers. Milking is an at I ajs Angeles by cutting his throat. , placed under the chin and the contents G olivbkati . no is about the only trade the retired list of Me army. The salmon run at Astoria is light, entirely new operation to her; likely There 259 dogs of various breeds on scooped into the month with most as­ that lias not been affected by niachin* Fred. Layton has donated $250,000 but the fish are larger than usual. drawing milk from her udder gives her exhibition at the San Francisco bench tonishing rapidity. The process is re- to the ci,ty of Milwaukee for an art | pain. Her condition, her fears, a n d I show. The residence of George Anderton, ery. The work is done to-day just as peatoil until bowlful after bowlful has gallery. near The Dalles, was destroyed by fire. the operation, all call for the exercise I*. C. Geiser, ticket Agent at Tacoma, it was three centuries ago. disappeared, the only limit as to quan­ of the g.eatest patience and gentleness, was bound and gagged, and the office The jail at Friar’s Point, Tenn., was The little daughter of Ben Franklin, tity seemingly being the amount which T he cattle trust of Denver has just fired by incendiaries, and live prisoners at Bandon, fell and broke her right But instead, her solicitude for her calf robbed of $212. can be got hold of. I- resented, if she shows shyness when ' arm above the wrist. A man »aim'd Edward Newer was closed a contract with the French, perished. The |RR>rer classes depend chiefly on it is attempted to milk her—au opera­ run over and killed by a freight train rice for food, getting the necessary A new postollice, called Crater, with Government to supply the French' Clarkson, the famous base ball pitcher, has been sold to the Boston D. A. Findley as postmaster, has been tion which she knows nothing of and at Merced, Cal. nitrogenous elements uoi from meat, army with 150,000 head of beef cattle club for $10,000. which her instincts to nourish her established at Upper Deschutes. Annie Westerfield, two years old, but from a curd made from beans. On offspring would cause her not to sub­ annually. The Venezuelan Government lias _____ _ is ^ scolded ; if the was run over and killed by a train at this simple diet it is astonishing what There are 159 licensed saloons in the _____ mit to ____ readily she T he world consumes 2,105,000,000 issued a decree placing barbed wire | city of Portland, 12 in Albina and 12 ! pain caused by 'trie miTk 'Q Iig drawn San Francisco. an amount of work a coolie will do. in East Portland, making a total in leads her to kick, she is kicked in Col. Robert G. Ingersoll, wife and bushels of wheat annually; so the on the free list. Hence, Isith rapidity of eating and — — years of age, was the three cities of 183. Laura Culvert, 22 return. Thus her fright and nervous- lwo daughters are on a three months’ the quantity consumed tend to produce yield of the Pacifio Coast is only a burned to death near Waco, Texas. The manager of a creamery at St. ness are increased and soon she is ' lour in California. all the forms of distress after meals, drop in the bucket, with its 00,000,0(90 She started a fire with benzine. Paul, Minnesota, who was in Portland angered. If this treatment is contin­ Mannela Gomez, a Mexican woman, that, arc classed under the head of to 75,000,000 bushels. As the result of a domestic ' establishment foot never known of a heifer being “ con near Ism Angeles. whose ‘ •hcart’ s-mouth'’ has never I t has been asscertained, through up $150,000. quered” in this way. After her tor­ his wife and then killed himself. An old man named Peter Olsen w h s pained is seldom to be met with. This reports from the various County Su­ At Oregon City a plant for the man­ mentor Las worn himself out she is yet kicked and fatally injured by a horse “ heart’ s mouth” is a favorite locality At Lima, Oiiio, Patrick Hughes, perintendents, that the number of Dave Gallagher and James Stokey ufacture of cement is being put in at ready to kick, or to use her horns if in San Francisco. with the Chinese as a soat of disease. persons frozen to death in Dakota in were stabbed to death in a fight witli i a cost of $10,000. The rock is found need be. It does not do better to tie Cash on hand in the United States The native doctors know nothing of I in Douglas county, and is said to be her head or to put her between poles ; Sub-Treasury at San Francisco on two colored men. the recent blizzard was 109. the dissection of the human body, and this only frightens her the more. Her Kate Warner, the pretty daughter I inexhaustible. their notion of its construction ami is and a cow, no mat- March 31 was $55,170,000. J udge S tratton , of Lamar, Mo., of John Warner, a wealthy farmer of The Indians on the Klamath agency i temper . . ... ruined; , The streets of Traver, Cal., wore operations is based cliieily on the im­ she may be, has decided that women temperance Schoharie county, N. Y., committed met in council recently to consider the • rw1(?w \>era! a n'\ ker only if she is Hooded to a depth of two feet, from a agination. To the Chinese anatomist ; advisability of taking land in severalty. 18 ht for the 8harable8 everything below the skin is a “ terra break in the levee of the 76 canal. workers may dispense free coffee and suicide by cutting her throat. ] The result was that 600 voted in favor vicious. It is no nire thing for a man incognita." The brain he puts in the John L. Evy committed suicide at to throw $50 to the wind by striking a Lottie, the four-year-old daughter of sandwiches at an election without be­ I of the project. Lancaster, Pa. That brought the stomach, the soat of courage is in the young cow. H. N. Gastin, of Chico, Cal., was killed ing accused of intimidation or bribery. number of suicides iti that county The gross receipts of the Portland Uver, the bladder ooiumunicates di­ A successful poultry man says he by a sack of wheat falling upon her. postoffice for the year ending March within six weekb up to eight. rectly with the mouth by a tube into Gus Hanson,a sailor on the schooner j T he Eads Ship Railway Company spades up his “ run" twice a year. 31, amounted to $88,573 -12. This is which all liquids swallowed find their At Plnenix, Arizona, the roof of I). Robert and Jennie, fell overboard and \ ecently held a meeting and reported Fifty years ago the average weight their way, while a hole in the heart has S. Bewley's adobe residence fell in, about $10,000 more than the receipts was drowned in San Francisco bay. [ of beef cattle was 800 pounds; now it highly encouraging prospects. It is burying Mr. Bewley, bis daughter and j of any previous year. Enoch G. Kellogg fell down a chute i some mysterious relations with the The Democratic State Convention *8 1>^00 pounds, estimated that $25,000,000 will be re­ son. Mr. Bewley and daughter are re­ in the Lexington mine,at Butte, Mon­ stomach, and to this orifico is ascribed Raw milk digests in a shorter period quired to complete the Tehuantepec ported dead, and the boy will probably at Pendleton nominated J. M. Gearin, tana, a distance of 100 feet and was much of the pain consequent on indi­ ; of Portland, for Congress. Cleveland than boiled milk; hence nnlk for die. gestion. Kailwav. instantly killed. Mrs. Tillie Sipp, aged 35, while in a was indorsed for President, and Gov- young stock should not be boiled but Mrs. Pyle and Jemmy Heller and j In this connection I must not fail to i warmed. J ohn F innucan stole a coat in De­ fit of temporary insanity, threw her ernor Pennoyer for Vice-President. John Hern, her sons, were arrested at j speak of “ worms." This is not an at­ Postottices have been established at | It is the advioeof a prominent dairy- troit, and the Free, Press chronicled the 12-year-old son George out of a fourth- Walla Walla, charged with setting fire : tractive subject to the general reader, hut au important uue to study up fo r , fact, spelling the name Finnegan. story window in New York city, and Aurick. Benton county, and at Glove ! man to farmeis not to keep cows that to the Aurora hotel in that city. jumped after him. Both were fatally City, Malheur county. Jas. A. Wood ! give less than 600 gallons of milk a any one expecting to practice medicine Thereupon John Finnegan sued the A child of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Tasli and John T. Tdson were ap|M)inted year, hurt. in China. The native, be he rich or pajier for libel and recovered $1,500 In some of our northern counties was kill. 1 in a runaway accident near , poor, young or old, who does not har- It is stated that Claus Spreckels, the postmasters of the respective offices. Sacramento. The parents wore taking damages. Andy Hickson and a companion lost there has been as much as 359 bushels California sugar king, will build a bor specimens of the tiuuia or humbri- their boat, traps, blankets, stores and of potatoes raised to the acre. This the baby to church to have it baptized. 1 conics would, if the facts were known, sugar refinery in Philadelphia to cost C ai . ifounia has 20,000 acres of Jenny Kimball, a young artist, com- j $5,000,000. The capacity of the pro- $500 wortli of beaver skins on the was on rich land, but with the right be a living curiosity to his astonished orange trees and Florida 80,000 acres. po’8e« t*>e shoulder with a shotgun in who had hud this trouble for several Physicians plant has its own peculiar enemies, which measured seven feet in length days. 1 told him not to allow his bet­ it T housands of blind crows were seen Two other children drank the re- I the hand« of another boy. and changing of plants removes them and weighed between 200 and 300 amputated the arm, taking off part of in the woods and fields near Chatta­ mainder, but were not affected. ter half to eat any fruit, and he the shoulder. The boy died the fol­ to fields unoccupied by such enemies, pounds. A Chicago A Alton freight train was promised to p*y attention to this—to nooga recently, and people had no This is true of the enemies of above- a Walla Walla paper says it is lowing day. him—unnecessary restriction. After a difficulty in approaching and seizing boarded by three thieves at Chicago, The stockyards now being at The ground growth of plants to an im- rumored that John Stein bach and John day or so the man came in again, and and Watchmen Eli D. Kreigb and I Edgar, who went out on a winter’s them. No one knows what caused Dan Brassill, who attempted to put Dalles by the O. R. Jr N. Co. will be portant degree. _ Alfalfa and apricot leaves make first hunt, were found in the John Day complained that the patient was not their blindness. them off, were fired upon. Kreigh the best between Portland and St. Paul, class green food for poultry, and in country frozen to death, any better. He said she had been very says a local paper. They will hold was instantly killed, and Brassill was careful of her diet, and had eaten noth­ fact, any of ihe domestic, animals or 1 C alifornia has about doubled her thirty carloads of cattle, are fixed for The work on the Ilwaco A Shoal- ing hut watermelon.—Medical Mission­ mortally wounded. population in the ten years since the taking care of sheep, will have sheds pets. Alfalfa is cheaper and easier to water Bay Railroad includes 3,000 feet ary lie nerd. A frightful accident occurred on the last census. -The enormous Bums of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail­ I for horses and arrangements made for | ¡*tti8e tban ,a!'-v K*‘ r,,‘\n tr,Jck U,at w® of trestle and roadway at Ilwaco, 1,000 v „» r i„ 190,000 f„*o „ m. -1 ! k,low " f. ai,d 18 K^en the year round, feet along the line, and the removal of fine stock. Nearly feet of i lum WIT AND WISDOM. money spent by the different counties road near Newhampton, Iowa. A her will be used in their construction. ! while the apricot primings (cut any 65.000 cubic yards of earth. ,, . time after the fruit is off) come at a End cities in advertising abroad lias bridge had been carried away by a —Anxiety about tho opinions of oth­ The election held at W", Cal., Dick \\ ells fatally shot himself at ^ mo when other green feed is excep- ers fetters our freedom of act^n. been the cause of the vast increase in gorge, and a passenger train plunged the A * farm »A w- Ibl house ■ % 4 vl V OA A W \ .B A Y % _ .1 I L A W M AA W J , ■ ■ " to issue$750,000 worth of bonds, under of M. A. Walker, near I tonally scarce. into the stream, while running at full —It wonderfully softens the pain ot population. the Wright bill, was carried by a vote Ashland. The bullet passed through 8|>eed. The engine and three coaebes of seven to one. This will construct a making a mistake to he the first to find j the stomach and lungs, and caused D elegate D ubois states that he has | went into the creek, and were imme­ P O K T L A X D F K o n i i e « n t U H K T . ditch this coming summer sixty feet it out death in a few hours. To his mother j feceived many protests against reduc­ diately submerged in the torrent of | and others lie said the shooting was —Neutrality, in a question of right wide, five feet deep and fifty miles BtTTTK water which overflowed the banks. A . , , , . , - . . — ........ H— tion of the tariff on lead. He says if scene of the wildest confusion ensued, not an accident; be had been, wanting Fancy roll, * tb an long, and will put under irrigation and wrong, is already alliance with the 200.000 acres, with abundant water wrong. the tariff on that article be removed or There were about thirty people in the ° d,f ior three >’ear8‘ , ^ ‘ her than Chjgoj. •• 1A 9 20 from the Sacramento river. ___ l __ v ...... ........ ¿in_i _ i _____ this he gave no reason for his rash act. *rade • —Don’ t tell the doctor what’s the Four were killed, so far as deduced to the extent p roceed , it will smoker. IK 9 a> Deceased was 22 years of age. s California 1 At Centralis, W. T., the 9-year-old matter with you. It’ s his business to r oll............... 32* have a disastrous effect upon the miu- known, besides the engineer, who was 28 (ove the junction of the Imnaha with Barley, whole, if ctl............ The steamer Boh Irving engaged in makes the mare g o," nut it’ s a com­ do ground, if ton........ 20 00 (*2R (JO ew York are estimated at $2,168,947 matting as dry as tinder, and there that river, to spend the winter mining Oats, choice milling If bush 47 9 60 general transportation and towing plete certainty on the race track that being a slight wind blowing the for gold. When they moved there it do fend,good tocboice.old 46 ' 9 1 50 and owner—Captain Olney—and his —The sun should not set npon our Oregon, ¥ drm.. fireman had been killed. The engineer, srned. Antimony ore, however, is rushed wildly through the surgiDg on investigation found the hodies of Cherries, “ Torni mass of humanity, tossing aloft and two Chinamen who had Endouhtedly Lemons, California, p b x .. 4 00 9 4 60 a deck hand and a Chinese cook were anger, neither should it rise npon our 1 23 ri-ry widely distributed. It is gener­ knocking ever all who stood in their been killed by shooting in the head, Limes, ¥ 100........................ confidence. We should forgive freely, badly injured. The steamer was loaded hat forget rarely. I will not hs re­ verside oranges. ¥ box.. ally found associated with other ores, way. Two women were first gored to and the otherChinamen were nowhere ¡s Angeles, do do with hay and oats, which were scat venged: this I owe to my enemy. But 9 »ore especially with lead, zinc and death by the bulls and their bodies to be seen. Their tents were blown Peaches. ¥ box tered in every direction. The boiler I will rememtMT; and this I owe to my- R idi was hurled completely out of the boat Silver. It is a constant source of afterwards burned. The scenes in the downwind after being taken up revealed Dry, over 16 Ihe, ¥ fb.......... 12 U 9 »elf. — ( olton, neighborhood of the catastrophe were a large amount of provisions and min- . Wet salted, over 06 the....... rouble to the smelter on account of sickening beyond description. Women • and lodged on the bank of the river. 9 —True zeal is modest and retiring; ing utensils, which had been used but Murrain hides 0 The head of the captain was severed 7 Z ^he difficulty with which it is elimi- and ciiildren, divested of their clothing very little. The boat was missing, and Pelts .......................... 10 9 1 25 from his body. No traces could be It is not like the scentless sunflower, V egetable »— kated. Antimony is chitfly used as and erased with suffering from their everything looked as if it had been de­ found of the remains of the fireman. which spreads its gaudy petals to th* Cabbage, ¥ tV ................... 2* light of heavn. and turns its face to kn alloy with other metals. Mixed burns, ran aimlessly through the serted for some time. On the bank Carrots. ¥ sack ................... • 1 00 There is some doubt as to the cause of the orb of day, as it determined to be streets and could scarcely be overtaken near the river were found several small Cauliflower ¥ d o t.............. the explosion, but it is believed that riih lead it forms type m etal; mixed ‘ or collected by friends. Several per­ piles of cartridge shells, which seem to Onions ................................. • 1 10 the water in the boiler was allowed to teen; but, like the modest violet, it nth tin it is employed for music type. sons lost their reasno from the severe have beeD thrown out together, and Potatoes, new, 9 ICO lbs 76 get too low. The report of the explo­ bides itself in the bank, and sends W ood — It is also alloyed with copper for bear mental shock to which they were sub- with which the awful deed must have forth its fragrance from iU deep re­ Hast Oregon. Spring dtp . I« a 1« sion waa heard for some mile« in the tirement.— T. A. James. | jetted. The fire was incendiary. been committed. Valiev Oregon, dn ,, >gs. and in found in pewter. 18 9 10 surrounding country. ‘ f, C •i