4i ) ' P olk C ounty O bserver . MONMOUTH, I’ OI.K COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 7, Itw. A R u s s i a n L w forbids the use of ext 1 imation |>oints in newspaper ar­ ile* in that country. T heke are BOO beet sugar factories in Europe. France manufacture*600,- 000 tons of sugar, and Germany 1,024,- 000 ton*. TELEGRAPHIC. Epitome of the Principal Eveato No» Attractine Public luteresl COAST CULLINGS. CONGRESSIONAL. OREGON NEWS. ( NO. RICULTURAL. Devoted Principally to Washington Legislation Pertaining to the Interest Everything of General Interest in a Devoted to the Interest« of Territory and California. Condensed Form. of the Pacific Coast and Stockmen. Farmer* ------------- ' Palonse, W. T.( lua incorporated. Cur« o f Po u ltr y. Milton is already arranging for a MRNI A T tC . Fourtti of July celebration. Tlie steamer Cannonburg, wrecked Rufus Ford shot and killed himself If the hens can be furnished with a Teller introduced the following at Nantucket, valued at $150,000, is a at Silver City, Nevada. The O. R. A N. Co’s taxes in Union snlfi icnt variety of food, and especially amendment to the bill to forfeit cer­ with green food, and the hen-houses Ax Athens (Ga.) paper mill is rt- tot 1 losa. A Christian Church Society has been tain railread land giants: “ That in 1 county amounted to $7,554 68. ported to have turned out a sheet of I .. The French - government has de- . j organised at Colfax, W. T. In Douglas county. Volney Oden are dry and waim, they will do better all cases where any of the lands for- About 3,000 tons of wheat are stored feited by this act have been sold by killed a large eagle measuring seven if confined in them all the time, from nianilu paper six miles in length and clined to accept Italy s proposal for a the day the ground is first covered commercial treaty. j in the Colton, W. T., warehouse. the United States for cash, or entered feet from tip to tip. five feet wide, without a break. with snow until the weather becomes Willie Jack, aged 12 years, was ae- < A large barn, its contents and nine by homestead or pre-emption settlers, The census taken by the city an warm in the spring, than if shut up a I n Germany very nearly twelve (■¡dentally shot and killed at Butte,! horses, burned at Vacaville, Cal. Loss or selected by any state as part of the thorities shows Midford to contain few cold or stormy days and (lit u given $6,000. j (trailt to such state in aid of any pub- I over 1,000 inhabitants. pounds of sugar are now made from Montane, by a playmate. their liberty a few dais. Of comae TheC. B. A Q. R. R. paint shop A rabbit drive near Selma, C at, re -, ''J5 w° rk which has been fully com Crump, convicted ut Heppner of they n quire more care in fteding, and 100 pounds of beets, the cost of the building at Aurora, Illinois, was de ! united iu the slaughter of 12,230 D1* ed, the right of all persons so hold- manslaughter, was sentenced to fifteen in having roosts, nests Hint wallowing production being only two cents per stroyed by tire. L< ss, $200,000. rabbits. mg lands shall be confirmed.” years’ imprisonment aud to pay a fine places kept clean, when confined, than pound. Ex-Lieutenant Governor Wm. Dor- jh e Booth Barrett engagement of _ Farren’s bill to prohibit selling or of $5,000. if out of doors, but the increased mini- Patents have been grmted to Pat­ bar of eggs should pay for keeping. T he pig iron | r duct of the United sheimer, of New York, publisher of tin three weeks realized $68.000 at San SivinK “ w>*y cigars, cigarettes or Ui j fiacco to minors was passed without rick F. McGee, Oregon City, car heater. A feed of cabbage once a week will be New York Star, died at Savannah,: Francisco. Slates in 1887 was 6.417,148 tons, j Georgia dissent. The Senate ha* been deluged Frank J. Crouch, Eugene City, appa­ good for them ; raw beets or turnips The east bound train was detained much the largest on record. The next cut in two and thrown iu for them to Albert Murrisli, a farmer living near at Stampede, W. T., about four hours with petitions from the W omen’s ratus for heatiug ears. | Christian Temporanee Union, and the largest production was in 1886, when ! Kearney, Neb., shot bis wife dead and by a landslide. pick at are also good. The leaves and A man named Sawyer drodped dead like, urging the passage of the bill, stalks which may be obtained from I fatally wounded Thomas Patterson, 5,683 329 grins tons were turned out. T. J. Abbott, aged 55 years, a resi- Under the bill it will be a misde- on the Sandy road about a mile aud a market gardeners who are trimming who was employed about the farm. lmlf from East Portland. The cause dent of Santa Ana, Cal., was thrown meanor for a father to give his son celery for market are excellent. Fowls T he largest cotton mill in ilie world | of death was heart disease. A teriihle explesi >n occurred in a fiom his buggy and killed. under 2' years of age a cigar. also need meat ' the Treasury for information as to treasurer. and playful. 3. lie should be able to ili-tingui -h Efforts are being made to secure the for fortification, in Puget Janies Branitley, convicted of firing between insect foes and insect friends, Foil the twelve months ending De­ The British ship Dolbadern Castle , i . « . , ,, , Sound, and as to the practicability of funds necessary to finish up the col- |, ___ ____ ” V . , ", . , the town of Isexingtou, was sentenced so that in fighting the former he will cember 21, 1887, the total number of has arrived in San Francisco, 143 days lege at Colfax, W. T., for use this forliy*ng the entrance to the Sound. to five years’ imprisonment, tames not destroy the latter. j from Swansea. On the trip out the A bill reported in the Senate to j>er- immigrants arrived in the United season. Cannon's case was postponed. He 4. Ho should be able to refer them 1 vessel lost her third mate. He fell Samuel Stewart, a well known resi- ■ |»1'® h'^rantine service provides was indicted for complicity in tije to each < ne of the several orders to States was 509,281, as compared with from the main-topmast rigging, and dent of Colton, W. T., committed f° r *he burning of Lexington. 386,631 persons arrived during the ( striking on his head was killed. which (hey may belong, so that he can suicide near near uiat that town : At 8k,‘ I)feK°- . Cal., speak or write of them understand- suicide town bv by druwuimr urowuiiig ■ 8an t,on8 Francii0O| |lo;{i(joo j.;jrt $65.500; Tuwn. All the registers and receivers of the preceding twelve months. Of the Twenty-five convicts mutinied at himself in the lake. various land offices iu Oregon have mgly, without grouping them all send, W. T , $55,000. above number 125,742 were from the Birmingham, Ala., prison. Officers A young man about 24 years old, sent a petition to the Secretary of the under the name of “ bugs.” Great Britain and Ireland and 85,926 attempted to suppress them ami two IIOL'HK. 5. He should know the manner of named Joseph Greer, committed sui- Interior, requesting him to urge Con­ of the negro convicts were ».‘ncu. killed. The | cjde ai Snohomish, W. T., by shooting Ivlina »cm from Germany. The river and harbor bill has been gress to make an ample appro| r atiou insect fc< ting, whether by means of Coroner «ju ry returned a verdict that j h i m B e l f j n t h e h e a d > biting jaws or with a proboscis, so as completed by the committee. The for survey of public lands in Oregon. R e p re se n ta tiv e Hermann has re­ the shooting was done in the perform­ to be able to employ the proper class appropriations for rivers aud harbors The list of salmon canneries on this George Barker, a Portland painter, signed from service on the House ance of the prison officers’ duty. coast now number 103, a considerable on the Pacific Coast are : lost all the fingers of one hand by the of insecticides. California — Humboldt, $150,000; explosion of a fulminating cap. Not 6. He should experiment with such Capt. Charles R. Barnett has been increase over the number last year Committee on Manufactures, in con­ Oakland, $175,000 ; Wilmington, $90,- knowing the dangerous nature of the remedies and preventives as his own j relieved fiom duty at Los Angeles and when 997,000 case* were packed. sequence of an understanding with 000; Yaquina Bay, $120,000; San obseivalion anil ex|ieriaiiee sugegsts. ordered to Baltimore, Md , relieving The town of Blacks, Cal., was par­ Joaquin, $25,000 ; Redwood, $74,000; explosive he l>egan to pick at it with Buchanan of New Jersey, who had re­ Maj. Gilbert C. Smith, who has been a jaicket. knife, with the above result. There are about .>,000,000 farms in signed his place on the Committee on ordered to Helena, Mont , to relieve tially burned. The charred remains Mokelumne, $2,000; San Luis, $25,- of a man were found in the debris. 000; Sacramento and Feather river-, Nat. McE win met with a fearful the United States, of which 1,500,000 Indian Depredation Claims. Hermann Capt. Charles Bird. The latter has The origin of the fire is not known. $20,(XX); San Diego, $10,000; Napa, death near Fossil. He was leading a are worked under lease or on shares. was assigned to service on Indian been ordered to Washington, 1). C. Do not omit the warm water for In a saloon row at Han Bernardino, $7,500; Petaluma, $2,000; deep sea fractious horse by a rope attached to his wrist, when the animal became cows because of moderation iu the depredation claims. A dispatch from Gila Bend, Arizona, Cal., Henry Wilson and Oliver Grif­ mooring, $150,000. says that oue of the Mexicans who fith were fatally shot. Officer Codoria Oregon — Coquille river, $20,000; frightened aud ran away, dragging weather. So long as the water shall T he statistical returns at the Agri­ assassinated Sapt Gribble, of the and a Mexican were also badly hurt. Coos bay, $50,000; Cascades, $175,- McEwiu until he was fatally injured. lie cold and the weather changeable, it cultural Department for March show Vulture mine, and two companions, Congreas has appropriated $5,000 should be slightly warm, and the av­ Julius Shocken, a stranger in Spo­ 000; Upi»er Columbia,$10.000; mouth the corn crop to be the smallest since was shot and killed while resisting ar­ kane Falls, W. T., died rather suddenly of the Columbia, $350,000; Lower with which to replace the cable be­ erage yield of milk will be maintained thereby. 1884, estimated at 508,000,000 bushels, rest at the Gda River Irrigation Com­ f i o n a knife wound accidentally in­ Willamette, $S0,0<)0; Upper Wilam- tween Astoria and Fort Canby. For Any of the potash salts may he used pany's camp. The $7,000 bar of flicted while in a state of intoxication. ette, $15,000; Coquille, between Co­ a time it was thought the old cable a decrease i f about 100,000,000 from bullion wag recovered. with advantage on all fruit crops. In could be raised and repaired, hut this quille and Myrtle Point,$2,000; gaug­ While a gang of Chinamen were last year. The indicated stock of A mob of women in Constantinople working in a large gravel bank near ing the water of the Columbia, $2,500. waM found to he impracticable, as in the early spring is the best time to wheat in the hands of farmers is J32,- sought to obtain arrears of pensions Los Olives, Cal., the hank gave way, Washington— Chehalis river, $2,000 ; places the cable was found to lie cov­ apply them. If 2(H) poi-nds of super­ 000,000 bushels, as against 122,000,000 due their husbands from the govern­ killing two and breaking the 1< g of Cowlitz river, $2,500 ; Skagit river, ered with send to a depth of ten feet phosphate be applied at the same time its eflects will be very marked at the or more. $15 000. bushels at the same time one year ago. ment, and besieged the office of the another. harvesting. The hill makes an appropriation of Articles of Incorporation of the Minister of Finance. The minister 1 n the superior court at Sacramento, Cut potatoes to two eyes. If they $19,432,783 and is the largest bill of Northwest Industrial Association have A n e w British industry is the prep- | was secreted to escape the fury of the Cal, George A. Turley and Frank been tiled in the i flico of the county he desired early“, for home use, thin mob. The mob killed a woman who Abbott were sentenced to three years the kind ever brought in. a ration of basic slag for agricultural ! The Mississippi river from Minne­ clerk of Multnomah county. The out the plants to a single one in the "V J was advising them to make their de- each at Folsom for voting illegally at uiet,„ manure. The material is pulvenxed n)and8 quietly sota to the Gulf of Mexico reoeivi s $3,- association has a capital st ck of $100,- hill. This will give earlier, larger and a recent city election. 3 8 5 , 0 0 0 ; S t . M a r y ’s r i v e r $ 1 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 ; 000, und its object is to purchase land more uniform potatoes, hut the yield by machinery to such an extent tliat The Emperor of Germany receives The roundhouse at Stampede,W. T., M i s s o u r i r i v e r , $ 6 2 5 ,0 0 0 . and erect buildings in Portland in will not be as large as when two plants the finished product will piss through d a ily reports concerning the floods. with two engines, were burned. The which to hold fairs for the display of are 1< ft to the hill. a sieve of ten thousand holes to tbe 'Ilie damages are estimated at $50, ironwork will be taken to Tacoma for r O B T L A N U F H t M U C K ■ A K K R T . mechanical, agricultural, mineral and A change iu food will he relished by the sheep just as well os by any ani­ square inch. The fertilizing proper­ 000,000. The towns of Betzenburg, repairs. Only one man was present B utter - other products of the State. Domitz and Damenburg 40 mal on the farm. Nature is a pretty „ are still when the fire started, and he could do F a n c y r o ll, lb ........................ ties of this slag are due to the largo The little 6-year-old daughter of sure guide in such matters. There O r e g o n .......................................... 1 Hooded Twenty-nine liv. s have been nothing. 20 fat 26 proportion of iron and phosphoric acid | lost and 10,000 head of cattle have I n fe r io r g r a d e .......................... Geo. Will, a farmer living near Au­ may he and is a choice of foods among The ship J. I). Walker reports that P i . k l e d ........................................ M (fi 30 rora, was fatally burned. Accom those that sheep will cat witli a relish, which it contains. perished. Thiity thousand i>eople are during a gale on her tr'p from Seattle C a lifo r n ia r o l l .......................... panied by neighboring children, the hut it is a mistake to feed what ttiey ¿8 «S 85 homeless on account of the flood. do p i c k l e d ................... to San Francisco, she lost two men little girl went out in the field where do not relish. C hkbsh — T he House Committee on Pensions 16 f<4 20 Denver hid a grand six-days’ cele­ overboard nanud Denis Nagle and L a n tern , fu ll c r e a m ............... the farm hands were burning np old There are many new varieties of estimate that the payment of $8 per bration on the opening of the Pan­ I’homas Kane. The men were swept O r e g o n . 14 « 16 do ............... Her vegetables offered in the catalogues for 14* rubbish, such as dry grass, etc. C a lifo r n ia .................................. from the jibboom. month to survivors of Indian wars, handle route. It is estimated that an 224 dress caught fire, and before proper 1888, ami some of them are probably E o o s F r e s h .......................... At Chico, Cal., a 2 year-old child of from 1832 to 1842, and their widows, j 75,000 people witnessed the parade. D r ie d F r u it » - assistance could he given her, s'ie was valuable acquisitions, but it is tiest to , sk s and b x a ... <ê « burned so badly that she died the fol­ pxi>erinicnt with new varieties the fir st will amount to $600,000. T'aere were ^ The streets were a wilderness of flag*, Wm. Mare was drowned in a wash- A p d p o le s , C q r a s lifo e r n ia ............. bunting and banners, while the pave­ boiler containing three inches of water, lowing morning. year of their existence, as it is not 18 C4 28 63,963 men engaged in the Florida, j A p r ic o t s , n e w c r o p ................. ments for miles were one mass of i The mother left the child for a few e a c h e s , u n p e e le d , n e w . . . 124(0 14 always advisable to discard an old and Fire broke out in the upper story of Blackhawk, Cherokee and Creek wars, I humanity, so closely packed that all moments, placing her near the boiler, P P i-ars 10 m a c h in e d r i e d .......... the Eureka hotel at Perrydale, Polk tried variety for a newer kind. 40 P it te d c h e r r i e s ......................... of whom 47,520 were volunteers, 1,116 j travil had to be suspended for several 124 1 county, and soon enveloped the entire P it t e d p lu n m , O r e g o n ........... The- condition of liolluw-horn is dead. regulars, and 3,000 sailors. Eight hours. «a y F ig s , C a i.. In h ga a n d b x a . . building. The flames spread to other simply a symptom of disease, and in­ According to the report of the com­ 8 (<9 10 C*J. P r u n e s , F r e n c h .......... dollars will be paid te all who served M. DeLessepe writes to the financial 10 O i 124 buildings, and notwithstanding the stead of directing medical attention to r u n e s .......................... correspondents of the Panama Cansl missioner of navigation, the tonnage O r F e l g o o n u r p — I great exertions of the eitizmis and the horn the practitioner should make twenty days.______________ of the Pacific Coast, on June 30, 1887, Company that 108,236 new obligations 4 00 P o r tla n d P a t. R o lle r , F h b l 1 many people from the surrounding haste to look in other directions for 4 00 T he tower which is being erected tiave been subscribed for placing 50,- was as follows : Stale of California— S a lem do do country who had been attracted by the the disease; for the very fact that the 4 26 if b b l ................... by the Russians oil the highest pan t 000,009 francs in the hands of the Number of vessels, 864; tonnage, 254,- C W o h u it n t e r y L ily fire, the hotel, furniture store, machine horns are insuffic ently supplied with 3 60 at 3 Ï 6 b r a n d ........................ 092. Oregon— Vessels, 188; tonnage, of the Mount of Olives is already rev ormipany. He regards this as satis 52,621. Washington Territory— Ves­ S u p e r f i n e .................................... 2 ; U (K 2 75 shop and grocery store near by burned blood is proof that there is too much G r a in — to be ! factory ; but authorizes correspondents to the ground. W i'h great difficulty blood somewhere else, aud hence a eral stories high, but one more is j to continue to receive subscriptions. sels, 165 ; tonnage, 49,460. Alaska— W h e a t , V a lle y . If 100 lbs . . 1 224'4 1 26 the remainder of the town was saved. ; state o f congestion. 1 15 « I 20 d o W a lla W a l l a ............. Vts-els, 19; tonn ige, 630. Total addtd. The object is to make it so He hoped that the government would The best rule is to keep farm tools 1 124 Fire broke out in the Stahley chair number of vessel*, 1,236; total ton­ B a r le y , w h o le , If e l l ............... high that both the Mediterranean and now authorize a lottery. housed when not in use. The wastage do g r o u n d , If t o n .......... 20 On 1er 25 UU nage, 357,445. factory at Salem, and in a few mo­ 47 '4 60 O a ts, c h o ic e m i llin g If b u sh by exjxisure of costly implements each Dead Seas may he seen from the top. A severe explosion was felt through­ ments the entire structure was in 40 — j experienced by the fire department in tower. In digging the foundation Doors and windows in houses were North Carolina to ship to that county some farmers complain of. No matter B ra n , (f t o n ................................ 10 00 (417 00 The factory was seven Christian graves were foand, rattled, and people thought they had 300 negro families. Most of these will S h o r ts . If t o n ............................ IS U0 (4 It) (JO securing water. how soon tools are rusted out, the „ j experienced a shock of earthquake. replace Chinese in the orchards and H a y , r to n , b a le d ................. <418 00 1 burned entirely to the ground, excep1 together with an inscription in uretK, A large quantity of powder exploded farmer cannot escape paying for them. 23 no <4 2.i WI C h o p . F t o n ................................ the engine and dry rooms, which were in which the word “ Stepbanus” could in the Htyckney jxiwiler works, near vineyards. It is said lhat the women O il c a k e m e a i f t o n ............... 32 DO « ¿ 3 Ot j of brick, and the roof of which only Anyone with a little practice can and children in vineyards do better Ashford. At the sjiot where the nulls than chinamen, while the men in the A p F p r le e s s , h O F r r e g u o i t n s , f b o x ......... 1 2 i « 1 60 was destroyed. The establishment and learn to graft. If people would onW yet be deciphered. stood there is a hole big enough to sweat and drying bouses learn the C n e rrle e , O r e g o n , If d r no . . ; machinery were the property of the j study the principles involved in the A N ew Y ork man has invented a bury a house. Two workmen were business of curing raisins much better L e m o n s , C a lifo r n ia , t f b x . . 4 00 (g 4 60 1 Stahley chair factory and were valued operation we should hear less of “ bad 1 25 L im e s , F 100 ............................ at about $15,000. There was no in luck” in grafting. One of the main device to save horses in case of fire. , blown to atoms. They were the only and faster than the Chinese. R iv e r s id e o r a n g e s . F b o x . . . , men in or near the works. ¡sursnee upon them. Messrs. Mount dements of sucres« consists in having L o e A n g e le s , d o d o . . . Ira Hummel, formerly a waiter in It can be worked either by electricity A McMillan, lessees, had been operat Uith scion and stock in the proper P e a c h e s . F b o x ........................ or hand. At a certain temperature a i The French court of appeals has a restaurant at Seattle, W. T., shot To recure this, «cions ing the factory but a short time, and condition. H id e s — .reversed the decision of the lower and dangerously wounded John Mi- bell will ring, and-the moment the should be cut early, before the sap D ry , o v e r lfl tbe. F P ............. u m « i they lose several thousand dollars’ oourt in the case of M. Wilson, who chaelson, a laborer. The two had W e t s a lt e d , o v e r o j if they will rebuild tbe establishment. i V a lla * O r e g o n , do .. fenses charged against them. hospital. of escape through the doors. I protected from the sir. s < \ * ►