Polk County News Polk County Itemizer-Observer • November 29, 2017 5A Pena: Continued from Page 1A Her social work started at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church and has extended through- out the community. “She helps with some of the community outreach for the church and gets people the resources they need,” said Erubiel Valladares, the community liaison with the city of Independence. “She does that on her own.” Pena also serves on a task force that breaks down ac- cess to local government, Valladares said. “She’s part of a group of leaders helping create gener- al access for information for people who live in Independ- ence,” he said. Pena has gone through immigration counseling services through St. Patrick’s, receiving training on how to help people fill out immigra- tion forms to qualify for pro- grams. “There are people who need help getting connected with services,” Pena said. “These things are very worth- while in my life because I’ve learned a lot — and I’m still learning — to connect with certain agencies. And if I don’t know, I just call some- body. I have good friends. Some of them have graduat- ed to the afterlife.” Pena helps people in pri- vate. “She helps a lot of people without other people know- ing about it,” Villastrigo said. “Taking them to doctor’s ap- pointments, finding out the resources they need to get help. Sometimes when there’s something that hap- pens in the community, she’s usually the first one to find out and figure out how the community can help or what can be done.” People in the community know they can count on Pena. “They know that I know some people, and if I don’t know, I’ll find out,” she said. “All the people that I have served have helped me learn what I know, because if they hadn’t checked with me, I had to look for it or ask for it, I wouldn’t know.” Pena said she has learned there are a lot of good people in the community — and in government offices. “There are good lawyers and good people out there that really care,” she said. “Sometimes people don’t un- Teal: Retirement reception planned for Thursday at 1 p.m. PHOTO COURTESY OF ELENA PENA Elena Pena has brought the community together with the Community Fiesta. derstand. People have the at- titude, ‘Those state people; those government people,’ but I know a lot of people who have really helped.” Pena continues to help in whatever capacity she can. “She has a spirit of want- ing to help without getting anything back,” Villastrigo said. As Pena watches her men- tors, teachers and friends age, she worries about the youth. She sees them texting each other in the same room, or sucked into video games. “They’re isolated from people nowadays,” she said. “If you don’t communicate with people, you miss out on a real love connection. Or you can’t help them because you don’t see what they need, because they’re stuck in their own little world.” Matinees are all shows before 6pm. New pricing for matinees are: Adult $8.00 Children $7.00 • Senior $7.25 Pricing does not reflect 3D showings. Friday - Sunday • December 1-3 DADDY’S HOME 2 (Digital) (PG13) (12:10 2:30 4:55) 7:20 THE STAR (Digital) (PG) (12:25 2:35 4:45) 6:55 *COCO (Digital) (PG) (With Short: Olaf’s Frozen Adventure) (12:20 12:55 3:50) 6:45 THOR: RAGNAROK (Digital) (PG13) (12:50 3:45) 6:45 JUSTICE LEAGUE (Digital) (PG13) (1:35 4:20) 6:35 7:05 BAD MOMS CHRISTMAS (Digital) (R) (4:00) MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (Digital) (PG13) (1:55 4:35) 7:15 WONDER (Digital) (PG) (1:30 4:10) 6:50 Monday - Thursday • December 4-7 DADDY’S HOME 2 (Digital) (PG13) (2:30 4:55) THE STAR (Digital) (PG) (2:35 4:45) *COCO (Digital) (PG) (With Short: Olaf’s Frozen Adventure) (12:55 3:50) THOR: RAGNAROK (Digital) (PG13) (12:50 3:45) JUSTICE LEAGUE (Digital) (PG13) (1:35 4:20) 6:35 BAD MOMS CHRISTMAS (Digital) (R) (4:00) MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (Digital) (PG13) (1:55 4:35) WONDER (Digital) (PG) (1:30 4:10) *Starred attraction, no passes 7:20 6:55 6:45 6:45 7:05 7:15 6:50 9:45 9:05 Continued from Page 1A “Last year, we sold out in two days,” Teal said. “It’s become very popular. Peo- ple call months ahead wondering when the date is and when they can get tickets. And I love the way it brings the community together.” It takes about 80 volun- teers to put on the tea, Teal said, from WOU’s soc- cer team to the senior cen- ter’s yoga group. “Another favorite of mine is the travel,” she said. “I used to drive all the trips. I can’t do that now because I’m too busy, but we went for a five-day trip in June, and it was so much fun.” Organized trips with the senior center isn’t a struc- tured thing, Teal said, but more like taking a vacation with family. “When we went to Leav- enworth (Wash.), we were planning on stopping for an hour,” Teal recalled. “We got there, and it was an accordion festival. We changed our minds and stayed three or four hours and had lunch. It’s like your family and you’re going on a trip, and you see things that you don’t know you’re going to see, and it’s a lot of fun.” Teal was able to start the travel program thanks to a $5,000 donation left to the center by a woman who passed away. They used the money to buy a used van. Through other money raised and donated, the center was able to upgrade the van through the years. “In 2000, we bought the van we have now,” Teal said. “We had a couple on our travel committee very passionate about wanting a bus. They passed away and in memorial, they gave us $12,000 for a new bus, so now we’re trying to raise enough money to get something that’s easier ac- cess.” At 67, Teal said she is ready to retire, though she will miss the people. “In one respect, I want to retire,” Teal said. “My husband’s been retired for five years. We’ve already bought a fifth-wheel. We have plans of traveling.” Teal said the center and its members are in good hands as plans are full steam ahead for more pro- grams, more outreach and more caring for the sen- iors in the Monmouth and Independence communi- ties. “It will be hard to say goodbye, but knowing I can go back and help,” Teal said. “I’ll probably go to the potluck (in Decem- ber) just to go to the potluck. I won’t be work- ing, but I will still pop in and do some of the fun things. I’ll get to see the people. That’s where my heart is. There’s good in everybody, that’s what we need to be looking for.” She said she could not have done it without the amazing spirit of volun- teers. “I just wanted to say that in those 28 years, I could have done nothing without the support of so many people that came to our center and volun- teered their time,” Teal said. “I started doing everything alone, and as people started pitching in, I could do so much more. I couldn’t have done it with- out them. The love and support they have given, that’s what made the dif- ference here.” Dallas Downtown Merchants Are Amazing! 9:40 9:40 9:50 9:20 9:55 9:30 With your participation in the Downtown Turkey Giveaway you were able to give away turkeys to 35 winners and donate Turkeys 54 to the Dallas Food Bank! Looking forward to next year!