Polk County News Polk County Itemizer-Observer • November 1, 2017 9A COURTESY OF THE DALLAS DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION The Dallas Downtown Association’s murder mystery attracted about 110 people on Saturday. EDDIE NELSON/for the Itemizer-Observer The murder mystery had a cast of colorful characters. One ‘murder’ solved Another awaits for DDA’s 2018 mystery dinner By Jolene Guzman The Itemizer-Observer DALLAS — Just as one murder was solved, another one happened. That’s the cliffhanger the Dallas Downtown Associa- tion’s murder mystery left players with on Saturday. About 110 people fol- lowed the clues during the event, a fundraiser for the DDA that took over down- town Dallas for the after- noon. Players went shop to shop in search of characters and clues. Seventeen people correct- ly named the murderer — and soon to be victim — Drew Golden, a jealous Moon Shadow Playhouse stage hand played by Elaine Ginter. As it turns out, her thwart- ed acting ambitions had nothing to do with the rea- son she resorted to murder, said mystery organizer Eddie Nelson. Performers wasted no time coming up with a body on Saturday, revealing the dearly departed moments into the opening act of the event. That unfortunate and unloved soul was none other than Ashton Jade, actress and aspiring TV news an- chor played by Rachel Phelps. “Everyone had a reason to EDDIE NELSON/ for the Itemizer-Observer The end of the Dallas Downtown Association’s murder mystery will lead into the be- ginning of a new mystery in 2018. COURTESY OF THE DALLAS DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION Seventeen people figured out who killed Ashton Jade. hate Ashton,” Nelson said of the character in the murder plot. Golden’s motive was a classic: Money. Golden and Jade are cousins, and before taking Jade’s life — and meeting her own end — she convinced their 95-year-old great-grandfather to cut Jade out of his will, leaving Gold- en as the beneficiary. Greedy Golden also poi- soned her great-grandfather with night shade. As she confessed at Pressed Coffee & Wine Bar during the big reveal, the bartender Ava Lime — who also works for the mob — sent her a drink. Golden took a sip. “After she drank it, she became woozy and slumped in her chair and died,” Nelson said. Next year’s murder mys- tery will start there, with the same cast of characters and players trying to identify a new killer. Nelson said the actors did a good job of deceiving would-be sleuths. “Twenty-five thought the killer was Logan Plum (Mark Brehm), the anti-social elec- trician,” Nelson said. “He played his role well. He even gave me the creeps.” Like this year, the 2018 murder mystery event will begin with an optional karaoke party that will dou- ble as celebration of life for Golden on the night before the mystery, Nelson said. “It was fun,” Nelson said. “We can hardly wait to do it again.” 503-623-4943 967 Main St. • Dallas, OR We have movies! Sunday - Thursday 11:00 am to 9:00 pm Friday & Saturday 11:00 am to 10:00 pm FREE GAMES FOR KIDS 4 3 2 $ 00 OFF $ 00 OFF $ 00 OFF ANY GIANT PIZZA ANY LARGE PIZZA ANY MEDIUM PIZZA In store, pick up or delivery + charge. Not valid with other offers. With coupon. Expires 11/30/17 FAMILY FILLER 1 Large Single Topping Pizza 8-Piece Chicken SAVE 2 Orders Spuds $ 6.55 1 2-Liter Pop 40 20 $ Reg. $46.75 In store, pick up or delivery + charge. Not valid with other offers. With coupon. Expires 11/30/17