Polk County Living Polk County Itemizer-Observer • April 12, 2017  9A Time to turn attention to caneberries No matter how muddy the spring, it’s time to slip on your boots and gloves and take care of blackber- ries and raspberries. Established red raspber- ries and blackberries need some care in early spring to stay healthy and productive. These caneberries should be fertilized starting in early spring when new growth begins, said Bernadine Strik, berry crops professor with the Oregon State University Extension Service. For raspberries, apply 1 ounce of actual nitrogen (N) per plant. For blackberries, apply 2 ounces. Split the total amount of nitrogen into thirds, applying the first in early April, the sec- ond portion in late May, and the last portion in mid- to late June. To calculate the amount of fertilizer to use, divide the recommended amount of actual nitrogen needed by the percent nitrogen in the product, which is shown as the first number on the front of the bag. For exam- ple, in raspberries if you are using a granular fertilizer such as 16-16-16 (16 per- cent nitrogen), then you would divide 2 by 0.16 to get 3.1 ounces of fertilizer. So, you’ll need to use about 6 ounces of product (2 ounces of fertilizer per application); double this for blackberries. “It’s best to spread the fertilizer evenly around the plant over the surface of the soil in the row,” Strik said. “I suggest an area about 2½ to 3 feet wide by 3 feet long for raspberries. For blackber- ries go 5 feet long.” Keep the area where K YM P OKORNY These Polk County groups would welcome individuals who have time or expertise to volunteer. Organizations that would like to be added to this list should call 503-623- 2373 or email IOnews@polkio.com. Your Garden berries are growing free of weeds by removing them by hand. You can use a layer of sawdust or bark mulch to help reduce germination of weed seeds. Don’t apply more than about 2 inches deep. In all these caneberries, the plants are perennial with long-lived roots and crowns (base of plant), but the canes are biennial. Fo- liage on the new primo- canes should be a healthy green color. A pale green or yellow color may indicate nitrogen deficiency, Strik said. If the plants seem to lack vigor, apply a little more nitrogen fertilizer. Pruning caneberries can be confusing because differ- ent categories of raspberries and blackberries have sepa- rate pruning requirements. Strik lays it out like this: Erect and semi-erect blackberries (as well as black raspberries), need summer and winter pruning to improve yield and fruit size. For trailing blackberries, the new primocanes should not be pruned in summer. After harvest, floricanes die and should be cut to the ground and removed from the trellis in late August. The new primocanes should be trellised in August or late winter after severe cold temperatures have passed. Wrap these around Photo: flic.kr Cascade Delight is a summer-bearing raspberry. a two-wire trellis. Summer-bearing red or yellow raspberries do not need to be pruned in sum- mer. Take out the dead flori- canes after fruiting in late summer. Everbearing (or primo- cane-fruiting) red and yel- low raspberries will produce fruit at the tips of the new primocanes in late summer through fall and can pro- duce an early summer crop on the base of the flori- canes. In winter, to prune for two crops a year, remove all of the primocane tips that fruited last year. The base of these canes will fruit in June or July, when they are floricanes, which should be removed when they die after harvest in July. The late-summer/fall crop will be produced on the new primocanes that grow next season. Keep the hedgerow of primocane-fruiting rasp- berries to about 12 inches wide during the growing season. To prune everbearing raspberries to produce in late summer to early fall, cut all canes to ground level in late February or early March when plants are dormant. When the new canes emerge, keep the row width to 12 inches apart. This spring is a good time to look for new, improved varieties and established fa- vorites in your local nursery or mail-order catalog. Most nurseries will order plants if they don’t carry the one you want. For more information about growing caneberries, check out these Extension p u b l i c a t i o n s : G r ow i n g Blackberries in Your Home Garden, Growing Raspber- ries in Your Home Garden, Blackberry Cultivars for Oregon and Raspberry Cul- tivars for the Pacific North- west. MI TOWN How’s that spring clean- ing going? Is the backyard garden ready for planting? It’s that time of year for toss- ing a coin to determine what project to begin — or to complete. Some of us are really motivated to get clos- ets cleaned and rooms re- decorated, while others are knee deep in garden soil, hoping to get everything planted between raindrops, or downpours. — Thirty-six Oregon mem- bers of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve returned from a six-month deploy- ment to Honduras, where they built a school, renovat- ed a hospital and completed several projects, but didn’t accrue GI Bill education benefits during this time. Fortunately, Rex Fuller, Western Oregon University president, and his staff worked to get access to the P ATTY T AYLOR D UTCHER Columnist Voyager Award program, so these veterans who qualify will receive tuition assis- tance. MI Town’s university now waives the application fee for veterans who wish to enter undergraduate and graduate programs. It’s great to see our service men and women receive support for their service to our country. — Coffee and Conversation is held at the Monmouth Senior Center at 10:15 a.m., on the third Monday of every month. Kelly Cape and the Women’s Auxiliary provide coffee and dough- nuts. Veterans, current mili- tary, and others are wel- come to share conversation and common interests to- gether. — This Saturday, the Mon- mouth Tree Advisory Board will celebrate Arbor Day at Main Street Park, beginning at 9 a.m. This is also the an- niversary of Monmouth’s designation as a Tree City, USA. Following the presen- tation, volunteers will plant new trees throughout the city. If you would like more information, please contact Mark Fancey at 503-751- 0147. Tree planting volun- teers are always welcome and appreciated. — It’s time for the Mon- mouth Senior Center’s Vic- torian Tea, which is sched- uled for April 21. Tickets may be purchased for either the noon or 2:30 p.m. seat- ing, and are $10. Please call the Center at 503-838-5678 to see if any tickets are still available. This year’s theme is “Let’s Go Places.” Some of the best cooks and bakers in MI Town will prepare an array of wonderful tempting goodies, and the yoga ladies, escorted by Jack Hin- kle, will present a style show. — Another sure sign of springtime in MI Town is the seed lending library at Monmouth Public Library. Stop by the library during regular hours and take a few minutes to look at the flower and vegetable seed packets that are available at no cost. You may select three packets every day to take home to plant in the garden. Last year, we had bumper crop of green beans and peas, which we shared with friends and family and enjoyed all winter long. PEDEE NEWS Easter is coming. Pedee Church will be celebrating with its annual sunrise serv- ice at Womer Cemetery at 6:30 a.m., followed by break- fast at the church for the community at 7, whether you make it to the sunrise service or not. The Easter service will be at 10. — Thanks to all who partici- pated and supported the missions fundraiser and workday at Pedee Church on April 1. Many people worked to make this a success, wholeheartedly jumping in with willing hearts and skilled hands to be a bless- ing to the mission. Chip North headed the event; Adam Coe coordinated the rummage sale; and Pam A RLENE K OVASH Columnist Burbank and I took charge of the bake sale, while the kids sold lemonade and ice tea and plant starts. Tony and Debbie Rodriguez pres- sure-washed the church and did some heavy cleaning with the help of Dave Bur- bank, Andrew and Stephanie Weston, Tim Barnhart, Mike Bidwell, and Linda Chertudi. And Linda turned our weed beds into beautiful flower beds with the help of Mike McDowell. Many others pitched in to help with several other jobs: Nic Heller, the Russell fami- ly, Scott and Melody Castle, Billy and Heather Traglia and kids, Eric Schwanke, Natalie Nichols, Brandon Si- mons, and Chuck Goet- zinger. Diana Barnhart and Pam Burbank fueled up the group with chili dogs and chips at lunchtime. — I surely missed several names, but we appreciated every bit of help we had, plus thank all who came to purchase items. It was truly a community effort. — The Pedee Women’s Club thanks the Monmouth Sen- ior Center for donated sev- eral boxes of fabric, which the group will turn into beautiful and useful quilts for CASA and the veterans home they support. — Paige Cochrane celebrat- ed her 20th birthday with a dinner at North Dallas Bar and Grill in Dallas last Wednesday. Pretty close to all her immediate family joined her: parents Mick and Debbie Cochrane and broth- er Cole, grandparents Ted and Ethelene Osgood and Joe and Terri Cochrane, cousin Heather and Heather’s daughter Bella, and close friend Gatlin. Her uncle Pete Osgood dropped in with Stephen to wish her a Happy Birthday, too. Paige is a sophomore at Willamette University in Salem. LIBRARY CALENDAR DALLAS 950 Main St. • 503-623-2633 www.ci.dallas.or.us/library • Wednesday, April 12, 3:45 p.m. — Teen Advisory Board.  • Wednesday, April 12, 4:30 p.m. — Teen Book Club.  •  Thursday,  April  13,  2:30  p.m.  —  Lego building.  •  Thursday,  April  13,  4  p.m.  —  Author visit (Debora Hopkinson).  •  Tuesday,  April  18,  10:30  a.m.  —  Chil- dren’s Story Time.  — INDEPENDENCE 175 Monmouth St. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES 503-838-1811 www.ci.independence.or.us/library •  Wednesday,  April  12,  10:30  a.m.  — Family Story Time.  • Thursday, April 13, 4:30 p.m. — Chess Club.  •  Thursday,  April  13,  6  p.m.  —  Mystery Book Club. • Friday, April 14, 4 p.m. — Adult Color- ing.  •  Saturday,  April  15,  3:30  p.m.  —  Cuen- tos en Español.  • Tuesday, April 18, 2 p.m. — Tiny Tots.  — MONMOUTH 168 S. Ecols St. 503-751-0182 www.ci.monmouth.or.us/library •  Thursday,  April  13,  10:15  a.m.  —  Pre- school Explorers.  •  Thursday,  April  13,  7  p.m.  —  Once Upon a Thursday book club.  •  Tuesday,  April  18,  10:15  a.m.  —  Tales for Tots.  — WAGNER COMMUNITY LIBRARY 111 N. Main St., Falls City 503-787-3521, ext. 319 www.facebook.com/ WagnerCommunityLibrary/timeline • See the library’s Facebook page for up- coming events. • AARP Foundation Tax-Aide – 503-930-7636 • After DARC — 503-623-9501 • Arc of Polk County — 541-223-3261 • Central School District — 503-838-0030 • City of Dallas — 503-831-3502 • City of Independence — 503-838-1212 • City of Monmouth — 503-751-0145 • Crime Victims Assistance Program — 503-623-9268 • Dallas Area Chamber of Commerce — 503-623-2564 • Dallas Fire Department — 503-831-3532 • Dallas Food Bank — 503-623-3578 • Dallas Kids, Inc. — 503-623-6419 • Dallas Police Department — 503-831-3582 • Dallas Public Library — 503-623-2633 • Dallas Retirement Village — 503-623-5581 • Dallas School District — 503-623-5594 • Delbert Hunter Arboretum — 503-623-7359 • Girl Scouts of Southwest Washington and Oregon  — 1-800-338-5248 • Ella Curran Food Bank — 503-917-1681 • Falls City Arts Center — 503-559-6291 • Falls City School District — 503-787-3531 • Family Building Blocks – 503-566-2132, ext. 308.  • Friends of the Dallas Library — 503-559-3830 • H-2-O — 503-831-4736 HART (Horses Adaptive Riding and Therapy)  — 971-301-4278 • HandsOn Mid-Willamette Valley — 503-363-1651 • Heron Pointe Assisted Living — 503-838-6850 • Independence Health and Rehabilitation  — 503-838-0001 • Independence Public Library — 503-838-1811 • Kings Valley Charter School — 541-929-2134 • Luckiamute Watershed Council — 503-837-0237 • Luckiamute Valley Charter School – 503-623-4837 • Meals on Wheels — 503-838-2084 • Monmouth-Independence Chamber of Commerce  — 503-838-4268 • Monmouth-Independence YMCA — 503-838-4042 • Monmouth Public Library — 503-838-1932 • Northwest Human Services — 503-588-5828 • Oregon Child Development Coalition — 503-838-2745 • OSU Extension Service - Polk County — 503-623-8395 • Perrydale School District — 503-623-2040 • Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of  Polk County Inc. — 503-623-8473 • Polk Community Development Corporation  — 503-831-3173 • Polk County Community Emergency Response Team  — 503-623-9396 • Polk County Museum — 503-623-6251 • Polk County Public Health — 503-623-8175 • Polk County Resource Center — 503-623-8429 • Polk Soil and Water Conservation District  — 503-623-9680 • Relief Nursery Classroom — 503-566-2132 • Rickreall Watershed Council — 503-623-9680 • SABLE House — 503-623-6703 • SALT (Senior and law enforcement together)  — 503-851-9366 • Salvation Army — 503-798-4783 • SMART (Start Making A Reader Today) — 503-391-8423 • Salem Health West Valley Hospital — 503-623-8301 • Victim Assistance Program-Polk Co. District Attorney’s  Office 503-623-9268 x1444 • Willamette Valley Hospice — 503-588-3600  • WIMPEG Comminity Access Television — 503-837-0163 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Continued from page 8A — TUESDAY, APRIL 18 • Polk County Coin Club — 7 p.m., Monmouth Senior Cen- ter, 180 Warren St. S., Monmouth. 503-362-9123.  • Overeaters Anonymous — Noon to 1 p.m., Salem Health West  Valley,  525  SE  Washington  St.,  Dallas.  Support  group meets  in  the  quiet  room/chapel  immediately  inside  the  emer- gency entrance on Clay Street. Dee Ann White, 971-718-6444.  — WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 • Helping Hands Emergency Food Bank — 10 a.m. to noon, Monmouth  Christian  Church,  959  Church  St.  W.,  Monmouth. For  eligible  community  members;  available  every  Wednesday. 541-404-6517.  • Willamette Valley Food Assistance Program Food Bank —  1:30  to  6:30  p.m.,  888  Monmouth  Cutoff  Road,  Building  E, Dallas.  Weekly  distribution  for  eligible  community  members. 503-831-5634. • Day-2-Day Diabetes Support Group — 3 to 4 p.m., Salem Health  West  Valley  (main  conference  room  inside  main  en- trance), 525 SE Washington St., Dallas. 503-623-7323. Music from the Redgate Winery & Fieldhouse Fri. April 14, 6-9 PM featuring The Ivie Mezierie Foss Trio $5.00 cover Must be 21 • Food Available Tasting fees & glasses of wine $10.00 8175 Buena Vista Road Independence • 503-428-7115 • www.redgatevineyard.com