Polk County itemizer observer. (Dallas, Or) 1992-current, April 12, 2017, Page 7A, Image 7

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    Polk County News
Polk County Itemizer-Observer • April 12, 2017  7A
Eggs’tra Special
Moore Insurance
Egg Hunt Saturday Agency ‘Egg Pass’
An Easter Egg Hunt for chil-
dren  with  special  needs  aged
kindergarten  through  18  is  at
1  p.m.  on  Saturday  at  Grace
Community  Church,  598  E.  El-
lendale Ave., Dallas.
The  hunt  includes  inside
sensory  activities,  snacks  and
some special animals.
Registration  is  required  for
this  free  event  at  www.gra-
Gentle Woods Park
Easter Egg
The  Mon-
dence  YMCA  will
hold  an  Easter  Egg
Hunt  in  Gentle
Woods  Park  in  Mon-
mouth  at  10  11:30
a.m. on Saturday.
Collect  eggs,  visit
the  Easter  Bunny  and
win prizes.
For more information:
Nathan  E.  Moore  Insurance
Agency, 157 Main St. W., Mon-
mouth, is sponsoring an Easter
egg  scavenger  hunt  now
through Monday. 
Pick  up  the  “Egg  Pass”  at
the agency and search for the
hidden egg at local businesses
to  have  your  pass  stamped.
Participating  businesses  are:
Yeasty  Beasty,  The  Find,  Java
Crew,  Veal  Bikes  Plus,  Urban
Deli,  Monmouth  Fitness,  Main
stamp and prize bags. 
For  more  information:  503-
The Grove hosts
egg hunt
The  Grove
fourth  annual
Easter  Egg
Hunt  is  Satur-
day  at  Inde-
Riverview Park. 
Hunts  will
be  divided
into  four
age  groups
starting  at  10  a.m.  for
children  2  years  old  and
younger;  10:05  for  ages
3  to  5;  10:10  for  ages  6
to 8; and 10:15
for  ages  9  to
are  ap-
Easter Egg
The  Grace  Community
Church,  598  E.  Ellendale
Ave.,  Dallas,  will  host  its  an-
nual  Easter  Egg  Dash  at  10
a.m. on Saturday for kids from
infant through fifth grade. 
Meet in the sanctuary, then
dash  to  get  as  many  eggs  as
After  the  hunt,  enjoy  juice
and doughnuts. 
The  event  is  free.  For  more
information:  www.graceindal-
proximate,  and  children  can
play with sidewalk chalk while
waiting for their hunt to start. 
Giveaways begin at the end
for the hunts, or approximate-
ly 10:30 a.m.
For  more  information:
Falls City
Upper Park
Easter Egg
Falls  City’s  annual
Easter  Egg  hunt  is  Satur-
day  at  11  a.m.  at  the
Upper Park. 
There  will  be  candy  galore
for all ages — well, for kids up
to  age  16  —and  Easter  bas-
kets, too. 
The  Falls  City  Fire  Depart-
ment  will  be  part  of  the  fun,
stuffing  over  500
It’s  best  to  show
up  early  for  a  good
spot  and  to  get  a  free
raffle ticket. 
Every child gets one free
raffle  ticket  for  the  basket
Health, rehab
center to host
Easter egg hunt
Independence Health and
Rehabilitation  Center,  1525
Monmouth  St.,  Independ-
ence,  will  hold  a  Easter  Egg
hunt Saturday at 9 a.m. 
There  is  no  cost  to  at-
For  more  informa-
tion: 503-838-0001. 
Main  Street
Dental  and
Petals  &
Take  the
stamp  cards  back
to Moore Insurance
by  Monday  at  6  p.m.
to  receive  your  final
Dallas clinic to
host fundraiser
By Emily Mentzer
The Itemizer-Observer
DALLAS — The Dallas
Lions Club is partnering
with the Dallas Community
Free Clinic on April 22 to
expand services offered
that day at Trinity Lutheran
Church, 320 SE Fir Villa
Road, Dallas.
From 9 a.m. to noon, the
Lions Health Screening van
will provide free hearing
and vision checks, check for
glaucoma, blood glucose
levels and blood pressure.
Everyone is welcome, and
no appointment is needed.
The service compliments
the clinic, held on the first
and fourth Saturdays of
each month, providing
medical and mental health
care to those who are unin-
sured or underinsured.
“We’re that safety net,”
said Gail Saxowsky, one of
the founders of the clinic
and volunteer. “Maybe they
have Oregon Health Plan,
b u t h a v e n’t g o t t e n a
provider yet. Or we had a
man from in the (Veterans
Affairs system). It was going
to be three months before
he would get in, but he
needed his medications.”
The clinic runs on a staff
of about 50 volunteers,
nurses and doctors, and
serves 300 to 400 patents per
year. While the mental
health and medical care re-
ceived by the patients is free,
it costs money to run the
Salem Free Clinic satellite.
Saxowsky said that so far,
the clinic has relied on dona-
tions, and has been blessed.
She remembered one time
when a patient came who
needed seizure medication.
“That’s something you
can’t go without,” Saxowsky
said. “The doctor said, go
get him some medication. I
got a check in the mail the
next day that covered that
The Dallas Community
Free Clinic offers education for
patients to learn about their
conditions and how to man-
age them on their own, as well
as hospitality and prayer.
“We need prayer partner
folks to pray with people
who’ve asked for prayer,”
Saxowsky said. “People
make prayer shawls. A lot
of the people that we see
lack hope, feel alone and
lonely. Prayer shawls are
symbolic of someone
thinking about you, and
you’re cared for.”
The clinic fills a need,
with about 13 percent of
Polk County adults having
no health insurance.
To show people what
they do at the clinic, and
with hopes to garner dona-
tions, Saxowsky said the
clinic will host a fundraising
reception at the Dallas Re-
tirement Village Chapel, 377
NW Jasper St., from 5:30 to
6:30 p.m. on April 27. Appe-
tizers and drinks will be
served. The event is free, but
donations will be requested
to support the Dallas clinic.
RSVP: jessica@salem-
freeclinics.org, or 503-935-7717.
First Baptist Church
of Independence
Easter Breakfast 9:15 am - 10:45 am
Easter Services 9:30 am & 11:00 am
1505 Monmouth Street
Independence • 503-838-1001
(Across from Central High School)
AWANA, Youth, Men,
Women, Small Groups
and an active
Senior Ministry
Dallas First Christian Church
Evangelical Bible Church
April 13 6:00 pm Maundy Thursday potluck
Friday, April 14
Communion 7:00 pm
and worship. Includes a Tenebrae service where
we will walk with Jesus through the events
of His last day on earth.
April 14 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Prayer Vigil.
Can be done at home or at the church.
April 16 Easter Sunday
8:30 am Live Wire Contemporary Service
9:30 am Continental Breakfast
10:30 am Easter Sunday
Worship Service
Everyone Welcome!
1175 Howe St., Dallas
503-623-2331 • www.ebcdallas.org
1079 SE Jefferson St.
Come celebrate Easter
with us at the
Good Friday
April 14
Easter Egg Dash ~ April 15
1st Service
2nd Service
Dallas United
Methodist church
10:00am - For ages 0-5th Grade
Egg’stra Special Egg Hunt ~ April 15
1:00-2:30pm - For kids with special needs
EASTER ~ April 16
8:00-9:00 ~ 1st Service
9:30-10:30 ~ 2nd Service
11:00-12:00 ~ 3rd Service
598 E. Ellendale Ave., Dallas, OR ~ 503-623-4961
Easter Sunday
Children’s Egg Hunt 10:00 a.m.
Easter Worship 11:00 a.m.
Rev. J. Quinton Kimbrow
Sunday, April 16
Worship Services
8:00 am & 10:45 am
565 SE LaCreole Dr. • Next to the Middle School • 503-623-2481