Polk County Voices Polk County Itemizer-Observer • March 29, 2017 4A How to Contact Officials EDITORIALS Your voice matters In the last few months, we’ve noticed an uptick in citizen involvement at local council meetings. Councilors, mayors and city employees have noticed, too, because it has meant some meetings run longer than those governmental bodies are used to. As Monmouth Councilor Jon Carey said in the March 21 council meeting: Participatory democracy is a slow deal. Oftentimes that’s true. Monmouth councilors agreed to consider an inclusivity resolution — which they will vote on at their April 4 meeting — after hearing comments from citizens and Western Oregon University students since Jan- uary. At first, requests to declare Monmouth a “Sanctuary City” failed. Once the focus turned to a strong statement about inclusivity, councilors were open. As Councilor Tom Steinke said, “... We’re such a nice town as it is.” Mayor Steve Milligan said he has been working on wel- coming resolution of some sort for the city of Mon- mouth — as well as broader efforts countywide — since about 2011, when he was a Monmouth city councilor. It wasn’t until the residents got involved that a resolution is coming before the council. Whether or not the council ap- proves the resolution remains to be seen, but the fact that they will consider it is progress. In Independence, residents are appealing business plans for marijuana growing and processing operations. A neighborhood does not want this kind of business near their borders and have gotten involved in the process. A movement was attempted in Monmouth recently to curb marijuana retailers, but failed, mostly because of the timing. We’ll see if Independence residents are too late to intervene at this point, but in 2014, when recreational mar- ijuana was legalized, the city of Independence was the first to establish a tax on the drug. Councilors were open to the idea of welcoming medical dispensaries and recreational outlets. It wasn’t until Independence residents started speaking out about marijuana related businesses that the council paused and made stricter zoning laws. In Dallas, the council was ready to approve a new busi- ness registration. Councilors had discussed it at length, and they were ready to move forward until residents and business owners got involved and spoke against the policy. Now, our county, cities and school districts are heading into the heart of what we like to call budget season. Many important decisions will be made about infrastructure, services, utility rates, and staffing. We know budget meet- ings aren’t always the most interesting, depending on your point of view, but they are incredibly important. All the money our local governments are spending comes from our pockets — it’s all taxpayer dollars. Pick up a copy of the budget in your city or school dis- trict, or from the county. Read through the budget mes- sages. Ask questions. Stay involved. PUBLIC AGENDA GOVERNOR Gov. Kate Brown (Dem.) 160 State Capitol 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 503-378-4582 Email: via website, http://governor.oregon.gov/ — STATE LEGISLATORS Sen. Arnie Roblan (District 5, Democrat) S-417 State Capitol 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1705 sen.arnieroblan@state.or.us www.oregonlegislature.gov/roblan LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Existing building better for center I don’t understand the thinking of the person or group that overlooked the empty buildings and prop- erties available in Dallas, and settled on the small space behind the Carnegie building on Church Street for a new senior center — a building that will need an elevator, and no parking for its patrons. The Plain & Fancy build- ing would have been an ex- cellent location. Look at the parking available, and the exposure it would have got- ten. What about the empty lot on the corner of Church and Mill — easier access — RadioShack building. I am not a member of the senior center at this time, so I can only report what I have heard from the general public, that because of a timeframe, the grant money had to be used or it would be lost. Losing the grant and ap- plying later may have made more sense than purchasing a site that is too small for the purpose intended. What were they thinking? Sounds like the cart went way ahead of the horse. Are there secret plans to tear down the Carnegie that the public is not aware of? Does the city of Dallas not want to sell any of its property for this purpose? For Dallas, in my opinion, a remodel on an older building would have fit in better. Barbara Whitlow Dallas Foundation supports James2 We at James2 Community Kitchen would like to send out a big thank you to the Dallas Community Founda- tion for the grant we re- ceived on March 9. By re- ceiving this generous grant, we are able to help feed over 4,500 people locally in the Dallas community through- out the year. This grant en- ables us to purchase fresh produce, vegetables and meat for the people we serve. For those of you not fa- miliar with James2 Commu- nity Kitchen, we are a non- profit organization where volunteers cook and serve free meals every Tuesday at St. Philip church and every Thursday at Dallas United Methodist Church. The meals start at 4:30 p.m. and are served until 6 p.m. at each site. We are solely funded by donations and grants. Falls City volunteers also prepare and serve free meals on the second, third and fourth Tuesday of every month from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Falls City Methodist Church. Come by any of the sites and enjoy a nutritious meal. Bring your neighbor and enjoy an evening of socializ- ing while dining. We even do the dishes. Loretta Hodous Dallas Public Agenda is a listing of upcoming meetings for gov- ernmental and nongovernmental agencies in Polk County. To submit a meeting, send it at least two weeks before the actual meeting date to the Itemizer-Observer via email (ionews@polkio.com). — WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 • Polk County Board of Commissioners — 9 a.m., Polk County Courthouse, first floor conference room, 850 Main St., Dallas. 503-623-8173. MONDAY, APRIL 3 • Central School District Board of Directors — 6:30 p.m., Henry Hill Education Support Center, 750 S. Fifth St., Independ- ence. • Independence Planning Commission — 7 p.m., Independ- ence Civic Center, 555 S. Main St., Independence. 503-838-1212. • Polk County Budget Committee — 9 a.m., Polk County Courthouse, 850 Main St., Dallas. 503-623-8173. TuESDAY, APRIL 4 • Monmouth City Council — 7 p.m., Volunteer Hall, 144 War- ren St. S., Monmouth. 503-838-0725. • Polk County Budget Committee — 9 a.m., Polk County Courthouse, 850 Main St., Dallas. 503-623-8173. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 • Monmouth Historic Commission — 6 p.m., Volunteer Hall, 144 Warren St. S., Monmouth. 503-838-0725. • Monmouth Planning Commission — 7 p.m., Volunteer Hall, 144 Warren St. S., Monmouth. 503-838-0725. • Polk County Budget Committee — 10 a.m., Polk County Courthouse, first floor conference room, 850 Main St., Dallas. 503-623-8173. Sen. Jackie Winters (District 10, Republican) S-301 State Capitol 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1710 sen.jackiewinters@state.or.us www.oregonlegislature.gov/winters Sen. Brian Boquist (District 12, Republican) S-305 State Capitol 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1712 sen.brianboquist@state.or.us www.oregonlegislature.gov/boquist Rep. David Gomberg (District 10, Democrat) H-471 State Capitol 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1410 rep.davidgomberg@state.or.us www.oregonlegislature.gov/gomberg Rep. Paul Evans (District 20, Democrat) H-281 State Capitol 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1420 rep.paulevans@state.or.us www.oregonlegislature.gov/evans Rep. Mike Nearman (District 23, Republican) H-378 State Capitol 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 503-986-1423 rep.mikenearman@state.or.us www.oregonlegislature.gov/nearman — U.S. CONGRESS Sen. Ron Wyden (Dem.) 221 Dirksen SOB Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 Fax: 202-228-2717 Salem office: 707 13th St. SE, Suite 285, Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-589-4555 Email: via website, www.wyden.senate.gov Sen. Jeff Merkley (Dem.) 313 Hart SOB Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Fax: 202-228-3997 Salem office: 161 High St. SE, Suite 250, Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-362-8102 Email: via website, www.merkley.senate.gov WANT TO WRITE A LETTER? Letters to the editor are lim- ited to 300 words. Longer letters will be edited. Election-related letters of all types are limited to 100 words. Writers are limited to one elec- tion-related letter per election season. Election letters from writers outside of Polk County are not accepted. Each writer is restricted to one letter per 30-day period. Letters that are libelous, ob- scene or in bad taste will not be printed. Attacks by name on businesses or individuals will not be printed. Letters to the editor that are obvious promotions for a busi- ness, products or services will not be printed. The Itemizer-Observer does not guarantee the accuracy of facts presented by letter writers; dissenters are welcome to re- spond. Letter writers who dis- agree with other published letter writers should maintain a civil discourse and address the subject, not the author. Letters, like all editorial mate- rial submitted to the newspa- per, are edited for length, grammar and content. Letters must include the au- thor’s name, address and tele- phone number. This includes letters submitted via the I-O’s website. Names and cities of res- idence are published; street ad- dresses and telephone numbers are used for verification pur- poses only. Letters must be submitted from individuals, not organiza- tions, and must be original sub- missions to the I-O, not copies of letters sent to other media. Letters of thanks to busi- nesses, individuals and organi- zations are limited to 10 names. The deadline for letters to the editor is 10 a.m. Monday. Let- ters submitted may not be re- tractable after this deadline. — Reach us at: Mail: Editor, Polk County Itemizer-Observer, P.O. Box 108, Dallas, OR 97338. Fax: 503-623-2395. Email: ionews@polkio.com. Office: 147 SE Court St., Dallas. Rep. Kurt Schrader (Dem.) 108 Cannon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: 202-225-5711 Fax: 202-225-5699 Salem office: 544 Ferry St. SE, Suite 2, Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-588-9100 Fax: 503-588-5517 Email: via website, www.schrader.house.gov — POLK COUNTY Board of Commissioners 850 Main St. Dallas, OR 97338 Phone: 503-623-8173 www.co.polk.or.us — CITIES Dallas 187 SE Court St. Dallas, OR 97338 503-623-2338 www.ci.dallas.or.us Falls City 299 Mill St. Falls City, OR 97344 503-787-3631 www.fallscityoregon.gov Independence 555 S. Main St. Independence, OR 97351 503-838-1212 www.ci.independence.or.us Monmouth 151 W. Main St. Monmouth, OR 97361 503-838-0722 www.ci.monmouth.or.us HOW TO REACH US NEWSROOM Emily Mentzer ..............Editor/Monmouth/Independence Reporter ....ementzer@polkio.com Vol. 142, No. 13 (USPS) - 437-380) The official newspaper of Polk County • Serving Polk County families since 1875 Winner of 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2014 General Excellence Awards from the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association Periodicals postage paid at Dallas, OR, Independence, OR and Monmouth, OR. Published weekly at 147 SE Court Street Dallas, Oregon 97338 Phone: 503-623-2373 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Polk County — One Year $35 Other Oregon Counties — One Year $40 Outside of Oregon — One Year $45 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Polk County Itemizer-Observer, P.O. Box 108, Dallas, Oregon 97338 Lukas Eggen..................Sports Editor......................................................................leggen@polkio.com Jolene Guzman............Dallas/Falls City/Polk County Reporter ................jguzman@polkio.com DISPLAY ADVERTISING Heidi Leppin .................Display Advertising Manager ....................................hleppin@polkio.com Rachel Best ....................Display Advertising.............................................................rbest@polkio.com Karen Sanks...................Client Services ...................................................................ksanks@polkio.com CLASSIFIED LINE ADVERTISING Dawn Ohren.....................................................................................................................ioads@polkio.com PRODuCTION Kathy Huggins ..............................................................................................................iosales@polkio.com Karyn Pressel .................................................................................................................iosales@polkio.com The Polk County Itemizer-Observer assumes no financial responsibility for errors in advertise- ments. It will, however, reprint without charge for the portion of an advertisement Web: www.polkio.com Phone: 503-623-2373 Fax: 503-623-2395 which is in error if the Itemizer-Observer is at fault.