Polk County News Polk County Itemizer-Observer • March 8, 2017 5A Awards: Event begins with social hour City council set to Continued from Page 1A “One of them is $200 off a photography session with the Haugens, so some of the prizes are pretty darn good,” Paoli said. Party-goers also will have a chance to win a fine bottle of wine in the wine spin for $20 per spin. Paoli said wine bottles will be worth at least $20. “Some of them are really fancy bottles,” she said. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. with social hour. Open- ing remarks and invocation will be at 6:30, followed by the buffet at 7 and the pro- gram at 7:45. “My favorite part of this event is, always, getting the volunteers together that help make our community what it is and honor them, because without them, we wouldn’t be here,” Paoli said. The winners of six busi- ness awards and five citizen awards will be announced at the event. Roadmap: Committees formed, ready Continued from Page 1A With that in mind, it is working on setting up a disc golf-themed “family fun day,” and later a full- scale tournament on the course in Dallas City Park. “ We w a n t e d t o t a k e something that is already within our community and build on that. All of us agreed that we have a great disc golf course in the park,” said Tammy Noon, the co-chairwoman of the “Marketeers.” “There’s also a couple of groups that do disc golf tournaments, and they do call Dallas home. We are trying incorporate all that and put together an annual tournament.” More behind-the-scenes is the property develop- ment effort. This team is working to make vacant or under-used c o m m e rc i a l p ro p e r t i e s ready for business tenants and putting owners in touch with resources, such as the city’s facade grant program. Sp e a r h e a d e d by c o - chairmen Mike Arras and Rich Wolcott, the team is in contact with the owners of with three properties on Main Street: The former Zumalogic building next World Gym; the former Dallas Super Market; and the former Guy’s Hardware store. Dallas Mayor Brian Dal- ton, who is working with the team, said successes in filling those major vacan- cies can create a “domino effect,” making an environ- ment where people want to do business. Bosch noted the team needs to be especially pa- tient and persistent. “There are no quick fixes there,” she said. “This is a group that has to stick to it.” Dalton added that help may be on the way soon as the city is looking for an economic development di- rector. “(Dallas City Manager) Ron (Foggin) does a really good job of hiring people, and I think we are going to have a really stellar person in that job,” Dalton said. “That’s going to help a lot.” Bosch said RDI is back- ing away from facilitating meetings, but will still pro- vide resources to the group when needed. Stepping into the leader- ship role is a coordinating committee of chairman Scott Noon and members Ta m m y N o o n , G u i d a , Nancy Adams (chair- woman of the Dallas Eco- nomic Development Com- mission), Wolcott, Arras and Greg Ellis (the former economic development consultant for Dallas). JD Shinn, the chief exec- utive officer of the Dallas Area Chamber of Com- merce & Visitor Center, said he’s encouraged by the en- thusiasm the Dallas Vitality Connection has shown so far. He said it stands in contrast to “the word on the street” since he started with the chamber in Octo- ber. “I was hearing a lot about ‘there’s a lot of talk and no action.’ One of the things that I’ve been just thrilled about is that this group is proving that to be not tr ue,” Shinn said. “There is action going on in every group, everybody’s really jumped in and taken action.” HEALTH DIRECTORY AUDIOLOGY GENERAL DENTISTRY Trust your hearing to those that specialize in hearing and hearing related disorders. Evan L. Evans, Ph. D, and Julie B. Evans, AuD are both doctoral level Audi- ologists who have the knowledge, experience and compassion to provide you with the best care for your hearing health. We offer free hearing screenings; by our hearing aid specialist. We offer full & complete di- agnostic evaluations, counseling and recommenda- tions by our clinical Audiologists. Other Audiological services include testing, management and treatment options for Tinnitus. We have the knowledge and ex- perience to assist your physician with the diagnosis of diseases and disorders pertaining to hearing and the hearing mechanism. We offer wax removal or cerumen management, Tinnitus testing and Tinnitus manage- ment techniques. An Audiologist, having the Audiol- ogy credentials of the American Academy of Audiology (F-AAA) and the The American Speech Hearing and Language Association’s Certificate of Clinical Compe- tency (CCC-A) is the professional of choice for any- thing related to hearing and or hearing related issues. Serving our hearing impaired since 1980, with two locations to serve you. Audiology Associates 1343-A Monmouth St., Independence • 503-838-3001 2296 NW Kings Blvd, Corvallis • 541-757-2500 • RANDALL C. JONES, DMD - 1004 Monmouth St., In- dependence, OR 503-838-0434. Offering a broad range of dental services in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. New patients and emergencies welcome. CHIROPRACTIC • JOYNT FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC - Dr. Brian Joynt, DC - 629 Clay Street East, Monmouth, OR 97361 Family- oriented chiropractic clinic, dedicated to creating an unparalleled experience of service, quality and care by teaching the true principles of chiropractic. We look forward to empowering each of you to help your fam- ily participate more fully in life. New patients wel- come. Accept most insurance. Auto/personal injury and work comp. Massage therapist on site. Compli- mentary consultations. Call us today to make your ap- pointment (503) 837-0550. • THORNTON CHIROPRACTIC - Drs. Sharon and Marty Thornton - Palmer Graduates - We care, God cures. 1650 Monmouth St., Independence, OR 97351 • 503-838-3346. Office hours: Mon, Tues & Fri 8-noon & 2-6 pm; Wed 8-noon & 2-4 pm. & Thurs 2-6 pm. Proudly serving Polk County for over 17 years. Offering Thompson Drop and other hands-on techniques, as well as Advanced Activator Methods and Functional Neurology. We provide gentle and effective full-spine and extremity adjusting for all ages in a loving and car- ing environment. We are accepting new patients for Family Wellness Care, Medicare, Auto or personal in- jury & Workers Comp. Licensed Massage Therapy available on site. COUNSELING • CROSS AND CROWN COUNSELING ~ KATE KOENS, NCCA Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor and Cer- tified Temperament Therapist. Cross and Crown Counseling offers counseling services to individuals, couples and families as well as identity seminars and grief recovery workshops. Our office is located at 1156 SE Holman Ave. Dallas. Some specific areas of counsel are adolescent, premarital, marriage, trauma, crisis, grief, depression, anxiety, anger, divorce, and identity crisis. We help our clients find healing, learn commu- nication skills, and appropriate responses to individ- ual and family needs and how to obtain overall health, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We provide a safe and caring environment to face life situations, ad- dress interpersonal and intrapersonal conflict and help individuals realize their full potential in order to live decisively with truth, relevance, perspective, and purpose. For more information or to schedule an ap- pointment please call (503) 917-1625 or visit our web- site at www.crossandcrowncounseling.com • WESTON K. MORRILL, DMD - 289 E. Ellendale Suite #201, Dallas. 503-623-6616. Family, preventive, and cosmetic dentistry. Complete dentistry for the entire family. Se habla español. • DR. MICHELLE HASBROOK, DMD - 120 N. Atwater, Monmouth, OR 503-838-2998. Providing all phases of dental care for children and adults. We welcome new patients! • KENNETH WINOKUR, DMD - 329 South Main Street Independence, OR 97351. 503-838-1633. High quality service with your comfort in mind. Nitrous oxide gas sedation available. www.independencedental.org GYNECOLOGY SERVICES Gynecological care is available in Dallas at the Salem Health West Valley Specialty Clinic. Gynecologist Keita Sakon, MD, specializes in gynecology exams and pro- cedures, including hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, as well as family planning, abnormal Pap evaluation, treatment of pelvic pain, symptom control for menopause and abnormal periods. Dr. Sakon works in Dallas on Friday afternoons from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. seeing patients at the clinic and performing gynecol- ogical procedures in the Salem Health West Valley sur- gical suites. New patients are welcome! Salem Health West Valley Specialty Clinic is located at 591 SE Clay St., Dallas. Call 503-831-0784 for an appointment. Visit salemhealth.org/westvalley. HEARING HEALTH • JOYFUL SOUND HEARING SERVICES, INC. Mark Sturtevant, 312 Main Street, Dallas OR, 503-623-0290. Providing Polk County with hearing solutions for 30 years. Services include: Hearing evaluations, Diagnos- ing hearing loss; Impedance; Fitting all types of hear- ing devices, Servicing all makes and models of hearing aids; Ear inspections; Wax removal; Hearing protec- tion. Hours: Monday - Thursday 9-4pm. (Fridays by appointment only) IMAGING SERVICES • SALEM HEALTH WEST VALLEY offers state-of-the- art all-digital diagnostic imaging services. With your physician's referral, we provide bone densitometry, CT scan, fluoroscopy, mammography, ultrasound, X-ray and MRI services. Check out our comfortable and spa- cious mammography suite. We are located at 525 SE Washington St., Dallas, 503-623-7302. LABORATORY SERVICES • SALEM HEALTH WEST VALLEY provides lab services at two convenient locations in Dallas and Monmouth. Both labs are fully accredited, providing collections and testing with healthcare provider referral. Employ- ment and self-referral drug testing is offered. The West Valley Hospital lab in Dallas is open 24 hours, seven days a week, at 525 SE Washington St., 503-623-7303. The Monmouth lab is located in the Monmouth Med- ical Center, 512 Main St., Suite 300, 503-838-1388. It is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., closed be- tween noon and 1 p.m. Appointments are not required. MASSAGE • OUT OF GRAVITY MASSAGE - Julianne Klingberg DeForest, LMT - 503.510.2256 - NOW IN INDEPEND- ENCE Enter Stressed, Leave Blessed - Out of Gravity Massage offers massage sessions to suit a variety of needs and health concerns. Intuitive and holistic bodywork are blended with extensive and varied edu- discuss committee By Jolene Guzman The Itemizer-Observer FALLS CITY — The Falls City City Council is sched- uled to consider reautho- rizing its economic devel- opment committee at its meeting Thursday. The committee was cre- ated to plan a festival to coincide with the Aug. 21 Great American Eclipse. A temporary commit- tee, it officially expired in February. It submitted its year- end progress report to the council last month, along with a request to continue working on the festival and other economic activ- ities. Festival activities in- clude a community break- fast or chili cook-off, music, commercial booths, horseback riding an d local h ousin g or camping. Committee members are exploring the possibil- ity of creating an annual summer festival. Without naming specif- ic objectives, the commit- tee requested more time to work in other develop- ments, as well. “In addition to the Eclipse Festival, the com- mittee explored various avenues of commercial development in Falls City,” the report read. “The broad scopes of these types of businesses/activi- ties continue to be of in- terest to the committee, and will require a great deal of attention.” After reviewing the re- port at its February meet- ing, the council directed Mayor Terry Ungricht to write a resolution to allow the group to continue working until March 2018. At that time, another progress report will be due. A l s o o n T h u r s d a y ’s agenda is electing a coun- cil president, discussion of leasing a new public works truck, and a discus- sion on how to repair streets damaged in storms this winter. The council will meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Falls City Community Center, 320 N. Main St. For more information: 503-787-3631, or fallscity- oregon.gov. Call the Itemizer-Observer at 503-623-2373 to have your business listed in this directory. cation, creating a caring and knowledgeable environ- ment of healing. Also, with a prescription and a claim number, up to a year's therapeutic massage sessions will help in your rehabilitation from a motor vehicle accident. Relaxation, well care, geriatric and pediatric massage is available, as well as motor vehicle accident rehabilitation. Infant massage instructional sessions available. Call today for an appointment. 503-510- 2256 OR # 7627/ National #295187-00 ORTHODONTICS • YENNE & SCHOFIELD - SPECIALISTS IN ORTHO- DONTICS - 580 Main Street, Suite E, Dallas, 503-623- 5002. Providing Polk County with orthodontic care for children and adults for functions and cosmetics. Open Tuesdays & Thursdays. PHYSICAL THERAPY/ REHABILITATION SERVICES • PINNACLE PHYSICAL THERAPY is an orthopedic physical therapy facility committed to getting great re- sults for each patient. We focus on advanced spine care, women's health issues, sport rehab, vehicle acci- dents, and work injuries. We offer highly specialized care including manual therapy, aquatic therapy, spe- cific deep tissue mobilization techniques, Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) techniques and therapeutic exercise. We have a warm, caring and friendly staff and accept most private health insurance, auto insur- ance, and workers' compensation insurance. We offer both male and female physical therapists. Often no physician referral is needed to start care. Call us today and ask how to get therapy for your condition or talk to your physician to see if physical therapy is right for you. Call us: 503-623-2433. We are conveniently lo- cated at 210 W. Ellendale Avenue Dallas, Oregon 97338; (next to Taco Bell) Check us out on the web: www.pinnacle-physicaltherapy.com • SALEM HEALTH WEST VALLEY offers a wide range of rehabilitation services. Our hospital in Dallas, lo- cated at 525 SE Washington St. in Dallas, offers phys- ical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and aquatic therapy (at Dallas Aquatic Center). 503- 623-7305. Our clinic in Monmouth offers physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. Located at 512 Main St. 503-838-1388. Visit www.salemhealth.org/westvalley. PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS • DR. CHARLES ESSEX, family medicine, is accepting new patients at Salem Health West Valley Medical Clinic, located at 512 Main St., Suite 300, Monmouth, 503-838-1182. With a proactive healthcare approach, Dr. Essex provides care for the entire family and will work with you to build a healthy lifestyle with annual exams, immunizations, lifestyle counseling, sports physicals, skin care, cancer screenings and more. New patients are welcome. • DR. JOHN HADLEY, family medicine, is accepting new patients at the Salem Health West Valley Medical Clinic at 555 SE Washington St., Dallas, 503-623-7301. With a proactive healthcare approach, Dr. Hadley pro- vides offers family medicine for your entire family from newborns to adults with annual exams, immunizations, lifestyle counseling, sports physicals, skin care, cancer screenings and more. New patients are welcome. SHAMANIC HEALER • MARIAN SIMON, MA Shamanic healer and coun- selor specializing in spiritual healing and development since 1994. If you are ready to open your heart, expand your mind, understand your soul’s purpose in life and solve problems from a spiritual perspective, I can pro- vide you with shamanic tools to empower your life. 503-831-0158. simonart@teleport.com http://marian- simon.com