Polk County itemizer observer. (Dallas, Or) 1992-current, July 29, 2015, Image 12

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    12A Polk County Itemizer-Observer • July 29, 2015
Polk County Sports
Saturday, July 25 Results
Overall winner
1, Fabian Elizondo, 38:32.6.
Ages 14 and younger
1, Carter Kunert, 39:29.1; 2, Landon
Baum, 1:11:57.3.
Ages 15-19
1, Fabian Elizondo, 38:32.6; 2, An-
drew Damitio, 39:07.8.
Ages 20-29
1, Conner Locke, 40:11.7; 2, Derrick
Angelus, 57:26.2.
Ages 30-39
1, Dave Adams, 47:16.8; 2, Ray Jones,
51:30.6; 3, Matt Woolsey, 58:35.9; 4, Kyle
Alexander, 58:36.4; 5, Kyle Mabry,
Ages 40-49
1, Jerry Mullins, 39:55.3; 2, Josh Kliev-
er, 46.33.6; 3, Raul Pena, 1:03.52.9.
Ages 50-59
1, David Hill, 39:39.8; 2, Wayne Sitkei,
46:59.9; 3, Rick Ralston, 47:50.2; 4, David
Breitkreuz, 49:34.5; 5, Jeffrey Kuust,
54:04.4; 6, John Gurnez, 55:26.3; 7, Ernie
Wall, 57:17.5.
Ages 60 and older
1, Don Rodenfeld, 52:41.3; 2, Don
Symington, 1:09:17.4.
Overall winner
1, Amy Castle, 41:37.3
Ages 14 and younger
1, Natasja Ohren, 1:15.53.4.
Ages 15-19
1, Tatyana Brietkreuz, 47:07.3.
Ages 20-29
1, Amy Castle, 41:37.3; 2, Emily
Kraxberger, 1:11:59.2; 3, Renee Craw-
ford, 1:14:54.1.
Ages 30-39
1. Elisa Bledsoe, 44:23.9; 2, H. Knoff,
50:57.3; 3, Suzanne Dufner, 54:22.7; 4,
Katie Woolsey, 58:49.9; 5. Courtney
Kliever, 1:03:56.5; 6, Jolene Guzman,
1:07:29.0; 7, Jennifer Magee, 1:35:52.1.
Ages 40-49
1, Angie Kunert, 45:33.1; 2, Cammie
Ruark, 54:29.2; 3, Rita Starla, 1:03:53.4; 4,
Emily Mentzer, 1:22:48.0.
Ages 50-59
1, Sheila Turnidue, 57:17.8; 2, Peggy
Mehl, 1:14:54.1.
Ages 60 and older
1, Karen Apiado, 1:35:52.7.
Overall winner
1, Mark McCulloch, 18:06.2.
Ages 14 and Under
1, Orion Knuson, 22:51.4; 2, James Par-
tridge, 24:45.1; 3, Jeff Tompkins, 25:28.5; 4,
Joshua Rodli, 26:17.9; 5, Kolby Johnson-
Sallee, 29:17.7; 6, Jerrik Wade, 37:33.1.
Ages 15-19
1, Cody Tilgner, 19:14.2; 2, Jesse Stuhr,
19:14.4; 3, Tyler Bandenbroeke, 20:03.8; 4,
Winfield Sletten, 20:34.9; 5, Jude
McMichael, 20:38.1; 6, Ben Connolly,
21:02.8; 7, Nick Nelson, 21:04.2; 8, Daniel
Gagner, 21:50.1; 9, Grady Gagner, 23:01.3.
Ages 20-29
1, Dave McConnell, 21:23.5; 2, John
Hofmann, 23:27.6.
Ages 30-39
1, Mark McCulloch, 18:06.2; 2, Eric
Forbes, 20:28.5; 3, Eric Nauta, 24:08.3; 4,
Yturri Camara, 26:12.9; 5, Tim Griffiths,
Ages 40-49
1, Adam Stewart, 21:11.5; 2, Zach
Skipper, 27:04.8; 3, Hector Diaz, 32:3; 4,
Antoine Garcia, 33:30.9.
Ages 50-59
1, Jim Sapienza, 18:35.4; 2, Mark
Green, 24:00.8; 3, David Bashaw, 30:53.7;
4, Andy Harris, 34:13.8.
Ages 60 and older
1, Delbert Tilgner, 25:06.5; 2, Robert
McKee, 29:05.0; 3, Foster Kimble,
33:07.4; Thomas Hoffar, 36:02.1.
Overall winner
1, Betsy Seth, 21:13.3.
Ages 14 and younger
1, Peyton Fast, 24:41.4; 2, Hailey Van-
well, 26:28.1; 3, Isabel Diaz, 31:29.3; 4,
Jesalynn Griffiths, 36:50.1.
Ages 15-19
1, Quinn Damitio, 23:48.3; 2, Anneka
Bloomstrom, 24:11.0.
Ages 20-29
1, Cellen Coakley-Sallee, 24:40.8; 2,
Allison Zsenyuk, 25:27.8; 3, Cari Mabry,
28:11.6; 4, Ellie Collins, 30:33.4; 5, Jen-
nifer Westendorf, 39:56.7.
Ages 30-39
1,Erika Forbes, 23:34.9; 2, Hannah
Sandlin, 31:20.1; 3, Sara Weeks, 34:00.5; 4,
Lana Craytor-Mabry, 34:27.3; 5, Jennifer
Artigo, 39:57.1.
Ages 40-49
1, Connie Olliff, 26:41.1; 2, Amy Nauta,
29:30.8; 3, Deana Coakley-Sallee, 30:20.2;
4, Jennifer Broadus, 30:26.2; 5, Suzanne
Collins, 30:27.0; 6, Terri Taylor, 30:38.4; 7,
Stephanie Lairson, 35:05.0; Liza Skipper,
38:37.4; 9, Lisa Borja, 48:57.9.
Ages 50-59
1, Betsy Seth, 21:13.3; 2, Cheri Dami-
tio, 30:00.2; 3, Becky Knudson, 35:41.7.
Ages 60 and older
1, Jeanne Meyers, 30:14.2; 2, Joyce
Lonsford, 34:00.7.
Overall winner
1, John Wagner, 1:06:15.1.
1, John Wagner, 1:06:15.1.
Overall winner
1, April Diaz, 37:05.0.
Ages 20-29
1, Kim Eichler, 39:56.9; 2, Nichole
Dyer, 52:42.4.
Ages 40-49
1, April Diaz, 37:05.0
Ages 50-59
1, Debbie Braun, 46:49.8; 2, Serena
Lairson, 52:42.8; 3, Melinda Seibert,
1:08:26.0; 4, Debra Harris, 1:08:43.0.
Ages 60 and older
1, Ruth Wagner, 1:06:14.1.
1, Liam Kliever, 4:57.1; 2, Trey Cross,
6:01.7; 3, Jaxon Kliever, 7:04.6; 4, Harrison
Lindemann, 9:43.3; 5, Justin Lindemann,
1, Kaitlyn Vanwell, 5:07.2; 2, Emma
Moore, 5:30.0; 3, Clara Woolsey, 5:39.7; 4,
Riley Kliever, 5:40.0; 5, Brookelyn Ed-
wards, 5:56.0; 6, Kaelyn Edwards, 5:57.0;
7, Amelia Woolsey, 6:00.9.
1, Jackson Buckingham, 3:00; 2,
Bradey Greer, 3:02; 3. Joah Shumway,
3:08; 4, Jonah Stork, 3:17; 5, Emily
Devoy, 3:21; 6, Amelia Vanlandingham,
3:25; 7, Israel Mabry, 4:02; 8, Kyra Weeks,
4:09; 9, Landon Holbrook, 4:27; 10, Lily
Williams, 4:57.
Ages 9-10
1, Lonny Stork, 4:18; 2, Colin Conolly,
4:27; 3, Jaden Irwin, 4:51; 4, Ellie Van-
landingham, 4:52; 5, Owen Jones, 5:00:
6, Kaleena Devoy, 5:01; 7, Katie Dufner,
5:05; 8, Isabella Keene, 5:10; 9, Brian
Sheldon, 5:17; 10, Mara Webb, 5:21; 11,
Kason Ultz, 5:29.
Ages 11-12
1, Madeline Atenburg, 7”18; 2,
Joshua Rodli, 8:41; 3, Katelyn Hayes,
8:49; 4, Caroline Conolly, 9:04; 5, Kaitlyn
Van Well, 9:04.
Friday, July 24 Results
Ages 5-6
1, Benjamin Greer, 2:16; 2, Grayson
Keene, 2:27; 3, Maddi Jones, 2:42; 4, Lilli
Jones, 3:46; 5, Cory Kittelson, 3:51; 6,
Madelyn WIlliams, 3:56; 7, Dashiell McNatt,
4:07; 8, Brooklyn Barcroft, 4:16; 9, Madison
Barcoft, 4:48; 10, Colten Barcroft, 5:03.
Ages 7-8
Tuesday, July 21 Results
Low gross/low net
Gross — 1, Jim Schroeder, 36; 2
(tie), Rocky Kygar, Dave Day and Michael
Willem, 38.
Net — 1, Jack Duncan, 29; 2 (tie),
Darrel Smedstad and David Karr, 31; 4,
Ligoy Gamaney, 33; 5, Bob Bennett,
34; 6 (tie), Eldon Rivers, Dennis
Bergman and Steve Biddinger.
Summerfest Fun Run and Kids’ Triathlon
LUKAS EGGEN/ Itemizer-Observer
TRENDA LOCKE/ for the Itemizer-Observer
Lily Williams prepares for the start of the 7- and 8-year-old heat of the Kids’ Triathlon on Friday morning.
Jaden Irwin (right) and Ellie Vanlandingham sprint to-
ward the finish of the Kids’ Triathlon on Friday.
LUKAS EGGEN/ Itemizer-Observer
Amelia Vanlandingham receives a little help with her hel-
met before taking off on her bike during the Dallas Sum-
merfest Kids’ Triathlon on Friday.
LUKAS EGGEN/Itemizer-Observer
Madison Barcroft gets ready for the swim at the Dal-
las Kids’ Triathlon.
TRENDA LOCKE/ for the Itemizer-Observer
Justin and Harrison Lindemann make their way to the fin-
ish line during the Dallas Summerfest Fun Run on Satur-
day morning.
TRENDA LOCKE/ for the Itemizer-Observer
Runners and walkers prepare for the start of the 5-kilometer race during the Dallas Summerfest Fun Run on Saturday morning.