8A Polk County Itemizer-Observer • April 8, 2015 Polk County Living COMMUNITY NOTEBOOK Master Gardeners to talk blueberries ‘Hooked’ on Pirates Bernadine Strik, an Ore- gon State University profes- sor and a world renowned berry expert, will speak on “Blueberries for the Home Garden — a Recipe for Suc- cess” at the Polk County Master Gardeners meeting on Wednesday (today). The gathering, which is free and open to the public, takes place at 7 p.m. at Trin- ity Lutheran Church, 320 SE Fir Villa Road, Dallas. For more information: 503-623-8395; online at http://extension.oregon- state.edu/polk/mg. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Old-fashion square dance set Saturday Guthrie Park Community Center will host its next Sec- ond Saturday Old Time Square Dance on April 11 from 7 to 10 p.m. All ages are welcome for an evening of dancing to the music of Cash & Company. Caller is Truman Price. Dances include old-time squares, big circles, longway sets and waltzes. No experi- ence is necessary; all dances are taught. Admission is $5 per per- son. Children 12 and under are free. A family rate of $15 for four or more people from the same immediate family is available. The center is located at 4320 Kings Valley Highway, south of Dallas. For more information: Sally, 503-623-0809; email to guthriepark@gmail.com; www.guthriepark.org. JOLENE GUZMAN/Itemizer-Observer Heidi Schulz, author of “Hook’s Revenge” and sequel “Hook’s Revenge: The Pirate Code,” signs a copy of her book for Kyra Weeks, 7, and Cierra Weeks, 4, on Thursday (April 2) at the Dallas Public Library. The Salem author visited the library to talk about her books and read from “The Pirate Code,” which will be released in the fall. ward One Oregon: Bridging Oregon’s Urban and Rural Communities,” a free dis- cussion with Ethan Seltzer, professor of urban studies at Portland State University, and Bruce Weber a professor of agricultural and resource economics at Oregon State University. The talk is Saturday at 4:30 p.m. at Buell Grange, located at 5970 Mill Creek Road, off Highway 22. After the conversation, dinner of chili and salad will be available for $6. RSVP to reserve a spot Christine Chute at 503-851-0322 or cachute@gmail.com. Teen art contest at ‘Mind the Gap’ reception Thursday Dallas Library The Ash Creek Arts Center will host an artist reception Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. at its gallery at MaMere’s Bed and Breakfast, 212 Knox St. N., in Monmouth. The reception is for artist Eric Loftin and his exhibi- tion, “Mind the Gap: Land- scape Works by Eric Loftin.” The gallery is open by ap- pointment outside of the re- ception hours. For an ap- pointment: Robert, 509-607- 2855. Caricatures topic of Saturday class The Ash Creek Arts Center will host Second Saturday Family Arts Class on Satur- day from 2 to 4 p.m. at its In- dependence location, 311 S. Monmouth St. The topic is caricatures. This series of classes is for children and parents. Chil- dren should be old enough to manage scissors, glue, tape and other art supplies. Registration is not re- quired. For more information: www.ashcreekarts.org. Urban and rural tensions topic of talk on Saturday What are the ties that bind – or could bind – urban and rural communities in Oregon? That is the focus of “To- The Dallas Public Library is hosting a teen “fan art” contest. Local teenagers may submit original artwork to be displayed at the Dallas Public Library on its art wall. Each contestant may sub- mit up to three entries. The work should represent the artist’s interpretation of a work of fiction, and derived from a character or other as- pect of that work. Art will be accepted until April 24 for judging on May 11. Entry forms and more in- formation are available at the library. For more information: 503-623-2633. Children’s portrait contest benefits cancer research Miriam Haugen of Hau- gen’s Galleri in Monmouth will participate in a Super- heroes Children’s Portrait Contest throughout the month of April. The contest is open to all children newborn through age 12, and can include sib- ling groups. To participate, schedule a portrait session with Haugen and donate a $49 entry fee to Doernbech- er Children’s Hospital. Winners will be chosen in three categories: people’s choice, best storytelling and best expression. For more information: 503-838-5416. Libraries accept food for fines The Monmouth and Inde- pendence public libraries will celebrate National Li- brary week Monday through April 18 with a Food for Fines drive. During the week, bring in any of the following items to the library: 15 ounces or larger of canned fruit, veg- etables, chili, soup (canned or dry), bottled or canned fruit juices; boxed hot or cold cereal, pasta products, peanut butter, canned meats, cooking oil; or 5- pound bags of sugar, flour or rice. For every item donated, the library will reduce out- standing fines by $1. All items must be commercially processed and in good con- dition. For more information: In- dependence Public Library, 503-838-1811, or Mon- mouth Public Library, 503- 838-1932. LWC ivy pull slated for this Saturday The Luckiamute Water- shed Council will host a vol- unteer ivy pull from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday at In- dependence Riverview Park. Come to the Riverview Park boat launch and join in an invigorating day of pulling ivy. Learn how to eradicate this persistent weed and help rid the water- shed of invasive plants. Gloves, tools, water and snacks will be provided. For more information: Suzanne Teller, 503-837-0237 or email outreach@luckia- mutelwc.org. Bunco will raise money for baskets A bunco fundraiser will be held at 6 p.m. on Satur- day at Family Treasures Marketplace, 240 Mon- mouth St., Independence. The event, sponsored by Independence Downtown Association, will raise money to buy hanging flower baskets to decorate the downtown area. Admis- sion is $15. Appetizers and wine will be served. For more information: find the Independence Downtown Association on Facebook. Living with diabetes class A six-week program on practical skills for living with diabetes, “Living Well Dia- betes Management,” will be offered at the Dallas Senior Center starting Thursday. The class will be held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each Thursday through May 14 at the center, 955 SE Jef- ferson St. Participants will learn self-management skills in- cluding working with their health care team, managing symptoms and medication, problem solving, setting weekly goals and learning how to be active and eat well. Class materials, includ- ing a course book and CD, are provided at no charge. To enroll or for more in- formation: WVP Health Au- thority, 503-587-5129. Library features variety of art by Charlotte Lamb The work of local artist, and longtime Dallas resident, Charlotte Lamb will be on display at the Dallas Public Library, 950 Main St., through April. She will display a selec- tion of works including wa- tercolor paintings, The Art of Tangling, and pen and ink drawings. Lamb has been drawing and painting since she was a young child. At age 87, she continues to explore new art styles and concepts, but continues to focus on her favorite which is realist watercolors. She has held member- ships in the Dallas Arts As- sociation and the Watercolor Society of Oregon. Lamb has had her art- work displayed at the Polk County Fair and featured in local facilities. For more information: Dallas Public Library, 503- 623-2633. LIBRARY CALENDAR DALLAS 950 Main St. 503-623-2633 www.ci.dallas.or.us/library • Thursday, April 9, 11:15 a.m. — Story- time • Saturday, April 11, noon — LEGO Your Saturday • Tuesday, April 14, 11:15 a.m. — Story- time • Tuesday, April 14, 3:30 p.m. — Storytime • Wednesday, April 15, 4:30 p.m. — Teen Book Club — INDEPENDENCE 175 Monmouth St. All ads are in full color! 503-838-1811 www.ci.independence.or.us/library • Wednesday, April 8, 10:30 a.m. — Family Storytime • Thursday, April 9, 4:30 p.m. — Chess Club for Kids (grades 1 and above) • Saturday, April 11, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. — Ki- wanis Reads for Kids • Tuesday, April 14, 4 p.m. — Time Travelers • Wednesday, April 15, 10:30 a.m. — Fami- ly Storytime — MONMOUTH 168 S. Ecols St. 503-751-0182 www.ci.monmouth.or.us/library • Thursday, April 9, 10 a.m. — Little Builders Club (babies to preschoolers) • Thursday, April 9, 7 p.m. — Once Upon a Thursday Book Club (meets on second Thursday of the month) • Tuesday, April 14, 10:15 a.m. — Family Storytime • Thursday, April 16, 10 a.m. — Little Builders Club (babies to preschoolers) — WAGNER COMMUNITY LIBRARY 111 N. Main St., Falls City 503-787-3521, ext. 319 www.wagner.plinkit.org • Contact library for upcoming special events and programs It’s time to... Explore Polk County! An Award-Winning Section guiding residents and visitors to all the best places in and around Polk County! Call Heidi, Rachel or Karen to reserve your space! 503-623-2373 1/8 pg........$103 • 1/4 pg........$195 • 1/2 pg........$298 • Extra Savings! Full pg........$360 Deadline is May 1st • Publishes on May 20th. Itemizer-Observer 147 SE Court Street, Dallas, Oregon 97338 To submit your items to the Community Calendar, email the Itemizer-Observer newsroom at ionews@polkio.com, send via fax to 503-623-2395, or deliver them in person to 147 SE Court St., Dallas. All events should be submitted two weeks in advance of the date of the event. — WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 • Helping Hands Emergency Food Bank — 10 a.m. to noon, Monmouth Christian Church, 959 Church St. W., Monmouth. For eligible community members; available every Wednesday. 541- 404-6517. • Polk County Republican Women — 11:30 a.m., Oak Knoll Golf Course, 6335 Highway 22, Independence. No-host lunch available; everyone welcome. 503-623-5759. • Monmouth-Independence Chamber of Commerce Lunch Forum — Noon, Henry Hill Resource Center, 750 S. Fifth St., Independence. Topic: Central School District partnerships. Lunch available for $10. 503-838-4268. • Willamette Valley Food Assistance Program Food Bank — 1:30 to 6:30 p.m., 888 Monmouth Cutoff Road, Building E, Dallas. Weekly distribution for eligible community members. 503-831-5634. • Free Blood Pressure Check Clinic — 2 to 3 p.m., West Val- ley Hospital (surgery admitting area), 525 SE Washington St., Dallas. 503-623-7323. • Monmouth Senior Center Music Jam — 6:30 p.m., Mon- mouth Senior Center, 180 S. Warren St., Monmouth. Open to the public; musicians of all types welcome. 503-838-5678. • Dallas American Legion Post No. 20 — 7 p.m., Academy Building, Room 108, 182 SW Academy St., Dallas. 503-831-3971. • Polk County Master Gardeners — 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 320 SE Fir Villa Road, Dallas. Bernadine Strik will speak on “Blueberries for the Home Garden — a Recipe for Success.” Free. 503-623-8395. THURSDAY, APRIL 9 • Monmouth-Independence Rotary Club — Noon, First Baptist Church, 1505 Monmouth St., Independence. Weekly program and luncheon; visitors welcome. 503-838-4884. • “Mom and Me” Breastfeeding Support Group — 1 to 2:30 p.m., West Valley Hospital (Quiet Room, entrance through Emergency Department on Clay Street), 525 SE Washington St., Dallas. Free. 503-623-7323. • James2 Community Kitchen Meal — 4:30 to 6 p.m., Dallas United Methodist Church, 565 SE LaCreole Drive, Dallas. Free; everyone welcome. 503-623-8429. • Polk County Public Safety Levy Community Gathering — 7 p.m., Grand Ronde Community Hall, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde. Details about the county public safety levy will be presented. 503-507-1091. • Ash Creek Arts Center – 5 to 7 p.m., MaMere’s Bed and Breakfast, 212 Knox St. N., Monmouth. Artist reception for Eric Loftin. Free. 509-607-2855. • Living Well Diabetes Management — 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Dallas Senior Center, 955 SE Jefferson St., Dallas. First of a six-week program about learning to live well with diabetes. Free. 503-587-5129. FRIDAY, APRIL 10 • Altered Attitudes Alcoholics Anonymous — Noon, Dallas United Methodist Church, 565 SE LaCreole Drive, Dallas. 503- 399-0599. • Spirit Mountain Home & Outdoor Living Show — Noon to 7 p.m., Spirit Mountain Casino, 27100 SW Salmon River High- way (Highway 18), Grand Ronde. Free admission. 503-879-2350. • Guthrie Park Acoustic Music Jam Session — 7 to 10 p.m., Guthrie Park Community Center, 4320 Kings Valley Highway, Dallas. Free (donations accepted). 503-623-0809. • Arc of Polk County Dance and Karaoke Night — 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Academy Building, 182 SW Academy St., Dallas. For adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Admis- sion: $3 (staffers and providers admitted free). Snacks available for purchase. 503-949-5552. SATURDAY, APRIL 11 • The Original Independence Farmers Market — 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Umpqua Bank parking lot, 302 S. Main St., Independ- ence. 503-881-9950. • Independence Riverview Market — 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Riverview Park and Amphitheater, 50 C St., Independence. 503- 910-8193. • Bunco — 6 p.m., Family Treasures Marketplace, 240 Mon- mouth St., Independence. $15. A fundraiser for Independence Downtown Association. • Spirit Mountain Home & Outdoor Living Show — 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Spirit Mountain Casino, 27100 SW Salmon River Highway (Highway 18), Grand Ronde. Free admission. 503-879- 2350. • Guthrie Park Country Dance — 7 to 10 p.m., Guthrie Park Community Center, 4320 Kings Valley Highway, Dallas. Admis- sion: $5 per person; $15 immediate family rate; children 12 and younger free. 503-623-0809. • Jose James and the American Metropole Orchestra — Smith Fine Arts Series — 7:30 p.m., Rice Auditorium, Western Oregon University, 345 N. Monmouth Ave., Monmouth. Singer- songwriter performs. Tickets: Adults, $25 in advance, $28 at the door; students, $11. 503-838-8333. • Second Saturday Art Class —2 to 4 p.m., Old Independ- ence Library, 311 S. Monmouth St., Independence. Free art class for children and parents. www.ashcreekarts.org. • Luckiamute Watershed Council — 9 a.m. to noon, Riverview Park Boat Launch. Volunteer to pull ivy and learn how to eradicate this evasive, persistent weed. 503-837-0237. SUNDAY, APRIL 12 • Spirit Mountain Home & Outdoor Living Show — 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Spirit Mountain Casino, 27100 SW Salmon River Highway (Highway 18), Grand Ronde. Free admission. 503-879- 2350. MONDAY, APRIL 13 • Central Lions Club — Noon, Independence Elks Lodge 1950 Dining Room, 289 S. Main St., Independence. 503-606- 2150. • Willamette Valley New Horizons Orchestra — 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Central High School (music room), 1530 Monmouth St., Independence. Local orchestra for beginning through in- termediate musicians. Meets every Monday. Players of all lev- els welcome. $25 monthly fee to cover expenses. 503-838- 4884. TUESDAY, APRIL 14 • Caregivers Support Group — 2 to 3:30 p.m., West Valley Hospital (Quiet Room, entrance through Emergency Depart- ment on Clay Street), 525 SE Washington St., Dallas. Meets on the second Tuesday of the month. Free. 503-831-5593. • James2 Community Kitchen Meal — 4:30 to 6 p.m., St. Philip Catholic Church, 825 SW Mill St., Dallas. Free; everyone welcome. 503-623-8429. (More COMMUNITY CALENDAR, Page 9A)