CEMETERY KAYLEY SAYER SAVERS LEAPING AHEAD Page 10A Page 7A Volume 140, Issue 13 www.Polkio.com 75¢ April 1, 2015 IN YOUR TOWN DALLAS NEWS Most longtime residents of Dallas have a story about the Blue Garden in downtown Dallas — memories of its hopping heyday. Those days may come back — at least that is the hope of prospective new owner Bob Collins. Collins is in the process of buying the deteriorated 125-year-old building, located at 827 Main St. The sale is currently in escrow, but with rumors running around town about its possible purchase, he decided to come forward about his plans for the landmark. A 35-year Dallas resident and owner of Collins & Lindsly Construction, he has his own Blue Garden story. »Page 2A FALLS CITY NEWS EMILY MENTZER/ Itemizer-Observer Patricia Gallagher reads “Back of the Bus” to a group of children at the Monmouth Public Library on March 25. LITERATURE LOVER Falls City has submitted a grant application to the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department to purchase and improve the property at the city’s namesake falls. Currently, the Falls City Alliance owns the prop- erty on the north side of the falls, purchased with money borrowed from the city’s revolving loan fund, about $133,000. The grant, through the department’s Local Gov- ernment Grant Program, would allow for the city to buy the property. Funding also would be available to improve access to that side of the falls, build a viewing platform, pavilion and restrooms. »Page 3A Children’s book award named after Monmouth resident By Emily Mentzer Learn More The Itemizer-Observer M ONMOUTH — Isaac Hoff- man, 2, loved the first book read by Carrie Kasperick at the Monmouth Public Library. It was “Three Hens and a Peacock.” Every time he saw a glimpse of blue on the page, he yelled out, “Peacock!” The book was one of five nominated for the Patricia Gallagher Picture Book Award, a children’s choice award. After learning the fate of the relation- ship between the hens and peacock, Monmouth resident Gallagher, herself, took a turn reading a book, “Back of the Bus” — the first time she has read in public in about five years. Gallagher immediately captured the attention of everyone in the room, pulling them into the story. “This is an interesting story because there is a character in this book that was a real live person, Rosa Parks,” she explained. “The rest of the characters • The Patricia Gallagher Picture Book Award is open to all grade- school children. The five nominated books may be voted on once children have either read each of them or they have been read to the child. Voting deadline is May 1, and may be com- pleted in a classroom, school library or public library. The books are: “Back of the Bus,” by Aaron Reynolds, illus- trated by Floyd Cooper; “In the Wild,” by David Elliott, illustrated by Holly Meade; “Joha Makes a Wish,” by Eric Kimmel, illustrated by Omar Rayyan; “Tarra and Bella,” by Carol Buckley, il- lustrated with photos; and “Three Hens and a Peacock,” by Lester L. Laminack, illustrated by Henry Cole. For more information about the award or books: oregonread.org. are fictional. Aaron Reynolds (the au- thor) made them up. Her story is ab- solutely true; but the little boy’s story is made up.” The words used in the book sound differently from those people in Mon- mouth use, Gallagher, 84, said. “He tells the story in a very special English that is partly black dialect, the language of his people in Montgomery, Ala.,” she said. And then she began reading the tale of a young boy sitting in the very back of the bus, playing with his marble, on his way home with his mother at the end of the day. Also sitting on that bus is Rosa Parks, who is arrested for not moving for a white person to sit. The feeling in the library room changed. Children and adults alike were enchanted — almost like they were on that bus with the boy, the mar- ble and Parks. It was as if Gallagher knew the book by heart, bringing the story to life of how Parks helped changed the nation. It is no wonder, then, that the picture book award was named after Gallagher. See LITERATURE, Page 15A WOU narrows president search Four finalists visiting Monmouth campus starting this week By Emily Mentzer The Itemizer-Observer MONMOUTH — Western Oregon University is poised to officially be independent from the Oregon University System, which will dissolve on July 1. With the board of trustees named, all that’s left is find- ing a replacement for Presi- dent Mark Weiss, who will retire effective June 30. After reading 45 applica- tions for the post, four final- ists were chosen to make campus visits, starting Wednesday (today) and con- tinuing through Tuesday. The four candidates scheduled to be interviewed for WOU’s presidency are Fernando Delgado, Christo- THE NEXT 7 DAYS PLANNING FOR YOUR WEEK Ames Fuller Delgado pher Ames, Margaret Mad- den and Rex Fuller. Delgado, 48, currently working as provost and vice chancellor for academic af- fairs at the University of Wis- consin-River Falls, said he was attracted to Western Oregon for a couple of rea- sons. “The mission of the uni- versity, and the faculty and staff commitment to it,” he Madden said. “The profile of the stu- dents and the geography it- self played a role in that as well.” Making the move back to the western states is some- thing the San Francisco Bay Area native would look for- ward to, Delgado said. He said the president needs to be embedded in the community both on and off campus. “The president is often ‘the face’ for the university and has a primary role of making sure that campus is vibrant and healthy, con- nected to the external com- munity,” Delgado said. Ames, 58, works as the vice president of academic affairs at Shepherd Universi- ty in Shepherdstown, W.Va. He also was attracted to WOU’s mission of providing accessible, affordable, high- quality education. “That’s an important niche in the higher education mar- ket today, and Western has done a really good job of it,” Ames said. “They have made the education gap a high pri- ority, and had success with (closing that gap).” See WOU, Page 18A INDEPENDENCE NEWS With the exceptionally warm winter this year, it’s felt like spring for weeks. The opening of two farmers markets in Inde- pendence on Saturday makes it official. Martha Walton, manager of the 22nd annual Orig- inal Independence Farmers Market, said the warm weather has been making things grow too fast. “We’ll see what Mother Nature presents us with in April,” she said. “In years past, she’s not been very nice to us in April.” Regardless of weather, the Original Independ- ence Farmers Market will be open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday. »Page 3A MONMOUTH NEWS After one of the most successful seasons in pro- gram history, the Western Oregon men’s basketball team is in search of a new coach. Brady Bergeson accepted the head coaching po- sition for Regis University’s men’s basketball team on Friday. Bergeson went 69-45 during his four-year tenure. The 2014-15 season was his most success- ful: WOU finished 23-7, the first time Western Ore- gon won 20 games in a single season since the 1996-97 campaign. The Wolves also won the Great Northwest Athletic Conference regular season title. »Page 10A POLK COUNTY NEWS The deadline has come and gone for the May 19 ballot, and little interest was shown in running for open positions. No race is contested in the bid for seats on boards of water districts, fire districts and school districts in Polk County. In fact, two seats on the Central School District Board of Directors had no candidates file for the position. A number of positions on various water districts also have no candidates interested. The one issue on the ballot that should attract vot- ers is the Polk County public safety tax levy. »Page 2A wed thu fri sat sun mon tue Need some laughs? Art Klug headlines an evening of com- edy entertainment at Pressed Coffee & Wine Bar in Dallas. 7:30 p.m. $15-$20. Salem’s Heidi Schulz, author of “Hook’s Revenge,” will give a talk and do a book signing at the Dallas Public Library. 4 p.m. Free. Legendary jazz or- ganist Dr. Lonnie Smith and the Dr. Lonnie Smith Trio perform at WOU’s Rice Auditorium. 7:30 p.m. $11-$28. Bring your appetite to the Monmouth Senior Center for the monthly all-you- can-eat community breakfast. 8:30-10:30 a.m. $6. It may be Easter, but the Polk Flea Market will be open for its monthly sales ses- sion at the fair- grounds in Rickreall. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $1. Sports trivia: Base- ball season has ar- rived. Did you know that the American League began using the designed hitter on this date in 1973? The baseball and softball teams at Dallas and Central high schools are all hosting conference home games. 4:30 p.m. Free. Showers Hi: 56 Lo: 36 Mostly Cloudy Hi: 57 Lo: 36 Mostly Cloudy Hi: 56 Lo: 38 Showers Likely Hi: 55 Lo: 38 Showers Likely Hi: 54 Lo: 38 Showers Likely Hi: 56 Lo: 39 Rain Hi: 60 Lo: 42