• ■ ' ■ i êniUSTIAN Pl : r RALÖ. « .................................................. to the -&£ tlfe P i mifiep-and +iott h d 4a wn .t a wpartmeHtr-' earnest work and spend his days in church in College City. CONDUCTED BY PROF. J. D. HAWES.'. CONDUCTED BY PROF. X DURHAM. his sunny home. The meeting Bro. Hands will hold a meeting house built there by our lamented All matter intended for this department All matter Intended for this department at Sycamore, in Colusa county. bo handed or sent to Prof. J. D. Hawes, should be addressed to Prof. J. Durham, Bro. Reagan, was sold, by a little should Monmouth, Oregon. Washington Corners, California. • ♦ unfair trick, and taken fromVur Four more additions at Santa Teachers’ Institute. A Correction. Clara, qnder the labors of Pres. brethren. The South Methodist got the building. But the breth The Institute of the Third Ju 4 In the H erald of Dec. 21, 1883, McCollough, ren arc making an arrangents’ to dicial-District was held in Albany wo published an article in regard Two more additions at Milvil build in a much better part of thé on the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th of this to the “ Gause in California.” The Shasta county, under the labors of ty. With such pien as Bro. month. We have received the pro- articlty has recently been repub- Bro. G. R. Hand. ' z azen Hoyt to direct, the finances, ------------ r------ Superin ■.-rm,! th e -J^TOter to counsel and rn- ■ Mf&UUÍMBlUáilU tendent, on which- we notice the Bro. l’attee will fill the pulpit in and our venerable Bro. G O. Bur age the work, it jvill move on naine3 of several of the leading nett writes me, making a correc San Francisco while Bro. Belding ti a success. educators of the district. Among finishes up his-work and builds the tion which we are glad to note. Prof. Rattan, of the Girls High whom we notice Pres. Stanley, We stated in the aforesaid article house in the city. )6hool, of San Francisco, lectured a Supt. Rigler, M. G. Lane, S. A. that “ there was norevangelist put « -KajidU -and- ~ ù at *■!■*■< sit. j&tal» sisters organized a Home Mission Washington, is a good young before the students and citizens on county; Supt. Gregg, Jos. A. Sell ary Work and placed Bro. Pende preacher, and will preach in some the science of sound and the use of wood, H. B. Elworthy and W. R. gast in the work in Sacramento.” of our neighboring villages this the phonograph, all of which was Privett, of Marion, and others of whose good works we know some- •... ra»,SJPk1,KlÄl'Äl! Bro. Burnett informs us that ia the S£nnii awply iltarated-. Bro. W. B. Foster, of Santa Rosa, Instructive. We, in- a short time, thing.' The programrne “will fur-' fall of ’61 or ’62 Bro. J. P. Mc Corkle was sent out as State Evan opens a California Column in the formed a very pleasant acquaint nish food for careful work during gelist by the churches assembled at Christian-Evangelist, and will keep ance with him, and the more so the time allotted. We also reproduce an editorial Dry Creek, and furthermore there the readers posted on California when we learned that the Prof, is the son-in-law of our venerable old from the Albany Herald, which was organized what was known as matters. Success to Bro. F. saint Bro. Geo. Kincaid. Another expresses our sentiments on Insti a Missionary Society, and Bro. Bro. I land will hold a meeting at son-in-law of Bro. K., Pres. A. P. tute work exactly, and of which Pendegast and Bro. Burnett were sent,out soon after as State Mis- Meridian, in Sutter county. We Aten, of Lampassass College, Texas, we ask a careful perusal. sionaries. Very , soon a General have been interested in that point was a class-mate of self apd wife in OUR DISTRICT INSTITUTE — ITS cnitegc:—Bestdcs'■wc'weru'cofabur- ‘llifjalönar Tr§~f5T" seveFaT^^ Bro. Burnett was elected as presi The teachers’ institute for the timacy jjoes back to when all four third jucffcial district will be held in dent of the society, a&d Bro. Hal The District Meeting for the lam was the agent in the field Santa Clara Valley has been post-_ were in college together. Prof. this city April 1, 2, 3 and 4, during The samVyear?Further poned till in May. A suitable Rattan is the author of a small According to section 5 of the. work on thè California Flora. more, during the time of this mis place to hold the meeting could not Oregon school law, this is made a sionary work, a long written con be secured till several weeks later From here he went to a canyon duty incumbent _on the s.fate supt,’ with his flower case on his back to of public instruction. troversy ensued touching the power than was first announced. gather posies. We certainly will ........ to'establish such a society, there ... ..Thc.jQ.bj.ect. of. .nur.„legÌ81ature. in.... avail nursel ves oF Ins soTicitaHons .... ’’__ being. some.. of our.. gobi. brethren.. Five ConT^ssipn aT'Cdlusa7”uhder establishing institute work was to to bring family and enjoy the who ¡thought it out of the jurisdic Bro. Blake’s labor. Bro. Blake, we advance the educational standing of tion of the church to send out mis- bid you welcome and God speed associations of himself and family our teachers, and, through them, K sionaries. The result of the dis in your new field. It is like home on California street. the public schools of the state. - It cussion was that all concluded the to us. Hope you will have as many was thought that the teachers need Heart service is the only kind of church was simply doing her duty warm friends as we feel like we ed more thorough preparation in. Service that is acceptable with in thus sending out evangelists to have among the Colusa county their work, and that * the institute,, -build up the waste places and open brethren. We shall look on with God. We may work for others acting in conjunction with the state new fields, so that at diffe’r^nt pleasure and greatly Rejoice as you only with our hands, and receive teachers’ association, would affords times there were several mission move on the fortress of the enemy. our wages in due season, but if we them the means of making this do God’s work we must work with aries in the field. These events Storm the Fort preparation. This, then, thqy were the heart or- there is no recom occurred about ten years before we expected to do, and to take advan- pense for us, we shall be counted as 'Bro. Tandy will soon begin a oame to California, hence the reason of this valuable and practical means for not being acquainted with Greeting at Maxwell, in Colusa Co. unprofitable servants, unworthy of for self improvement, becomes the them. Many thanks for the item We have had a great désire fur our hire. We serve a Master who duty of every live teacher. This is looketh upon the heart;” who of correction, for it is certainly due years to see the work begin there. Uy no means a new method, for the our old pioneers in the gospel that Have often consulted with others knows the secret motives and pur advancement of the teachers’ pro in reference to the work, but a way poses, and all' mere outward show the facts be fairly stated. fession, neither did it originate in could not be opened till now. We of zeal and devotion are n ockery Oregon, but fur many years it has have éome good brethren there who in his sight,- Heart work is true Grabbed Golden Grains. been used as one of the most potent work—the noblest, highest and best will stand to the front, we trust» One addition at Santa Rosa. of educational factors in the New and soon the cause of primitive service which man can give, and Bro. McHatton goes to Yuba Christianity can be firmly estab the only kind that will ensure an England states, the Middle states heavenly and eternal reward.— Ex. and the Western states, and wo City., lished. note here the gratifying results of Interesting meeting at Sacra- There,, is an ostentatious liberali their establishment in most of the Bro. Thos. Porter has been em mento. , ployed to labor for the church at ty which scatters bounty, but con Southern states where they have He has also bought fers no benefits, and buys flattery, been well attended and have un One confession at Williams, under Oakland. property in Oakland, the Brooklyn but not friendship.— Drt Johnson^. doubtedly produced good resulhv- — ßro. Blake’s labors. » ■» « í. • . . * . ». ■ *- * «Kt •..*>.«> Mi ws • * ■■’5" * a . ■r.-.-tyr A - ■ '■ ■ ‘ ' - *