Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, April 04, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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meeting, Acts 20: 4, (and that was
a night meeting, corresponding to
our Saturday nigh^fls some proof
of the perpetuity of the Sabbath.
But there are many other facts
that prove that the Sabbath is still
binding. The seventh day was,
made a Sabbath in the garden of
Eden. Gen. 2; 1^3. Jesus says
that it was made for man. Mark
to abolish or destroy ? if so let us
read it so. “ Think not that I am
come'to destroy the law or the
prophets ; I am not come to destroy
but to (abolish).” , Matt. 5: 17.
The Savior said that he came to
.magnify the law) and make it
honorable. Isa. 42: 21. Strange
way to make a law honorableI
Read again, “ For thus it..becometh
tion. Ex. 20 >11; 31: 17» ”
It is
not a Jewish institution. It was
made twenty three hundred years
before there was a Jew. The Lord
instructed his apostles that the
ness.” Matt.. 3: 15. Again, <rTF
ye fulfill (abolish) the royal law,
thou «halt love thy neighbor as
thyself,” tec. James 2 : 8. Agairj^
“ Love is the fulfilling (abolishing)
of the law.” ifom. 13 : 10. Singu-
abolish or destroy"
a law !' But there is a law that
was abolished at the cross. Eph.
2: 15 : but not the one that was
l -
> that refers wholly to the Christian’
dispensation. See Isa. 56. The
Sabbath iVh sign oT the fiu6 God,
by which we are to know him from
false gods. Eze. 20: 20. The
H erald .says that „thepublic
ministry of the Savior was under
the law of Moses, and then quotes
a part of the Savior’s words in
come to destroy the law but to ful-
fill;” hence he says it was proper
custom of those under the law;
yet he says he lef^iio opportunity
pass to point out the more perfect
'way, and f-hat he never during all
to the Jews that the Sabbath was
to be continued. I now ask if the
first day \vas to take the place of
the Sabbath, and the Lord let no
opportunity pass to teach the more
■ SKerfect way, why did he not once
tell them so where is the record of
it, and why where they, keeping
the Sablfaih 30 years after the
Resurrection ? It was not necessary
for th^j Savior to tell them that the
Sabbath^was to be continued. They
were zealously keeping the Sab­
bath, the-only day that was ever
»blessed, sanctified or set apqirt for a
holy use ; they knew no oMier day;
¿nd if another day had beep m
tioned there would have beeplbi/ter
contention; but there was one.
The H erald quotes the Savior’s
words where he says he came not
to destroy the law but to fulfill;
then he says pi Paul’s time the law
had been fulfilled and abolished at
the death of Christ. I now ask if
the law was abolished, would it not
IJBe destroyed ? and if so, would 'it
not be making the Savior out a
■ , ,
- garded forty years after his resur > ­
rection. Matt. 24: 20. God has
promised a blessing on all the
Gentiles who ^cvitl keep it. Isa.
it; Christ never blessed it; it has
never been sanctified; no law was
ever given to enforce the keeping
of it, and wl ere no law is there is
no transgression. Rom. 4: 15; 5;
13. No penalty is provided for its
violation; no blessing "is promised
for its observance; it is never called
a fest day ; it is only mentioned
eight times in the New Testament,
while Abe Sabbath >is mentioned
he yielded ; they lost their blessed
"slSte’/ahd ever since inflfFfracs"arfo- •
gated to himself the right Of do­
minion. He prefers to manage
affairs “ alone ” (God said it was not
good for him to be alone) without
the assistance of the “help” God
provided , for him. But this state t
of things was brought about by the
devil, it was his work.» Now we
read in the Bible • that “ for this
purpose was the Son of God mani-
New Testament we have a record
of only one religious meeting held
on it, and that was a night meet­
ing. It was not IhciiL-Custom to
meet on that day. The Bible no
works of the devil.” So we who
believe in the Bibbie and in our
right to*vote, confidently expect
that the men will yet see their mis­
take and rectify the error. There
the week commemorates the resur­ will be made straight in the “good
rection. Baptism commemorates time coming,” and that is - one of
the burial and resurrection of them. I think Mrs. G. is in error
in supposing that women think
“ they are more càpàJjlé óF manag­
Dayton, W. T.
not the one that is spiritual, Rom.
7: 14; not the one-that was en- Woman’s Rights—Reply to ing or ruling than men are ;” but
they do think they are equally
graven on stone, Deut. 4; 13 p- - lot “ ~
capable. Tfour “ rulersna­
the one that contains the whole
Mrs.* Gillam says> “ If every ture’s law-makers, &c., were Chris­
duty of man, Ec. 12 : 13 : not the
one by which the World will be Christian woman would take the tian men, and took the “ Bible for
judged, Janies 2 : 12. Then again Bible for her guide', ami study it as their guide,” there wculd be less
the H erald quotes 1 Cor. 9: she ought, jähe gcrtainly could see reason for woman’s having a share
19-23, to prove that the reason that voting' is-not part of her duty.’ in the “ dominion;” but we all
(U to-de. know that any low-, vile debauchee
the synagogues on the Sabbath was without trying to take man’s work ' ^wTi6“Ts ’21“*~yWg "Of"age
and many of our “ rulers ” are men
to gain some and to teach them the away from him.
Now I believe I am a “ Christian of notoriously bad characters, and
more perfect way, and to teach,
them, tye says, as we would the Woman/’ I take th© “ Bible for my yet Christian women must be
Seventh Day Adventists, by going guide.” I have studied it to some governed by them.
into their church on the seventh extent, but fail to find any reason
There are other points in Mrs..
day, in order to gain some from the there why I shoiild not vote, and 1 G.’s argument equally untenable,
.. work .but I will only mention one,, and
t»T0r»-ei their-
teach them to observe the first day away from him;” but cannot* find that is “if Christian women go to
as did the apostles and primitive any reason in the Bible why man the polls they will be placed more
Christians, instead of the Jewish should vote and woman should not. on equality with the lower class
Sabbath. Now I admit that the I know the Bible says something and be treated more like men.”
H erald tries hard to* con vince us about subjection, but admitting Does she think that she would be
that the first day should be ob­ that woman should obey her . hus­ contaminated by going to the polls
served instead of the seventh ; but band", suppose he gives her the and dropping in her ballot. She
where is the record that, the privilege of voting, then I think surely is not so weak as that, and
apostles ever did so. Why did the she might vote, and I don’t^find if she is not, perhaps other women
Gentiles, Acts 13: 43, call it (the that any man has any authority to may not be, and as to being treated
seventh day) the Sabbath, if Paul forbid any woman but his own like men, I have always noticed
had taught them to observe the wife from voting. Some men are that men who behave as gentlemen
first day, and why did not Paul willing that their wives • should ■ are treated as such by other gentle­
preach on the first , day, when he vote, but still these wives are pre­ men, and we know that gentlemen
preached to them at the river side, vented from so doing by other men will neither mistreat a lady or
and also at Corinth, where he left —men who have no authority over allow any one else to, either at the
the synagogue, and went into the them. Then there are plenty of polls or anywhere else. A man' is
house of one Justus, where he women who have no husbands to very low indeed who will mistreat
preached every Sabbath for a year obey. Who has any authority over a lady; such men are hardly fit to
and six months. The book of them in the matter.
have a voice in government.
Acts alone gives a record of eighty-
Now, if Mrs. G. will inform?her-
four ¡meetings on the Sabbath. and saw that it was not good for self as to the actual , results of
(See Acts 13: 14-44; 16: 13; 17: man to be alone, then he made a woman suffrage in those places
2; 18: 4-11,) against one on the help-meet, or suitable for him, then where it already^exists, she will not
he gave them, not him, dominion. be at all frightened at what now.
first day, Acts 20 : 5-12.
I will now give a few facts con- The devil appeared upon the scene sbems such a fearful bugbear.
cerningsXthe first day. God calls it and tempted the woman, she yield-
M rs . S. A. M c K une .
17, 1884.
a working day. Eze. 46 : 1. <