* « CHRISTIAN HJERJAKD 2 • \ 4 _____________ ■. _ • , _ __________ X. T to r uto r t1 2 3 4, Y e s, of 4 ho Holy and that, according to the Scrip- tures, {here are some things in the you do not believe in prohibition, are not included 0 in this. churches that men are commanded and in getting rid of the saloons, Another brother asks: to do which are forbidden of the whereas brains would lead to quite women, some one is ready to' ask, a different conclusion. If he writes - “1. Has one Elder the right to Would you have the majority of on the operation of the Holy Spirit nominate a brother for the office of the church do nothing /simply be in conversion and contends that the Elder who has lately enlisted inthe cause they are wWn ? or, What Spirit operates on the sinner th rough cause and who can neither read nor would you have us sisters do ? the truth, some one who fails to put write and then assist in voting for - whereas a good supply of brains his brains to a good use will write, him by a rising vote when- there put to a proper use would enable Stop my paper, you utterly ignore are members present to object to voting in that way ? i that ■.■tham .^.litar, e™oHTce~of 'X“““ 2. Can aman : whatever else the passage may in has neither said nor implied any in the Holy Spirit. Or if he thinks clude. “ For as we have many mem such nonsense. If he thinks that that baptism, along with faith and Deacon.Scripturally who basa wife bers in one body and all members the women should not be preach repentance, is for the remission of who is a member of the Methodist have not the same office; so we, be ers, evangelists or the public teach past sins, some one will cry, Bap or Baptist Church, and who will ing many, are one body in Christ, ers of the churches, and refers to tismal regeneration ; water salva- not give up her Creed and take the tion, whereas a healthy exercise of Bible for her guide ? , tUp, , l a ugtiage, .id.,. other,” says Paul. But how could dares that the woman shall keep the brain would ¿erve as a splendid they all bo one without being sub silence in the churches, quick comes antidote to guide his nerves. For Elder or Deacon whose wife in ject to the same will ? The differ- the clinching argument, Then you the Lord’s sake, let us have a better Scripture language is barren ? 4. What is best for the church !S, ent members of the physical body will not allq^H^e sisters to sing, use of that commodity known as « m * 4o**lo whe»4Wfad'to dis» are all perfectly united in perform nor to speak a word in social inert charge their duty in instructing ing their respective offices. But ing, nor offer a prayer under any each member is subject to the will. circumstances, whereas brainswould QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS the members; for example, in not meeting except when some preach- _ Hence as all the members anT su E h " suggest that 1ocither’ tfrrrrksr nor- ——- Bro. Win-. H. Karr, of Clackamas, ing brother comes, and in neglect ject to the same will, they all work-* says anj- such thing. If the editor in together as one body. In '■'St, does not approve all the human Oregon, writes : “ Will you please ing to inquire what is the reason a ---- manner should all -themembersof -qdwns- of missionary work that answer through the C hristian part of the members will not par Christ’s body be subject to him and oveisenthusiastic brethren may H erald the foffowing questions : take of the emblems when theydo to God. Then, and then only, can suggest, or is not in full sympathy 1. It seetas to me that in Luke 12 : attend meeting ?” ANSWER. we look for peace and love and with every clap-trap devise for 47, 48, that all wicked will not be harmony to prevai I hi Tfie^UnureTi' . Hïïâ’'W;h’ in other places is seems that they of Christ. The practical question poses which may be invented by not be voted on by a rising vote _____ of the day is not so much w'hat the some one possessing more zeal than are to be punished all alike. 2. nor in any other way. A Bishop 7-btii -■¿ru*- kmowh^e and^ Jto. express What is meant by one baptism rps..jiQt to«be_..a “novice” or new___ PSn 4T’5 T Christian men and women, be sub his disapproval of such ' means, convert. Another qualification is What is the baptism here spoken ject to what we know to be the will swift comes the. foolish answer, “apt to teach.” One who- can l»> of ? You do not believe in cooperation, q/ 'theLordJ^______ ____ __ ■- neither read nor write would not ANSWER. are not willing to obey the cornmis- be very apt to.teach. Better have " rrmd yTmrpnprr no. officers at all than to-have then* ary, whereas plenty of brains wisely future punishment, in the other in name only. ■ We had always thought that world is one about which com 2. The Bible is silent on this brains were intended to serve a used .would see thàt there is no special and noble purpose; but necessary connection between the mentators are not agreed. The question, inasmuch as there were from the use some people make of two ideas. If the editor is not will allusion of the Savior in this no Methodist or Baptist Churches them it would be a somewhat diffi ing to sign all the silly petitions passage is to the custom of the in the days of the Apostles of cult matter to determine the rela presented, or declines to join the Jews in inflicting stripes for offen which the Deacons’ wives^ could be tion they sustain to pure .reason, temperance societies or to take all ,ces. Forty stripes was the highest members. Wo think it possible granting that they have any the pledges offered and.-has reason number afflicted for any offence; that such a brother could make a special purpose at all. Every editor for condeming some of the unfair, and for smaller offences only four, good Deaconbut a brother whose or other writer or speaker who has unmanly and even dishonest meth five and six. Hence, it is possible wife is a member of the Church of to do directly with the testing of ods employed in the temperance that the passage does not refer to Christ, other things being equal, is people’s brain power will bear wit work, a lack of brains properly the final punishment of the wicked much preferred. 3. We think so, if he is Scriptur ness to what we say. But how used will lead some one to say, O at all, but means simply that those yes, you are a whiskey man any who are blessed with many privil- ally qualified otherwise. Still one ever well brains may serve one ages arid apportunities are expected who has children and rules them during the ordinary course of life, way. If some one comes along and puts to do more for the cause of Christ well, other things being equal, is we would recommend that some - people lay up a surplus for extra a petition, asking the legislature to while living than those whose op better. 4. If church officers will not do ordinary occasions. This might grant the people a hearing on a portunities for doinggood are not so great. If however there are de their plain Scripture duty, the save them much labor and expe’nse prohibition amendment to the State in writing, and a good deal of un constitution, into the hands^of the grees of punishment in the other church should ask them to resign, necessary talk and vexation of town and offetÿ. them a premium on world, it can not be in duration, for and then eloct officers who will spirit; and also enable them to see the most signatures in agivenlength the Bible clearly teaches that the look after the interests of /he things in their true light, and not of time, and the petition goes forth punishment of all the wicked will church. The office of Elder or Deacon is the gift of the church ; misrepresent the views of those with the names of babies signed to, be eternal. 2. The one baptism means the and as she has power to give she from whom they may chance to it by the children and parents, and ■ differ. For example, if an editor some one refuses to put his name to one immersion of the one l^fly, also has the power to take away. thinks that women are not on an such a paper and dares to suggest •the Church, which Christ ordained These matters should all be settled The bap- however: in—bfothedy love «nd in.. equality with men in every fesjgecli the ünmahliriöss "öf such a course, ITT well. They all worked with the same end in view and all worked .* together, because they all obeyed the same King and were subject to the same law. Furthermore, there is no tael made more prominent in the New Testament than the one that all Christians are to be one. Christ prayed that they might be one as he and his Father were one, namely, < ■A rJ’ÆKE&w c?5teWMtni -------------i.-------------------------------------------------- _________________ ___________ ___ 4 * ___ _____________ ■ < ♦ * * 'jW'> .■ ■*..& n t^i. ___ ________ ______