e rntfTgmT A >T TTTHTh AT. T) . ’. , Infidelity, reproves nothing that is bad. It only ridicules and de nouncer all that is good. It -tears down—it never constructs^ it de stroys—it nevei imparts life ; it attacks religion, ut offers no ade- quate substitute !.’■—»Z. I?. Pa.r.ton. I am thankful for having en joyed ¿he privileges of labor and intiuejjee; thankful1 for wife and children ; thankful for all my suc cess. I have intentionally wronged no man, and, if I know my heai^. I have forgiven all my enemies, For the great hereafter, I trust in Physicians Prescribe in Epilepsy.. the infinite love, as it is expressed “ I prescribe it in my practice,” is the to me in th expression used by Dr. J. avior Jesus Christ.— J. . imari- tan Nervine, and further along.says: G. Holland. Í “ It cures epileptic fits.’». The Bilious, Intimacy between father an<J son dyspeptic or constipated, should ad1- dress, wit'i two stamps -for'pamphlet, is difficult. Happy, thrice happy, Wor 1 d’s Dispensary Me<jjcpl is the son who has shared it, a;U- wise abnvs^inerTTKe^ father who se Little Bertha, three years old, cured it.— 'Philadelphia Press. was spending the afternoon with her aunties, who wanted her to stay Who has not seen' the fair, fresh young girl transformed in a few month h for tea, but Bertha said her mamma would “ stold.” “ Oh, no,” auntie into the pale, haggard, dispirited wo said, “ maxima won’t scold; she man ? The spackling eyes are dimmed, isn’t dangerouA.” Bertha replied, And the ringing langh heard no more. “ Oo des ought to be spanked wif •* .Too often the causes are disorders of her once.” the system which Dr. Pierces" Favorite Prescription ” would remedy in a short The mind depends for its health very time, liemember, that the “ Favorite largely on bodily conditions. The Prescription ” will unfailingly cure all gloomy fears, the desponding views, the “Female weaknesses,” and restore weariness of soul that many complain of, health and beauty.*,« By all druggis s. would often disappear were the blood Send three stamps for Dr. Pierce’s trea made pure Ayer’s ^arg^pajUU^gifl»g= tise on Diseases on U li Wo ■ l . nil ) ~m 1 TtriilKTiiFTn'o illnoil ; and thus con- Medical Association, duces, to health of body and sauity of Buffalo, N. Y. mind. ,, .iqWVOS1' FOR SUNDAY-SCITOOLS. By J. II. FILLMORE. Grateful Praise L purely a Sunday-school music book—not a gospel-meeting book. Everything in it is fresh and bright. Children will enjoy it. Its quality is first-class and not of a difficult grade. Examine it, and find your ideal. ‘ Sample copy mailed for 25 cts. Price, per dot. by express, $3.G0; per doz. by mail, $4. Address FILLMORE BROS., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, O. i 2 • . NOTES EXPLANATORY . * * —ON THE ______ __ y INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS. ♦ ' *• This volume of comments and suggestions upon the Sunday School -I ‘ ----- - - - . „ E. W. Hqfrndon, the editor of the Christian express what is needed whose newest words. Jhe Scripture readings are given in both the com mon version and the Revision in parallel columns, so that a glance will show the difference. The history of each lesson is concisely presented; the Lesson^NuteiTare clear, plain, pointed, and free from useless verbiage and and teacher in ■ • speculation, 1!» "V* . the 1.1 Application z» . 1 at the • 1 close T . will ? 1 1 1 help r» the 1.1* pronouncing dictionary adds much to its value. The volume contains about two hupidred broad pages, giving about four pages to each lesson. It is printed on clear, bold type, and sub-, stantially bound. Though a costly book, in order to place it in the ; hands of every teacher1 in evciy school--X^-plAee-=U fatUg^^nEfi^ sueh a vtdinne has ever been sold. Price, Single Copy, Post-paid, 60 cents. ; Where one dozen are ordered, or one ordered for every teacher in the school, whether more or less than a dozen-, the price will be 50 cents. Where as many as twenty are ordered at 50 centa each, an extra ftopy will be given. Address, CHRISTIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, ST. LOUIS, PIANO" C^. CRAND OFFER FOR T^E NEXT 60 DAY8 ONLY. $854 Square Grand Piano for only $245.__ _______ — qj - Magnificent' rosewood' case, elegantly finished, 3 strings, ¿J., J 1-3 Octaves, Jull patent oantante agraffes, our new patent ¿ overstrung scale, beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavy serpentine and large fancy moulding, full iron frame, French Grand Action, Grand Hammers, in fact, every improvement which can in any way tend to the perfection of the instrument, has boon added. - ' ■ . 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Catalogue of 3,000 choice pieces of popular Music sent for 3c stamp. * 13-40-1 y sMKNDKLSSOHM PIANO CO., P. O. Box «038, New York City. T)T A KTQ -p I V Qfpyx-T». 01 X Ii i ~ i Order now, or preservo this; it may-uot appear again.} Treatment For UH AMERICAN LEVER WATCH ! TARRH BARNES’ After month, cllabcr ar. I exp rltnc-.t, wo hrtvo at l.at broneht to nerfec- tlon A NEW WATCH. H I» u Key Win,lliIK Mute It with lift Patent Foot and SteamPowet CdlouratoU Aiirlior Lever .Movement, Kxpun.iun Balance, Fully Jeweled Machinery. Complete outfits . , They aro made of the bool material, and In tim very b—i mnnner bo c.s to for Actual Work-shop Busi lii.uiugood timo-keeplug qnaUties. Tho tasej ore niada <>I our Celebrated ness. Lathes for Wood or metal known aa Alunilt«::'! <.old. This mel.ilhas k sufficient amount of Metal. Circular Saws, Scroll ftoiuin tliecunipcwlUun to givo tlw watch n Keiinlso gold npnenrn »ice. Saws, Formers, Mortisers.Te- lmieed it cannot be toldfrom» genuine Gold V’aicli exceot by the best noners,etc.,etc. Machines on judges. Tbcy are finely engraved or engine turned and aromaaslve and UlpRuc and Price I.ist Free., bticrgai d very handsome making ltpi.t the watch for Railroad t JOHN BARKEN, tn.ii, UcchauVe, and ali laboring nun who require a irooil No. 117 Ruby Street, Rockford, I1L •troiiK watch n:i<L»n accurato timekeeper. For tmJ- Um and speculatici purposea, iti» superiori» any watch ever be foi« offered. They can bos. Id readily for tl.'. and each, A\ '■ aad traded so & b to double those amounts. Farmers aa well as Agents can nandlo thesow tchesto advaiitago, as they can be readily exchanged forstock or poods. We send tiie wateh free by registered inali, on receipt <1X. IM*-*-* £_ -____ " WowIllse idlJU-.O. I>.«»n rrratpfi.rSl .OO on account: ■—tfwmtahcb can be paid at the express office. We also j iinvovory fin > Aluminum Oold Chains at S 1.00 each. S Kcautlful Modallion Charms 5Q conta. We havo hun dreds of testimonials but have room for only a few. ■W orld MAN’r'C Co. Menlo Park, Cal. Jan. S, 1J94. Cent*:—Tliet8.W<1nniliiuin Gold Watch gives pence* satisfaction. I enc'-oe^ 130.00for» moro watches balance to bo C. O. D. Solid at once. Respectfully Henry Braithwalt. All of the bent, both new and old. Plants, Trees, Vines, Seeds, .Vc., by mail, a specialty. Saf »arrival 60 choiaa,cheap, S 1 Sets, for example; ffuaraniwd. 12 rosess :$ i W orld M ar ' v ’ c Co. Guunirrn, Col. Jan. 1«, IBM. g|ric_ gome months ago I purchased one of your GO Now American Lover Watches and I sold If for *45.00. Please send tnuauotbor. Eucloee4 dud cash, Yours,- H. J. ttrceil. ci m money right away than anything else in the world. All, of either sex. succeed from first, hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, T buk & Co., Augusta, Maine. 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Write for circulars, testimonials, etc., KKT. T. P. CHILDH, Troy, Ohio. TJTJT^l? 8o”d »A cent« for postage, ■L XVA J and receive flee, a costly . A box ol goods which will help you to more I: ss-NEW-w. »=8-CH0ICE-to« SEEDSilFRUITS! And Diseases of the HEAD. THROAT A LUNGS/ Ta it greatly reduced price, • .»fsrnd st. trip for opr New ¡^.JiI n «. 'tat’al oj^ ii ir^ 1 «81 ÎIT Aa<1 notara IÍ gl »IhTtM Cents “ ■ md you’ll neHw that »111 bring yon In ninra Ing «I m In Amene*. Abw .... . ....... fi