* A FEW PLAIN FACTS FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF ALL WHO ARE INTERESTED IN CON- ; GREGATIONAL SINGING. There are four questions of preeminent im portance in the selection of a hymn-book for the uso of a congregation : \ 1. I ts E xcellence .—This is first in impor tance, mnd can only be properly determined by those who are not only, skilled in music, but who make it their business -to drill congréga tions in music. We have tyro brethren »•no have been conspicuous in this work for years. □snzaannwœsTOt *JHE COLLEGE OF THE BIBLE, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. :o: — and anthems, to meet this want. An urgent— .. but very limited- demand arose for a large- print edition, for those of infirm sight. The demand waS_pjr«ftipt!y met, and now, although theyjhftVgtTie most perfect series ev«r offered to ’’tiie eoii^rcgntioiTs, thev have other editions in view, to meet special demands. This series of books is their pride, and a source of honorable, lifelong ambitKin, How diff&ranfe uber® theie is only a temporary an'd mercenary interest in the publication I 8. T he G enehal U m of ' vt B ock —It is a very important matter whether the book to be JOHNSON, LUNN & CO Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Salem and vicinity, that they are constantly receiving new goods consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes As old Christian Hymnal, aud ayd the trie author of a superior book of anthems, fias devoted himself to congregational music for the last ten years. Bro. J. H. H osecbans , author of many musical works of grqflijsopnlarity, has made congrega tional music Tils ¡specialty, and never fails to arouse great enthusiasm in its perfection where ■ ever he teaches. Bcrtli of these gentlemen pro nounce the “New Christian Hymn and Tune- Book" the best book for congregational use they .-tMymrwT W Hw. -hM .ftuwqniyasal a ndomswii i ut,. is confirmed by many other eminent teachers, but to add to such authority would be ueseless. This book is declared the most perfectly adapted to congregational singing that cun be procured anywhere. 2. T he S kill and E ntebpbise or thb P ub - ush .: i .- s .—The importance oi- this point, -too ■®fFFirwy^nniwdr*-tHi.-s seen on a momenta reflection. If the publishers are musicians, who aro alivo to all improvements in the publication of music ; who are in close communication with the teachers and writers of music ; and whose success depends solql.v on the name- they make for themselves as publishers,* it is evident that thfetvan; s of the people and the chinches will be ~ more fully mot than'where the publishers have but a side ixtere-t in music, and have no siich incentive to perfect, their work, especially where thev’do not own the plates and copyrights. The .pla’n proof of this is to be seen in the splendid series of plates which have been madoto adapt the “New Christian Hymn and 2 ane-Book” toftvry want of tin congregations. Before the book was a month oldrfhere was a demand for an edition for choirs and singing-schools. The publishers * instantly appreciated its importance, and have ■ is published on the theory that hymn-books are made for the chnrchos, not the churcheH for hymn-books, aud hence is pushed solely on its merits. The best of facilities will be given to every church to examine it before they purchase if application is made to the STANDARD PUBLISHING CO., 180 Elm street, Cincinnati, O.Jjj I sively to the preparation of young man for usefulness in the Church. It is not necessary that those who would attend it become preach ers, tlioagh most of its students do enter the ministry. . - It is required of those who would enter that they be sixteen years of age, professors, of re ligion, and have' at least a fair English educa tion. The College is conducted in close con nection with Kentucky University, and to all T!ie MASBW 'Uf l l ll»* ri! i ur frtu u U i i I l i hm lios access free of charge. In the. College of the Bible tuition is free, tUece are no fees, except one of $5 for the janitor, ooa), etc. Good board anil lodging can be hnd in pri vate families at from $3 to $5 per week. Those who board in the College dorruity paj $10 per year for their room and from - $1.50 to $1.75 per week lor boarft.~~T Tho i' hpis I fui Wish Hull u a u rooms and provido their own lights, washing, fuel. etc. To these the whole expense need not exceed $125 per annum. Thoso seeking a good education at little cost, and specially those preparing for the ministry, would do- well to apply fur Catalogue and further information to :o: A FUUL LINE OF FURNISHING GOODS AND STAPLE? GROCERIES Which they are prepared to sell e Very Lowest Rates! :o:— ■ .. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in —. ... y for Gomla. _ —:o;— Yow are cordially invited to call and examino goods and prices. JOHNSON LUNN & CO. R. GRAHAM, President. Cor. Griswold’s Block, Commercial Street, Salem. pi 18-41-ly THE’ CHRISTIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW. Agents for The Christian Herald. The following persons are agents for T h « C hristian H erald , and are authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscriptions. If no agent is (convenient, remit the amount direct to the oftico by roistered letter or postal order on Monmouth}— OBEOOM. -J .....Henry C. Porter J. W. Propst A. 8. Powell Albany Elizabeth J. Barker Amity......................... • •• ........... E. C. Williams Brownsville.. ✓.................. .......D. H. Putman . . .........Miss E. Davis Bellevue. ..................J. T. Gilfry Cresswell Aumsville I '• 9 Corvallis........ .................. 8.-B. Knox Cottage Grove ......... Jas. Caldwell ’ Carlton.............................. .............. _ S.I.Gerking Orrville......................................... j l&. ’Ä'j’8 ( N. Garwood • ••••• Dallas.... • ’ ]G. W. Crystal Damascus..* .. .D. II. Deardcrff ........... Jas. Harlan , Drain’s Station.., ... P. P. Underwood Dufur............... MS:111 • •• Eugene... .......... • .......Charles Smith Elkton............. . Mrs. Belle P. Walker Forest Grove.’.... ............. C. M. Ely Helix................. . .... IT. Davidson Halsey................... ....... W. H. Rucker. Hillsboro........-. . ......... J. L. Wigle Harrisburg........... ..«Wx L. Ilodgen 5 1 IIl.TCJ^"xxx.lU** Irving.................... .Martin Peterson Jacksonville............... . ...J. A. Bushnell Junction........... ...W. D. Fenton • ••••• Lafayette....... . ........ T. A. Lewis Lewisville...... .... .J. M. Craton Kings Valley.. , ........J. H. Hawley McCoy............... • * • • ,...F. M. Gabbert Myrtle Creek... ......... J. W. Cwls McMinnville.... ..Mrs. J. F..Berry Milton .... f.. ............. E. Ground - Mt. rieasant ... Now Pine Creek. ...... . .Joseph ltebinett North Yamhill....................... . . .C. V. Kuykendall ........J. P. Frizzell Perrydale.... .1............. .. ( F. Hannah, Jr Pendleton................. . ‘ ( N. J. Gerking Philomath................................... ......... Drury Davis ............. Wm. Rust ..A. F. Cam; >11 à . Roseburg.. ............D. Houck • Tangent... . .T. B. Davidson K iwwn to M en of F ame and S cience ron R emoviho Shedd........ ..Mrs. 8. Giltner HE CHRISTIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW St. Helens ....... T. C. Darby has completed its first volume, and on tho Stay ton.... ... ; .John Shore —J first day of January, 1883, the first No.frf Ytd. •••■•••••««•• Seto. .. . H. A. Johnson J II will be issued? It is the purpose of its Salem..... CQNSTiPATiON.Z-,-“. i’ .T. N Faulconer M Editor to keep it up to the highest standard of Sheridan . nVQPi“fJCJ?* known by irrcgnltir nppe- >• • ................ ........... Wm. Scott UI Dr gonr belching, weight excellence. It will be issued in January, April, Wheatland. G. W. Hardwick ■ J illy and October ; will be printed on fine book West Chdlialcm........... . and tendernes- at pi^or stomach,th bjaviuency. I I VR Co"»FlsiM» Hfljpwaes«. M.olanih Chills »nd .......... O. Mosier ■ paper, and each No. will contain 160 pages of Weston....................... .. I-1 IT t».>» ptV'.r, cr.Cv r k and side original matter from our best writers, and Re WASHINGTON TEBBITOBT............................. ■ also bottom «>f rib--; '.'vrrlnu:», irritability, views. -1 would be glad to receive the names of Alberton . . ............... Mrs. D. V. Alvey ¡sible^so as to determ- as ’li'lUi\i - u ir W- iii -V- — •-.lit—....Sh**^*'1 |,f, »«•<! MW HUfTIJ .A lotiA ,AX', H • , Christian Hymn and Tune Book," since its in - - ’ ‘ ........8. C. Harris Brush Trairie Price $2.00 per year, in advance. Fifty cents ‘ APIIP! PW s:p>ici>»y.PariilyMs,dini troduction last August, has been—in the teeth . :. .E. A. LaDow r.i ui i. j .i|t, round tneor? giddiness, foj a singlo number. Address all communica (lodar Creek.. pf an opposition acknowledged by its most Wm. Huntington Castle Bock. .. contusion in hcrwl.nuvc u-ncs-, flashes oi light tions to the Editor. frantic enemies to have been almost’unanimous ........J. M. Baker before »ven, lone of 1-exvry. l>i»cn*e« of Bladder and Coin ............. D e . E. W. H erndon , on the part of the press—fifty per cent, greater ..... A. J. Gr*en kmW:-VQ ur’nu dark or light, re1 deposit; Clenton. —. • Columbia, Boone Co., Missouri. rxtui.u i bunrin • stinging,hem>"gdown than that of the book which these papers all ad ... .W. T. Barnes T he C hbirtian Q uarterly R eview will be Dixie............... sonratiuus. frequent dc-.ite to urinate, uneasiness, vocated. This fact, in favor of a book pushed" ... ,R. L. Dashiel Dayton........... inflamed eyes, dirk cird ■<. thirst. I>i<sea cf furnished with tke C hristian H erald for $3.60 solely on its merits, tells the whole story. A . ..Mrs. E. Himes * Elma.............. MPART ’--vere p err,1 K;..Kring or sc d.t near por year for both papers. ... 12 45 6m. book that outsells another of acknowledged Fl f-rl fl I , heart, ur.ro so oil moving qu okly acd F.M. Davis I Farmington.. merit by fifty per cent, when almost the entire when lying on '.oft aide; out oE ' r#iph on exertion. . H. W. Murphy Golden dale... press is combined in strenuous support of the Mf-”ARAPM!• -1 ®r sharp tains iu temples, ' ........ P. E. Fisher Lone Pine.... ft U.rfltJr-sU.11 u.? ey», or hoad; uiutuees, nauifea. x book outsold, is a book that it will do to adopt. .W. H. McClure Lincoln...... I.rojM.v is «an»ed Ky watory fluid. KlltCMmaY*' Within sisimonths, from Cincinnati alone we .. J. H. McClure New Tacoma. . tiuua, «ike., ly uric « -d in flood. Rnv/*1 | Editor.. supplied more than 350churchos, not to men Viorm.« bx t'i ovdir» by corrupt mAU YUr.rL___ ' • j < - ts ... .James Butler Pine City....... G. VVoRTn Y ancey , J within. bv chaking cf the LTCtior.8 tion the large number supplied from Rt. Louis' ........... F. L. Bell Palouse........... Tintlo Retina. reuiwves NWAYHiMî W I»âï/IL«, by gai — ....... ... and other cities. It is In use in more than 100 ........... Dr. Clias. Spinning EDITORIAL EDITORS. Puyallup ........ th« cause, making s permansnt or.ro. Sect by nail fot congregations in Ohio; in more than 75 in In ,. Ranson Long i’5 cents Ixft of k ) Fills : 5 toxi*«. J1.0I). (In Pomeroy........ diana: in Illinois more than 40 congregations C. L. Loos, K obt . G raham rtani,« ) A'IJn-M, 15«. »XVA'ÏXK a AONÍ. . .James Butler Pine City . • • PLilakfelpbla. iPa. Sold by Dmggist». have been supplied from Cincinnati, and many J. W. M c G abtei , I. B. G rubbs . W. A. Sanders Spangio ......... more from St. Loui ’, while numerous orders ....... 8. Bonney Sumner.......... have been shipped to every State. 30,000copies mills IS A LARGE EIGHT-PACE WEEKLY Seattle.-.......... ..J. W. Osborn are ill use, in more than Job churches. So far L devoted to the advocacy and defence of Vancouver.... ...8. C. Harris as rapid and general adoption is concerned, no Apostolic teaching and practice. “Ask for the Waitsburg. ............. W. P. Bruce ... book can equal it. Old-Paths, mid walk therein" is ita motto, its .'.'.'.'.’. Mrs. A. H. Reynolds 4. C heapness .—There is no book,, of similar practice and its teaching. Its matter is pure, Walla Walla.. CALIFOBNIA. excellence of make, that presumes to compete instanti? bale, fl esh aud sparkling. Its mako up is order nt i ur.inga» k < h » fu nn< w»tii with the prices of tha.“ Ifew Chrbriftn Hymn noe -th idé. No ¿utton# Ci4 hOOkS nfo i:«<L Over ly, neat, attractive and on excellent pupal-. A Washington Comers.................. Prof. J. Durham and Tune-Book.’’ Not to mention the fact that oOO dozen sold in London mono nio.ih W eranotfor specimen copy will satisfy all of the active, and Elmira... • J-M- 9’ *r by local dealer-, sample pahs sent by ma l, «ny the low price ■ at which other books can now be tale will coat you but tho lime and postal card wn Monticello.......................................... J- I'; »mittle siz<‘ or color, on n ce pt uf this pr c«. «i I ace Sb.vi 8 lace had is due solely to the low price of this. it is a 81.75, youwtiiictalre >3.00, Sap rlorquality ,M)c s cxtia which the request is made. Address tho Pub Naua City................................ Mrs. 8. E. Inman A. C. MATHER & CO. Chicago, III. fact that the only Looks that make, the slighted lishers. Seo “Our Principles," and “Our Haratogu................................... .»••••••a ■ * ____ ___ _ -.-y,-/,-» ■__ — ■ _ -........ . Sacramento______ ........Mrs. E. E. ^Tembr(>e Rules.” 5 per. cent, more hymns, are sold at mices iiom bUB TERMS” ----------- * ’SanTaTfcSaTTr ... ,G. OrBnrneyi 25 to 80 per cent. higher.. This bow-isT'then, Mrs/É.H .Lu se. IfEssex St Single Subscription, One Year, $2 00; Six San Francisco from 20 to 25 ]>er cent, cheaper than any other Minnie J. Borden San Luis Roy. • «••••• Months, $l 00 ; Three Months, 50 eta. book in the markbt. And this fact alono, whon . ...W. W. Smith Vacaville. .... CLUB BATES. we consider that some 5,000 or 6,( 03 churches Lewis Van Tashei^ Visalia.. .... , ...H. D. Connell / must be supplied with books, is an immense ar To any one sending a club of Five and $10 00 Watsonville.. gument innts favor. If no more than two dozen cash, an extra copy--. » . miscellaneous . books aro sold to each church, it makes a differ T he O ld -P ath G uide ($2 00) and Employment for Ladies. ... ,E. A. Chase Grangeville, I. T ................... ence of $12,00)! Tho demand for cheap books T he W ord and T he W ork (50 eta) $2 25. Thu Queen City Su-^Miivler Cnhip tny of Cin- Moscow, I. T...'..................... ... G. W. I’aslay is u*> tiil.mg matte?. This book has been pre- cinn iti are now Tnatiui.u.turin/and iittr<xiuein|? P acific Cnt iicH N kws ($1 0Q) $2 50. -U wa ;* -r-x-tir Mupjw r li i..r Latftgj and Four Mile»I. T. ... «. • JLiLS. . ,T. L. Childers pamlon'fTù> motto: enough for anyj T h « CsaiffiM H hhw ($2 00) $3 00. < anil their unt'iuaiv*! Nklrl Hwiyvi'rtrr« cheap enough for al’.” Sumac, Tenn ........... . ..... .... T.CF.RolTer A fori«"}«'*, and want reliable UdyjagenutQsell Address for rpecimens, in. every hoysehvihl. Our every We have thus sh< >wn that four of the most im Wicklow I’. O., Ont., Can... Deavcnport Caul C. C. C line «.t Co.* where meet v ith re tdy success and tinikf J win d- ,,..S. H. Hedrix portai t cunt ¡derations point to the “NewChris- General Publishers of Church and Sunday Fairfield, Iowa.......... bomc ‘ .ilarier*. Write at once for let ait Mfia sc- ........F. M. Rains it.i’c c-xclu‘iv4j ten itoiy. AdrtrCM Leavenworth, Kansas. s . tian Hymn and Tune-Book’’ as the Wook for gen School Supplies, 310 West Main St., Que. ii < ity • hiIwnidl, Ohio, ,.C. J. McKinney ■Parsons,'"K-irsaa ........... . eral adoption. A book that is pronounced the • • - Louisville, Ky. iysi J ms recon! Dietid those l}uppor.li.-Hi. ^¿10 .Eld. J. B. Royal Vermont, Illinois.......... heat by the mo -t competent judges : that has the 13-3-tf . promise of every possible improvement in the MENEELY & COMPLY- Ht'STACMB ANI» WH1SKK.RS. future; tliAt Jus lwl the widest and mast popu BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY, ..... lar flavor, in o ite of tl ! exertions of the B ph * of Pure Copper «no Tin for Cniirrni■.«, -J Will • f«'l press; and that, finally, is front 20 to 25 per chool«,Tire Alarms,Farms,etc. FULL. EF W»>toè*r» w4 <•« w*e*»- rarmably known to file public since \lFkf V.T. r »»4 «’.♦ wear Mary sad fevr. h**- WARRANTED. Catalogue sent Free. cent, cheaper than any other book whatever, is V “ ^Z „ .«..H <-»rr* IlWIt t li'vfch. (. impel,School, i u«-Alarm book that can bo adopted with all safety, (t VANDUZEM & TIFT, Cincinnati, O and other beds; uuo, Chiures aud i\ius. 1883. ALL IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. T i THE OLD-PATH GUIDE. t I