CHRISTI-AJSf HEPtiVLt). .ff'.- A' ' THE CHRISTIAN HERALD MODERN DANCING SUCCESSOR TO FISHEL & ROBERTS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY FROM Corser Firat and Alder Sta MONMOUTH, OREGON, THE LEADING Clothier, Merchant , Tailor and Hatter PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS1 INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. •OF OREGON, Disease« of women a specialty. • HE HERALD IS THE ONLY WEEKLY on the Pacific coast published by Disciples of Christ, and is of special interest to all who desire a paper devoted to pure, primitive Christianity, unmixod by human creeds or- traditions. As successor to the Pacific Chris tian Messenger it is in its Prescriptions filled at the office. ■1 f less money than any other house m the State. 12-12-tf _ ____________ “ singer .” MACHINES, THF STRONGEST, SIMPLEST, • AND MOST DURABLE 'Sewing Ma cEuie 'in ffia ffia t B ST. "B ifliTwi «any installments, or a liberal discount fur cash. The Ringer Manufacturing Co. WILLIS B. FRY, Manager, 94 Morrison St., Portland. 12-35-tf FROM T SCRIPTURAL POINT power presses and steam power, an abundance of good material for running such a paper. Tho H erald contains each week sixteen four-column pages, stitchod and trimmed, bo as to turn like the leaves of a. Look, with only a limited amount of advertising, and that of ‘the most-seloct kind. All. advertising not trust worthy is refused. As now published it is one of tho WITHOUT MEDICINE. A Valuable Discovery for supplying Magnetism to the Human System. Electricity and Magnetism utilized as never before for . Healing the Sick. TJIE MAGNETION APPLIANCE CO.’S KIDNEY BELT! FOR MEN IS WARRANTED TO CURE OB1 VIEW, • ■ .<l> ALBANY, r D etroit M ioh . - 10-3ni - fl*# OREGON. REVISED AND ENLARGED. « Of great interest and value to parents and teachers. Next comes the TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, MUNN A CO., of the S cientific A merican , con tinue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Cavent.% Trude Marks, Copyrights, for the United States, Canada« England, France, Germany, etc. Hand Book about Fafents sent free. Thirty-seven years’experience. Patents obtained throucli MUNN A CO. arc noticed FKEK to nil appTir-jnti tn tho S cientp - ic A merican , the largest, best, and .. .......................................................................................... r?y",r*fT*^THftW5€ly*WM4*IM'MHw'P®ipvF. u-...jf. 4 mm .«v about 1 "6 page*. »ns llhi'U-atiArt*, pKW. ffrr..r -w ” KW Week)*. Splendid engravings and interesting In description’-, arid valuable directions tor planting formation. Specimen copy of the Hclentlflc Amer Its varietiiw of Vegetable and Mower Seeds, ican sent free. Address MUNN fc CIL, SciENlinO Plants, Fruit Trees, etc. Invaluable to all, cape©: ■ally to Xarket Gardeners. Send for it ! I A mjfucan Office, 301 Broadway, New York, - Saved ?” • ' ‘ «■■■>' This is a tract o'f 3 J pages neatly FOUR DEPARTMENTS, Devoted to such matters as will make it indis printed and well bound in paper pensable in every Christian family. First covers, and has been highly com- comes the BPVÇAT îosal . obpahtmbst —,—mended - by tl.o press generally. PATENTS No. 110, F roman ’ s B lock , Author of “ What Must I do to be Every Dis-iplo on this coast should take it Every one in tbo East who desires to know all that takes place of general intereat on this coast. -------- .—_--------- ' It contains ---------------------------L----------------- & M c C artney ------ -4:,# v .. Bv T by our brethren. It is conducted by a strong editorial corps, assisted by tho contributions of the best writers among us on this coast. We feel safe in saying it is one of Co., 673 Washingion St., Boston, Mass. Hpnry McCartney. Damon Smith. smith It is divided into six chapters, as follows : PHYSECIAN and surgeon , » , - DALLAS, O11EGQÑ. OFFICE—Upstairs, grocery store. over Smith A Grant’s 14 9 tf TO PRESERVETHE HEALTH Use the Magneton Appliance Co.’s MAGNETIC l.UNG PROTECTOR I _ ..====j5¥WRniXXas==== usage of tVo t^rni. They are priceless to Ladies, Gentlemen tad Children with weuk Etmgs ; no case of Pneu monia or Croup is ever know« where these 2. __ ___ New1 Testament usage of the garments are worn. They h I bo prevent and "* » cure Heart liiffieulties, Golds. liiieuiuuUsm, term and Scriptural Inductions. Neuralgia, Throat. Troubles, Diphtheria, Cat arrh, and all Kindred Diseases. Will wear any 3. Scriptural Inductions con- service for three years. Are worn over the under-clothing. DATA PPTJ D ii needless .to,describe *■ tinned V A1 xxXVLtU • the symptoms of this nause disease that is sapping the life^^strength 4. Dancing Coiftfciunotk. by the ous f t£ e fairest of both of only too ------- many o of the taireet and ana best t -------- ’ ia America»..... “'. n atftl ’ 1 re w w i« h«* Europel^KFiv^ .. Magnetic Lung Protector, affording cure for 5. A direct Scripture arguments Catarrh, a remedy which contains no Drugging, of the System, and with the continuous stream of Magnetism permeating through tho afflicted against DaBcing. organs, must restore them to a healthy action. We plaee the price for thisAppliance at less than 6. Dancing by Alien. one-twentieth of the price »sked by others for upon which you take all the chances, Price, 10 cts. per copy; $1.00 remedies and we especially invite the patronage of tho many persons who have, tried drugging their per dozen. stomachs without effect. THE CHRISTIAN SOWER TRACT FUND. &&& and children. - < Jk-gr Or Money Refunded, the following diseases Lilt* AJtVC Ik, Illpo, without medicine: Pain Ill in the Back, Hips, ________________ ________ ¿teUkta,-J-mabanu.- .tlio_great,.caii8e. pf,_Tem- Lfmiwr ........... "(Jiher aTD^it^inieuminW ... represon lm g ^I K ^t^ ralgia. tins important held. field. The 1 he ralgta. Sciatica, Diseases of the Kidneys, Spinal greatest workers of this ■Diseases, Torpid Liver, Gout, Seminal hmis- RKI.IGIOCS DEPARTMENT Impotency, Asthma, lieart Disease, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Erysipelas, Iudiges- Is the central thought of the paper and enj- tieBi Her»!» or Rupture, Catarrh, Piles, Epil- ... braces Editorials, and contributions from our best writers. The Hpfrit of tlie Religious Press —epey, Dumb Ague, etc. . ___ When any debility of the GENERATIVE representing the va rius religious bodies, and ORGANS occurs, Lost Vitality, Lack of Nerve church news from all ihe States in the Union. Force and Vigor, Wasting Weakness, and all _ those Diseases of a personal nature, from what The SECULAR DEPARTMENT’ ever eause, the continuous stream of Magnet C ism permeating through the parts, must restore Includes Editorials on tho important secular them to a healthy action. There is no mistake to day, and news from all parte of .. every family, and especially every------------- TO THE LADIES : If you are afflicted withTSnie Back, Weak family. Subscription Price $‘4.00 Per Year ness of the Spine, Falling of the Womb, Leu- corrhiea, Chronic Inflamation and Ulceration In advance. of the Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or Flood Addfass ing, Painful, Suppressed and Irregular Men CHRISTIAN HERALD, struation, Barrenness, and change of Life, this M onmouth , O regon . is the Best Appliance and Curative Agent known. For all forms of Female Difficulties it is unsurpassed by anything before invented, both as a curative agent and as a source of power and vitalization. Price of either Belt with Magnetic Insoles, $10, sept by oxpress O. O. D., and examination allowed, or by mail on receipt of price. In or —:o:— dering send measure of waist, and size of shoe. rpHIS IS THE PIONEER FUND FOR THE I free distribution of tracts. Is well supplied Remittance can be made in currency, sent in with tracts on the elements of the Gospel. New letter it our risk. ■ The Magneton Garments are adapted to all kinds will follow soon. These tracts are free to agea, $re worn over the under clothing, (not those who are not able to buy them, and fifty next to the body like the many Galvanic and cents per hundred. to those who are able. Electric Humbugs advertised so extensively), Every cent receivod will be Used to print tracts. and should be taken off at night. They hold Weak churches will find these tracts useful. their POWER FOREVER, and are worn at all Evangelists should go well supplied. Address - seasons of the year. Send stamp for the "New Departure in .J. W. HIGBEE, Trustee, Medical treatment Without • Medicine, with 12-35-tf Madisonville, Ky. thousands of testimonials. THE MAGNETION APPLIANCE CO., , 218 State Street, Chicago, III. Now.-J3etld ftpc dollar in°brf COLUMBIA BICYCLE. —TirtefttF tr.TT pfnrerf wiwi viwr »wv vi enrrency (in a letter r ai at out our nwo rWD with of , in aoent, practical road vehicle, and the pair ... of our Magv shoe usually worn, and ». try j .» a ...... . A number in daily use is rapidly increas* inj. Professional and business men, netto Insoles, and be convinced of the power peckers after health or pleasure, all join residing in our other Magnetic Appliances. in i»earing witness to its merits. Send 3 Positively no cold feet when they are worn, or cent stamp for catalogue with price list an I full infbrnntion. Tin- PopcMT’f money refunded. 13-46-ly ■■ 8peoi*l attention given tn lì^-uw» of women • * QUR BEST PAPERS, D. M. FERRY & CO. INDEPENDENTS, OREGON. FOURTEENTH VOLUME, --------- warmii MAGNETIC Mrs. Dr. Green % EXAMINED TTTwTrâi SEWING DAVIDSON & LEE, 1 PORTLAND J. E. Davidson, M. D. T. J. Lee, M. D. Address J. F. FLOYD, I HOW TO OBTAIN our drug gist and ask for them. If they have not got . them, write to the proprietors, enclosing the price, in letter at our risk, and they will be sent A lbany , O regon . tt! you at once by mail, post paid. • Send Stamp for the ‘’New Departure in Medical Treatment without Medicine, with- • thousands of testimonials. THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO., PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDAY 218 State Street,, Chicago, Ill. SCHOOL SUPPLES, N ote .—Send one dollar in postage stamps or currency (in a letter at our risk; with tize of t S’ * shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Mag LOUISVILLE, K Y . netic Insolea, and be conviuced of the power residing in our Magnetic Appliances. Positive terms : ’ ly no cold feet where they are worn, or money refunded. 13-46-ly Word and Work, one year 50.cts., six months thiggJgLQBfe^. Words, 1». L Y/ ' •* ' ' 6r more copies, one year, 45 ceht^ per Copy , six montbs, 23 cents ; three months. 12 centa. Eittle Pearls, 10 or more copies, one year, 30 cents per copy : six months, 15 cents; three UTE WILL BEND THE “ FAITH- months, 8 cents. ’’ ful Witness, Topeka, Kas., an 8 1 Year page, 40 Col. paper, containing all the Les. Monthly 3 Months 6 Months 2.40 1.30 .70 . 10 copies, Church News of the rapidly growing 5.00 2.60 1.40 25 „ West—ably edited and neatly printed— 9.50 5.00 2 60 50 „ 18.00 9.50 and the only religious paper published 5.00 100 „ . 0. C. CLINE & CO., , 1 Year 3 Months 6 Months Les. Guide, 1.20 .65 .35 10 copies, 2.50 1.30 .70 25 ,3 5.00 2.50 1.30 50 9» 9.00 5.00 2.50 100 >> No Subscriptions received -for less than Ten T eo-JAtl Monthly HT/Yll fill V and ill Copies of too Lesson Lesson ■ - Rt L.................. —-AtMTHW Gtüdö. ™ . .......... AddrvBB ... ■..................................... .——~- C. C. CLINE A CO., No. 810 W. Main St., Louisville, Ky. 13-3-tf CLUB RATES by our brethren,'between the Missouri River and the Pacific Siege. A paper of five year’s standing. Price $1.00 per year, monthly—Clubbed-* with the C hristian H erald —both papers from now*till clpse ot ’84 at $2.50. Address this office. C"7O A WEEK.tlîft <Iayath.>nieb.<sily rna,l» Costly </ * Outfit ire«. Address T uck & Co-, Augusta, Ile» X. - .