■ V ' ■■ s’. s.......... i 11 ■ „„JL Moral Training. ty ? Do we think of this when we “ Grateful Praise,” the new book ad vertised in our columns, calls attention Why, in this advanced age of are spending our best energies to to some points of interest to Sunday- ,. civilization, is there so much pro clothe our daughters,-so. they will schools. It comes very highly en- fanity and vulgarity ? And now I appear well ? Yes, rather better *dorsed. think the times demand that we go’ dressed than our . neighbors ? I to work in earnest to ferret out the fear we leave room for many vices •causes, and remedy the defect. It to grow while we stitch, stitch, will be no idle talk/ for, in my stitch, to make an outward show ? opinion, t*here are many and wide-* Do you ever think, fathers, when spread causes. No one thing,could you are trying'to gain that bottom are "prancing DIS O RDE R E O LIV E TTTjrr ice. -so.-many.. 4nen7^anT~eveZ^ ■ and MALARIA. ; women*, to give way to 'such soul small deceits, that you may wring From theso boutcos arise three-louring or tho disuses of th® human race. These debasing practices, practices which ' the very. last. c£nt out of a trade indicate tbeirexiatence: Low of Appetite, Bowels costive, Sick Head» that your little boy is quick to acli«, fullncc« after eating, aversion to can be of no benefit to any one, exertion of body or mind, Eructatiotk understand your evasive answers of feed, Irritability oi temper, and are, indeed, to all noble men spirits, A feelinff of having neglected and small deceits, and that he. will some duty, Diazine.« a, Finiterin ft at the and women repulsive, and to a great « k ***-*«*^ttttfcr ore«, irmt, 7^? w ^ tw ¡4* aníSl vvasrirAiiv.v. anu »a- inandthe use of a, remedy that acts directly playmates, thinking Pa does so ? ” on the Liver. As aLiverniedioiueTUTT'S impulse leads them, and the influ- I PTLIAI ha ve no equal. Tlwlr action on toe And are you ever guarded that his Kidneys and .aJdn Is also prompt; removing ence of those, by whom they are nil impurities through theso three “ scav of the system, "producing appe surrounded, is stronger than their little ears may not hear the first engers tite, sound digestion, regular stools, it cleM-“ vigoromibiady. -fltt moral character, and right there we .. vulgar, .worda.Trum you, and that ekln»nti»i cause no nausea or griping nor interfere daily work and are a perfect have found, at least, one cause, a your own lips do not teach him with d^Hy ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, lack of inbred and trained moral profanity ? See how he * watches Sold everywhere, 215c. Oilice,44 MuTraySt,,N.Y. ch.racta. But why such a falling y°” gl tries to imitat e your r short in the training of our people actions. How soon he learns to G rat H air cm W ihseers changed i» Btantly to a G lossy IS i . ack by a single ap follow in your footsteps. His little morally ? Is. it not even more plication of this D tu . Sold by Druggists or sent by express on receipt of gl. acts and imitations-are amusing , Office, 44 Muriay^treet, New York. essential, as our country become^ •UTT’3 MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE when he is a boy, but the stick he more densely populated, that there The only known specific for ^Epileptic Fits. *\J be a. stricter obedience to that smokes in place of a cigar, to be [Also for Spasms and Falling \ickness. Nervous • which is just and right ? If so, like Pa, has a strong savor when he jJVcakness it Instantly relieves and cares. Oleanses muwH to be a TH an. But we work" anxious than our fore parents were on, and I fear but very few parents ■' to have their children grow up- to ever stop to think of all these be truly noble men and women ? things; only on the.comfort of the 'ugly blotches and stubborn blo>d sores. Eliminates . (BolIs, Carbuncles and Scalds. ffyPOrmancntly and Why more prone to run after the physical are our energies bent. 'promptly cures paralysis. Yes, it is a charming arid We feel very much hurt if our 1 baubles of this world ? So much healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, 'twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, remov- children appear shabbily clothed so as to bo willing to trust the formation of the children’s charac- I in company. Do we feel the same mortification it if the souls soul’s dress, the . . • ' . a *r r i ■ martincation risk, indeed, but nevertheless whatT cl,aracK- “ clothed ’ tho cause.- Routs bilious tendencies a|d makes many parents do, saying, “ Oh, wen, I 1 he soul “““ nak('d into tbe Ing clear complexion. Equalled by none In deliriunf of fever. A charfriing resolvent and a matchless fhnv t„ learn I„„n far »hmn. »»rid,' and the character is its laxative. It’ drives Sick Headache like the wind. they Will will h«vn have to for thern- clothing. Oh, how many souls g^Tontains no dristlc cathartic or opiates. Relieves . selves.” ' Clothing ' (THE GREAT) Da they think of the fearful risk wear cheap clothing. that cannot endure in the presence they run, of the many years of f J ! I I I T I r—I—|—I I I I I T~1V of those who live pious, upright wretchedness and blight, that may be the lot of those cast out, on so lives, and what will, such clothing the brain of morbid fancies. Promptly cures Rbeu- by routing it. Restores Hfe-givtng proper- rough a sea so young, without the be-in the presence of angels? 1 ! matism ties to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous ijTReUablo when all’ opiates fail. Re. tender hand to guide, and the. voice Surely we need to care well for the [ ! disorders. ffeshes the mind and invigorates the body. Cures little forms we love so well, but is dyspepsia or money refunded. of love to chide ? not the soul, the eternal life, of as But time is scarce for such, that is, we must work, work, jwork. A much importance ? * Then let us I never ending tide of hurry, hurry, care well for the character, helping I Diseases of the blood own It a conqueror. Endorsed writing by over fifty thousand leading citizens, bears us on, and our minds are by example and precept to In Clergymen atid physicians in XT. S. and Europe. ever busy with the thought ot how give to our children that which 1- tW“For sale by all leading druggists. 11.50. (23) shall I make another cent, and not will prepare them to enter the The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med Co.St.Joseph,Mo. I For testimonials and circulars send stamp. in trying to call those who look to beautiful “ Home ” with -ease and A REDIN ((TON k CO., Agent», San Francisco. security, and would that all parents us for guidance up higher. Pitiful, indeed, is the outlook for would strive more ardently to give those coming after us, if wo dd*not that whjch would be a pleasure and AMDCULT1VAT0RC0MBINE0 stop in the chase for worldly wealth not a pain.— Amer. Grantje Bulletin Rev. Father Wilds’ : EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. P. Wilds, well-known city missionary in New York, and brother "of the late eminent Judge Wilds, of the Massachuse^*. Supreme ^ourt, writes as follows: ' , “78 E. tilth St., JVew» York, May 16, 11’82. M essrs . J. C. A yer A C o .. Gentlemen : Last whiter 1 was troubled with, á jnoft uncomfortable itching humor aíl’eciing more especially my limbs, which Itched so intolerably at night, and hurned so intense ly, that I could scare' ly bear any clothing li l t I Mww«?—»»wwv PILLS 4 .... . » * * Z1 Z1 • ZX e*' rv I—I ZX »z. 4-x Zx . • • • l-x zx ’■'¿X I w.w*x zi -TOTT8 WR BYE. — se v-ere cii nppetite was poor, and my system a good deal run «town. Knowing tho value of AV er ’ s SAR8APAJMLLA, by obiter ration "f •many other cases, and from i"i: on l uso , , in former years,- I began tal;i: g it r r tho above-named disorders. Sly appetite im proved almost from the ftrst «lose. After a short time the fever and itching were allayed, and all siiims of irritation of tho . skin disappeared. My catarrh amt cough were also cured l>y the samo means, and »■'m y g i .iRsl lii'ikh'''g iv ^t *y>'4! i>iw i H»>,1 mu l t... -it is. now -excolieut. a R un. li ed :-pec- cent stronger, and I attribute these refndts to the use of the S arsaparilla , which I recommend with all eonfldence as tho best blood medicine ever devise 1. 1 took it in small doses three times a <|av, and used, in all, less than two lxittles. I place • these facts nt your service, hoping their pnbH»minn ------ Yours respectfully, Z. P. W ilds .' » m The above instance is tut one of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of Arm's S*\r.4A- ___mL la to the cure of ail arining from impure or impoverished blood, and a weakened vitality. c Ayer’s Sarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, ami st-i-eiigtlfdnMlte blood, • ‘stimulates the action of the wrrrnrnrh and bowels, and thereby enables the »yst resist and overcomo tho attacks of all Scrofu- . loua Disease», Eruption* of the Shin,- l!heu* fl| HQB [[A SKEPTIC SAID) ŒKGMSÏ MONARCH HORSE HOE J _____ _ ■ < blood and a low state of the system. PREPARED BY, Dr. J.C. Ayer£Co.,Lojvell, Mass, Sold by all Druggists; price §1, six bottles for $5. -------------- AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS. Best Purgative Mcdicjna cure Constipation, Indigestion, Headnehie, and all Bilious Disorders. Sold everywhere. Always reliable ill be mailed CSCE to all applicants and to customers of last • liCC year without ordering it. It contains, illustrations, prices, descriptions and direction» (or planting all Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Plants, etc. Invaluable to all. D.ftL FERRÏ & ÇOJ® t ROSE! 8PLENDID POT PLANTS, specially pre- w« r4 i z* t3 1 — ... pared fzxr for I Immediate Bloom. Delivered safely by mall portpaid,atoll postuffices.Ssplen- SS'as’AZ't a ax for 82; lÔforSS; 2ÔfcrS4; 35 for *5: 75 for «10: I00fnr8!3. wç CIVE a Handsome Present of choice ana valuable POGEC free with every onler. OurNEWCUIDE.a compta. TreatU b on thé Y>p,9legantly iilmtrafed~-/ree to,,n. THE DiNCEE 4 COWARD CO„ Bose Growers, West Grove, Chester Co.,Ta. For Hoeing & Hilling Potatoes Corn, Onions, Beets, SENT ON soon, and lay a foundation of Turnips, &o. Advice To Mothers. ' chastity and sobriety upon which M rs W inslow ' s S oothins S yrup should al they may step. ways bo used When childreh are cutting teetb. TESI TRIAL It relieve* tho little suboror at once: it pro Do we ever stop to think, oh duces natural, quiet sleep by relieving th* OF EVERT KTKD CREAPIB THAU EVER, from ¡Min, and tho little cherub awakes Rifles, Snot Grins, Revolvers. Ammunition, mother, that a good moral charac child An Immense »avlnff of labor and money. as “ bright as a button. ’ It is very pleasant W« guarantee a boy eon cattivate and hoe A’ishinft Tackle, Shine«. Ne>., 1< aiv«», Razors, Skates, Hainmoek?, etc. 1 to heste. It soothes tbe child, softens the and h.U »wait«»«, com,.. *«•> ’5 U“!* •? ter, a mind well stored with ti ;elul ■L •a»y and that a» one man can the old wav. — W.ar<e dHtwrtrrrtwtt V'nrptCTr/f.'’ mr. ~ -gTTTnK~artWKniV Catalogne FMjfcL- AGENTS JYdclreuu knowledge, would shine far bright - bowels, and is the best known romecly for Illustrated WANTED» Mention thl» paiten. Addreaa diarrhma, whether arising from toothing or WESTERN GUN WORKS, er, a.nd forever, and aid all humani- other causes. Twenty-fiveow. a bottle. 13-20-ly Iwareh Ifg. Co., 20« State SL.Chicago.nL GREAT PITTSBURGH, I’d