■ » Notice To the Brethren of Lane County : I am requested to say io you that the Executive Committee oi the County Codyeration have em ployed Bro. R. G. Callison to labor as County Evangelist, who will en ter immediately upon his duties * and that the comnffttce Lopes and confidently bfillBVSS tfi&t thB Urutty ren will fully realize their privi- . leges, and will lend all necessary aid, financially and otherwise. Take steps immediately, so as to be ready when he comes, and we will g oo d work - l-bi- ' season. L. B. R owland , Sec. • • • f ; TheBible Reading Alliance lover of God’s word in this effort to cover the earth as the waters cover the'sea with a knowledge of God’s will to man and man’s duty to his God. We need dimes and dollars to efficiently and rapidly advance our work. Thè majority of those re ceiving cards, have negtbeted to pal Chinese Mission School. A col lection was taken up for the Bible cause, amounting to $63.40.* ‘ One Christian Chinese mer?hant gave $20 in gold coin. All appeared to give in the spirit of the gospel, “liberally and cheerfully. May not other societirtf and con gregations, more highly favored, Igarn an important lesson from this ex" those who have sb recently been converted from t}ro darkness of hea thenism ? ubtless the influent ces of thi Chinese Bible meeting will reach home and liearts in the asked from each—not oflft>'if per sonally appealed to, would refuse one dime or even more to promote such work. Such an appeal is im possible, but we write in hope that Jhe-qmio mind?. of many will be WFfe3’’’i^r'Tfcr’ pr0I^pt}y “forward their dues. The aggregate of these nese have come. ------ .—f-»—-— t small mites, if each is faithful, will K Perfect Marriage. refresh our work as rain drops re- Fr e sh IK ee ar----------------- ------ As President of this alliance, it desiring cards, send to R. B. Neal, is my duty and privilege to present Secretary, 841 Franklin street, and insist upon its claims as a Louisville, Ky.Those who h means for doing great good before dimes or dollars to contribute to this work, send to John T. Frazier, the reading public. First, consider the object rather Treasurer, 352 West Jefferson, than the alliance itself, “To read Louisville, Ky. The cards state and induce others to read the Bible concisely and clearly the plan and Jt-Lwoik of thealliance as well as out- ---- any~man ta. ’lining a' y the largest remnant of Eden left, was lodged in the home. A lovely oasis would truly have, been snatched from Eden’s shut gates, and plant- ed in our midst, if husbands and wives, in their special relations, obeyed Bible commands. The rhap sodies of poet and lover fade into tawdriness, compared with inspira- The Book of Nature In this dilemma where is man to look for truth ? Where can he read the history of the past ? Is there nothing reliable and endur ing ? Is there no truthful record of the earth’s history that can be . transmitted throughout all time ? Yes, she writes her own autobiog- rnpby which c^n perish only with a perishing earth. Slib litt-d« iiv amanuensis, no book of parchment, no historian, to record her- epochs serene or catastrophes stupendous. Her great volume lies open before us. Even if not mendacious, man TFWt finite arid iminnfecFT Nature is Infinite in all that she, does.. The ,. earth rolls through space, impelled arid Restrained by invisible and in- fimfe forces. Man cannot cornpre- - hand them, muoh less the manifes tations of an infinite power that is exercised alike upon a twilight monad or a whirling planet. The great volume of Nature is open for all. In it we may read, in God’s own handwriting, which no man can Counterfeit or imitate, the his- .lory of tlm illustrious past. Study__ wiiei you send for brief commands enforced in Eptîês- ing which mail ha£ written unless understand the languages and Inclose stamp wjien ians, chapter v.— ‘Of themselves dialects of earth, comparatively few cards. —s. it harmonizes with this grand his complete in beauty.” Reverence j G eo , J. P eak , Pres’t. are’ and only a few need be tory.— Wes^Shore*3 and duty from the jjjoman love thoroughly conversant with the Chinese Bible Meeting. and’providing given by the man; * science and arts. Do you want to know the man such a heart-satisfying picture. The A very interesting and successful But every son and daughter of against whom you "have the most single would indeed have a right to - Adam must know and obey the Chinese Bible meeting was held at reason to guard yourself ? Your bemoan, were, m arriage what the "tbirCaptistr “t Gha p <.4-» -hakiag^la^wiR,.^ Lord would have if . The life, that now is as well as the in Portland, Or., on Sabbath eve- fair likeness of his face.— Whately; There is a marriage mystipal, life that is to come. Here is a ‘ning, February 24, -1884. The var Do you think of one falsity as ' work in which every Christian can ious Chinese mission schools in the glorious,sweet and eternal, to which harmless, and another as slight, and engage, however humble, and a city with their superintendents and every human soul is wooed who another as unintended ? Cast work which is as far above de teachers, came together, and with has heard of Christ. To this mar them all aside; they may ba light nominational lines of creed or color one accord united in the services of riage “ the Spirit and the bride say, and accidental, but they are ugly as the heavens are above the earth the evening. There were over two Come.” Christ pleads for it when soot from the smoke of the pit for —to read and induce others to read hundred Chinese in attendance, in-' he entreats “that all may be'one; as all that.— John Ruskin. • . the word of God. eluding several Chinese women and thou Father art in me, and I in. thee, that they also may be one in Our alliance is but the scaffold children. Eight Years’ Scrofula Cured. TJs. ” “ That they may be made The services were- opened by ing to the building. A year’s ex-, A valued correspondent, Albert Simp- • perience, .struggling with almost singing the hymn commencing, perfect in one,” ami “that the world son, Esq , writing from Peoria, Ill., every adverse circumstance, has de “ All hail the power of Jesus’ name,” may know that Thou has sent me, says : “ Samaritan Nervine cured me of monstrated that our little card ar in which the whole congregation and hast loVed them as thou hast scrofula, after having suffered for . 8 ranged readiug regularly and joined, singing most heartily as un loved me.” To be one -with God in years with the disease.”- Mr. Simpson lives in Peoria. Ask him.1“ Your drug systematically the Bible through to the Lord. Seven brief address ' Christ, is the true soul-marriage.— gist ke.ps it. $1.50. annually, is an invaluable aid. The es were -made by persons connected L eigh N orval in Frank Leslie's If, on hoiking back, your whole • Sunday Magazine, tor April. card is given freely to any and all with the several missions. life should seem rugged as a palm- These addresses were interspersed who apply. The optional dues of “ It saved my wife from the grave or one dime per year is to supply with appropriate pieces sung by the an asylum,” writes a gentleman whose tree stem, still never, mind, so long cards, pay the printer and cost of audience. ’ A statement of the work wife had been a fearful sufferer .from as it has been growing, and has its . correspondence^ The reports asked being done by the American Bible Neuralgia. SJie had used Compound grand, green shade of leaves and Oxygen for a few weeks. All informa for stimulate others to faithful Society in China and elsewhere for tion about this new agent of cure will weight of honeyed fruit at top. reading. To date we have tract 25,- the Chinese was maue by the Dis be sent free by Drs. Starkey & P.aien, If'you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, havo frequent headache, mouth tastes 000 cards printed and over 15,000 trict Superintendent for Oregon I 1106 Girard Street, Philadelphia. AU orders for the Compound Oxygen bad, poor appetite, tongue coated, you are now in circulating and' Washington Territory. A We; need the aid of every minis-1 brief Statement of the 'Society’s Rome Treatment directed to H. E. are suffering from torpid liver or “ bil Mathews, GOG Montgomery Street, San iousness.” Nothing -will cure you ho ter especially attain the grand work was-fiwl^ itt the Chinese lan- ■■■ Francisco, will W-fillad ou the game speedily and permanently as Dr, Pier est possible success in this work. guage by Rev. A. J. Hansen, Super terms as if sent directly to us in Phila ce’s “ Golden Medical Pisoovery.” By We solicit the cooperation of every intendent of the Methodist Episcor delphia, w | all druggists. ...ÏSJW»!